HC Weir Manual
HC Weir Manual
HC Weir Manual
Assistant Executive Engineer
Special Designs Circle, Hyderabad
Editorial Board
1.1 Definition:
A weir is a solid obstruction over which water overflows the crest and tail water is
formed below the dam. In tanks the excess water is spilled over a weir into the downstream
channel so as to avoid the rise of water in the tank above the maximum water level of tank.
Generally, it is desirable to locate the weir at or near the flank of the tank bund such
that it is possible to drain the surplus waters into natural water course. The cost of such works
should be a minimum as far as possible. The weir should be grounded depending upon the
foundation strata, upstream and downstream ground levels at the location of structure. The
weir should never be located at a place where the main stream is perpendicular to the axis of
the weir as the flows are likely to scour the downstream of weir.
This type of weir is suitable in sub-mountainous regions and particularly for low falls
unless it is founded on solid rock.In general H.C. weir is adopted for free flow condition.
1.6.2 Glacis:
Sloping portion of the weir body wall on upstream and downstream.
1.6.4 Cut-Offs:
Barriers either ofR.C.C. or masonry or of steel sheet pile, provided at the bottom of
the structure to protect the structure against scour and possible piping due to excessive exit
gradients of the seepage flow below the foundations.
1.6.5 Apron:
It is a concrete or stone floor extending from the U/s end of the transition to D/s end
of the transition to prevent erosion.
1.6.12 Revetment:
A protective surface of pitching, concrete blocks or mattresses placed on the bottom
or banks of a river to prevent or minimize erosion.
1.6.13 Abutments:
Retaining wall constructed at the both endsof weir to retain the backfill. It protects the
banks from erosion, supports load from superstructure and confines the flow to desired
waterway.It is constructed in CC M15 grade concrete using 40 mm MSA.
1.6.18 Transitions:
Transitions are provided in between the normal section and flumed section of a
structure to ensure that the flow follows the boundaries . The minimum transitionson U/s and
D/s side are 1:2 and 1:3, but not flatter than 1:3 and 1:5 respectively.
1.6.19 Foundations:
It is the lowest part of the substructure, which negotiates the stability of the total
structure by safely transmitting the loads on to the soil strata. The stresses developed at
various points of the structure shall be within the limits of allowable Safe Bearing Capacityof
soil. Generally,600mmthick foundation concrete with 400 mm offset is proposed in CC
M15grade with 40mm MSA.
2.8 Seepage:
A slow movement of water due to capillary actionthrough pores and interstices of
unsaturated packed soil material into or out of a surface or subsurface body of water such as
river, canal etc.
2.11 Crest:
The apex of the weirbody wall is its crest.
Q = Maximum flood discharge in cumecs
Cd = Coefficient of discharge
Depth of flow at the beginning of the jump measured
d1 =
perpendicular to the floor in metres
Depth conjugate (sequent) to d1 for horizontal apron in
d2 =
Dn = Non-Dimensional Coefficient
dp = Pool depth in metres
F1 = Froude number of the now at the beginning of the jump
g = Acceleration due to gravity in Sq.metre / sec
hb = Height of basin blocks in metres
The design of diversion structures comprises of two parts namely hydraulic design
and structural design. In hydraulic design, overall dimensions and profiles of the main
structure and a few of the components are worked out so that satisfactory hydraulic
performance of the structure can be ensured. In structural design, the various sections and
reinforcement details etc. are worked out.
4.1.1 The catchment area duly marked on the Topo Sheet (if the C.A >2.5 Sq. Km). The
catchment area shall be traversed on ground (if the C.A < 2.5 Sq.Km)
4.1.3 Net level plan at an interval of 5.0m x 5.0 m in the vicinity of the structure.
4.1.4 Cross section of surplus course at 100m interval up to confluence point.
4.1.5 Stream cross-sections at 100m u/s and d/s and at confluence point.
4.1.6 Longitudinal section of streamcovering 500 metres on U/S and D/S at an interval
of 100m
4.1.7 Bore hole data/T.Ps upto hard strata or for a minimum depth of 2m at location of
weir, U/s and D/s of weir.
The length of a weir must be such that, the maximum flood discharge
can be disposed off with available head.
