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The document appears to outline corrections that were made to API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 standard. It provides a summary of errata and corrections to various parts and annexes of the standard.

Corrections were made to references, equations, figures, definitions and other elements throughout various parts and annexes of the standard as detailed in the summary.

The corrections addressed errors in references, equations, figures, values, definitions and other elements like nomenclature and wording.


NOTE: All Changes Are Highlighted in Yellow in the Attached Parts and Annexes. The
Complete Part and Annex is Provided to Review the Changes in Full Context
Part/Annex Page Table/Figure Correction & Errata Description

Annex 1A 1A-4 1A.39 Reference to paragraph 1A.54 is incorrect, changed to 1A.55.

Corrected ߚ factor for B31.4, B31.8 and B31.12 (Pipelines) Piping Codes.
Annex 2D 2D-5 Para 2D.2.4 Special treatment for these codes required because the allowable stress
basis does not consider UTS.

Annex 2D Updated nomenclature to support changes in paragraph 2D.2.4 and Table

2D-7 Para 2D.6

Annex 2D 2D.13 Table 2D.5 Corrected ߚ factor for B31.4, B31.8 and B31.12 (Pipelines) Piping Codes.

Annex 2E 2E-32 Table 2E.8 Corrected the equation for m2 for Super Alloys as shown.

Bottom cell of table where it states three separate times “Figure 3.6,” each
Part 3 3-23 Table 3.4
figure referenced has been changed to “Figure 3.7”

Figure 3.7 has SI Units, currently the same figure as Figure 3.7M. Inserted
Part 3 3-36 Figure 3.7
correct Figure 3.7 in US Customary Units.

Part 4 4.9 Added reference to Figure 4.19 to clarify definitions.

Part 5 5-7 Equation (5.13) has been corrected as shown.

Pitting diagram is the same for both Figures 6.6 and 6.7; the correct Figure
Part 6 6-28 Figure 6.7
6.7 has been inserted.

Part 7 7-2 Para 7.1.3 Quotation mark added.

Part 7 7-17 Para 7.9 “of” added to the definition of “a”

Corrected the sentence “For example, zero percent of HIC damage

Part 7 7.18 Para 7.9
corresponds to DH  0.0 ,” changed from DH  0.8 .

Part 7 7-23 Figure 7.2 Inserted the correct figure, Figure 7.2 unchanged for the 2007 Edition.

Figures 7.5,
7-26 to
Part 7 7.6, 7.7, and Plate thickness changed to trd , was incorrectly shown as tc

Page 1 of 3
NOTE: All Changes Are Highlighted in Yellow in the Attached Parts and Annexes. The
Complete Part and Annex is Provided to Review the Changes in Full Context
Part/Annex Page Table/Figure Correction & Errata Description

8-16, Added definitions for D1 and D2 , and corrected definition of h1 and h2 to

Part 8 Para 8.9
8-17 coincide with Figure 8.3.

For Cylinder – Circumferential Joint, Centerline Offset (see Figure 8.3),

Part 8 8-29 Table 8.9
added equations for R1 , R2 , and e .

Corrected Figure 8.3 to show dimensions D1 , D2 , h1 and h2 . For Figure

Part 8 8-37 Figure 8.3b
8.3(b) made correction to indicate this figure is for D1  D2 .

Changed maximum value of X from 5 to ≤5 and maximum value of Lr  
Part 9 9-34 Table 9.3 from 2 to ≤2.  These values were changed to match the 2007 Edition and 
are correct.

In Figure 9.8, Configuration 5, corrected the horizontal distance between

Part 9 9-43 Figure 9.8
the two cracks, should be s2 instead of s1

Annex 9D 9D-11 Change paragraph reference as shown.

Annex 9D 9D-11 Change paragraph reference as shown.

Annex 9D 9D-15 Equation (9D.65) has been corrected as shown.

For a Cylinder or Elbow, in the Elastic Stress Solution Based on Mean

Diameter, the Lorentz factor is applied only to the circumferential stress,
Part 10 10-44 Table 10.2 should not be used for the meridional stress. Equations have been
corrected as shown. Also updated Note 2 in this table to provide the
proper reference to the Lorentz factor.

Changed the requirement that gaskets in Zone V shall be replaced to be

Part 11 11-21 Table 11.6 consistent with the requirement in Zone IV that is less severe. Wording
change from must to shall in Zone IV made.

Photos of temper color samples is correct. However, indication of the

temperature of each sample shown at top is difficult to read due to green
Part 11 11-40 Table 11.18
background. Changed made to show temperatures with a white back

Page 2 of 3
NOTE: All Changes Are Highlighted in Yellow in the Attached Parts and Annexes. The
Complete Part and Annex is Provided to Review the Changes in Full Context
Part/Annex Page Table/Figure Correction & Errata Description
Comment received “Add statement in 13.1.1 “The Published Level 1 and 2
procedures, 13.4.2 and 13.4.3, give identical results. There is no Level 2
This statement is not true. The Level 1 and Level 2 procedures are almost
Part 13 13-6 Para the same, but not exactly. Level 2 permits in-service monitoring, and a
benefit is provided in computing MAWP per Annex 2C, para 2C.2.4.
Rather than add the sentence above, suggest Level 2 be re-written to
reference Level 1 to expose differences clearly to the user. Note, this is
not a technical change.
14-17 (14.34), Changed Equations (14.34), (14.36), (14.37) as shown to indicate that
Part 14
14-18 (14.36), crack face pressure is added to the membrane stress.
Part 14 14-25 Changed Equation (14.75) as shown.
Part 14 14-25 Changed Equation (14.76) as shown.
Part 14 14-34 14.9 Added definitions for crack face pressure loading Pk and n Pk
Figure 14.4,
14-59, 14.6 , 14.10, Corrected Figures 14.4 to 14.14 to show Greek letters. Changed Figure
Part 14 14-65 to 14.11, 14.12,
14.15 to correct 1.5S PL , it should be SPL .
14-68 14.13 and
14.14, 14.15
14B-13 Figures Changed titles to include US Customary and SI Units in the appropriate
Annex 14B to 14B- 14B.4 to figures, US Customary Units in Figures 14B.4 to 14B.6, and SI Units in
15 14B.6 Figures 14B.4 to 14B.6

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API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

1A.31 FCA (Future Corrosion Allowance) – The corrosion allowance required for the future operational
period of a component.

1A.32 Fillet Weld – A weld of approximately triangular cross section joining two surfaces approximately at
right angles to each other in a lap joint, tee joint, or corner joint.

1A.33 FFS (Fitness-For-Service) Assessment – A methodology whereby flaws or a damage state in a

component is evaluated in order to determine the adequacy of the component for continued operation
(see Part 2).

1A.34 Flaw – A discontinuity, irregularity, or defect that is detected by inspection.

1A.35 Fracture Mechanics – An engineering discipline concerned with the behavior of cracks in materials.
Fracture mechanics models provide mathematical relationships for critical combinations of stress, crack
size and fracture toughness that lead to crack propagation. Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)
approaches apply to cases where crack propagation occurs during predominately elastic loading with
negligible plasticity. Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) methods are suitable for materials that
undergo significant plastic deformation during crack propagation (see Part 9).

1A.36 Girth Weld – A butt weld joining plate sections along the circumferential direction of a cylinder or cone.

1A.37 Gouge – An elongated local mechanical removal and/or relocation of material from the surface of a
component, causing a reduction in wall thickness at the defect; the length of a gouge is much greater
than the width and the material may have been cold worked in the formation of the flaw. Gouges are
typically caused by mechanical damage; for example, denting and gouging of a section of pipe by
mechanical equipment during the excavation of a pipeline (see Part 12).

1A.38 Groove – A local elongated thin spot caused by directional erosion or corrosion; the length of the metal
loss is significantly greater than the width (see Part 5).

1A.39 Gross Structural Discontinuity – Another name for a Major Structural Discontinuity (see 1A.55).

1A.40 Groove-Like Flaw – A surface flaw with a small, but finite, tip (or frontal) radius wherein the flaw length
is very much greater than its depth. Groove-like flaws are categorized as either a groove or gouge (see
Part 5 and Part 12).

1A.41 HAZ (Heat-Affected Zone) – A portion of the base metal adjacent to a weld that has not been melted,
but whose metallurgical microstructure and mechanical properties have been changed by the heat of
welding, usually with undesirable effects.

1A.42 HIC (Hydrogen-Induced Cracking) – Stepwise internal cracks that connect adjacent hydrogen blisters
on different planes in the metal, or to the metal surface. An externally applied stress is not needed for
the formation of HIC. In steels, the development of internal cracks (sometimes referred to as blister
cracks) tends to link with other cracks by a transgranular plastic shear mechanism because of internal
pressure resulting from the accumulation of hydrogen. The link-up of these cracks on different planes
in steels has been referred to as stepwise cracking to characterize the nature of the crack appearance.
HIC is commonly found in steels with: (a) high impurity levels that have a high density of large planar
inclusions, and/or (b) regions of anomalous microstructure produced by segregation of impurity and
alloying elements in the steel (see Part 7).

