Addhati Tutorial

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Before I start the tutorial I would like to remember & offer my pranams to the Almighty God, who according to His wish,
made it possible that a person like me, who has no astrological background could write an astrological tutorial & my Guruji
late Vinayak R Prasade ji, without whose book, it would have been just impossible to do any studies of this kind.

This paddhati, a unique system of predicting future with help of only date of birth, was developed by
late Vinayak R Prasade ji  of Ambarnath, Maharashtra. He named the paddhati as “Pravir” which is
a composition of a new word by taking first alphabets of his name. This paddhati doesn’t need any
accurate details of the birth time or location. Even if the TOB is wrong by 30 to 60 minutes the
prediction is very much likely to be correct. This paddhati works on the transit of the Sun on the date of
birth with respect to its location in various nakshatras.

We see that these days there are many astrological theories & many branches of each. These theories
need very high accuracy of birth details & computing systems. We often see that after shredding
minutes into seconds, the prediction is not that much accurate & many times fails very
ve ry miserably. In
such a scenario, if we look at the Pravir Paddhati, which can give almost 85 + % correct predictions &
that too with only date of birth is really amazing & unique. Main features of this paddhati can be
mentioned as under.

1) This Paddhati needs only date of birth & nothing else. For faster work one can use computer
program to check planetary conditions as needed for t his theory but it is not necessary.
2) This theory can be worked with the help of only some tables & Panchanga.
3) This paddhati can be learnt by anybody within a short period.
4) Astrologers with less educational qualifications can also achieve confidence in predictions.
5) There is nothing based on spirituality, intuition or urge of anybody & very less chances of
mistakes in the predictions are seen unless one makes mistake in using some rule itself.
6) No matter how many astrologers (followers of this paddhati) work on a date & from any
location, any time their prediction is most likely to be the same for almost 85 + % of the times.
7) This paddhati takes only 15 to 20 minutes for arriving at the final prediction even without a
8) Though not yet developed fully, there is a big chance to say that we can think of getting all types
of predictions through this theory  & that too, with considerable accuracy in future. What we
need to do is just to accept
ac cept this theory, follow the rules & keep on adding our contributions
based on observations & experience. This will surely enrich the theory & one day we wil l be able
to predict everything from only the date of birth (& for more accuracy, time with +/- 30 minutes)
9) There are no disputable rules or different ways / branches of thinking.
10) With such a small data requirements (only date of birth) we can work on various aspects of our
General basic information

Everything in life gets produced & destructed due to transit of the Sun. All events
eve nts in our life are based on
the location of the Sun in the zodiac wi th respect to nakshatras. Not only a singl e person’s life events,
but also it can indicate important dates in life of 4 earlier generations. In Pravir Paddhati there is no big
importance given to any of the planets & eve rything is based on the Sun & i ts transit through the
nakshatras. Date of marriage, date of birth of children & many other things can also be worked out by
using this theory but now we will restrict our study to working out date of death only.

Pravir Paddhati works on transit of the Sun through different stars (nakshatras) & there is an exclusive
way of writing the star conditions on the day of birth. It is totally different from what we have been
doing or thinking in various systems of astrology.

Instead of going into details of theoretical thinking of the original author, we will try to understand how
to make Pravir charts & how the dates of death can be obtained from these charts. We can have a
discussion on theoretical part later on if needed. There are preferably seven ways to show the useful
star conditions on the date of birth. These are called as :

1) Janma Tarikh Nakshtra

2) Janma Ravi Nakshtra
3) Samagaman Nakshtra
4) Garbha Dharana Nakshtra
5) Garbha Vruddhi Nakshtra
6) Garbha Saal Nakshtra
7) Janma Saal Nakshtra

There are few tables made to help astrologers to find out easily the seven above mentioned nakshatras
from the date of birth of anybody. All tables are separated in four attachments. In one attachment we
have all Ready Reckoner Tables (RR 1, RR 2,RR 3 etc) & in other attachment we have Solved Examples
(218 Nos) In the third attachment we have Study Charts (SC 1, SC 2 etc) & in the fourth attachment we
have JPEF images of birth charts. These chart images are having big file size. I have to reduce the file size
& do numbering in big font. This may take some time. These will be sent when completed & if needed.
All excel sheets have been protected from getting edited by mistake.

