The General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was founded in 1876. It
currently extends worldwide, in association (where appropriate) with the Supreme Grand
Chapter of Scotland. It is open to Master Masons in good standing, and their female
relatives over the age of 18 years. There were 2,087,063 members in 1994.
Robert Morris, Master Mason, schoolteacher and poet, first attempted in the 1840s to
establish Adoptive Masonry in the United States, using a ritual of his own devising. At
first reviled by fellow Masons for betraying Masonic secrets, he nevertheless persisted
and throughout the 1850s conferred various degrees on female relatives of Master
Masons, with varying levels of cooperation from other Master Masons. His Families of
the Eastern Star dated from 1857.
Real acceptance was slow in coming, and it was not until Morris’s rituals were revised by
the Masonic publisher Robert Macoy in 1866 that any greater success came. Macoy
added the degrees of Queen of the South, Past Matron’s Degree and the Amaranth
Degree. Even then, it was 10 years before the Central Grand Chapter was organized, and
the Grand Lodge of England still does not admit that the Eastern Star has anything to do
with Freemasonry. Indeed, the U.G.LE. has in the past threatened with expulsion any
Master Mason who receives any O.E.S. Degree or serves as Worthy Patron.
The order as now constituted works five degrees, based on the story of five women in the
Bible — an example of the way in which organizations adhering to deism have become
progressively more Christian in the United States, especially where women are involved.
The slogan of the order is, “We have seen His star in the East, and are come to worship
Hun.” The order even awards scholarships to those involved in religious training.
The ritual also illustrates powerful patriarchal values, and, of course, the degrees must be
conferred by a (male) Master Mason. The degrees are:
5. Charity, symbolized by Electa, identified as the “Elect Lady” in the second epistle of
St. John (mother)
The initial choice of characters certainly seems strange to an outsider, as Adah was a
human sacrifice, and Jepthah the Gileadite appears from the description in Judges 11 to
have been an outstandingly unattractive and inflexible fellow. In return for being allowed
to win a battle against the “children of Ammon,” he promised Jehovah to slaughter as an
offering the first thing that came to greet him when he returned home (verses 30—31).
He was apparently expecting his daughter’s pet lamb, but the daughter beat the lamb to
the portals. He was, therefore, convinced he ought to kill her.
Equally strangely, she wished to go to the mountains to bewail her virginity (verses 37—
38), which he permitted; and when she came back two months later, not having had the
sense to stay away, he killed her. It is one of the most unedifying passages in Holy Writ.
Much the same form of ceremony is used for all five degrees, which are very milk-and-
water compared with the Masonic originals: no swords pointed at bared breasts, no
tongues torn out and bodies buried at the tide-line. A further degree, Queen of the South,
is honorary.
According to the Eastern Star Ritual, when a lady claims to have taken these degrees, and
has given one or more of the Signs, a Mason may examine her in the following manner:
Answer: “I have.”
Question: “Begin.”
Answer: “No, you begin.”
Answer: “F.”
Question: “A.”
Answer: “T.”
Question: “A.”
Answer: “L.”
Answer: “It has, two. First, that it would be fatal to the character of any lady for
truth who should disdose the secrets of these degrees unlawfully. Second, each of the
letters of this word stands for one or more words, which words make the cabalistic
Answer: “I have.”
Question: “Begin.”
Answer: “Fairest.”
Question: “Among.”
Question: “Altogether.”
Functionally, the Order of the Eastern Star is something between a female version of
Masonry in its own right, and an organization riding on the shirt-tails of Masonry; one
cannot help wondering how many women would join without the prompting of husbands,
fathers, and other male relatives.
Charitable giving includes scholarships for students in religious training, and more.
Another branch or sect of the Eastern Star is the Federation of Eastern Stars, founded in
1962 and purportedly dedicated to the unification of Eastern Star orders worldwide. It
had 105,000 members in 1994 and was a female auxiliary of Federation of Masons of the
The Federation of Eastern Stars of the World was founded 15 years earlier, in 1947, and
is also purportedly dedicated to the unification of Eastern Star orders worldwide. It had
57,000 members in 1994.