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

2D.2.4 Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis Method

The assessment procedures for the Elastic-Plastic Analysis Method shall be in accordance with VIII-2, Part 5,
paragraph 5.2.4 except that the load case combinations that incorporate the construction code design margin
for the ultimate tensile stress and the RSFa as shown in Table 2D.5 may be used in the assessment.

Note for the ASME B31.4, ASME B31.8 (Pipelines) and B31.12 Piping Codes, the value of  is based
ondetermined VIII-2 differently because the design margin in these codes is based on the specified minimum
yield strength of the pipe material and the factors shown below. The ultimate tensile strength is not used in
establishing the design allowable stress. When performing an elastic-plastic analysis in accordance with these
codes, the following shall be considered in the analysis.

 ASME B31.4 – the design factor, F.

 ASME B31.8 – the design factor, F f , and the temperature correction factor, T .
 ASME B31.12 – the design factor, F f , the temperature correction factor, T , and the material
performance factor M f (Industrial Piping) or H f (Pipelines).

For the above listed piping codes, the value of  is based on the ratio of the ultimate tensile strength at room
temperature and the minimum specified yield strength at room temperature ( UTS  YSRT )
divided by the factors
shown above for each specific piping code, this quantity multiplied by the allowable remaining strength factor
( RSFa ) (see Table 2D.5).

Note that the value of  for ASME B31.4, ASME B31.8, and ASME B31.12 (Pipelines) shall be determined for
each material of construction. The pipeline shall be evaluated using the highest value of  for the systems
being analyzed or each component of the system may be evaluated using a material specific .
2D.2.5 Treatment of the Weld Joint Efficiency

The weld joint efficiency is included in the analysis through either Method A or B as detailed below. Method A
takes a global approach and Method B takes a local approach. The material response guidelines in Method B
can be applied to an entire component or specifically to a weld band region as defined in paragraph 2C.2.5.

a) Method A

 Elastic Stress Analysis – The material allowable stress is reduced by multiplying by the governing weld
joint efficiency.
 Limit Load Analysis – The limit load is computed and subsequently reduced by the governing weld joint
 Elastic-Plastic Analysis – The load multipliers on sustained loads as defined in paragraph 2D.2.4 are
increased by multiplying by the inverse of the governing weld joint efficiency prior to determination of
the plastic collapse load. The material true stress-strain curve is unaffected.

b) Method B

 Elastic Stress Analysis – The allowable stress for a component or weld band region shall be multiplied
by the weld joint efficiency for the weld.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

stability of a component. Therefore, the assessment should be performed for the flaw size at the end of its
useful life. For volumetric-type flaws, account should be taken of the possibility of increased metal loss and
expansion of the corroded area with time. For crack-like flaws, account should be taken of the possibility
of crack growth by fatigue, corrosion-fatigue, stress corrosion cracking and creep.

b) The significance of planar flaws parallel to a plate or shell surface in the direction of compressive stress
(laminations, laminar tears, etc.) should be assessed by checking the buckling strength of each part of the
material between the flaw and the component surface. This may be done by calculation as if the individual
parts of the material are separate plates of the same area as the flaw using the distance between the flaw
and the surface as an effective thickness.

c) If a flaw occurs parallel to the surface under the weld attaching a stiffener to a shell or plate loaded in
compression, it will reduce the effective length over which the stiffener is attached to the plate. If a flaw of
this type is located, it should be assessed assuming that the stiffener is intermittently welded to the plate
and that the flaw forms a "space" between two welds. Rules for determining the allowable weld spacing for
stiffener attachment from the original design code may be used in this evaluation.

d) The allowable compressive stress for a shell component with a flaw can be established using the
compressive stress equations in VIII-2, Part 4, paragraph 4.4. The thickness to be used in the compressive
stress calculation should be the minimum thickness less any future corrosion allowance unless another
thickness can be justified.

2D.5 Supplemental Requirements for Stress Classification in Nozzle Necks

Classification of stresses for nozzle necks shall be in accordance with VIII-2, Part 5, paragraph 5.6.

2D.6 Nomenclature
f design factor used in the ASME B31.8 or ASME B31.12 Piping Code, as applicable.

F design factor used in the ASME B31.4, B31.8 and B31.12 (Pipelines) Piping Codes.

Hf materials performance factor for pipelines used in the ASME B31.12 Piping Code.

Mf materials performance factor for industrial piping used in the ASME B31.12 Piping Code.

RSFa allowable remaining strength factor (see Part 2).

S allowable stress based on the material of construction and design temperature.

Minimum ultimate tensile strength of the material at room temperature.

 YSRT Minimum specified yield strength of the material at room temperature.

T design load parameter to represent the self-restraining load case or temperature correction
factor used in the ASME B31.8 and B31.12 (Pipelines) Piping Codes.

2D.7 References
1. Bushnell D., Computerized Buckling Analysis and Shells, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA, 1985.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 2D.5 – Values of  for an FFS Assessment Based on Elastic-Plastic Analysis

Construction Code 
PD 5500 2.35  RSFa (1)
EN 13345 2.4  RSFa (1)
ASME Section VIII, Division 2, 2007 Edition and later 2.4  RSFa (1)
ASME Section VIII, Division 2, prior to the 2007 Edition 3.0  RSFa (1)
ASME Section VIII, Division 1, 1999 Edition and later 3.5  RSFa (1)
ASME Section VIII, Division 1, prior to the 1999 Edition 4.0  RSFa (1)
API 650 2.5  RSFa (1)
API 620 3.3  RSFa (1)
ASME B31.1 2007 Edition and later 3.5  RSFa (1)
ASME B31.1 prior to the 2007 Edition 4.0  RSFa (1)
ASME B31.3 3.0  RSFa (1)

  RT 
ASME B31.4 2.4  F  RSFa  RTUTS   RSFa (2)
  YS  F 
  UTS RT

2.4  f  T  RSFa  RT   RSFa
ASME B31.8   YS  F  T 
 3.0 
ASME B31.12 (Industrial Piping)    RSFa (1)
 M f 
  UTS
RT 
ASME B31.12 (Pipelines)  RT   RSFa (2)
  YS  H f  F  T 
1. The factor applied to the RSFa is the design margin for the ultimate tensile strength for the specific
construction code. Note for ASME B31.12 (Industrial Piping) the factor M f is included (see paragraph
2. See The factor applied to RSFa is discussed in paragraph 2D.2.4 for analysis considerations.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 2E.8 – Stress-Strain Curve Parameters

Material Temperature Limit m2 (2) p

Ferritic Steel 480C (900F) 0.60 1.00  R  2.0E-5

Stainless Steel and

480C (900F) 0.75 1.00  R  2.0E-5
Nickel Base Alloys

Duplex Stainless Steel 480C (900F) 0.70  0.95  R  2.0E-5

1.90  0.93  R 
Super Alloys (1) 540C (1000F) 2.0E-5
1.09  0.93  R 

Aluminum 120C (250F) 0.52  0.98  R  5.0E-6

Copper 65C (150F) 0.50 1.00  R  5.0E-6

Titanium and Zirconium 260C (500F) 0.50  0.98  R  2.0E-5

1. Precipitation hardening austenitic alloys.
2. R is the ratio of the engineering yield stress to engineering tensile stress evaluated at the
assessment temperature (see Equation (2E.21)).

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 3.4 – Equations For The Curves Included In Figures 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.10

Figure Equation

3.2  C 1    3.25k  16k   

Tmax  max  1  1.5   0.5exp   , C 
 E   ht  
(1) ht 

Curve A

MAT  18  for 0  t  0.394 

76.911  284.85t  27.560t 2
MAT   for 0.394  t  6.0 
1.0  1.7971t  0.17887t 2
Curve B

MAT  20  for 0  t  0.394 

 135.79  171.56t 0.5  103.63t  
MAT   
2.5 
 for 0.394  t  6.0 
172.0t  73.737t  10.535t 
1.5 2
(2) Curve C

MAT  55  for 0  t  0.394 

255.50 287.86 196.42 69.457 9.8082
MAT  101.29       for 0.394  t  6.0 
t t2 t3 t4 t5
Curve D

MAT  55  for 0  t  0.50 

 92.965  94.065t  39.812t 2  
MAT   
 for 0.50  t  6.0 
 9.6838t  1.1698t  0.054687t 
3 4

3.6 PI  0.5TI

TR  100.0 1.0  Rts   for Rts  0.6, see Note 2 

 9979.57  14125.0 Rts1.5  
 
TR   ln  Rts    for 0.6  Rts  0.3, see Note 2 
3.7  9088.11exp  Rts   17.3893 R 2 
 ts 
TR  105.0 to 275  for Rts  0.40, see Note 2 in Figure 3.7 
TR  140.0 to 275  for Rts  0.35, see Note 3 in Figure 3.7 
TR  200.0 to 275  for Rts  0.30, see Note 4 in Figure 3.7 

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service



Stress Ratio



(Note 2)
(Note 3)
0.3 (Note 4)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Temperature Reduction, oF


1. A definition of the parameters used in this curve is provided in paragraph 3.9.

2. Use this curve for components with a design allowable stress at room temperature less than or equal to
17.5 ksi. This curve can be used for vessels constructed to all Editions and Addenda prior to 1999 of the
ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1; and piping constructed to all Editions and Addenda prior to 2002 of
ASME B31.1. The threshold value for this curve is 0.40.
3. Use this curve for components with a design allowable stress at room temperature less than or equal to
20 ksi but greater than 17.5 ksi. This curve can be used for vessels constructed to the 1999 Addenda and
later Editions and Addenda of the ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1; and piping constructed to the 2002
Addenda and later Editions and Addenda of ASME B31.1. The threshold value for this curve is 0.35.
4. Use this curve for components with a design allowable stress at room temperature less than or equal to
25 ksi but greater than 20 ksi. This curve can be used for vessels designed and constructed to the ASME
Code, Section VIII, Division 2 prior to the 2007 Edition, and piping designed to ASME B31.3. The threshold
value for this curve is 0.30.
5. The equations for the curves in this figure are provided in Table 3.4.

