Sustainable Antimicrobial Finishing of Fabrics Using Natural Bioactive Agents - A Review

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res.

2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

Review Article Biology





Department of Microbial Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
Department of Textiles and Apparel Design, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India

Antimicrobial textiles have gained much attention and popularity in the market and in day- to-
day life during the last two decades. The textile industries continue to introduce different
methods in their production to enhance the quality of their products and to satisfy their
customers. Increased competition in the industry has lead to the development of different
synthetic antimicrobial agents. Though these synthetic agents are used widely, they pose a threat
to both the users and the environment. Taking into consideration these threatening issues, several
environmental bodies have implemented rules in the use of synthetic agents. On the contrary, the
natural antimicrobial agents which have less adverse effect on humans and are eco friendly, are
gaining much attention. Several natural agents such as basil (active agent is eugenol), neem
(active limnoids like azadirachtin, nimbinin), turmeric (curcumin), clove oil, chitosan, sercin,
onion, aloevera and pomegranate have antimicrobial properties. This review paper highlights the
different natural antimicrobial sources, their effect on public and the possibilities of using these
agents in textiles to impart antimicrobial properties and to develop different products.

KEYWORDS: Antimicrobial agents, Eco friendly agents, health impact


Department of Textiles and Apparel Design, Bharathiar University,

Coimbatore, India

Received on: 31-05-2018

Revised and Accepted on: 17-07-2018

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

INTRODUCTION implemented by various environmental bodies such

as EPU3. The active agent used in antimicrobial
During the past few decades, human health has finishing should be effective only against
been seriously bothered and threatened by various undesirable organisms. It should also be nontoxic,
health issues. Among the many infectious diseases safe and biodegradable and should have long
prevalent in the society, indoor microbial durability. The natural agents with their effective
contamination and infection are more common. antimicrobial activity and less adverse
Textiles are susceptible to cross contamination as consequences are being used at present to overcome
they are conducive to the growth of pathogenic the problems caused by synthetic agents. India has
microorganisms. The availability of large surface a rich biodiversity with more than 450 plants
area and moisture content are the main factors that available for dye extraction and antimicrobial
promote the growth of microbes. Growth of finishing4. The use of different natural
microbes leads to unpleasant odour, pigmentation antimicrobial agents like aloe vera, eucalyptus,
and deterioration in quality, which not only affect turmeric, neem, and basil has been already reported
the products but also the wearer. To enhance the in textile production. This shows that most of the
quality of textile products innovative methods are natural antimicrobial agents are mainly derived
in use such as fragrance textiles, insect repellent from different medicinal plants 5. Though much
textiles, textiles immobilized with active agents for research has been done on the technical and
various purposes and textiles coated with phase functional aspects of production or synthetic
changing materials (PCMS). Antimicrobial antimicrobial finishing, only a few research papers
finishing on textile mainly focuses on three are available on natural antimicrobial finishing.
objectives 1) To control and avoid infection 2) To This paper offers a comprehensive, critical review
reduce odour and pigmentation 3) To control bio of the use of natural products and their applications
deterioration. Two different modes of action are in antimicrobial finishing finishing on textiles.
reported for antimicrobials such as bound Numerous antimicrobial agents reported have been
antimicrobials and leaching antimicrobials. Several taken from natural sources. The following (Table 1)
synthetic agents like triclosan, quaternary lists the active agents taken from plants and their
ammonium compounds, nano silver materials are modes of action against microbes.Table 2
available for antimicrobial finishing1 of textiles. represents their spectrum of activity. Disc diffusion
Synthesis of nano particles is expensive whereas method (AATCC 90) was used for the study.Zone
the other synthetic agents cause many of inhibition was observed beneath fabric which
environmental issues2. Considering these problems, was treated with the antimicrobial extracts.
regulations in the use of these chemicals have been

Table 1
Active agents from plants

Class Subclass Example Mechanism

Phenolics Simple phenols Catechol Substrate deprivation
Flavonoids Chrysin Bind to adhesins complex with cell wall
Flavones Abyssinone Interact with enzymes
Flavonols Ellagitanninn Bind to protein
Tannins Bind to adhesin
Substrate deprivation
Membrane disruption
Coumarins Warfarin Interaction with eukaryotic DNA
Terpenoids Capsaicin Membrane disruption
Alkaloids Berberine, Interactive in to cell wall and/or DNA
Lectines and Polypeptides Mannose Block viral fusion or adsorption