With such a strong fraternal spirit — two separate organizations dedicated to unity (but
not with each other) and both separate from the main body, to say nothing of excluding
the Prince Hall (Black) Order—it is not surprising that the Eastern Star is in decline. The
total membership given above is under 2.6 million, which is less than the membership of
the General Grand Chapter alone in the 1970s.
The Order of the Constellation of the Junior Stars is the juvenile arm of the Eastern Star.
This order has never been active in The Netherlands. before founding a Dutch female
order, the Order of Weavers (Orde Vitae Feminea Textura), the founders had an idea of
starting a Dutch branch of the O.E.S. This, however, was prohibited by the Dutch Grand
We have published a large number of rituals and other texts of this order on our CD-Rom
Adoptive Rite Library.
Initiation Ceremony of the Order of the
Eastern Star
When the time arrives to open the Chapter meeting, the Worthy Matron (or Worthy
Patron) comes to the East (or place called the East) and sounds the gavel which calls the
Chapter to order. Then the 17 remaining officers are asked to go outside and march in. If
all of the 17 officers are not present, the Matron may appoint other persons who are
present to take their place, or may proceed with those present. The Officers line up in
two lines, behind the Conductress and another line behind the place for the Associate
Conductress, who stays in the Chapter room until instructed to go out to bring the
officers in. The Worthy Patron or member acting for him, sounds the gavel three times,
calls everyone up, then asks the Associate Conductress to go outside and bring the
Officers in. The Associate Conductress goes out, takes her place in line opposite the
Conductress; all march in, two lines side-by-side to a suitable song. After the lines reach
the area about three feet behind the Associate Matron’s chair, they stop and then spread
out. The Worthy Patron asks the Conductress to escort the Worthy Matron to the East.
The Conductress goes down the center to get the Worthy Matron and escorts her to the
East. When the Matron arrives at the East, the Worthy Patron gives her the gavel. The
Conductress goes back to the head of her line. The Worthy Matron gives the orders that
all Officers take their stations. The Worthy Matron sounds the gavel seating all the
Worthy Matron: Sister Warder, see that all doors of our Chapter room are secure.
The Warder checks the doors and sees that they are secure, then return and says: Worthy
Matron, the doors are secured.
WM.: Sisters and Brothers, the time has come for us to open our Chapter and take care of
our Chapter duties. I am asking for the careful attention and assistance of all members of
our Order present.
Sister Associate Matron, are all here members of this Order of the Eastern Star?
The Assoc. Matron carefully view each person and answers: Worthy Matron, all present
are entitled to be here. However, if the Assoc. Matron is in doubt she answers: Worthy
Matron, I am not sure but I will ascertain with my proper Officers.
Whereupon, the Assoc. Matron asks the Conductress and the Assoc. Conductress to
approach the West.
The Assoc. Matron takes the grip and the pass from each of them, and ask them to
approach each member, have them stand and give the password and grip. If it is correct,
say “you may be seated”. If it is not correct say “remain standing” and pass on until
every member of the Chapter has been duly served.
Each examining Officer returns to the Matron and says: All present are members of this
Chapter except those standing. Whereupon the Matron will ask if anyone can vouch for
each member standing as being members of the Chapter. If each is vouched for, each is
given the pass and the grip and may be asked to forfeit a token.
The Conductress and/or the Assoc. Conductress will return to the members and take up
the pass-word and grip.
WM.: Sister Warder, you will instruct the Sentinel that we are about to open our Chapter
and direct him (or her) to permit no disturbance while the Chapter is being opened.
The Warder communicates with the Sentinel by ***** (5 raps), the Sentinel answers by
repeating *****, The Warder gives *, the Sentinel answers by repeating *. The Warder
opens the door, gives the Sentinel the instruction from the Worthy Matron, then closes
the door and says: Your orders have been obeyed.
WM.: Sister Associate Matron, how may Officers compose a complete Chapter of the
Order of the Eastern Star?
