Arizona Driver License Manual: and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual: and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual: and Customer Service Guide
Douglas A. Ducey, Governor
John S. Halikowski, Director
Eric R. Jorgensen, Division Director
The Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division (ADOT MVD) is pleased
to provide this guide to Arizona traffic laws and information for obtaining a driver license or
identification card. This manual also provides essential safety information for both new and
experienced Arizona drivers.
ADOT MVD delivers services to millions of Arizona motorists each year. In line with the
Division’s vision of getting Arizona “out of the line and safely on the road” we are continuously
improving processes to provide swift and efficient service. In addition to coming into an office,
ADOT MVD offers alternative methods for Arizonans to access services. For example, through, customers are able to complete more than 20 motor vehicle transactions,
such as renewing your vehicle registration, requesting a replacement driver license, updating
your address, and purchasing a personalized or specialty license plate. We also encourage
Arizona drivers to take advantage of the more than 160 privately operated Authorized Third
Party locations to serve you across the state. Several of these locations offer both Title and
Registration and driver license transactions! Find a location convenient for you at
We look forward to providing you with outstanding customer service and a safe driving
experience while we continue our mission of “moving Arizona’s citizens, economy and
infrastructure by getting safe drivers and vehicles on the road.”
Eric R. Jorgensen
Motor Vehicle Division
17 Section 1
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
record online at or by will have to show that you understand the
completing a Motor Vehicle Record Request meaning of Arizona traffic signs. You will also
form #46-4416 at and visiting have to respond to the following directions
any MVD or Authorized Third Party office. in English:
You will be required to show identification.
▪▪ Stop (Alto)
Arizona’s Driver License ▪▪ Slow down (Despacio)
Arizona Revised Statutes, section 28-3153(D) ▪▪ Change lanes left/right (Cambie al
provides that the Motor Vehicle Division carril izquierdo/derecho)
(MVD) must not issue or renew a driver
license or identification (ID) card for a person
▪▪ Drive straight ahead (Siga derecho o
de frente)
who does not submit proof satisfactory to
MVD that the applicant’s presence in the ▪▪ Turn left/right at the next street,
United States is authorized under federal corner, stop sign or traffic light (Dé
law. MVD is required to determine that each vuelta a la izquierda/derecha en la
applicant meets the requirements of the siguiente calle, esquina, señal de alto
law. Identification requirements may change o semáforo)
without notice. ▪▪ Does your speedometer work?
(Funciona el velocímetro?)
Road Test
You may now schedule an appointment to ▪▪ Fasten your seat belt (Abróchese el
complete a road test! It is highly encouraged cinturón de seguridad). Turn your
that you schedule an appointment online to Left/Right signal on (Ponga o active la
ensure you are able to take the test when direccional o señal para dar vuelta a
you go to an office. You may schedule an la izquierda/derecha)
appointment ar for a You must provide the vehicle to be used
time convenient for you. To get the earliest for the test. The vehicle must be in good
appointment possible, be sure to check operating condition: functioning brakes,
multiple locations. brake lights, turn signals and horn, a
Visit for more windshield with no cracks, both inside and
information regarding what is needed to take outside rearview mirrors, and tires that are
the road test or to schedule your road test in good condition. Passenger and driver
appointment. side windows must also be operational.
The passenger and driver door must open
If a road test is required, you may drive a test and close properly. You must show proof of
route that has a variety of traffic situations. current registration and current automobile
An examiner will ride with you in your vehicle liability insurance. If your vehicle is a 1972
and give you directions to follow. You will be model or newer, it must be equipped with
observed and graded on specific actions and seat belts, and these belts must be properly
on your general ability to safely operate the fastened and adjusted.
Vehicle Insurance
Road tests may be suspended due to extreme
Every motor vehicle operated on the
weather or safety conditions. Paying one
roadways of this state must be covered by an
application fee allows you 3 attempts to pass
insurance liability policy issued by a company
the test in a 12-month period.
that is licensed to do business in Arizona. The
Before you can take the road test, you policy must be an Arizona based policy that
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
statement about the medical condition, applicant who is at least 16, but less than
signed by a licensed physician or registered 18, years of age and is valid to operate any
nurse practitioner to obtain a medical code vehicle that does not require a motorcycle or
on your license. commercial license.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
An applicant holding a current and valid out be responsible for any negligence or willful
of state driver license may be exempt from misconduct when you are driving.
the driver education/driving practice and
The application must be signed by:
instruction permit requirements.
The holder of a graduated license is not
▪▪ One natural/adoptive parent, if
married to the other natural/adoptive
required to obtain an operator license at age
18, but may choose to obtain one.
▪▪ Both natural/adoptive parents, if not
Penalties married to each other, but share joint
If you receive a citation, you may be eligible custody
to attend the Arizona Supreme Court’s
▪▪ One natural/adoptive parent with sole
Defensive Driving Program. Please read the custody
information provided with your citation
carefully for information about your options. ▪▪ Legal guardian (proof required)
The following penalties are for drivers who are ▪▪ Foster parent living with the minor
under age 18, have a graduated driver license, (proof required), or
and are convicted of a traffic violation. ▪▪ Employer of the minor (parents’ death
certificates must be shown).
First conviction of a traffic violation:
The signatures must be witnessed by an
▪▪ Must attend Traffic Survival School.
MVD agent or by a notary public. Signatures
▪▪ Violation goes on driving record. obtained for an instruction permit will be
Second conviction of a traffic violation: required again for a driver license.
The person who signed the application for the
▪▪ 3-month suspension of driving
privilege. minor, as well as the person with responsibility
for the minor, may cancel the minor’s license.
▪▪ Violation goes on driving record. The license may be canceled by submitting
Third conviction of a traffic violation: a “Driver License/ID Cancellation Request”
available online, at any driver license office,
▪▪ 6-month suspension of driving or by sending a notarized letter authorizing
privilege. the cancellation to Motor Vehicle Division ,
▪▪ Violation goes on driving record. P.O. Box 2100, Mail Drop 533M, Phoenix, AZ
85001. Indicate the license number, full name
There are additional penalties for violations
and date of birth of the person whose license
of curfew and passenger restrictions,
is to be canceled.
including fines and mandatory extension of
the 6-month restricted driving period. Selective Service Registration
Suspension of driving privilege results for a Federal law requires that every male United
third conviction of curfew and/or passenger States citizen and male alien residing in the
violations, convictions of other violations United States or its territories must register
including alcohol-related convictions. with the U.S. Selective Service System within
30 days of his 18th birthday. Arizona law
Parent/Guardian Approval for requires that by submitting an application
Applicants Under 18 for an original, renewal or reinstatement
If you are under 18, your application for an driver license or identification card, male
instruction permit or driver license must be applicants under 26 years of age consent to
signed by at least one adult. The adult will registration with the Selective Service as part
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
of the application process. When submitting be exempt from the driver education/
an application for a duplicate driver license driving practice and instruction permit
or identification card, male applicants under requirements.
26 years of age have the option to consent to
For additional information, see the Motorcycle
registration as part of the application process.
Operator Manual, available online at
Registering with Selective Service does or any MVD or Third Party office.
not mean that you are joining the military.
Registration provides the federal government Commercial Driver License (Class A, B or C)
with an accurate list of males who might be A commercial driver license (CDL) is required
called to military service if a return to the draft for operating a commercial motor vehicle
is authorized by Congress and the President. grouped by the following classes:
If you are 18 to 25 years of age, registration ▪▪ Class A: Any combination of vehicles
information will immediately be sent to with a gross combination weight
Selective Service. If you are under 18, rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more
information will be stored and automatically pounds, provided the GVWR of the
sent to the Selective Service when you reach vehicle(s) being towed is in excess of
age 18. Selective Service will send you a 10,000 lbs.
