Security Valuation - Pidilite

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As at

Particulars Notes
March 31, 2020
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 4 ₹ 17,338.00
Capital work-in-progress ₹ 2,371.00
Goodwill ₹ 828.00
Other intangible assets 5 ₹ 409.00
Intangible asset under development 6 ₹ 336.00
Investments accounted for using the equity method 9 ₹ 109.00
Financial assets
(i) Investments 7(a) ₹ 70.00
(ii) Loans 7(c) ₹ 61.00
(iii) Other financial assets 7(g) ₹ 82.00
Deferred tax assets 17 -
Other non-current assets 10 ₹ 411.00
Total non-current assets ₹ 22,015.00
Current assets
Inventories 8 ₹ 7,989.00
Financial assets
(i) Investments 7(b) ₹ 1,325.00
(ii) Trade receivables 7(d) ₹ 6,465.00
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents 7(e) ₹ 1,244.00
(iv) Bank balances other than (iii) above 7(f) ₹ 98.00
(v) Loans 7(c) ₹ 83.00
(vi) Other financial assets 7(g) ₹ 313.00
Contract assets 7(h) ₹ 1,022.00
Current tax assets 11 ₹ 146.00
Other current assets 10 ₹ 1,548.00
Total current assets ₹ 20,233.00
Total assets ₹ 42,248.00
Equity share capital 12 ₹ 138.00
Other equity 13 ₹ 26,053.00
Total equity ₹ 26,191.00
Non current liabilities
Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 15(a) ₹ 3,994.00
(ii) Other financial liabilities 15(d) ₹ 832.00
Provisions 16 ₹ 124.00
Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 17 ₹ 102.00
Total non current liabilities ₹ 5,052.00
Current Liabilities
Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings ₹ 1,083.00
(ii) Trade payables 15(c)
a) total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises ₹ 83.00
b) total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises ₹ 5,826.00
(iii) Other financial liabilities 15(d) ₹ 2,970.00
Provisions 16 ₹ 424.00
Other current liabilities 18 ₹ 575.00
Current tax liabilities 19 ₹ 44.00
Total current liabilities ₹ 11,005.00
Total liabilities ₹ 16,057.00
Total equity and liabilities ₹ 42,248.00
As at As at As at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017

₹ 11,791.00 9,905.51 9,376.02

₹ 1,544.00 691.21 583.47
- 0.00 0.00
₹ 66.00 71.23 74.058
₹ 284.00 207.63 189.72
₹ 102.00 6.196 4.22

₹ 70.00 5.307 4.401

₹ 41.00 39.133 28.145
₹ 149.00 62.65 56.025
₹ 141.00 267.39 198.15
₹ 451.00 390.29 320.71
₹ 14,639.00 11,646.54 10,834.91

₹ 5,357.00 4,520.05 4,319.46

₹ 1,119.00 1,595.03 824.31
₹ 6,618.00 5,267.52 4,237.12
₹ 614.00 1,172.50 844.37
₹ 278.00 134.37 482.02
₹ 63.00 36.628 90.171
₹ 254.00 232.88 397.43
₹ 520.00 0.00 0.00
- 3.514 49.2
₹ 2,086.00 1,655.14 935.03
₹ 16,909.00 14,617.64 12,179.11
₹ 31,548.00 26,264.18 23,014.02

₹ 138.00 137.91 137.59

₹ 22,716.00 19,110.45 16,134.20
₹ 22,854.00 19,248.36 16,271.79

₹ 99.00 463.33 829.67

₹ 190.00 183.17 171.91
₹ 290.00 233.04 227.23
- 0.00 0.00
₹ 579.00 879.54 1,228.82
3,686.63 2,877.85
₹ 48.00 0.00 0.00
₹ 5,082.00 0.00 0.00
₹ 2,419.00 2,143.59 2,227.96
₹ 126.00 107.33 88.448
₹ 435.00 198.73 319.16
₹ 5.00 0.00 0
₹ 8,115.00 6,136.28 5,513.41
₹ 8,694.00 7,015.82 6,742.23
₹ 31,548.00 26,264.18 23,014.02
Revenue from operations
Other income
Total income
Cost of materials consumed
Purchase of stock in trade
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work in progress and stock in trade
Excise duty on sales of goods
Employee benefit expense 22
Finance cost 26
Depreciation and amortisation expense 25
Other expense 23
Total expenses
Share of profit and (loss) of associates & joint venture accounted for using the equity
Profit before tax
Income tax expense 27
Current tax
Deferred tax
Total tax expense
Profit for the year
Other comprehensive income
(i)       Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Remeasurements gains/(losses) on defined benefit plans
Income tax relating to the above item
(ii)      Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Effective portion of gains/(losses) on cash flow hedges Income tax relating to the above item
Exchange difference on translation of foreign operations
Income tax relating to the above item
Total comprehensive income for the year
Earnings per equity share 29
1)       Basic (in `)
2)       Diluted (in `)
Face value per share (in `)
Year ended Year ended
For the Year Ended March 31, 2020 (in
the Year Ended March 31, 2019 (in millions)
March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017
33,665 28,409 23,087.00 23,833.09
489 595 602.00 366.16
34,154 29,004 23,689.00 24,199.25
16,877 13,728 10,836.00 11,297.53
1,619 1,274 775.00 743.19
-22 500 77 -408.90
316.00 1,064.79
3,209 2,647 2,431.00 2,226.17
170 50 53 72.054
1,367 930 829.00 730.41
4,804 4,496 3,715.00 3,377.72
28,024 23,625 19,032.00 19,102.96
8 0 1 -0.925
6,138 5,379 4,658.00 5,095.36

-1,259 -1,176 -1,000.00 -1,034.60

-313 -101 21 533.65
-1,572 -1,277 -1,021.00 -500.95
4,566 4,102 3,637.00 4,594.41

-19 -2 17 -67.286
8 1 -5 23.286

-840 120 -131.00 142.69

2 0 1 -0.275
293 -42 45 -49.285
4,010 4,179 3,564.00 4,643.54

33.08 29.74 26.72 33.46

33.08 29.73 26.67 33.23
1 1 1 1
Splitting Dep
(1) Depreciable Tangible fixed Assets 2020
Total Tangible Assets 21578.00
less Land (Depreciation not Charged) 52.00
All Tangible Fixed Assets except Land 21526.00
Owned assets :
Buildings 5436.00
Plant, machinery and equipment 14507.00
Furniture, fixtures 186.00
Office appliances 179.00
Vehicles 628.00
Assets taken on lease : 590.00
Leasehold land 589.00
Leasehold Improvements 1.00
Total Tangible Depreciable Fixed Assets 21526.00

(2) Manufacturing related 2020

Buildings (80%) 4348.80
Plant, machinery and equipment(100%) 14507.00
Furniture, fixtures (50%) 93.00
Office appliances (50%) 89.50
Vehicles(50%) 314.00
Assets taken on lease : 472.00
Leasehold land (80%) 471.20
Improvements (80%) 0.80
(3) = (2) as a % of (1) 92.09%

(4) Depreciation Expense 4240

Change in Depreciation 1297
% of total (Depr+Ammr) 97%
Depreciation&Ammortization Expense 1,367
Only Depreciation 1329.08470764618

(5) Depreciation in COGM = (3) X (4) 1224.02

(6) Depreciation in Operating Exp = (4) - (5) 105.07

Split Employee Expense into COGM and Operating Expenses

Employee cost / benefits expense reported in I/S 3209.00
COGM(90%) 2888.1
Operating Expense(10%) 320.90
Split Other Expenses into COGM, Ope

(A) Expenses included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be manufacturing related

Expenses reported in Note 23 to Reported in Rs millions

"Other Expenses" 2020

Power fuel and water 1094.00

Consumption of stores and spare parts 353.00
Rent 81.00
Repairs to buildings 46.00
Repairs to plant, machinery etc. 249.00
Insurance 114.00
Rates and taxes 2.00
Freight, transportation, port charges etc. 314.00
Laboratory & Testing charges 248.00
Travelling 393.00
Telephone 47.00
Miscl expenses 224.00
Other Manufacturing Expenses 2501.00

(B) Cost of own Product internally used/capitalized (to be deducted from COGM)

(C) Items included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be Non-Operating

Provision and write off of sundry debtors, vehicle loans 75
Loss of PPE 0
Total 75

(D) Expenses included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be Operating Expenses

Other Expenses (Reported amount) in I/S 4804.00
less A included in COGM 2246.80
Add B Internally Used 0
Add/Less C if Gain/(Loss) 75.00
Other Expenses to be included in Operating Expenses 2482.20

Ascertainment of Cost of Goods Manufactured & Sold

Cost of materials consumed
Excise duty on sales of goods
Employee benefit expense (COGM)
Depreciation &Ammortization (COGM)
Other Expenses (COGM)
= Manufacturing Cost Incurred
Less: Change in Work in Progress and any Intermediate
= Cost of Goods Manufactured
Less: Own Manufactured Goods Internally
= Cost of Goods Transferred to Finished Goods
Less: Change in Finished Goods Inventory
Add/Less: Any adjustment related to Finished Goods
= Cost of Finished Goods Sold
Add: Cost of Stock in Trade Sold
Purchase of stock in trade
Less: Change in stock in trade inventory

