Selltechie: A Project Report

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Submitted by
Abhinav Kohli (171B008)
Amit Sharma (171B029)
Anant Srivastava (171B032)
Under the guidance of: Mr. P.S. Banerjee

Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree


Department of Computer Science & Engineering

473226 MP, INDIA


We hereby declare that the work reported in the B.Tech project entitled as
“SELLTECHIE”, in partial fulfilment for the award of degree of B.Tech
submitted at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, as per
best of our knowledge and belief there is no infringement of intellectual
property right and copyright. In case of any violation we will solely be

Abhinav Kohli (171B008)

Amit Sharma (171B029)

Anant Srivastava(171B032)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology,

Guna, M.P., India



This is to certify that the work titled “SELLTECHIE” submitted by Abhinav

Kohli , Amit Sharma and Anant Srivastava in partial fulfilment for the award
of degree of B.Tech of Jaypee University Of Engineering & Technology, Guna
has been carried out under my supervision. As per best of my knowledge and
belief there is no infringement of intellectual property right and copyright. Also,
this work has not been submitted partially or wholly to any other University or
Institute for the award of this or any other degree or Diploma. In case of any
violation concern student will solely be responsible.

Signature of the Supervisor

Mr. P.S.Banerjee
Asst. Prof.


We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible
without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. We
would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to Mr. P.S. Banerjee for his guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents & members of
Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology for their kind co-operation
and encouragement which helped us in making of this project.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our colleague in developing the project
and people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities.

Abhinav Kohli (171B008)

Amit Sharma (171B029)

Anant Srivastava (171B032)


Project objective

At “SellTechie”, our mission is to transform the way people sell and buy old
gadgets online. We help you unlock the highest price for your old gadget with
the least amount of effort. Through our localized network of professional buyers
and sellers across the country, we make sure you are able to sell and buy your
old or used gadgets in the fastest way possible and get the best customer
experience. When we say - Sell Fast & Easy, we mean it!

 Get Instant Price Quote

 Assured Sale Guaranteed
 Assured Hassle-Free Experience
 Privacy Of Information
 Free Device Pick-Up
 Instant Cash Delivered At Your Doorstep
 “SellTechie” verified delivery of refurbished tech gadgets


Figure No. Figure Description Page No.

Fig- 1.1 Website functionality 9
Fig 3.2.1 Process Model 15
Fig 3.3.1 Use case diagram 16
Fig Activity Diagram for 17
make purchase
Fig Activity Diagram for 17
view item
Fig Activity Diagram for 17
selling item

Fig Activity Diagram for 17

login and client
Fig (4,5,6,7,8,9) HomePage 23,24,26,27,28,29
Fig 4.1 ContactPage 29
Fig 4.1.1 ContactPage 30
Fig 4.2 Signup Form 30

Fig 4.3 Login Form 31

Fig 4.4 About us Page 31
Fig 4.5 To shop 32
Fig 4.5.1 Laptop Brands 32
Fig Cart 33
Fig Order 33
Fig Payment Gateway 34
Fig 5 Purchase Details 35

Fig (6,7,8,9,10,11) Shows Resposiveness 35,36,38,39
Fig 4.2.1 Signup form input 40
Fig 4.2.2 Signup form output 40
Fig 4.2.3 Signup form database 41
Fig 4.2.4 User already exits 41
error popup
Fig 4.3.1 Login form input 42
Fig 4.3.2 Login form output 42
Fig 7 Admin Panel 43
Fig 7.1 Admin input 43
Fig 7.1.1 Admin output 44
Fig 7.2 Site Administration 44
Fig 7.3 Select user_detail to 45
change page
Fig 7.3.1 Cart output 45
Fig 7.4 Change order placed 46
details page
Fig 7.5 Logout output 46

Table of Contents

Declaration by Student ........................................................................ 2

Certificate ........................................................................................... 3
Acknowledgement .............................................................................. 4
Executive Summary ............................................................................ 5
List of Figures ..................................................................................6-7

Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................9-10

1.1 Popularity of Ecommerce Website ....................................... 9
1.2 Why “SellTechie” .............................................................. 10
Chapter 2:Background of “SellTechie”…………………………11-12
Chapter 3: Proposed Work ...........................................................13-17
3.1 Requirements ..................................................................... 13
3.2 Process Model .................................................................... 14
3.3 Flowcharts .....................................................................15-17

Chapter 4: Analysis and Designs…………………….................18-36

Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing…………………………37-46

Chapter 6: Description and result..………………………………47

Chapter 7: Conclusion....................................................................... 48
References ........................................................................................ 49

Personal Details…………………………………………………………………………….50

1.1 Popularity of Ecommerce website
The internet has become a major tool that has fueled the development of global
business. This has enabled people to carry out business transactions remotely.
With internet access all this is possible. This explains the reason why most
businesses nowadays treat ecommerce website development seriously.

Web based platforms can be used to carry out trading activities. Ecommerce
website development is concerned with developing such platforms. Web
developers who are well acquainted with web design are required to develop
such sites. Such developers must be sufficiently knowledgeable on how to
create secure web browsing platforms.

There are a number of considerations one should make when creating an online
based business execution platform. Such a platform should add value in the way
a business carries out it's business dealings. The establishment and maintenance
of such platforms needs to be affordable.

With proper planning, such sites can be used for a number of things in addition
to simple business transactions. Such sites may serve as a powerful marketing
tool. Adverts promoting the various products the business that runs such
platforms deal in might be placed across the web pages.

The layout of these sites must be easy to understand. One should be in a

position to easily know where to go when he or she needs something.

The website must also have a good visual appeal. Proper backgrounds and
colors should be used. This goes a long way in boosting visitor numbers.

Fig 1.1

1.2 Why SellTechie
Nowadays the development in the field of technology is at a very high pace and
enhancement of features are taking place within few months.

Upcoming youths like us are always interested and eager to try and use new
technologies but aren’t able to do so due to lack of finance as there is very low
aftersale price due to many mediators in between.

Our mission is to transform the way people sell & buy old gadgets online. We
help you unlock the highest price for your old gadget with the least amount of
effort. We make sure you are able to sell your old or used gadgets in the fastest
way possible and get the best customer experience.

Chapter 2: Background of “SellTechie”
From ancient there has been huge need to express ideas,opinion and perception
of individual at high or more expanded level,to bring forth the development and
new discoveries in world of science and technologies.In view of this , our
website aim at selling and buying of old tech gadgets with ease and at finger

2.1 About “SellTechie” and Importance

During the course of our journey, we realized a very interesting fact: end-of- life
is highly circumstantial and ‘one man’s waste could very well be another’s
resource’, of-course if the product has not reached a complete non-usable and
non-refurbishable condition.

2.1.1 Selling of Old Tech Gadgets

Do you have an old laptop or smartphone which you want to get rid of? Just
give us a call!

We buy used, obsolete or otherwise undesirable gadgets directly from

consumers which maybe later refurbished or recycled. We offer free home
pickup services for used devices and pay instantly through any mode of

2.1.2 Buy refurbished Gadgets

We have all at some point in our lives bought something second hand (be it
from friends or actual marketplace) and have always found it challenging due to
important factors like fair price, after sale service, trust, stolen products etc.
With “SellTechie” you don’t have to worry about all that, well at least for
laptops and smartphones. We provide high quality tested and warranted second
hand, refurbished gadgets with superior customer service and onsite tech
support at affordable prices.

2.2 Technology Used:
 Bootstrap
 Javascript
 jQuery
 Django
 MySql

Chapter 3: Proposed Work
3.1 Requirements
System requirements are expressed in a software requirement document. The
Software requirement specification (SRS) is the official statement of what is
required of the system developers. This requirement document includes the
requirements definition and the requirement specification. The software
requirement document is not a design document. It should set outwhat the
system should do without specifying how it should be done

The requirement set out in this document is complete and consistent. The
software specification document satisfies the following: -

1.It specifies the external system behaviours.