Janma Tarikh Nakshtra means the birth date (1 to 31 only, month/year neglected) converted into
nakshtras. We have 27 nakshtras in the zodiac. The bir th dates can be anything from 1 to 28/31. For 1 to
27 dates the serial number of the nakshtra & dates match exactly. For 28 to 31 dates we have to use
again Ashvini to Rohini in serial order. We can say that first 4 nakshtras have 2 dates allocated & others
have one date each. Suppose your birth date is 21  August, 1956, you will take only 21 & neglect the
month & year. Your Janma Tarikh Nakshtra will be Uttarashadha (21st Nakshtra starting from Ashvini =
1) For a date 29, we will have to use Bharani nakshtra ag ain & our Janma Tarikh Nakshtra will be Rohini.
Thus, Janma Tarikh Nakshtra of all born on 21  of ANY MONTH or ANY YEAR will be Uttarashadha only.
All nakshtras have charans also. They can be any from 1 to 4 but only for Janma Tarikh Nakhstra, the
charan is ALWAYS 3 This is written in a specific way. This gives easy & fast understanding from Pravir
birth chart. Our Janma Tarikh Nakshtra will be written as 21 Uttarashadha 3 Sun. (Sun is the lord of the
nakshtra) You may use Ready Reckoner Table No RR 01 for easy working

Janma Ravi Nakshtra means the nakshtra through which the Sun was transiting on the date of birth.
We see that the Sun Transit is fixed for each date of Engl ish calendar & there is very l ess difference of
degrees. Normally the Sun starts transit i n Ashvini charan 1 (Mesh sign, zero degree s) on 14th April of
any year but the Pravir Paddhati book, from which I have collected this knowledge has some different
thinking. The Sun is considered to be starting transit t hrough Ashvini Charan 1 on 22nd April of any year
instead of 14th April. I tried to know why there is a difference of 8 days but couldn’t know. Then I
decided to take this as it is because i t was giving satisfactory results. I g ot date wise location of the Sun
& by sliding it by 8 days I made a Ready Reckoner Table No RR 02 for easy reference. In this table you
have to use only date & month. Year is neglected. Suppose you were born on 21  August, 1956, you will
st st
neglect the year & take only 21  August. You will see that Janma Ravi Nakshtra for the date 21  August
is 9 Ashlesha 3 Mercury

Samagaman Nakshtra means the nakshtra obtained by adding 27 to Janma Ravi Nakshtra charan &
dividing by 4. If your Janma Ravi Nakshtra is 1 Ashwini Ch 1, add 27 to it & you will get Charan No 28 (27
+1) If you divide this by 4 you will get 7 Punarvasu Ch 4 as Samagaman Nakshtra. For easy reference I
have made Ready Reckoner Table No RR 03

Garbha Dharana Nakshtra means Janma Ravi Nakshtra + 9 Nakshtras. If your Janma Ravi is 3 Kruttika 4
Sun, your Garbha Dharana Nakshtra will be 12 Uttara Falguni 4 Sun. For easy reference I have made
Ready Reckoner Table No RR 03

Garbha Vruddhi Nakshtra means Janma Ravi Nakshtra + 18 Nakshtras. If your Janma Ravi Nakshtra is 3
Kruttika 4 Sun, your Garbha Vruddhi Nakshtra will be 21 Uttarashadha 4 Sun. For easy reference I have
made Ready Reckoner Table No RR 03

Garbha Saal Nakshtra means the nakshtra that comes one number le ss than Janma Saal Nakshtra. It is
always better to find Janma Saal Nakshtra first & de duct one nakshtra from it to ge t Garbha Saal
Nakshtra. If your Janma Saal Nakshtra is 3 Kruttika Ch 4, your Garbha S aal Nakshtra will be 2 Bharani C h
4. For easy reference I have
have made Ready Reckoner
Reckoner Table No 04

Janma Saal Nakshtra has some complicated

complicated theory. You may use directly Ready Reckoner Table No RR
04 In this table you have to use your birth year (only last two digits) & no t full like 1967 or 2002. I f your
birth year is 1956, you have to take only 56 & forget 19. This is applicable to all years in all centuries.