= Cost of Goods Sold

Reorganized Income Statement

Revenue from core Operation

Less: Other Operating Revenues
Less: COGS
Gross Profit

Less: Operating Expenses

Employee cost
Depreciation &Ammortization
Other expenses

Add: Other Operating Revenues

Operating Profit
Add/ Less Operating Gain/Loss
Other Income
Included in Other expenses
Share of profit and (loss) of associates

EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes)

Finance Cost
Profit Before Tax
Income Tax
Current Tax
Defered Tax
Profit After Tax
Splitting Depreciation and Ammortization into COGM and Operating Expenses (in millions)
2019 2018 2017 2016
14734.00 11953.00 10614.6
52.00 7.00 6.8
14682.00 11946.00 10607.80

3564.00 2921.00 2624.6

10450.00 8589.00 7607.8
160.00 133.00 94.3
121.00 99.00 77.8
33.00 2.00 1.4
354.00 202.00 202.00
353.00 201.00 201
1.00 1.00 1
14682.00 11946.00 10607.90

2019 2018 2017

2851.20 2336.80 2099.68
10450.00 8589.00 7607.80
80.00 66.50 47.15
60.50 49.50 38.90
16.50 1.00 0.70
283.20 161.60 161.60
282.40 160.80 160.80
0.80 0.80 0.80
13741.40 11204.40 9955.83
93.59% 93.79% 93.85%

2943 2047 1238 528

896 809 710
98% 98% 98%
930 829 730
909.694323144105 809 715.291195

851.41 758.78 671.32

58.28 50.22 43.97

se into COGM and Operating Expenses

2019 2018 2017
2647.00 2431.00 2226.17
2382.3 2187.9 2003.5494
264.70 243.10 222.62
Split Other Expenses into COGM, Operating Expenses and Non-Operating Expenses

Reported in Rs millions % in COGM

2019 2018 2017 2020

912.00 755.00 692.00 100% 1094.00

251.00 212.00 281.00 100% 353.00
159.00 152.00 127.00 20% 16.20
60.00 53.00 16.00 80% 36.80
216.00 156.00 34.00 100% 249.00
42.00 44.00 34.00 80% 91.20
45.00 37.00 55.00 80% 1.60
406.00 320.00 283.00 50% 157.00
214.00 190.00 119.00 100% 248.00
431.00 382.00 338.00 50% 196.50
46.00 45.00 50.00 50% 23.50
152.00 127.00 97.00 50% 112.00
2305.00 1919.00 1641.00 2246.80

" and likely to be Non-Operating

2019 2018 2017
179 692 350
13 53 24
192 745 374

2019 2018 2017

4496.00 3715.00 3377.72
1945.40 1610.60 1376.90
0 0 0
192.00 745.00 374.00
2358.60 1359.40 1626.82

2020 2019 2018 2017

16,877 13,728 10,836 11,298
0 0 316 1064.791
2888.1 2382.3 2187.9 2003.5
1259.6 868.0 775.1 683.4
2246.80 1945.40 1610.60 1376.90
23271.50 18923.67 15725.63 16426.14

302.19 -231.05 -63.42 -143.28

23573.69 18692.62 15662.21 16282.86

0 0 0 0
23573.69 18692.62 15662.21 16282.86
0 975 -355 -203

-249 40 -18
23573.69 19418.62 15347.21 16061.86

1,619 1,274 775 743

trade inventory

25192.69 20692.62 16122.21 16805.06

2020 2019 2018 2017

33,665 28,409 23,087 23,833
599 489 325 322
25192.69 20692.62 16122.21 16805.06
7,873.31 7,227.38 6,639.79 6,706.03

320.90 264.70 243.10 222.62

107.40 62.03 53.87 46.62
2482.20 2358.60 1359.40 1626.82

599 489 325 322

5,561.81 5,031.05 5,308.42 5,131.97

489 595 602 366.158

75 192 745 374
8 0 1 -0.925

5,983.81 5,434.05 5,166.42 5,123.20

170 50 53 72.054
5,813.81 5,384.05 5,113.42 5,051.15

-1,259 -1,176 -1,000 -1,035

-313 -101 21 533.65
4,241.81 4,107.05 4,134.42 4,550.20
ting Expenses (in millions)
(1) Amortizable Intangible Fixed Assets 2020 2019 2018 2017
Total Intangible Assets 510.00 130.00 115.00 98.10
Supply agreement 324.00 0.00 0.00 0
Computer software 157.00 120.00 105.00 88.5
Product development cost 29.00 10.00 10.00 9.6

Total Intangible Assets 510.00 130.00 115.00 98.10

(2) Manufacturing related 2020 2019 2018 2017

Supply Agreement(100%) 324.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Computer software(80%) 125.60 96.00 84.00 70.80
Product development cost(100%) 29.00 10.00 10.00 9.60

Total 478.60 106.00 94.00 80.40

(3) = (2) as a % of (1) 94% 82% 82% 82%

(4) Ammortization Expense 101 64 44 24 9.4

Change in Ammortization 37 20 20 14.6
% of total (Depr+Ammr) 3% 2% 2% 2%
Depreciation&Ammortization Expense 1,367 930 829 730
Only Ammortization 37.9152924 20.30568 20 14.7088

(5) Amortization in COGM = (3) X (4) 35.58 16.56 16.35 12.05

(6) Amortization in Operating Exp = (4) - (5) 2.33 3.75 3.65 2.65
2019 2018 2017

912.00 755.00 692.00

251.00 212.00 281.00
31.80 30.40 25.40
48.00 42.40 12.80
216.00 156.00 34.00
33.60 35.20 27.20
36.00 29.60 44.00
203.00 160.00 141.50
214.00 190.00 119.00
215.50 191.00 169.00
23.00 22.50 25.00
76.00 63.50 48.50
1945.40 1610.60 1376.90
Year Ended March 31, 2020Year Ended March 31, 2019
Profit before Income Tax 6,138 5,379
Adjustments for :-
Depreciation and amortisation expense 1,367 930
Finance costs 170 50
Provision for Bad and Doubtful debts & Advancest 122 179
Interest Income on Financial Assets at amortised cost -175 -194
Unwinding of discount on Security Deposits -3 -10
Dividend Income
Expense on Employee Stock Option Scheme -4 13
(Gain)/Loss on Sale/Retirement of property, plant & equipment (N -9 13
(Gain)/Loss on sale of Investments (Net) -19 -198
(Gain)/Loss on financial assets measured at fair value through profi 7 89
Share of (profit)/loss of associate and joint venture -8 0
Impact of Ind AS 115 adjustment taken to retained earnings - 216
Unrealised (Gain)/Loss on foreign currency transactions (Net) 188 127
Operating Profit before Working Capital changes 7,774 6,594
(Increase) / Decrease in Trade Receivables 1,267 -1,493
(Increase) / Decrease in Current financial assets - Loans -1 -17
(Increase) / Decrease in Current Contract Assets -502 -520
(Increase) / Decrease in Non-current financial assets - Loans (Inc 4 -2
(Increase) / Decrease in Other current financial assets -177 -44
(Increase) / Decrease in Other non-current financial assets 88 -82
(Increase) / Decrease in Other current assets 771 -433
(Increase) / Decrease in Other non-current assets 7 -3
(Increase) / Decrease in other bank balances 1 10
(Increase)/Decrease in Inventories -1,850 -837
Increase / (Decrease) in Current Provisions and Trade Payables 319 1,498
Increase / (Decrease) in Non-current Provisions -180 57
Increase / (Decrease) in Other current financial liabilities 96 119
Increase / (Decrease) in Other non current financial liabilities 294 7
Increase / (Decrease) in Other current liabilities 118 237
Cash generated from Operations before tax 8,029 5,091
Income Taxes paid (Includes TDS) -1,048 -1,183
Net cash inflow (outflow) from Operating Activities 6,981 3,908


Payments for purchase of property, plant & equipment including C -6,743 -3,685
Proceeds from sale of property, plant & equipment 48 8
Consideration paid for acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acqui -4,345 -
Purchase of Equity Investment - -65
Investments in associates and joint venture - -95
Purchase and Sale of Current Investments 1,014 427
Interest Received 175 194
Dividend Received 0 0
Net cash used in Investing Activities -9,851 -3,216
Net cash inflow (outflow) from Operating and Investing Activitie -2,870 692

Year Ended March 31, 2020Year Ended March 31, 2019

Proceeds from issue of Equity Share Capital 0 0
Premium on issue of equity shares under ESOP scheme 80 29
Short Term Borrowings (Net) 1,083 -
Principal elements of Deferred lease payments -215 -
Borrowings -Term Loan- Repayments -407 -
Borrowings - Term Loan- Taken 3,886 -399
Interest paid -179 -50
Dividends paid (including Tax) -748 -831
Net Cash inflow (outflow) from Financing Activities 3,500 -1,251
Net Cash inflow (outflow) from Operating, Investing & Financing 630 -559
Effect of exchange differences on translation of foreign currency 0 0
Net increase (decrease) in Cash & Cash equivalents 630 -559
Opening balance of Cash & Cash equivalents 614 1,173
Closing balance of Cash & Cash equivalents 1,244 614
i)         Cash on Hand 0 1
ii)       Balance with Banks :
-  In Current Accounts 600 150
-  In Fixed Deposits 644 463
Total 1,244 614
For the year ended March
year ended March 31, 2017

