Method of Banks Valuation: Horvátová Eva UDC: 336.717 JEL: G21

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Method of Banks Valuation

Horvátová Eva , University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of National Economy,

Department of Banking and International Finance, Bratislava, Slovakia

UDC: 336.717 JEL: G21

ABSTRACT – Since there is not a special common framework for valuation banks and it gives
possibilities to create establishment, improvement and adaptation of various approaches to measuring
the value of banks and financial institutions.
Most approaches banks valuation note the strong dependence of financial institutions value from
market interest rates (Mishkin, F., Miller, WD, Copeland, T., Koller, T., Damodaran, A., and others).
Each approache reflects greater or lesser degree of accuracy depending on the method of determining
resources for owners, the discount factor, approaches to defining the rate of growth and methods of

KEY WORDS: banks valuation methods, free cash flow equity, discounting factor, cost on equity,
beta factor


The issue of banks and financial institutions valuation have been written relatively few
comprehensive theoretical and methodological work. The valuation is carried out by experts
and expertise for different purposes and with varying degrees of methodological accuracy of
the estimate of input factors. A significant shift in valuation theory and practice came when
R. C. Merton (1973) [1], introduced the risk-neutral valuation model for financial assets. Bank
valuation under this model can be interpreted as determining the value of a call option on
the value of bank assets.1
Currently, (August 2009), R. C. Merton (2009) in the context of the financial crisis makes
the promotion of a market valuation of banks and their components. It states that banks and
entities that oppose the use of market valuation, are trying to hide the fall in prices. Equally
critically views on issues of aid, saying that the government is trying to solve complex
problems easily. He also expressed the desire to stimulate trading in securities market in
order to restore the natural function of the market in setting prices. About using of
derivatives, the lack of market information for investors blames frozen market.2

Address: Dolnozemská cesta 1, 85235 Bratislava, Slovakia., e-mail: [email protected]
1 Merton, R. C. An intertemporal Capital Assets Pricing Model. Econometrica. Vol. 41, 1973.
2 Merton, R. C.: Mark it to market. August, 19, 2009.
Horvátová, E., Method of Banks Valuation, EA (2010, Vol. 43, No, 1-2, 50-60) 51

A. Damodaran (2002) says, that „the fundamental valuation rules may be applied equally
to companies such as to financial services institutions“3, should be pointed here.
Some approaches to the bank valuation note the strong dependence of financial
institutions value from market interest rates (Mishkin, F., Miller, WD, Copeland, T., Koller,
T., Damodaran, A., and others).
Each approache reflects greater or lesser degree of accuracy depending on the method of
determining resources for owners, the discount factor, approaches to defining the rate of
growth and methods of measurement.
T. Copeland highlights that the interest rate risk should focus attention on 4 factors: 1
interest margin between the market rate and bank rate, as well as their flexibility to market
developments, 2 dynamics of tidal funds, 3 degree of substitution of banking products and
services as an alternative to interest-rate changes, 4 need to cover risks arising from maturity
mismatch of assets and liabilities part of the profit.
Koch, T. W. (2005), Samuelson, Klein and Monti formulate a conclusion on the positive
relationship between net income and the relative market power of banks. These theoretical
ideas support empirical research work such as Damodaran, A., as well as other authors. A
significant shift in valuation theory and practice came when R. C. Merton (1973) [2]
introduced the risk-neutral valuation model for financial assets. Bank valuation under this
model can be interpreted as determining the value of a call option on the value of bank

Valuation of banks and financial institutions by the yield method

Business valuation models are largely based on discounted cash flow approach (DCF model)
and assume some growth stages, which is typical for different growth rate of cash flow or
resources for owners.

