Act1 Etn1c Vander Zander PDF
Act1 Etn1c Vander Zander PDF
Act1 Etn1c Vander Zander PDF
A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow or
process. The flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their
order by connecting the boxes with arrows. This diagrammatic representation
illustrates a solution model to a given problem.
Process symbol
Also known as an “Action Symbol,” this shape
represents a process, action, or function. It’s the
most widely-used symbol in flowcharting.
Start/End symbol
Also known as the “Terminator Symbol,” this
symbol represents the start points, end points,
and potential outcomes of a path. Often contains
“Start” or “End” within the shape.
Document symbol
Represents the input or output of a document,
specifically. Examples of and input are receiving a
report, email, or order. Examples of an output
using a document symbol include generating a
presentation, memo, or letter.
Decision symbol
Indicates a question to be answered — usually
yes/no or true/false. The flowchart path may
then split off into different branches depending
on the answer or consequences thereafter.
Connector symbol
Usually used within more complex charts, this
symbol connects separate elements across one
Input/output symbol
Also referred to as the “Data Symbol,” this shape
represents data that is available for input or
output as well as representing resources used or
generated. While the paper tape symbol also
represents input/output, it is outdated and no
longer in common use for flowchart
Comment/Note symbol
Placed along with context, this symbol adds
needed explanation or comments within the
specified range. It may be connected by a dashed
line to the relevant section of the flowchart as