Wolfinger: American History Essay Winner Named

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A4 Friday, March 27, 2020 www.sturgisjournal.


Volunteers distribute American History essay winner named

weekly food kits LaGrange de Lafayette
Chapter and the Indiana
NSDAR American
History Committee is
anniversary of the voyage
of The Mayflower and the
on the following:
· Completeness of title
Daughters to promote American founding of the Plymouth page & bibliography
of the history throughout the colony.   · Historical accuracy
American year by honoring sig- One essay at each · Adherence to subject
Revolution nificant historical people, grade level is selected · Organization of material
announced places, dates and events. as the chapter winner · Originality & Interest
that Carver It does this by sponsor- and forwarded to the · Spelling, punctuation,
H. Stump’s ing the American History state American history and grammar
Stump American Essay Contest and the chairman for the state After several re-read-
History Christopher Columbus competition. The judges, ings and discussion,
essay, “The Voyage of the Essay Contest. consisting of two retired the committee selected
Mayflower: A Kid’s View of LaGrange de Lafayette teachers and one princi- the essay submit-
the Voyage that Shaped our Chapter conducts the pal evaluated the essays ted by Stump as the
County,” has been selected American History essay and selected the top four. chapter winner and sub-
as the state winner for fifth contest for grade 5, 6, 7 These students will receive mitted it for the state
grade. and 8 students in a public, a special certificate of rec- level competition. Ava
His essay will advance to private or parochial school ognition to be presented Chupp, Micah Wingar,
Weekly food distribution continued Thursday at Centreville the Division Level for in LaGrange County each at their school’s quarterly and Cameron Yoder
Public Schools, where Natalya Kroupa, Sarah DeLoach and competition. year. The topic for this award program. each received honorable
Rachel Palmer were among those who helped hand out The purpose of the school year was the 400th Judging is based mention.
breakfasts and lunches. The district expects to continue
the event next week. [JEF RIETSMA/JOURNAL]

FACTORIES while Toyota plans to
restart North American
plants on April 20. Fiat
The automakers’ moves
in the U.S. come as new
auto sales are expected
the same day, including
four in Michigan, which is
among the states hardest
From Page A1 Chrysler intends to reopen to fall dramatically for hit by the virus.
MDHHS donates to help office at the Cass/St. U.S. and Canadian facto- the month of March. The Dearborn,
TR Lions after fire Joseph MDHHS, as the ries April 14 depending on Edmunds.com expects Michigan, automaker says
Lions have collaborated with skepticism by the state restrictions and plant March sales to fall nearly it will introduce additional
Michigan Department with the agency through United Auto Workers readiness. General Motors 36% from a year earlier. safety measures to pro-
of Health and Human theannual Christmas food union, which represents says it hasn’t decided yet Ford, in a release before tect workers, but said it
Services recently donated and toy distribution, eye- 56,000 Ford factory when factories would the markets opened would give details later.
$1,300 to the Three Rivers glasses program and other workers. restart. Most automakers Thursday, said it’s aiming Ford wants to reopen five
Lions Club, which lost a projects. “The UAW continues to said they would monitor to reopen its factory in North American assembly
shed in a fire last month. “The donation was not review with great caution the virus and adjust deci- Hermosillo, Mexico, fol- plants in April that were
Vandals burnt down the expected and certainly a and concern decisions sions if needed. lowed by its Dearborn, closed due to the threat of
club’s shed on Feb. 22. The shock,” said Jeff Mayuiers, being made about restart- The factory decisions Michigan, truck plant, coronavirus.
building contained toys co-chair of the Christmas ing workplaces, especially contrast with Italy, which Kentucky truck plant All three Detroit auto-
collected for the annual food and toy distribu- at advanced dates,” union on Thursday expanded a in Louisville, the Ohio makers suspended
Christmas toy distribu- tion along with Lions Julie President Rory Gamble nationwide lockdown to Assembly Plant near production at U.S. fac-
tion, “Turtle Derby” track Mayuiers and Doug Gross. said in a statement. include most heavy indus- Cleveland, and the Transit tories a week ago under
and recently purchased “The two organizations Honda wants to reopen try. Auto plants in Italy, van line at the Kansas City pressure from the United
“Ox Roast” equipment, work so well together at U.S. and Canadian facto- which leads the world in plant. The company also Auto Workers union,
among other items. the holidays to help those ries on April 7, a week later virus deaths, already had wants to reopen some which had concerns about
This loss hit the entire in need.” than originally planned, been closed voluntarily. parts-making plants on worker safety.