AM.: Sister Worthy Matron, there are 19 Officers to a complete Chapter of the Order of
the Eastern Star. They are: Worthy Matron, Worthy Patron, Associate Matron, Financial
Secretary Corresponding and Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Conductress, Associate
Conductress, Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, Electa, Chaplain, Marshal, Monitor, Warder,
Sentinel and Organist.
The Worthy Matron proceeds to call on each Officer in the following order, and each
Officer being addressed is asked to locate the station of the next Officer before the next
Officer is addressed. Each Officer addressed in the same manner beginning with the
Sentinel, Warder, Associate Conductress, Conductress, Corr. and Recording Secretary,
Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Monitor, Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, Electa, Associate
Matron, Worthy Patron, Worthy Matron.
The Sentinel may be brought inside after the Chapter is opened to take part in the
AM.: Worthy Matron, her duties are to see that there are no disturbance while the Chapter
is being opened or closed. Her badge of office is a Crossed Sword within the Star, and is
an emblem of protection.
AM.: The Warder’s Station is at the entrance to the Chapter, Worthy Matron.
WM.: Sister Warder, what are your duties and your badge of office?
W.: Worthy Matron, my duties are to work with the Sentinel and to admit only those
entitled to be admitted. My badge of office is the Dove within the Star, an emblem of
peace; which reminds me that peace and harmony are necessary to the work, and that it is
my duty to promote them.
W.: Worthy Matron, The Associate Conductress is stationed in the North, Worthy
WM.: Sister Associate Conductress, give an explanation of your duties and your badge of
AC.: Worthy Matron, my duties are to receive and prepare candidates for initiation, and
to help the Conductress. My badge is the Baton within the Star. It reminds me that good
discipline is needed for the success of the Order.
WM.: Sister Conductress, what are your duties and badge of office?
Cond.: Worthy Matron, my duties are to obey your instruction, Worthy Matron; to help
the Associate Matron, and to conduct the candidates through the initiation ceremonies.
My badge is the Scroll and Baton within the Star. It is an emblem of prepared plans and
their accomplishment. It reminds me that I must do my duties worthily, giving the
candidate a good and lasting impression while being conducted through the phases of our
WM.: Sister Conductress, locate the Station of the Corresponding and Recording
Cond.: Worthy Matron, the Corresponding and Recording Secretary is stationed in the
WM.: Sister Corresponding and Recording Secretary, what are your duties?
C and RS.: Worthy Matron, my duties are to keep a record of the proceedings of the
Chapter, and. send a copy of the Minutes to the Supreme Office and Grand Office once a
month, if required.
WM.: Sister Corresponding and Recording Secretary, locate the Station of the Financial
C and RS.: Worthy Matron, the Financial Secretary is stationed in the Southeast.
FS.: Worthy Matron, my duties are to receive all monies for the Chapter, turning it over
to the Treasurer at once, receiving receipt for same, and sending endowment to the
Supreme Office within 24 hours.
Treas.: Worthy Matron, my duties are to receive all monies from the Financial Secretary,
putting it in a bank at once and giving Financial Secretary receipt for the same, and
returning a check or money order to the Financial Secretary for the endowment. Making
report to the Chapter once a month of all funds, bringing bank book and statement to
Chapter meeting to be checked. My badge is the Cross-Keys within the Star, an emblem
of security, reminding me that I must be faithful to my trust in order that the Chapter may
meet its expenses and carry on its charitable work.
Mon.: Adah is stationed at the first, or blue point of the Star, Worthy Matron.
WM.: Sister Adah, explain your duties and the meaning of your special color and
Adah: Worthy Matron, my duties are to reveal to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge
and beauty of the Blue ray, which represents a clear sky, and symbolizes faithfulness. My
badge is the Sword and Veil within the Triangle, standing for the heroic conduct of
Jephthah’s Daughter, whom I personate in our Rite.
Adah: Worthy Matron, the sign made by a lady wearing a veil, pulls it down over her
face, then raises it three times by taking one corner with the right and the other with left
hand, and when lifting it the third time throws the veil over the top of her head to the
back and holding on to the corners of it, looks up. This is called the “Daughter Sign.”
