Topic: Jesus and Nicodemus - Gospel of John 3:1-21 or The Parable of THE PRODIGAL SON - Gospel of Luke 15:11-32 Luke 15:11-32

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TOPIC: JESUS and NICODEMUS - Gospel of John 3:1-21 or THE PARABLE OF

THE PRODIGAL SON – Gospel of Luke

○ Pronounce it! Read the Text in Focus (John 3:1-21 or Luke 15:11–32). After reading the
text, choose and write the striking verse and read it over and over again, emphasizing
each word in the verse, one at a time.

Luke 15:22 But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring quickly the best
robe, and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet.

○ Picture it! Use this method with narratives and stories. Picture yourself as an active
participant in the story. What does the setting look like (surroundings, sounds, etc)?
Imagine the emotions of each character, putting yourself in their shoes.

If I was to follow the prodigal son in his extravagant, yet reckless,

actions and saw him spend every ounce of his wealth it would be sad. For
him to beg to be treated as servant instead of being a son is just as
disheartening as him living in destitute. The prodigal son would feel
thankful and rejoiced as he is treated the same way as he was before he
went out. But if I was also the other son, it would also be unfair to me who
stayed, because my brother, despite leaving, was celebrated in spite of
failing. Whereas, I was not celebrated for being consistent. The setting
would be festive for the others, but the other son would have an internal
conflict within his heart as a sense of unworthiness and being not special
settles in his mind.

○ Probe it! Based on the text (21 verses), ask yourself the S.P.A.C.E.P.E.T.

 Is there Something to praise God for?

Yes, for the blessing of life and opportunity.

 Is there a Promise to claim?

Yes, the promise of salvation.

 Is there an Attitude to change?

Yes, that of being ungrateful.

 Is there a Command to obey?

To love others as much as you want other’s to love you.

 Is there an Example to follow?

You must follow the other brother. Faith is about consistency.

 Is there a Prayer to pray?

Yes, a prayer for safety everyday.

 Is there an Error to avoid?

Yes, violating other's basic rights and dignity.

 Is there a Truth to Believe?

Yes, it is manifested in Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.

If there are wrongdoings you are sorry about, then ask the Lord for pardon.

I'm sorry Almighty, and ever benevolent Father for doing things which I am not
supposed to.

○ Paraphrase it! Put the chosen Bible verse into your own words.
God is such a benevolent Father that he sees the goodness in us in spite of
our sins. He accepts us even after the many times we deny him.

○ Personalize it! Put your name/first person pronoun in the place of nouns and pronouns.

○ Ponder upon it! What insights have you discovered/learned from the passage you
meditated upon?

The Benevolence of God is absolute. No matter how much Sergs sins, if Sergs comes
back there is always a place for Sergs in the Lord's heart.

When everything is letting Sergs down. When Sergs feels backed against a wall and
there is nowhere to run to. Sergs could always come back to Jesus.

Sergs, be grateful of what you have.

Everyone fails Sergs, only in God can Sergs surrender his life to.

There is no amount of pleasure that could amount to the satisfaction of the spirit.

I have a similar story wherein I was ungrateful of my parents and the things they
provided me with and I ran away—seeking something more. But all I found was nothing since I
cannot, yet, live alone. I was hesitant to come home fearing they would reject me. But, I was
accepted wholeheartedly again despite running away. The mere action of coming back speaks
louder than anything so far.

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