After we get a bit familiar with the above information we will see what is Pravir Style birth chart & how
it is made. Please see the picture below. It is a solved example birth chart taken from another
attachment for learning purpose. It is very much different from traditional astrology birth charts. We will
try to fill first column of the chart from the information given above. There are no house numbers or
something similar. I have given numbers to each cell (square house) in green color so that you can
understand further explanation easily & there won’t be any confusion.
To make this write up of a smaller volume, some descriptive type information is optimized & more focus
is laid on actual rules & solved examples. To fill data in the Pravir chart, one may go forward according
to following steps.

Cell No A 1 Fill the information as mentioned above (Janma Tarikh Nakshtra Chart No RR 01
Cell No B 1 Fill the information as mentioned above (Janma Ravi Nakshtra, Chart No RR 02

Cell No C 1 Fill the information as mentioned above (Samagaman Nakshtra, Chart No RR 03


Cell No D 1 Fill the information as mentioned above (Garbha Dharana Nakshtra, Chart No RR 03 )

Cell No E 1 Fill the information as mentioned above (Garbha Vruddhi Nakshtra, Chart No RR 03

Cell No F 1 Fill the information as mentioned above (Garbha Saal Nakshtra, Chart No RR 04

Cell No G 1 Fill the information as mentioned above (Janma Saal Nakshtra, Chart No RR 04

You will see that there are 5 more columns in the chart. Heading of each column is some yoga. These
yogas are exactly same as we consider in traditional astrology. Kendra Yoga 1 & 2 are same by meaning
except their directions of counting degrees. Suppose we have Mesh 15  under consideration, it will have
 o 0
Kendra Yoga 1 with Kark 15 & Kendra Yoga 2 with Makar 15 . In Pravir charts we are using nakshtras &
charan numbers instead of degrees.

Shadashtak Yoga & Ashtam Yoga are also similar to yogas in traditional astrology except their direction
0  0
of counting degrees. Mesh 15 will have Shadastak Yoga with Kanya 15 & Ashtam Yoga with Vrushchik
15 .

Pratiyoga is also very similar to how we consider in traditional astrology.

To make this simpler, I have made Ready Reckoner Table No RR 05 which can give us i nstantly nakshtras
to be filled in all balance squares. Let whatever be the type of nakshtra in 1  column ( A1 to G 1) take
them separately & check the values of nakshtras making aspects with them. In our example, Janma
Tarikh Nakshtra is 3 Kruttika 3 Sun. In the Ready Reckoner Table No RR 05 there is a column with
heading “Concerned Nakshtra” In this column, in the same row of Kruttika 3, you will find other 5
nakshtras (with charans) who are making required aspects. Fill these nakshtras in cell No A 2 to A 6. In
asimilar manner you can fill B2 to B 6 for Janma Ravi Nakshtra or any nakshtra in the cells A1 to G1. Thus
you will have all your squares filled with some nakshtra.

You will see one small table below the Pravir birth chart. We will call it “Formula Chart”. It becomes very
easy to work out date details if the nakshtra number is put in the formula. Be fore we learn what it is &
how it can be filled or used we need to understand some Pravir Terms. These terms are as under :

Kendrayogi Ank Our life is divided in four parts. Childhood, youth, middle age, old age. In the zodiac
there are 108 charans. If we divide 108 by 4, we will get starting charans of 4 char rashis & the serial

numbers of these charans will be 0-27-54-81. These are called as “ Kendrayogi Ank”. If we add the
number of nakshtra (which is making evil aspects) to one of these Kendrayogi Ank, we will get “ Age” at
which the event will happen. ( Here in our all cases the event is death.)

Sthiranka There is a difference of 8 charans between S ayana & Nirayana Sun transit. (This is taken as it is
without making any alteration to what is written in the book) If we add this to “Kendrayogi Ank” we get
4 figures. These will be 8-35-62-89. These are called as “ Sthiranka” When we add the number of a
nakshtra (which is making evil aspects) to one of these sthirankas, we will get “ year” when some event
will take place.
Kendrayogi Ank (0-27-54-81) & Sthirank (8-35-62-89) remain same for all charts of all persons born on
any date.