A member seeing this sign, answers “Alas, my Daughter,” which is the pass. This is the
sign of the refusal of Jephthah’s Daughter to have her face covered when about to be
executed. The pass recalls the sad but glorious event to which the entire history of
Jephthah’s Daughter refers.
Adah: Worthy Matron, Ruth is stationed at the second or Yellow point of the Star.
WM.: Sister Ruth, what are your duties and the meaning of your special color and
Ruth: Worthy Matron, my duties are to reveal to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge
and beauty of the Yellow ray, which symbolizes constancy. My badge is the Sheaf within
the Triangle. It is a symbol of plenty, and the reward of work, as shown by Ruth, the
patient and humble gleaner whom I portray in our Rite.
Ruth: Worthy Matron, the sign is by taking two handsful of barley (or something used to
represent it) in the hands, holding them out a few inches. Then put them out further as if
to show their contents. Then bring the hands up to the breast, the contents of each
pointing up toward the shoulders, also look upward. The sign refers to Ruth holding out
two handsful of barley to Boaz, and appealing silently to God. A member seeing this
sign, answer, “who is this?” which is the pass of this degree, and recalls the humble but
glorious history of the heroic Ruth.
WM.: Locate the Station of Esther.
Ruth: Worthy Matron, Esther is stationed at the third, or White point of the Star, Worthy
WM.: Sister Esther, explain your duties, and the meaning of your special color and
Esther: Worthy Matron, my duties are to reveal to all proper inquirers the light,
knowledge and beauty of the White ray, which is a symbol of light, purity, and joy. My
badge, the Crown and Scepter together within the Triangle, is symbolic of royalty and
power. When in leadership, we should be ruled by justice and unselfish devotion to the
welfare of others. Esther, whom I portray in this Rite, saved her people from destruction
by doing these things.
Esther: Worthy Matron, the sign of Esther is made in three motions. Raise the right hand,
the palm downward, a little over the head as if touching a crown there. Extend the hand
forward as if touching a scepter. The hand on a level with the eyes. Carry the hand to the
left breast.
The sign alludes to the manner of Queen Esther’s appearance before King Ahasuerus, as
explained in the history of this degree. A member seeing this sign given, should answer
“What wilt thou?” which is the pass of this degree. It recalls the grand sacrifice and
triumphant success of heroic Esther.
Esther: Martha is stationed at the fourth or Green point of the Star, Worthy Matron.
WM.: Sister Martha, explain to us your duties and the meaning of your special color and
Martha: Worthy Matron, my duties are to reveal to all proper inquirers the light,
knowledge and beauty of the Green ray, which is symbolic of nature’s loveliness, and an
emblem of Hope and Immortality. My badge, the Broken Column within the Triangle, is
an emblem of the death of one in his youth. It recalls the Sisterly grief of Martha, whom I
portray in our Rite.
Martha: Worthy Matron, the sign is made by joining the hands together at the tips of the
thumbs and fingers, forming a figure of a triangle pointing upward. Raise the triangle
directly above the eyes. Look up through the triangle. A member seeing this sign,
answers “Believest thou this?” which is the pass of this degree. The pass recalls the
loyalty and faith which is told in the history of Martha. The sign refers to Martha’s
trustful appeal.
Martha: Electra is stationed at the fifth or Red point of the Star, Worthy Matron.
WM.: Sister Electa, explain to us your duties and the meaning of your special color and
Electa: Worthy Matron, my duties are to reveal to all proper inquirers the light,
knowledge and beauty of the Red ray, which symbolizes the burning enthusiasm which
drives forward all who are devoted to the service of truth. My badge is the Cup within the
Triangle, which is emblematic of charity and hospitality. It comforts us, and even though
we seem to have too much sorrow to bear, we will soon have rich and heavenly blessings,
“good measure, pressed down and running over.”