Expression of FCFE (Free Cash Flow Equity) in financial institutions

The annual effect on the owner may be defined differently. This may be as free cash flow
to shareholders (FCFE - Free Cash Flow Equity) generated as operating profit by reducing
the costs that are not spending in the current period and the investment needed work and
investment property for the operation.
According W.D. Miller, the desire is to move closer to the category income of owners net
proceeds, which could be as bank potencial of dividends. Sometimes, in this case refers to the
free cash flow to shareholders (Free Cash Flow Equity).
Using cash flow as a basis for calculating income of owners as dividend income potential
for the owners of the bank is inappropriate for two reasons:

3Damodaran, A.: Investment Valuation. 2-nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2002, 2002. ISBN 978-0-471-
75121-2, page 603.
4 Merton, R. C. An intertemporal Capital Assets Pricing Model. Econometrica. Vol. 41, 1973.
52 Economic Analysis (2010, Vol. 43, No. 1-2, 50-60)

• Statement of cash flows in the banking business is not suitable for determining
sources for owners, such as dividends as source for owners can be paid only from
real net income after tax and not from the movement of cash (cash flow);
• Bank and company profits are not equally attainable by shareholders, in the bank
there is no problem with the availability of cash to shareholders because of the
nature of the vast majority of assets and liabilities, although other types of
businesses can generate significant differences between cash flow and profits in
the sense that the business generates profits, but not sufficient cash flow;
• The main source of income in banking is the differences between interest income
and expense, as well as fees for services.
The valuation of financial institutions can not be made without respect of interest income
and expense as the most significant component of their income and capital growth, or its
renewal. The calculation of FCFE in banks and financial institutions can be implemented in
two basic ways:
1-st method of expressing FCFE:
FCFE = net income - growth of capital + other income
It should be noted that net income is not equal to cash flow. With the growth of financial
institutions should also increase its capital. Growth FCFE lowers the capital, because it
means that the bank is inserted into the banking business of profits that would otherwise be
paid to owners as dividends. Otherwise, if the bankʹs growth has not been accompanied by
an adequate increase in the capital, it could happen to failure of financial institutions due to
lack of solvency.
2-nd method of calculating FCFE:
FCFE = resources from issue of shares - preference shares + dividends - capital increase (+
decrease in capital)
Changes in bank capital are resulting from the relationship between balance, profit and
loss statements, cash flow and value of financial institutions. Changes in assets and liabilities
are reflected in changes in equity.
Equally polemical recommendation is adding into the value of cash flows the initial cash
balance. The problem is the fact that they were a combination of yield method valuation and
substance valuation method.
Since the yield valuation takes into account the future potential of banks, it leads to the
discussions on the question of the length of the period under review (planning period).
For example, W. D. Miller (1995) [1] 5 advised to examine 10 years, others, such as M.
Tucek 6 recommend 2-3 years. This follows from the specifics of the environment, for
example, in U.S. valuation concerns small, local banks are not investment activities and

5 Miller, W. D.: Commercial Bank Valuation. John Villey and Sons, Inc., 1995, ISBN13 9780471128205,
page 28.
6 Hrdý, M.: Oceňování finančních institucí. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2005, ISBN 80-247-0938-4, page

Horvátová, E., Method of Banks Valuation, EA (2010, Vol. 43, No, 1-2, 50-60) 53

planning for 10 years it may be relatively simply. Banks in Slovakia perform mixed
operations, and planning the future results for longer than 5 years could cause problems.
Net income as a basis for potential dividend or resource for owners by Koller, T.,
Goedhard, M. and Wessels, D. (2005) [1] can establish two basic ways: 7
1. On net interest income, or
2. Model based on interest margins (Spread Model).

Determination of the discount factor

A particular problem is the correct determination of the discount factor to be within the
individual models recommended. It is necessary to respect the logical links between the
numerators and denominators and formulas used to discount the recommended indicators.
There are different approaches for determining the interest rate for discounting, such as the
determination of weighted average cost of capital. This method provides, in particular
disposable cash flow for businesses, called the principle of Free Cash Flow of Firms (FCFF).
The bank is not appropriate given the high gearing ratio (leverage). For the purposes of the
valuation of banks need to set the cost of equity.