Year This is the year (in last 2 digits) in which the event is likely to happen. We can get these by adding
serial number of any nakshtra to sthiranka (8-35-62-89). Suppose we add 25 (considering 25 Purva
Falguni as the activated nakshtra) to Sthirank (8-35-62-89) we will get 4 years when the person is likely
to die. Here in our case the years will be 8+25=33, 35+25=60, 62+25=78, 89+25=114. These are the
calendar years. We have to use common sense to select one of these years.

Age This is the age of person in completed years at the time of death. Suppose a person was born on 25
September 1947 & died on 18 December 2008, the age at which he died will be 2008-1947=61. I would
like to bring your attention to one important thing in this calculation. The “months” in these calculations
can make a difference of one year if not understood properly. We have to consider 12 months from
January to December of the dates of birth/death. If the person dies after his birthday, the calculation
remains same as shown above but if the person dies before his birthday, we need to deduct 1 from
the above calculation. Suppose if the person in the above example died on 2 March 2008 & as March
always comes before his birthday (September) the ag e at which he died will be 2008-1947-1=60 (& not

The age is obtained by adding serial number of some (active) nakshtra to Kendrayogi Ank. Suppose we
consider 5 Mrug as the active nakshtra, the ages we can get will be 0+5=5
0+5=5, 27+5=32
27+5=32,, 54+5=59
54+5=59,, 81+5=86

The age at which one will really die has to be determined by common sense. If the person is already 56
years old, it is not correct to say that he would die at the age of 5 or 32 obtained from the formula.

If we put values of the active nakshtra in the formula from the above information, we will get dates,
months & ages (probable for death).

For determination the month of the event, we have to see the transit of the Sun through some active
nakshtras. This gives us the month. Suppose we think Bharani & Kruttika are the active nakshtras, we
will see the months in which the Sun transits through Bharani & Kruttika. Then is it will be clear that the
month is May (of any suitable year) To make this simpler, I have made Ready Reckoner Table No RR 08

For determination of date (1 to 31) again we have to chose some active nakshtra & the serial number of
the nakshtra will directly give the date. (You may use the same table of Janma Tarikh Nakshtra RR 01)

With this much information, I don’t think there should be any problem in using the formula.

Now, from the above information, one will think there are many nakshtras in the chart & how can we
find out the effective nakshtras ? What are the rules to determine them ? To know this we will see one
by one rules that make some planet as an indicator. From here onwards we will call the planets as
“indicators” who indicate the date in any form (Date, year, age or month) through their stars

Now let us see the rules that can make some planet indicator of the date.

Rule No 1 It is observed that only the lords of the nakshtras that appear in the Pravir Style Birth chart
can be indicators of the date. (Instead of simply saying something as a rule I worked out the actual
percentages that were obtained after passing of each rule. For this rule it is 87.79
87.79 %.
 %. For details you may
see Study chart No SC 01 )

To know the second rule, we will have to study “sectors”. These sectors are the portions of the zodiac in
which, planets if placed, most likely to become indicators. There are 8 sectors of 30 each as you can see
in the below picture. To know from where any sector starts & where it ends, we will have to consider
the Sun at the centre of the sector B. In any chart, let the Sun be in any sign or any degree, will be
considered to be at the centre of sector B only. Thus, if we add & subtract 15 in the Sun longitude, we
will get range of sector B & any planet placed within this range will be considered as a planet placed in

Pravir sector & may indicate some details of the date. In a similar manner you will be able to understand
& fix the range of each sector which is directly related to the longitude of the Sun. For every different
chart, according to the Sun longitude, degrees of all sectors will also change. All planets placed in the 8
sectors will be the probable indicators but the area un der sectors is nearly 67% & out of 9 planets we
may get nearly 6 planets as probable indicators. Does that mean all 6 planets will indicate the details of
the date ? The answer is “No” The reason is, planets placed at the outer edges of the sectors have lesser
strength & planets placed very close to the centre of the sector have more strength. One more thing is
that some planets, if fulfilling some other conditions (& even if they are not placed in any
a ny sectors) will
be indicators. These rules will be explained one by one. To know the range of sectors, I have made a
Ready Reckoner Table. We have to neglect the minutes & seconds of the Sun longitudes & from these
longitudes we can get range of sectors instantly. Please refer Table No RR 06