4,654.90 5,095.36

829.52 730.41
53.169 72.054
69.198 34.956
-266.39 -156.52
-1.979 -1.406
-0.029 -0.035
16.596 84.306
5.327 2.451
-8.395 -6.177
-71.631 -25.48
-1.476 0.925

-78.563 4.611
5,200.25 5,835.46
-903.33 -390.52
55.523 -21.946
0 0
-10.988 10.856
-73.406 -27.035
-11.786 -1.817
-729.08 -38.455
21.691 82.519
-200.59 -371.42
818.51 -840.99
5.806 110.96
29.392 217.03
11.259 1.917
-120.43 34.257
4,156.81 4,600.81
-963.03 -1,212.35
3,193.77 3,388.45

-1,697.00 -1,418.84
0.949 5.976
0 0
0 0
-0.5 -5.145
-374.68 -1,089.98
266.39 156.52
0.029 0.035
-1,804.82 -2,351.44
1,388.96 1,037.02

For the year ended March For the year

31, 2018 ended March 31,

0.048 0.46
19.285 82.638
0 0
-364.48 -272.41
0.00 0.00
-53.471 -72.079
-661.79 -248.39
-1,060.41 -534.40
328.55 502.62
328.13 502.62
844.37 341.75
1,172.50 844.37
0.714 0.626

148.58 71.523
1,023.21 772.22
1,172.50 844.37
Column1 Column2
Particulars Note No.

Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 1
Capital Work-in-Progress 1
Goodwill 1
Other Intangible Assets 1
Financial Assets:
Investments 2
Other Non-Current Assets 3
Total Non-Current Assets
Current Assets
Inventories 4
Financial Assets:
Trade Receivables 5
Cash and Cash Equivalents 6
Others Current Financial Assets 7
Other Current Assets 8
Total Current Assets
Total Assets
Equity and Liabilities
Equity Share Capital 9
Equity Share Capital pending allotment upon scheme of Arrangement 10
Other Equity 11
Non Controlling Interest
Total Equity
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 12
Other Non-Current Liabilities 13
Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 14
Total Non-Current Liabilities
Current Liabilities:
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 15
Trade Payables due to:
Micro and Small Enterprise
Other than Micro and Small Enterprise
Other Current Liabilities 16
Provisions 17
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Total Equity and Liabilities
Column3 Column4 Column5 Column6
As at As at As at As at
31st March, 2020 31st March, 2019 31st March, 2018 31st March, 2017

2,467.57 2,145.35 1,996.17 1,694.90

1,417.64 794.57 436.23 269.52
0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42
0.50 0.90 1.30 1.70

37.01 33.16 47.22 46.96

404.49 306.43 225.18 168.36
4,327.63 3,280.83 2,706.52 2,181.86

835.68 771.79 747.30 571.41

753.44 776.04 590.75 524.67

247.29 804.20 32.10 28.50
135.66 190.66 224.80 168.70
32.80 34.42 25.99 23.91
2,004.87 2,577.11 1,620.94 1,317.19
6,332.50 5,857.94 4,327.46 3,499.05

87.12 43.33 40.65 41.06

NIL 0.22
2,891.65 2,587.22 1,537.78 1,321.41
94.62 83.95 77.02 63.85
3,073.39 2,714.72 1,655.45 1,426.32

580.84 814.80 908.27 596.44

550.89 203.24 NIL 0.45
211.01 193.01 177.41 155.44
1,342.74 1,211.05 1,085.68 752.33

1,229.67 1,290.83 1,012.48 839.29


345.16 279.28 357.49 299.72
301.63 319.64 185.32 153.56
39.91 42.42 31.04 27.83
1,916.37 1,932.17 1,586.33 1,320.40
3,259.11 3,143.22 2,672.01 2,072.73
6,332.50 5,857.94 4,327.46 3,499.05
No. Particulars
A. Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
Net Profit before Tax and Exceptional/Extraordinary Items
Adjustments for:
Finance Costs
Consolidated Adjustments
Loss on Sale of Assets

Profit on Sale of Investments/Assets

Dividend Received from other Investments
Lease Rent Received
Operating Profit before Working Capital Changes
Adjustments for:
(Increase)/Decrease in Trade and Other Receivables
Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Payables and Other Current Liabilities
(Increase)/Decrease in Inventories
Cash Generated from Operations
Direct Taxes Paid
Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities (A)
B. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
Addition to Property, Plant & Equipment/Capital WIP
Sale/Written off of Property, Plant & Equipment
(Increase)/Decrease in Other Investments
Dividend Received from Other Investments
Profit on Sale of Investments
Lease Rent Received
Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (B)
C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities:
Proceeds of Long-Term Borrowings
Repayment of Long-Term Borrowings
Proceeds/(Repayment) of Other Borrowings
Increase in Equity through QIP Allotment (Net of Expenses)
Finance Costs
Dividend Paid
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities (C)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C)
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Opening Balance)
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Opening Balance of Demerged Co.)
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Closing Balance)
For the Year Ended For the Year Ended
31st March, 2020 31st March, 2019

676.18 621.97

124.78 182.54
185.21 162.68
(1.85) 0.67
984.32 967.86
(8.49) -1.69
(0.07) -0.01
(0.08) -0.07
975.68 966.09

(4.69) -153.61
358.81 128.79
(63.90) -74.33
1,265.90 866.94
(163.84) -130.74
1,102.06 736.2

(1,153.29) -793.61
27.79 2.6
(2.59) -6.07
0.07 0.01
3.88 0
0.08 0.07
(1,124.06) -797

74.10 241.65
(316.09) -201.94
(61.16) 278.35
(0.60) 741.4
(124.78) -182.54
(106.38) -43.99
(534.91) 832.93
(556.91) 772.13
804.20 32.09
NIL -0.02
247.29 804.2
For the Year Ended For the Year Ended
31st March, 2018 31st March, 2017

429.01 415.6

131.65 117.34
146.23 122.52
-3.26 0
0.29 0
704.02 655.46
-6.67 -0.8
-0.06 0
-0.26 -0.25
697.03 654.41

-145.57 -5.68
58.14 -4.98
-175.88 -76.22
433.72 567.53
-98.82 -97.46
334.9 470.07

614.78 -530.22
0.73 0.33
3.35 0.78
0.06 0

0.26 0.25
-610.38 -528.86

468.53 200.04
-122.55 -60.69
173.19 132.89
-98.45 -96
-131.65 -117.34
-10 -0.6
279.07 58.3
3.59 -0.49
28.5 28.99

32.09 28.5

Gross Revenue from Operations
Less: GST Collected
Net Revenue from Operations
Other Income
Total Revenue
Cost of Materials Consumed (Incl. Packing Material, Fuel, Stores & Spares)
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-progress and Stock-in-Trade
Employee Benefits Expenses
Finance Costs
Depreciation and Amortisation Expenses
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Current Year Tax
Earlier Year Tax
MAT Credit Entitlement
Deferred Tax
PROFITTax Expenses
Profit attributable to Non Controlling Interest
Note No. For the Year Ended For the Year Ended_1 For the Year Ended_2
31st March, 2020 31st March, 2019 31st March, 2018

18 4,620.69 4,705.51 3806.06

434.38 537.95
4,186.31 4,167.56
19 8.84 2.10 7.77
4,195.15 4,169.66 3813.83

20 1,780.92 2,032.56 2169.96

274.65 183.47 117.46
21 0.75 (59.40) -105.89
22 305.22 242.82 190.14
23 124.78 182.54 13.65
1 185.21 162.68 146.23
24 847.44 803.02 735.27
3,518.44 3,547.69 3384.82
676.18 621.97 429.01

118.13 136.65 87.81

0.38 (2.05) -0.01
(7.09) (38.79) -26.91
18.00 21.99 21.97
129.42 117.80 82.88
546.76 504.17 346.13
(10.68) (12.44) -13.17
536.08 491.73 332.96
For the Year Ended_3
31st March, 2017




Non-Current Assets Non Current Asset
Property, Plant and Equipment
Capital Work-in-Progress
Other Intangible Assets
Financial Assets;
- Other financial assets
Other non-current assets
Current Assets
Financial Assets
- Investments
- Trade Receivables
- Cash and cash Equivalents
- Bank balances other than cash and cash e
- Loans
- Others financial assets
Current Tax Assets (Net)
Other current assets
Total Assets
Equity And Liabilities
Equity Share Capital
Other Equity
Total Equity
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
- Other Financial Liabilities
Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net)
Other non-current liabilities
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
- Borrowings
- Trade Payables
(A) total oustanding dues of micro & small
(B) total outstanding dues otherthan micro
- Other Financial Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Current Tax Liabilities (Net)
Total Liabilities
Total Equity and Liabilities
As at As at
31st March 2020 31st March 2019 As at 31st March, 2018 As at 31st March, 2017