Registration Acknowledgment Card when you
▪▪ Class B: Any single vehicle with a
Registration is complete. GVWR of 26,001 lbs or more, or any
For more information, call Selective Service such vehicle towing a vehicle not in
toll-free at 1.888.655.1825 or excess of 10,000 lbs GVWR
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
in child restraint systems as reasonable given In addition, travel information is available via
the size of the passenger area and number of the Internet at
passengers being transported.
511 and are provided as free
Child restraint systems must meet services by the Arizona Department of
U.S. Department of Transportation Transportation.
safety standards and must be used by
following manufacturer’s and automobile Check the Vehicle
manufacturer’s instructions. How safely you can drive also depends on the
Air bags can save lives and prevent serious vehicle you are driving. It is the responsibility
injuries, but they are unsafe for children of drivers to make certain that the vehicles
under 12 years of age. Children age 12 years they drive are safe to operate. A vehicle that
and under should never ride in the front seat is unsafe costs more to operate than one that
of a car. If a child must ride in the front seat is maintained.
of a car, please turn the front passenger-side A vehicle in good condition can give you an
air bag off (most newer vehicles are equipped extra safety margin when you need it.
with an on/off switch).
Your vehicle may be required to have an
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety emission inspection at an authorized Inspection
For more information on safety issues, Station. If the vehicle does not pass, you will be
contact the Arizona Governor’s Office of given 30 days to have the problem fixed and
Highway Safety. In Phoenix call 602.255.3216, have a follow-up emission test re-check.
statewide call toll-free 1.877.355.3216, or Follow your vehicle owner’s manual for
online at routine maintenance. Some maintenance you
Travel Information Service can do yourself and some must be done by a
qualified technician. A few simple checks will
With a rapidly growing help prevent trouble on the road.
transportation system,
travelers need current travel All Truck and Trailers
information fast. Dial 511 any
time, day or night for up-to- Secure and Cover Loads!
the-minute reports about: According to Arizona law, “A person shall
not drive or move a vehicle on a highway
▪▪ Traffic Conditions and Road Closures
unless the vehicle is constructed or loaded
▪▪ Transit in a manner to prevent any of its load
▪▪ Airports from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise
escaping from the vehicle.”(A.R.S. 28-1098.A.).
▪▪ Tourism
▪▪ Metro Region Quick Reports Required Equipment for Motor
▪▪ Construction and Work Zones Vehicles
Dial 511 and press the star key (*) to activate Brakes
the systems touch tone mode and you will be Every motor vehicle must have brakes in
guided through the available features. You may good working condition. Cars and trucks must
also use the voice-activated prompts. When have both a foot brake and a parking brake.
using voice activation, please listen to the entire Each set of brakes must apply to at least two
introduction and reduce background noise. wheels. A motorcycle must have at least one
brake that may be applied by hand or foot.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Trailers of 3,000 lbs or more gross weight must the driver’s view to the rear is blocked must
be equipped with separate brakes. have at least one outside driver side mirror
that shows the view of the highway for at
Safety Belts least 200 feet to the rear.
Each front seat occupant of a motor vehicle
manufactured after 1972 must have the seat Horns and Warning Devices
belt properly fastened and adjusted while the A working horn that can be heard for 200
vehicle is in motion. feet is required on your vehicle. Emergency
vehicles may have a siren, whistle or bell.
Child Safety Seats
A child less than 8 years old must be properly Red Lights and Flashers
secured in a child passenger restraint system Flashing red warning lights are prohibited on
while being transported in a vehicle in the front of the vehicle, even those vehicles
this state. that are disabled, except on authorized
emergency vehicles, school buses and snow
Head Restraints removal equipment.
Seat-back head restraints are designed to
Hazard warning signal lights (emergency
reduce the chance of whiplash injury in rear-
flashers) should be activated whenever
end crashes. If they are adjustable, they should
your vehicle is stopped on the roadway or
be positioned to fit against the back of your
shoulder of the road.
head and to line up with the middle of the ear.
Every motor vehicle must have a muffler
Section 2
in good working condition and in constant SAFE DRIVING PRACTICES
operation to prevent excessive pollution or
unusual noise. It is against the law to use a Defensive Driving
muffler “cut-out,” bypass or similar device. Driving defensively will help protect your life
and your driving record.
Air Pollution Control
Motor vehicles of 1967 model year and “Defensive Driving” means being constantly
newer must be equipped with an exhaust aware of the driving conditions, planning
emissions system to help reduce air pollution. ahead, anticipating dangers and taking the
Also, the engine of every motor vehicle right action so as not to come in contact with
must be equipped to prevent the escape of any obstacle or another vehicle.
excessive fumes and smoke. We all want to avoid crashes that could result
in injury or even death. But, even when there
Windows and Windshields
is no injury, a crash means inconvenience and
Vehicles must have a windshield (without auto repair costs. It may also result in a court
cracks) and windshield wipers that are in appearance and fines, as well as increased
good working condition. Sun screening tint insurance rates.
materials on windows and windshields are
legal only within certain limits. Owners should Attitude and Awareness
make sure that the manufacturer or installer Courtesy and consideration toward others
of the material complies with Arizona law. are the most important driving attitudes
you can develop. They are the key to safe
Rearview Mirrors
driving. Concentration and alertness are
Every vehicle that is made or loaded so that other important elements. You must develop
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
the habit of keeping your mind on driving. Practice will sharpen your basic skills and
Driving when you are drowsy, or under build your confidence.
emotional distress, can be just as dangerous
Experienced drivers, on the other hand,
as driving while impaired.
often face the problems of carelessness,
Foresight overconfidence and bad driving habits
that develop over time. Driving rules and
Foresight means being able to size up traffic
techniques have changed over the years
situations as quickly as possible and being
and the amount of traffic is constantly
prepared to take corrective action. Safe
increasing. Your ability to adjust and adapt
driving requires exercising good judgement
to changes will determine how safe a driver
and recognizing the proper choices to make
you really are. Your knowledge should include
in any given traffic situation.
recognition of the hazards of driving and how
Even the most experienced drivers make to protect yourself, and others.
mistakes. Regardless of how many years
A skill is a well rehearsed driving strategy
you’ve been driving, at some point you
that involves anticipation, reaction and the
will face equipment failures, bad weather
constant changing of the space between your
conditions, unskilled drivers on the road, and
vehicle and other vehicles. You must continually
drivers who ignore traffic regulations.
strive for improvement. Improvement can be
The best way to prepare yourself for measured in your elimination of risk-taking,
unpredictable events is to drive defensively. your adherence to speed limits and your ability
to take corrective action when necessary.
▪▪ Always maintain good vision ahead
and around your vehicle. Distractions
▪▪ Stay alert and be prepared to react to It is your responsibility to pay full attention to
the unexpected. your driving. Avoid distractions while driving,
▪▪ Obey speed limits and know when to such as:
slow down and stop for unexpected ▪▪ Reading a GPS unit or road map.
▪▪ Using a phone, texting or using other
▪▪ Always wear your safety belt. electronic handheld devices.