Electa: Worthy Matron, the sign is made by crossing the hands on the breast (left over
right) as if clasping something to the bosom, at the same time looking up. The sign
alludes to Electa’s holding the cross to her bosom, in her love for the Saviour. A member,
in seeing this sign, answers, “Love one another,” which is the pass of this degree. It
reminds us of the great tragedy which crowned the life of the heroic Electa.
WM.: Very good, when a member of the Order gives any one of these signs, let us recall
the virtues of the character whose sign is given, and thoughtfully answer.
WM.: Sister Associate Matron, explain your duties and your badge of office.
AM.: Worthy Matron, my duties are to assist the Worthy Matron in her work in the
Chapter, and to preside when she is absent from a meeting. My badge is an emblem of
light, the radiant Sun within the Star, reminding me that so should the splendid principles
of the Order of the Eastern Star shine; never ending through our lives.
WM.: Explain the duties of the Worthy Patron and his badge of office.
AM.: Worthy Matron, the Worthy Patron acts as a liaison officer between the Lodge and
the Chapter, and assists the Worthy Matron in the conduct of business of the Chapter and
conferring degrees. He also serves at any other time when requested to do so by the
Matron. His badge of office is the Square and Compass within the Star, showing the
connection between the Masonic Fraternity and the Order of the Eastern Star.
AM.: Worthy Matron, the Worthy Matron is the guiding head of the Chapter. She
maintains obedience to the rules of the Order; presides over the meetings, and regulates
the business of the Chapter. Her badge is the Gavel within the Star, a sign of her
authority. It reminds her to realize through prayer, her responsibilities to God, to loyal
devotion to her duties, and to the Chapter whose success depends upon her judgment and
decision exercised in the spirit of faith and prayer.
WM.: In this spirit, I declare our Chapter open to perform our duties. Let us unite in
The Worthy Matron calls up the Chapter by three gavel raps. The Chaplain or the
Worthy Patron offers a short prayer from the Altar: Oh Lord, the giver of all blessings,
look upon us in our humble efforts to promote truth, love and peace in this beautiful
world of Thy Creator. Embrace us with divine love, which shall overcome all enmity and
discord. Give us the grace of charity for all, making us tender hearted, forgiving one
another. Fill our hearts with the desire to serve Thee with good works, believing that our
honest labors will reap their reward. Bless and prosper the work of our Chapter, and grant
that finally we may all enjoy these blessing which Thou has promised to them that love
Thee. Amen.
Always after prayers, members join in sayings, “So may it be” three times. During
prayer, all members place their right hand over their heart, and afterwards while saying
“So may it be,” they move their hand outward from the breast.
WM.: Let us sing together an Opening Hymn (of three times “The International Masons’
Heart-Felt Song”).
WM.: Sisters and Brothers, I do now declare ... Chapter No ..., Order of the Eastern Star,
open for the business of the Chapter. Sister Warder, so inform the Sentinel.
The Warder, after the regular raps *****, answered by the Sentinel, closes the door and
reports. The Sentinel may be brought in after the Chapter is opened.
The Worthy Matron seats the Chapter with one gavel rap, and the business of the
meeting is carried out.
Instructions to Candidate.
Secretary (calls Candidate by name): ..., what you are about to do, you will meet friends
who exemplify venerated characters whom we all have pledged to imitate. This is
required of every Eastern Star. Do you voluntarily present yourself because you want to
be an Eastern Star?
Can.: I do.
Sec.: Then listen well and remember what I am about to say to you. To be made an
Eastern Star is as serious as anything you have ever undertaken in your life. The Scripture
says “you must be born again.” In all birth, the seed dies. Many things in your former life
must be seeds for your new life as an Eastern Star. This will serve as the beginning of our
mutual love. In this new life, you will hope and expect to find love and understanding to
equal and surpass that of mother and father, sister and brother, wife and husband. It
should render you to be a better mother or father, sister or brother, wife or husband. For
your (1) faith, (2) obedience, (3) loyalty, (4) truth and (5) heroic endurance, you should
take on a new birth. You must rely upon me and others of this Order who you will meet
to teach you this new character. Of times, it will not be most pleasant, but remember, we
are trying to teach you in the best way we know, and we love you. Try to memorize these
5 words: (1) faith, (2) obedience, (3) loyalty (4) truth, and (5) heroic endurance, as you
will often need to recognize them and call them by name.