Estimate the required rate of return on equity re

In terms of banking, there are significant differences in the proportion of own and foreign
sources of funding compared to other businesses. In the banking sector given the nature of
the business of banking must accept a higher gearing ratio.
Cost of capital represents the expected rate of income investors given the risk level of the
investment. Since any form of business is associated with a higher risk than when depositing
money in the bank, then the expected return is higher than interest rates in the bank.
The role of the so-called risk-free rate rf (free of risk) may be selected interest rates on
government bonds or yield to maturity of these types of bonds. Yield to maturity is
recommended to use as a discount factor such as for example M. Marik (2007) [1]: ʺas a
source for safe return to the Czech capital market, we recommend using such proceeds to
maturity of government bonds with maturities equal to ten or more years by source Patria
Finance.“ 8
The cost of capital must be re invariably higher than rf in connection with the tax shield.
Required rate of return on equity can provide a number of ways to serve its particular
• Gordon growth model,
• CAPM (Capital Assets Pricing Model) or a model of capital assets
• The average profitability
• The cost of foreign funds

7 Koller, T., Goedhard, M., Wessels, D.: Valuation, Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies.
Fourth Edition, Mc Kinsey & Company John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2005, ISBN: 978-0-471-70218-4, pages
670 - 671.
8 Mařík, M.: Metody oceňování podniku. Druhé upravené a rozšířené vydání. Praha: Ecopress, 2007,

ISBN 978-80-86929-32-3, page 218.

54 Economic Analysis (2010, Vol. 43, No. 1-2, 50-60)

• APT model (Arbitrage Pricing Theory).

1. Gordon growth model is based on a calculation of the growth rate of dividends:

dividends t +1
re = +g
price of shares t
re = rate of return required by shareholders (return on equity)
g = growth rate of dividends
2. CAPM is used frequently, although it also has some shortcomings. This model assumes
that the risk premium is proportional in relation to systematic risk β. The CAPM can be re
established as follows:

re = r f + β . E (rm ) − r f ]

Risk premium
rf = risk-free interest rate
re = rate of return required by shareholders (return on equity)
β = systematic risk
E (rm) = expected return on market portfolio
3. The derivation of the discount rate based on average profitability. Data on the average
profitability of the industry are relatively accessible, and therefore in practice often used to
determine the cost of equity. The disadvantage of this method is the impact on accounting
practices can distort the indicator ROE. The downside is mainly the lack of data on market
value of capital of financial institutions, as the book value of capital is not suitable for these
The basic conditions of DCF models include a requirement that the discount rate used to
be in session with the risk profile of cash flow (for example: FCFF ↔ WACC or FCFE ↔ re).9
For the valuation of banks is appropriate to use a model based on FCFE. FCFE is generally
recommended to enjoy when financial leverage is stable and this is relatively high. Using the
FCFE model is preferred and recommended if it can generate a large difference between the
dividends and FCFE.
An alternative model is the dividend FCFE model. In practice, it could happen that the
dividends could be higher than FCFE, the likely addition to the problems in the management
of financial institutions and causing uncertainty in their valuations. It is recommended and
preferred by Hrdý, M. (2005) [1] model for the dividend FCFE model.10

9 Kislingerová, E.: Oceňování podniku. 2. přepracované a doplnené vydání. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2001,
ISBN 80-7179-529-1, page 160.
10 Hrdý, M.: Oceňování finančních institucí. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2005, ISBN 80-247-0938-4, page

23., and Koller, T., Goedhard, M., Wessels, D.: Valuation, Measuring and Managing the Value of
Companies. Fourth Edition, Mc Kinsey & Company John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2005, ISBN: 978-0-471-
Horvátová, E., Method of Banks Valuation, EA (2010, Vol. 43, No, 1-2, 50-60) 55

Using the FCFE valuation model, banks are avoiding the use of WACC.
The average weighted cost of capital - WACC is always lower than the cost of equity – re,
which corresponds with the result that they are reduced by the so-called tax shield resulting
from the use of foreign funds and netting interest expenses to the bank.

Determination of the beta coefficient

Another problem is the calculation of the beta coefficient. For example M. Hrdý (2005) [2]
11recommends using a simplified assumption that β is equal to one, because it assumes that
changes in the profitability of financial institutions are equal to changes in market portfolio
Another argument in favor of simplifying the calculation of the beta coefficient is that
fairly significant change of beta affects the overall change in the risk premium in the
relatively small scale, and also a rather complex calculation of the coefficient beta. Above
mentioned (the relatively low impact on the valuation premium) is shown on a graph.

