3 Javascript PDF

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About this Book

About this Book

JAVASCRIPT is a client-side programming language that allows web
developers to create scripts that can run on Client Browser.
JAVASCRIPT Language is basically used to run program at client side.
This book will help you understand the basics of JAVASCRIPT
Language and how to put it in practice to build Websites.

This tutorial has been designed to meet the requirements of all
those readers who are keen to learn the basics of JAVASCRIPT.

This book assumes you have no prior knowledge on Programming
knowledge and assume you are at a beginner level.

How to use this Book

This book contains JAVASCRIPT Language Basics, Exercises and
Examples which are part of the PHP Bootcamp Program. This
bootcamp has helped many students to become PHP Full Stack Web
Developer in Just 30 days.

>>>Check out more about this program here...

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Table of Contents

About this Book .......................................................................................... 1

Audience ...................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites ............................................................................................... 1
How to use this Book ................................................................................. 1
Copyright & Disclaimer .............................................................................. 2
Found Typos & Broken Link ...................................................................... 2
Support ........................................................................................................ 2
1 JavaScript Basics ..................................................................................... 8
1.1 Introduction to JavaScript ........................................................... 8
1.2 Internal JavaScript ........................................................................ 9
1.3 Comments JavaScript ................................................................ 12
1.4 External JavaScript ..................................................................... 16
1.5 Inline JavaScript .......................................................................... 21
1.6 Hello Sample JavaScript ............................................................ 24
1.7 JavaScript Terminology ............................................................. 27
1.8 Testing & Debugging JavaScript ............................................... 28
2 Working with Data ................................................................................ 34
2.1 Identifiers ....................................................................................... 34
2.2 Variables ......................................................................................... 37
2.3 Primitives ........................................................................................ 43
2.4 Keywords ........................................................................................ 47
2.5 Reserved Words............................................................................. 48

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3 Expressions in JavaScript ..................................................................... 50

3.1 Assignment Expressions ............................................................... 50
3.2 Comparison Expressions .............................................................. 54
3.3 Arithmetic Expressions ................................................................. 60
3.4 Logical Expressions ....................................................................... 65
3.5 String Operations .......................................................................... 69
3.6 Quotes ............................................................................................ 73
3.7 Boolean ........................................................................................... 75
3.8 Arrays .............................................................................................. 78
3.9 Date and Time................................................................................ 83
4 Statements ............................................................................................ 88
4.1 if Statements .................................................................................. 88
4.2 switch Statements ......................................................................... 92
4.3 while Statements ........................................................................... 97
4.4 for Statements .............................................................................101
5 Function, Objects and Events............................................................106
5.1 Functions ......................................................................................106
5.2 Objects ..........................................................................................109
5.3 Events............................................................................................114
6 Testing ................................................................................................. 118
6.1 Debugging ....................................................................................118
6.2 Common Errors ...........................................................................121
6.3 Try Catch Block ............................................................................123
7 Document Object Model ...................................................................129
7.1 Find an Element by ID .................................................................129
7.2 Update the Data ..........................................................................132

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7.3 Access Form Elements ................................................................134

8 Snippets JavaScript .............................................................................139
8.1 Access the Browser URL .............................................................139
9 Projects JavaScript ..............................................................................141
9.1 Form Validations..........................................................................141
9.2 Guess the Number ......................................................................143

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1. JavaScript Basics

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1 JavaScript Basics

1 JavaScript Basics

1.1 Introduction to JavaScript

Invention of JavaScript

During 1990’s, When Internet and HTML was introduced to the IT

industry web pages main purpose was to display content on the

Webpages was created and stored on server which are connected to

internet. These Web page main purpose is to connect all the other
resource on the internet.

Connecting things in internet and accessing all resources via web

page was the main concept.

In 1995, Brandon Eich Wrote Java Script and main purpose of it was
to change the DOM which was created by the HTML.

JavaScript was born.

JavaScript main purpose is to execute program at the browser.

With JavaScript you are do following things:

• Change the Page Data at Runtime.

• Validate what user is doing on the Page.
• Show and Hide things on the page based on the User Action.
• Download and Upload data in the background from the
• Animation Effects

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1 JavaScript Basics

• Control the timer.

History of JavaScript

In 1995, Brandon Eich Wrote Java Script at Netscape. Original name

of JavaScript was Mocha. It was renamed to LiveScript and then to

Soon many browsers were released and which adopted the


JavaScript is a Scripting Language. Know more about Scripting

language from here.

Future of JavaScript

The main advantage of JavaScript is that it runs on users browser.

There is no need to refresh the page or send the page to server and
do some calculation.

All the operations happens on Browser so it makes the JavaScript

extra ordinary faster than any web language.

Latest Famous Languages like Angular are completely built on

JavaScript which handles front and back of the application from
browser itself.

New Web Programming Language are based on JavaScript.

1.2 Internal JavaScript

Usage of Internal JavaScript

JavaScript can be written in many different places in HTML page.

One of the method of defining the JavaScript is inside the same

HTML page.

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1 JavaScript Basics

This type of JavaScript includes is restricted to page level only means

you cannot reuse this code in some other pages.

Benefit of using this internal JavaScript is when you want specific

changes to apply for that page level only.



alert(‘This will show an alert box’);


alert is a function to show alert box on the web page.

alert(‘some text here’);

Add semicolor ‘;’ at the end of the line.

<style> tag is used to write the JavaScript inside this tag.

This tag <style> can be defined in <head> or <body>

JavaScript code written inside the <style> tag are executed as it is


If you have two <script> tag one after the other then code inside the
<script> executes one after the other.

If you put the <script> tag at the end of the <body> tag then the
script is executed at the last after the page is loaded.

Sample Example

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

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1 JavaScript Basics

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Internal JavaScript</title>

alert('This is called from Head Section!');



<p>Paragraph Text</p>
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>


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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Put the <script> tag with alert at the end of the page in
the <body> section.

