The Relationship Between Dividend Payout and Price To Earnings
The Relationship Between Dividend Payout and Price To Earnings
The Relationship Between Dividend Payout and Price To Earnings
August 9, 2017
Using a large database of all S&P 1500 index firms spanning the 88-quarter period from 1995
through 2016, we document that current period dividend payout is significantly and positively
correlated with next period Price-to-Earnings ratio (PE) for high market cap firms and
manufacturing firms, and significantly negatively correlated for high book-to-market firms.
Market cap (firm size), book-to-market ratio (a proxy for market perception of growth potential)
and industry matter for determining PE levels as a function of payout levels. However, once the
PE levels are determined, current period dividend payout change is significantly and negatively
associated with next period PE change. We find evidence supporting an argument that an
increase in current period payout signals reduced investment opportunities and increased risk
that reduce future PE ratios. Thus, modeling determinants of PE must take into account industry,
size, risk and market perception of growth potential for a firm.
Keywords: Price-to-Earnings ratio, PE ratio, dividend payout ratio, industry, market cap, firm
size, book-to-market ratio, growth opportunities, firm risk.
1CNV Krishnan is professor of Banking and Finance at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western
Reserve University, email: [email protected] Yifei Chen is graduate student at Weatherhead School of
Management, Case Western Reserve University, email: [email protected]
Standard text book models show that the Price-to-Earnings ratio (PE), ,
increases as the payout ratio increases for any given growth rate, PE decreases as risk increases,
and PE increases as the growth rate increases (see Appendix A). Investors focus on PE ratios,
classifying into high and low PE stocks. Hough (2011), for example, claims that low PE stocks
outperformed high PE stocks in the 2000’s. We examine whether any such standard model holds
across the cross section of firms.
Extant literature has studied both PE ratios and dividend payouts extensively. Risk matters.
Henne, Ostrowski and Reichling (2009) argue that stock performance generally improves with
increasing dividend yield, but this result is actually based on risk reduction rather than higher
return, in the German market. Ferson (2008) mentions that the argument that a shock to expected
return on equity, ceteris paribus, changes the asset value may overstate the effect to the extent
that a shock that changes the required return also changes the expected future cash flows. Growth
matters. Ang and Zhang (2011) find that growth opportunities account for approximately 95% of
the variation and 80% of the level of PE ratios. Riahi-Belkaoui and Picur (2001) allege that firms
with high investment opportunities are “PE valued”. Profitability matters. Benartzi, Michaely,
and Thaler (1997) and Grullon, Michaely, and Swaminathan (2002) find no evidence that dividend
changes predict abnormal increases in earnings. Penman (1996) fails to find that the current return
on equity is a good indicator of PE ratio. Our goal in this paper is to use a large panel of firms to
check the determinants of PE ratio levels and changes, in particular the current period dividend
payout levels and changes.
We start with examining the determinants of PE levels, and find, in univariate tests, that
industry matters. High-tech and healthcare firms have higher PE ratios, on average, and
manufacturing firms the lowest, broadly reflecting future growth opportunities. Market
capitalization (which is a proxy for firm size) and book-to-market ratio (which is a proxy for (the
reverse of) growth options) matter. The higher the market capitalization, the higher the PE,
showing the market prices in market dominance, and the lower the book-to-market ratio the
higher the PE, reflecting future growth opportunities.
In multivariate regressions, after controlling for industry and time fixed effects, we find
that current period dividend payout is significantly and positively related to next period PE.
Results are significant when we use current earnings or trailing earnings. When we run
We use all S&P 1500 firms’ (including S&P 500, S&P Mid Cap 400 and S&P Small Cap 600)
data from the Compustat Quarterly from 1995 through 2016, entailing 88 quarters and 132,000
observations in all.
We define book equity (BE) as total shareholders’ equity plus deferred taxes and
investment tax credit (item TXDITCQ) minus the book value of preferred stock (item PSTKQ).
We prefer the shareholders’ equity numbers (SEQQ). In case this data are not available, we
calculate shareholders’ equity as sum of common and preferred equity (items CEQQ and PSTKQ).