74,909.44 47,191.10 45,329.61 46,309.83

3,097.07 19,117.50 3,487.96 738.23
166.65 259.81 354.86 450.40

311.81 316.23 235.12 301.64

1,555.95 2,765.39 2,298.37 1,608.28

9,317.07 9,239.46 8,223.38 6,506.95

22,739.47 9,647.34 13,173.86 6,182.83

20,177.65 24,397.73 17,711.38 14,054.17
909.32 4.06 4.69 26.91
4,460.75 376.10 519.73 447.77
30.34 5.11 105.73 94.78
225.06 10.40 46.33 27.53
817.80 1,178.78 1,772.27 1,307.09
5,578.96 8,248.48 4,732.16 4,056.90
1,44,297.34 1,22,757.49 97,995.45 82,113.31

1,027.82 1,027.82 1,027.82 1,031.82

1,26,912.75 1,04,100.06 78,638.53 66,968.92
1,27,940.57 1,05,127.88 79,66635 68,000.74

24.72 25.29 - -
7,048.32 8,456.83 27.42 1,477.14
382.65 267.55 8,085.53 6,954.90
288.18 340.54

34.65 368.26
1520 231.62
215.61 148.80 6344.81 3272,4
5,350.41 5,162.84 663.03 572.8
310.12 761.66 761.02 992
1,416.04 1,053.80 267.42 267.3
443.65 323.56 371.45 1.3
1,130.60 1,061.02
16,356.77 17,629.61 18,329.10 1,411,237
1,44,297.34 1,22,757.49 97,995.45 82,113.31
Year ended 31st Year ended 31st March
Particulars March 2020 2019
Revenue from Operations 1,02,887.39 1,12,792.36
4,498.92 3,017.10
Other Income
Total Income 1,07,386.31 1,15,809.46
Cost of materials consumed 43,150 52,859
Excise Duty 00,0 00,0
Changes in inventories of Finished Goods,
Stock-in-Trade and Work-in- Progress (279) (349)
Employee Benefits expense 6,427.70 05,420
Finance Costs 109 94.40
Depreciation and Amortisation expense 03,316 02,739
Other Expenses 12,196 12,522
Total Expenses 64,919.05 73,285
Profit Before Tax 42,467.26 42,524
Tax Expense (Refer Note 28(i)(e) and 28(k))
Current Tax 09,560 13,862
Deferred Tax (01,409) 371.30
Earlier year Adjustments 934 42
Total Tax Expense 09,085 14,275
Profit For The Year 33,382 28,249
Other Comprehensive Income
Items that will not be reclassified to Profit or
Remeasurements of Defined Benefit Plans (50) 1.00
Income Tax relating to items that will not be
reclassified to Profit or Loss 13 (0)
Total Other Comprehensive Income for the (37.51) 0.65
Year, Net of Tax
Total Comprehensive Income for the Year 33,344.97 28,249.49
Earnings Per Equity Share
Basic 32 27
Diluted 32 27
Year ended 31st March, Year ended 31st March,
2018 2017

75,587.44 68,133.32

1672.1 1,248.34
77,289.59 69,381.66

37,023.20 30,612.67
1,251.79 4,053.95

705.10 -558.2
4,898.39 4,187.79
121.09 186.25
2,336.26 2,160.56
10,588.13 8,142.11
56,952.24 48,785.13
20,33735 20,596.53

5,555.71 4,784.38
1,130.63 2,010.99
(737.11) (226.35)
5,949.23 6,569.02
14,388.12 14,027.51

(18.37) (222.47)

6.36 76.99

(12.01) (145.48)
14,376.11 13,882.03

27.93 27.19
27.93 27.19
(1) Depreciable Tangible fixed Assets
Total Tangible Assets
less Land (Depreciation not Charged)
All Tangible Fixed Assets except Land
Owned assets :
Plant, machinery and equipment
Furniture, fixtures

Office appliances
Assets taken on lease :

Leasehold land
Leasehold Improvements
Total Tangible Depreciable Fixed Assets

(2) Manufacturing related

Buildings (80%)
Plant, machinery and equipment(100%)
Furniture, fixtures (50%)
Office appliances (50%)
Assets taken on lease :
Leasehold land (80%)
Improvements (80%)

(3) = (2) as a % of (1)

(4) Depreciation Expense

Change in Depreciation
% of total (Depr+Ammr)
Depreciation&Ammortization Expense
Only Depreciation

(5) Depreciation in COGM = (3) X (4)

(6) Depreciation in Operating Exp = (4) - (5)

Split Employee Expense into COGM and Operating

Employee cost / benefits expense reported in I/S

Operating Expense(10%)

Split Other Exp

(A) Expenses included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be manufacturing related

Expenses reported in Note 23 to

"Other Expenses"

Power fuel and water

Consumption of stores and spare parts
Repairs to buildings
Repairs to plant, machinery etc.
Rates and taxes
Processing expenses
Water charges
Miscl expenses
Other Manufacturing Expenses

(B) Cost of own Product internally used/capitalized (to be deducted from COGM)

(C) Items included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be Non-Op

CSR expenses
Bank charges

(D) Expenses included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be Operating Expenses

Other Expenses (Reported amount) in I/S

less A included in COGM
Add B Internally Used
Add/Less C if Gain/(Loss)
Other Expenses to be included in Operating Expenses
Ascertainment of Cost of Goods Manufactured & Sold
Cost of materials consumed
Excise duty on sales of goods
Employee benefit expense (COGM)
Depreciation &Ammortization (COGM)
Other Expenses (COGM)
= Manufacturing Cost Incurred
Less: Change in Work in Progress and any Intermediate Inventory

= Cost of Goods Manufactured

Less: Own Manufactured Goods Internally used/capitalized

= Cost of Goods Transferred to Finished Goods Inventory

Less: Change in Finished Goods Inventory

Add/Less: Any adjustment related to Finished Goods Inventory

= Cost of Finished Goods Sold

= Cost of Goods Sold

Reorganized Income Statement

Revenue from core Operation

Less: Other Operating Revenues
Less: COGS
Gross Profit

Less: Operating Expenses

Add: Other Operating Revenues

Operating Profit
Add/ Less Operating Gain/Loss
EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes)
Finance Cost

Profit Before Tax

Income Tax

Profit After Tax

Splitting Depreciation and Ammortization into COGM and Operating Expenses (i
2020 2019 2018 2017
7490.90 4719.10 4532.90 4630.9
2.61 2.61 0.00 0
7488.29 4716.49 4532.90 4630.90

2119.20 1680.80 1554.50 1489.7

5325.30 2991.20 2929.40 3089.3
27.60 25.93 27.80 26.5

5.22 4.62 4.68 6.203

10.80 13.70 16.30 18.8
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0

0.00 0.00 0.00 0
7488.12 4716.25 4532.68 4630.50

2020 2019 2018 2017

1801.32 1428.68 1321.33 1266.25
5059.04 2841.64 2782.93 2934.84
13.80 12.97 13.90 13.25
3.65 3.23 3.28 4.34
5.40 6.85 8.15 9.40
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6883.21 4293.37 4129.58 4228.07
91.92% 91.03% 91.11% 91.31%

1707.326 1412.2 1411.6 1190.4

295.126 0.600000000000136 221.2 662.4
94% 102% 96% 93%
332 274 234 216
312.173862601118 278.026395939085 223.440854710463 200.442991837489

286.96 253.10 203.57 183.02

25.22 24.93 19.87 17.42

it Employee Expense into COGM and Operating Expenses

2020 2019 2018 2017
642.77 542.00 489.84 418.78
578.493 487.8036 440.8551 376.9011
64.28 54.20 48.98 41.88

Split Other Expenses into COGM, Operating Expenses and Non-Operating Expenses


Reported in Rs millions
2020 2019 2018 2017

501.49 544.30 465.00 358.30

312.98 323.80 265.80 204.56
1.37 1.47 1.70 1.09
13.10 21.00 22.30 10.50
31.30 33.10 25.52 23.73
26.26 16.88 13.74 7.92
9.29 8.50 9.28 5.14
137.90 116.47 100.90 64.72
24.30 19.19 18.96 11.11
20.00 24.90 15.60 16.50
21.10 18.50 18.87 14.47
2.70 2.50 2.36 2.49
37.10 46.00 34.80 36.80
1057.99 1084.71 923.20 687.07

ed in "Other Expenses" and likely to be Non-Operating

2020 2019 2018 2017
36.69 28.01 11.3 21.5
9.438 12.34 20 8.907
46.128 40.35 31.3 30.407

2020 2019 2018 2017

1219.58 1252.25 1058.81 814.21
1019.58 1050.96 892.60 668.54
0 0 0 0
46.13 40.35 31.30 30.41
153.87 160.94 134.92 115.26
2020 2019 2018
4,315 5,286 3,702
0 0 125.179
578.493 487.8036 440.8551
302.9 249.7 212.0
1019.58 1050.96 892.60
6215.97 7074.32 5372.95
-30.2 23.1 6.34

6185.77 7097.42 5379.29

0 0 0

6185.77 7097.42 5379.29

2.2 -58.013 84

-0.10 0 -20

6187.97 7039.41 5443.29

6187.97 7039.41 5443.29

2020 2019 2018

10,289 11,279 7,558
183.46 203.43 146.4
6187.97 7039.41 5443.29
3,917.27 4,036.36 1,968.51