As a defensive driver, you should constantly ▪▪ Searching for an item dropped on
look ahead of you and around you, and the seat.
always check your mirrors. Be aware of the
road conditions or possible hazards that lie in ▪▪ Tending to children.
front, to the sides, and behind you. ▪▪ Fastening a safety belt while driving.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
allowing the driver full control of the vehicle. counting, you are following too closely. At
faster speeds, the distance should be greater.
Steering At times you will need more than a 3-second
The proper way to stay in your lane of travel cushion (e.g., poor road conditions). Give
is to look well ahead and make only slight yourself 3 to 6 seconds for more cushion.
steering corrections as needed. Drivers tend to
The space between you and other vehicles
steer towards what they are looking at. When
gives you (and the other drivers) time to react
driving in a curve or turn, if you look generally
in emergencies and avoid collisions. Create
to the outside of your lane of travel while in the
a space cushion around you by staying in the
curve, you are more likely stay within your lane.
middle of your lane. Make sure there is enough
Only practice can teach you how to steer.
room ahead and behind to pass or stop safely.
Scanning Leave enough space between you and the car
Be alert and watch for cars, bicyclists, people ahead of you to allow for a sudden stop. At
or animals that may cross your path. Such high speeds, the distance your vehicle travels
areas may include intersections, crosswalks, while you are reacting to a problem is greater
shopping centers, construction areas and - and your margin for error is less. If you are
playgrounds. Keep your eyes moving and following too closely, you may not be able
learn to “read” the road. To avoid the need to stop in time. Most rear end crashes are
for last minute decision making, look ahead caused by following too closely.
for a distance of about one city block.
When sharing a lane with a bicycle, allow at
When approaching an intersection, be sure to least 3 feet of clearance between you and the
check both left and right before proceeding. bicycle. Moderate your speed.
By frequently checking the traffic behind you,
you will know when someone is tailgating or
moving up too quickly. Check your rearview
mirror often for the position of traffic behind
you. When changing lanes, check your side :06 :03
mirrors and turn your head and look over
your shoulder to be sure that it is safe to
proceed with the lane change. By knowing
the speed and position of traffic on all four Help the driver behind you maintain a safe
sides of your vehicle, you will be better able following distance by driving at a constant
to make decisions quickly and safely. speed and signaling in advance whenever you
are slowing or stopping.
Positioning Vehicle If another driver is following too closely,
Cushion of Space Around Your Vehicle gradually slow down and give additional
cushion between you and the vehicle in front of
You can use the “3-6 second” rule to
you. This additional space allows you to brake
determine if you have enough cushion
more slowly to accommodate the reaction time
between you and the vehicle you are
and braking of the vehicle that is tailgating you.
following. When the vehicle ahead of you
When safe to do so, you can move to another
passes a certain point, such as a sign or
lane to encourage the tailgater to pass.
over-pass, count “one-thousand-one, one-
thousand-two, one-thousand-three, one- Remember, what you do can affect the driver
thousand-four.” This takes about four seconds. behind you, especially if you must stop suddenly.
If you pass the same point before you finish
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
When entering the roadway from a side road ▪▪ Pull away from the curb.
or private drive, stop and wait for traffic to ▪▪ Pull over to the side of the road.
clear. Don’t assume that a vehicle using a turn
signal is actually going to make a turn, wait ▪▪ Slow down or stop suddenly (when
using hand signals).
until after you see the other driver commit to
the turn before entering the roadway. Hand and turn signals are shown below.
Any time you plan to change directions, use RIGHT TURN
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Entering a Freeway
Traffic entering a freeway must yield right-
of-way to traffic already on the freeway.
Drivers entering the freeway are responsible
for safely merging. Match the speed of your
Emergency Parking vehicle to the speed of traffic in the right
If it is necessary to leave your vehicle parked lane of the freeway. Signal before you merge.
on a highway or street, follow these rules: Check traffic around you. When clear, merge
carefully. Do not cross a solid line or drive
▪▪ Pull onto the shoulder of the road as through a gore area. See figure (A) above.
far away from traffic as possible. If
there is a curb, pull your vehicle as Exiting a Freeway
close to the curb as possible. Be sure to signal before exiting the freeway.
▪▪ Set your parking brake, shift into park Most freeways have deceleration lanes to
or leave the vehicle in gear (for manual assist you in your exit. Use proper braking to
transmission), and turn off the engine. allow for a smooth exit. Be sure to maintain
adequate space (space cushion) between
▪▪ Set out proper emergency signals. your vehicle and the vehicle ahead when
▪▪ Stay with your vehicle if possible until exiting in heavy traffic. Do not cross a solid
assistance arrives. line. See figure (B) above.
▪▪ Lock your vehicle if you have to leave it. A divided highway/freeway has separate
roadways for traffic in opposite directions,
Prohibited Parking often with multiple lanes on each side.
It is illegal to park: Some highways intersect other roads and
▪▪ On a sidewalk are controlled by traffic signals. Others are
controlled access, which means they have no
▪▪ In front of a private or public driveway signals or intersections; you enter and exit
▪▪ Within the boundaries of an intersection these highways using ramps. These are called
“expressways” or “freeways” and the points
▪▪ On a crosswalk or within 20 feet of a
at which you can enter or exit are known as
crosswalk at an intersection
▪▪ On any freeway or interstate highway
(except for an emergency) Entering and Exiting the Highway
Make sure you are in the proper lane well in
▪▪ In any area with signs prohibiting parking
advance so you can safely enter or exit the
▪▪ Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant highway.
▪▪ Within 50 feet of a railroad crossing ▪▪ Be sure to signal your exit before you
▪▪ On a bridge or within a tunnel reach the exit ramp.
▪▪ In such a way that you create a hazard ▪▪ Yield the right-of-way to drivers
for other vehicles already on the highway.
▪▪ As you approach and enter a highway
travel lane, increase your speed to match
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
that of vehicles already on the road. If you need assistance, pull over onto the right
shoulder as far as possible. Avoid stopping
▪▪ If you miss your exit, do not stop.
your vehicle on or near freeway ramps.
Never back up on a highway. Get off
the highway at the next exit and look To signal for assistance on the freeway, turn
for signs showing you how to rejoin on your emergency flashers or raise the hood
the road in the other direction. of the car. To signal after dark, turn on your
inside dome light and/or set out flares or
Lane Use
portable warning signals. Wait for help. Do
The right lane is used for entering and exiting, not walk along the freeway.
and for slow traffic. The left lane is used by
higher-speed traffic. While driving on the freeway, watch for
disabled vehicles. If you approach a disabled
Avoid the right lane of a freeway during vehicle, reduce your speed, move over, and
rush hour. This will leave room for vehicles proceed around the disabled vehicle with
entering and exiting. caution (See page 31 “Move Over AZ”).
Be alert for other vehicles attempting to
merge into your lane, and use proper signals Freeway Restrictions
to let other drivers know if you are changing High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) Lanes
lanes. Do not exceed the posted speed limits.
Avoid “tailgating” (following the car ahead of HOV
you too closely).
Gore Area
It is against the law to drive over or park in
HOV lanes are indicated by white diamonds in
any part of a gore area. A gore area is the
the roadway as seen here.
space between a through roadway and an
entrance or exit ramp. (See figures “A” and On the freeway, you may not:
“B” on page 27).
