Running Head: ONE-WAY ANOVA
Running Head: ONE-WAY ANOVA
Running Head: ONE-WAY ANOVA
Name of Student
Name of institution
Part 1
In the practical field, there was a test run for analyzing whether there is a significant
difference between the salaries received by the employees of finance, marketing and human
resource departments. This problem will be dealt with the help of ANOVA because there are
more than two population means to be compared. The expected outcome is that there will be no
Section 1
The context of this data set is that it shows the grades of students throughout a particular
semester. These grades are calculated by a large number of incidents like quiz 1 , final etc. The
current analysis will use the analysis of variance because the sections variable has 3 distinct
groups and we will have to see the difference between these groups based on quiz 3. The section
variable is categorical in nature and has 3 categories which are independent of each other. Even
within each group, the individual data points are independent of each other. The variable quiz 3
will be ordinal in nature because numbers are seen as being from worst to best or vice versa. The
Section 2
The first assumption of one-way Anova is that there is no dependence of one data point
on other data points. This will mean that the student in any section will be independent of any
The normality of the dependent variable is second assumption of one-way Anova. This
The above diagram shows histogram for quiz 3 scores of students and there is a bar which
is very high in the histogram, this may mean that there are outliers in the data. There are almost
equal values on either side of the center of the graph which means that there is a low amount of
skewness in the data but there will be a high amount of kurtosis because peak of this data will be
much higher.
Descriptive Statistics
In the above table, we see that there is a relatively low figure on both skewness and
kurtosis for the variable quiz 3. The skewness figure is negative because there are more data
points on the left of mean than on the right side of it. The kurtosis value is also lower because
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
The above table shows the normality analysis of the variable quiz 3 with the help of
Shapiro Wilk test. The significance level of test is 0.05 and the significance value in the above
table is 0.00 which means that we can reject the null hypothesis of normality of the variable.
The next assumption of the analysis is homogeneity of variance in terms of the dependent
variable for each sample. This assumption is to be satisfied only in case there is a major
difference in sample sizes. Following table will show levene’s test for the variable quiz 3.
The above table shows levene’s teat for the quiz 3 variable. The null hypothesis will be
the equivalence of variances for all sections of the class. The significance level will be 0.05 and
the significance in the above table is 0.28 which means that we can accept the null hypothesis of
equivalence of variances.
The assumptions of the test have been partially met because the variable quiz 3 is found
to be non-normal but the three sections of the class have almost equal number of data points so
we can ignore the normality assumption in this case. The variances of all groups have been found
to be equal.
Section 3
quiz 3.
Section 4
The above three graphs show the value of means for quiz 3 for the three sections
of this study. We see that there is apparently very little difference of values in the means of the
Descriptive Statistics
The above table shows values of means and standard deviations for three sections with
respect to the variable quiz 3. The means of section 1 and 3 are close together whereas the mean
of section 2 is a little higher. We will check through the Anova if there is a significant difference
between the mean scores of sections. The standard deviation of section 1 is a bit higher than the
other two sections bit we have seen through the levene test that the null hypothesis for
equivalence of variances was accepted. Since we have accepted the null hypothesis of
The above table shows the anova for the three sections of the class. The significance statistic is
higher than 0.05 which was selected as the level of significance for this test. This means that the mean
scores of the three populations are not equal. The eta squared value is 0.078 which shows a medium level
of effect size in this scenario. The degrees of freedom are calculated by subtracting 3 from the total
sample size of 105. This shows the pieces of independent information which went into calculating the
estimates. This also means that there is a significant difference between test scores on quiz 3 and students
of various sections.
Section 5
The ANOVA has been applied to analyze if there is a significant difference between
scores of students in quiz three across all sections of a class. The analysis reveals that there is a
significant difference between the means of three sections for quiz 3. There is a medium level of
effect size in this analysis and most of the assumptions have been fulfilled.
The main advantage of ANOVA is its straight forward calculation and interpretation. The
main disadvantage is that it can only be applied with the normality assumption. This is a robust
design and increases the power of a statistical assessment. If the null hypothesis is rejected, we
may not know which group is different from the other groups.