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

Table 2
Antibacterial spectrum of herbal products from different sources

Antimicrobial Agents Antimicrobial Spectrum Reference

Terpenoids6,7 S.aureus,P.aeruginosa, Bach et al.,2011
V.cholera Mathabeet al., 2008
Lectins and polypeptides8,9 S.aureus,B.subtilis, Kheereeet al.,2010
E.coli,P.aeruginosa Petnualet al.,2010
Flavonoids10,11 K.pneumoniae, S.centerica, Orhanet al.,2010
P.aeruginosa Özçeliket al.,2008
Quinones12,13 S.aerreus, B.subtils, Ignacimuthuet al.,2009
P.aeruginosa Singh et al.,2006
Tannins14,15 B.cerus, Engels et al.,2009
Listeria monocytogenes, Scalbertet al.,1991
Coumarins5,16,17 Listeria Cowan et al., 2009
monocytogens, S.aerus, Venugopalaet al.,2013
E.coli,V.parahaemolyticus Saleemet al., 2010

MECHANISM OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS pathogens1. To improve the antibacterial activity

AGAINST INVADING MICROBES the combined effect of basil with clove, neem and
Mode of action of each antimicrobial agent will karanga have been reported by Sarkaret al.,200220.
differ on textile. This depends on factors like A group of researchers tried three different
chemical and structure nature and affinity level to methods of antimicrobial finishing to find out the
certain target sites within the cells. The Mode of efficiency of basil leave extract coated on cotton
action is classified as follows by different fabric by treating with basil leave extract by direct
researchers18,19. method, microencapsulation and with cross linking
● Damage or inhibition of the cell wall agent 21, and reported their durability. The Cotton
synthesis fabric treated with cross linking agent (resin) is
● Inhibition of cell membrane function, which better than that treated with direct and encapsulated
disturbs the intra and extra cellular flow of method. The tensile strength and stiffness of the
substrates material got improved with reduction in the crease
● Inhibition of protein synthesis recovery. Reports are available for combined
● Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis(DNA / antibacterial effect of basil and pomegranate on
RNA) cotton fabric. The researchers had used three
● Inhibition of metabolic process eg: Folic acid methods for application - direct method, micro
pathway encapsulation and microencapsulation with resin as
cross linking agent against S.aureus and
BASIL- OCIMUMTENUIFLOURUM K.pneumoniae using AATCC 147 and AATCC 100
Ocimumtenuiflourum is cultivated for religious and methods. Clear zone of inhibition was observed in
traditional medicinal purposes. Some of the AATCC 147 method and 90% of reduction was
phytochemical constituents of basil are oleaolic recorded in AATCC 100 method against both
acid, rosmarinic acid, eugenol and the reported pathogens. Wash durability of coated fabric was
essential oils are eugenol(70 %)(Figure - 1), β- also reported. After 15 wash cycles antibacterial
caryophyllene (8 %), β-elemene (11%) and activity gradually decreased in direct method and
germacrene (2 %). Natural antimicrobial agents are micro encapsulated method but fabric coated with
attaining much attention than synthetic cross linking agent (citric acid) showed good
antimicrobial agents because of their efficacy and antimicrobial activity even after 15 washing cycles
safety. The effect of methanolic extract of basil . Comparative study of natural antimicrobial
leaves on cotton fabric was studied and 73 % of agents with synthetic was done by Rajput et
bacterial reduction was reported against the test al.,201723, reported the effect of basil as an

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

antibacterial agent on diapers and compared the inhibition was present against P.aeruginosa, 11mm
effect with synthetic antibacterial agents such as against S.aureus followed by E.coli with 5mm. The
silver nanoparticles, zinc nanoparticles and titanium effect of basil in combination with malabar nuts
dioxide powder and concluded that the natural against S.aureus and E.coli was also done by the
agents have similar activity compared with same researcher in which he observed 30 mm
synthetic agents and that 12.5 mm zone of against S.aureus and 12 mm against E.coli.