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1 JavaScript Basics

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Put the script tag with alert with tags in the <body>
section and see if that works.

Also, Press “OK” button and then Press F5 to see if the alert box
comes again.

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1.3 Comments JavaScript

Usage of Comments

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1 JavaScript Basics

You can use the special notation to comment the code inside the

Comments helps to document about the code with a single or

multiple line.

Comments are ignored by the JavaScript Engine and it is not

displayed on the browser.

HTML comments and JavasScript comments are not same. Don’t get
confused with the comments in JavaScript vs comments in HTML.

There are two types of Comments in JavaScript:

Single Line Comments

Multi Line Comments

// – This is Single Line Comments. Use to comment one line.

/* – is used to indicate the comments are starting.

*/ – is used to indicate the comments are ended.

Anything between /* and */ will not be executed by the browser.



// This will alert the user – Single Line Comments

alert(‘This is alerted on the browser’);

/* Starting of the Multi Line Comment

alert(‘This is not executed by the browser’);

Ending of the Multi Line Comments */


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1 JavaScript Basics

Sample Example

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>How to Write Comments in JavaScript</title>

<!-- This is HTML Comments -->

This is a multi-line comment in JS.
This is different than the HTML comments.
Anything inside this block will be ignored.

alert('This is Multi Line Comment Blok. Ignored by the


//Alert the user with the text

alert('Welcome to JavaScript!');

<!-- This is HTML Comments -->


<p>Paragraph Text</p>
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>

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1 JavaScript Basics

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Make the multi-line comments that looks like single line.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2:

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1 JavaScript Basics

1. Comment the entire <script> block with HTML comments.

Observe how the HTML comments can comment all the <script>

2. Write Multi Line Comments inside the Multi Line comments and
see it shows an error on the page.

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1.4 External JavaScript

Usage of External JavaScript

JavaScript (JS) can be written in another file and included inside the
HTML page.

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1 JavaScript Basics

This type of external JS is very powerful and helpful technique which

is commonly used in every website development.

Benefit of using this external JS is that you have one JS file that is
included in all the website pages.

By just changing at one place in the JS it will impact the overall site
design look and feel.

This is one of the best practice to separate the design with the html
tags and store them in a external file and include it in all the HTML

External JS filename should be .js and it can be included anywhere

inside the HTML page with

<script type=’text/javascript‘ src=”location of the file></script>



<!– Make sure javascriptcode.js file exists in the ‘javascript’ folder –>

<script type=’text/javascript‘


<script> tag is used to link the resource to the HTML page. The
attribute of script tag will let the browser knows what type of
resource it is.

src attribute is similar to <img> tag src to map the location of the file
in the server with the path and filename. You can even mention the
foldername/file name to refer the file path.

Sample Example

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1 JavaScript Basics

There are two files:



javascriptcode.js file is linked inside the index.html file with <script>


javascript is the folder name it could be any name and not

mandatory to have that name.

type attribute tells the type of the content in the file. In this case, it is
FileName: index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>External JavaScript</title>
<script type='text/javascript'

<h1>External JavaScript!</h1>
<p>Paragraph Text</p>
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>

FileName: javascriptcode.js
alert('I am called from javasriptcode.js file!');

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1 JavaScript Basics

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Create js1.js and js2.js and link them in the HTML page.

Do not create folder and place the js files along with the HTML file.

Filename: js1.js

alert( ‘This is called from js1.js’ );

Filename: js2.js

alert( ‘This is called from js2.js’ );

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1 JavaScript Basics

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Place one <script> tag inside the <head> tag and put
another <script> tag at the end of <body>.

Swap the sequence, put js2.js first and js1.js last.

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1 JavaScript Basics

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1.5 Inline JavaScript

Usage of Inline JavaScript

Inline JavaScript is defined inside the HTML tag itself like an attribute.

Inline JS overrides all the styles defined in internal JS and External JS.

Inline JS code is executed first.

This is defined in the HTML tag as a attribute.


<a href=”#” onclick=”alert(‘Welcome to JavaScript!’);”>Click Me</a>

onclick is a event for <a> tag and it is called when user clicks on the

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1 JavaScript Basics

Calling this alert is handled by the browser itself. When user clicks on
the link, browser will raise the click event on this tag and because we
ask to raise an alert when this event is raised. This method is called.

Whatever is mentioned inside the onClick value will be executed as


JavaScript is written inside this onClick event within double quotes

“”. All the JavaScript is exactly similar as mentioned in internal and
external JavaScript.

Sample Example

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>

<a href="#" onclick="alert('Welcome to JavaScript!');">Click Me</a>


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1 JavaScript Basics

Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Add an Image and on clicking the image show an alert message.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Show a alert message when clicked anywhere on the


Find the area when clicked – alert is raised and find the area where
alerts are not raised on the body.

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1 JavaScript Basics

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1.6 Hello Sample JavaScript

Hello World Program

You can choose to write JavaScript Internal, External or Inline and it

will work.

But the best way is to organize your code into one file so that it is
easy to fix issues at one place for your entire site.

For this hello world sample, we will use the inline javascript. Once we
know how to write functions and call them from on click even then
we improve this program.

Instead of alert we will use confirm method that shows ok and cancel

However, we don’t take any action on what user pressed so just

show a different confirm box when user click the link.

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1 JavaScript Basics

confirm(‘Enjoying JavaScript!’);

Sample Example

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Sample JavaScript Program!</title>

<h1>Sample JavaScript Program</h1>
<p>Paragraph Text</p>
<a href="#" onclick="alert('Hello World!');">Hello Message!</a>
<a href="#" onclick="confirm('Enjoying JavaScript!');">Do you Like?</a>


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1 JavaScript Basics

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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Show list of items 1, 2 and 3. When user clicks any links
show what they have clicked.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Replace onclick with onmouseover in the above

example and see how alert is raised when mouse is over the link.