Discharge (Q)= C L H d3 /2
Length of apronLb = Ld + L j
Clay 1 in 4
Shingle 1 in 4 to 5
Coarse sand 1 in 5 to 6
Fine sand 1 in 6 to 7
The factor of safety for overturning shall be 2.0 and for sliding shall be
1.50. The maximum allowable bearing pressure on soil shall be less than SBC of
soil. Tensile stresses are not allowed on soil.
4.3.2 Abutments/Wings/Returns:
The retaining walls shall be designed for dead loads, earth pressures,
live load surcharge, uplift and any other external force acting on it.The stability
of walls is checked for overturning, sliding and allowable bearing pressure as in
weir body wall.
Discharge Q= C L H d3 /2
Q= Discharge in cumecs
L= Clearwater way
Hd= Total head over crest
C= coefficient of discharge
= 2.26 (for High Coefficient Weir)
Step-3 Fixation of Length of Basin on Hydraulic Jump Theory
Discharge per unit width q = Q/L
Values of Silt factor as per IRC-5-1998( Code of practice for Road Bridges)
Type of Bed Material Weighted mean diameter of Value of silt factor f
particle in mm, mr
fine silt 0.081 0.500
fine silt 0.120 0.600
fine silt 0.158 0.700
medium silt 0.233 0.850
standard silt 0.323 1.000
medium sand 0.505 1.250
coarse sand 0.725 1.500
fine bajri& sand 0.988 1.750
heavy sand 1.290 2.000
1/α = d/b
λ = (1+ √ 1+∝2)/2
1 −1
∅E = ∗cos [ ( λ−2 ) / λ ]
∅D = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−1 ) / λ ]
∅C 1 = 100-∅ E
∅ D1 = 100-∅ D
Thickness correction =( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 )
Where, t= foundation thickness of weir bodywall
D (d +D)
Correction C = 19
√( ) b )
Where, b’= U/S cut-off depth - thickness of apron @ cut-off.
∅C 1 = 100-∅ E
∅ D1 = 100-∅ D
Thickness correction= ( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 )
D (d +D)
Correction C
∅ E 1Corrected
√(b' )( b )
∅ E - thickness correction - correction C
Thicknesses are calculated for over flow condition and non-over flow
condition by calculating the pressures.
( ∅ c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )
%Pressure @ A =∅ C 1 Corrected −
[ b ]
∗Bodywall width
%Pressure @ B =
∅ c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )
∅ C 1 Corrected − [( b ] ∗Bodywall width−D /S Glacis width+ L1
i) Overflow condition
Exit gradient, GE = H / (d π √ λ)
Froude Number F1 = V 1 /√ g d 1
Froude number <= 4.5, basin I type is proposed as per 4.2(a) of I.S. 4997-1968
Froude number > 4.5, basin II type is proposed as per I.S. 4997-1968.
Space for one set of chute block and spacing =Width+ Spacing
No. of sets =(Width of the basin)/ (Space for one set of chute block and
Leftover space = Width of the basin-(Spacing for chute blocks+ Space for
This left over space will be adjusted as fractional space between training wall and end
chute Block space for gap on each side = Leftover space/2.
Area Ad = (b+ sy ) y
Wetted perimeter P = b+ 2 y √ 1+ s 2
0.02323 S s
1995) Weight of stonew =
( K ( Ss −1 )
ii) Size of stone Ds = 0.124 ∛
The weir bodywall and the retaining walls must be founded on hard
soils, so that the foundation soils can take up the loads without any undue
settlement.TVA procedure is adopted for checking stability of body wall,
Abutments, Wings and return walls.
Step-14 Drawing
Draw details of components and its reinforcement details in1:50 or 1:25 scale.
Where ,
Q= Maximum Flood Discharge in Cumecs
M= Catchment Area in Sq. Miles = 10.000 Sq.miles
Catchment Area in Sq. Km = 25.900 KM2
C= 1200
5.3 Lengthof weir
Cd = 2.26
Length = 65 m
Head over crest Hd = 1.200 m
Length required ‘L‘ = Q / ( Cd X Hd3/2)
= 191.08 / (2.26 x 1.2 ^ 3/2)
= 65.00 m
Hence 65 m length of weir is proposed.
DischargeQ = 191.08cumecs
Discharge per unit width q = Q/L
= 191.08 / 65
= 2.94 Cumecs/m
Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81 m2/ Sec.