Figure 3.7 – Reduction in the MAT Based On Available Excess Thickness for Carbon and Low Alloy
Steel Components

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

D inside diameter of the vessel.

Dml inside diameter of the shell corrected for FCAml , as applicable.

di current inside diameter of the nozzle including the specified FCAml .

E weld joint efficiency or quality factor.

FCA Future Corrosion Allowance applied to the region away from the metal loss (see Annex 2C,
paragraph 2C.2.8 and Figure 4.19).

FCAml Future Corrosion Allowance applied to the region of metal loss (see Figure 4.19).

L length for thickness averaging along the shell.

Lni length for thickness averaging at a nozzle in the vertical direction on the inside of the shell.

Lno length for thickness averaging at a nozzle in the vertical direction on the outside of the shell.

Ls recommended spacing of thickness readings.

Lss length between saddle supports for horizontal pressure vessels and heat exchangers.

Lv length for thickness averaging along the shell at shell discontinuities such as stiffening rings,
conical transitions, and skirt attachment locations.

Lvh length for thickness averaging for the flange hub.

Lvf length for thickness averaging for a flange.

LOSS uniform metal loss away from the damage area at the time of the inspection.

MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure of the undamaged component.

MAWPr reduced maximum allowable working pressure of the damaged component.

MAWPrC reduced MAWP of a conical or cylindrical shell based on the stresses in the circumferential or
hoop direction (see Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.2).

MAWPrL reduced MAWP of a conical or cylindrical shell based on the stresses in the longitudinal direction
(see Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.2).

MFH Maximum Fill Height of the undamaged tank.

MFH r reduced maximum fill height of the damaged tank.

P internal or external design pressure.

Q factor used to determine the length for thickness averaging based on an allowable Remaining
Strength Factor (see Part 2) and the remaining thickness ratio, Rt (see Table 4.8).

R inside radius of the component.

RS small end inside radius at a conical transition corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

RL large end inside radius at a conical transition corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

Rt remaining thickness ratio.

Rlife remaining life.

RSFa allowable remaining strength factor (see Part 2).

s extent of the metal loss established using the CTP in the longitudinal direction with tmin .
tam average measured wall thickness of the component based on the point thickness readings (PTR)
measured at the time of the inspection.
tam average measured wall thickness of the component based on the circumferential CTP
determined at the time of the inspection.
tam average measured wall thickness of the component based on the longitudinal CTP determined
at the time of the inspection.

tc wall thickness away from the damaged area adjusted for LOSS and FCA , as applicable (see
Figure 4.19).

tco furnished cone thickness at a conical transition.

te reinforcing pad thickness.

tlim limiting thickness.

tL furnished large end cylinder thickness at a conical transition.

tloss the nominal thickness minus the average measured thickness.

tmin minimum required wall thickness of the component (see Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.2).
tmin minimum required thickness of a conical or cylindrical shell based on the stresses in the
circumferential or hoop direction (see Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.2).
tmin minimum required thickness of a conical or cylindrical shell based on the stresses in the
longitudinal direction (see Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.2).

tml nominal thickness in the region of corrosion corrected for FCAml , as applicable.
tmm minimum measured thickness determined at the time of the inspection (see Figure 4.19).

tnom nominal or furnished thickness of the component adjusted for mill undertolerance as applicable
(see Figure 4.19).

tn nozzle thickness.

trd uniform thickness away from the local metal loss location established by thickness measurements
at the time of the assessment (see Figure 4.19).

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Rt  0.20 (5.7)

tmm  FCAml  2.5 mm (0.10 inches )  for vessels & tanks  (5.8)

tmm  FCAml  1.3 mm (0.05 inches )  for piping  (5.9)

Lmsd  1.8 Dtc (5.10)

f) STEP 6 – If the region of metal loss is categorized as an LTA (i.e. the LTA is not a groove), then proceed
to STEP 7. If the region of metal loss is categorized as a groove and Equation (5.11) is satisfied, then
proceed to STEP 7. Otherwise, the Level 1 assessment is not satisfied and proceed to paragraph

 0.5 (5.11)
1  Rt  tc
g) STEP 7 – Determine the MAWP for the component (see Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.2) using the thickness
from STEP 2.

h) STEP 8 – Enter Figure 5.6 for a cylindrical shell or Figure 5.7 for a spherical shell with the calculated values
of  and Rt . If the point defined by the intersection of these values is on or above the curve, then the
longitudinal extent (circumferential or meridional extent for spherical shells and formed heads) of the flaw
is acceptable for operation at the MAWP determined in STEP 7. If the flaw is unacceptable, then
determine the RSF using Equation (5.12). If RSF  RSFa , then the region of local metal loss is
acceptable for operation at the MAWP determined in STEP 7. If RSF  RSFa , then the region of local
metal loss is acceptable for operation at MAWPr , where MAWPr is computed using the equations in Part
2, paragraph The MAWP from STEP 7 shall be used in this calculation. See paragraph
to determine the acceptability of the equipment for continued operation.

RSF  (5.12)
1 1  Rt 
The parameter M t in Equation (5.12) is determined from Table 5.2.

i) STEP 9 – The assessment is complete for all component types except cylindrical shells, conical shells, and
elbows. If the component is a cylindrical shell, conical shell, or elbow, then evaluate the circumferential
extent of the flaw using the following procedure.

1) STEP 9.1 – If Equation (5.13) is satisfied, the circumferential extent is acceptable, and no further
evaluation is required. Otherwise, proceed to STEP 9.2.

E 
c  2s  L  (5.13)
 EC 
E 
c  2s  C  (5.13)
 EL 
2) STEP 9.2 – Calculate the minimum thickness required for longitudinal stresses, tmin , using MAWPr
determined in STEP 8.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Note: The scale of this figure is 150 mm by 150 mm (6 in by 6 in)

Level 1 RSF
Cylinder Sphere
0.8 0.97 0.96
0.6 0.95 0.91
0.4 0.92 0.87
0.2 0.89 0.83

Figure 6.7 – Pitting Chart for Grade 2 Pitting Corrosion

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

7.1 General

7.1.1 Assessment Procedures for Hydrogen Blisters, HIC and SOHIC

Fitness-For-Service ( FFS ) assessment procedures are provided in this Part for low strength ferritic steel
pressurized components with hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) and blisters, stress oriented HIC (SOHIC)
damage, and components with laminations that Part 13 directs that Part 7 shall be used (e.g. the component
operates in a hydrogen charging environment or closely spaced laminations at different depths in through-
thickness direction). These forms of damage are further described below and in NACE Standard SP0296-10
Detection, Repair, and Mitigation of Cracking in Refinery Equipment in Wet H2S Environments. The assessment
procedures for HIC and blister damage are shown in the flow chart contained in Figure 7.1. This Part excludes
sulfide stress cracking (SSC) and hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels which generally occur in steels
with a hardness above Rockwell C 22 (Brinell 237) or with tensile strengths above 793 MPa (115 ksi). The
technical basis for Part 7 is summarized in Annex 7A.

7.1.2 HIC Definition

Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) is characterized by laminar (in-plane) cracking with some associated through-
thickness crack linkage. This is sometimes referred to as step-wise cracking, due to its morphology. This type
of damage typically occurs in carbon steel plates exposed to an aqueous phase containing hydrogen sulfide,
cyanides, hydrofluoric acid, or other species which charge atomic hydrogen into the steel. It is less common in
forgings and seamless pipes than in plates. The atomic hydrogen combines at non-metallic inclusions or other
imperfections to form hydrogen molecules that are too large to diffuse through the steel. This build-up of internal
hydrogen can result in HIC. Typical HIC damage is shown in Figures 7.2 and 7.3.

7.1.3 SOHIC Definition

Stress Oriented HIC (SOHIC) is defined in NACE Standard SP0296-10 as follows: “Array of cracks, aligned
nearly perpendicular to the stress, that are formed by the link-up of small HIC cracks in steel.” Tensile stress
(residual or applied) is required to produce SOHIC. SOHIC is commonly observed in the base metal adjacent
to the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of a weld, oriented in the through-thickness direction. SOHIC may also be
produced in susceptible steels at other high stress points such as from the tip of mechanical cracks and defects,
or from the interaction among HIC on different planes in the steel. The hydrogen charging phenomenon is the
same as that which causes HIC. Typical SOHIC damage is shown in Figure 7.4.

