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Clearing The Clouds On Cloud Computing :

Survey Paper

Article · July 2014


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Rahul Johari
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University


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International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online)) Volume No.-1, Issue No.-1, July 2014)

Clearing The Clouds On Cloud Computing: Survey Paper

PS Yoganandani1, Rahul Johari2, Kunal Krishna3, Rahul Kumar4, Sumit Maurya5
Guru Gobind Singh Indraparasta University, New Delhi
Abstract— The advent of Cloud Computing in 2006, has led II. EVOLUTION OF CLOUD COMPUTING
to significant changes in computing in general and working
pattern of users in particular. Starting from the definition of
Figure 1 below represents an overview of the evolution
cloud computing, elements of cloud computing, cloud services, of the technologies for distributed computing that have
cloud deployment, cloud computing platforms & technologies influenced cloud computing.
and issues & challenges of cloud computing are described in Cluster computing started as a low-cost alternative to the
this paper. use of mainframes and supercomputers.
Mainframes & supercomputers eventually resulted in
Keywords— Cloud Computing, Cloud Deployment Models, increased availability of cheap commodity machines. These
Security and Challenges in Cloud Computing, Cloud machines could then be connected by a high bandwidth
Computing Platforms and Technologies, Cloud Database
network and controlled by specific software tools that
Cloud Services, Evolution of cloud, QoS
manage them as a single system or cluster
The term ‗Cloud‘ has historically been used in the
telecommunication industry as an abstraction of the
network in system diagrams. It then became the symbol of
the most popular computer network ‗Internet‘.
The internet plays a fundamental role in cloud
computing since it represents either the medium or the
platform through which many cloud computing services are
delivered and made accessible.
Cloud computing refers to both the application delivered
as a services over the internet and the hardware and the
system software in the data centers that provide those
Cloud computing enables both, a single user hosting
documents in the cloud and also making the entire IT
infrastructure available for users globally. Considering this
‗shareable‘ nature of cloud computing, it‘s definition Figure 1: Evolution of cloud computing
proposed by the American National Institute of Standards
& Technology (NIST) is as under:[1][3] Grid Computing appeared in early 90s as an evolution of
―Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, cluster computing.[2] In analogy with the power grid, Grid
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of computing proposed a new approach to access a large
configurable computing resources (example: networks, computational power, huge storage facilities, and a variety
servers, storage applications and services) that can be of services. Grids initially developed as aggregation of
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal geographically dispersed clusters by means for internet
management effort or service provider interaction‖ connection. These clusters belonged to different
In others words, a service can be said to have been organizations and arrangements were made among them to
delivered in Cloud computing, if: share the computational power. The key difference between
a cluster and a grid is that a computing grid is a dynamic
a. The service is accessible via a web browser or web
aggregation of heterogeneous computing nodes, and it scale
services API
could be nation-wide or worldwide. [5]
b. Zero capital expenditure is necessary to get started
c. We pay for the services based on ‗how much we use‘

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online)) Volume No.-1, Issue No.-1, July 2014)
Utility oriented computing was the first step towards With this understanding of the different stakes involved,
‗pay by use‘ philosophy. Utility of computing was based on it is easy to understand how corporate adoptions of cloud
the idea of providing computing solutions as a utility like databases are changing the game considerably.
natural gas, water or power. The Shared-Disk Database Architecture - Ideal for
Then the recent development of Software as a service Cloud Databases
―SaaS‖ was the beginning of cloud computing in the real
The database architecture called shared-disk, which
sense. It was purely a ―on-demand‖ software service. It is
eliminates the need to partition data, is ideal for cloud
an application that can be run from anywhere in the world
databases. Shared-disk databases allow clusters of low-cost
as long as you have a computer with an internet connection.
servers to use a single collection of data, typically served
e.g. Gmail, Yahoo mail etc.
up by a Storage Area Network (SAN) or Network Attached
Storage (NAS). All of the data is available to all of the
servers; there is no partitioning of the data. As a result, if
The Cloud database patterns play a vital role in business we are using two servers, and our query takes .5 seconds,
applications in web technologies. User generated content, then we can dynamically add another server and the same
particularly in the form of social networking, have placed query might now take .35 seconds. In other words, shared-
somewhat more emphasis on updates. Reads still disk databases support elastic scalability.
outnumber writes in terms of the ratio, but the gap is The shared-disk DBMS architecture has other important
narrowing. With support for transactional business advantages—in addition to elastic scalability—that make it
applications, this gap between database updates and reads very appealing for deployment in the cloud.
is further shrinking. Business applications also demand that
the cloud database be ACID compliant: providing IV. ELEMENTS OF CLOUD COMPUTING
Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability. Perhaps it
The essential elements of cloud computing are:
will be beneficial to consider two examples to better
understand the differing cloud database requirements. On-demand Self Service: A user can avail computing
services at a desired time slot in an automating fashion
Example 1: Consumer Cloud Database
without resorting to human interactions with providers of
Consider a database powering a consumer-centric these resources.
cosmetics website. If the user does a search for a certain
Broad Network Access: Here the computing resources are
shade of lipstick, it is important that the results be delivered
delivered over the network and used by various clients with
instantaneously to keep the user engaged, so she doesn‘t
heterogeneous platforms (such as mobile phones, laptops
click on another cosmetics site. If the site said that the
and PDAs) situated at consumer sites.
chosen lipstick is in inventory and completed the sale, it
wouldn‘t be the end of the world to later find out that, as a Resource pooling: A cloud service provider‘s computing
result of inconsistent data, that lipstick wasn‘t really in resources are pooled together in an effort to serve multiple
inventory. In this case, the consumer receives an email consumers using either multi tenancy or virtualization
explaining that it is on backorder and will be shipped model. Here the users are not told where their data is stored
soon…no problem. in the cloud.
Rapid Elasticity: Users need not have to contract the
Example 2: Corporate Cloud Database
resources permanently. Cloud computing enables them to
Consider a company that sells widgets to manufacturers. scale up or scale down usage depending upon their need.
A large company purchases a load of widgets necessary to Therefore the resource provisioning appears to be infinite
keep its production line running. In this example, if the to the users, with consumption matching the usage – high
inventory was incorrect, due to in consistent data, and the during peaks and low during low usage periods.
shipment is delayed, the company who purchased the Measured Service: Although the computing resources are
widgets may be forced to shut down a production line at a shared by multiple users, cloud computing offers metering
cost of $1,000,000 per day…big problem! capabilities which enable service providers to measure and
accordingly charge the users based on their usage.