COURTS the civil cases, the landlord/

tenant cases, all the family
court cases, all the criminal
choice but to stay behind
bars in Centreville. “There
are a number of people in
jail included, are not orga-
nized for quarantine. So,
the fewer people inside, the
by working remotely.
Meanwhile, courts are
rescheduling some cases,
need to be done in person.”
Middleton said St. Joseph
County is fortunate to be
From Page A1 cases.” there with parole holds and safer everyone is. others are moving as swiftly in good hands. He made
Middleton and his staff we can’t do anything with “We’re treating it almost as possible, all civil cases are reference to a board of
initially had been working them, that’s a matter for the like our weekend arraign- dismissed until after May commissioners meeting
days, tornado days, loss- on their own orders, then department of corrections,” ments, we do what we need 1 and evictions are on hold on Monday during which
of-power days and a few followed recommendations Middleton said. “We have to do, we’re in contact with until mid-April, Middleton several county leaders
other anomalies. Never, from the Michigan Supreme three people in the jail for the prosecutor’s office, con- said. updated the board about
though, has Middleton seen Court before ultimately homicide, so they can’t go tact with the defense bar, so It’s helpful, he noted, that how they’re handling the
the courts work around adhering to guidelines from anywhere; we’ve got some we’re dealing with every- some cases can be conducted current situation.
anything the magnitude of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. serious criminal sexual con- thing that needs to be dealt through two-way television “The sheriff’s on top of
COVID-19. Court staffing in St. duct cases, so, they have to with, but everything else is thanks to Zoom, providing things, Erin Goff is doing a
He said the courts have Joseph County is down stay put.” basically on hold until we a video link between the jail nice job as our new county
been shorthanded the to the bare minimum, he When Stutesman returns start up again,” Middleton and courthouse. emergency control person,
past week, with probate/ noted. Even though all court Monday, he has some pro- said. “For example, we have an the treasurer, the clerk,
family court judge David staff members are Michigan bation violation cases and He noticed some attor- emergency dog hearing later the county employees,
Tomlinson in Florida and Supreme Court employ- bond violations, Middleton neys meeting with their this week, there were some Teresa Doehring, really all
circuit court judge Paul ees, Middleton has been said, so it could drop to 80 clients in the courthouse pit bulls in Three Rivers that the departments, every-
Stutesman in self-quaran- in close daily contact with inmates after that. parking lot earlier this week. bit a child and were doing one is doing a really, really
tine after attending a recent county administrator Teresa “But there will always be In addition, Middleton said some other things, so Judge good job,” Middleton said.
state conference. Still, Doehring and the county some people who will have he and Judge Rob Pattison Pattison is going to do that “We’ll get back to normal,
Middleton said a plan call- board of commissioners. to be there, no matter what,” are rotating shifts so there’s whole process electroni- hopefully sooner than later,
ing for emergency matters Middleton said he is he said. at least one judge present at cally,” Middleton said. “Yes, but we need to stay put long
only is in place and being convinced Doehring and Middleton said most the courthouse daily while it is something we need to enough to help keep every-
followed effectively. commissioners have a jails, St. Joseph County’s the other does what he can deal with but, no, it doesn’t body safe.”
The greater impact, clear understanding of the
Middleton predicts, will be obstacles facing the court
realized when coronavirus
is under control and life
returns to what passes for
system, and he appreciates
the standing offer for any
help that can be provided.
The jail population was
“We are concerned about at 93 inmates earlier this TREE SERVICE &
what happens when we week, its lowest number in
turn the switch on again … several years, Middleton STUMP GRINDING
I’m afraid we are all going said. He managed to get as
to struggle to get back to
normal,” Middleton said.
many people out of jail as
he could through district Keep Local
“We’re going to have a lot court. There are, however,
of catching up to do with all people who won’t have a

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