7.1.4 Hydrogen Blistering Definition

Hydrogen blistering is characterized by physical bulging of the surface(s) of equipment. It is caused by hydrogen
accumulation at imperfections in the steel, such as laminations or inclusions. Atomic hydrogen generated by
wet H2S or hydrofluoric acid environments combines at imperfections to form hydrogen molecules that are too
large to diffuse through the steel. The hydrogen accumulates and results in the build-up of high pressure that
causes local stresses that exceed the yield strength of the material near these imperfections. The yielding of
the material and subsequent plastic deformation in the form of bulging due to pressure loading results in a blister.
Sometimes cracks can extend from the periphery of a blister and can propagate in a through-wall direction,
particularly if the blister is located near a weld. Typical hydrogen blistering is shown in Figures 7.5 through 7.9.

7.1.5 HIC, SOHIC and Blistering Distinct Damage Types

HIC, SOHIC, and blistering are distinct from other forms of damage that may be related to hydrogen in steels
which are addressed elsewhere in this document, including:

a) Discrete or singular cracks shall be assessed as crack-like flaws per Part 9. This includes hydrogen
embrittlement or sulfide stress cracking of high strength or high hardness base metals and weldments.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

7.6.6 NACE Standard SP0296-10

Additional information regarding remediation and repair of HIC and SOHIC damage can be found in NACE
Standard SP0296-10.

7.7 In-Service Monitoring

7.7.1 Monitoring for Hydrogen Charging

Periodic monitoring of the process stream for hydrogen charging conditions and/or of the equipment for
additional damage should be considered, once HIC, SOHIC, or blister damage has been observed. Monitoring
of such damage, particularly damage adjacent to welds that are not vented, is important when the driving force
for blister formation and growth (i.e. hydrogen pressure in the blister cavity) has not been relieved.

7.7.2 Inspection Methods for Monitoring

Various inspection methods can be used to monitor HIC, SOHIC, and blister damage growth. Common methods
are straight beam UT for HIC and blisters and angle beam UT for HIC and SOHIC damage. Hydrogen charging
levels can be monitored by either intrusive or non-intrusive hydrogen probes attached to the external surface of
the equipment to measure hydrogen activity either directly, by pressure build up, or by electrochemical means.
The inspection monitoring interval can be adjusted based on the measured hydrogen charging levels.

7.7.3 Detection of HIC, SOHIC, or Blister Damage Growth

If the HIC, SOHIC, or blister damage is found to grow during the monitoring process, the evaluation procedures
in paragraph 7.4 and the remediation guidelines in paragraph 7.6 should be reviewed and implemented based
on the severity of the damage that is anticipated.

7.8 Documentation

7.8.1 General

The documentation of the FFS Assessment should include the information cited in Part 2, paragraph 2.8.
7.8.2 Inspection Data

The location, size, spacing and condition of existing HIC, SOHIC, and blister damage should be recorded along
with the results of the assessments performed. Sample data sheets for HIC and blister damage are shown in
Tables 7.1 and 7.2, respectively. The data sheet for crack-like flaws included in Part 9 can be used for SOHIC

7.8.3 In-Service Monitoring

If HIC, SOHIC, or blister damage growth is detected during the monitoring process, the physical dimensions and
location of the damage should be recorded along with the time period between measurements. In addition, the
associated operating conditions and process stream constituents should be recorded in order to permit an
evaluation of the hydrogen-charging environment relative to the operation of the equipment. This information
may be valuable in determining suitable process changes in the operation of the equipment, if possible, to
mitigate further damage.

7.9 Nomenclature
a depth of a SOHIC crack (see Figure 7.4 and Part 9).

Bp blister bulge projection.

c HIC damage or blister dimension in the circumferential direction.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

2c length of a SOHIC crack (see Figure 7.4 and Part 9).

c1 HIC or blister dimension for HIC damage area 1 in the circumferential direction.

c2 HIC or blister dimension for HIC damage area 2 in the circumferential direction.

d HIC effective through thickness extent of HIC damage after accounting for the remaining strength of
the damaged material.
D inside diameter corrected for LOSS and FCA allowance as applicable.
DH HIC Damage parameter that relates the strength of HIC damaged steel to that of undamaged
steel. For example, zero percent of HIC damage corresponds to DH  0.0 , 80% HIC damage
corresponds to DH  0.80 , and 100% HIC damage corresponds to DH  1.0 . A DH  1.0
indicates that the HIC damaged area does not have any structural strength.
FCA future corrosion allowance in the damage area.

LOSS amount of uniform metal loss at the time of inspection, or uniform metal loss away from the
damage area at the time of the inspection.

LB blister-to-blister or blister-to-HIC spacing.

LH edge-to-edge spacing between HIC damage and the nearest HIC or blister damage.

LHs HIC-to-HIC or HIC-to-blister spacing in the longitudinal direction.

LSH SOHIC to HIC or blister damage spacing.

LR extent of non-damaged material available for reinforcement of the HIC damaged area.

Lmsd spacing to nearest major structural discontinuity.

LW spacing to nearest weld joint.

 longitudinal flaw length parameter.

MAWP maximum allowable working pressure of the undamaged component (see Annex 2C, paragraph

MAWPr reduced maximum allowable working pressure of the damaged component.

MFH maximum fill height of the undamaged component.

MFH r reduced maximum fill height of the damaged component.

Mt Folias Factor based on the longitudinal or meridional flaw parameter.

RSF computed remaining strength factor based on the meridional extent of the HIC or blister.

RSFa allowable remaining strength factor (see Part 2, paragraph

s HIC or blister dimension in the longitudinal direction.

sc length of a blister crown crack or diameter of a vent hole.

s1 HIC or blister dimension for HIC damage area 1 in the longitudinal direction.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

HIC Damage Zone - Subsurface Damage

Outside Surface


trd wH


s or c
Inside Surface

a) Typical Subsurface HIC Damage

HIC Damage Zone - Surface Breaking Damage




s or c

b) Typical Surface Breaking HIC Damage

Note: wH , tmm , tmm  ID , and tmm OD , shall be modified by the FCA as appropriate.

Figure 7.2 – Surface and Subsurface HIC Damage

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service


Periphery of Blister
Blister Blister Plan View

Component Inside or Outside Surface, as Applicable

Blister Periphery Cracks Directed Towards

Inside or Outside Surface, as Applicable

tmm trd


s or c

Section A-A
Cross Section Of Blister


1. The blister diameter to be used in the assessment is defined in paragraph

2. tmm shall be modified by the FCA as appropriate.

Figure 7.5 – Typical Hydrogen Blister

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Periphery of Blister



Crown Crack Blister

Blister Plan View

Inside or Outside Surface

tmm tmm trd

Crown Crack
s or c

Section A-A
Cross Section of Blister


1. The blister diameter to be used in the assessment is defined in paragraph

2. tmm shall be modified by the FCA as appropriate.
3. The dimension sc can be used to characterize the length of an equivalent LTA for a blister with a crown
crack that satisfies the HIC projection criterion; alternatively, the dimension max  s , c  can be used.

Figure 7.6 – Blister with a Crown Crack

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Periphery of Component Inside or

Blister Outside Surface


Drilled Vent Hole Blister

Blister Plan View

Component Inside or
Drilled Vent Hole
Outside Surface

L tmm trd

s or c

Section A-A
Cross Section of Blister


1. The blister diameter to be used in the assessment is defined in paragraph

2. tmm shall be modified by the FCA as appropriate.

Figure 7.7 – Blister with a Vent Hole

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Periphery of Blister

Weld Seam Blister

Blister Plan View
a) Blister Spacing to a Weld Seam

Inside or Outside Surface

Blister Periphery Cracks Following the
Fusion Line of the Weld in the Through
Thickness Direction

tmm tmm

s or c

b) Blister Periphery Cracks at the Weld Joint


1. The blister is considered to be close to a weld seam if Lw  max  2tc , 25mm(1.0in)  .

2. The blister diameter to be used in the assessment is defined in paragraph
3. tmm shall be modified by the FCA as appropriate.

Figure 7.8 – Blister Periphery Cracks at a Weld

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

D inside diameter corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

DL cone outside diameter, large end, corrected for LOSS and FCA allowance as applicable.

Dm mean diameter.

Dmax maximum outside diameter corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

Dmin minimum outside diameter corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

Do outside diameter of a pipe bend corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

DS cone outside diameter, small end corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

Dx cone outside diameter at a location within the cone corrected for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

D1 outside diameter of component 1 with a wall thickness oft1 in the joint (used for centerline offset
in circumferential joints of cylinders (see (Figure 8.3) corrected for LOSS and FCA , as

D2 outside diameter of component 2 with a wall thickness of

t2 in the joint (used for centerline offset
in circumferential joints of cylinders (see Figure 8.3) corrected for LOSS and FCA , as

d inward or outward peaking in a cylinder resulting from an angular weld misalignment.

 height of the angular peaking (see Figures 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6).

S P range of primary plus secondary plus peak equivalent stress.

 b structural bending stress range.

 m structural membrane stress range.

E weld joint efficiency.