▪▪ Drive a vehicle carrying fewer than
Stopping on the Freeway two persons, including the driver, in an
A 3-point penalty on TRAFFIC FLOW
driving record if crossed.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
HOV lane at the posted times Monday a highway with three lanes, treat the far
through Friday. At those times, the right lane as a slower-speed through lane
HOV lanes are restricted to car pool and the far left lane as the passing lane.
vehicles, motorcycles, buses or vehicles
displaying alternative fuel or hybrid
▪▪ Drive in the middle of your lane,
staying between the lines.
license plates (below). A motorist who
violates this restriction is subject to ▪▪ Use your rearview mirror and your
substantial fines and penalties. directional signals when changing lanes.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
come to a safe stop. If you are already in the signal light means that you may proceed in the
intersection, you should continue moving and direction of the arrow, if you are in the proper
clear it safely. Speeding up to “beat the light” lane and the roadway is clear.
is illegal and could cause a crash.
Inoperative Signal Lights
GREEN − Green Means Go, When approaching an intersection with an
if clear inoperative traffic control signal, treat it as
This signal means GO. You may you would a 4-way stop. Come to a complete
go through an intersection in stop before entering the intersection and
the direction indicated by the signal if the then proceed when the roadway is clear.
roadway is clear. Check left and right for If two vehicles arrive at the intersection at
cross traffic before entering the intersection about the same time, both must stop and the
to avoid a collision with a red light runner. driver of the vehicle on the left must yield the
Yield to any vehicle that is already in the right-of-way to the driver on the right.
intersection when the light changed.
Yellow Arrow
A yellow arrow warns that the light is about
to change to red. If you have not entered
the intersection, you must stop and wait
for a green arrow. If you are already in the Stop line only: Crosswalk with a
stop line:
Stop at the line.
intersection, you should continue your turn Stop at the stop line.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Left Turn
The law requires certain vehicles to yield the
right-of-way to other vehicles. The law does On-coming
vehicle #1 has
not actually “give” the right-of-way to any the right-of-way.
particular motorist, it just states who must
yield. No one is allowed to take the right-of-
way if taking it means a crash may result.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
When you are preparing to turn left, you on your driver record. Payment of the fine is
must yield the right-of-way to any oncoming assuming responsibility for the violation and
vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian. is reported to MVD as a conviction. Failure to
complete the course results in an indefinite
U-Turn suspension of your driving privilege.
U-turns are permitted as long as the
movement can be made safely, does not Emergency Vehicles
interfere with other traffic and is not Always be alert for emergency vehicles,
prohibited by signs. When making a U-turn, especially at intersections. When a police car,
you must yield to approaching traffic and fire engine, ambulance or other emergency
make the turn only when it is safe to do so. vehicle approaches using a siren, lights or
other warning devices, you must yield the
Red Light Running right-of-way. Move to the right side of the
If you receive a citation for running a red road and stop until the vehicle has passed.
light, or another civil traffic violation, On a four-lane highway with at least two
you may be eligible to attend the Arizona lanes proceeding in the same direction as
Supreme Court’s Defensive Driving Program. the approaching vehicle, proceed with due
Please read the information provided with caution. Yield the right-of-way by making a
your citation carefully for information about lane change into a lane not adjacent to that
your options. of the emergency vehicle. If changing lanes
If you run a red light (or a flashing red light) is not possible or unsafe, proceed with due
and receive a traffic citation, upon conviction caution and reduce the speed of your vehicle.
of that violation you will be required to
Following Emergency Vehicles
attend Traffic Survival School. The Motor
Vehicle Division will be notified of your When an emergency
successful completion of Traffic Survival vehicle, such as police,
School, and no further court appearance is fire or ambulance,
required. with flashing lights
and/or giving an
If you run a red light and cause a crash that audible signal
results in life-threatening injuries to another approaches, a driver
driver or passenger, you may be fined up shall yield the
to $500 and your driving privilege may be right-of-way, move to
suspended for three months. Additionally, the right and stop
you may be ordered to perform community their vehicle until the
service. emergency vehicle has passed. The driver
If you cause a crash that results in the shall maintain a distance of at least 500 feet
death of another driver or passenger, you behind a fire department vehicle responding
may be fined up to $1,000 and your driving to an emergency and at least 300 feet behind
privilege may be suspended for six months. a police vehicle responding to an emergency.
Additionally, you may be ordered to perform Do not drive into or park your vehicle within
community service. the block where the emergency vehicle has
stopped to respond to the emergency.
MVD is required by law to order the
completion of Traffic Survival School (TSS)
for every red light conviction reported by the
courts. Points are assessed and will appear
The “Move Over Law” (ARS 28-775) requires
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
motorists to move over one lane to create bus with flashing lights if its stop-sign arm is out.
a safe margin of space when driving by any
vehicle with flashing lights pulled to the
side of a road or highway. If it’s not safe or
possible to move over, motorists must slow
down and use caution. This law pertains to
all vehicles pulled over with flashing lights,
including emergency-response and law-
enforcement vehicles, tow trucks, highway Below is an example of a divided roadway and
maintenance vehicles and private vehicles. you may proceed with caution if the school
It applies to all freeways and other multiple bus is in approaching lanes but not if it is
lane highways, city roads and streets. Learn stopped in your direction of traffic.
more online at
Drivers must yield the right-of-way to any
vehicle that is part of a funeral procession
being led by a funeral escort vehicle flashing
a red or a blue light.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
the road or other special conditions at that The shape of a traffic sign can give you as
location. Slow down until you are assured of much information about the meaning of a
safely navigating the location. sign as the sign’s color or wording. When
visibility is poor, such as in heavy rain, dust
Special Speed Limit Areas storms, or fog, you may be able to make out
only the shape of a particular sign.
Regulatory Signs
This shape is reserved for stop
signs. You must come to a
complete stop.
This shape requires that you
Adjusting Speed to Conditions yield the right-of-way to cross
traffic or to merging traffic.
ZONE Rectangular
These signs regulate traffic and direct the
driver’s speed and direction.
The speed limits are set for the best driving
conditions. When driving in bad weather, your
speed should be reduced to a level that is
reasonable. Three guidelines are:
▪▪ When driving on wet roads, reduce
your speed appropriately.
▪▪ When driving on roads with snow or
ice, reduce your speed appropriately.
▪▪ When driving in bad weather, double GO STRAIGHT
the following distance from the
vehicle in front of you and reduce
speed appropriately.
Impeding Traffic
Driving too slowly can be as dangerous as
driving too fast. Remember to drive in the Warning Signs
right lane and allow faster moving vehicles to
pass whenever you are driving slower than Pennant
traffic around you. This sign marks the
beginning of a no passing
Traffic Signs zone.
Traffic signs regulate traffic and provide
important information.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Fines double when traffic violations
occur in work zones on Arizona
streets and roadways.
Pavement Markings
Pavement markings are used to guide and
warn drivers, as well as to regulate traffic.
Flashing Arrow Panels Markings may be either yellow or white
Flashing arrow panels are used both day and and can appear in combinations. Each
night to give advance warning to drivers to combination has a different meaning. Yellow
move to the right or left into another lane. center lines indicate that there is two-way
Slow down and prepare to merge in the traffic, flowing in both directions. White lines
direction of the arrow. are used to separate lanes of traffic moving
in the same direction and to mark the edge
of the roadway, stop lines and pedestrian
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Solid and Broken Yellow Lines A bicycle painted on the road indicates the
potential presence of bicyclists. Drivers
A broken yellow line alongside a
should exercise caution.
solid yellow line indicates that
passing is permitted only in one
direction. If the broken yellow line
Painted Curbs
is on your side, you may pass A painted curb means that you must follow
when the roadway ahead is clear. If the solid special rules to park there. The colors on the
yellow line is on your side, you may not pass. curbs mean:
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Rules for turning apply at
all locations, even
A solid white line marks the right edge of driveways and alleys, not
the roadway and separates lanes of traffic just at intersections.
moving in the same direction. Only cross the Signal, reduce your
solid line on the right edge of the roadway in speed and turn smoothly
case of emergency or to avoid a road hazard. when safe to do so. As
Vehicles may cross a solid white line when you turn, make sure to
merging into and out of the High Occupancy check for pedestrians, mopeds and bicycles.