2.It specifies constraints on the implementation.

3.It is easy to change.

4.It serves as reference tool for system maintainers.

5.It record forethought about the life cycle of the system.

6.It characterizes acceptable response to undesired events

3.1.1 User Class and Characteristics:

There are 3 types of user of this software

1. General public

2. Customers

3. Administrator
1. General public can use the system to see the product, their prices and quantity
available. General user can not buy the products

2. Customers are using for viewing , buying and selling the products.

3. Customer can also write feedbacks for products and Services.

4. Administrators can add, edit, delete products and provide services to the

5. Administrator can see the daily sold and bought items. Can also see the the
feedback given by the customer.

6. Administrator can also maintain the deliveries.

3.1.2 Functional Requirements:

The System must provide following functionalities

1. Keeping records of customers.

2. Keeping the records of products.

3. Keeping the daily list of gadgets bought and sold.

4. Storing the feedback given by the customer.

5. Keeping details about the product whether it is delivered or not.

6. Storing the items selected by the customer in the temporary storage.

3.1.3 Non Functional Requirements:

Following Non-functional requirements will be there in the Insurance on

A) Secure access of confidential data (customer's details).

B) 24 X 7 availability.

C) Better component design to get better performance at peak time.

D) Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future


3.2 Process Model

The model we are using is Concurrent model. Concurrent models are those
models within which the various activities of software development happen at
the same time, for faster development and a better outcome. The concurrent
model is also referred to as a parallel working model
Fig 3.2.1

Advantages of the concurrent development model

 This model is applicable to all types of software development processes.
 It is easy for understanding and use.
 It gives immediate feedback from testing.
 It provides an accurate picture of the current state of a project.

Disadvantages of the concurrent development model

 It needs better communication between the team members. This may not
be achieved all the time.
 It requires to remember the status of the different activities.

3.3 Flow Charts

Use-Case Diagram

Fig 3.3.1

Activity diagram
for make purchase

Make Purchase


Fig Fig

Chapter 4: Analysis and Design
Their are mainly five ways to evaluate and analyse the quality of our website.

1. Strategy
Good website design is backed by strategy. Even the most attractive, user-
friendly website isn’t successful when it isn’t achieving what your company
needs. So ask yourself: Do new visitors get a clear sense of who you are and
what you offer when they arrive at your site? Does your design direct visitors to
do what you want them to do? Is there clear strategy informing your design? If
not, your design is not as good as it could be. To evaluate the effectiveness of
strategy in your website design, run it through this checklist of questions:
What category is my business, and is that obvious on my website?
What is the purpose of this website, and is the design accomplishing it?
Who is my target audience, and how does the design take them into
What do I want my audience to do, and is the design encouraging that action?
What to Do: Define your brand and set specific website goals—then align your
design accordingly. When your website is informed by clear strategy, it’s much
more likely to succeed.

2. Usability
Usability is all about the practical considerations of what goes into good website
design, such as speed, user-friendliness, security, technical details like sitemaps,
etc. A lot of these details aren’t visually apparent; you don’t see a website’s
security when you type in its URL. Nonetheless, usability is a make-or-break
issue for websites that work. If a visitor can’t find what he or she is looking for
because of poor navigation, he or she will usually leave. If pages take too long

to load, both search engines and visitors will notice. So to see how usable your
site is, ask yourself the following:
How long does it take my pages to load, and will visitors get bored waiting?
(One way to test page speed is through Google Page Speed Insights.)
How easy is it to find information?
Is there a search button for visitors?
Do all the links work? (Test for broken links at W3C Link Checker.)
Does the site work in different browsers? (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox,
Chrome, etc.)
Does my site work on mobile devices?
If I’m asking for personal details or use a commerce option, is customer
information secure? Have I communicated this to my readers?
What to Do: Consider all the ways to make your site as usable as possible.
Imagine coming to it as a visitor and trying to find info. What’s more, go the
extra mile in terms of security and always protect customers’ personal data.

