HC Weir Manual

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The document discusses the definition, necessity, types and components of high coefficient weirs. It also covers topics such as determining weir location, designing the structure and dissipating energy.

The different components of a high coefficient weir discussed are the weir body wall, glacis, toe wall, cut-offs, apron, free board and stilling basin.

Factors considered when determining the location of a weir include minimizing construction costs, allowing surplus water to drain into a natural water course, and avoiding locations where the main stream is perpendicular to the weir axis to prevent scouring.

Design Document:

Water and Land Management

Training and Research Institute
Government of Telangana


Assistant Executive Engineer
Special Designs Circle, Hyderabad

Editorial Board

Sri L. Narayana Reddy, M.Tech., Director General, Walamtari, Chairman

Sri K. Narender, M.Tech., EE, SDC, Member
Sri V.Mohan Kumar, M.Tech., EE, CDO, Member

1.1 Definition:

A weir is a solid obstruction over which water overflows the crest and tail water is
formed below the dam. In tanks the excess water is spilled over a weir into the downstream
channel so as to avoid the rise of water in the tank above the maximum water level of tank.

1.2 Necessity of structure:

A large number of irrigation tanks of nominal capacities, form an integral part of

minor irrigation. The safety of a tank largely depends upon its surplusing capacity due
toheavy rainfall in its catchment area. Generally, these tanks breach whenever the inflows
into the tank are much in excess of its surplusing capacity. In all such cases, a weir is
constructed across the river to divert excess water safely to downstream.

1.3 Types of weirs:

 Weirs are identified by the shape of their opening or notch.

 The edge of the opening can be either sharp or broad-crested
Different types of weirs are shown in fig below.
The Coefficient of discharges (C) are estimated or determined from model studies.
Various suggested modifications to the weir cap for increasing the value of C from 1.84 to

The Coefficient of dischargesare estimated or determined from model studies.

1.4 Location of a weir:

Generally, it is desirable to locate the weir at or near the flank of the tank bund such
that it is possible to drain the surplus waters into natural water course. The cost of such works
should be a minimum as far as possible. The weir should be grounded depending upon the
foundation strata, upstream and downstream ground levels at the location of structure. The
weir should never be located at a place where the main stream is perpendicular to the axis of
the weir as the flows are likely to scour the downstream of weir.

1.5 Suitability of structure:

This type of weir is suitable in sub-mountainous regions and particularly for low falls
unless it is founded on solid rock.In general H.C. weir is adopted for free flow condition.

1.6 Components of weir:

1.6.1 Weir Body wall:

Weir body wall is a

vertical wall with its crest level at
FRL. High Coefficient weirfalls
under the categoryof sharp crested
weir where in the weir crest
deflects the flows at an angle of
260. In this type, the jet separates
from the weir at crest and falls
freely on d/s apron.The coefficient
of discharge for HC weir is
2.26.Generally,it is laid in PCC
M15 grade using 40mm MSA. In
general, top width of Weir is taken as 450mm. A 100mm thick wearing coat in CC M20
grade using 20MSA is generally proposed on body wall of weir.

1.6.2 Glacis:
Sloping portion of the weir body wall on upstream and downstream.

1.6.3 Toe Wall:

A shallow wall in random rubble provided below the bed or floor level to maintain the
revetment intact.

1.6.4 Cut-Offs:
Barriers either ofR.C.C. or masonry or of steel sheet pile, provided at the bottom of
the structure to protect the structure against scour and possible piping due to excessive exit
gradients of the seepage flow below the foundations.

1.6.5 Apron:

It is a concrete or stone floor extending from the U/s end of the transition to D/s end
of the transition to prevent erosion.

1.6.6 Free Board:

It is the vertical distance between specified water surface and top of the component of
structure under consideration.

1.6.7 Stilling Basin:

It is a short length of paved channel in the exit course of weir, in which all or a part of
energy of flowing water is dissipated and water is discharged into the downstream channel in
such a manner so as to prevent damage to structure or scour of bed or banks of the channel.

1.6.8 Chute blocks:

Chute blocks are triangular blocks used to form a serrated device at the entrance of
the stilling basin. Their function is to furrow the incoming jet and lift a portion of it from the
floor producing a shorter length of jump than would be possible without them.
1.6.9 End Sill:
End sillis usually provided at the end of stilling basin. Its function is to reduce the
length of the jump and to control scour. The sill has additional function of diffusing the
residual portion of high velocity jet that may reach the end of the basin.

1.6.10 Basin Blocks:

These blocks are placed in the intermediate position across the basin floor. Their
function is to dissipate the energy mostly by impact action. They are useful in small
structures with low incoming velocities. They are unsuitable where high velocities create

1.6.11 Launching Apron:

It is a protection provided at downstream or upstream end of a weir consisting of
blocks of concrete or masonry stones or stones in wire crates.

1.6.12 Revetment:
A protective surface of pitching, concrete blocks or mattresses placed on the bottom
or banks of a river to prevent or minimize erosion.

1.6.13 Abutments:
Retaining wall constructed at the both endsof weir to retain the backfill. It protects the
banks from erosion, supports load from superstructure and confines the flow to desired
waterway.It is constructed in CC M15 grade concrete using 40 mm MSA.

1.6.14 Wing Walls:

It is a retaining wall in continuation of abutments of a structure on upstream and
downstream. It protects the backfill and provides alonger path of percolation around the end
ofstructure and/or improves the flow conditions on upstream and downstream of
thecontrollingsection. Generally, it is proposed in CC M15 grade using 40mm MSA.

1.6.15 Return Walls:

It is a wall carried transverse to the centre line of the stream, starting from thewing
wall. Generally, it is proposed in CC M15 grade using40mm MSA.

1.6.16 Approach Channel:

Approach channel is a formed cross section on U/s to direct the flood towards the
structure in order to negotiate the width and bed level.

1.6.17 Tail Channel:

Tail channel is a formed cross section on D/s to drain off the flood discharge
efficiently into the regime stream with allowable velocity. It is excavated up to a point where
the bed level of the excavated channel meets the existing drain bed level.

1.6.18 Transitions:
Transitions are provided in between the normal section and flumed section of a
structure to ensure that the flow follows the boundaries . The minimum transitionson U/s and
D/s side are 1:2 and 1:3, but not flatter than 1:3 and 1:5 respectively.

1.6.19 Foundations:
It is the lowest part of the substructure, which negotiates the stability of the total
structure by safely transmitting the loads on to the soil strata. The stresses developed at
various points of the structure shall be within the limits of allowable Safe Bearing Capacityof
soil. Generally,600mmthick foundation concrete with 400 mm offset is proposed in CC
M15grade with 40mm MSA.


2.1 Design Flood:

The discharge of river/stream with certain frequency of occurrence (such as 100,200,
500years etc.) for which the waterway and other parameters of the weir are designed.

2.2 Hydraulic Jump:

The sudden and usually turbulent passage of water from a lower level (below critical
depth) to higher level (above critical depth), during which head loss occurs and the flow
passes from supercritical to sub-critical state.

2.3 Froude Number:

Froude Numberis a dimensionless number characterizing the inertial and gravitational
forces in an open channel flow and is defined as follows.
F= V/√gD
F= Froude number,
g = Acceleration due to gravity
V=velocity of flow, and
D=depth of flow

2.4 Sub-Critical Flow:

If F is less than unity, the flow is subcritical.In this state, the gravity forces
aredominant. The flow has a low velocity.

2.5 Super critical Flow:

If F is more than unity, the flow is supercritical. In this state, the inertial forces
become dominant. The flow has a high velocity.

2.6 Length of Stilling Basin:

It is the length of the basin in the direction of flow.

2.7 Width of stilling Basin:

It is width of the basin perpendicular to the direction of flow

2.8 Seepage:
A slow movement of water due to capillary actionthrough pores and interstices of
unsaturated packed soil material into or out of a surface or subsurface body of water such as
river, canal etc.