Rule No 2 The planet placed in any sectors are most prone to be indicators of the date (any detail of
date). This means the planets whose stars have appeared in the Pravir chart & who are placed in some
sectors as well will be more prone to be indicator of the date. (Percentage of passing of this rule is
78.75 %. In 218 examples, we have 872 details. 152 are failures. Out of the remaining 720 correct
predictions 567 have passed this condition. For details you may see Study chart No SC 02 One important
thing I would like to mention that though the percenta ge is apparently looking less, it doesn’t mean
failures are more. The reason is, some other planets have become indicators due to fulfilling conditions
of some other rules)

Rule No 3 For Sun, the rule of sectors doesn’t apply because in each & every chart the Sun is placed at
the centre of the sector B only. Sun being the sole controller of the solar system, is most important,
Saturn being the karaka of death is also important, Rahu – Ketu being the nodes are also important. It is
observed that when the Sun is placed in star or sign of Saturn/Rahu/Ketu/his own, the Sun is more
prone to be an indicator. In very few cases the Sun was seen in navamamsa of Sat/Rah/Ket. (Percentage
of passing of this rule is 93.42 % For details you may see Study chart No SC 03 )

Rule No 4 It is seen that some planets, especially Rahu, Ketu & Saturn can become indicators even if
they are not placed in any sectors. It is observed that declination of the Sun on the date of birth plays a
significant role in making Rahu, Ketu, Saturn active indicators. The rule is that if declination of the Sun is
between + 6.00 & -6.00 (via 0 degree) or +16.00 & +23.45 or -16.00 & -23.45, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn are
most likely to be indicators of the event date. Further it is seen that if degrees of Sun declination are
close to 0 or +/-23.45 the chances are even more. (Percentage of passing of this rule is 87.09 % For
details you may see Study chart No SC 05 )

Rule No 5 It is seen that speed of planets (slow, fast) or direction of motion (forward or re trograde)
don’t have any significant role in making a planet indicator of date but when a planet is stationary it
becomes active to indicate some detail of the date by becoming self as indicator or by activating star
lord or sign lord in whose sign/ star it is placed. In our study, out of 218 examples, in 25 examples some
planet was stationary & out of 25 cases, 21 times this rule has passed (irrespective of condition whether
it is placed in some sector or not) (Percentage of passing of this rule is 84 % For details you may see
Study chart No SC 04 )

From the above one may ask if there are some rules which can guide us to determine the life span
(short, medium, long) because unless we know this, just using common sense to sele ct correct year or
the age may lead to some drastically wrong prediction. The answer for this is yes, & the rules are as

To know the basic concepts we will have to understand few things. Assume that we have made 2 parts
st nd
of the Pravir birth chart. The dividing line is passing after the first column (between 1  & 2  column) we
will have 2 parts. We will call them Left & right parts.

Second thing we have to understand that there are triangles made

m ade by each nakshtra. Ashvini, Magha,
Mool (of Ketu) will make a triangle. Similarly all planets will make triangles of their own nakshtras. To
make them sharper, we can use charans of the triangles. Ashvini Ch 3, Magha C h 3, Mool Ch 3 will make
mak e
a triangle.
Though all 7 types of nakshtras are important,  Janma Tarikh Nakshtra, Janma Ravi Nakshtra, Garbha
Saal Nakshtra & Janma Saal nakshtra are most important to indicate date details & indicate life events.
From this much information we will try to know the rules made to determine the life span of a person.

Following rules are checked randomly & found t o be working but percentage of passing
pa ssing of the rules is
not worked out.

Rule No 6 If nakshtras of a single triangle in 3 categories are available in left side of the Pravir birth
chart, especially in the 4 above nakshtra categories, it indicates long life.

Rule No 7 If nakshtras of a single triangle in 2 categories are available in left side of the Pravir birth
chart, especially in the 4 above nakshtra categories, & other part of the triangle is available in the right
side Pratiyoga column, it indicates long life.