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online)) Volume No.-1, Issue No.-1, July 2014)
V. CLOUD SERVICES Further, some organizations may want to keep full control
Having now understood the elements of cloud on their mission critical operations and within their
computing, it would be appropriate now to dwell on the firewalls. Academics also build private cloud for research
three service models to categorize the cloud services. & teaching purposes.
Software as a Service (SaaS): Cloud consumers release their Community Cloud: Several organizations jointly construct
applications on a hosting environment which can be and share the same cloud infrastructure as well policies,
accessed through networks from various clients (e.g. web requirements, values and concerns. The cloud community
browsers, PDAs etc.) by application users. Cloud consumers forms into a degree of economic scalability and democratic
do not have control over the cloud infrastructure that often equilibrium. The cloud infrastructure could be hosted by a
employs multi-tenancy system architecture. Different cloud third party vendor or within one of the organizations in the
consumers‘ applications are organized in a single logical community. Example: Government departments.
environment on the SaaS, to achieve economies of scale and Public Cloud: This is the dominant form of current cloud
optimization in terms of speed, security, availability, computing deployment model. The public cloud is used by
disaster recovery and maintenance. Examples of SaaS the general public users and the cloud service provider has
include Google mail, Google docs and so the full ownership of the public cloud with its own policy,
forth. values, profit, costing and charging model. Many popular
Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS is a development cloud services are Amazon EC2, Google App Engine and
platform, supporting the full software life cycle, which
allows cloud users to develop cloud services and Hybrid cloud: This cloud infrastructure is a combination of
applications (example SaaS) directly on PaaS cloud. Hence two or more clouds that remain unique entities but are
the difference between SaaS and PaaS is that, SaaS only bound together by standardized or proprietary technology
hosts completed cloud applications whereas PaaS offers a that enables data and application portability. Organizations
development platform that hosts both completed and in- use the hybrid cloud model in order to optimize their
progress cloud applications. Example of PaaS is Google resources to increase their core competencies by margining
App Engine & Aneka. out peripheral business functions onto the cloud while
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Cloud users directly use controlling core activities on premise through private cloud.
IT infrastructure (processing, storage, networks and other
fundamental computing resources) provided in the IaaS VII. QOS FOR CLOUD COMPUTING
cloud. Virtualization is extensively used in IaaS cloud in World-class security – Provision world-class security at
order to integrate / decompose physical resources in an ad- every level.
hoc manner to meet growing or shrinking resource demand Trust and transparency – Provide transparent, real-time,
from cloud consumers. An example of IaaS is Amazons accurate service performance and availability information.
True multitenancy – Deliver maximum scalability and
A subset of IaaS is Data storage as a Service (DaaS). DaaS performance to customers with a true multitenant
allows users to pay for the data used by them instead of architecture.
paying for the complete database. Examples of this kind of
DaaS include Amazon S3, Google Big Table etc. Proven scale – Support millions of users with proven
VI. CLOUD DEPLOYMENT MODELS High performance – Deliver consistent, high-speed
performance globally.
The cloud community defines four cloud deployment
models.[1][4] These are: Complete disaster recovery – Protect customer data by
running the service on multiple, geographically dispersed
Private cloud: The cloud infrastructure is operated &
data centers with extensive backup, data archive, and
managed solely by an organization for usage within their failover capabilities.
own firm. This is particularly driven by the needs of
security and confidentiality of the information. Secondly, High availability – Equip world-class facilities with proven
some organizations find data transfer to a public cloud is high-availability infrastructure and application software.
particularly expensive. is the only cloud-computing platform that
adheres to all seven of these standards.
International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online)) Volume No.-1, Issue No.-1, July 2014)
VIII. COMPUTING PLATFORMS & TECHNOLOGIES & This is a platform available
The creation of cloud computing environments (see for developing social enterprise applications especially for
figure 2 below) encompasses the development of customer relationship management function. Here, the user
applications (can be compared to SaaS) and systems that can develop his or her own components or integrate those
leverage cloud computing solutions (comparable to PaaS) available in app exchange into his or her application. This
and the creation of frameworks, platforms & infrastructures platform offers comprehensive solution comprising of:
(comparable to IaaS) delivering cloud computing a. Data layout-design
services.[1] b. Business rules & work flows
c. User interface definitions
Building cloud computing d. Hosting support on the cloud & access to all its
environment functionalities through web service technologies.
Manjrasoft Aneka: In addition to being an effective runtime
Application environment to develop and host an application, this offers
Development SaaS the capability to run the application on a heterogeneous
hardware (clusters, networked desktop computers & cloud
Computing Platform &
resources). Developers have a choice to opt from various
technologies PaaS abstractions to design their applications, tasks, distributed
threads and map-reduce. These applications are executable
on the distributable service oriented run-time environment,
Infrastructure & which can dynamically integrate additional resource on
System Development demand.
Figure 2: Cloud computing environment
Development of cloud computing application happens by COMPUTING
leveraging platforms & frameworks that provide different
types of services, from the bare metal infrastructure to It would be now pertinent here to recap the complete
aspects of cloud computing, mentioned in this paper so far.
customizable applications servicing specific purposes.
This could be pictorially depicted as shown in the figure 3
Various such platforms or technologies (PaaS) that are
available for the users to build and host an application are: below.
Amazon Web Services: AWS offers virtual compute,
storage, networking & complete computing stacks. It is
known for its on-demand services namely Elastic Compute
Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3).
Google AppEngine: Launched in 2008, it provides an
alternative to fixed applications (SaaS) and raw hardware
(IaaS). App Engine managed infrastructure, provides a
development platform to create apps, leveraging Google's
infrastructure as a hosting platform.
Microsoft Azure: It is also a scalable runtime environment
for web & distributed applications. However, it provides
additional services such as support for storage (relational
data & blobs), networking, caching, content delivery &

