Continuous Assessment (Ca) For Internship/Ojt (By External Internship In-Charge From Organization)
Continuous Assessment (Ca) For Internship/Ojt (By External Internship In-Charge From Organization)
Continuous Assessment (Ca) For Internship/Ojt (By External Internship In-Charge From Organization)
Contact No:
S.No. Parameter Maximum Marks
1 Conduct of student during OJT 20
2 Interpersonal Skills 18
3 Technical Skills 18
Name and Designation______BUSINESS DEVLOPMENT MANAGER__________
Authority Signatory with Company’s Stamp_________________
Note: The external internship in-charge will mark the continuous assessment only at the time of completion of the
internship. Students must ensure that evaluation marks are provided by the organization as per above parameters and
he/she needs to submit it at the time of final ETP.