(HOV) lane. In some areas, turns may be made from more
than one lane. If this is allowed, signs and
Double Solid White Line pavement markings will direct you. At some
A double solid white line separates two locations, turns may be prohibited by signs.
lanes of traffic going in the same direction. Right Turns
Crossing a double solid white line is
As you prepare to turn right, stay close to the
right curb or edge of the road. Do not swing
Yellow Lane Lines wide before or while turning.
Yellow lane lines separate lanes of traffic Right on Red
moving in opposite directions. Single yellow
When turning right at a red light, you must
lines may also mark the left edge of the
first stop completely before reaching the
pavement on divided highways and one-way
marked or unmarked crosswalk. Look for “No
Turn On Red” signs.
Always yield the right-of-way to pedestrians,
bicyclists and, oncoming traffic. Unless signs
direct you otherwise, turn into the right lane
of the road you enter.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Left Turn — Two-Way Road To Vehicle traffic flows alongside light rail vehicles.
One-Way Road Learn and follow the rules of light rail safety:
Approach the turn in the METRO Safety By Design
traffic lane just to the
right of the center line. As
▪▪ Improved pedestrian signals
Improvements include countdown
you enter the intersection,
signals, new walkways and landscaping
turn into the extreme left
to reduce jaywalking. Special attention
lane of the road you are
has been given to safety in school
entering. (A right turn in
zones with the installation of new
the pattern also is shown).
signals at some crossings.
Left Turn — One-Way Road To ▪▪ Protected turn lanes
Two-Way Road Automobiles may turn across the
Approach the METRO tracks only from designated
intersection in the traffic turn lanes controlled by traffic signals.
lane closest to the left ▪▪ Train-only track-way
curb. Turn into the lane METRO travels in its own track-way,
just to the right of the separated from traffic by six-inch
center line. Do not move curbs. Auto traffic may cross only
to the right lane without at controlled locations, and special
checking traffic to your right and signaling for traffic signals and warning signs
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Section 4: ▪▪
design of the bicycle permits.
Do not ride more than two side-by-side.
▪▪ Ride as near to the right side of the
OTHER VEHICLES road as practicable.
Bicyclists must obey the same traffic laws as ▪▪ Do not bicycle under the influence of
drugs or alcohol – it is illegal.
drivers of vehicles, and they have the right-of-
way under the same conditions as motorists. ▪▪ When riding at night, have a white
head lamp visible from 500 feet, and
Motorists should be alert for bicyclists along
a rear reflector. You can improve your
the roadway because bicyclists are often
visibility to drivers with a flashing red
difficult to see. Extra caution is necessary.
beacon on the rear of your bicycle.
Motorists are required to allow a minimum
safe distance of 3 feet when passing a Sharing the Road With a
bicyclist traveling in the same direction. It is
not safe for motorists to honk their horn at Motorcycle
bicyclists when passing, as this may startle Motorcyclists are more vulnerable to injury
them and cause them to crash. than a car driver if involved in a crash.
Most car/motorcycle crashes are the result
of a car turning in front of a motorcycle,
usually because the driver did not see the
motorcycle. Watch for the unexpected and
give the motorcycle its share of the road.
Bicycle Warning Bike Lane
The smaller size of a motorcycle may make it
At night, dim your headlights to be courteous hard to spot in traffic, and it may appear to
to bicyclists. be farther away and traveling slower than it
actually is. Because it is difficult to judge the
Drivers should be prepared for a bicyclist distance and speed, drivers need to pay close
swerving. Although bicyclists must ride with attention and take extra care.
the flow of traffic and stay near the right side
of the road, they can legally move left for Lane Position
several reasons, such as: Because of the motorcycle’s size, its position
▪▪ Turning left. within a lane will change as traffic conditions
change. Often, this means riding in the left
▪▪ Avoiding hazards.
side of the lane to allow a better view of
▪▪ Passing pedestrians or vehicles. traffic and road conditions. However, as
conditions change, the rider may move to
▪▪ If the lane in which the person is
the center or to the right side of the lane.
operating a bicycle is too narrow for
a bicycle and motor vehicle to travel These sideways movements sometimes occur
safely side-by-side. suddenly to avoid hazards. Motorists need to
be alert and drive accordingly.
Important rules for bicyclists:
▪▪ Ride in the same direction as traffic.
Intersections are at risk for car/motorcycle
▪▪ Do not carry more persons than the
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
collisions, which are usually the result of a signals. Trucks make wide right turns
driver turning into the motorcycle’s path. Do and sometimes must leave an open
not assume the rider’s intentions. A rider will space to the right just before the turn.
move to one side not only to prepare for a turn, To avoid a collision, do not pass a truck
but also to avoid a hazard or to improve visibility. on the right if there is any possibility
that it might make a right turn.
Motorcycle turn signals do not automatically
shut off, and riders may forget to cancel ▪▪ If you break down, pull off the
them after a turn is completed. Make sure highway as far as you can. If a parked
you know what the rider is doing before you vehicle on a highway shoulder is
move into the motorcycle’s path. struck by a moving vehicle, the
damage suffered by the parked car
Passing is more severe. When the moving
Motorcycles are allowed the full width of a vehicle is a truck weighing as much as
lane in which to maneuver. Never crowd into 25 cars, the result could be tragic.
the same lane as a motorcycle. Returning to Each of us must do our part to share the road
the original lane too soon can force the rider to arrive safely at our destination.
to swerve into traffic or off the road.
Slow Moving Vehicles
Sharing the Road With a Truck
Farm machinery and other slow-moving
Trucks are important to the Arizona economy, vehicles can be particularly hazardous. Be
transporting products that are critical to our sure to maintain a safe following distance
livelihoods. However, as a motorist, sharing the that provides an adequate field of vision.
road with large trucks can make you feel very Farm machinery usually travels at 25mph or
uncomfortable unless you learn how to share less, may take up more than one lane of the
the road safely with large vehicles. Here are road, and may not have signals. To make a
five ways to safely share the road with trucks: wide turn, operators or farm machinery may
▪▪ Don’t cut in front of trucks. It takes first pull to the left, then turn to the right.
trucks twice as long to stop. If you
When you see this symbol on
move into that space and have to brake
the back of a vehicle ahead, it
suddenly, you cut the truck’s available
is a warning to slow down. The
stopping distance in half, placing you
vehicle with the sign cannot
and your passengers in danger.
travel faster than 25 mph.
▪▪ Watch out for the blind spots, or the
Do not become impatient if you find yourself
“No-Zone”, around large trucks and
behind one of these slow vehicles. It has the
buses. Trucks have large blind spots
legal right to be there.
around the front and back sides of the
vehicle. Be safe and don’t hang out in
the “No-Zone”.
▪▪ Follow trucks at a safe distance.
Trucks are almost as wide as some
lanes of travel. If you follow too
closely behind, you won’t be able
to react quickly enough to changing
traffic conditions.