Figure 1
Eugenol, the main ingredient of basil

NEEM –AZADIRACHTAINDICA antibacterial agent was reported by shahidi26 using

Neem has been widely used in ayurveda, unani and neem extract by treating the modified cotton with
in homeopathic medicines. More than 140 bioactive different concentrations of neem extract in the
compounds are reported from neem for its various presence of silicon micro emulsion and non ionic
applications. Comparative study of dip-dry method softener. The efficacy of neem seed and bark
and exhaust method was reported by Mahesh et al24 extracts against Bacillus subtilis on cotton and
using neem extract on cotton fabric. Observation cotton/polyester blend textiles has been reported
reports suggest that exhaust method is better than byJoshi27. The effect of neem extract on diaper
dip-dry. Results were recorded as follows: the compared with different synthetic antibacterial
extract is more effective against Gram negative agents was reported by 23 who observed that the
than Gram positive bacteria. After 5 wash cycles, activity of natural agents was similar to that of
the antimicrobial activity gradually reduced to synthetic agents. The antibacterial properties of
33.23 % and 24.31% respectively for Gram neem oil in combination with other herbal oils such
negative and Gram positive bacteria. Neem extract as clove, basil and karanga have been used to
applied on medical textile to improve antibacterial impart antimicrobial finishing on cotton textiles 20.
activity by two methods, direct and The Methanolic extract of neem was used by Vyas
microencapsulation by Ganesan25 reported that the et al., 200828 who followed different methods for
wash durability was poor for fabric treated by direct coating and concluded that neem was better than
method but microencapsulated fabric showed aloe vera on cotton fabric as durability was
higher reduction in bacterial growth even after 15 observed even after 15 washes. Active limonoids
wash cycles against S.aureus and E.coli. are given in the (Figure 2)
Improvement of physical parameters by imparting

Figure 2
Azadirachtin Nimbinin
Active limonoids present in neem giving antimicrobial property

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

POMEGRANATE–PUNICAGRANATUM be more effective on the fabric coated with micro

Pomegranate is a rich source of vitamin A, D, B encapsulation with cross linking agent.
and calcium. Its total fat content is 1.2 g and is
widely used in ayurvedic medicines. Antimicrobial TURMERIC-CURCUMA LONGA
property of pomegranate and its effect on fabric Curcumin, one of the main ingredients of turmeric
was reported by Gupta29. It was observed that the (Figure 3), imparts yellow colour and antibacterial
stiffness and tensile strength of the fabric improved property. The phytochemical compounds present in
along with durability which could also be improved turmeric include diarylheptanoids which occur from
by either micro encapsulation or using cross linking numerous curcuminoids. Wool fabric treated with
agent. In 2010, study conducted by Dahhamet al., curcumin showed good antibacterial activity against
201030 found that among the antibacterial activity S.aureus and E.coli (45 % and 30 %) even after 30
of extracts taken from different parts of wash cycles as reported by Hanet al., 200531. A
pomegranate (peel, seed, juice, whole fruit), the Report of antibacterial activity 24 on cotton fabric
peel extract exhibited maximum activity against treated with turmeric against E.coli and B.cereus
S.aureus and against fungus A.niger. The suggested that instead of direct method, the exhaust
antibacterial effect of pomegranate on cotton fabric method was more powerful. After 5 wash cycle
was checked by dip method followed by exhaust activity the effect reported was 33.23 % and 24.31
method and it was reported that the exhaust method % against Gram positive and Gram negative
was effective against both Gram positive and bacteria. Mordant polyamide was used with
negative but more effective against Gram negative turmeric and reported to be more effective against
bacteria 24. Three methods (direct, micro E.coli than S.aureus. Fabric finished with mordant
encapsulation and cross linking) were used by is more efficient in washing than the normal
Sathianarayanan22 and wash durability was found to finishing32

Figure 3
Curcumin present in turmeric

ALOEVERA (ALOE BARBADENSIS MILL) observed on treated than untreated fabric

It grows on tropical regions and is used for Murugeshet al., 201533. Effect of antibacterial
medicinal and decorative purposes. Aloe vera activity in combination with neem and aloe vera
consists of more than 200 active ingredients. has been reported by Vyaset al., 2008 28on cotton
Because of its wound healing property it is used in who found the combination more durable on fabric.
the production of wound dressing materials. Its In A comparative study done by Rajput et
bioactive molecules are given in (Figure 4). al.201723, the researchers selected many natural
Antibacterial activity of Aloe vera in the presence antibacterial agents including Aloe vera and
of glyoxal as cross linking agent on cotton fabric compared them with synthetic antibacterial agents.
was done by following AATCC 147 & 100 The selected antibacterial agents were applied on
methods. The experiment was performed using diaper. The results revealed that natural coating had
different concentrations of A.vera5,10,15,20,25 gpl the same activity when compared with synthetic
respectively and good antimicrobial activity was agents.