3. Style
Beauty may be relative, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t clear aesthetic
principles to guide your website design. The best designs will align with their
brands, create positive impressions for visitors, be clean, and complement the
content they’re communicating. To test the effectiveness of your website’s
aesthetic, consider the following:
Does my website’s style align with my brand in terms of colors, feel, graphics,
Is the style consistent throughout the website?
Will the style suit my target audience? (i.e., cartoons on a toy company website,
elegant layout on a legal website)
What feel does the website give—Orderly or messy? Sparse or crowded?
Playful or formal?—and how does that align with my goals?
Where are photos or decorative touches getting in the way of my message?
What to Do: Get rid of any stylistic choices that contradict your brand message.
Make sure your logo and website design align. Consider your target audience
and let that inform your style.

4. Content
The two main considerations regarding content are readability and usefulness.
Readability is important because if your visitors can’t make out your content,
whether that’s because it’s too small or in a pale color or in an unreadable font,
there’s no way for your message to get across. Usefulness is just as important,
however, because if your content doesn’t matter to your reader, you lose him or
her anyway. Here are some questions to run your website content through to
evaluate its quality:
Are the fonts I’ve chosen readable?
Is there enough contrast between background colors and font colors?
Is all the text big enough?
Will this content be relevant to the reader?
Is the content concise but still useful?
Does the design make content easy to find?
What to Do: Evaluate all the text on your website—Is it communicating your
message effectively? First, will visitors be able to read the text? Second, will
what they read matter to them? Go for a design that makes all your content
useful and readable.

5. Search Optimization
There are many ways that the design of your website impacts search
optimization—as Search Engine Journal points out, “Search engine
optimization and social networking all start with strong website design.” Does
your website have a lot of graphics, for example? If so, search engines can’t see
them. You need to add ALT tags to your image descriptions in order for search
engines to know what you’re showing. Is your HTML efficient? If not, it could
hurt your search rankings. Ask yourself the following questions to ensure
optimized website design:
Are all my images optimized with ALT tags?
Is my coding efficient, or are there extraneous lines that could be eliminated?
Have I used relevant keywords in title tags, meta descriptions, heading tags,
Do I have a sitemap?
What to Do: Don’t make the mistake of thinking search engine optimization and
website design are separate matters. Consider the ways your design will affect
its search rankings, and make adjustments accordingly.
Your Thoughts
Based upon the above characterizations, how is your website design working?
How could it be improved? What steps will you take to make your design more

Home Page:
This is the first page (Fig 4,5,6,7,8,9) that appears when someone
opens our website.
Head Section:-
The <head> tag is what actually begins the head section of
an HTML document. The head section of an HTML document contains
several tags that specify important information about the webpage such as title,
keywords and descriptions (for search engines), location of stylesheets, scripts,
and more.

{% load static %}
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<!-- Favicon -->

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="{% static
'img/favicon.ico' %}">

<!-- Google Fonts -->

rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
00' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

<!-- css -->

<!-- Bootstrap CSS -->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.min.css' %}">
<!-- Font Awesome CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/font-awesome.min.css' %}">
<!-- Mean Menu CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/meanmenu.min.css' %}">
<!-- Owl Carousel CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/owl.carousel.min.css' %}">
<!-- simpleLens CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/jquery.simpleLens.css' %}">
<!-- Price Slider CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/jquery-price-slider.css'
<!-- Nivo Slider CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/nivo-slider.css' %}">
<!-- Animate CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/animate.min.css' %}">
<!-- Hover Effect CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/hover-effect.css' %}">
<!-- Style CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}">
<!-- Responsive CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/responsive.css' %}">
<!-- Modernizer JS -->
<script src="{% static 'js/modernizr-2.8.3.min.js' %}"></script>

Header Used:
Header part is from the top to the navigation bar shown in Fig 1 which is
common for every page. We have used the extends keyword to add this to every
page and the other content on the page is stored in block body scope which
makes it easy to input the header in every page.