Employee cost 64.28 54.20 48.98

Depreciation &Ammortization 28.68 24.20 21.63
Other expenses 153.87 160.94 134.92

183.46 203.43 146.4

3,853.90 4,000.46 1,909.38

Other Income 449.8 301.7 167.2
Included in Other expenses 46.128 40.35 31.3

4,257.58 4,261.81 2,045.28

10.922 9.44 12.109

4,246.65 4,252.37 2,033.17

Total Tax 908.48 1,427.52 594.92
Current Tax 956 1,386 556
Earlier Year adjustment 93 4 -74
Defered Tax -140.851 37.13 113.063
3,338.18 2,824.84 1,438.25
OGM and Operating Expenses (in millions)
2016 (1) Amortizable Intangible Fixed Assets 2020 2019
Total Intangible Assets 16.66 25.98
Computer Software 1.83 3.27
Technical Knowhow 14.84 22.71

Total Intangible Assets 16.66 25.98

(2) Manufacturing related 2020 2019

Supply Agreement(100%) 1.83 3.27
Computer software(80%) 11.87 18.17

Total 13.70 21.44

(3) = (2) as a % of (1) 82% 83%

528 (4) Ammortization Expense 80.04 61.67

Change in Ammortization 18.37 -0.009
% of total (Depr+Ammr) 6% -2%
Depreciation&Ammortization Expense 332 274
Only Ammortization 19.43113739888 -4.170395939

(5) Amortization in COGM = (3) X (4) 15.97 (3.44)

(6) Amortization in Operating Exp = (4) - (5) 3.46 (0.73)

ng Expenses

% in COGM
2020 2019 2018 2017

100% 501.49 544.30 465.00 358.30

100% 312.98 323.80 265.80 204.56
20% 0.27 0.29 0.34 0.22
80% 10.48 16.80 17.84 8.40
100% 31.30 33.10 25.52 23.73
80% 21.01 13.50 10.99 6.34
80% 7.43 6.80 7.42 4.11
80% 110.32 93.18 80.72 51.78
100% 24.30 19.19 18.96 11.11
100% 20.00 24.90 15.60 16.50
50% 10.55 9.25 9.44 7.24
50% 1.35 1.25 1.18 1.24
50% 18.55 23.00 17.40 18.40
1019.58 1050.96 892.60 668.54












2018 2017
35.49 45.00
4.90 7.739
30.59 37.26

35.49 45.00

2018 2017
4.90 7.74
24.47 29.81

29.37 37.55
83% 83%

61.679 51.596
10.083 51.596
4% 7%
234 216
10.185145 15.613008

8.43 13.03

1.76 2.59
Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2020
Particulars Audited
A.Cash Flow from Operating Activities :
Net Profit Before Tax
Adjustment for :
Depreciation 03,316
Finance Costforeign exchange
(including loss/(gain)
fair value change in financial (972)
instruments) 109
Interest Income -239.27
Dividend Income -713
Net gains on fair value changes on financial assets
classified as FVTPL -302.39
Net gain on sale of Investments classified as FVTPL -83.06
Remeasurements of Defined
Loss / (Gain) on Sale benefit
/ Disposal plans Plant and
of Property, -50.13
Equipment (2)
Operating Profit/(Loss) before Working Capital Changes
Trade receivables 5,191.60
Other Non Current Financial assets (13)
Other Non Current Assets 12
Other Current Assets 02,670
Inventories (78)
Trade Payable 254
Provisions 120
Other non-current liabilities 115.10
Other Current Financial Liabilities
Other current liabilities 362.24
Cash Generated from Operations
Direct Taxes paid
Net Cash from Operating Activities

B.Cash Flow From Investing Activities

Purchase of Property, Plant and Equipment (31,009)
Capital Work in Progress And Capital Advance 17,218
Proceeds from sale of Property, Plant and Equipment 70
Purchase of Investments (04,860)
Proceeds from sale of Investments 2,189.90
Loans (Financial assets) (25)
Deposits/Balances with Banks (04,067)
Interest Income 25
Dividend income 713.00

Net Cash Used In Investing Activities

C. Cash Flow from Financing Activities

(Repayments) / Proceeds from Working Capital Facilities (Net)
Non Current Financial Liabilities - Security Deposits -0.57
Shares Buyback
Repayment of term loans
Interest paid (109)
Dividend and Corporate Dividend Tax (10,462)
Net Cash from Financing Activities
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents
2019 2018

42,467 42,524

02,739 2,544.70
(485) (314.71)
94.40 110.78
(141) (50.40)
(469) (714.09)


1.00 (18.37)
01,064 (3) 01,508 3.19
43,531 44,033
(06,460) (3,339.03)
(12) (21.97)
(2) (282.42)
(03,310) (675.26)
(01,016) (1,716.43)
(985) 3,067.55
56 (2.28)
(21) (52.37)

81.10 95.79
08,112 293 (11,376) (231.75)
51,642.90 32,657
(10,050) (12,621)
41,593 20,036

(04,512) (7,252.83)
(16,094) (407.68)
10 3,030.95
(04,507) (10.95)
101 42.74
86 714.09

(19,746) (24,271)


(10,905) (04,026)
10,942 (08,262)
2018 2017

20,337.35 20,596.53


1,561.10 (2.15) 1,593.55
21,898.45 22,190.08

(3,158.48) 271.86 (3,796.42)
18,739.97 18,393.66
(4,907.23) (5,350.21)
13,832.74 13,043.45


(3,878.29) (2,679.02)

1288.6 -32.7
1447 0
-110 156.7
-316 - 354.11
(2,985.64) (4,507.85)
6,968.81 5,856.58
As at
Column1 March 31, 2020
i. AsseTs
Non-Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 1787.56
(b) Capital Work-in-Progress 172.27
(c) Right-of-use Assets 14.35
(d) Other Intangible Assets 30.07
(e) Financial Assets
Investments 2.38
Loans 1.06
Other Financial Assets 8.8
(f) Non-Current Tax Assets (Net) 6
(g) Other Non-Current Assets 29.82
Total Non-Current Assets 2052.31
Current Assets
(a) Inventories 394.5
(b) Financial Assets
Trade Receivables 612.72
Cash and Cash Equivalents 2.14
Bank Balances Other than Cash and Cash Equivalents above 29.26
Other Financial Assets 1.62
(c) Other Current Assets 113.83
(d) Assets classified as held for sale 2.23
Total Current Assets 1156.3
ToTAL AsseTs 3208.61
ii. equiTy AND LiABiLiTies
(a) Equity Share Capital 27.28
(b) Other Equity 1544.63
Total equity 1571.91
Non-Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 779.43
Lease Liabilities 13.46
(b) Provisions 14.4
(c) Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 79.61
(d) Other Non-Current Liabilities 0.85
Total Non-Current Liabilities 887.75
Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 248.42
Trade Payables
Total outstanding dues of
a) micro enterprises and small enterprises 6.7
b) creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 357.56
Lease Liabilities 1.93
Other Financial Liabilities 95.88
(b) Provisions 12.04
(c) Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 0.97
(d) Other Current Liabilities 25.45
Total Current Liabilities 748.95
Total Liabilities 1636.7
ToTAL equiTy AND LiABiLiTies 3208.61
As at as at as at
March 31, 2019 March 31, 2018 March 31, 2017

1,700.56 Err:507 Err:507

33.87 Err:507 Err:507
15.27 Err:507 Err:507

2.39 Err:507 Err:507

1.36 Err:507 Err:507
6.76 Err:507 Err:507
2.04 Err:507 Err:507
3.81 Err:507 Err:507
1,766.06 Err:507 Err:507

410.73 Err:507 Err:507

Err:507 Err:507
574.96 Err:507 Err:507
2.96 Err:507 Err:507
22.81 Err:507 Err:507
1.91 Err:507 Err:507
148.00 Err:507 Err:507
1,161.72 Err:507 Err:507
2,927.78 Err:507 Err:507

27.28 Err:507 Err:507

1,044.31 Err:507 Err:507
1,071.59 Err:507 Err:507

869.86 Err:507 Err:507

11.44 Err:507 Err:507
77.46 Err:507 Err:507
13.80 Err:507
972.56 Err:507 Err:507

255.05 Err:507 Err:507

7.77 Err:507
464.66 Err:507 Err:507
115.90 Err:507 Err:507
7.62 Err:507 Err:507
28.89 Err:507 77.79
883.63 Err:507 807.30
1,856.19 Err:507 1072.62
2,927.78 Err:507 1787.48
Column1 Column2
I. Revenue from Operations
II. Other Income
III. Total income (i+ii)
IV. expenses
(a) Cost of Materials Consumed
(b) PurchaseinofInventories
(c) Changes Traded Goods
of Finished Goods, Work-in-Progress
and Traded Goods
*Excise Duty
(d) Employee Benefits Expense
(e) Power & Fuel Expenses
(f) Finance Costs
(g) Depreciation and Amortisation Expense
(h) Other Expenses
Total expenses (iv)
V. Profit before tax (III-IV)
VI. Exceptional
Profit BeforeItems
of NetNote 2.4)
Profit of Investments Accounted for
VII. using equity Method and Tax (v+vi)
VIII. Share of Loss of Associate Company accounted for using the Equity Method
IX. Profit Before Tax (VII+VIII)
VI. Tax expense
(a) Current Tax
(b) Deferred Tax
Excess Provision of Earlier Years
VII. Profit for the Year (V-VI)
VIII. other Comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss:
(a) Remeasurement of defined benefit obligations (net)
(b) Tax effect of remeasurement of defined benefit liabilities/ (assets)
(c) Fair Value gains on Investments
(d) Tax effect of Fair value gains on Investments
Total other Comprehensive income for the year (viii)
IX. Total Comprehensive income for the year (vii+viii)
X. Profit is attributable to:
Owners of the Group
Non-Controlling Interest
XI. Other Comprehensive Income is attributable to:
Owners of the Group
Non-Controlling Interest
XII. Total Comprehensive Income is attributable to:
Owners of the Group
Non-Controlling Interest
earnings per equity share
(a) Basic (Nominal Value per share ` 2)
(b) Diluted (Nominal Value per share ` 2)
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
4,229.71 2,699.92 1676.182 1454.7073
35.20 15.12 12.2927 10.906
4,264.91 2,715.04 1688.4747 1465.6133