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Figure 4
Active agents of aloe vera


Onion consists of fibre, flavanoids and sulphur Considering the cleansing property and
compounds. When plant gets damaged or is antimicrobial property of eucalyptus oil, it is used
stressed, it generates an antimicrobial agent called for the development of functionalized textile to
allicin. The antibacterial property of onion has been produce user friendly bacteria resistant fabric. It has
applied in textile industry by different researchers been already reported for its antimicrobial activity
to improve the microbial resistance of fabric. against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candia
Cotton fabric was pre treated with oxygen plasma albicans and viruses. The main component is
and grafted with onion pulp extract at 70 °C for Eucalyptol (1,8-cineole) which has both
different dilution. The zone of inhibition values antibacterial and antifungal activity. Antibacterial
obtained was proportional to the grafting time of property of two different eucalyptus leaves such as
pulp onion extraction, as suggested by Chen34. The E.cinera and E.odorata leaf extracts were applied
Broad spectrum activity of onion has been reported on wool and cotton fabric by Ben Fadhelet al.,
by Škergetet al.,200935 after the antibacterial and 201237. Using acetone- water combination, the
antifungal activity of onion skin extract was tested flavanoids extracted from leaves were treated on
against E.coli, P.fluoresences, B.cereus and fabric and tested by AATCC 90 against E.coli and
A.niger. The reports revealed that the antimicrobial S.aureus. E.odorata was found to be more efficient
activity of the edible part of onion was on wool than cotton. Washing durability was also
comparatively very less than the other parts. reported: gradual decrease in antimicrobial activity
was observed after a number of laundering cycles
CLOVE OIL but wool exhibited better wash durability than
Clove oil (eugenol) got its name from Eugenia cotton.
aromaticum. The Main ingredient of clove oil is
eugenol 72 - 90% and this component is CHITOSAN
responsible for the aroma. The effect of using Chitin is one of the abundant polysaccharides found
DMDHEU (Dimethylol Dihydroxy Ethylene Urea) in nature, especially derived from marine shells and
as cross linking agent along with clove oil as molusks. Chitin is made up of a linear chain of
antimicrobial agent on cotton fabric was reported acetyl glucosamine groups, while chitosan is
bySarkar36 who found that the wash durability got obtained by removing acetyl glucosamine group
improved by using cross linking agent. Zone of and by leaving the active amine group. CH3-CO
inhibition of 17 and 47 mm was observed against will be removed and NH2 will be present (Figure
pathogens at 0.5 % and 1 % of oil respectively, 5). Antimicrobial activity of chitosan is connected
with cross linking agent (Dimethylol Dihydroxy with polycataionic nature, which will bind with
Ethylene Urea). negatively charged residues of molecules at the

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

surface of bacteria and subsequently inhibit the thickener for pigment printing of polyester and
growth of bacteria. One main factor influencing polyester cotton blends and noted the reduction of
activity is pH, at lower pH high chitosan activity. 96% bacteria against S.aureus in 1 h. Chitosan
Water soluble chitosan oligomers is prepared by which is reported for its multipurpose use has its
acid degradation for finishing polypropylene disadvantages while applying on fabric. Chitosan is
nonwoven fabrics to impart antimicrobial activity effective against microbes only at high
against P.vulgaris, S.aureus and concentration. Deposition of chitosan develops
Shanmugasundaram and Qinet al., 2006-- used thick layer or film on the surface on the fabric,
Tetracycline drug on chitosan coated fabric and which reduces the air permeability. Another
checked the antibacterial activity against Gram negative effect reported is after treating with
positive and Gram negative bacteria 38,39, and chitosan the fabric become much stiff.
reported that the chitosan was a binder and

Figure 5
a) Chitin

Figure 5
b) Chitosan

SERICIN coated on the wool fabric by sol-gel process and the

A Natural macromolecular protein, derived from antibacterial activity was tested by AATCC 90
Bombyxmori, Sericin consists of 25 - 30% of silk method against E.coli and laundering method result
protein. Discharging of sericin during silk was also reported. After repeated washing cycles,
production causes water pollution. But it the antimicrobial activity slightly got reduced
possesses various applications such as antibacterial, during each cycle. Herbal extract of Blettilastriata
UV resistant, moisturizing properties. It has been was immobilized on the polymer coated fabric to
reported that sericin 4 % (W / V) treated PET fabric increase the wound healing property and tested
showed 51% reduction of S.aureus40. against E.coli and S.aureus41. A study of
microcapsule containing Psidiumguajava plant
OTHER NATURAL ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS extract as antibacterial agent on cotton fabric was
Antibacterial activity of capsaicin coated wool reported using AATCC147 method against E.coli
fabric was reported byshahidi26. Capsaicin was and S.aureus. Leaf extract also showed antibacterial

