Agricultural Tenancy Act
Agricultural Tenancy Act
Agricultural Tenancy Act
"(2) The tenant shall, aside from his labor, have the right to provide any of the
contributions for production whenever he can do so adequately and on time subject
to the provisions of section fourteen of this Act.
"(3) The tenant shall have the right to demand for a home lot
suitable for dwelling with an area of not more than 3 per cent of
the area of his landholding provided that it does not exceed one
thousand square meters and that it shall be located at a
convenient and suitable place within the land of the landholder
to be designated by the later where the tenant shall construct
his dwelling and may raise vegetables, poultry, pigs and other
animals and engage in minor industries, the products of which
shall accrue to the tenant exclusively. The Tenant's dwelling
shall not be removed from the lot already assigned to him by
the landholder, except as provided in section twenty-six unless
there is a severance of the tenancy relationship between them
as provided under section nine, or unless the tenant is ejected
for cause, and only after the expiration of forty-five days
following such severance of relationship or dismissal for cause.