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1 JavaScript Basics

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1.7 JavaScript Terminology

These are the terms you need to know if you are a JavaScript

Semicolon (;) – Semicolor symbol is used to indicate the browser

that line is finished.

Brackets – [] – These are used to represent Arrays.

Braces – { } – Flower brackets are used to define the scope like

starting point and ending point and we write the code inside this

Like starting of function and ending of a function.

parantheses – () – Is used to call a function.

Identifiers – are the name given to variables, functions, properties

or object. Any thing you name it is identifier.

Variable – Any identifier that stores a value.

Operators – Special symbols that are used to perform some

operation. Like Arithmetic operator + is used to add two numbers.

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1 JavaScript Basics

Example : +, -, ++

Expressions – They are variables or operators that resolves into

something. a = 1 + 2 is an expression.

a = 1 + 2; //Expression always evaluate to some other value.

Statements – Group of commands to perform an action or could be

a single statement. They end with ‘;’. Statement are meant to do
some action.

y = sum(1, 2);

alert(“value of y” + y);

1.8 Testing & Debugging JavaScript

Testing Debugging JavaScript

Because JavaScript runs in the browser the only way to debug the
JavaScript program is from the browser tools

Chrome and Firefox has plenty of debugging tools that can help to
find the issue and fix it. You can pause the execution of javascript
program and debug it steps by step.

You need to learn this method to find the issues in JavaScript and Fix

Inspect Window:

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1 JavaScript Basics

Load any HTML program with JavaScript in Chrome and press CTRL +

This will load the Inspect Window.

Console Tab:

Console tab is the output tab where you can write the logs of your
program and view it.

Even browser will it is own log here if there is any issue in the HTML

console.log(‘This is a log from JavaScript program’);

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1 JavaScript Basics

This is the easiest way to debug your program by writing console.log

at many places in your code and verify it from the inspect -> console

Download the Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>External JavaScript</title>
<script type='text/javascript' src="js1.js"></script>

<h1>External JavaScript!</h1>
<p>Paragraph Text</p>
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>



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1 JavaScript Basics

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Include another js file in the head section. js2.js but do

not create the file. Verify the error in the console window.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Remove the ) at the end of the console.log or alert and

see the error in the console window.

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1 JavaScript Basics

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2. Working with

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2 Working with Data

2 Working with Data

2.1 Identifiers

Usage of Identifiers

Identifiers are the name that we give to variables, functions, objects,

properties and events.

There are some rules that you need follow to define the Identifiers.

• Identifiers can contain only letters, numbers, underscore and

dollar sign
• Identifiers cannot start with a number.
• Identifiers are case sensitive
• Identifiers can be any length.
• Identifiers cannot use keywords and reserved words.

Some of the Valid Identifiers:

• strFirstName
• $var
• index_1
• crashReport

InValid Identifiers:

• 1PhoneNumber
• false
• long
• package

Sample Example

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2 Working with Data

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Identifiers JavaScript</title>

Alert('JavaScript is Case Sensitive');



<a href="#" onclick="ALERT('Welcome to JavaScript!');">Click Me</a>


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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Try to change the console.log as CONSOLE.LOG and see

what happens.

CONSOLE.LOG(‘JavaScript is Case Sensitive’);

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2 Working with Data

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Make onclick as ONCLICK and see if the click command

still works. Write the correct JavaScript Syntax.

OnClick is an attribute of the HTML tag not JavaScript.

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2 Working with Data

2.2 Variables

Usage of Variables

Variables are used to store information which are used inside the

var keyword is used to define a variable.

var message = “This is a test message”;

= is the assignment operator used to assign the value to the


“” double quotes is used to represent string value.

; semicolor is used to end the assignment statement.


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2 Working with Data

//Declaring a Variable
var variableName;

//Initialize the variable with empty string

variableName = “”;

//Assigning Value to the Variable.

variableName = “This is a Test Message!”;

//Multiple Variable
var name1, name2, name3;
nam1 = “firstName”, name2 = “middleName”, name3

//Defining the Integers & Decimals

var counter = 0;
counter = 10;
var total = 10.98;
counter = total;

Show Variable in alert message:

var firstName = “WPFreelancer.com”;

alert(‘Welcome to ” + firstName );

+ symbol is used to attach a variable to the string and display it.

Write Variables on HTML Document

document.write() method can be used to write anything on the

HTML page.

As alert is used to show alerts similarly document.write() method is

used to write content on the HTML page. It can also access variable
defined in the head -> script section.

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2 Working with Data

<script type=”text/javascript”>
document.write(“Your Message” + message + “<br>”);


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">

//Declaring a Variable
var message;

//Initalizing a Variable with Empty String

message = "";

//Assigning value to the Variables

message = "1) Say Hello to Variables!";

//Displaying the Variables


var counter = 0;
alert("2) Counter Before: " + counter);
message = "2) Counter Before: " + counter;

counter = 100;
alert("3) Counter After: " + counter);
message = "3) Counter After: " + counter;



<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Your last Message: " + message);

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2 Working with Data

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Exercise 1

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2 Working with Data

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Count the number of times the user clicked the link and
show it for every click on the link.

Define the counter variable in the head -> script section and track the
number of clicks and show it in the console.log.


onclick=”counter = counter + 1; console.log(‘counter:’ + counter);”

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Accept two names from User and Display them on the
HTML page.

Accept Name: firstName = prompt(“Enter First Name”);

Display Name: document.write(“First Name: ” + firstName + “<br>”);

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2 Working with Data

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2 Working with Data

2.3 Primitives

Usage of Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types means the basics data types that can be used in
JavaScript programs.

There are 3 Primitive Data Types:

1. Number Data Type

2. String Data Type
3. Boolean Data Type

Number Data Type is used to store whole, positive, negative and

decimal numbers.

String Data Type is used to store character data.