Figure 3: Aspects of cloud computing environment

International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology
Website: (ISSN 2347 - 6435 (Online)) Volume No.-1, Issue No.-1, July 2014)
The challenge of cloud computing is to ensure that only XI. CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK
the authorized entities can access the data. Therefore, it In this paper we discussed the various aspects of cloud
requires suitable mechanisms to prevent cloud providers computing with a view to have an overall understanding of
from using customer‘s data.[8][9] This can happen through the subject, which would ultimately enable us to develop a
both technical & non-technical interventions. The customers working cloud based application.
need to trust (by building suitable clauses in the contract) As we have seen, cloud computing has indeed evolved in
the service provider‘s technical competence and economic the recent years and is bringing about a paradigm shift in
stability. how computing is done. This have paved way for users to
The responsibility of security and privacy is shared address their computing needs with enhanced flexibility
between the cloud providers & customers. both in terms of technical options / platforms available and
economics of computing, since cloud computing offers
X. REAL WORLD EXAMPLES UTILIZING THE CLOUD variety of technology platforms and computing solutions as
Some examples from the real world harnessing the a ‗pay by use‘ utility.
power of cloud computing at its best. While cloud computing has brought about various
positive changes in the world of computing, but it has its
1. Time Machine
own share of security issues & challenges which need to be
Times machine is a New York Times project in which addressed.
one can read any issue from Volume 1, Number 1 of The
New York Daily Times, on September 18, 1851 through to REFERENCES
The New York Times of December 30, 1922. They made it [1 ] Mastering cloud computing by Rajkumar Buyya, ‗Christian
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2. SmugMug [6 ] High Performance Parallel computing with clouds
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on the Amazon S3 instances utilizing Amazon Cloud [8 ] Cloud Computing – Issues & Challenges: Tharam Dillon, Chen Wu
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advance large-scale distributed computing by providing
[11 ] Cloud computing—The business perspective
hardware, software, and services to universities. In addition
[12 ] S Marston, Z Li, S Bandyopadhyay, J Zhang - Decision Support,
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MIT, Stanford University, University of California at demands of cloud computing :
Berkeley and the University of Maryland are participating
institutions in this program.
Students working with the cluster will have access to a
Creative Common licensed curriculum for such a huge
parallel computing network developed by Google and IBM.


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