Ey Young’s modulus.

e centerline offset of the plate sections at the welded joint or the maximum inward deviation that
occurs within a 2 arc length when evaluating shells subject to external pressure.

ed maximum deviation from a true cylinder.

 deviation from the mean circle at a location defined by  (see Equation (8.4)).

i deviation from the true mean radius at point i (see Equation (8.6)).

F net-section axial force; used only for flat plates and for centerline offset of circumferential joints in

FCA future corrosion allowance.

FS in-service margin (see VIII-2, Part 4, paragraph 4.4.2).

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

h1 distance from a datum line to the outside surface of component 1 with a wall thickness of t1 in
the joint (used for centerline offset in circumferential joints of cylinders (see (Figure 8.3) corrected
for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

h2 distance from a datum line to the outside surface of component 2 with a wall thickness of t2 in
the joint (used for centerline offset in circumferential joints of cylinders (see Figure 8.3) corrected
for LOSS and FCA as applicable.

Hf factor dependent on whether the induced stress from the shape deviation is categorized as a
primary or secondary stress (see Annex 2D); H f  3.0 if the stress is secondary and H f  1.5
if the stress is primary.

i index of the current radius measurement point on the cylinder’s circumference.

Kc equivalent radius coefficient for an elliptical head.

Kf fatigue strength reduction factor.

L characteristic length used to establish the amount of angular misalignment (see Figures 8.4 and
8.6); the definition of this length is shown in Figure 8.6.

Lf Lorenz factor (see Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.5.5).

Lu unsupported length of a cylindrical or conical shell used in an external pressure calculation (see
Annex 2C, paragraph 2C.4).

Lmsd distance from the edge of the bulge under investigation to the nearest major structural
discontinuity or adjacent flaw.

LOSS amount of uniform metal loss away from the local metal loss location at the time of the

 buckling parameter.

M number of equally spaced measurement locations around the cylinder’s circumference, a

minimum of 24 points is recommended, M must be an even number.

M ns net section bending moment; used only for flat plates and for centerline offset of circumferential
joints in cylinders.

n harmonic number associated with the Fourier series, or the number of waves for a buckled
cylindrical shell.

N number of Fourier coefficients used in the calculation equal to M 2 .

P internal or external design pressure, as applicable.

Pc inelastic buckling pressure of a cylindrical shell subject to external pressure.

Pec minimum elastic buckling pressure of a cylindrical shell subject to external pressure.

PeL elastic buckling pressure of a cylinder.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 8.9 – Equations For The Ratio Of Induced Bending Stress To Applied Membrane Stress For
The Circumferential Joints Of A Cylinder With Centerline Offset And Angular Misalignment

Type Of Misalignment Equations For Rb

 12   C1  e  Ra  C2   
Rbccjc  abs   0.25672 R2t2 c      
 R1t1c   C3  2  C3   
 6e 
 1   
1.5 1
Rbsccjc  
 t1c 
C1     1   2  1
C2   2  2  1.5  1
C3    2  1  2  1.5    1

Cylinder – Circumferential t2 c
Joint, Centerline Offset (see  where t2 c  t1c
Figure 8.3) (1) t1c
Ra  0.5  R1  R2 
R1  0.5  D1  t1c 
R2  0.5  D2  t2 c 
e  D1  D2  h1  h2  0.5  t2  t1 
e is positive if h2  D2  0.5 t 2  h1  D1  0.5 t1 in Figure 8.3
e is negative if h2  D2  0.5 t 2  h1  D1  0.5 t1 in Figure 8.3

R1 R abs  e 
Limitations:  10.0 , 2  10.0 , and 0.0   1.0
t1c t2 c t

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service


D1 D2


(a) Weld Misalignment - Equal Diameters (D1 = D2)


D1 D2


(b) Weld Misalignment - Unequal Diameters (D1 ≠ D2)

Note: For Both Case (a) and (b) e = (h1 – h2) + (D1 – D2) + 0.5 (t2 – t1)

Figure 8.3 – Centerline Offset Weld Misalignment in Cylindrical Shell Circumferential Weld Joints

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 9.3 – Plasticity Interaction Factor – Parameter  P

as a Function of Lr and 

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 ≤5

0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0.01 1 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.001 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.011 1.019 1.023 1.026 1.028 1.029 1.030 1.031 1.032

0.02 1 1.000 1.000 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.006 1.019 1.031 1.038 1.042 1.044 1.046 1.048 1.051 1.047

0.03 1 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.006 1.008 1.026 1.040 1.048 1.053 1.056 1.059 1.060 1.061 1.062

0.04 1 1.001 1.001 1.001 1.002 1.002 1.004 1.006 1.008 1.011 1.031 1.047 1.056 1.061 1.065 1.068 1.071 1.076 1.081

0.06 1 1.002 1.002 1.003 1.003 1.004 1.006 1.009 1.012 1.016 1.039 1.058 1.068 1.074 1.078 1.083 1.087 1.092 1.099

0.08 1 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.004 1.005 1.008 1.012 1.016 1.020 1.045 1.066 1.077 1.084 1.088 1.093 1.098 1.103 1.112

0.1 1 1.004 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.011 1.015 1.020 1.024 1.050 1.072 1.084 1.092 1.097 1.102 1.108 1.114 1.122

0.12 1 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.013 1.018 1.023 1.028 1.054 1.077 1.090 1.099 1.104 1.110 1.116 1.122 1.132

0.14 1 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.016 1.022 1.027 1.032 1.057 1.082 1.096 1.105 1.111 1.117 1.123 1.131 1.142

0.16 1 1.008 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.019 1.025 1.031 1.035 1.060 1.086 1.101 1.111 1.117 1.123 1.130 1.138 1.149

0.18 1 1.010 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.016 1.022 1.029 1.034 1.038 1.063 1.090 1.106 1.116 1.124 1.129 1.137 1.145 1.158

0.2 1 1.012 1.014 1.015 1.017 1.018 1.026 1.033 1.038 1.041 1.066 1.094 1.110 1.121 1.128 1.136 1.144 1.153 1.166

0.3 1 1.027 1.029 1.031 1.033 1.035 1.045 1.051 1.054 1.055 1.080 1.113 1.133 1.146 1.155 1.165 1.175 1.187 1.205

0.4 1 1.049 1.052 1.054 1.057 1.059 1.068 1.071 1.071 1.071 1.099 1.135 1.157 1.173 1.184 1.196 1.209 1.225 1.248

0.5 1 1.082 1.085 1.087 1.089 1.091 1.096 1.096 1.095 1.095 1.126 1.164 1.187 1.203 1.215 1.229 1.246 1.266 1.292

0.6 1 1.126 1.128 1.129 1.130 1.131 1.131 1.129 1.128 1.129 1.161 1.196 1.218 1.234 1.248 1.262 1.284 1.311 1.337

0.7 1 1.176 1.175 1.175 1.175 1.174 1.171 1.169 1.168 1.169 1.195 1.224 1.242 1.256 1.269 1.288 1.314 1.343 1.365

0.8 1 1.215 1.214 1.212 1.211 1.210 1.204 1.200 1.198 1.196 1.210 1.228 1.241 1.252 1.267 1.291 1.316 1.341 1.355

0.9 1 1.215 1.212 1.210 1.208 1.206 1.198 1.191 1.185 1.180 1.178 1.184 1.190 1.199 1.218 1.240 1.259 1.271 1.272

1 1 1.133 1.130 1.128 1.125 1.123 1.112 1.102 1.094 1.087 1.070 1.067 1.069 1.080 1.098 1.105 1.104 1.094 1.073

1.1 1 0.951 0.948 0.946 0.943 0.941 0.930 0.921 0.912 0.905 0.884 0.877 0.882 0.887 0.879 0.861 0.842 0.820 0.801

1.2 1 0.710 0.708 0.707 0.705 0.703 0.695 0.688 0.682 0.677 0.661 0.658 0.649 0.633 0.613 0.597 0.583 0.571 0.561

1.3 1 0.498 0.497 0.496 0.495 0.494 0.490 0.486 0.483 0.480 0.471 0.461 0.449 0.439 0.426 0.427 0.420 0.415 0.413

1.4 1 0.376 0.375 0.375 0.375 0.374 0.373 0.371 0.370 0.368 0.363 0.361 0.359 0.358 0.357 0.355 0.354 0.351 0.351

1.5 1 0.334 0.334 0.333 0.333 0.333 0.332 0.331 0.331 0.330 0.330 0.331 0.332 0.333 0.332 0.333 0.331 0.333 0.331

1.6 1 0.320 0.319 0.319 0.319 0.319 0.318 0.318 0.317 0.317 0.317 0.319 0.320 0.321 0.320 0.320 0.322 0.319 0.319

1.7 1 0.308 0.308 0.308 0.308 0.308 0.307 0.307 0.306 0.306 0.306 0.307 0.308 0.309 0.309 0.308 0.309 0.308 0.308

1.8 1 0.296 0.296 0.296 0.296 0.296 0.295 0.295 0.294 0.294 0.294 0.295 0.296 0.296 0.295 0.297 0.295 0.297 0.292

1.9 1 0.283 0.283 0.283 0.283 0.282 0.282 0.282 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.281 0.282 0.282 0.284 0.283 0.281 0.280 0.280

≤2 1 0.268 0.268 0.268 0.268 0.268 0.267 0.267 0.267 0.266 0.266 0.266 0.266 0.266 0.262 0.261 0.256 0.263 0.266

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Criterion For Effective Dimensions

Multiple Crack-Like Flaw Configuration
Interaction After Interaction


s1  max  a1 , a2 
2a1 2c  2c1  2c2  s2
2c2 s2 and
2a  2a1  2a2  s1
s2  max  a1 , a2 

Configuration 5
s1  max  0.5a1 , a2 
2c1 2c2 2c  2c1  2c2  s2
a  a1  2a2  s1
s1 s2 s2  max  0.5a1 , a2 

Configuration 6

s Project flaws onto the

same plane.