Boolean Data Type is used to store true and false values.

Numeric Data:

var count = 1;

String Data:

// Use Single Quote or Double Quotes

var fullName = “WPFreelancer”;

var lastName = ‘WPFreelancer’;

Boolean Data:

var flag = true;

var results = false;

Sample Example

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">

//Numeric Data Type

var counter = 0;
counter = counter + 100;
console.log("Counter : " + counter);

var decimalcount = 1.45;

decimalcount = decimalcount + 74.32;
console.log("Decimals : " + decimalcount);

//String Data Type

var fullName = "WPFreelancer";
fullName = fullName + '.com';
console.log("Website Name: " + fullName);

//Boolean Data Type

var flag = true;
console.log("Flag Value: " + flag);



<h1>Check the Console Log</h1>



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2 Working with Data

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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Accept two numbers using prompt. Add those numbers

and display on the browser.

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2 Working with Data


Use parseInt() method to convert the string to integer.

var firstValue = prompt(“Enter the First Value: “);

var firstValue = parseInt( firstValue);

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Ask user a question and print if they click ok or cancel.

var userAnswer = confirm(“Do you like grapes?”);

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2.4 Keywords


These are the list of the keywords that you should not use to define

Keywords should not be used as Identifiers.

Keywords separated with space:

abstract arguments boolean break byte case catch char

class const continue debugger default delete do
double else enum eval export extends false final
finally float for function goto if implements import
in instanceof int interface let long native new
null package private protected public return short static super

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2 Working with Data

switch synchronized this throw throws transient true

try typeof var void volatile while with yield

2.5 Reserved Words

Reserved Words

These are the list of the reserved words that you should not use to
define variables, functions, objects or properties.

Reserved words should not be used as Identifiers.

Reserved Words separated with space:

Array Date eval function hasOwnProperty Infinity isFinite

isNaN isPrototypeOf length Math NaN name Number Object
prototype String toString undefined valueOf

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3.Expression in

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3 Expressions in JavaScript

3 Expressions in JavaScript

3.1 Assignment Expressions

Usage of Assignment Expressions

Expressions are evaluated into a result value or final value or single


There are couple of Expressions:

1. Assignment Expressions
2. Comparison Expressions
3. Arithmetic Expressions
4. Logical Expressions

We will look at Assignment Expressions in this topic.

Expressions uses Operators to perform the activity.

= is the assignment operator which assigns the value to the variable.

message = “something”; is a assignment expression that assign value to the message variable.

Compound Assignment Operators

Compound assignment operators helps to do more than one

operators job. It combines two operators together to perform an

Compound Assignment Operators are:

• +=

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3 Expressions in JavaScript

• -=
• *=

counter += 1;
counter = counter + 1;

counter -= 1;
counter = counter – 1;

counter *= 1;
counter = counter * 1;

Sample Example

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
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var counter = 10;


<h1>Assignment Expressions</h1>
<a href="#" onclick="counter+=1;console.log(counter);">Increase
<a href="#" onclick="counter-=1;console.log(counter);">Decrease
<a href="#" onclick="counter*=2;console.log(counter);">Multiple

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Ask user to enter a number and display the square of this

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Exercise 2

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Exercise 2: Create two <script> tags. Define variable in first <script>

tag and assign value in another <script>. Finally display it on the

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3.2 Comparison Expressions

Usage of Comparison Expressions

Expressions are evaluated into a result value or final value or single


There are couple of Expressions:

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1. Assignment Expressions
2. Comparison Expressions
3. Arithmetic Expressions
4. Logical Expressions

We will look at Comparison Expressions in this topic.

Expressions uses Operators to perform the activity.

Comparison expression always evaluate into a true or false value.

> is the comparison operator which compares the two values.

message variable will be have a true or false.

Comparison Operations:

• < – Less than

• > – Greater than
• == – Equal to
• === – Equal value and Equal Data Type
• !== – Not Equal Value and Equal Data Type
• != – Not Equal
• >= – Greater than or Equal to

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• <= – Less than or Equal to

Conditional (Ternary) Operator

JavaScript also contains a conditional operator that assigns a value to

a variable based on some condition.

variablename = (condition) ? value1:value2

counter = (10<=10) ? 10 : 0;

Sample Example

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var counter = 10 <= 10;

//Conditional (Ternary) Operator

var resultValue = (counter) ? 10:0;



<h1>Comparison Expressions</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Compared: " + counter + "<br>");
document.write("Result Value: " + resultValue);

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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Ask user to guess your number. When the number is

matched with 7 then show “WINNER’ word or show ‘TRY AGAIN’

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Find out a Even number and Odd Number from the
number entered by the User.

var resultValue = (counter%2) ? “ODD NUMBER”: “EVEN NUMBER”;

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3.3 Arithmetic Expressions

Usage of Arithmetic Expressions

Expressions are evaluated into a result value or final value or single


There are couple of Expressions:

1. Assignment Expressions
2. Comparison Expressions
3. Arithmetic Expressions
4. Logical Expressions

We will look at Comparison Expressions in this topic.

Expressions uses Operators to perform the activity.

Arithmetic expression always evaluate into a single value. A series of

operations that results into a single value.

+ is the arithmetic operator which adds two values.

message variable will be have 8 value.

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Arithmetic Operations:

• + – Addition
• – Subtraction
• * – Multiple
• / – Division
• % – Modulus
• ++ – Increment
• — Decrement

Order of Precedence

Order of precedence decides which operates evaluates first.

From Left to Right, these operators has higher priority

• ++
• —
• */%
• +–

Increment Example:

counter = 10;
counter++; // This means counter = counter + 1;

Sample Example

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var counter = 10;

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counter = counter + 10;



<h1>Arithmetic Expressions</h1>
<a href="#" onclick="counter++;console.log(counter);">Increase
<a href="#" onclick="counter--;console.log(counter);">Decrease

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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Accept two numbers from user and show addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers.