Cost on equity (required return) by different

degrees of risk (4 risk degrees) for maximum re
1 2 3 4

max. re is 20% max. re is 30%

max. re iis 40 %

If the valuation is performed in less stable conditions, or if there are other reasons to
choose a more accurate calculation of β, we use these basic approaches:
1. Coefficient estimate based on historical data.
2. By analogy.
3. An analysis of factors.
Beta coefficient expresses sensitivity to market risk. Actions that have beta between 0 and
1.0 tend to move in the same direction as the market, but not to an extent.
Rapidly growing company has beta over 5 years at level 1.11. The market growth of 1 %
will increase the companyʹs stock price by 1.11 % or decrease by 2 % of the market reduces
price of shares by 2.22 %. 12

70218-4, page 668., and Mařík, M. and all.: Metody oceňování podniku. Druhé upravené a rozšířené
vydání. Praha: Ekopress, 2007, ISBN 978-80-869929-3, page 206.
11 Hrdý , M.: Oceňování finančních institucí. Grada Publishing, Praha 2005, ISBN 80-247-0938-4, page

12 Brealey, R. A., Myers, S. C.: Teorie a praxe firemních financí. Praha: East Publishing, 1992, ISBN 80-

85605-24-4, page 153.

56 Economic Analysis (2010, Vol. 43, No. 1-2, 50-60)

Beta coefficient may be measured on the basis of historical data and hence the change in
performance of individual shares in the bank, depending on changes in market portfolio as

n × ∑ R( S ) × R(mp) − ∑ R ( S ) × ∑ R(mp)
n × ∑ R(mp) 2 − (∑ R(mp)) 2

β - a quantitative measure of the volatility of portfolio
R (S) - return on shares of a particular bank
R (mp) - return on market portfolio,
n - number of years of evolution.
The disadvantage of this method is that it is not possible to reliably use knowledge about
the development of beta from past to the future.
The beta factor derives also by analogy from the following relationship by Marik, M.
(2007) [2]13

 D D
β L = β u ⋅ 1 + (1 − t ) ⋅  − β d ⋅ (1 − t ) ⋅
 E E
ΒU = Beta at zero debt (unlevered beta)14
ΒL = beta entity debt (levered beta)
ΒD = beta for debt = 0
t = tax rate
This method of determining the beta is an appropriate indicator in the valuation of banks.
Βeta coefficients are published for each industry and country.
As the beta for foreign capital is 0, the resulting relationship is:

 D
β L = β u ⋅ 1 + (1 − t ) ⋅ 
 E

This relationship expresses the dependence of beta on the degree of indebtedness of the
entity. With this option you can use data on individual sectors of beta. Coefficients are
published for debted and indebted companies.
The objective determination of β is the worldʹs best practice accepted valuation model
CAPM. It is recommended that indicators of the environment of the U.S. market have been
adjusted to current country risk. Capital costs are then expressed by:

13 Mařík, M.: Metody oceňování podniku. Druhé upravené a rozšířené vydání. Praha: Ecopress, 2007,
ISBN 978-80-86929-32-3, page 225.
14 Data on the average values of β coefficients for each industry states are published on website of

Aswath Damodaran ( , Section Updated Data). The average value of β in 2009
for European countries indicated 1.04 and the average βU is at 0.80.
Horvátová, E., Method of Banks Valuation, EA (2010, Vol. 43, No, 1-2, 50-60) 57

re = r f + β ⋅ RPM + RPC

RPM = market risk premium
RPC = country risk premium is recommended to calculate than 1.5 times the risk of
failure in the country (0,7.1,5) + 0.6 difference between inflation in the U.S. and for
example in Slovakia.

Determination of the cost of equity based on CAPM (on the example of Slovakia)

Current risk-free return is 3.5 %;

The risk premium for the capital market in Slovakia 7.21 % 15

Country risk premium 2.21 %

Unlevered beta for specialized banking services 0.23 %,
The ratio of debt and equity 0.95 %.

 D
β L = β u ⋅ 1 + (1 − d ) ⋅  = 0,23 ⋅ (1 + (1 − 0,19) ⋅ 0,95) = 0,41
 E
re = r f + β ⋅ RPM + RPC = 3,5 + 0,41 ⋅ 7,21 + 2,21 = 8,67

The cost on equity methods based on CAPM model, are assuming the input data set to
8.67 % in Slovakia.