The Candidates for initiation, having been notified by the Secretary of their election to
membership and instructed to prepare for the same by not eating any food for one and
one-half or two hours prior to the initiation (excitement and exercise on a frill stomach
may result in stomach upset and nausea), are brought together in the ante-room at the
time of a regular meeting. Both men and women may receive the degree at the same
initiation, and the words of the initiation ceremony must be changed to suit the case.
WM.: Sister Associate Conductress, see whether there are any Candidates for the degrees
The Warder gives the usual raps and opens the door on receiving the response from the
Sentinel. The Assoc. Conductress goes out into the ante-room, learns the names of the
Candidates, and then returns to the Chapter room.
WM.: Sister Secretary, has this Candidate been duly elected to receive the degree of the
WM.: Sister Associate Conductress, you will retire to the preparation room and make the
Candidate ready
She leaves proceeding as before, and says to each Candidate: Do you believe in a Divine
Being, who is God of the Universe?
AC.: Do you believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of all Mankind,
regardless of Race, Creed or Nationality?
Following this speech, the Assoc. Conductress proceeds in the preparation of the
Candidate, removing her hat, gloves, and other wraps. She then puts a hoodwink over
her eyes and leads her to the door of the Chapter room.
Cond.: Worthy Matron, I hear an alarm at the door of the preparation room.
The Conductress goes to the door and gives the answering raps, and opens the door.
AC.: The Associate Conductress with a Candidate (or Candidates) who seeks initiation
into our Order.
The Conductress closes the door, faces the Worthy Matron and says: Worthy Matron, the
alarm was given by the Associate Conductress who is accompanied by one Candidate (or
as the case may be) waiting to receive the degrees of this Order.
The lights may be lowered and soft music sung or played during the entrance of the
Candidate and the following speech of the Conductress. The Conductress opens the door
and leads the Candidate into the room. If the Candidate is hoodwinked, care must be
exercised that she does not injure herself by bumping into anything or stumbling.
Cond.: You have well considered the step you are now taking in entering this Order,
which is dedicated to the principles of Charity, Truth, and Loving Kindness. By your own
free choice you are here. Do not complain, therefore, of any trials. Upon your lips is set a
seal. Be warned thereby to keep eternal silence and secrecy concerning those things
which may be revealed to you here. Be anxious to help others, but do not take up burdens
which you are not able to bear. Woe unto the faithless and insincere who assume
obligations lightly and straightway forget them. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart
and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will
direct thy paths.”
While the music continues, or lacking music, the Worthy Matron recites from 1st Cor.
15th Chapter, the Candidate, leaning on the right arm of the Conductress, is led all
around the room while the members proceed in their parts of the initiation. If there is
more than one, each Candidate will line up, one behind the other, and place her right
hand on the shoulder of the Candidate preceding her. After these activities, if there is
more than one Candidate, the Assoc. Conductress also assists, and they come up to the
Associate Matron, and the Conductress says: Sister Associate Matron, I take pleasure in
introducing to you ..., whom you will present to the Worthy Matron.
Each officer arises as the Conductress and Candidate approaches; the Conductress
introduces the Candidate. When the Assoc. Matron has finished her instructions, she
passes the Candidate to the Worthy Matron for final instructions.
AM.: My friend, you are truly welcome. Sister Conductress, will you have the Candidate
to face the East. Worthy Matron, allow me the honor of presenting ..., whose application
has been approved by this Chapter, and who is now prepared to accept the obligation of
our Order.
With the recommendations which you bring with you, assure us that you are worthy to be
entrusted with the light and knowledge of our Order. The Order of the Eastern Star is
designed to further this aim of securing the welfare of each member. The Masonic
principles of Fraternal Love, Friendly Aid, and Truth are here declared and taught. As we
journey through life’s maze, we unite for cheerful companionship and pleasant society;
nor do we fail to give comfort, aid and protection; one to another.