2c s  13 mm (0.5 in) 2c  total length of

2c1 projection based on
cracks defined by
2c1 and 2c2

Configuration 7

2c2 s1 Project flaws onto the

s1  13 mm (0.5 in)
same plane and
and evaluate using
Configuration 1, 3, 5, or
s2  0 6, as applicable.

Configuration 8

Figure 9.8 – Interaction of Coplanar Flaws – Continued

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

b) Residual Stress Attenuation – The through-thickness residual stress distribution may be decreased with
distance from the weld centerline ( y ) as follows (see Figure 9D.10):

1) Shell: The stress attenuation from the equations in paragraph 9D.10.1.1(b) may be used.

2) Nozzle Neck:

 r ( x) Equation (9D.28) from nozzle bore to 1.0tn past shell outside surface (9D.41)

 r ( x) linearly decreasing to 0 from 1.0tn to 6.0tn , past shell outside surface (9D.42)

9D.10.2.2 Residual Stress Parallel to the Weld Seam

a) Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distribution – The residual stress distributions provided in the
equations in paragraph 9D.10.2(a) may be used for this configuration.

b) Residual Stress Attenuation – The through-thickness residual stress distribution may be decreased with
distance from the weld centerline ( y ) according to the equations in paragraph 9D.10.1.2(b).

9D.10.3 Reinforcing Pad Shell Fillet Weld (See Figure 9D.7 and Figure 9D.8, Weld Joint C)

9D.10.3.1 Residual Stress Perpendicular to the Weld Seam

a) Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distribution – The residual stress distributions provided in Equation
(9D.28) may be used for this configuration. This residual stress distribution may be overly conservative for
thick shell sections; therefore, alternatively, the guidance for tee joint welds (main plate) in paragraph
9D.10.5 paragraph 9D.11.1 may be used for shell thicknesses greater than 25.4 mm (1 inch).

b) Residual Stress Attenuation – The through-thickness residual stress distribution may be decreased with
distance from the weld centerline ( y ) as follows (both towards and away from the nozzle centerline), (see
Figure 9D.10):

 r ( x) Equation (9D.28) from 0.0 to 1.0w (9D.43)

 r ( x) linearly decreasing to 0 from 1.0w to 2.0w (9D.44)

The total residual stress under the pad should be the sum of the (attenuated) stress from both the corner joint
weld (Weld Joint A or B) and reinforcing pad outer fillet weld (Weld Joint C).

9D.10.3.2 Residual Stress Parallel to the Weld Seam

a) Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distribution – The residual stress distributions provided in Equation
(9D.36) may be used for this configuration. This residual stress distribution may be overly conservative for
thick shell sections; therefore, alternatively, the guidance for tee joint welds (main plate) in paragraph
9D.10.5 paragraph 9D.11.2 may be used for shell thicknesses greater than 25.4 mm (1 inch).

b) Residual Stress Attenuation – The through-thickness residual stress distribution may be decreased with
distance from the weld centerline ( y ) according to the equations in paragraph 9D.10.1.2(b).

9D.10.4 Piping Branch Connection (See Figure 9D.11)

9D.10.4.1 Residual Stress Perpendicular to the Weld Seam (See Figure 9D.11)

a) Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distribution – The residual stress distribution for this category of weld
made remote from all other geometric discontinuities can be approximated using Equations (9D.45) and

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

sets. This assumption is corroborated by comparison of the piping branch connection parallel and perpendicular
recommendations (see Figure 9D.1), which are nearly identical.

In both references [16] and [27] experimental results correspond to plate thicknesses between 25 mm (0.984
inches) and 100 mm (3.937 inches). Thinner plates could be expected to have a more uniform stress distribution
through-thickness, as reflected in the guidance in References [1] and [3], as well as limited literature studies
(references [28] through [31]). Therefore, plates 6.35 mm (0.25 inches) and thinner are specified here to have
a uniform yield level tensile stress through-thickness. A linear transition between the two profiles discussed here
is then assumed, as given in Equations (9D.60) through (9D.63).

9D.12 Repair Welds

9D.12.1 Residual Stress Perpendicular to the Weld

a) Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distribution – The residual stress distribution for this category of weld
made remote from all other geometric discontinuities can be approximated using Equations (9D.64) and
(9D.65). Note that this distribution is referenced to the position of the repair, such that the through-thickness
origin always corresponds to the last pass of the repair weld. Additionally, this distribution assumes that
the repair is of sufficient depth to dominate the through-thickness distribution, such that the original
distribution need not be considered. For shallow repairs, or for flaws on the side of the section opposite of
the repair, the original recommended stress distribution should be considered, modified by yield over the
(shallow) repair depth. The local coordinate x for the stress distribution through the wall thickness is
measured from the surface corresponding to the last pass of the repair.

 x tw 
 r   ysr  for   (9D.64)
 t t 
 
 1.0  x  tw x 
 or   ysr    1.0    for   1.0  (9D.65)
 t  
t t t
 1.0  w
 t 
 
 1.0  x  tw x 
  
r r
ys   1.0    for   1.0  (9D.65)
 t  
t t t
 1.0  w
 t 
a) Residual Stress Attenuation – The through-thickness residual stress distribution may be decreased with
distance from the weld centerline ( y ) according to the guidance for the original weld joint and configuration
(e.g. girth, seam).

9D.12.2 Residual Stress Parallel to the Weld Seam

b) Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distribution – The residual stress distribution for this category can be
approximated using paragraph 9D.12.1(a).

c) Residual Stress Attenuation – The through-thickness residual stress distribution may be decreased with
distance from the weld centerline ( y ) according to the guidance for the original weld joint and configuration
(e.g. girth, seam).

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 10.2 – Stress Equations for Cylindrical and Spherical Shells

Geometry Stress Equations

Cylinder or Elbow – Elastic PDmean

Stress Solution Based on
1   c   Lf
Mean Diameter
2  m   Lf
4  tcomp  t sl 
2  m 
4  tcomp  t sl 
 3   r  0.0
Cylinder – Reference Stress P 1  ln  Rr 2 
Solution 1   c 
ln  Rr1 
P 1  2 ln  Rr 2 
2  m 
2 ln  Rr1 
 P  ln  Rr 2 
3  r 
ln  Rr1 
Rr1 
Rr 2 
Cylinder or Elbow – Steady-   2 

 2  nBN   Ro  nBN  
State Creep Solution
 1   c  C 1      Lf
  nBN   r  
 
  2 

 1.0  nBN   Ro  nBN  
 2   m  C 1.0    
  nBN  r  
 
  2 
 
  Ro  nBN  
3   r  C 1  
  r  
 
  2 
  
 Ro  nBN  
 R   1
  i 

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 10.2 – Stress Equations for Cylindrical and Spherical Shells

Geometry Stress Equations

Sphere – Elastic Stress PDmean

Solution Based on Mean
1   c 
2  m  c
 3   r  0.0
Sphere – Reference Stress P  2  3ln  Rr 2 
Solution 1   c 
3ln  Rr1 
2  m  c
 P  ln  Rr 2 
3  r 
ln  Rr1 
Rr1 
Rr 2 
Sphere – Steady-State Creep   3n  2  R 3nBN  
Solution  1   c  C 1   BN  

  2  r  
  3n  2  R 3nBN  
 2   m  C 1   BN  

  2  r  
  R  3nBN  
 3   r  C 1   o  
  r  
 R  3nBN  

 o   1
 Ri  
1. The above equations do not include the effect of metal loss or future corrosion allowance. The
inside radius, outside radius, and wall thickness should be adjusted accordingly based on service
2. For a cylinder, the Lorentz Factor is L f  1.0 , for an elbow, L f can be evaluated using Annex
2C, paragraph 2C.5.5.
3. The thick wall stress equations are provided in terms of the Bailey-Norton creep exponent, nBN .
This form of the equations will account for the stress redistribution that occurs in the creep range.
The elastic solution or Lame equations can be obtained by setting nBN  1.0 .