Practical problems and procedures of bank valuation

A key practical problem when evaluating the bank will determine the future anticipated
net effect on the owner, plans for future net earnings.
Future development of profit can be detected in two ways:
• Regression analysis;
• A financial plan based on data compiled from balance sheet and profit and loss
The method of regression analysis is appropriate for the valuation of banksʹ long-term
stable conditions, and operating in developed economies. Regression analysis is more
suitable for banks than for companies, because regulatory frameworks for business banking
ensure continuous development without major fluctuations.
Nevertheless, the most accurate and most reliable way to estimate deemed dividend
potential is derived from the financial plan for the bank. The expert must be able to assess
future development of bank finances and key items of bank profits. The aim should be to
approximate the planned balance sheet and profit and loss account over the next 5 years.
Important indicators are known profit generators such as loans and other earning assets,
recently banks have a large proportion of income from fees for services, which should also be
included in the calculations.

58 Economic Analysis (2010, Vol. 43, No. 1-2, 50-60)

The task of valuing the bank by the yield method is ultimately provided by continuing
value to the bank. The formula for calculating the discounted value of continuing is as
Div5 . (1 + g ) 1
CV = .
(i − g ) (1 + i )5
CV - continuing value of bank
Div5 - Expected dividend paid in the 5-th year
i - Interest rate used to discount
g - Expected dividend growth rate per year
With a similar approach is also encountered in determining the value of ongoing
(Continuing Value) in the work by T. Koller, M. Goedharda and D. Wessels (2005) [2]: 16

 g 
NI ⋅ 1 − 
 RONE 
СV =
(ke − g )
NI - expected net revenue in 1-st year after the end the projected period
g - expected dividend growth rate per year
ke - cost of equity (required return)
RONE - increasing the return on new capital

Conclusions – why is bank valuation important

At present, confidence in the banking and financial sector is simulated by states and their
guarantees. Experience of banking sector restructuring in SR gives an example of how many
banks are able to operate with inadequate or even having a negative value of capital.
If it is well known that a major bank failure is undesirable because it would cause serious
economic problems, then a function of confidence in the bank does not perform as bank
capital, as some fiction or a social agreement, which may have different real form.
The question arises whether the trust bank can reliably operate on this basis. It is
undisputed and confirmed that the practice in the short term is possible. In the medium and
long term, it is only a matter of time before such a basis for confidence in a banking
institution is exhausted and positive incentives will be more costly than alternative problems
for radical action against the bank.
Such confidence is not inexhaustible; its boundaries are identical with states and
capabilities of countries. There is a risk of such an approach, on the other hand, if the banks
do not use this second chance, the financial crisis could be even greater.

16Koller, T., Goedhard, M., Wessels, D.: Valuation, Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies.
Fourth Edition, Mc Kinsey & Company John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2005, ISBN: 978-0-471-70218-4, page
Horvátová, E., Method of Banks Valuation, EA (2010, Vol. 43, No, 1-2, 50-60) 59

At present, the consequences of the financial crisis occurred requirements (for example,
Merton R.C.) to value banks by the market valuing approach, which uncovered a genuine
reality and lead to more real situation on the financial and banking market. Such an
approach would certainly be very appropriate.
Valuation of banksʹ issues are important because the focus has to be not on profit growth,
but on growth of stability and hence the value of the bank. Banks managers also should not
have rewards based on profit but on the basis of value growth of institution, which they
Therefore, the states and supervisory institutions to carefully analyze the effectiveness of
its intervention measures to support banking and financial market and take such measures
that would prevent the repeat similar problems. Access to regulate the banking sector varies
depending on the distance of negative experiences. This area will be clearly show degree of
risk in dealing with its negative consequences. Addressing the negative consequences of the
risks of using public funds is a sign that many economic entities, in principle, are not able to
cover all the risks that they may occur, and therefore in my view, essential is that such
entities to regulate the rate of risk-taking potential exist. It is necessary to believe that
negative experiences will serve as a warning against gambling of people and countries, as in
the historical experience translated it into a collective sacrifice of wealth necessary to prevent
fatal consequences of similar threats.

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Article history: Received: 7 January 2010

Accepted: 7 March 2010

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