Fig 4
Fig 5 shows us the different categories of tech gadgets and the popular
products.Once we click on the mobile option different brands pop up which are
trending in market.The customer can easily select the brand of the phone he/she

is using and then according to the condition of the phone they can select the
given parameters according to which a price that is best in market will be

Fig 5

This is written in file for adding different mobile brands trending in
market and it reflects in Fig 5.1

def mobiles(request):
mobiles= Mobile.objects.all()
n = len(mobiles)
params = {'Mobile': mobiles}
return render(request, 'mobile.html', params)

Fig 5.1

This is the file by which we interact with the database and all the
products and other things are dynamically called from the database itself.

from django.db import models

# Create your models here.

from django.db import models
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class User_detail(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True)
mobile = models.IntegerField(null=True)
email = models.EmailField(null=True)
address = models.TextField(null=True)

def __str__(self):

class Category(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True)

def __str__(self):

class Sub_category(models.Model):
category = models.ForeignKey(Category, on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True)
def __str__(self):

return +' -- '
class Product(models.Model):
subcategory = models.ForeignKey(Sub_category,on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True)
name = models.CharField(max_length=100,null=True)
price = models.CharField(max_length=100,null=True)
discription = models.TextField(max_length=500,null=True)
img1 = models.FileField(null=True)
img2 = models.FileField(null=True)
img3 = models.FileField(null=True)

def __str__(self):
return + ' -- ' +

class Add_to_cart(models.Model):
usr = models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True)
product = models.ForeignKey(Product,on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True)

class Order_placed(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
product = models.ForeignKey(Product,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
address = models.TextField(null=True)

class Payment_ids(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User,on_delete=models.CASCADE,null=True)
ids = models.CharField(max_length=100,null=True)

class Mobile(models.Model):
mobile_brand = models.CharField(max_length=50,default='')
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='shop/images', default='')
def __str__(self):
return self.mobile_brand

class Apple(models.Model):
mobile_model = models.CharField(max_length=50, default='')
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='shop/images', default='')

def __str__(self):
return self.mobile_model

class Varients(models.Model):
varients = models.CharField(max_length=300, unique=True, default='')

class Sellingform(models.Model):
call = models.CharField(max_length=500, unique=True,default='')
screen = models.CharField(max_length=500, unique=True, default='')
body = models.CharField(max_length=500, unique=True, default='')

class Laptop(models.Model):
laptop_brand = models.CharField(max_length=50,default='')
image = models.ImageField(upload_to='shop/images', default='')
def __str__(self):
return self.laptop_brand

Fig 6

Fig 7
This is the blog section which contains some of the latest technologies news
which a person can read and get aware of the new trends coming in the market.

Fig 8

Footer Used:
This is the footer panel Fig 9 which is common as header in every page as these
are the common and necessary layout for every page.
Code used to apply header footer in every page:-

{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block body %}
{% load static %}

Fig 9

Fig 4.1

Fig 4.1.1

Fig 4.2

Fig 4.3

Fig 4.4

Fig 4.5

Fig 4.5.1




Instamojo is a Bangalore-based company that is targeted to selling digital goods

& collecting payment online. Instamojo offers various solutions to today's era
Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs & Freelancers. In simple word, you can use it to
sell any digital goods & collect payment.
Fig shows the optional ways to pay for your gadge,t the same is sent
to your mobile so that it makes easy for you to pay.
Fig 5 shows the mail that one receives when he/she pays for their gadget.
Fig 6 shows the amount received to the admin and from where.


Fig 6

Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with

information about the quality of the software product or service under test.
Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the
software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software
implementation. Test techniques include the process of executing a program or
application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects), and
verifying that the software product is fit for use.

BLACK BOX TESTING, also known as Behavioral Testing, is a software

testing method in which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item
being tested is not known to the tester. These tests can be functional or non-
functional, though usually functional.