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 11.6 – Guidelines for Assessing Fire Damage Effects Description of The Types of Damage That
May Occur in the Heat Exposure Zone Categories

Heat Exposure Temperature

Heat/Temperature Effects Observations and Conclusions
Zone Range
 Severe general damage to ancillary
Organic coatings blistered or equipment such as electrical wiring,
burned off. Plastics and rubber circuit boards and motors.
melted or charred. Insulation on  All gaskets and packing must shall be
electric wiring destroyed. replaced except those made from
metallic, spiral or graphite.
 Springs in pressure relief valves, check
Springs will be tempered and valves etc., will be tempered out of
softened. Valves, gauges out of calibration. Rupture discs may also be
calibration. affected by heat and should be
replaced (5).
 Roll joints in heat exchangers might be
affected. Sagging tubing joints on
Cold drawn copper alloys lose
Over 205C instrument tubing might leak. Consult
strength. Solution annealed
ZONE IV mechanical engineers about copper
(400F) copper alloys are less affected.
Medium heat alloy pressure components if loss of
to copper alloy strength is observed (6).
425C (800F) Aluminum alloys may
experience considerable loss in
 Aluminum equipment often requires
strength due to over-aging and
replacement (6).
recrystallization. Distortion of
aluminum alloys may occur.
Structural steels, stainless
steels, solution annealed nickel
alloys, non-heat treated titanium  Usually can be returned to service (7).
and zirconium alloys generally
are not affected.
 Refurbish susceptible metallic items
Possibility of liquid metal that have had molten metal dripped on
embrittlement begins and may them by repairing damaged areas (by
affect the integrity of equipment. welding and/or grinding) and inspecting
for cracking (8).

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Table 11.6 – Guidelines for Assessing Fire Damage Effects Description of The Types of Damage That
May Occur in the Heat Exposure Zone Categories

Heat Exposure Temperature

Heat/Temperature Effects Observations and Conclusions
Zone Range

 All ancillary equipment and small

Nonmetals destroyed or piping, tubing, copper materials should
consumed. be replaced. Concentrate on major
Aluminum, pyre and some silver
solders melting.  All gaskets and packing should shall
be replaced.
 Major equipment, including pressure
The cold-rolled tube ends in
ZONE V vessels, heat exchangers and rotating
heat exchangers may be stress
Severe heat equipment should be cleaned,
relieved causing leaks.
exposure. Direct inspected and pressure tested. (9)
exposure to
flames, no Heat-treated or cold-worked
impingement. metals may be softened. Check  In areas of highest temperature,
This is the most Over 425C springs on pressure relief replace all B7 bolts. [Note (10)]
important area of (800F) valves. Check A193-B7 stud Pressurized components may need
fire damage bolts in flanges for softening. metallurgical sampling to determine
to Check for localized heating and exact degree of effects by high-
730C (1350F) stressing of steel equipment in temperature exposure. (13)
Major equipment critical service.
has been
exposed to  Vessel, piping, and tankage
severe radiant Long exposure to these components, and associated structural
heat, but not temperatures may affect grain steel supports, that are warped or
enough to destroy structure, properties and distorted may require repair or
it. corrosion resistance of steels replacement. Regular carbon stainless
and stainless steels. steels are sensitized, may need
replacing (10), (11), (12).
Steel starting to oxidize, the
 Remove oxide scale and determine
thicker the scale the hotter the
amount of physical damage (13).
Copper tubing oxidizing to black  Replace copper tubing which has black
scale, softened and distorted. oxide scale.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

g) STEP 7 – Determine the MAWP for the component (see Annex 2C) using the thickness from STEP 5.
The component with the lamination is acceptable for operation at this calculated MAWP . If the component does not meet the Level 1 Assessment requirements, then the following, or
combinations thereof, can be considered:

a) Rerate, repair, or replace the component.

b) Conduct a Level 2 or Level 3 Assessment.

13.4.3 Level 2 Assessment The following procedure shall be used to determine the acceptability of a lamination in a Type A and
a Type B Class 1 component subject to internal pressure, supplemental loads, or any combination thereof.

a) STEP 1 – see paragrapgh STEP 1.Determine the information in paragraph

b) STEP 2 – see paragrapgh STEP 2.If there are two or more laminations on the same plane and
the spacing does not satisfy Equation (13.1), then the laminations shall be combined into a single larger
lamination in the assessment with new dimensions of s and c adjusted accordingly. If there are two or
more laminations at different depths in the wall thickness of the component and the spacing does not
satisfy Equation (13.1), then the group of laminations shall be evaluated as equivalent HIC damage using
the assessment methodology in Part 7.

c) STEP 3 – see paragrapgh STEP 3.If Equation (13.3) is satisfied, then proceed to STEP 4;
otherwise, evaluate the through-thickness component of the lamination as a crack-like flaw using the Level
2 assessment methodology in Part 9. In this evaluation, the crack depth shall be equal to 2a  Lh and
the crack length shall be equal to 2c  max  s, c .

d) STEP 4 – see paragrapgh STEP 4.Determine the wall thickness to be used in the assessment
using Equation (13.4) or Equation (13.5), as applicable.

e) STEP 5 – see paragrapgh STEP 5.

e)f) STEP 5 6 – If all of the following conditions are satisfied, proceed to STEP 6; otherwise, the lamination is
not acceptable per the Level 2 Assessment procedure.

1) There is no indication of through-thickness cracking.

2) The lamination is not surface breaking in accordance with Equation (13.6).

3) The distance between the edge of the lamination and the nearest structural discontinuity satisfies
Equation (13.2).

4)3)If the distance between the edge of the lamination and the nearest weld seam satisfies Equation
(13.7), proceed to STEP 6STEP 7. Laminations that do not satisfy the spacing criteria may be
acceptable if it is confirmed that though-thickness cracking does not occur and there is no indication of
cracking in the direction towards the inside or outside surface. An in-service monitoring system should
be developed to monitor for lamination cracking while the component is in service.

f)g) STEP 6 7 – Determine the MAWP for the component (see Annex 2C) using the thickness from STEP 54.
The component with the lamination is acceptable for operation at this calculated MAWP . If the component does not meet the Level 2 Assessment requirements, then the following, or
combinations thereof, can be considered:

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

e) The stress tensor and plastic strain tensor are output directly from the elastic-plastic analysis and processed
in accordance with paragraph, STEP 4 and STEP 5. Method C – Fatigue Assessment of Welds Using the Equivalent Structural Stress Overview

a) An equivalent structural stress range parameter is used to evaluate the fatigue damage from the results
obtained from a linear elastic stress analysis. The controlling stress for the fatigue evaluation is the
structural stress that is a function of the membrane and bending stresses normal to the hypothetical crack
plane. This method is recommended for evaluation of welded joints that have not been machined to a
smooth profile. Welded joints with controlled smooth profiles may be evaluated using paragraphs

b) Fatigue cracks at pressure vessel welds are typically located at the toe of a weld. For as-welded joints and
welded joints subject to post weld heat treatment, the expected orientation of a fatigue crack is along the
weld toe in the through-thickness direction, and the structural stress normal to the expected crack is the
stress measure used to correlate fatigue life data. For fillet welded components, fatigue cracking may occur
at the toe of the fillet weld or the weld throat, and both locations shall be considered in the assessment. It
is difficult to accurately predict fatigue life at the weld throat due to variability in throat dimension, which is
a function of the depth of the weld penetration. It is recommended to perform sensitivity analysis where the
weld throat dimension is varied.

c) If thermal transients result in a through-thickness stress difference at any time that is greater than the steady
state difference, the number of design cycles shall be determined as the smaller of the number of cycles
for the base metal established using Method A or Method B, and for the weld established using Method C.

A flow diagram for the Method C Fatigue calculation procedure is shown in Figure 14.18. Assessment Procedure

The following procedure can be used to evaluate protection against failure due to cyclic loading using the
equivalent structural stress range.

a) STEP 1 – Determine a loading time history as defined in paragraph 14.3.3. The loading time history should
include all significant operating loads and events that are applied to the component, and consider both past
and future planned operation.

b) STEP 2 – Perform an elastic stress analysis of the component based on the loading time history from STEP
1. The stress tensor shall be determined at each location in the component at each point identified in the
loading time history.

c) STEP 3 – Determine the cyclic stress ranges at the location under consideration based on the elastic stress
analysis in STEP 2 and the cycle counting methods in Annex 14C. Define the total number of cyclic stress
ranges in the loading time history as M .

d) STEP 4 – Perform the following for each cyclic stress range in the loading time history: k  M .

1) STEP 4.1 – Calculate the elastic membrane and bending stress normal to the assumed hypothetical
crack plane at the start and end points for the k cycle counted in STEP 3. Using this data, calculate
the membrane and bending stress ranges, and the maximum, minimum and mean stress.

 me ,k  m me ,k  n me ,k (14.34)

 me ,k   m me ,k  m Pk    n me ,k  n Pk  (14.34)

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

 be,k  m be,k  n be, k (14.35)

 max,k  max  m me ,k  m be,k  ,  n e

m ,k  n be,k  (14.36)

 max,k  max 
  m
 me ,k  m Pk   m be,k ,    n e
m ,k 
 n Pk   n be,k 


 min,k  min  m me ,k  m be,k  , 

n e
m ,k  n be,k  (14.37)

 min,k  max 
   me ,k  m Pk   m be,k ,
   n e
m ,k 
 n Pk   n be,k 


 max , k   min,k
 mean,k  (14.38)
2) STEP 4.2 – Calculate the elastic structural stress range for the k cycle using Equation (14.39).

 ke   me , k   be,k (14.39)

3) STEP 4.3 – Calculate the elastic structural strain range for the k cycle using Equation (14.40).

 ke
 e
k (14.40)
E ya ,k

4) STEP 4.4 – Calculate the local non-linear structural stress range and strain range,  and  ,
respectively, by simultaneously solving the uniaxial Neuber’s Rule expressed in Equation (14.41),
see Annex 14C, and a model for the material hysteresis loop stress-strain curve given by Equation
(14.42), see Annex 14B.

 k   k   ke   ke (14.41)

 k   k  ncss
 k   2  (14.42)
E ya , k  2 K css 
5) STEP 4.5 – Modify the structural stress range from STEP 4.4 for the effects of a biaxial stress field
using Equation(14.43).