2.9 Exit Gradient:

It is the slope (or gradient) of hydraulic gradeline for subsoil seepage flow, at the exit
end ofthe structure where the seepage water comes outfrom subsoil.

2.10 Uplift Pressure:

The vertical upward pressure caused by the water seeping through the pores, cracks
and fissures of the foundation material.

2.11 Crest:
The apex of the weirbody wall is its crest.

2.12 Water way:

The sectional area of the flow of water over the weir.

Q = Maximum flood discharge in cumecs

Ad = Area of tail channel in Sq Metre

bw = Tail Channel Bed width in meters

Cd = Coefficient of discharge
Depth of flow at the beginning of the jump measured
d1 =
perpendicular to the floor in metres
Depth conjugate (sequent) to d1 for horizontal apron in
d2 =
Dn = Non-Dimensional Coefficient
dp = Pool depth in metres
F1 = Froude number of the now at the beginning of the jump
g = Acceleration due to gravity in Sq.metre / sec
hb = Height of basin blocks in metres

hc = Height of chute blocks in metres

Hd = Head over crest in metres
he = Height of end sill in metres
L1 = Prejump length in metres
L2 = Postjump length in metres
Lb = Length of the basin in metres
Ld = Length of apron before jump in metres
Lj = Length of apron after jump in metres
n = Rugosity coefficient
P = Wetted perimeter in metres
q = Discharge intensity in cumecs/metre
Rh = Hydraulic radius in meters
S = Tail channel slope
se = Spacing of dents in dentated sill in metres
sh = Spacing of basin blocks in metres
sl = Spacing of chute blocks in metres
t = Foundation thickness under weir body wall in meters
t1 = Thickness of apron at formation of jump in metres
t2 = Thickness of apron after formation of jump in metres
V = Velocity of flow in tail channel in meters
Velocity of flow at the beginning of the jump in metres /
V1 =
wb = Width of basin blocks in metres
wc = Width of chute blocks in metres
we = Width of dent in dentated sill in metres
y = Depth in tail channel in meters
Maximum bearing pressures at the section under
σmax =
consideration in t/sqm
Minimum bearing pressures at the section under
σmin =
consideration in t/sqm


The design of diversion structures comprises of two parts namely hydraulic design
and structural design. In hydraulic design, overall dimensions and profiles of the main
structure and a few of the components are worked out so that satisfactory hydraulic
performance of the structure can be ensured. In structural design, the various sections and
reinforcement details etc. are worked out.

4.1 Site surveys:

4.1.1 The catchment area duly marked on the Topo Sheet (if the C.A >2.5 Sq. Km). The
catchment area shall be traversed on ground (if the C.A < 2.5 Sq.Km)

4.1.2 Bund Standards

a. Top Bank Level (TBL)
b. Maximum Water Level(MWL)
c. Full Reservoir Level(FRL)
d. Bund U/s and D/s Slopes

4.1.3 Net level plan at an interval of 5.0m x 5.0 m in the vicinity of the structure.
4.1.4 Cross section of surplus course at 100m interval up to confluence point.

4.1.5 Stream cross-sections at 100m u/s and d/s and at confluence point.

4.1.6 Longitudinal section of streamcovering 500 metres on U/S and D/S at an interval
of 100m

4.1.7 Bore hole data/T.Ps upto hard strata or for a minimum depth of 2m at location of
weir, U/s and D/s of weir.

4.2 Hydraulic design:

4.2.1 Estimation of Maximum Flood discharge (MFD):
The quantum of water required to be diverted is determined using
Dicken’s formula

M.F.D of the stream as per Dickens formula Discharge (Q) = C M 3 /4

Where, Q = Discharge in cusecs

M = Catchment area in Sq.miles
C = coefficient depending on catchment area
Value of C Catchment area in Sq. Miles
1400 Upto 1 Sq.miles
1200 1 to 30 Sq.miles  
1060 More than 30 Sq.miles  

4.2.2 Length of weir:

The length of a weir must be such that, the maximum flood discharge
can be disposed off with available head.

Discharge (Q)= C L H d3 /2

Where, L= clearwater way

Hd= Total head over crest
C= coefficient of discharge = 2.26
(for High Coefficient Weir)

4.2.3 Height of weir:

The foundation top level of weir is fixedas per net level plan. Height of
weir is difference between the weir crest level and the foundation top level of

4.2.4 Computation of sequent depths (d1 &d2)

The Hydraulic jump formation and sequent depths d1 and d2 are
computed based on the maximum flood discharge and head over crest.
D n=q2 / g X H 3
Where, Dn = Non-Dimensional Coefficient
g = Acceleration due to gravity
H = Height of weir

Depth of flow at the beginning of jump d1= 0.54 H D n0.425

Depth of flow after jump d2 = 1.66H Dn0.270

4.2.5 Fixation of length of stilling basin:

The Hydraulic jump forms when supercritical flow changes to subcritical
flow. The energy evolved at this transformation is dissipated in the stilling
basin. The length of stilling basin is computed using following empirical

Length of apron before jump Ld=4.3 H D n0.270

Length of apron after jumpLj= 5(d2 – d1 )

Length of apronLb = Ld + L j

Pre jump length L1 = Ld +(d 2 – d 1)

Post jump length L2= Lb - L1
FroudeNumber F1 =V 1 /√ g d 1 1
Where,V1= Velocity at formation of d1in m/sec

4.2.7 Scour Depth Calculations:

Depth of scour in both on U/s and D/s of Weir shall be calculated.Cut-off
walls are provided based on the maximum scouring depth on upstream and
Scour depthR=1.35(q 2 /f )1/ 3

Where, q - discharge in cumecs per meter width.

f - Silt factor varies with type of soil as per IRC-5-1998
The maximum depth of scour on upstream and downstream are 1.5R and 2.0R

4.2.8 Thickness of Apron:

The Thickness of apron is calculated as per uplift pressures acting on the
floor of weir for both overflow and non-over flow conditions. The uplift pressures
for a limited depth of pervious strata below barrage floor may be computed using
Khosla’s theory. (Refer Appendix-A)

4.2.9 Exit Gradient:

Generally permissible values of exit gradient for flow through different

types of soils are adopted as below (as per cl. of IS 7784-part-1-1993)

Clay 1 in 4
Shingle 1 in 4 to 5
Coarse sand 1 in 5 to 6
Fine sand 1 in 6 to 7

4.2.10 Energy Dissipating Arrangements:

The standing wave is considered as one of the most effective means of

killing surplus energy in hydraulic structures. For a structure to be safe, the
standing wave should be confined to sloping glacis and not permitted to form
beyond the toe of the glacis. The main disturbance of the standing wave dies out
in the provided length of apron.

In order to contain the hydraulic jump, the energy dissipating

arrangements such as Chute blocks, Basin Blocks and End sill are provided as
per IS – 4997-1968 (Criteria for design of hydraulicjump type stilling basins
withhorizontal and sloping apron).

4.2.11 Protection works:

To protect the diversion structures from damages likely to be caused

by scouring of river bed both on the u/s and d/s, bed protection is provided. A
launching apron providedon downstream of the weirs reduces the risk of failure
of the weir when the flood is unusually high as it has the capacity to adjust to
any scour profile. A bed of stones enclosed in nets are more resistant to scour
because the stones act in unison and are held together by the nets.
4.3 Structural Design:
4.3.1 Weir Body wall:
The overall stability of weir body wall in longitudinal direction against
sliding, overturning and allowable bearing pressure is checked for over flow
condition and non-overflow condition. All stabilizing forces including self-
weight of structure, weight of water etc., are to be estimated. The destabilizing
forces include uplift pressure, water pressure, earth pressures.

The factor of safety for overturning shall be 2.0 and for sliding shall be
1.50. The maximum allowable bearing pressure on soil shall be less than SBC of
soil. Tensile stresses are not allowed on soil.