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Exercise 2

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Exercise 2: Ask length and breadth from the user and calculate the
area of a rectangle and display on the page.

var resultValue = length * breadth;

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3.4 Logical Expressions

Usage of Logical Expressions

Expressions are evaluated into a result value or final value or single


There are couple of Expressions:

1. Assignment Expressions
2. Comparison Expressions
3. Arithmetic Expressions
4. Logical Expressions

We will look at Logical Expressions in this topic.

Expressions uses Operators to perform the activity.

Logical Operators are used to check the if the condition is true or

false based on many conditions.

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&& is the logical operator which checks left side and right side value
and decides if the condition is true or false.

(5 > 3) – true
(8 < 5) – false
true && false = false

result variable will have false boolean value.

Logical Operations:

• && – AND
• || – OR
• ! – NOT

Order of Precedence

Order of precedence decides which operates evaluates first.

• OR

Sample Example

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var input1 = prompt("Enter First Value: ");
var input2 = prompt("Enter Second Value: ");

var result = (input1 < input2) || (input1 == input2)




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<h1>Arithmetic Expressions</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write(input1 + " <= " + input2 + " is "+ result);

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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Ask user to enter spelling of days of the week in

lowercase and check if the spelling is correct.

Print “CORRECT” or “WRONG” based on the condition met.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Ask user to enter a value between 1 to 10 and confirm it

is correct or wrong.

Print “CORRECT” or “WRONG” based on the condition met.

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3.5 String Operations

Usage of String Operations

There two string operators that can be used to join the string:

1. +
2. +=

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+ is the string operator that can be used anywhere to join two



var name = “Firstname” + “lastname”;

var name += “!”; //Add the value at the last.

String Methods:

• indexOf(search, position)
• substr(start, length)
• substr(start, stop)
• toLowerCase()
• toUpperCase()

var name = “WP Freelancer”;

alert( name.toLowerCase() );

Sample Example

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var input1 = prompt("Enter Your First Name: ");
var input2 = prompt("Enter Your Last Name: ");

var userName = "<strong>Welcome " + input1 + ", " + input2 +




<h1>String Expressions</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Try to use a the + and += operator and prepare a string

and print it.

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Exercise 2

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Exercise 2: Define the String variable like and observe the output.

Avoid this common mistake with the string operations.

Guess the Output.

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Usage of Quotes in Strings

Single Quotes and Double Quotes can be used to represent String in


Escape Sequence:

Sometime you need to show some special characters like single

quotes or double quotes inside the content.

var message = ‘We\’ll be going to BootCamp soon!’;

\ is used to escape the characters in the string.

\n is used to add new line

\” to escape the double quotes.

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Sample Example

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var input1 = prompt("Enter Your First Name: ");
var input2 = prompt("Enter Your Last Name: ");

var userName = "<strong>Welcome " + input1 + ", " + input2 +




<h1>String Expressions</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Write a paragraph with single quotes and double quote

and escape single quotes.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Write the same paragraph from above in double quotes

and escape double quotes.

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3.7 Boolean

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Usage of Boolean

Boolean Variables helps to make decisions or store a decision based

on an expression.

Boolean values can be true or false.

You can use boolean variable as a condition to check if the value is

true or false.

var result = 2 > 1;

var message = (result) ? “CORRECT”: “WRONG”;

var isTrue= “Henry” == “H3nry”;

Based on the conditional operator, the output can be stored in the

boolean primitive data type.

isTrue will hold false value.

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var result = 2 > 1;

var message = (result) ? "CORRECT": "WRONG";



<h1>Boolean Expression</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Accept a number from user and if the number is 7 then

show “FOUND” and if not say “TRY AGAIN!

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Ask user to guess a word that starts with A and then
match it with the word that you guessed it.

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3.8 Arrays

Usage of Arrays

Arrays are special type of Objects that holds one or more items
called as elements.

Each element could be primitive data type or object.

length is used to indicate the number of elements in the array.

Define an Array


var arrayName = [1, 2, ‘white’, false];


var arrayName = new Array(length / values);

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Access an Array Element


Length of an Array Element

var lenofArray = arrayName.length;

Add Values to Array

var newArray = [];

newArray[0] = ‘white’;

newArray[1] = ‘red’;

Access the Values from the Array

var color1 = newArray[0];

Add new element at the end

newArray[ newArray.length] = ‘Black’;

First Element of Array

var firstElement = newArray[0];

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var colorsArray = ['white', 'black', 'green', 'blue'];

colorsArray[colorsArray.length] = 'red';



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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Create an Array with String, Number and Boolean and

display them.

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Exercise 2

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Exercise 2: Do the following exercise with Arrays

1. Define an Empty Array

2. Add 1 Element
3. Display the Length
4. Add 2 Element
5. Show the two Elements
6. Show the Length of the Array

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3.9 Date and Time

Usage of Date and Time

Date() is a class library available to access the date.

However, Date is not a primitive data type. You need to create a

instance of Date to access the date functions.

var today = new Date();

By default, dt will have user system date and it can be displayed with
its methods.

Date Methods

• toDateString() – Returns a date with formatted String.

• getFullyear() – Returns the 4 digit year from the Date.
• getDate() – Returns the day of the month from the Date.
• getMonth() – Fetch the month.


var today = new Date();

alert( today.toDateString() );

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var today = new Date();

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<h1>Date and Time</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">



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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Display length of the Date.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Display only day of the week from the Date.

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4 Statements

4 Statements

4.1 if Statements

Usage of if Statements

if statement are used to check a condition and make a decision

based on the result of the condition.

It can choose some action when the condition is true and also take
some action when it false.