2,347.91 1,748.27 840.5807706.0077

- 52.02 187.4993165.7591
25.59 (153.59) 10.7078-25.9115
24.728 84.0024
218.53 179.77 136.1526122.2908
285.19 207.33 119.879102.4394
114.87 83.24 45.1474 34.1219
139.73 77.79 52.5997 48.0353
326.69 252.23 160.3285164.6476
3,458.51 2,447.06 1577.623
806.40 267.98 110.8517 64.2206
- 70.4838
11,085.17 134.7044
- -0.1421
11,085.17 134.5623

192.08 60.74 25.953 31.883 31.836 38.2472

3.29 33.58 8.7681 6.3642
611.03 173.66 79.0157 96.3151

(4.96) (4.44) 1.0869 -3.4344

1.14 1.55 -0.3701 1.0218
0.02 0.08 0.2097
- (0.03) -0.0713
(3.80) (2.84) 0.8552 -2.4126
607.23 170.82 79.8709 93.9025

611.03 173.66 79.0157 96.3151

- -

(3.80) (2.84) 0.8552 -2.4126

- -

607.23 170.82 79.8709 93.9025

- - -

44.80 12.73 6 8.21

44.80 12.73 6 8.21

(A) CAsh fLoW fRoM opeRATiNg ACTiviTies

Profit for the Tax
Add: Income YearExpense recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Profit
and Loss
Profit Before Tax
Non-Cash Adjustment to Reconcile Profit Before Tax to Net Cash Flows
1. Depreciation / Amortisation
2. Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets

3. Provision for Doubtful Debts

4. Gain on Redemption of Investment
5. Interest Expenses
6. Interest Income
7. Dividend Income (represents ` 878 (Previous Year ` 638))
8. Fair Value Gains
9. Foreign Exchange Fluctuation on account of Financing Activities
Operating Profit Before Change in Operating Assets and Liabilities
Movements in Working Capital :
1. (Increase)/Decrease in Inventories
2. (Increase)/Decrease in Trade Receivables
3. (Increase)/Decrease in Non Current Loans
4. (Increase)/Decrease in Other Financial Assets
5. (Increase)/Decrease in Other Assets
6. Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Payables
7. Increase/(Decrease) in Other Financial Liabilities
8. Increase/(Decrease) in Other Liabilities
9. Increase/(Decrease) in Provisions
Cash generated from operations
Less: Income tax paid (net of refund)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities (A)

(B) CAsh fLoW

1. Purchase fRoM iNvesTiNg
of Property, Plant &ACTiviTies
Equipment, including Capital
Work-in-Progress, Capital Advances & Payable for Capital Expenditure
2. Purchase of Intangible Assets
3. Proceeds from Sale of Property, Plant & Equipment
4. Insurance claims received

5. Purchase of Current Investments

6. Proceeds from Redemption/Maturity of Current Investments
7. Deposit with bank
8. Interest received
9. Dividend received (represents ` 878 (Previous Year ` 638))

10. Increase/(Decrease) in Liabilities related to Capital Assets

Net Cash Outflow from Investing Activities (B)
(C) CAsh fLoW fRoM fiNANCiNg ACTiviTies

1. Proceeds from Non-Current Borrowings

2. Repayment of Non-Current Borrowings
3. Net Proceeds from Current Borrowings

4. Interest paid
5. Dividend paid on Equity Shares and Dividend Distribution Tax
6. Margin Money Deposit
7. Principal repayment of Lease Liability
8. Interest cost of Lease
Net Cash Inflow/(Outflow) from Financing Activities (C)
Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the Financial Year
Cash and Cash equivalents at the end of the financial year

Reconciliation of Cash and Cash equivalents

Balances with Banks:
In Current Accounts
In EEFC Accounts
Cash on hand
Total Cash and Cash equivalents as per note 12 A.
Column2 Column3 Column5 Column7
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17

611.03 173.66 79.0157 93.9025

195.37 94.32 31.836 38.2472
806.40 267.98 110.8517 134.7044

139.73 77.79 52.7597 48.0353

6.33 4.28 5.4734 1.6133
7.41 0.73 3.1457 -1.1346
(0.33) (0.47) -3.9537 -2.7389
114.87 83.25 45.1474 34.1219
(2.12) (1.48) -1.5588 -1.6788
(0.00) (0.00) -0.0001 -0.0007
0.04 (0.00) -0.0964 0.1136
1.98 (3.42) 0.0105 0.0053
1,074.31 428.66 211.7794 142.4197

16.18 (85.17) -158.2523 -33.0974

(41.92) (161.86) -53.0406 -44.9437
0.29 (0.05) 0.0493 0.4993
(2.88) 2.13 5.0813 -19.2006
34.15 10.25 -79.8204 -5.2596
(111.84) (19.35) 266.1213 32.616
3.54 (62.18) -0.0628 0.1422
(11.26) 0.77 18.3403 -7.7944
2.59 3.15 0.6629 -0.1543
963.16 116.37 210.8584 65.2272
198.48 56.09 27.859 16.2212
764.68 60.27 182.9994 49.006

(398.39) (242.74) -621.7428 -296.2325

(19.04) (12.79) -0.5395 0
1.43 1.70 1.1196 55.0338
- 17.83 7.5 Err:522
5.2796 Err:522
(221.00) (107.78) -296.6477 -713.5411
221.33 137.65 381.9447 683.9015
- 18.07 -30.2622 Err:522
2.12 1.57 1.5544 0.9076
0.00 0.00 0.0001 0.0007
(14.37) 23.93 27.0662 -66.3621
(427.94) (162.55) -524.7277 -352.5541

146.2798 146.4323
24.76 380.77 475.7575 218.3902
(125.37) (104.52) -168.1208 -85.0529
(8.17) (73.00) -43.3632 72.6174
-1.691 10
(113.42) (84.13) -44.9672 -34.1505
(106.01) (21.29) -18.7963 146.4323
(5.59) (2.03) 0.2158 -6.8831
(1.77) -
(1.99) -
(337.56) 95.81 345.3146 304.6199
(0.82) (6.46) 3.5864 1.0718
2.96 9.43 5.8402 4.7684
2.14 2.96 9.4266 5.8402

1.54 1.35 9.2974 5.6881

0.46 1.51 0.1145 0.1521
0.14 0.10 0.0147
2.14 2.96 9.4266 5.8402
Particulars Note No.
1 Non-Current Assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 4
(b) Right of Use assets 5
(c) Capital Work-In-Progress 4
(d) Goodwill 6
(e) Other Intangible Assets 6
(f) Investments accounted for using equity method 7
(g) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 8
(ii) Loans 11
(iii) Other Financial Assets 13
(h) Income Tax Assets (net) 18
(i) Deferred Tax Assets (net) 53
(j) Other Non-Current Assets 20
Total Non-Current Assets
2 Current Assets
(a) Inventories 17
(b) Financial Assets
(i) Investments 9
(ii) Trade Receivables 10
(iii) Cash and Cash Equivalents 15
(iv) Bank balances other than (iii) above 16
(v) Loans 12
(vi) Other Financial Assets 14
(c) Current Tax Assets (net) 19
(d) Other Current Assets 21
(e) Assets held for Sale
Total Current Assets
(a) Equity Share Capital 22
(b) Other Equity 23
Equity attributable to owners of the Company
Non-Controlling Interests 42(b)
Total Equity
1 Non-Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 24
(ii) Lease Liabilities 54
(ii) Other Financial Liabilities 27
(b) Provisions 29
(c) Deferred Tax Liabilities (net) 53
Total Non-Current Liabilities
2 Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
(i) Borrowings 25
(ii) Trade Payables 26
(iii) Other Financial Liabilities 54
(b) Other Current Liabilities 28
(c) Provisions 31
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (net) 28
Total Current Liabilities
As at 31st March 2020 As at 31st March 2019 As at 31st March 2018 As at 31st March 2017

1,141.95 913.32 802.59 789.12

147 0
259 242.13 227.73 147.71
184 184.99 177.42 133.83
333 349.3 362.18 352.3
25 24.43 25.03 22.02