4.3.2 Abutments/Wings/Returns:

The retaining walls shall be designed for dead loads, earth pressures,
live load surcharge, uplift and any other external force acting on it.The stability
of walls is checked for overturning, sliding and allowable bearing pressure as in
weir body wall.

The length of abutment is generally kept same as the top width of

bund.The top level of abutment is kept at TBL.

In continuation of abutments of diversion structure, Flank walls/ wing

walls are provided both on u/s and d/s on both the flanks. The top level of the
wing wall slopes from top level of abutment to top level of return wall.

Return walls are generally provided at right angles to either abutment

at its ends or at the flank walls. Return walls are keyed into ground for a
minimum length of 1000mm.

Generally, the top width of abutments, wing and returns is provided as

450mm.These are provided in PCC M15 grade unless otherwise specified.

The permissible tensile stresses on concrete shall be as per IRC-21-2000.

4.3.3 Guide bunds:

Guide bunds are provided for the purpose of guiding the river flow past
of diversion structure without causing damage to it and its approaches. The Bed
width of guide bank is equal to d/s transition width of weir.


Step-1 Calculation of Design discharge:
As per Dickens Formula, Maximum Flood Discharge Q = C M 3 /4
Where ,
Q= Maximum Flood Discharge in cusecs
M= Catchment Area in Sq. Miles
C= Constant & value of C should be adoptedas
Value of C Catchment area in Sq. Miles
1400 Upto 1 Sq.miles
1200 1 to 30 Sq.miles  
1060 More than 30 Sq.miles  

Step-2 Length of Weir

Clear water way is obtained from equation:

Discharge Q= C L H d3 /2

Q= Discharge in cumecs
L= Clearwater way
Hd= Total head over crest
C= coefficient of discharge
= 2.26 (for High Coefficient Weir)
Step-3 Fixation of Length of Basin on Hydraulic Jump Theory
Discharge per unit width q = Q/L

Length of apron before jump Ld=4.3 H D n0.270

Length of apron after jump, Lj= 5(d2 – d1 )

Therefore, length of apron =Lb = Ld + L j

Pre jump length L1 = Ld +(d 2 – d 1)

Post jump length L2= Lb - L1

Froude Number = F1 = V 1 /√ g d 1
Where,V1= Velocity at formation of d1

Step -4 Scour Depth Calculations

Normal Scour depth R = Scour depthR=1.35(q 2 /f )1/ 3

f= Silt factor to be estimated by knowing avg. particle size mr

mm of soil.
Generally Maximum scour depth is provided as 1.5R and 2.0R for U/s and D/s

Values of Silt factor as per IRC-5-1998( Code of practice for Road Bridges)
Type of Bed Material Weighted mean diameter of Value of silt factor f
particle in mm, mr
fine silt 0.081 0.500
fine silt 0.120 0.600
fine silt 0.158 0.700
medium silt 0.233 0.850
standard silt 0.323 1.000
medium sand 0.505 1.250
coarse sand 0.725 1.500
fine bajri& sand 0.988 1.750
heavy sand 1.290 2.000

However, provided a minimum cut off of 1.00m on U/s and D/s.

Step-5 Stability of weir body wall:

The stability of weir body wall is checked against sliding, overturning,

allowable bearing pressure using TVA procedure.

Step-6 Computation of uplift pressures as per Khosla’s theory:

Thickness of the impervious floor shall be adequate to counter balance the
uplift pressure at the point under consideration for concrete floor.

(i) U/S Pile:

d= U/S cutoff depth from floor level

D= D/S cut-off depth - thickness of apron @ cut-off.

b= Total length of apron =body wall width + L1+ L2

1/α = d/b

λ = (1+ √ 1+∝2)/2

1 −1
∅E = ∗cos [ ( λ−2 ) / λ ]

∅D = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−1 ) / λ ]

∅C 1 = 100-∅ E

∅ D1 = 100-∅ D

Thickness correction =( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 )
Where, t= foundation thickness of weir bodywall

Interference of D/S pile on U/S pile:

D (d +D)
Correction C = 19
√( ) b )
Where, b’= U/S cut-off depth - thickness of apron @ cut-off.

∅ C 1Corrected = ∅ C 1 + thickness correction + correction C

(ii) D/S Pile:

d= D/S cutoff depth from floor level

D= U/S cut-off depth - thickness of apron @ cut-off.

b= Total length of apron=body wall width + L1+ L2

1/α = d/b
λ = (1+ √ 1+∝2)/2
∅E = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−2 ) / λ ]
∅D = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−1 ) / λ ]

∅C 1 = 100-∅ E

∅ D1 = 100-∅ D

Thickness correction= ( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 )

where, t= foundation thickness of weir body wall

(iii) Interference of U/S pile on D/S pile:

D (d +D)
Correction C

∅ E 1Corrected

√(b' )( b )
∅ E - thickness correction - correction C

Step-7 Calculations of thickness of Apron:

Thicknesses are calculated for over flow condition and non-over flow
condition by calculating the pressures.

( ∅ c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )
%Pressure @ A =∅ C 1 Corrected −
[ b ]
∗Bodywall width
%Pressure @ B =

∅ c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )
∅ C 1 Corrected − [( b ] ∗Bodywall width−D /S Glacis width+ L1

i) Overflow condition

Pressure head@A = (H+Hd-d2) * %Pressure @ A

Thickness t1 = Pressure head @ A/1.4

Pressure head@ B = (H+Hd-d2) * %Pressure @ B
Thickness t2 = Pressure head @ B/1.4

ii) Non-over flow condition

Pressure head@A = H* %Pressure @ B

Thickness t1 = Pressure head @ B/1.4

Pressure head@B = H* %Pressure @ B

Thickness t2 = Pressure head @ B/1.4

Thickness t1 = Maximum of &

Thickness t2 =Maximum of &

Step 8 Calculation of Exit Gradient:

Exit gradient, GE = H / (d π √ λ)

Where, d=D/S cut-off wall depth

H= Height of weir

Step 9 Energy Dissipators:

Froude Number F1 = V 1 /√ g d 1
Froude number <= 4.5, basin I type is proposed as per 4.2(a) of I.S. 4997-1968
Froude number > 4.5, basin II type is proposed as per I.S. 4997-1968.

(b) Chute Blocks:

Width of chute block wc = 1d1

Height of chute block hc = 2d1

Top length = 2d1

Spacing of chute blocks sc = 2.5d1

Width of basin = Length of weir = L

Space for one set of chute block and spacing =Width+ Spacing

No. of sets =(Width of the basin)/ (Space for one set of chute block and

No. of chute blocks = No. of sets

No. of spacing = No. of chute blocks -1

Spacing for chute blocks = No. of chute blocks X Top length

Space for gap = No. of spacing X Spacing

Leftover space = Width of the basin-(Spacing for chute blocks+ Space for

This left over space will be adjusted as fractional space between training wall and end
chute Block space for gap on each side = Leftover space/2.

(c) Basin Blocks: As per graph 9B of IS 4997-1968 atpg-17.