If neither of the two are available, we define shareholders’ equity as the differences of total assets
and total liabilities (items ATQ and LTQ). Trailing earnings is the average net income of the past
four quarters. We use 5 industry groups defined by Ken French, which are Consumer,
Manufacturing, High Technology, Healthcare and Other
We also segregate years by recession and non-recession years. The definition of recession
years is taken from the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic
Research (NBER) based on the behavior of various indicators of economic activity (see
3. Univariate Results
Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively, show the time series plots of quarterly average
dividend payout and quarterly average PE overall, as well as by industries, market capitalization
and book-to-market categories, where the recession quarters are 2001 Q2 - 2001 Q4 and 2008 Q1
- 2009 Q2, as determined by NBER, are shaded. Panel A of Figure 1 shows that dividend payout
ratio tends to spike up during recession periods. Panel B shows that manufacturing firm payouts
tend to be higher, Panel C shows the higher the market cap the greater the dividend payout, while
the final panel shows that the higher the book to market ratio, the higher the payout. This is
confirmed by the pairwise differences in Table 1. Manufacturing firms have significantly higher
payout that other firms that have significantly higher payouts, on average, than consumer firms.
Healthcare and high-tech firms have the lowest payouts on average, perhaps reflecting their
future growth potential. The middle panel shows the higher the market capitalization the higher
the payout reflecting firm maturity, while the last panel shows that the higher the book to market
ratio the higher the payout reflecting lack of growth potential. So, in summary, manufacturing
firms payout more, larger firms payout more, and firms with lower future growth potential
payout more, on average.
Panel A of Figure 2 shows that PE ratios, on average, tend to be lower during recessions
because of price depressions. There is no clear pattern for PE ratios emerging when we look by
industries, although healthcare stocks in recent years tend to have higher PE ratios. However,
Panel C shows that low market cap firms (small firms) generally tend to have lower PE ratios,
while Panel D shows that the higher the book to market ratio, the lower the PE ratio, reflecting
the fact that the lower the future growth prospects the lower the PE ratio. This is corroborated by
the pairwise differences among the groups of firms by industries, market capitalization and book
to market in Table 2. High tech and healthcare firms do tend to have higher PE ratios, and
manufacturing the least. The higher the market cap the higher the PE, and the lower the book to
market ratio the higher the PE.
The takeaway is that payout and PE ratios move in opposite directions when we compare
by broad industry categories, in the same direction when we examine by market cap (firm size),
and in the opposite direction when we examine by book to market ratio (firm growth). Overall, a
4. Multivariate Results
Table 3 examines the determinants of the PE ratio, using the 2 variants of the following regression:
(1) /
where is a proxy for the inverse of growth options and is the market beta
calculated by running regressions between individual returns and market returns by moving
windows. We also control for year and industry fixed effects. In specification 1, we use price and
EPS as of time (t+1), and in specification 2, we use price as of time (t+1) and EPS as of time t,
lagged earnings computed as the average earnings of the past 4 quarters.
We find that current period dividend payout is positively and significantly related to next
period PE (at 1% significance level) after controlling for year and industry fixed effects and firm
beta. Contrary to univariate results, PE ratio is significantly lower for higher market cap firms,
after controlling for other determinants. In line with the univariate results, PE ratio is significantly
lower for higher book to market firms, because of lower perceived growth opportunities. These
results are significant whether we use current earnings or trailing earnings.
When we run regressions by groups divided by industries, market cap, book to market
ratio and recession years, we find that results are more complicated. Table 4 reports regression
results run separately over 90 groups overall, made up of 5 industry groups, 3 groups of market
capitalization, 3 groups of book to market values, and whether or not recession period. Only the
specifications for which payout ratio is significant in explaining future PE at 5% or 1% levels are
shown. Panel A shows significant negative relations, and Panel B significant positive relations.
For Consumer industry and High Technology industry, the correlation between payout
and PE tends to be significantly negative, while it is significantly positive for Manufacturing and
Other industries. In general, the positive relation between payout and future PE is for high market
cap firms. There are no discernable relations for when the relation between payout and PE is
positive or negative with regard to book-to-market and recession or expansion years, although in
most of the regressions, book to market ratio has a significantly negative correlation with future
Table 6 shows that, irrespective of the specification used, next period PE change is significantly
and negatively associated with current period dividend payout change. The previous results have
shown that, on average, dividend payout level is significantly and positively related to PE level.
But once the levels are determined, any change in payout negatively affects future changes in PE.
As before, we run the regression specification separately over 90 groups, made up of 5 industry
groups, 3 groups of market capitalization, 3 groups of book to market values, and whether or not
recession period. Only the specifications for which ∆ is significant at the 5% and
1% levels are shown in Table 7. We find that the above documented negative relation is robust:
it not only in the overall sample, but also in almost every industry and firm type subsample.
Finally, we regress change in volatility in the next period on change in payout, to check
the impact of current period payout on future risk, using the following regression specification:
and find that there is indeed a significant and positive relationship (Table 8). Thus increased
payout in the current period signals increased risk in future (perhaps due to reduced growth
opportunities) and, and hence the future PE decreases.