441 371.87 105.99 31.27

4 3.06 5.91 8.43
42 41.74 38.81 34.3
109 102.06 64.82 42.1
13 10.72 5.86 3.76
72 88.89 79.34 75.36
2774 2332.51 1,895.68 1,640.20

929 934.45 804.33 720.86

719 1151.4 1,114.92 1,389.81

1,088.00 1,056.01 938.13 768.54
692 128.12 149.34 90.37
11.02 62.31 14.24 9.57
17.38 12.12 11.85 13.03
103.18 71.61 65.49 48.99
1.93 2.62 28.64 0.28
197.5 163.36 175.49 92.54
0 0 6.35 0
3760 3582 3,308.78 3,133.99
6535.7 5914.51 5,204.46 4,774.19

50.81 50.8 50.78 51.27

4,404.00 4,097.29 3,523.26 3,419.64
4,455.00 4,148.09 3,574.04 3,470.91
215 207.15 175.01 127.32
4671 4355.24 3,749.05 3,598.23

25 8.51 7.11 4.85

83 0 91.24 24.45
7 85.98 38.17 32.78
51 49.93 110.66 91.47
82 120.14 247.18 153.55
249.71 258.56

143 102.54 115.44 92.66

621 580.64 543.81 390.32
697 497.22 443.12 418.29
122 89.55 79.09 90.04
21 19.79 13.07 14.14
8 10.97 13.7 16.96
1614.73 1300.71 1,208.23 1,022.41
1864.44 1559.27 1,455.41 1,175.96
6,535.70 5,914.51 5,204.46 4,774.19
Particulars Note No.
Revenue from Operations 32
Other Income 33
Total Income
Cost of Materials Consumed 34
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade
Changes in inventories of Finished Goods
Work-in-Progress and Stock-in-Trade 35

Excise Duty on sale of goods

Employee Benefits Expense 36
Finance Costs 37
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 38
Other Expenses 39
Total Expenses
Share of Profit in Associate 40(a)
Share of Profit in Joint Venture 40(b)
Profit before Tax
Tax Expense
Current Tax 53
Deferred Tax 53
Net Tax Expense
Profit for the year
Other Comprehensive Income
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Remeasurement of Defined Benefit Plan
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
Exchange difference on translation of foreign operation
Total Other Comprehensive Loss
Total Comprehensive Income for the year
Total Profit for the year
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company
Non-Controlling Interest 41
Other Comprehensive Income
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company
Non-Controlling Interest 41
Total Comprehensive Income for the year
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company
Non-Controlling Interest
Earnings Per Equity Share:
Basic 45
For the year ended 31st March 2020 For the year ended 31st March 2019

7,294.47 7,078.74
149.43 146.64
7,443.90 7,225.38

2,997.71 3,265.51
383.57 396.28

21.22 -75.21

0 0
927.22 836.66
33.6 26.07
169.92 132.74
1,388.73 1,287.29
5,921.97 5,869.34
1521.93 1356.04
3.03 3.6
1,524.96 1,341.62

383.99 406.58
-36.27 6.65
347.72 413.23
1122.05 928.39

-14.63 -6.29
3.58 1.83

14.59 7.23
3.54 2.77
1125.59 931.16

1119.84 927.73
5.75 3.43

3.42 2.82
0.12 -0.05

1116.42 927.73
5.43 3.43
21.98 18.21
21.97 18.2
For the year ended 31st March 2018 For the year ended 31st March 2017

6,218.76 6,062.31
148.41 112.25
6,367.17 6,174.56

2,565.02 2,270.43
318.86 399.86

3.77 -30.73

140.35 445.52
712.4 645.27
15.54 13.93
119.88 115.14
1,137.14 1,072.17
5,012.96 4,931.59
4.75 3.53
-0.16 1.77
1,358.80 1,248.27

371.08 375.28
18.63 9.77
392.71 385.05
966.09 863.22

-0.02 -2.21
0 -0.04

-1.52 0
-1.54 -2.17
964.55 861.05

962.35 859.99
3.74 3.23

-1.7 -2.17
0.16 0

960.65 857.82
3.9 3.23
18.95 16.77
18.94 16.77
Splitting Depreciation a
(1) Depreciable Tangible fixed Assets 2020 2019
Total Tangible Assets 1141.95 913.32
less Land (Depreciation not Charged) 84.40 53.30
All Tangible Fixed Assets except Land 1057.55 860.02
Owned assets :
Buildings 381.68 289.55
Plant, machinery and equipment 552.22 467.01
Furniture, fixtures 34.54 31.71
Office appliances 43.01 31.94
Vehicles 7.17 7.83
Assets taken on lease : 36.08 35.06
Leasehold land (Freehold land) 13.79 13.79
Buildings 22.29 21.27
Total Tangible Depreciable Fixed Assets 1054.70 863.10

(2) Manufacturing related 2020 2019

Buildings (90%) 343.51 260.60
Plant, machinery and equipment(95%) 524.61 443.66
Furniture, fixtures (50%) 17.27 15.86
Office appliances (70%) 30.11 22.36
Vehicles(50%) 3.59 3.92
Assets taken on lease : 31.09 30.18
Leasehold land (80%) 11.03 11.03
Buildings (90%) 20.06 19.14
950.18 776.56
(3) = (2) as a % of (1) 90.09% 89.97%

(4) Depreciation Expense 149.77 105.79

Depreciation for the year (From annual report) 43.98 6.95
% of total (Depr+Ammr) 102% 100%
Depreciation&Ammortization Expense 170 133
Only Depreciation 149.77 105.79

(5) Depreciation in COGM = (3) X (4) 134.93 95.18

(6) Depreciation in Operating Exp = (4) - (5) 14.84 10.61

Split Employee Expense into COGM and Operating Expenses

2020 2019
Employee cost / benefits expense reported in I/S 927.22 836.66
COGM(90%) 834.498 752.994
Operating Expense(10%) 92.72 83.67
Split Other Expenses into COGM, Operating Expenses

(A) Expenses included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be manufacturing related

Expenses reported in Note 23 to Reported in Rs millions

"Other Expenses" 2020 2019

Power fuel and water 63.07 63.06

Clearing, Forwarding and Octroi Duty 297.45 279.61
Contract Labour 75.47 53.72
Adverstisement and Publicity 284.64 229.89
Consumption of stores and spare parts 37.58 29.63
Rent 20.35 48.95
Repairs to buildings 9.63 9.55
Repairs to plant, machinery etc. 21.27 19.77
Insurance 10.58 6.01
Rates and taxes 4.80 5.72
Processing expenses 76.80 77.51
Water charges 4.12 3.37
Commission 10.34 11.28
Travelling 122.13 111.64
Telephone 9.84 16.57
Miscl expenses 218.94 200.51
Other Manufacturing Expenses 1267.01 1166.79

(B) Cost of own Product internally used/capitalized (to be deducted from COGM)

(C) Items included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be Non-Operating

2020 2019
CSR expenses 27.12 24.14
Donations 0.17 0.91
Total 27.29 25.05

(D) Expenses included in "Other Expenses" and likely to be Operating Expenses

2020 2019
Other Expenses (Reported amount) in I/S 1,388.73 1,287.29
less A included in COGM 1215.46 1113.07
Add B Internally Used 0 0
Add/Less C if Gain/(Loss) 27.29 25.05
Other Expenses to be included in Operating Expenses 145.98 149.17
Ascertainment of Cost of Goods Manufactured & Sold
Particulars 2020
Cost of materials consumed 2,998
Excise duty on sales of goods 0
Employee benefit expense (COGM) 834.498
Depreciation & Amortization (COGM) 138.0
Other Expenses (COGM) 1215.46
= Manufacturing Cost Incurred 5185.68
Less: Change in Work in Progress and any Intermediate Inventory 492.6
= Cost of Goods Manufactured 5678.28
Less: Own Manufactured Goods Internally used/capitalized 0
= Cost of Goods Transferred to Finished Goods Inventory 5678.28
Less: Change in Finished Goods Inventory 8.62
Add/Less: Any adjustment related to Finished Goods Inventory 33.00
= Cost of Finished Goods Sold 5719.90

= Cost of Goods Sold 5719.90

Reorganized Income Statement

Revenue from core Operation 7,294
Less: Other Operating Revenues 40.31
Less: COGS 5719.90
Gross Profit 1,534.26

Less: Operating Expenses

Employee 92.72

Other 145.98

Add: Other Operating Revenues 40.31

Operating Profit 1,303.96

Add/ Less Operating Gain/Loss
Other Income 227
Included in

EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) 1,503.67

Finance Cost 33.6

Profit Before Tax 1,470.07

Income Tax Total Tax 347.72
Current Tax 384
Earlier Year 0
Defered Tax -36.27
Profit After Tax 1,122.35
Splitting Depreciation and Amortization into COGM and Operating Expenses (in millions)
2018 2017 2016 (1) Amortizable Intangible Fixed Assets 2020
802.59 789.12 Total Intangible Assets 299.70
53.27 52.77 Computer Software 15.24
749.32 736.35 Technical Knowhow Fees 38.34
Trademark 240.59
232.32 227.75 Copyrights 4.48
417.66 418.92 Non compete fees 1.05
32.46 34.06
27.00 28.08
8.76 9.02
34.04 33.42
13.79 13.79
20.25 19.63
752.24 751.25 Total Intangible Assets 299.70