(d) Reinforcement: As per para 4.5.2 of IS 11527 – 1985 at pg.13

(e) Dentated End Sill: As per para of IS 4997 – 1968

Step- 10 Tail Channel
Bed width of the Channel bw = Length of weir = L

Assuming depth of flow ‘y’

Area Ad = (b+ sy ) y

where, sis inner side slopes of tail channel

Wetted perimeter P = b+ 2 y √ 1+ s 2

Hydraulic Radius Rh = Ad/P

1 2 /3 −1 /2
Velocity in tail channel V = R s
n h
Designed Discharge = Ad * V >Maximum Flood discharge Q

Step- 11 Protection works

i) Weight of stone on horizontal bed may be expressed as, (P.No.1 of IS 14262-

0.02323 S s
1995) Weight of stonew =
( K ( Ss −1 )

Where,Ss = Specific Gravity of stone = 2.4 t/cum

sin 2 θ
k = √
s ¿2 φ
where, θ = Angle of repose =28º
Ø = sin −1 ( 1/ s ) in degrees
where,sis inner side slopes of tail channel

ii) Size of stone Ds = 0.124 ∛

iii) Thickness of Protection Layer

Minimum thickness of protection layer is required to withstand the negative

head created by velocity. This thickness is given by the following formula (P.No.2 of
IS 14262-1995)

Thickness of protection layer (T) = V 2 /2 g ( S s−1 )

where V = Velocity in tail channel in m/sec

g = acceleration due to gravity in m/sec2
= 9.81 m/sec2
Ss = specific gravity of stones = 2.4

Revetment thickness shall be maximum of (ii) or (iii) or 300mm

Length of Launching apron =1.5 x D/s cut off depth

Step-12 Negotiating the hydraulic head at confluence point

Difference between Tail water level at confluence point and MFL at
confluence point should not greater than 0.150m.

If difference is considerable the head may be negotiated by providing

suitable drops.
Step-13 Stability analysis of Earth retaining walls:

The weir bodywall and the retaining walls must be founded on hard
soils, so that the foundation soils can take up the loads without any undue
settlement.TVA procedure is adopted for checking stability of body wall,
Abutments, Wings and return walls.

Step-14 Drawing

Draw general plan and longitudinal section of HC weir in 1:100 or1:50


Draw details of components and its reinforcement details in1:50 or 1:25 scale.


5.1 Given Particulars

Catchment area = 10.000 Sq.miles.
F.T.L. = +89.500 m
Crest level of Wier = +89.500 m
MWL = +90.700 m
T.B.L. = +92.200 m
Floor Level = +87.000 m
Free Board = 1.500 m
Height of wall = 2.50 m

5.2 Discharge Calculations

Dickens Formula
Maximum Flood Discharge Q = C M¾ = 1200 x 10 ^ 3/4
= 191.08 cumecs

Where ,
Q= Maximum Flood Discharge in Cumecs
M= Catchment Area in Sq. Miles = 10.000 Sq.miles
Catchment Area in Sq. Km = 25.900 KM2
C= 1200
5.3 Lengthof weir

Discharge Q = 191.083 cumecs

Cd = 2.26
Length = 65 m
Head over crest Hd = 1.200 m
Length required ‘L‘ = Q / ( Cd X Hd3/2)
= 191.08 / (2.26 x 1.2 ^ 3/2)
= 65.00 m
Hence 65 m length of weir is proposed.

5.4 Fixation of Length of Basin

DischargeQ = 191.08cumecs
Discharge per unit width q = Q/L
= 191.08 / 65
= 2.94 Cumecs/m
Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81 m2/ Sec.
Non-Dimensional Coefficient Dn = q 2 /g H 3
= ( 2.94^ 2) / (9.81 x ( 2.5 ^ 3 ) )
= 0.056
Length of apron before jump Ld = 4.3 H Dn0.270
= 2.5 x 4.3 x 0.056 0.27
= 4.946 m
Depth of flow at the beginning = 0.54 H X D n0.425
of jump d1
= 2.5 x 0.54 x 0.056 0.425 =
0.4 m
Pool depth dp = H Dn0.220
= 1.00x 2.5x0.0560.220
= 1.328 m
Depth of flow after jump d2 = 1.66 H X D n0.270
= 2.5 x 1.66 x 0.056 0.27
= 1.909 m
Length of apron after jump Lj = 5(d2 – d1 )

= 5 x (1.909 - 0.398)
= 7.557 m
Therefore length of apron Lb = Ld + L j
= 4.946 + 7.557
= 12.5 m
Pre jump length L1 = Ld +(d 2 – d 1)
= 12.5 + (1.909-0.4)
= 6.5 m
Post jump length L2 = Lb - L1
= 12.5 -6.5
= 6.0 m
Velocity of flow at the beginning = q/d1
of the jump V1in metres / second

= 2.94/0.4
= 7.392 m/sec
Froude Number F1 = V 1 /√ g d 1
= 7.392 / √( 9.81 x 0.398 )
= 3.742

As the Froude number is less than 4.5, basin I type is proposed as per 4.2(a) of
I.S. 4997-1968 at pg15
5.5 Scour Depth calculations

Silt factor (f) = 2

Normal Scour depth( R) = 1.35(q 2 /f )1/ 3
= 1.35 ((2.94 ^ 2) /2)1/3)
= 2.199 m
U / S Scour Depth = 1.5 R
= 1.5 x 2.199
= 3.298 m
U / S Scour level = FRL -U/S Scour depth
= +90.700 - 3.298
= +87.402 m
U / S Cut off depth = Floor level - U/S Scour level
= +87.000 - +87.402
= -0.400 m
However, provide minimum cutoff depth of 1.0m.
U/S Cut off Level = Floor level - 1.0
= +87.00 – 1.0
= +86.000
D /S Scour Depth = 2.0R
= 2.0 x 2.199
= 4.398 m
D / S Scour level = D/S FSL - D/S Scour depth
= +90.700 - 4.398
= +84.511
D/S Cut-off depth = Floor level - D/S Scour level
= +87.000 - 84.510
= 2.490 m
Hence, provide2.490 mcutoff on D/s
D/S Cut off Level = Floor level - 2.49
= +87.00. – 2.490
= +84.511
5.60 Stability of Body Wall

5.6.1 Water level at MWL

Top width = 0.450 m

Crest level = +89.500
Head over crest = 1.20 m
Maximum water level = +90.700
Apron top level = +87.000
Apron bottom level = +86.400
Concrete offset = 0.400 m
Water side width of body wall= 0.600 m
Pool depth (dp) = 1.328 m
Density of concrete = 2.400 t/cum
Density of soil = 2.100 t/cum
Horizontal earth coefficient = 0.1580
Vertical earth coefficient = 0.039
Density of water = 1.00
Ground level = +88.000 Moments about A:

Magnitude Lever Momen

Force Particulars (T) Arm(M) t (T-M)
0.450* 2.280* 1.400 1.437 1.475 2.119
0.500* 1.250* 2.500* 1.400 2.188 0.833 1.823
0.500* 0.600* 2.280* 1.400 0.958 1.900 1.820
W5 0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 1.400 0.069 1.400 0.097
W6 0.600* 1.420* 1.000 0.852 2.000 1.703
0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 1.000 0.049 1.550 0.077
0.450* 1.200* 1.000 0.540 1.475 0.797
0.500* 0.337* 1.280* 1.000 0.216 1.925 0.415
0.500* 0.263* 1.000* 1.100 0.132 2.212 0.291
0.263* 1.28* 1.000 0.371 2.168 0.804
PV 0.039* 1.000*1.00*1.100 0.043 2.300 0.100
  Total Vertical Force (V) 6.833    
1 X 1.2 X 2.5 2/ 2 -3.750
rectangle γ H 1 H 2 /2
1 X 2.5 3 / 6 -2.60
Triangle γ H 23 /6
PH k a γ H2 0.158* 1.000*1.00*1.100 0.174 0.40 -0.070
3 0.0390*1.3283/6 0.390
PW2 γ H /6
      Total Moment (M) 3.964

Base Width b @ A = 0.6+0.45+1.250 = 2.300

Lever arm = M / V
= 3.964/6.833
= 0.580
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm
= 2.3/2 - 0.580 = 0.570
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 2.3/6 = 0.383

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 3.964/2.3 [1+ (6*0.580)/2.3]
= 7.383 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 3.964/2.3 [1- (6*0.580)/2.3]
= -1.445 t/sqm Taking Moments about B:

Magnitude Lever Momen

Force Particulars (T) Arm(M) t (T-M)
0.450* 2.280* 1.400 1.436 1.875 2.693
0.500* 1.250* 2.500* 1.400 2.188 1.233 2.698
0.500* 0.600* 2.280* 1.400 0.958 2.300 2.202
3.100* 0.600* 1.400 2.604 1.550 4.036
0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 1.400 0.069 1.800 0.125
0.600* 1.420* 1.000 0.852 2.400 2.045
0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 1.000 0.050 1.950 0.097
0.450* 1.200* 1.000 0.540 1.875 1.013
0.500* 0.337* 1.280* 1.000 0.216 2.325 0.501
0.500* 0.263* 1.000* 1.000 0.145 2.610 0.378
0.263* 1.280* 1.000 0.337 2.560 0.862
Kh γ H2 = 0.039*2.560*1.100
0.111 2.700 0.300
  Total Vertical Force (V) 6.833    
rectangle γ H 1 H 2 /2 1 X 1.2 X 2.5 2/ 2 -3.750

Triangle γ H 23 /6 1 X 2.5 3 / 6 -2.60

0.158* 1.6*1.6*1.100 -0.285

PH ka γ H2 0.445 0.65
PW2 γ H 33 /6 0.0390*1.3283/6 0.390

      Total Moment (M) 10.701

Base Widthbw @ B = 0.6+0.45+1.250+0.4+0.4 = 3.10

Lever arm = M / V
= 10.701/6.833
= 1.13
Eccentricity e = bw/2 – lever arm
= 3.10/2 - 1.13 = 0.420
Eccentricity Limiteper= bw/ 6 = 3.10/6 = 0.520

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 10.701/3.10 [1+ (6*0.420)/3.10]
= 5.580 t/sqm

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 10.701/3.10 [1- (6*0.420)/3.10]
= 0.550 t/sqm

5.6.2 Water Level at FRL

Top Width = 0.450 m

Crest Level = +89.500
Apron Level = +87.000
Apron Bottom Level = +86.400
Concrete Offset = 0.400 m
Density of Concrete = 2.40 t/cum
Density of Soil = 2.100 t/cum
Horizontal Earth Coefficient = 0.1580
Vertical Earth Coefficient = 0.039
Unit Weight of Water = 1.00 t/cum Taking Moments about A:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Momen

(T) Arm(M) t (T-M)
W1 0.450* 2.280* 2.400 2.462 1.475 3.632
W2 0.500* 1.250* 2.500* 2.400 3.750 0.833 3.125

W3 0.500* 0.600* 2.280* 2.400 1.642 1.900 3.119

W5 0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 2.400 0.119 1.400 0.166

W6 0.263* 1.280* 1.000 0.337 2.168 0.730

W7 0.500* 0.337* 1.280* 1.000 0.216 1.925 0.415

W8 0.500* 0.263* 1.000* 2.100 0.276 2.212 0.611

W9 0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 1.000 0.050 1.550 0.077

w10 0.600* 0.220* 1.000 0.132 2.000 0.264

PV k v γ H 2 0.039* 1.0*1.0*1.100 0.043 2.300 0.100
Pw1 3
γ H 3 /6 2.5^3* 1.000 -2.60
PH k h γ H2 0.158* 1.0*1.0*1.100 0.174 1.000 -0.174
      TOTAL MOMENT (M) 9.809

Base Width b @ A = 0.6+0.45+1.250 = 2.300

Lever arm = M / V
= 9.809/9.026
= 1.279
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm
= 2.30/2 - 1.279 = 0.129
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 2.3/6 = 0.383

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 9.026/9.806 [1+ (6*0.129)/2.3]
= 5.819 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 9.026/9.806 [1- (6*0.129)/2.3]
= 2.889 t/sqm Taking Moments about B:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Momen

(T) Arm(M) t (T-M)
W1 0.450* 2.280* 2.400 2.462 1.875 4.617
W2 0.500* 1.250* 2.500* 2.400 3.750 1.233 4.625

W3 0.500* 0.600* 2.280* 2.400 1.642 2.300 3.776

W4 3.100* 0.600* 1.400

W5 0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 2.400 2.604 1.550 4.036

W6 0.263* 1.280* 1.000 0.119 1.800 0.214

W7 0.500* 0.337* 1.280* 1.000 0.337 2.568 0.865

W8 0.500* 0.263* 1.000* 2.100 0.216 2.325 0.501

W9 0.500* 0.450* 0.220* 1.000 0.276 2.612 0.722
w10 0.600* 0.220* 1.000 0.050 1.950 0.097
PV k v γ H 2 0.039* 1.6*1.6*1.100 0.111 2.700 0.300
Pw1 3
γ H 3 /6 2.5^3* 1.000 -2.60
PH k h γ H2 0.158* 1.6*1.6*1.100 0.445 1.000 -0.445
TOTAL MOMENT (M) 17.020

Base Width b @ B = 0.6+0.45+1.250+0.4+0.4 = 3.10

Lever arm = M / V
= 17.020/11.693
= 1.45

Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm

= 3.10/2 - 1.45 = 0.10
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 3.10/6 = 0.520

Maximum Bearing
∑V 6e
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+
b )
= 17.020/3.10 [1+ (6*0.10)/3.10]
= 4.470 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 17.020/3.10 [1- (6*0.10)/3.10]
= 3.08 t/sqm

5.7 Thickness of Apron (using khosla's theory)

5.7.1 U/S Pile:

t = foundation thickness under weir body wall =0.60 m

d = U/S cutoff depth = 1.00 m
D = D/S cutoff depth - t
= 2.49 - 0.60
= 1.89m
Total length of apron = bodywall width + L1+ L2
= 1.45 + 6.457 + 6.046
= 13.95 m
1/α = d/b
= 1.00/13.95
= 0.07167
α = 1/0.07167
= 13.953

λ = (1+ √ 1+∝2)/2

= 1+ (1+13.9532)1/2/2
= 7.49
∅E = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−2 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(7.49-2)/7.49]
= 23.81%
∅D = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−1 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(7.49-1)/7.49]
= 16.63%

∅C 1 = 100-∅ E = 100-23.81% = 76.19%

∅ D1 = 100-∅ D = 100-16.63% = 83.37%

∅ D1−∅C 1 = 83.37% - 76.19% = 7.17%

Thickness correction = ( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 ) d
= 7.17% x 0.6/1.00
= 4.3 % (+ve)

Interference of D/S pile on U/S pile:

D (d +D)
Correction Ci = 19
√( ) b )
= 19 √ (1.00/0.4)[(1.00+1.89)/13.53]
= 1.15% (+ve)
∅ C 1Corrected = ∅ C 1 + thickness correction + correction Ci
= 76.194 + 1.146 + 4.304
= 81.645

5.7.2 D/S Pile:

t = foundation thickness under weir body wall =0.60 m

d = D/S cutoff depth = 2.49 m
D = U/S cutoff depth - t2
= 1.00 - 0.60
= 0.40 m
Total length of apron = body wall width + L1+ L2
= 1.45 + 6.50 + 6.0
= 13.95 m
1/α = d/b
= 2.49/13.95
= 0.178
α = 1/0.07167
= 5.61
λ = (1+ √ 1+∝2)/2
= 1+ (1+5.612)1/2/2
= 3.348

∅E = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−2 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(3.348-2)/3.348]
= 36.81%
∅D = ∗cos−1 [ ( λ−1 ) / λ ]
= 1/ᴫ x cos-1[(3.348-1)/3.348]
= 25.26%

∅C 1 = 100-∅ E = 100-36.81% = 63.19%

∅ D1 = 100-∅ D = 100-25.26% = 74.74%

∅ D1−∅C 1 = 74.74% - 63.19% = 11.55%

Thickness correction = ( ∅ D 1−∅C 1 ) d
= 11.55% x 0.6/2.49
= 2.78 % (-ve)

Interference of D/S pile on U/S pile:

D (d +D)
Correction Ci =

√( b')( b )
19 √ (2.48/1.89)[(2.49+0.4)/13.53]
= 0.53 % (-ve)
∅ E 1Corrected = ∅ E- thickness correction - correction Ci
= 36.81% - 2.78% - 0.53%
= 33.499%
%Pressure @ A =
( c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )

∅ C 1 Corrected −[ b ] ∗Bodywall width

= 81.645-[(81.645-33.499)/13.95]*2.7
= 72.328 %

( ∅ c1 Corrected −∅ E 1 corrected )
%Pressure @ B = ∅ C 1 Corrected − [ b ]
∗2.7+ L1
= 81.645-[(81.645-33.499)/13.95]*7.95
= 54.361 %

Over Flow condition

Pressure head@A = (H+d-d2)* %Pressure @ A

= 2.5 + 1.2 - 1.909 x 72.328
= 1.295
Thickness t1 = Pressure Head @ A/1.4
= 1.295/1.4
= 0.93

Pressure head@B = (H+d-d2) * %Pressure @ B

= 2.5 + 1.2 - 1.909 x 54.361
= 0.97
Thickness t2 = Pressure Head @ B/1.4
= 0.97/1.4
= 0.70

Non-over Flow condition

Pressure head@A = H* %Pressure @ A

= 2.5 x 72.328
= 1.81
Thickness t1 = Pressure Head @ A/1.4
= 1.81 /1.4
= 1.295 Say 1.300 m

Pressure head@B = H * %Pressure @ B

= 2.5 x 54.361
= 1.36
Thickness t2 = Pressure Head @ B/1.4
= 1.36 /1.4
= 0.97 Say 1.00 m

Hence, provide thickness t1 and t2 as 1.30m and 1.00m respectively

5.8 Calculation of Exit Gradient:

Exit gradient, GE = H / (d π √ λ)
= 2.5 / (2.490*3.141*√3.348)
= 0.175
= 1 in 5.72 (Hence ok)

5.9 Energy Dissipating Arrangements:

As per para of IS – 4997-1968 at p13, Basin blocks should not be used if the
velocity of flow exceeds 15m/sec at basin blocks. In present case, the velocity is 7.392m/sec.
Therefore basin blocks are proposed.

5.9.1 Chute blocks (As per para of IS – 4997 – 1968 )

Width wc = 1 d1 = 1 x 0.4 = 0.4 m

Height hc = 2 d1 = 2 x 0.4 = 0.8 m
Top length = 2 d1 = 2 x 0.4 = 0.8 m
Spacing sc = 2.5 d 1 = 2.5 x 0.4 = 1.0 m
Width of basin = Length of weir = 65.00 m
Space for one set = width + spacing = 0.4 + 1.0 = 1.40 m
No. of sets = width of basin / space for one set
= 65 / 1.40 = 46.429 nos ≅ 46nos
No. of chute blocks = No. of sets -1 = 46 - 1 = 45 nos
No. of spacing = width * No. of sets
= 0.4 x 45 = 18.4 nos
Spacing for chute blocks= No. of chute blocks * spacing
= 45 x 1.0 = 45 m
Space for gap = width of basin- (spacing of chute blocks + No.
of Spacing)
= 65 - (45 + 18.4) = 1.6 m
This 1.6 m space will be adjusted as fractional space between training wall and
end chute block space for gap on each side = Space for gap/2 = 1.6/2 = 0.8m

Dynamic force against u/s face force (P) = 2 w A(d 1+ hv1 ) acting at hb /2
Where, w = Unit weight of water = 1.0 t/m3
hv 1 =v12 /2 g
=2.785 m/sec
Chute Blocks Reinforcement (As per Para 4.5.2 of IS -11527 – 1985 at p.13)

Area of u/s force A = Height * Top width

= 0.8*0.4 = 0.320 sqm
(d 1 +hv 1 ) = 0.4+2.785 = 3.185
P = 2 w A(d 1+ hv1 )
= 2*1.0*0.320*3.185
= 2.0384 tons
Lever arm = Height / 2 = 0.8/2 = 0.4 m
Moment (M) = P* Lever arm = 2.038*0.4
= 0.8154 T-M
= 81.54 * 104 N-mm
Permissible tensile stress of steel σst = 130 N/mm2
(As per IS: 3370-2009)
Assuming 10mm dia bars and 40mm clear cover,
Depth of block d = [height-0.04-(0.01/2)]
= 0.8-0.04-0.005 = 0.755 m
Area of steel Ast = M /σ st jd
= 81.54*104/ (130*0.89*755)
= 9.33 mm2
Minimum steel Amin = 0.12%* Height * Top width
= 0.12%* 800*400
= 384 sqmm
Assumed dia of bar di = 10 mm
Area of one bar Aone = ᴫ/4*di*di
= ᴫ/4*10*10
= 78.54 sqmm
Spacing of bars = Aone*1000/ Amin
= (78.54* 1000) / 384 = 204 mm

Hence, provide 10mm dia bars at 200mm c/c to all exposed faces of chute blocks

5.9.2 Basin Blocks

hb/d1 = 1.2 (As per graph 9B of IS 4997-1968 @ Pg-17)
hb = 1.2 d 2 = 1.2*0.4 = 0.48
Height = hb = 0.48
Top width = hb = 0.48 m
Width wb = 0.2 * hb = 0.2*0.48 = 0.096 m
= 0.1 m
Spacing sb = hb = 0.48
End space = 0.5 * hb = 0.5*0.48 = 0.24 m
Width of basin= Length of weir = 65.00 m
Spacing of one set= width + spacing = 0.48+0.48 = 0.96 m
No. of basin blocks = width of basin / space for one set
= 65 / 0.96 = 62.50 nos ≅62nos
= 62 - 1 = 61 nos
No. of spacing = No. of basin blocks -1
= 61-1 = 60 Nos
Spacing of basin blocks = No. of basin blocks* Width
= 61*0.48 = 29.28m

Spacing between basin blocks= No. of spacing * Width

= 60 x 0.48 = 28.80 m
Leftover space = width of basin- (spacing of basin blocks +
Spacing between basin blocks)
= 65 - (29.28 + 28.80) = 1.92 m
This 1.92 m space will be adjusted as fractional space between training wall
and end basin block

Space of gap on each side =Leftover space/2

= 1.92/2
= 0.96 m
Location of basin blocks = 0.8 d 2
(As per fig. 8B of IS 4997-1968).
= 0.8*1.909
= 1.527 m
Say 1.530 m (from toe
of weir)

Dynamic force against u/s face force (P) = 2 w A(d 1+ hv1 ) acting at hb /2
Where, w = Unit weight of water = 1.0 t/m3
hv 1 =v12 /2 g
=2.785 m/sec
Basin Blocks Reinforcement (As per Para 4.5.2 of IS -11527 – 1985 at p.13)

Area of u/s force (A) = Height * Top width

= 0.48*0.48 = 0.230 sqm
(d 1 +hv 1 ) = 0.4+2.785 = 3.185
P = 2 w A(d 1+ hv1 )
= 2*1.0*0.230*3.185
= 1.465 tons
Lever arm = hb / 2 = 0.48/2 = 0.240 m
Moment (M) = P* Lever arm = 1.465*0.240
= 0.3516 T-M
= 35.16 * 104 N-mm
Permissible tensile stress of steel (σst) = 130 N/mm2
(As per IS: 3370-2009)
Assuming 10mm dia bars and 40mm clear cover,
Depth of block (d) = [hb-0.04-(0.01/2)]
= 0.48-0.04-0.005 = 0.435 m
Area of steel (Ast) = M /σ st jd
= 35.16*104/ (130*0.89*435)
= 69.86 mm2
Minimum steel (Amin) = 0.12%* Height * Top width
= 0.12%* 480*480
= 276.48 sqmm
Assumed dia of bar (di) = 10 mm
Area of one bar (Aone) = ᴫ/4*di*di
= ᴫ/4*10*10
= 78.54 sqmm
Spacing of bars = Aone*1000/ Amin
= (78.54* 1000) / 276.48 = 284 mm