▪▪ Pay close attention to truck turn Truck hauling an oversize load.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
▪▪ Type and condition of the pavement. When you are following a large vehicle, such
as a tractor-trailer, that blocks your field of
▪▪ Type and condition of the tires.
vision of the road ahead, you will need extra
▪▪ Vehicle weight, including when loaded distance to see around the vehicle.
or towing.
▪▪ Type and condition of the brakes.
The distance required to stop your vehicle
is important in helping you choose a safe
driving speed. This chart can be used as a
guide, but your actual stopping distance will
depend upon many of the factors listed above.
50 55/188
60 66/300
70 74/455
50 150 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Stopping Distance (Feet)
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Animals in the road, slow-moving farm may also have to make steering corrections
equipment just over the crest of a hill or a because of the gusts of wind these vehicles
low spot covered with water are not unusual create. If you are pulling a trailer, wind
hazards in rural driving. Stay alert, watch currents can cause your vehicle to jackknife.
for warning signs, and slow down when When a truck or bus is passing you on the
approaching curves or hills that block your left, move as far as possible to the right of
view of the roadway ahead. your lane and slow down. As the vehicle
passes, accelerate slowly to keep the trailer
Weather Conditions pulling in a straight path.
Driving becomes more difficult when your
If you are driving into a strong head wind, you
ability to see is reduced by bad weather or
may need to accelerate more, and steering
when the road surface is covered with rain,
will be more difficult. A tailwind will increase
snow, or ice. Reduced visibility and traction
your speed, so you will have to decelerate
problems often occur at the same time.
and begin braking earlier to stop.
Remember that changes in road and weather
conditions will reduce your time to react and Dust Storms
that those conditions will affect the way your Pull Aside, Stay Alive!
car handles. You must be ready to respond.
Dust storms are common in Arizona and can,
The first rule is to slow down to make up for
at times, reduce a driver’s visibility to zero.
reduced visibility and reaction time.
If you encounter a dust storm, immediately
Sun Glare check traffic around your vehicle and begin
slowing down. Do not wait until poor visibility
Bright sunlight in the early morning or late
makes it difficult to safely pull off the
afternoon creates a glare when driving into
roadway – do it as soon as possible.
the sun. Glare can be reduced by wearing
sunglasses, keeping windows clean and using If you encounter a severe dust storm:
sun visors. If the sun is behind you, oncoming
drivers may have the glare problem. They may
▪▪ Reduce your speed immediately.
not be able to see your signals or your car. ▪▪ Drive completely off the highway.
Strong winds, especially crosswinds, can ▪▪ Do not stop in the travel lane or in the
make it more difficult for you to control your emergency lane.
vehicle. Wind is very dangerous if you are ▪▪ Turn off your lights and take your foot
driving a camper or large recreational vehicle, off the brake.
or if you are towing a trailer. Lightweight
vehicles are also more difficult to control in ▪▪ Stay in the vehicle with your seat belts
strong winds.
To gain more control over your vehicle in a
▪▪ Wait until the dust storm has passed.
strong wind, slow down. If you are approaching Rain
an open space after driving in a protected area, Driving in heavy rain can be hazardous,
be alert for crosswinds that will push you to the especially if you also encounter gusty wind
side or middle of the road. If you are pulling a conditions, such as in a thunderstorm.
trailer, the wind may cause your vehicle to sway. Vehicles to the rear and in blind spots are
Be ready to make necessary steering corrections. especially difficult to see. Wait a short time
When you meet large trucks or buses, you after the rain begins before using your
wipers. The blades may cause smearing if
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
you have a dirty windshield. You should slow Liability for Emergency Responses in
down to increase the distance between your Flood Areas
vehicle and the vehicle ahead to at least
A driver of a vehicle who drives around
6 seconds. Be extra careful during the 30
barricades set up due to flooding is liable for
minutes after rain begins; grime and oil on
the expenses of any emergency response
the road surface mix with water and make
that is required to remove the driver or
the road slippery.
any passenger in the vehicle that becomes
Hydroplaning may occur during rainstorms. inoperable on a public street or highway.
In a heavy rain, your tires can ride on a film
“Expenses of an emergency response”
of water, and at 50 mph your tires can lose all
means reasonable costs directly incurred
contact with the road. Under-inflated, worn,
by agencies that make an appropriate
or bald tires lose contact with the road at
emergency response to an incident.
much lower speeds.
The best way to prevent hydroplaning is to Fog
slow down. If your car does hydroplane: Fog reflects light and can reflect your own
headlights into your eyes. When driving in
▪▪ Take your foot off the accelerator. fog, use low beams only and look for road
▪▪ Do not brake. edge markings to guide you. Even light fog
reduces visibility and your ability to judge
▪▪ Avoid steering changes (if possible).
distance, so it is very important to slow down.
▪▪ Hold the wheel firmly until your tires Since conditions may change from moment
grip the road again. to moment as you pass through areas of even
Heavy rain frequently causes “flash floods” in thicker fog, you should adjust your speed
Arizona washes. Do not cross flooded washes. and be prepared for emergency maneuvers.
Water can stall your engine, hide potholes and If necessary, pull off the road and turn your
can carry your vehicle downstream. Estimate headlights off, then stay there until the fog lifts.
the depth of the water by looking at parked Snow and Ice
cars or other objects along the road; watch
what other vehicles are doing. Two vehicles Snow limits visibility, so turning on your
should not meet in deep water; one should headlights is necessary to see and to be
go entirely through before another starts seen. Often, snow will completely cover lane
from the other direction. This reduces the markings. Drivers may tend to move away
possibility of stalling caused by waves of water. from the edge of the road, thus passing closer
You may be charged for emergency response to each other. Snow or ice between your tires
expenses if you or your vehicle needs to be and the road greatly reduces your traction and
removed from a flooded road. increases the distance you need to stop by at
least 6 seconds. On slippery surfaces, you have
Driving through water must be done at a slow the most traction and control when the front
and steady speed. Applying the brakes gently tires are rolling; therefore, your vehicle will
with your left foot may help keep them dry. respond better to steering than to braking.
Check your brakes after leaving the water to
see if they will stop the car. If the brakes are If you decide to brake on ice or other slippery
wet, they may suddenly grab or pull to one surfaces, apply the brakes gently, increasing
side. Dry them by accelerating slowly while the pressure as you feel the tires grip the road.
gently holding down the brake pedal. Do not brake to the point that the wheels lock.
If the wheels should lock, ease slightly off the
brakes, but do not release them completely.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
This action may unlock them without losing the distance you can see ahead with your lights.
brake power entirely. Then apply the brakes Use low beams when driving on city or town
and ease off again, repeating the process. streets. Use high beams on highways when
no other vehicle is coming toward you within
Additional suggestions for safe winter driving:
500 feet. Switch to low beams whenever you
▪▪ Drive with caution meet oncoming traffic to avoid blinding the
other driver. When following another car, use
▪▪ Do not change speed or direction
low beams whenever you are within 200 feet.
▪▪ Clear snow or ice from all window If the high beams of an oncoming car are
and lights so you can see and be seen, not dimmed, avoid looking directly at the
before you start driving. bright lights. Glance toward the right side of
the road, then look ahead to determine the
▪▪ Equip your car with snow tires or position of the other vehicle. Keep doing this
chains to help prevent skidding and until you have passed the other vehicle.
reduce stopping distances.
Do not become a victim of “Highway
▪▪ Slow down before stopping or turning Hypnosis” or “White Line Fever” (a trance-
(driving on packed snow is much like like state that can occur during a long period
driving on ice). of highway driving). Any time you become
▪▪ Watch for ice on bridges and in shady tired when traveling, pull over and rest. Use
areas (bridge surfaces freeze before the radio and fresh air to ward off highway
other road surfaces). hypnosis. Stop every hour to walk and
exercise. This will help keep you alert.