Rule No 8 If 2 corners of 2 different triangles are avail able in 4 categories in the left side, it indicates
long life.

Rule No 9 If some corner of triangle is available in left side & other two corners are available in right side
(except Pratiyoga column) & at the same time these two are also available in the left side in some other
categories, it indicates short life.

Rule 10 If 3 consecutive nakshtras are available in the left side, it indicates long li fe.

Rule 11 If Ketu nakshtra is in left side & nakshtras of Sun or Moon in the right side making Shadashtak
yoga or Ashtam yoga, it indicates short life.

Rule 12 If Sun or Moon nakshtra is in left side & nakshtras of Rahu in the right side making Shadashtak
yoga or Ashtam yoga, it indicates short life.

Rule 13 If Saturn nakshtra is in left

le ft side & nakshtras of Rahu & Ketu in the right side making Shadashtak
yoga or Ashtam yoga, it indicates short life.

There are yet another criterion

criteri on conditions which can make some planet an indicator of the date & can
take us to better predictions but as this study is taking too long & many members are very eagerly
eager ly
waiting for the Pravir Paddhati, I am taking a small pause & hope with this much information the
members who have interest in Pravir P addhati can start their own studies. When completed, the new
rules (with percentages) will also be put in our forum.

I would like to highlight that I am not a professional astrologer or I don’t have any astrological degrees.
I am only a lover of astrology. When I came across the Pravir Paddhati, I was highly surprised to see the
results. I saw the theory was extremely difficult to understand (even to Marathi mother tongue
astrologers) due to the way it was written. So I decided to work on it & present the facts in front of you.
As mentioned earlier in some of my mails to the forum, the percentage of passing of the rules is not 100
%. Looking at the solved examples in the book, I had a wrong impression about the percentages. When I
started learning & going into the depths of the theory, I realized that there were some data mistakes or
some printing/ calculation mistakes in the book. I collected all data again & worked independently. Then
I came to know that the percentage of different rules is between 80 & 90 % roughly. Though not 100 %, I
think this is also not bad & we together can find yet some new things in it.

Out of the first 5 main rules there was hardly any rule clearly mentioned in the book. I found them from
the solved examples, fixed them in some clear cut language. Some rules (not mentioned in the book but
I have found out) have taken months of thinking & very painful hard work of thousands of observations
& making notes of it. I know, saying something as a rule has NO MEANING unless it is supported by
some examples. I have tried my best to do it. I am sure, I too must have made some mistakes in writing
this, but I hope whatever I have written will help other members to take the study to even upper level.

Studying the theory, making the 218 Pravir charts manually, making Ready Reckoner Tables, finding
percentages of passing of the rules was a big work for me. You might know that I am a civil engineer &
doing a job in a private company. It was just impossible to do this in continuation of even 30 minutes at
a time but somehow I managed to finish it.

Knowing date of death is only one part of the full Pravir Paddhati. With this theory we can find out da te
of marriage, date of birth of children from the date of birth only. If
I f my study (death prediction) is liked
by members, I may start these new chapters also in next few days.

Lastly I would like to request all members not to do any trials of this theory on any living person or self.
This theory has got so many things to be discovered yet. Please do not try to predict date of death
unless you have your own solved hundreds of examples, achieved good confidence & either the age of
the person is 80+ years or the person is having some severe injuries due to an accident or suffering
from non curable disease. Even though these conditions are marching, avoid telling the exact date &
you just can say that next few days are very difficult to you.

You may see the list of 218 famous people with their date of birth & date of death taken from internet in
the chart RR 07

Solved examples (218 Nos) are in a separate attachment. Out of these examples, I could have selected
only the examples where I have obtained correct results & by doing so I could have promoted this
theory on a false foundation base but I have given all examples (no matter how wrong or right they are)
Normally what we see in any books is the examples with most accurate predictions are given & the ones
with wrong predictions are not mentioned anywhere.

Request to members : I have already started doing some further studies for better predictions through
this theory. I request all members to provide me some birth details (of any expired persons) & the date
of their death so that I can have a big collection for studies.

E ndof deathpr

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