You can nest multiple conditions together and decide to choose one
action based on multiple conditions.


if ( condition1 ){

// Statements

} else if( condition1 || condition2 ){

// Statements

} else {

// Statements

Example 1:

if( marks > 35 ){

alert(“You are Passed!”);

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alert(“Try Again!”);

Example 2:

if( marks > 35 && marks < 60 ){

alert(“You are Passed with Grade C”);

}else if ( marks > 60 && marks < 80 ){

alert(“You are Passed with Grade B”);

}else if ( marks > 80 ){

alert(“You are Passed with Grade A”);


alert(“Try Again!”);

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var dayOfWeek = prompt("Enter the Day of Week");

var result;
dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek.toLowerCase();

if( dayOfWeek == 'monday' || dayOfWeek == 'mon'){

result = "First Day of Week";
}else if( dayOfWeek == 'tuesday' || dayOfWeek == 'tue' ){
result = "Second Days of Week";
}else if( dayOfWeek == 'wednesday' || dayOfWeek == 'wed' ){
result = "Mid Week";
}else if( dayOfWeek == 'thursday' || dayOfWeek == 'thurs'){
result = "Preparing for Weekend";
}else if( dayOfWeek == 'friday' || dayOfWeek == 'fri'){

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result = "It's Friday!";

}else if( dayOfWeek == 'saturday' || dayOfWeek == 'sat' ){
result = "Enjoying Day!";
}else if( dayOfWeek == 'sunday' || dayOfWeek == 'sun'){
result = "Resting Day!";
result = "Cannot find that Value!";




<h1>if Statements</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write( result );


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4 Statements

Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Accept number 1 to 10 and check if the user entered

correctly between 1 to 10 as requested with the if Statement.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Ask user to enter the age and decides if he is kid, man
(age > 21) or senior citizen (age > 55).

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4.2 switch Statements

Usage of Switch Statements

switch statement are used to check a value and make a decision

based on the result of the value matching.


switch( variable ){

case value:



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case value:






Example 1:

switch ( dayOfWeek ){

case ‘Mon’:

alert(“Welcome Monday”);


case ‘Tuesday’:

alert(“Welcome Tuesday”);



alert(“Try Again!”);


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<title>Switch Statements</title>

var dayOfWeek = prompt("Enter the Day of Week");

var result;
dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek.toLowerCase();

case 'monday':
result = "First Day of Week";
case 'tuesday':
result = "Second Days of Week";
case 'wednesday':
result = "Mid Week";
case 'thursday':
result = "Preparing for Weekend";
case 'friday':
result = "It's Friday!";
case 'saturday':
result = "Enjoying Day!";
case 'sunday':
result = "Resting Day!";
result = "Cannot find that Value!";




<h1>Switch Statements</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write( result );



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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Accept number 1 to 10 and check if the user entered

correctly between 1 to 10 as requested with the Switch Statement.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Ask user to enter the age and decides if he is kid, man
(age > 21) or senior citizen (age > 55). Use the Switch Statement.



case (input > 21):



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4.3 while Statements

Usage of While Loop

While statement are used to loop a block code and run it until a
condition is met.

Running the same block of code until the condition is satisfied.


while( condition ) {


Example 1:

var counter = 0;

while ( counter < = 10 ){




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}while ( condition );

Example 1:

var counter = 0;



} while ( counter < = 10 );

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var counter = 0;
while( counter <= 10){
console.log("While Counter: " + counter++);
counter = 0;
console.log("Do Counter: " + counter++);
}while( counter <= 10);




<h1>While Statements</h1>



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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Accept two number from user and print all the numbers
between them. Print only maximum of 10 numbers.

break; – is a keyword that can be used in the loop to break from the

continue; – is a keyword that can be used in the loop to continue the

loop by skipping the below statements.


if( counter >= 10){


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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Accept two number from user and print EVEN numbers
only between them. Print only maximum of 10 numbers.

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4.4 for Statements

Usage of For Loop

for Loop are used to loop a block code and run it until a condition is

Running the same block of code until the condition is satisfied.


for( counter initialization; condition; increments ) {


Example 1:

for(var counter = 0; counter <= 10; counter++){


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for(var counter=0; counter<=10; counter++){

console.log("For Counter: " + counter);



<h1>For Statements</h1>



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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Accept two number from user and print all the numbers
between them. Print only maximum of 10 numbers.

break; – is a keyword that can be used in the loop to break from the

continue; – is a keyword that can be used in the loop to continue the

loop by skipping the below statements.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Accept two number from user and print EVEN numbers
only between them. Print only maximum of 10 numbers.

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5.Functions, Objects &


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5 Function, Objects and Events

5 Function, Objects and Events

5.1 Functions

Usage of Functions

Functions is a block of statements that performs an action.

You can pass parameters to functions and it can return a value from
the function using “return” keyword.

Syntax of Function Declaration:

function nameOfFunction(Parameters){

return someValue;

Example 1:

function area(width, height){

return width * height;

var size = area(10, 20);

Syntax of Function Expression:

var nameOfFunction = function(Parameters){

return someValue;

Example 1:

var area = function(width, height){

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return width * height;

var size = area(10, 20);

Example of Immediately Invoked Functions:

var size = ( function(){

var width = 10;

var height = 20;

return width * height;

}() );

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function sum(a, b){

return a + b;

var size = function(width, height){

return width * height;



<a href="#" onclick="alert( sum(2,5) );">Add 2 + 5</a>
<a href="#" onclick="alert( size(10,20) );">Area of 10 * 20</a>



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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Accept two number from users and add those two
numbers using functions.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Accept two number from user and print EVEN numbers
only between them. Print only maximum of 10 numbers.

Create functions for this and execute it.

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5.2 Objects

Usage of Objects

Object groups variables and functions together.

Variables in objects are called as Properties.

function in Objects are called as Methods.

If Hotel is an Object then numberOfRoom is a Property and

checkAvailability() is a function.