Hence, provide 10mm dia bars at 250mm c/c to all exposed faces of basin block

5.9.3 Dentated End sill (As per para ofIS: 4997 – 1968)

Height of end sill he = 1 .2d 2 = 0.2 x1.909 = 0.382 m

Width we = 0.15d 2 = 0.15 x1.909 = 0.286 m
Say 0.290 m
Spacing se = 0.15d 2 = 0.15 x1.909 = 0.286 m
Say 0.290 m
Width of basin = Length of weir = 65.00 m
Spacing of one set = width + spacing = 0.290+0.290 = 0.580 m
No. of sills = width of basin / space for one set
= 65 / 0.580 = 112.06 ≅ 111 nos
No. of dented sills = No. of sills + 1= 111+1 = 112
Spacing for dented sills= No. of sills * Width
= 111 x 0.29 = 32.19 m

Spacing of End sill = No. of dented sills * Width

= 112 x 0.29 = 32.48 m
Leftover space= width of basin- (Spacing for dented sills + Spacing of
End sill)
= 65 - (32.19 + 32.48) = 0.33 m
This 0.33 m space will be adjusted as fractional space between training wall
and End sill

Space of gap on each side = Leftover space/2 = 0.33/2 = 0.165 m

Provide, nominal reinforcement of 10mm dia bars at 300mm c/c.

5.10 Tail channel design

Required dischargeQ = 191.083cumecs

Bed fall S = 1 in 525
Bed fall 1/S = 0.0019
Bed width bw = 65.00 m (Length of weir)
Side slopess = 1.5:1
Depth of drainy = 1.529 m
Area of drain Ad = (b+ s s y) y
= (65+1.5*1.529)*1.529
= 102.892 Sq.m
RugossityCoefficient (n) = 0.03
Wetted Perimeter (P) = b+ 2 y √1+ n2
= 65+2*1.529√1+1.5^2
= 70.513 m
Hydraulic Radius Rh = Ad/P
= 102.892/70.513
= 1.459 m
1 2 /3 −1 /2
Velocity V = R s
n h
= (1/0.03)*1.459^2/3* 0.0019^1/2
= 1.869m/sec
Discharge(Designed) = Ad* V
= 102.892/1.869
= 192.305cumecs > 191.083cumecs
(Hence, section is ok)

5.10 Revetment design:

Velocity of flow in tail channel V = 1.869 m/sec

i) Weight of stone on horizontal bed may be expressed as, (P.No.1 of IS 14262-

0.02323 S s
1995) Weight of stone (w) =
( K ( Ss −1 ) )

Where,Ss= Specific Gravity of stone = 2.4 t/cum

sin 2 θ
k= √
s ¿2 φ
where, θ = Angle of repose =28º
Ø = sin −1 ( 1/1.5 ) in degrees
= 41.08º
k = √sin228º/sin241.08º
= 0.715

Weight of stone (w) = (0.02323/0.715)*[(2.4/(2.4-1)^3] 1.896^6

= 1.30 kgs

ii) Size of stone(Ds) = 0.124 ∛
= 0.124 √1.30 / 2.4
= 0.098
iii) Thickness of Protection Layer

Minimum thickness of protection layer is required to withstand the negative

head created by velocity. This thickness is given by the following formula (P.No.2 of
IS 14262-1995)

Thickness of protection layer (T) = V 2 /2 g ( S s−1 )

where V = Velocity in m/sec = 1.869

g = acceleration due to gravity in m/sec2
= 9.81 m/sec2
Ss = specific gravity of stones = 2.4

T = 1.8692/2*9.81* (2.4-1)
= 0.128m

Revetment thickness shall be maximum of (ii) or (iii)

However, provide maximum thickness of 300mm on sides and bed of tail

channel for a minimum length of 5.0m

5.12 Design of Abutment

Top Width = 0.500 m

Wall Top Level = +92.200
Foundation Top Level= +87.000
Foundation Bottom Level= +86.350
Earth side width = 1.600 m
Water side width = 0.000 m
Concrete offset = 0.400 m
Weight of concrete = 2.400 t/cum
Weight of soil = 2.100 t/cum
Horizontal earth coefficient = 0.1580
Vertical earth coefficient = 0.039
a) Taking Moments about A:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Arm Moment(Ton-

(Ton) (m) m)
W1 1.000* 0.500* 5.200* 2.400 6.240 0.250 1.560
W2 0.500* 1.600* 5.200* 2.400 10.317 9.984 1.033
W4 0.500* 1.600* 5.200* 2.100 8.736 1.567 13.686
PV 1.000* 1.068* 1.000* 2.100 2.242 2.100 4.708
Total Vertical ForceV 27.202
PH 1.000* 4.282* 1.000* 2.100 8.991 2.080 -18.702
Total Moment M 11.569

Base Width b @ A = 0.5 + 1.60 = 2.100

Lever arm = M / V
= 11.569/27.202
= 0.425
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm
= 2.1/2 - 0.425 = 0.625
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 2.1/6 = 0.350

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concreteσmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 27.202/2.1 [1+ (6*0.625)/2.1]
= 36.073 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concreteσmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 27.202/2.1 [1- (6*0.625)/2.1]
= -10.166 t/sqm

b) Taking Moments about B:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Arm Moment(Ton-

(Ton) (m) m)
W1 1.000* 0.500* 5.200* 2.400 6.240 0.650 4.056
W2 0.500* 1.600* 5.200* 2.400 9.984 1.433 14.310
W4 0.500* 1.600* 5.200* 2.100 8.736 1.967 17.181
W5 1.000* 0.400* 5.200* 2.100 4.368 2.700 11.794
W6 1.000* 2.900* 0.650* 2.400 4.524 1.450 6.560
PV 1.000* 1.351* 1.000* 2.100 2.837 2.900 8.228
Total Vertical ForceV 36.689    
PH 1.000* 5.419* 1.000* 2.100 11.380 2.340 -26.628
 Total MomentM 35.500

Base Width b @ B = 0.5 + 1.60+0.4+0.4 = 2.900

Lever arm = M / V
= 35.500/36.689 = 0.968
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm = 2.9/2 - 0.968
= 0.482
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 2.9/6 = 0.483

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soilσmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 36.689/2.1 [1+ (6*0.482)/2.9]
= 25.279 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soilσmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 36.689/2.1 [1- (6*0.482)/2.9]
= 0.024 t/sqm

5.13 Design of U/S wing and Return Walls

Top width = 0.500 m

Wall top level = +89.000
Foundation Top Level= +87.000
Foundation Bottom Level= +86.350
Earth side width = 0.400 m
Concrete offset = 0.400 m
Weight of concrete = 2.400
Weight of soil = 2.100
Horizontal earth coefficient= 0.3000
Vertical earth coefficient= 0.075
a) Taking Moments about A:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Arm Moment

(Ton) (m) (Ton-m)
W1 1.000* 0.500* 2.000* 2.400 2.400 0.250 0.600
W2 0.500* 0.400* 2.000*2.400 0.960 0.633 0.608
W4 0.500* 0.400* 2.000* 2.100 0.840 0.767 0.644
PV 1.000* 0.300* 1.000* 2.100 0.629 0.900 0.566
Total Vertical Force V 4.829
PH 1.000* 1.202* 1.000* 2.100 2.524 0.800 -2.019
Total Moment M 0.399

Base Width b@ A = 0.5 + 0.4 = 0.90

Lever arm = M / V
= 0.399/4.829
= 0.083
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm
= 0.9/2 - 0.083 = 0.367
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 0.9/6 = 0.150

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concreteσmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 4.829/0.9[1+ (6*0.367)/0.9]
= 18.507 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 4.829/0.9[1- (6*0.367)/0.9]
= -7.775 t/sqm

b) Taking Moments about B:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Arm Moment