Headlight Use
Low Visibility Conditions Wrong-Way Driver Awareness
When there is sun glare, rain, dust or any Tips
other condition where your vehicle may not How to Drive at Night
be clearly visible to other drivers, turn on
▪▪ No matter the time of day, drivers
your headlights on low beam. Your headlights should drive defensively. That means
significantly improve your chances of being being constantly aware of driving
seen and help other drivers avoid a collision conditions, your surroundings and
with you. On rural roads, your headlights help anticipating dangers so you can take
drivers who may consider passing in your evasive action if you encounter a
lane see that you are approaching. hazard, such as a wrong-way driver.
Night Driving ▪▪ Don’t tailgate. Leave enough space so
Reduced visibility, glare from oncoming if the vehicle in front of you makes a
headlights, and unseen objects in the road all sudden lane change to avoid a wrong-
combine to make night driving hazardous. In way driver, you’ll have time to react, too.
the late afternoon, as soon as the light begins ▪▪ Be aware of your surroundings. While
to fade, turn on your headlights – not parking wrong-way drivers are usually in the left
lights – to make your vehicle more visible to or HOA lane, they enter highways from
others. You must use headlights from sunset the right via off-ramps. Because they are
to sunrise, but be aware that other driver often impaired, their movements are
may not have turned on their headlights. unpredictable.
Headlights are a poor substitute for daylight.
Never drive so fast that you cannot stop within
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
21 and 34. Further survey data indicates that revoked for 12 months.
adults between the ages of 21 and 29 are
the most likely to drive after they have been Emotions
drinking. You cannot drive well if you are angry, excited,
worried or depressed. Anger is the emotion
The consequences of driving under the that probably occurs most often while driving,
influence are getting tougher. Driving while especially in heavy traffic. Do not allow your
impaired is a crime. emotions to influence the decisions you must
The best way to avoid death, injury, penalties make while driving. It is best to wait until you
and jail time is to practice Zero-Tolerance… are calm before driving. Distracted driving
No Alcohol. If you are under 21, any trace may cause accidents, injury, or death.
of alcohol, illegal drugs or drugs that impair
your ability to drive safely will result in Physical Fitness
stiff penalties, and your license will be Health
suspended for 2 years. Remember that being
Your physical, mental and emotional
under the legal limit of 0.08 blood alcohol
conditions are more important than any
concentration (BAC) does not mean that it is
other potential problems you will face on
legal or safe for you to drive. Studies prove
the road. Even a simple headache or cold
that alcohol impairs a person’s ability to drive
could affect your ability to drive safely. Be as
at levels substantially below 0.08 BAC.
objective as possible about your fitness to
drive. Postpone your trip or have someone
Road Rage and Aggressive else drive if you are ill.
You may be cited for aggressive driving if Medical Restrictions
you commit a series of acts during a single, Any condition that could affect the ability
continuous period of driving that presents to drive safely must be reported to MVD. A
an immediate hazard to another person or person who has had a seizure within 90 days
vehicle, exceed the posted speed limit and of applying for a driver license is required
commit two of the following violations: to report that medical condition to MVD. A
person who already has a driver license and
▪▪ Failure to obey traffic control signs or
who has a seizure or other medical condition
is required to cease driving, notify MVD
▪▪ Passing another vehicle on the right side. and have a medical exam. The physician will
submit results to MVD.
▪▪ Unsafe lane change.
▪▪ Following too close. Drowsy Driving/Fatigue
▪▪ Failure to yield to emergency vehicles. If you find yourself feeling sleepy while
driving, it is already past the time to get off
The penalties for aggressive driving are: the road. Fatigue dulls the mind and reduces
▪▪ First offense — You will be required your ability to act quickly and correctly. Five
to attend a Traffic Survival School groups of drivers have been identified as
course and your license may be at risk for crashes due to sleepiness: shift
suspended for 30 days. workers, business travelers, commercial
drivers, those with sleep disorders and young
▪▪ Second and subsequent offenses —If
people. Drowsy driving/fatigue is an issue
you commit a second offense within
as serious and perilous as driving under the
24 months, you are guilty of a Class 1
influence of alcohol, but not as detectable.
misdemeanor and your license will be
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Your driving privilege will be revoked for, but ▪▪ The person is not in compliance with
not limited to: Arizona’s financial responsibility
requirements, and;
▪▪ Any homicide or aggravated assault
involving use of a vehicle. ▪▪ The person is driving a vehicle that
is involved in a crash that results in
▪▪ Any felony in which a vehicle is used. either property damage or injury to or
▪▪ Perjury relating to the ownership or death of another person.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
When a law enforcement officer has reason days, fined not less than $3,000, and
to believe you have been driving while under your license will be revoked for 12
the influence, the officer will request that months. You will also be required to
you submit to a test of your blood, breath, undergo alcohol screening/education/
urine or other bodily substance to measure treatment and may be ordered to equip
the amount of alcohol or drugs present in any vehicle you operate with a certified
your bloodstream. ignition interlock device, and will be
ordered to perform community service.
DUI Penalties
If you are stopped for driving under the Extreme DUI
influence and a test shows that you have This category of DUI applies to a person with
an alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or an alcohol concentration of 0.15 or higher.
more (0.04 in a commercial vehicle requiring
a commercial driver license), you will lose
▪▪ First offense – You will be jailed for
not less than 30 consecutive days
your driving privilege on the spot.
and fined not less than $2,500. If
You may be found guilty of driving while the alcohol concentration is 0.20
intoxicated even if the BAC was less than 0.08 or higher, you will be jailed not less
percent. If you are under 21, your license than 45 days and will not be eligible
may be suspended if there is any alcohol for suspended sentence. You will
concentration. also be required to undergo alcohol
screening/education/treatment and
If you refuse to submit to or do not will be ordered to perform community
successfully complete any tests when you are service and to equip any vehicle
arrested for driving under the influence, you you operate with a certified ignition
will automatically lose your driving privilege interlock device.
for 12 months, or 24 months for a second
refusal within 84 months. ▪▪ Second and subsequent offenses –
You will be jailed for not less than 120
In addition to any criminal penalties imposed days, fined not less than $3,250 and
by the court for a second or third offense your license will be revoked for 12
DUI violation, your driving privilege will be months. If the alcohol concentration
automatically revoked. is 0.20 or higher, you will be jailed
not less than 180 days and will not
be eligible for suspended sentence.
▪▪ First offense – you will be jailed for You will also be required to undergo
not less than 10 consecutive days, alcohol screening/education/
your driver license will be suspended treatment and to equip any vehicle
for not less than 90 days, and you will you operate with a certified ignition
be assessed a fine of not less than interlock device, and will be ordered
$1,250. You will also be required to to perform community service.
undergo alcohol screening/education/
treatment and will be ordered to Aggravated DUI
perform community service and This category of DUI applies to a person who
may be ordered to equip any vehicle commits a DUI while their driving privilege is
you operate with a certified ignition suspended or revoked, commits a third DUI
interlock device. in 7 years, or commits a DUI while a person
▪▪ Second and subsequent offenses – under 15 is in the vehicle.