Non-Dimensional Coefficient Dn = q 2 /g H 3
= ( 2.94^ 2) / (9.81 x ( 2.5 ^ 3 ) )
= 0.056
Length of apron before jump Ld = 4.3 H Dn0.270
= 2.5 x 4.3 x 0.056 0.27
= 4.946 m
Depth of flow at the beginning = 0.54 H X D n0.425
of jump d1
= 2.5 x 0.54 x 0.056 0.425 =
0.4 m
Pool depth dp = H Dn0.220
= 1.00x 2.5x0.0560.220
= 1.328 m
Depth of flow after jump d2 = 1.66 H X D n0.270
= 2.5 x 1.66 x 0.056 0.27
= 1.909 m
Length of apron after jump Lj = 5(d2 – d1 )
= 5 x (1.909 - 0.398)
= 7.557 m
Therefore length of apron Lb = Ld + L j
= 4.946 + 7.557
= 12.5 m
Pre jump length L1 = Ld +(d 2 – d 1)
= 12.5 + (1.909-0.4)
= 6.5 m
Post jump length L2 = Lb - L1
= 12.5 -6.5
= 6.0 m
Velocity of flow at the beginning = q/d1
of the jump V1in metres / second
= 2.94/0.4
= 7.392 m/sec
Froude Number F1 = V 1 /√ g d 1
= 7.392 / √( 9.81 x 0.398 )
= 3.742
As the Froude number is less than 4.5, basin I type is proposed as per 4.2(a) of
I.S. 4997-1968 at pg15
5.5 Scour Depth calculations
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 3.964/2.3 [1+ (6*0.580)/2.3]
= 7.383 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 3.964/2.3 [1- (6*0.580)/2.3]
= -1.445 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 10.701/3.10 [1+ (6*0.420)/3.10]
= 5.580 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 10.701/3.10 [1- (6*0.420)/3.10]
= 0.550 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 9.026/9.806 [1+ (6*0.129)/2.3]
= 5.819 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 9.026/9.806 [1- (6*0.129)/2.3]
= 2.889 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
∑V 6e
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+
b )
= 17.020/3.10 [1+ (6*0.10)/3.10]
= 4.470 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 17.020/3.10 [1- (6*0.10)/3.10]
= 3.08 t/sqm
λ = (1+ √ 1+∝2)/2
= 1+ (1+13.9532)1/2/2
= 7.49
∅E = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−2 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(7.49-2)/7.49]
= 23.81%
∅D = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−1 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(7.49-1)/7.49]
= 16.63%
Thickness correction = ( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 ) d
= 7.17% x 0.6/1.00
= 4.3 % (+ve)
∅E = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−2 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(3.348-2)/3.348]
= 36.81%
∅D = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−1 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(3.348-1)/3.348]
= 25.26%
Thickness correction = ( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 ) d
= 11.55% x 0.6/2.49
= 2.78 % (-ve)
√( b')( b )
19 √ (2.48/1.89)[(2.49+0.4)/13.53]
= 0.53 % (-ve)
∅ E 1Corrected = ∅ E- thickness correction - correction Ci
= 36.81% - 2.78% - 0.53%
= 33.499%
%Pressure @ A =
( c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )
∅ C 1 Corrected −[ b ] ∗Bodywall width
= 81.645-[(81.645-33.499)/13.95]*2.7
= 72.328 %
( ∅ c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )
%Pressure @ B = ∅ C 1 Corrected − [ b ]
∗2.7+ L1
= 81.645-[(81.645-33.499)/13.95]*7.95
= 54.361 %
Exit gradient, GE = H / (d π √ λ)
= 2.5 / (2.490*3.141*√3.348)
= 0.175
= 1 in 5.72 (Hence ok)
As per para of IS – 4997-1968 at p13, Basin blocks should not be used if the
velocity of flow exceeds 15m/sec at basin blocks. In present case, the velocity is 7.392m/sec.
Therefore basin blocks are proposed.