In summary, current period dividend payout change is significantly and negatively
associated with future PE change likely because an increase in current period payout signals
reduced investment opportunities which reduces future PE. Moreover, the relation between
payout and PE levels and between payout changes and PE changes depends on industry, firm
size, perceived growth opportunities (proxied in this paper by book to market ratios), and other
measures of firm risk.
5. Conclusion
Using a large database of all S&P 1500 index firms spanning the 88-quarter period from
1995 through 2016, we document that in terms of dividend payout, manufacturing firms payout
more, large firms payout more, and firms with lower future growth potential payout more, on
average. In terms of PE ratios, in univariate tests, we find that high tech and healthcare firms have
higher PE ratios, on average, and manufacturing firms the least, perhaps reflecting their future
growth potential. The higher the market capitalization, the higher the PE ratio; and the lower the
book to market ratio the higher the PE ratio. So, payout and PE ratios move in opposite directions
when we compare by industry, in the same direction when we examine by market cap, and in the
opposite direction when we examine by book to market ratio, consistent with a perceived growth
potential story. In multivariate regressions, we find that current period dividend payout is
positively and significantly related to next period PE (at 1% significance level) after controlling of
the year and industry effects. After controlling for other factors, future PE ratio is significantly
and negatively associated with market capitalization and higher book to market ratio. Results are
consistently significant when we use current earnings or trailing earnings.
After we run regressions according to groups divided by industries, market cap, book to
market ratio and recession years, we find that for consumer and high technology industries, the
correlation between current period payout and next period PE tends to be significantly negative,
The top Panel shows the quarter-by-quarter average PE ratio defined as average of quarterly stock price
divided by quarterly EPS for all quarters from 1995 through 2016 where the recession quarters are 2001 Q2
- 2001 Q4 and 2008 Q1 - 2009 Q2 as determined by NBER, are shaded. The second panel shows the average
payout ratio quarter-by-quarter for 5 industry groups. The third panel shows the average payout ratio
quarter by quarter by three groups by firms’ market capitalization. The last panel shows the average payout
ratio quarter by quarter by three groups by firms’ book to market value. All variables are defined in
Appendix B.
High BM = Mid BM =
0.08 36.6 56125 < 2.2e-16
0.27 0.19
Mid BM = Low BM =
0.02 12.7 71775 < 2.2e-16
0.19 0.17
The top panel shows the differences in mean PE for 5 Fama-French industry groups. The middle panel
shows the differences in mean PE ratios for three groups of market capitalization. The bottom panel shows
the mean differences in mean PE ratios for three groups of book to market. All variables are defined in
Appendix B.
Average PE by Industry
High BM = Mid BM =
-21.19 -71.15 67201 < 2.2e-16
44.47 65.65
Mid BM = Low BM =
-19.75 -68.65 69341 < 2.2e-16
65.65 85.40
This table reports the regression coefficients and the associated heteroscedasticity consistent t-statistics
(along with adjusted R2) of 2 specifications of:
All variables are defined in Appendix B.
P/E Ratiot+1
P/E Ratiot+1
(trailing earnings)
This table reports regression coefficients and the associated heteroscedasticity consistent t-statistics (along
with adjusted R2) of
run separately over 90 groups overall, made up of 5 industry groups, 3 groups of market capitalization, 3
groups of book to market values, and whether recession period. Only the specifications for which Dividend
Payout is significant at 5% or 1% levels are shown. Panel A shows significant negative relations, and Panel
B significant positive. All variables are defined in Appendix B.
Panel A
Rank Rank Dividend LogMarket Book to Adjusted
Industry REC Volatility Beta
MVE BM Payout Cap Market R2
-11.0 *** 429.9 *** 2.2 *** -55.3 *** 9.4 *** 0.06
Cnsmr High Low 0
(-4.4) (4.6) (3.3) (-10.1) (5.0)
-21.2 *** -44.9 6.2 *** -40.6 *** 1.7 0.03
Cnsmr Mid Low 0
(-5.5) (-0.3) (3.7) (-5.2) (0.7)
HiTec High High 0 -49.7*** -272.1 8.6 *** -14.9 6.1 0.10
(-5.5) (-0.9) (4.1) (-1.4) (0.8)
HiTec High Low 0 -17.2 *** 376.1 *** -1.0 -34.5 *** 13.1 *** 0.07
(-4.8) (3.8) (-1.3) (-4.3) (5.3)
HiTec High Mid 0 -24.5 *** -298.7 * 0.6 -84.4 *** 6.09 0.07
(-4.5) (-1.8) (0.5) (-6.9) (1.5)
Other High Low 0 -10.9 *** 13.1 -1.7 * -88.4 *** 5.7 ** 0.09
(-3.5) (0.1) (-2.4) (-14.0) (2.8)
This table reports regression coefficients and associated heteroscedasticity consistent t-statistics (along
with adjusted R2) of
run separately over 90 groups overall, made up of 5 industry groups, 3 groups of market capitalization, 3
groups of book to market values, and whether recession period. Only the specifications for which Dividend
Payout is significant at 5% or 1% levels are shown. Panel A shows significant negative relations, and Panel
B significant positive. The earnings here are trailing earnings. All variables are defined in Appendix B.