You will be jailed for not less than 90 The aggravated DUI law also includes a violation
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
where a person who is subject to a Certified The person must comply with the certified
Ignition Interlock Device (CIID) requirement ignition interlock device requirements,
commits a DUI or extreme DUI violation. complete alcohol treatment classes when
required and carry proof of future financial
You will be sent to prison for not more
responsibility insurance.
than 2 years and, in addition to any other
penalty required by law, your license will be Executive Hearing Office
revoked for 1 year. You will also be required
The Executive Hearing Office conducts
to undergo alcohol screening/education/
hearings which have been requested by
treatment and to equip any vehicle you operate
individuals or businesses contesting an Order
with a certified ignition interlock device.
issued by MVD. Although there are many
Certified Ignition Interlock Device kinds of hearings, most involve an appeal
to an Order suspending or revoking a driver
A certified ignition interlock device is a
license. Usually, the suspension or revocation
breath alcohol testing instrument connected
results from traffic law violations.
to the ignition and power system of the
vehicle. The driver blows into the device Whenever you have the right to appeal an
before attempting to turn the ignition. If the Order, the notice of suspension/revocation
driver’s alcohol level is above a certain level, will inform you of the procedure to be
the vehicle will not start. While the vehicle followed if you choose to request a hearing.
is in operation, the driver must blow into the It is particularly important to file a hearing
device at random intervals. request within the time required by law. You
may lose your right to the hearing if you delay.
Arizona law allows a person to obtain a
special ignition interlock restricted driver If you need additional information concerning
license while the person’s Class D or Class the hearing procedure, call the Executive
G driving privilege is under suspension or Hearing Office at 602.712.7737. Remember,
revocation after a minimum period of 90 days the law only allows the Executive Hearing
has been served for any of the following: Office to provide general information.
For more specific legal advice, you might
▪▪ First offense for an implied consent
consider consulting an attorney.
▪▪ Conviction of aggravated DUI or
extreme DUI with a minor in the vehicle. Section 6
▪▪ Conviction of DUI or extreme DUI or HANDLING EMERGENCIES
having any spirituous liquor in the
Skids, tire blowouts and mechanical failures
person’s body while operating a motor
can happen at any time. You need to be
vehicle while under 18 years of age.
prepared to handle them.
▪▪ Conviction of operating a motor
The following recommendations are to assist
vehicle while 18 to 20 years of age
with any spirituous liquor in the you with emergency situations.
person’s body. Tire Failure
▪▪ Or, during a revocation for two DUI’s Reduce your chances of a blowout by
within an 84 month period after a checking your tire pressure regularly. If a tire
minimum period of 45 days has been blowout occurs:
served, and one of the violations is on
or after January 1, 2012. ▪▪ Hold the steering wheel tightly and
keep your vehicle going straight.
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
▪▪ Ease off the gas pedal; do not apply move to the right side of the road.
the brakes.
▪▪ Stop the car; push the brakes extra
▪▪ Let the vehicle slow down until it is hard if your vehicle has power brakes.
almost stopped.
Headlight Failure
Just before your vehicle stops, activate your
turn signal to let other drivers know you are
▪▪ Try the high beam/low beam switch.
This may restore normal function.
moving to the side of the road, then pull off
the roadway and apply the brakes. ▪▪ Turn the headlight switch on and off
several times.
▪▪ If neither of these steps work, put on
Fires are usually caused by a short circuit in the parking lights, emergency flashers
the electrical system. If you have a fire, pull or turn signals; pull to the side of the
quickly off the road, shut off the ignition to road and stop.
cut electrical power and get all passengers
away from the car. Call 911. Brake Failure
Always carry a fire extinguisher. Do not use Many vehicles feature Anti-lock Braking
water if gasoline is burning since this will Systems (ABS). Do not pump anti-lock brakes.
spread the flames. If you do not have a fire If a vehicle does not have anti-lock brakes:
extinguisher, a heavy blanket, a heavy coat or
sand can help to smother the flames. ▪▪ Pump the brakes rapidly. This may build
up enough pressure to stop your vehicle.
Fires are dangerous. If you have any
indication that the fire may be beyond your ▪▪ If pumping the brakes does not work,
slowly apply the parking brake. Be
control, get away from the vehicle.
sure to hold the brake release so
Overheating you can ease off the brake if the rear
wheels lock and the car begins to skid.
Steam coming from under your hood
may mean that your cooling system has ▪▪ Shift to lower gear and look for a safe
overheated. You should: place to stop.
▪▪ Pull to the side of the road and turn Crashes
off your engine immediately.
Avoiding a Crash
▪▪ Raise the hood but do not open the
radiator cap. Opening the radiator cap If you are stopped at a traffic light or stop sign
while the engine is hot may allow steam and another vehicle is approaching you from
to escape and cause severe burns. behind at a high rate of speed, you should:
Carry extra water in your car to add to your ▪▪ If possible, pull your vehicle forward
radiator if the engine overheats. Never in an effort to give the approaching
attempt to add water while the engine is hot! vehicle more room to stop.
Add water only after the engine has cooled. ▪▪ If the crash cannot be avoided, brace
yourself between the steering wheel
Power Steering Failure
and the back of the seat and release
(Example: Your engine dies as you pull around your brake an instant before impact.
a corner). This will help to lessen the impact.
▪▪ Firmly grip the steering wheel with If you are in danger from a potential head-on
both hands to complete the turn and crash, do one of the following:
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Drivers are expected to comply with law ▪▪ Reach around inside the vehicle. If
enforcement officer’s orders during a traffic you need to reach for an item, contact
stop. Failure to follow or refusal to comply the officer verbally to indicate the
with any lawful order or direction of a peace item you need to locate and only do
officer is a violation of the law and can result so after the officer has given verbal
in the driver being arrested. Drivers and confirmation.
passengers may be ordered to remain in the ▪▪ Get out of the vehicle unexpectedly
vehicle, exit the vehicle and may be ordered or approach the officer. If you need to
to move to a safer location. Passengers may exit your vehicle, contact the officer
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
verbally to ask to exit the vehicle, only Law enforcement officers are expected to
exit after the officer has given verbal maintain the highest level of professionalism
confirmation to do so. during a traffic stop. Should questions
arise regarding the officer’s conduct
While every traffic stop varies based on
during a traffic stop, drivers should contact
the circumstances of the stop, drivers can
the officer’s law enforcement agency or
generally expect the officer to:
supervisor using the officer information
▪▪ Greet the driver; located on the citation.
▪▪ Identify themselves as a law
enforcement officer; Please visit the ADOT website at for information on:
▪▪ Obtain the driver license, vehicle
registration and proof of insurance; ▪▪ Applying for a Title and Registration
▪▪ Inform the individual of the reason ▪▪ 90-Day Resident Registration
for the stop and explain the ▪▪ Temporary Registrations
circumstances for issuance of the
citation or warning; ▪▪ What to do after you sell a vehicle
▪▪ Check both the validity and ▪▪ License plate credit and how to apply
for a refund
authenticity of the driver license;
The following forms of identification are ▪▪ Vehicle Inspections
acceptable in identifying the driver during a ▪▪ Emission Testing
traffic stop:
▪▪ Vehicle Insurance
▪▪ Arizona driver license; ▪▪ Registration Compliance Program
▪▪ Out-of-state driver license; ▪▪ Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV)
▪▪ Temporary license;
Always Be Prepared
▪▪ Learner permit;
Be prepared for emergencies. Consider
▪▪ Military id; or packing an emergency kit containing some of
▪▪ Consulate/international driver license the items listed below:
Arizona Driver License Manual and Customer Service Guide
Arizona Department of Transportation
Motor Vehicle Division
99-0117 R04/2018