Object Literal:

var hotel = {

numberOfRooms: 10,

bookedRooms: 5,

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checkAvailability(): function(){

return numberOfRooms – bookedRooms;


var hotelTotalRooms = hotel.numberOfRooms;


var hotelTotalRooms = hotel[‘numberOfRooms’];

var roomsFree = hotel.checkAvailability();

Creating an Object:

var hotel = new Object();

hotel.numberOfRooms = 10;

hotel.bookedRooms = 5;

hotel.checkAvailability = function(){

return this.numberOfRooms – this.bookedRooms;

Object Function Notation:

Creating Object as a Function

function hotel(totalRooms, roomLeft){

this.numberOfRooms = totalRooms;

this.bookedRooms = roomLeft;

this.checkAvailability = function(){

return this.numberOfRooms – this.bookedRooms;

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var h1 = new hotel(10, 5);

var h2 = new hotel(10, 4);

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function Area(a, b)
this.input1 = a;
this.input2 = b;

this.getArea = function(){
return this.input1 * this.input2;

var input1 = prompt("Enter First Value");

var input2 = prompt("Enter Second Value");
var result = 0;

input1 = parseInt(input1);
input2 = parseInt(input2);

var a1 = new Area(input1, input2);

result = a1.getArea();

console.log("area - " + result);




<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Area - " + result);



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Exercise 1

Download the Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Accept two number from users and add those two
numbers using Objects.

Create a MathsObj Objects and Make Add and Subtract functions.

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Accept two number from user and print EVEN numbers
only between them. Print only maximum of 10 numbers.

Create Object for this and use it.

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5.3 Events
Usage of Events

Events are actions that user performs on the browsers.

Functions that handle the events are called as Event Handlers.

Common Events with the elements:

• onClick
• ondblClick
• onmouseover
• onmouseup
• onmouseout


<a href=”#” onmouseover=”alert(‘hello’);”>Mouse Over Me</a>

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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Events JavaScript</title>

<a href="#" onclick="alert('Welcome to JavaScript!');">Click Me</a>
<a href="#" onmouseover="alert('Welcome to JavaScript!');">MouseOver


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5 Function, Objects and Events

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Alert when user mouseover and mouseout events on


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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Use onload() event on the body to greet the user

welcome message.

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6 Testing

6 Testing

6.1 Debugging
Step 1: Write JavaScript Code with Errors

Write a External JavaScript file “scripts.js” and include it in the HTML


Try the following Errors:

1. Give the wrong javascript file link name as scripting.js instead

of scripts.js
o Verify and Fix the program using Developer Tools shown

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6 Testing

1. Add Sum() method in the Javascript file and do not create that
function. This will cause the program to fail.

Click on the file name – scripts.js

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6 Testing

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Step 2: Open HTML Page Using Chrome

Download the Source code and open the HTML file using the chrome
browser and test it.

Step 3: Open Developer Tools

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6 Testing

3 Ways to open the Chrome Developer Tool:

2. F12
3. Top-Right Menu -> More Tools -> Developer Tools

Step 4: Debug

Two ways to find the error file:

1. Once you open the console window it show the errors with red
color. Clicking on the link will take you to the javascript error
2. Click on Source Tab and open the file. It will show any errors in
the file with red cross marks.

6.2 Common Errors

Common JavaScript Errors

These are the most common JavaScript errors that you might make
while writing the JavaScript.

Forgetting the Semicolors ‘;’ at the last.

JavaScript is Case Sensitive. So make sure the names matches as it is


Difference between Assignment and Comparison Operator.


//Using Assignment Operator instead of Comparison Operator.

if( a = b ){
// Statement

Comparing Number with String.

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Forgetting the ‘+‘ sign in the string.

Example: “This is a sample ” + message + ” Program” + message1 ” to

do it!”;

Forgetting the Single Quotes Opening and Closing.

Example: ‘This is a sample ‘ + message + ‘ Program’s ‘ + message1 + ‘

to do it!’;

Missing Parenthesis in If Statements


//Missing Parenthesis
if ( x > y) && (y > 100) {

Using Wrong Keywords Case.


Funtion add(){

Using Keywords as Variable name.


//Keywords as Variable
var name = “hello”;

Forget to close the parenthesis


function add(){

var total = add;

Accessing the Wrong Array Index.

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var myArray = new Array();

myArray[0] = “hello”;
alert( myArray[1] );

6.3 Try Catch Block

Usage of Try Catch Blocks

Exceptions in programming are referred as Runtime Errors.

When Runtime Errors happens there is a way to catch those errors

and pass it to the application and make a clean exit from the

This is called as Exception Handling.

The process of making sure the code will not break and if it does it
know the reason for it and make a clean exit.

To handle Runtime errors in the JavaScript we have try-catch blocks.

Using this we can catch the errors and decide what to do next.




}catch(errorName) {




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var firstName = “”;

if( firstName == “” ) throw “Name is empty”;




alert(“Thanks for playing!”);

try {} block will have all the statements

throw is a keyword to throw an error from the program. Once the

program throw an error it will stop processing the next steps. It will
jump to catch {} block.

catch {} block will be executed once the throw is called. The

program will execute out from the catch block safely.

finally{} block will execute every time irrespective of error or not. It

is good place to close all open connections. Handle clean exit.

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6 Testing

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Try Catch JavaScript</title>


var input1 = prompt("Enter some Number");

//Throw an error when input is empty

if( input1 == "") throw "No value mentioned";

//If the above code is error then this is not executed

alert("Input is correct!");

//Catch the error
//This will execute every time with or without error
alert("Have a good Day!");


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6 Testing


<p>Paragraph Text</p>
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>


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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Accept one number from user and raise error if the
number is not integer.

Use Function: isNaN() to check if the value is number or not.

if( isNaN(input1) ){

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6 Testing

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Exercise 2

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Exercise 2: Ask user to enter number between 1 to 100.