We have in our Order certain secrets for your benefit, some of which enable us to
recognize each other at any time. These secrets will be made known to you in due time.
There is an Illustrious Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star which make the
laws and regulations governing the Subordinate Chapters, of which this is one. We have
framed our own By-Laws. These laws, regulations and by-laws, each member of the
Order must obey We shall expect you to share in this obedience.
Our obligation is a solemn pledge which you must make before you may enjoy the
privileges of our Order. It binds you to strict secrecy about the work of the Order, your
performance and the performance of deeds of charity and mercy upon which depends
your success and that of the Order of the Eastern Star. Are you willing to take this
Can.: Yes, Worthy Matron.
WM.: Sister Conductress, place the Candidate in position to take the Obligation.
The Candidate is led to the Altar while soft music is played or sung. While she kneels,
facing the East, a Bible is placed in her hands. (If more than one, have them fold hands
on breast and kiss Bible after obligation.) She holds it open against her breast, fingers
clasped over the Book, thumbs holding the edges against her breast. The music
continues. The Worthy Matron calls the Chapter up by three gavel raps, and takes her
position at the East of the Altar. She gives the Obligation, which is repeated by the
Candidate and all the members.
I, ..., hereby pledge the sacred honor of a woman (or a Master Mason) to the faithful
performance of the conditions of the following obligation: I will keep and protect the
absolute secrecy to which I now agree, promising never to reveal unlawfully any of the
ceremonies, signs or passes of the Order of the Eastern Star.
I will not be present nor assist in giving these degrees to any man not vouched for as
being a Master Mason, nor any woman not vouched for as being of a Christian
disposition, regardless of race or creed. The common bond among members being a
fundamental faith in the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man.
I will obey the Constitution and laws and regulations of the Supreme Grand Chapter, the
Grand Chapter, and the By-Laws of the Subordinate Chapter of which I may be a
I will help any Brother or Sister of these degrees who is in need (if they apply to me as
such and are found worthy), as far as their needs may require and my ability permit.
WM extends her hand to candidate and says: Arise, Sister ..., your pledge is accepted and
we share with you in our Covenant of Adoption. You will now be made a member of our
Order and conducted through its maze to the several points of the Star, receiving
instruction along your journey regarding those virtuous characters whom we seek to
The lights are turned on; the Worthy Matron returns to the dais in the East, and seats the
Chapter. The Conductress leads the Candidate all around the Star, and up to the first
point, facing Adah. Music should be played or sung, or the Worthy Matron recites
Proverbs 3:13,15,17.
Cond.: Sister Adah, I bring to you this Sister, who pledged to our Obligation and shanng
in our Covenant of Adoption, will receive instructions from you on the sanctity of a vow,
and faithfulness to the beliefs of tight, as forcibly portrayed in the Book of Judges in the
history of Jephthah’s Daughter.
Adah: The history of Jephthah’s Daughter, as composing a degree of the Order of the
Eastern Star, is thus given to exemplify our character: Her father, Jephthah, was the ninth
judge of Israel. He lived in Mizpeh, in the mountains of Gilead, warrior of valor. Being
called upon, after many of his country’s defeats, to go at the head of its armies and resist
the Ammonites, its enemies, he prepared his household for a campaign that might cost
him his life, and then committed himself to the protection of God in solemn prayer. It was
an age when man knew but little of his Maker’s will. Jephthah thought to please the Lord
by a vow, such as his forefathers had made when about to leave upon dangerous
missions. The record of his vow, as found in the 11th Chapter of the Book of Judges, is as
follows: Jephthah uttered all his words before the Lord in Mizpeh.
And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the Lord and said, “If thou shalt, without fail, deliver
the children of Ammon into mine hands, then it shall be that whatsoever cometh forth of
the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon,
shall surely be the Lord’s, and I will offer it up for a burnt offering.”