Fig 1.6

This method is named so because the software program, in the eyes of the tester,
is like a black box; inside which one cannot see. This method attempts to find
errors in the following categories:
 Incorrect or missing functions
 Interface errors
 Errors in data structures or external database access
 Behavior or performance errors
 Initialization and termination errors

Testing the responsiveness of the website

When we bring the screen size to the mobile view then also the site is
responding in a great way thanks to Bootstrap and everything is working
Fig 8

Fig 9

Fig 10

Fig 11

Sign Up:-

Once we enter all the required details and press the login button the information
gets stored in the database (Fig 4.2.3).

Fig 4.2.1

Fig 4.2.2
Fig 4.2.3

If we try to register oneself with the same username that is stored in the
database this error pops up using the console log.

Fig 4.2.4
Log in:-
Once we enter all the correct details in the signup form and enter login it itself
redirects you to the login page by which after logging in you can add items to
cart and buy.
If during login we enter the wrong password then the same page loads again and
if its correct it redirects to the home page.

Fig 4.3.1

Fig 4.3.2

Admin panel is the panel which opens with /admin keyword in the url tab beside
the server IP. This panel can only be accessed by the superuser that is the admin
of the page and the admin details also gets stored in the database.

Fig 7

Fig 7.1

The admin also gets registered in the database.

Fig 7.1.1

Fig 7.2

This page (Fig 7.3) belongs to the admin panel which helps the admin to see
who all users have registered themselves.

Fig 7.3

Placing order:-

Fig 7.3.1

The order details get stored in the database and the admin can make any type to
changes if required.

Fig 7.4

By pressing the logout button the admin can easily log himself out.

Fig 7.5

Chapter 5:Description and Result

At “SellTechie”, our mission is to transform the way people sell and buy old
gadgets online. We help you unlock the highest price for your old gadget with
the least amount of effort. Through our localized network of professional buyers
and sellers across the country, we make sure you are able to sell and buy your
old or used gadgets in the fastest way possible and get the best customer
experience. When we say - Sell Fast & Easy, we mean it!
 Get Instant Price Quote
 Assured Sale Guaranteed
 Assured Hassle-Free Experience
 Privacy Of Information
 Free Device Pick-Up
 Instant Cash Delivered At Your Doorstep
 “SellTechie” verified delivery of refurbished tech gadgets

While making this site we came to know new things and how to handle them.
The result at the end came out to be good as expected and has some future scope
as well. It mainly works on the thinking “Someone’s waste can be a resource for
another”. The website is fully functional as promised before both backend and
frontend are connected and are fully functional,some stuffs need to be given
attention which are their for our future scope. People can buy and sell old
gadgets with ease and pay for their gadgets in seconds.

Our mission was to transform the way people sell & buy old gadgets online. We
help you unlock the highest price for your old gadget with the least amount of
effort. We make sure you are able to sell your old or used gadgets in the fastest
way possible and get the best customer experience and we have made attractive
as wel as functional website at the same time.


In general, today’s businesses must always strive to create the next best thing
that consumers will want because consumers continue to desire their products,
services etc. to continuously be better, faster, and cheaper. In this world of new
technology, businesses need to accommodate to the new types of consumer
needs and trends because it will prove to be vital to their business’ success and
survival. E-commerce is continuously progressing and is becoming more and
more important to businesses as technology continues to advance and is
something that should be taken advantage of and implemented.

This project is not only useful for individual customer point of view, but for
every big company which are not such financially sound.
As the technology is upgrading from time to time every company wants to
upgrade to the best gadgets in the market. We at “SellTechie” provide them
with great deal and they could buy refurbished products hardly used at a great
deal which would help their company to grow and also give a good name to
them in the competitive market. We have worked hard to satisfy people need by
working at frontend to make it appealing and at the same time taken care of all
the functionalities associated to it.









Enrollment No.-171B008
Branch- CSE
Ph. No.- 8005117285
Email- [email protected]

Enrollment No.- 171B029
Branch- CSE
Ph. No.- 9340424244
Email- [email protected]

Enrollment No.- 171B032
Branch- CSE
Ph. No.- 9532344002
Email- [email protected]


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