 E 
 k   ya , k2   k (14.43)
 1  
6) STEP 4.6 – Calculate the equivalent structural stress range parameter for the k cycle using Equation

 k
Sess ,k   2  mss  1
 
t  2 mss 
ess I mss
 f M ,k
mss  3.6 (14.45)

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

e) STEP 5 – Determine the cyclic stress and stress ranges at the location under consideration based on the
elastic stress analysis in STEP 2 and the cycle counting methods in Annex 14C. Define the total number
of cyclic stress ranges in the loading time history as M .

f) STEP 6 – Perform the following for each cyclic stress range in the loading time history: k  M .

1) STEP 6.1 – Calculate the maximum shear strain range,  max,k , and the associated normal strain
range,   N , on the current candidate plane.

2) STEP 6.2 – Determine the permissible number of reversals (half-cycles), N f , k , for each cycle
identified in STEP 5 using the Brown-Miller strain-life equation, Equation (14.75).

  k  N , k      N mean ,k 
  2 N f ,k   1.5 f ,k  2 N f ,k 
bk ck
  1.65  f ,k (14.75)
2 2  E ya ,k
 

 k   N , k     2 N  mean , k 
  2 N f , k   1.75 f ,k  2 N f ,k 
bk ck
  1.65  f ,k (14.75)
2 2  E ya ,k
 
In Equation (14.75), the strain-life equation parameters   ,   , b , c 
f f are denoted as

 
f ,k ,  f ,k , bk , ck  to indicate that the constants are evaluated at the average temperature
corresponding to the k cycle, see Annex 14B. Equation (14.75) directly incorporates both the elastic
and elastic-plastic Poisson's ratio; therefore, a further correction is not required. Note that if the strain-
life equation constants have been determined from data or a fatigue curve that already includes the
effect of mean stress, the following version of the Brown-Miller equation is recommended:

  k  N , k   
  2 N f ,k   1.5 f ,k  2 N f ,k 
bk ck
  1.65  f ,k (14.76)
2 2 E
 ya ,k 

 k  N , k   
  2 N f , k   1.75 f ,k  2 N f , k 
bk ck
  1.65  f , k (14.76)
2 2 E
 ya ,k 
The effect of this change is illustrated in Figure 14.20 by the dashed line corresponding to mean stress-
shifted elastic region slope.
Other strain-life equations may be used depending on the availability of model parameters for the
material and temperatures being evaluated.
3) STEP 6.3 – Determine the fatigue damage for the k cycle, where the actual number of repetitions
th th
of the k cycle is nk using Equation (14.77). In computing the fatigue damage for the k cycle,
consideration should be given to the effects of size, surface finish, environment and others factors that
may affect the fatigue life. Guidance on fatigue knockdown factors or a margin on cycles, f ND , to
account for these affects are provided in Table 14.8. The fatigue knockdown factor should always be
greater than or equal to one.

D f ,k   f ND  1.0  (14.77)
N 
2  f ,k 
 f ND 

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

N P number of significant cycles associated with PN .

N PO expected number of operating pressure cycles in which the range of pressure variation exceeds
20% of the design pressure for integral construction or 15% of the design pressure for non-integral
N S number of significant cycles associated with S ML , significant cycles are those for which the
range in temperature exceeds S as .

N TN number of cycles associated with  TN .

N TE number of cycles associated with TE .

N TM number of significant cycles associated with TM .

N TR number of significant cycles associated with TR .

N T  number of temperature cycles for components involving welds between materials having different
coefficients of expansion.
 Poisson’s ratio.
p Poisson’s ratio adjusted for plasticity.
pij ,k plastic strain tensor for the k cycle.
pij , k plastic strain tensor at the location under evaluation at time point t for the k th cycle.
n n th
pij , k plastic strain tensor at the location under evaluation at time point t for the k cycle.

P component design pressure, MAWP or reduced MAWP . Note that the pressure used to
determine the fatigue damage is based on the actual or operating pressure defined in the loading
Pk the component crack face pressure at time point t for the k th cycle. The crack face pressure
should be specified if the maximum value of the membrane plus bending stress used in the
analysis occurs on a surface that is exposed to the fluid pressure. A conservative approach is to
always specify the crack face pressure. The crack face pressure is based on the actual or
operating pressure defined in the loading time-history.
n n th
Pk the component crack face pressure at time point t for the k cycle. The crack face pressure
should be specified if the maximum value of the membrane plus bending stress used in the
analysis occurs on a surface that is exposed to the fluid pressure. A conservative approach is to
always specify the crack face pressure. The crack face pressure is based on the actual or
operating pressure defined in the loading time-history.
Pb primary bending equivalent stress.

PL local primary membrane equivalent stress.

Pm general primary membrane equivalent stress.

R inside radius measured normal to the surface from the mid-wall of the shell to the axis of
th th
revolution, or the ratio of the minimum stress in the k cycle to the maximum stress in the k
cycle, as applicable.
 fluid density.
RHS radius of hot spot or heated area within a plate.

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Figure 14.4 – Examples of Significant Operating pressure Cycles (Integral and Non-Integral
Construction) for Fatigue Screening Method B, STEP 3

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

(α1-α 2) ∆ Temperature Between Two

Different Materials (1-2) T > 0.00034


Figure 14.10 – Example of a Significant Temperature Cycle for Fatigue Screening Method B, STEP 5
Operating Pressure

P >


Figure 14.11 – Example of a Significant Pressure Fluctuation Cycle for Fatigue Screening Method C,

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

∆ Temperature Between Two Adjacent Points

(Same Material)
T >


Figure 14.12 – Example of a Significant Temperature Difference Fluctuation Cycle for Fatigue
Screening Method C, STEP 6
∆ Temperature Between Two Adjacent Points
(Different Materials)

T >
[2(Ey1a1 - Ey2a2)]


Figure 14.13 – Example of a Significant Temperature Difference Fluctuation Cycle for Fatigue
Screening Method C, STEP 7

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Stress Range Due to Mechanical Loads

Stress > Sas


Figure 14.14 – Example of a Significant Temperature Difference Fluctuation Cycle for Fatigue
Screening Method C, STEP 8

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service

Primary Secondary
Membrane Peak
Category General Local
Bending plus Bending
Membrane Membrane

Average primary Average stress Component of 1. Increment

Description Self-equilibrating
stress across across any solid primary stress added to
(see Annex stress necessary
solid section. section. proportional to primary or
2D and VIII- to satisfy contin-
Excludes dis- Considers dis- distance from secondary
2, Part 5) uity of structure.
continuities and continuities but centroid of solid stress by a
Occurs at struc-
concentrations. not concentra- section. concentration
tural discontinui-
Produced only tions. Produced Excludes dis- (notch).
ties. Can be
by mechanical only by mech- continuities and 2. Certain ther-
caused by
loads. anical loads. concentrations. mal stresses
mechanical load or
Produced only which may
by differential
by mechanical cause fatigue
thermal expansion.
loads. but not distor-
Excludes local
tion of vessel

Symbol Pm PL Pb Q F

Pm S

PL + Pb + Q Sps

Use Design Conditions
Use Operating Conditions
PL + Pb SPL PL + Pb + Q + F Sa

Figure 14.15 – Stress Categories and Limits of Equivalent Stress

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service


Stress Amplitude (ksi)



1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06

Figure 14B.4 – Fatigue Curve for Wrought 70 Copper-Nickel For Temperatures Not Exceeding 700 °F –
 ys  18 ksi

Stress Amplitude (MPa)



1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06

Figure 14B.4M – Fatigue Curve for Wrought 70 Copper-Nickel For Temperatures Not Exceeding 371 °C
–  ys  134 MPa

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service


Stress Amplitude (ksi)



1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06

Figure 14B.5 – Fatigue Curve for Wrought 70 Copper-Nickel For Temperatures Not Exceeding 700 °F –
 ys  30 ksi

Stress Amplitude (MPa)



1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06

Figure 14B.5M – Fatigue Curve for Wrought 70 Copper-Nickel For Temperatures Not Exceeding 371 °C
–  ys  207 MPa

API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 Fitness-For-Service


Stress Amplitude (ksi)


1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06

Figure 14B.6 – Fatigue Curve for Wrought 70 Copper-Nickel For Temperatures Not Exceeding 700 °F –
 ys  45 ksi

Stress Amplitude (MPa)



1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06

Figure 14B.6M – Fatigue Curve for Wrought 70 Copper-Nickel For Temperatures Not Exceeding 700 °F
–  ys  310 MPa


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