2018 2017 (2) Manufacturing related 2020

209.09 204.98 Supply Agreement (100%) 15.24
396.78 397.97 Computer software (80%) 30.67
16.23 17.03
18.90 19.66
4.38 4.51
29.26 28.70
11.03 11.03
18.23 17.67
674.63 672.84 Total 45.91
89.68% 89.56% (3) = (2) as a % of (1) 15%

98.84 96.95 93.19 (4) Ammortization Expense 20.15

1.89 3.76 Change in Ammortization -0.88
40% 26% % of total (Depr+Ammr) -2%
120 115 Depreciation&Ammortization Expense 170
98.84 96.95 Only Ammortization 20.15

88.64 86.83 (5) Amortization in COGM = (3) X (4) 3.09

10.20 10.12 (6) Amortization in Operating Exp = (4) - 17.06


2018 2017
712.40 645.27
641.16 580.743
71.24 64.53
to COGM, Operating Expenses and Non-Operating Expenses

ed in Rs millions % in COGM
2018 2017 2020 2019 2018

56.09 50.51 100% 63.07 63.06 56.09

240.86 242.47 100% 297.45 279.61 240.86
0.00 0.00 100% 75.47 53.72 0.00
212.69 193.52 100% 284.64 229.89 212.69
21.31 18.85 20% 7.52 5.93 4.26
43.55 43.19 80% 16.28 39.16 34.84
9.23 9.32 100% 9.63 9.55 9.23
17.60 14.82 80% 17.02 15.82 14.08
5.40 5.89 80% 8.46 4.81 4.32
4.47 6.35 80% 3.84 4.58 3.58
74.98 68.16 100% 76.80 77.51 74.98
3.07 2.70 100% 4.12 3.37 3.07
14.70 19.51 50% 5.17 5.64 7.35
97.71 91.81 100% 122.13 111.64 97.71
19.09 17.41 50% 4.92 8.29 9.55
197.78 187.68 100% 218.94 200.51 197.78
1018.53 972.19 1215.46 1113.07 970.38

2018 2017
22.24 19.17
0.37 0.52
22.61 19.69

2018 2017
1,137.14 1,072.17
970.38 924.60
0 0
22.61 19.69
144.15 127.88
2019 2018 2017
3,266 2,565 2,270
0 140.35 445.52
752.994 641.16 580.7
98.7 92.3 89.4
1113.07 970.38 924.60
5230.25 4409.17 4310.69
404.65 389.6 406.86
5634.90 4798.77 4717.55
0 0 0
5634.90 4798.77 4717.55
-29.86 5.32 -21.12
108 63 83
5713.04 4867.09 4779.43

5713.04 4867.09 4779.43

2019 2018 2017

7,079 6,219 6,062
43.94 46.01 28.88
5713.04 4867.09 4779.43
1,321.76 1,305.66 1,254.00

83.67 71.24 64.53

28.14 27.62 25.74

149.17 144.15 127.88

43.94 46.01 28.88

1,104.72 1,108.66 1,064.73

279 279 217

15.81 15.61 19.69

1,367.91 1,372.05 1,262.04

26.07 15.54 13.93

1,341.84 1,356.51 1,248.11

413.23 389.71 385.05
407 371 375
0 0 0

6.65 18.63 9.77

928.61 966.80 863.06
2019 2018 2017
309.28 313.73 297.57
15.71 14.14 13.95
44.64 49.70 35.06
242.66 243.11 241.58
4.72 4.72 4.72
1.55 2.06 2.26

309.28 313.73 297.57

2019 2018 2017

15.71 14.14 13.95
35.71 39.76 28.05

51.42 53.90 42.00

17% 17% 14%

21.03 21.04 18.19 7.28

-0.01 2.85 10.91
0% 60% 74%
133 120 115
21.03 21.04 18.19

3.50 3.61 2.57

17.53 17.43 15.62


for the year ended 31 st March 2020
For the year ended31 st March 2020

A Cash Flows From Operating Activities

Profit before tax 1,469.77
Adjustments for:
Share of profit from Associate -3.03
Share of Loss / (Profit) from Joint Venture
Finance costs recognised in Statement of Profit and
Loss 33.6
Interest income recognised in Statement of Profit
and Loss -12.46
Dividend income recognised in Statement of Profit
and Loss -11.59
Dividend from Associate 2.16
Exceptional Item - Impairment in value of Assets and
Investments 55.19
(Profit)/ Loss on disposal of Property, Plant and
Equipment -2.67
Net gain arising on financial assets designated at
FVTPL -109.79
Allowance for Doubtful Debts 8.45
Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairment Expense 169.92
Unrealised Foreign Exchange loss (Net) 6.9
Provision for Employee Benefits -10.12
Provision/ Write back of Warranties and Others 5.31
Expense recognised in respect of Equity-Settled 14.44
Share-Based Payments
Operating Profits before Working Capital changes 1,616.08
Movements in Working Capital:
(Increase)/ Decrease in Operating Assets
Trade Receivables -37.58
Inventories 0.02
Non-Current Loans -1.03
Current Loans -5.26
Non-Current Financial Assets -1.34
Other Current Financial Assets -32.57
Other Non-Current Non Financial Assets 2.65
Other Current Non Financial Assets -34.15
(Decrease)/ Increase in Operating Liabilities
Trade Payables 41.7
Other Current Financial Liabilities 166.92
Other Non-Current Financial Liabilities -75.61
Other Current Non Financial Liabilities 32.79
Cash generated from Operations 1,672.62
Taxes paid (net of refunds) -393.07
Net Cash generated from Operating Activities [A] 1,279.55
B Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Payments for purchase of Property, Plant and
Equipment,Other Intangible Assets & Capital Work-
In-Progress -467.13
Proceeds from disposal of Property, Plant and
Equipment & 23.2
Other Intangible Assets
Amount paid against business combinations (refer
Note 52)
Payments to purchase Investments -1,438.73
Proceeds on sale of Investments 1,910.03
Decrease/ (Increase) in Bank Deposits 53.03
(Increase)/ Decrease in Other Bank Balances -1.51
Interest received 12.46
Dividend received 11.59
Net cash generated from/ (used in) Investing
184 Activities [B] 102.94
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Proceeds from issue of Equity Instruments of the Company 0.01
Payment of Lease Liabilities -34.02
Payment for Buy-back of Equity Shares
Payment for Buy-back Expenses
Net increase/ (decrease) in Current Borrowings 10.77
Net increase in Non-Current Borrowings 22.03
Proceeds from Share Capital issued to Minority 2.75
Dividend paid on Equity Shares (including tax thereon) -825.36
Interest paid -25.39
Net cash used in Financing Activities [C] -849.21
Net increase/ (decrease)
[A+B+C]Cash in Cash andatCash
and Cash Equivalents Equivalents
the beginning of the 533.28
year 72.94
(refer Note 15)
Bank unrealised gain 0.33
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the year 73.27
Acquisition through business combination (refer Note 52)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 606.37
Bank Unrealised Gain 0.18
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 606.55
Net increase/ (decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 533.28
For the year ended For the year ended For the year ended
31 st March 2019 31 st March 2018 31 st March 2017

1,341.62 1,358.80 1,248.27

-3.6 -4.75 -3.53

0.16 -1.77

26.07 15.54 13.93

-20.6 -7.44 -5.89

-10.02 -15.58 -7.15

2.43 1.34 1.12


1.71 -6.53 2.08

-88.09 -92.42 -76.86

9.78 23.37 4.27
132.74 119.88 115.14
6.26 0.28 6.25
5.91 0.93 2.76
0.28 2.58 0.51
10.64 5.24 7.8

1,433.15 1,401.40 1,306.93

-127.02 -148.3 -70.94

-135.56 -63.73 -81.74
2.85 2.64 1.12
-0.27 1.43 -0.98
-3.94 -0.18 -5.34
-6.05 -16.17 -12.9
-3.02 4.11 -23.37
12.13 -79.91 -19.49

30.7 129.71 15.27

50.07 16.25 55.56
-9.45 -8.3 -0.07
10.46 -14.92 3.02
1,254.05 1,224.03 1,167.07
-409.27 -427.6 -373.32
844.78 796.43 793.75

-262.52 -176.83 -133.06

8.77 0.83 10.64

-96.4 -107.69
-2,310.50 -2,168.78 -3,157.41
2,078.81 2,458.36 2,496.11
-53.14 5.63 -1.82
6.08 -6.57 1.22
9.34 7.44 5.89
10.02 15.58 7.15

-513.14 39.26 -878.97

0.01 0.01 0
-500 -
-4.43 -
-10.22 -4.35 6.19
1.07 3.92 -0.68
28.71 23.64 80.71
-363.45 -293 -31.63
-16.68 -15.54 -13.93
-360.56 -789.75 40.66
-28.92 45.94 -44.56
102.14 55.37 99.76

0.05 0.88 1.05

102.19 56.25 100.81
72.94 10.65 -
91.49 55.37
0.33 0.05 0.88
73.27 102.19 56.25
-28.92 45.94 -44.56

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