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

activity against S.aureus but it was ineffective normal antibiotic50,51. Safety of antimicrobial
against E.coli. Konrai, Henna, Papaya were used as agents attains much attention. Use of natural
antimicrobial agent on jersey knitted fabric by three antimicrobial agents with potential antimicrobial
methods such as direct, exhaust and micro spectrum and eco friendly nature are in high
encapsulation against E.coli and S.aureus. Micro demand. The mode of action (leaching / bound),
encapsulated fabric retained antibacterial activity nature of active agent, concentration on textile, skin
after 15 wash cycles. The antibacterial activity of sensitivity and irritation level are the main factors
Seabuckthorn leaves extract checked against E.coli of consideration while checking the bio efficacy of
and S.aureus was found to be 12.4 mm and 16.7 antimicrobial agents on textiles.
mm respectively42. The antibacterial activity of
azuki beans water extract including green, black CONSTRAINTS
and red showed good activity against S.aureus, Different types of synthetic antimicrobial agents are
Aeromonashydrophila and Vibrio available in market and they are reported for their
parahaemolyticus. There is no activity by the white better spectrum activity and durability. At the same
bean extract. These results suggested that time, noted side effectsare reported. Use of these
polyphenols including proanthocyanidins in agents were banned in many countries. Considering
coloured beans were responsible for the activity43. all these problems, now days research focuses on
The combined effect of ginger oil and curry leaves the development of natural antimicrobial agents
was reported by Krishnaveni et al., 2017 44 finish with less side effects. The main problem is the
has been imparted by pad-dry-cure coating and availability of natural agents in required quantity
tested against group of Gram positive and Gram and compared to synthetic it can withstand less
negative bacteria and there was no negative effect number of wash cycles. But the implementation of
on physical properties such as absorbency, stiffness natural agents as antimicrobial agents is a cost
and strength. Glycyrrhizaglabra (Yasthimadhu) effective method when it is obtained from natural
applied on organic cotton fabric by pad-dry-cure sources.
coating in combination with non polar solvents as
an antibacterial and antifungal agent, reported the FUTURE PROSPECTS
washing durability of active agent up to 12-18  Research is needed to enhance the durability
washes for different solvents against S.aureus45. of natural antimicrobial agents on fabric after
repeated washing.
IMPACT OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS ON  Combination of natural antimicrobial agents
HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT may be experimented to obtain a broad
The Environmental impact of antimicrobial textiles spectrum activity.
relates to many factors such as substrate material,
antimicrobial compound production, textile CONCLUSION
treatment production and finally the mode of
disposal46,4 and is a critical goal of concern.7 The textile industry is the second largest polluter
Production and disposal of antimicrobial agents next to oil industry. As the world has started
have significant influence on environmental marching towards sustainability, it has become
aspects, beginning from the substrate selection to necessary for the textile industry to stop using
final disposal. If the disposed antimicrobial is not hazardous substances and switch to natural
removed from the effluent, they may end up in the materials. Regulations related to the manufacture of
aquatic body. The Removal of synthetic agents textile products have been made stringent by many
through waste water treatment for triclosan is one countries around the world and this has compelled
option. In case of quaternary ammonium the manufacturers to look for safer alternative
compounds (QACs), which is defined as “hard materials. Natural materials are always on the top
antimicrobial agent’, the degradation of QACs is compared to synthetic materials owing to their
generally considered poor48. Aerobic condition friendliness towards the user and the environment.
treatment is a good option for triclosan removal, Synthetic antimicrobial agents are durable, have
and its estimated degradation occur in 41 minutes broad spectrum activity and are highly efficient but
and its half life in water is about 10 days 46,49. the problem is their hazardous nature and the
Continuous exposure of antimicrobials develops associated human health issues and environmental
drug resistance in microbes, due to their alteration pollution. Antimicrobial agents derived from
in genetic makeup. Resistant strains are able to natural sources are safe for human and the
propagate and spread as they will not be killed by

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Int. J. Life Sci. Pharma Res. 2018 Oct; 8(4): (L) 10-20

environment but the spectrum of activity and protect and conserve the natural ecosystem of the
efficiency are not as good as the synthetic ones. earth thereby restoring the global sustainability.
Still, a combination of these natural antimicrobial
agents would be as efficient as the synthetic ones. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
To achieve this, more research work is needed in
the field. Hence, natural antimicrobial agents Conflict of interest declared none.
derived from plant sources would be of prime
importance in the future. We are in an urge to

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