Panel A
Rank Rank Dividend LogMarket Book to Adjusted
Industry REC Volatility Beta
MVE BM Payout Cap Market R2
-7.4 *** 503.6 *** 0.8 -60.4 *** 9.2 *** 0.08
Cnsmr High Low 0
(-3.5) (6.4) (1.5) (-12.9) (5.7)
-32.8 *** 547.4 * 6.5 ** -24.9 * -18.4 *** 0.10
Cnsmr High Low 1
(-5.0) (2.2) (2.9) (-1.9) (-3.3)
-15.2 *** 162.0 * 1.6 -55.3 *** 0.9 0.05
Cnsmr Mid Low 0
(-4.8) (1.7) (1.1) (-8.4) (0.5)
-16.9 *** 854.9 *** -0.4 -36.9 *** 12.7 *** 0.13
HiTec High Low 0
(-5.0) (9.0) (-0.6) (-4.9) (5.4)
-30.1 ** 1107.8 * 8.7 * -17.4 -8.1 0.06
HiTec High Low 1
(-2.9) (2.4) (2.5) (-0.7) (-0.6)
-20.0 *** -67.1 0.3 -100.1 *** 4.8 0.08
HiTec High Mid 0
(-3.7) (-0.4) (0.2) (-8.5) (1.2)
-47.5 ** 1404.6 *** 1.6 -211.6 *** -36.1 *** 0.32
Hlth High Low 1
(-3.2) (3.7) (0.5) (-8.4) (-3.3)
-24.3 *** -482.6 *** 5.1 * -149.2 *** 2.8 0.13
Hlth Mid Low 0
(-3.4) (-3.3) (2.1) (-10.0) (0.7)
This table reports regression coefficients and the associated heteroscedasticity consistent t-statistics (along
with adjusted R2) of 4 different specifications of:
/ ∆
∆ ∆
/ / / /
∆Dividend Payout
Log Market Cap (0.99)
Book to Market
∆Dividend Payout
Log Market Cap (-0.73)
*, **, and *** denote significant at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively.
This table reports the regression coefficients and associated heteroscedasticity consistent t-statistics (along
with adjusted R2) of
/ ∆
run separately over 90 groups overall, made up of 5 industry groups, 3 groups of market capitalization, 3 groups of
book to market values, and whether or not recession period. Only the specifications for which ∆Dividend Payout is
significant at the 5% and 1% levels are shown. All variables are defined in Appendix B.
This table reports the regression coefficients and the associated heteroscedasticity consistent t-statistics
(along with adjusted R2) of:
All variables are defined in Appendix B.
∆Dividend Payout (4.0)
Log Market Cap (4.6)
Book to Market (-1.4)
Beta (-22.2)
Adjusted R2 0.08
*, **, and *** denote significant at the 10%, 5% and 1% level respectively.
A basic derivation (see, for example, Professor A. Damodaran’s online teaching notes shows that
if the PE ratio is stated in terms of expected earnings in the next time period, then
So, PE ratio is an increasing function of the payout ratio and the growth rate and a decreasing
function of firm risk. We can state the payout ratio as a function of the expected growth rate and
return on equity.
Payout ratio
The price-earnings ratio for a high growth firm can also be related to fundamentals. In the special
case of the two-stage dividend discount model, this relationship can be made explicit fairly
simply. When a firm is expected to be in high growth for the next n years and stable growth
thereafter, the dividend discount model can be written as follows:
(1+g) n
EPS0 Payout Ratio(1 +g)
(1+k e,hg ) n
EPS0 Payout Ration (1 +g) (1 + gn )
P0 + n
k e,hg - g (k e,st - gn )(1 + k e,hg )
EPS0 = Earnings per share in year 0 (Current year)
Payout Ration = Payout ratio after n years for the stable firm
Here again, we can substitute in the fundamental equation for payout ratios.
1- g 1 +g1 (1+g) n
1- g n 1+gn 1+g n
P0 ROE hg (1+k e,hg ) ROE st
= + n
EPS0 k e,hg - g (k e,st - gn )(1+k e,hg )
where ROEhg is the return on equity in the high growth period and ROEst is the return on
equity, from which the implications arise.