(Ton) (m) (Ton-m)
W1 1.000* 0.500* 2.000* 2.400 2.400 0.650 1.560
W2 0.500* 0.400* 2.000* 2.400 0.960 1.033 0.992
W4 0.500* 0.400* 2.000* 2.100 0.840 1.167 0.980
W5 1.000* 0.400* 2.000* 2.100 1.680 1.500 2.520
W6 1.000* 1.700* 0.650* 2.400 2.652 0.850 2.254
PV 1.000* 0.526* 1.000* 2.100 1.105 1.700 1.878
Total Vertical Force V 9.637    
PH 1.000* 2.110* 1.000* 2.100 4.431 1.060 4.697
 Total Moment M 5.487

Base Width b @ B = 0.5 + 0.4+0.4+0.4 = 1.700

Lever arm = M / V
= 5.487/9.637 = 0.569
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm = 1.7/2 - 0.569
= 0.281
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 1.7/6 = 0.283

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 9.637/1.7 [1+ (6*0.281)/1.7]
= 11.283 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 9.637/1.7 [1- (6*0.281)/1.7]
= 0.055 t/sqm

5.14 Design of D/S wing and Return Wall

Top width = 0.500 m

Wall Top Level = +89.609
Foundation Top Level= +87.000
Foundation Bottom Level= +86.350
Earth side width = 0.900 m
Concrete offset = 0.400 m
Weight of concrete = 2.400
Weight of soil = 2.100
Horizontal earth coefficient= 0.3000
Vertical earth coefficient = 0.075
a) Taking Moments about A:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Arm Moment

(Ton) (m) (Ton-m)
W1 1.000* 0.500* 2.609* 2.400 2.400 3.131 0.250
W2 0.500* 0.900* 2.609* 2.400 2.400 2.818 0.800
W4 0.500* 0.900* 2.609* 2.100 2.100 2.466 1.100
PV 1.000* 0.510* 1.000* 2.100 2.100 1.071 1.400
Total Vertical Force V 9.486    
PH 1.000* 2.046* 1.000* 2.100 4.296 1.044 4.484
Total Moment M 2.765

Base Width b @ A = 0.5 + 0.9 = 1.4

Lever arm = M / V
= 2.765/9.486
= 0.292
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm
= 1.4/2 –0.292 = 0.408
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 1.4/6 = 0.233

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmax=
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 9.486/1.4[1+ (6*0.408)/1.4]
= 18.637 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on concrete σmin=
b ( 1− 6be )
= 9.486/1.4[1- (6*0.408)/1.4]
= -5.086 t/sqm

b) Taking Moments about B:

Force Particulars Magnitude Lever Arm Moment

(Ton) (m) (Ton-m)
W1 1.000* 0.500* 2.609* 2.400* 3.131 3.131 0.650 2.035
W2 0.500* 0.900* 2.609* 2.400* 2.818 2.818 1.200 3.382
W4 0.500* 0.900* 2.609* 2.100* 2.466 2.466 1.500 3.699
W5 1.000* 0.400* 2.609* 2.100* 2.192 2.192 2.000 4.383
W6 1.000* 2.200* 0.650* 2.400* 3.432 3.432 1.100 3.775
PV 1.000* 0.796* 1.000* 2.100* 1.671 1.671 2.200 3.677
Total Vertical Force V 15.710    
PH 1.000* 3.192* 1.000* 2.100* 6.703 6.703 1.304 8.739
 Total Moment M 12.212

Base Width b @ B = 0.5 + 0.9+0.4+0.4 = 2.20

Lever arm = M / V
= 12.212/15.710 = 0.777
Eccentricity e = b/2 – lever arm = 2.2/2 - 0.777
= 0.323
Eccentricity Limiteper= b/ 6 = 2.2/6 = 0.367

Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmax =
b ( 1+ 6be )
= 15.710/2.2 [1+ (6*0.323)/2.2]
= 13.424 t/sqm
Maximum Bearing
Pressure on soil σmin =
b ( 1− 6be )
= 15.710/2.2 [1- (6*0.323)/2.2]
= 0.857 t/sqm

5.15 Drawing

1. High rate of discharge.

2. Most floating debris tends to pass over structure.
3. Easy in construction.


1. Works effectively for free flow conditions.

2. Adaptable for lesser velocities.


1. Design of Open Channel Hydraulics by Ventechow.

2. Weir on Permeable Foundation-CBIP Publication -12
3. I.S. 4997-1968. (Criteria for design of hydraulic jump type stilling basin with
horizontal and sloping apron.)
4. Khosla’s Curves (from any standard text book).
5. IS 6966(Part I)-1989 ( guidelines for Hydraulic design of barrages and weirs in
Alluvial soils )
6. Water Resources Engineering: Principles and Practice by ChallaSatyanarayana

The uplift pressure at any point shall be calculated by any accepted practice taking
into account the depth of permeable strata below floor, the effect of the upstream and
downstream cutoffs, intermediate cutoffs ( if any ), interference of cutoffs, thickness of floor
and downstream slope of weir. In general, the uplift pressure at any point of floor of weir is
computed on the basis of Khosla’s theory for permeable foundation of infinite depth.

The principles of design of barrages and weirs have been evolved over a number of
years as a result of analysis of various failures of the diversion structure constructed. The
failures are attributed to four main causes acting singly or in combination.

(i) Undermining through piping due to excessive exit gradient.

(ii) Eruption of floor caused by uplift exceeding gravity forces.
(iii) Deep scour immediately U/s or D/s of pucca floor.
(iv) Miscellaneous causes like faulty regulation, faulty construction. etc.

Many theories regarding seepage were put forward in which Khosla’s theory is

The modern approach to theory of weir design is that

(i) Seepage takes place according to the theory of seepage flow throughout the
underling strata
(ii) That the stability of granular particles depends upon the limiting value of
hydraulic gradient at upper surface of the granular material which gradient to
satisfy the consideration of equilibrium is to be smaller than the critical gradient.
The second principle was enunciated by Terzaghi and was discovered by Khosla.

As per Khosla’s theory the distribution of uplift is not linear. This, of course follows
from the fact that seepage take place according to the theory of seepage flow and is governed
by Laplacian equation and appropriate boundary conditions.

The principle of the method of independent variables evolved by DR.A.N. Khosla

consists of breaking up a complex profile into number of simple profiles each of which is
independently amenable to mathematical treatment. Mathematical solutions of flow nets have
been obtained for number of such simple standard firms, the most useful of which are
(i) A straight horizontal floor of negligible thickness with sheet pile line either end.
(ii) A straight horizontal floor depressed below the bed but with no vertical cutoff.
(iii) A straight horizontal floor of negligible thickness either sheet pile at some
intermediate position.

The solutions are given in form of curves form which the percentage of pressures of
the proportion of the residual head to the total seepage head can be determined at key points.
The pressures at intermediate points are assumed to vary along a straight line, which does not
introduce any appreciable error.
The uplift pressure at any point shall be calculated by any accepted practice taking
into account the depth of permeable strata below floor, the effect of the upstream and
downstream cutoffs, intermediate cutoffs ( if any ), interference of cutoffs, thickness of floor
and slope of the glacis. Necessary corrections on account of thickness, mutual interference of
piles and slope of glacis will need to be applied wherever necessary. After this, the required
thickness of floor to be safe against uplift pressure has to be calculated at the salient points.
The uplift pressure under the impervious floor is counteracted by the self-weight of floor only
considering unit length of floor. The percentage of pressures at key points can be obtained for
Khosla’s curves.


1. Select Type of structure in the from the drop down box

2. Enter Name of the work/ location of structure in textbox given
3. Click on Create/Select button to select folder.
4. Click on Design Input button to give inputs for the design. Enter the design inputs in
the Input form opened and click OK.

5. Click on Drawing Input button to view/change the inputs for drawing in Output.xlsx
6. Click on Drawing Button to view the drawing of HC weir in AutoCAD format.
7. Click on Report button to view design report as Design.xlsx.

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