Show the following message on the page:

• If the input is between 1 to 100 – Thank the user

• If the input is greater than 100 – Ask user to enter between 1 to
• If the input is not number – Ask user to enter numeric values
only. throw the error message here.

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6 Testing

7.Document Object Model

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7 Document Object Model

7 Document Object Model

7.1 Find an Element by ID

What is DOM?

Document Object Model or DOM in short is nothing but the

hierarchy representation of all the HTML elements like a tree.

DOM is created by the browser for the HTML page so that it can
easily navigate and make changes to the elements.

Document – Parent element of the DOM

Element – Each Orange box is an element

text – Each Green box is an text.

JavaScript can modify the DOM elements. By adding, removing and

reading the elements from the DOM.

Read a Value of an Element

You can read any element from the DOM using JavaScript functions:

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7 Document Object Model

1. getElementById(idName)
2. getElementsByTagName(tagName)
3. getElementByName(name)
4. getElementByClassName(className)

Download the Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>

function show(){
var txtValue = document.getElementById('txtName').value;
alert( txtValue );

<h1>Access the DOM Elements</h1>

<input type="text" id="txtName" />

<input type="button" onclick="show();" Value="Show Value" />


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7 Document Object Model

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Copy the example and change the id=”txtName” to

name=”txtName” and use this method to access the same value

var txtValue = document.getElementsByName(‘txtName’)[0].value;

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Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Access all the form text box elements using arrays and access them by name.


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7 Document Object Model

<input type=”text” name=”txtName” />

<input type=”text” name=”txtName” />
<input type=”text” name=”txtName” />

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7.2 Update the Data

Update the Element Data

innerHTML property can be used to update data for any element.

Adding data to this attribute will modify the DOM element and it will
reflect immediately on the page.


document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = “This is a added


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>

function update(){

document.getElementById("txtValue").innerHTML =

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7 Document Object Model


<h1>Update the DOM Elements</h1>
<p id="txtValue"></p>
<input type="text" id="txtName" onkeypress="update();"/>



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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Create two Text box and if user writes the data in one
text box then display the text in other text box.


document.getElementsByName(“txtName”)[1].value =

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7 Document Object Model

Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Show a button and when user press ask them to type
heading then change the heading with the new value.

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7.3 Access Form Elements

Access the Form Elements

You can access all the form elements using the DOM.

This is very helpful when you want to check what user has entered
the data before sending the data to server to save it.

It is called as Client Side Validation.

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7 Document Object Model

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Inline JavaScript</title>

function checkFormData(){

//Query all elements that tag name as input

var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");

var message = "Form Elements\n\n";

for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; i++)


if (inputs[i].getAttribute('type') == 'text')
message += inputs[i].getAttribute('name') + ": ";
message += inputs[i].value + "\n";

<form name="user" id="userfrm" action="#">

Your Name: <input type="text" name="name" id="txt_name" />

Your Email: <input type="text" name="email" id="txt_email" />

<input type="button" name="submit" value="Submit"

onclick="checkFormData();" />




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7 Document Object Model

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Exercise 1

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Exercise 1: Read the Checkbox checked on the form using JavaScript.


<input type=”checkbox” id=”chkbox” onclick=”showFormData()”>


Exercise 2

Download the Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Call JavaScript function when the form is submitted.

<form name=”search” onsubmit=”return callFunction()” >

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8 Snippets JavaScript

8 Snippets JavaScript

8.1 Access the Browser URL

Usage Browser History Snippet

This snippet of code will help you to navigate the page front or back
based on the page history.

You can make the page go back and front from the JavaScript.

Download the Snippet

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Snippets JavaScript</title>

function goBack(){


<a href="#" onclick="goBack();">Go Back</a> <br>

<a href="#" onclick="history.forward();">Go Forward</a>

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9 Projects JavaScript

9.1 Form Validations

Form Validation

This project will show how to validate the form using the JavaScript.

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Form Validations JavaScript</title>

function checkFormData(){
var message = "";

//Access the TextBox

var tname = document.getElementById("txt_name").value;
var temail = document.getElementById("txt_email").value;
var tage = document.getElementById("txt_age").value;

//Access the Radio Button

var tgender1 = document.getElementById("radio1").checked;
var tgender2 = document.getElementById("radio2").checked;

//Access the Checkbox

var tchkbox = document.getElementById("chkbox").checked;

message = "Name: " + tname + "<br>";

message += "Email: " + temail + "<br>";
message += "Age: " + tage + "<br>";
message += "Male: " + tgender1 + "<br>";
message += "Female: " + tgender2 + "<br>";
message += "Agreed: " + tchkbox + "<br>";

document.getElementById("tmessage").innerHTML = message;

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9 Projects JavaScript


<p id="tmessage"></p>
<h1>Form Validations</h1>
<form action="https://wpfreelancer.com/" method="get">

Your Name: <input type="text" name="tname" id="txt_name" /> <br><br>

Your Email: <input type="text" name="temail" id="txt_email" /> <br><br>
Your Age: <input type="text" name="tage" id="txt_age" /> <br><br>

Male <input id ="radio1" name="gender" type="radio" checked>

Female <input id ="radio2" name="gender" type="radio"> <br><br>

<input type="checkbox" id="chkbox" /> Agree to our Terms <br> <br>

<input type="button" name="submit" value="Submit"

onclick="checkFormData();" />




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9 Projects JavaScript

9.2 Guess the Number

Guess the Number

This project will ask user to guess the right number between 1 to 10.
It will keep asking the number until the user guess it.

Download the Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="description" content="Page Description">
<title>Guess The Number</title>

var message = "";

var answer = 5;

var input1 = prompt("Guess the Number Between 1 to 10!");
input1 = parseInt(input1);

if( input1 != answer ){

alert("Nope - Wrong.");

}while(answer != input1)

message = "You Guessed it Right - " + answer + " is the answer!";




<h1>Guess the Number</h1>

<script type="text/javascript">



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9 Projects JavaScript

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