Dynamic force against u/s face force (P) = 2 w A(d 1+ hv1 ) acting at hb /2
Where, w = Unit weight of water = 1.0 t/m3
hv 1 =v12 /2 g
=2.785 m/sec
Chute Blocks Reinforcement (As per Para 4.5.2 of IS -11527 – 1985 at p.13)
Hence, provide 10mm dia bars at 200mm c/c to all exposed faces of chute blocks
Dynamic force against u/s face force (P) = 2 w A(d 1+ hv1 ) acting at hb /2
Where, w = Unit weight of water = 1.0 t/m3
hv 1 =v12 /2 g
=2.785 m/sec
Basin Blocks Reinforcement (As per Para 4.5.2 of IS -11527 – 1985 at p.13)
Hence, provide 10mm dia bars at 250mm c/c to all exposed faces of basin block
5.9.3 Dentated End sill (As per para ofIS: 4997 – 1968)
0.02323 S s
1995) Weight of stone (w) =
( K ( Ss −1 ) )
sin 2 θ
k= √
s ¿2 φ
where, θ = Angle of repose =28º
Ø = sin −1 ( 1/1.5 ) in degrees
= 41.08º
k = √sin228º/sin241.08º
= 0.715
ii) Size of stone(Ds) = 0.124 ∛
= 0.124 √1.30 / 2.4
= 0.098
iii) Thickness of Protection Layer
T = 1.8692/2*9.81* (2.4-1)
= 0.128m
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concreteσmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 27.202/2.1 [1+ (6*0.625)/2.1]
= 36.073 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concreteσmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 27.202/2.1 [1- (6*0.625)/2.1]
= -10.166 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soilσmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 36.689/2.1 [1+ (6*0.482)/2.9]
= 25.279 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soilσmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 36.689/2.1 [1- (6*0.482)/2.9]
= 0.024 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concreteσmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 4.829/0.9[1+ (6*0.367)/0.9]
= 18.507 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 4.829/0.9[1- (6*0.367)/0.9]
= -7.775 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 9.637/1.7 [1+ (6*0.281)/1.7]
= 11.283 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 9.637/1.7 [1- (6*0.281)/1.7]
= 0.055 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmax=
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 9.486/1.4[1+ (6*0.408)/1.4]
= 18.637 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin=
b ( 1− 6be )
= 9.486/1.4[1- (6*0.408)/1.4]
= -5.086 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 15.710/2.2 [1+ (6*0.323)/2.2]
= 13.424 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 15.710/2.2 [1- (6*0.323)/2.2]
= 0.857 t/sqm
5.15 Drawing
The uplift pressure at any point shall be calculated by any accepted practice taking
into account the depth of permeable strata below floor, the effect of the upstream and
downstream cutoffs, intermediate cutoffs ( if any ), interference of cutoffs, thickness of floor
and downstream slope of weir. In general, the uplift pressure at any point of floor of weir is
computed on the basis of Khosla’s theory for permeable foundation of infinite depth.
The principles of design of barrages and weirs have been evolved over a number of
years as a result of analysis of various failures of the diversion structure constructed. The
failures are attributed to four main causes acting singly or in combination.
Many theories regarding seepage were put forward in which Khosla’s theory is
(i) Seepage takes place according to the theory of seepage flow throughout the
underling strata
(ii) That the stability of granular particles depends upon the limiting value of
hydraulic gradient at upper surface of the granular material which gradient to
satisfy the consideration of equilibrium is to be smaller than the critical gradient.
The second principle was enunciated by Terzaghi and was discovered by Khosla.
As per Khosla’s theory the distribution of uplift is not linear. This, of course follows
from the fact that seepage take place according to the theory of seepage flow and is governed
by Laplacian equation and appropriate boundary conditions.
The solutions are given in form of curves form which the percentage of pressures of
the proportion of the residual head to the total seepage head can be determined at key points.
The pressures at intermediate points are assumed to vary along a straight line, which does not
introduce any appreciable error.
The uplift pressure at any point shall be calculated by any accepted practice taking
into account the depth of permeable strata below floor, the effect of the upstream and
downstream cutoffs, intermediate cutoffs ( if any ), interference of cutoffs, thickness of floor
and slope of the glacis. Necessary corrections on account of thickness, mutual interference of
piles and slope of glacis will need to be applied wherever necessary. After this, the required
thickness of floor to be safe against uplift pressure has to be calculated at the salient points.
The uplift pressure under the impervious floor is counteracted by the self-weight of floor only
considering unit length of floor. The percentage of pressures at key points can be obtained for
Khosla’s curves.
5. Click on Drawing Input button to view/change the inputs for drawing in Output.xlsx
6. Click on Drawing Button to view the drawing of HC weir in AutoCAD format.
7. Click on Report button to view design report as Design.xlsx.