He was victorious and returned to Mizpeh exulting in his success, for God had redeemed
his people. The thanks and praises of his grateful nation were showered upon him. This
loving father hurried home to enjoy the congratulations of his neighbors, and still more of
his daughter, his only child.
Coming upon the hill which overlooked his dwelling, he stopped; for now the full
meaning of his vow came to his mind. The Lord had “without fail” given him the victory,
and whatever “came forth” of the doors of his house to meet him must be the Lord’s to be
offered up for a burnt-offering.
It was only for a moment, the door opened as his eye painfully watched it. It opened, and
something came forth; not a pet lamb, not even a servant or a neighbor; but his daughter,
his only child.
“Behold,” says the Holy Scriptures, “his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels
and with dances.” Jephthah tore at his clothes, and in the anguish of his heart cried aloud,
“Alas, my daughter! Thou hast brought me very low. I have opened my mouth to the
Lord, and I cannot go back.”
Adah was a daughter in every way worthy of her father. Throwing away the instruments
of rejoicing and changing the merry dance to solemn steps, she answered: “My Father, it
thou hast opened thy mouth unto the Lord, do to me according to that which hath
proceeded out of thy mouth.” She had but one request to make before the sacrifice. She
asked that she might go among the mountains for two months, and there with the virgins
of Israel, prepare her mind to meet in calmness and resignation her coming doom. The
request was granted, and during two months the heroic woman joined in the hymns and
prayers of her friends, with which the mountains caves of Gilead sounded.
When two months were up and the day arrived, a great number of people gathered
together to witness the sad event. Precisely as the sun came on the horizon, she was seen
followed by a long train of her friends, winding their way down the mountain’s side to
the fatal spot where the altar was built, and her father, with an almost broken heart, was
standing, prepared to fulfill his vow.
She approached him and, with one long kiss of affection, said goodbye. Taking hold of
the thick mourning veil which she wore, he drew it gently over her face and drew his
sword. Unveiling herself, she said he needed not cover her face, for she was not afraid to
die. Her father replied that he could not strike the blow while she looked upon him, and
again cast the veil over her. She tore it off the second time, and turning from him, she
said she would look up to the heavens, so that his hand should not be unnerved by the
sight of her face, but that she would not consent to die m the dark. A third time, however,
he insisted, and a third time she strongly tore it off, this time holding the ends of it firmly
in her hands, and then in the hearing of all the people she solemnly declared that if he
insisted upon covering her face, she would claim the protection of the law and refuse the
fate that otherwise she was willing to endure. She said it was the practice to cover the
faces of criminals when they were about to be put to death, but that she was no criminal;
that because of her fidelity she chose to die to honor her father. Again she cast her eyes
upward, and in that position she received the fatal blow. Her gentle spirit rose to the
heavens upon which her last gaze had been fixed; and so the deed was done which set
forth the name of Jephthah’s Daughter forever famous in the Scripture.
For hundreds of years, and even down to the time of Samuel, “it was a custom in Israel
that the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament the daughter of Jephthah, the Gileadite,
four days in the year.”
I will now explain to you the manner of giving the sign of this degree: A member seeing
this sign takes a card, writes her name on one side of it, and on the other writes “Alas, my
daughter” which is the pass. The sign alludes to the refusal of Jephthah’s Daughter to
have her face covered when about to be executed, and recalls the entire history to which
the sad but glorious event refers.
The color representing this degree is Blue. It is a symbol of the sky over the mountains
where in solitude Jephthah’s Daughter passed two months while preparing herself for
death. It signifies fidelity, and charges us to take careful note of our duties. The emblems
of the degree are the Sword and the Veil. The Sword reminds us of the instrument of the
death of this noble woman. The veil reminds us of her determination to die without fear,
and facing the light.
Sister Conductress, will you lead this Sister to the second point of the Star for instructions
from Sister Ruth.
In guiding the Candidate from one point of the Star to the other during the process of
initiation, the Conductress leads her clockwise completely around the chair of the point
of which she has just been instructed, then over to the next point. Square corners are
always observed in walking in the Chapter room.
Music should be played or sung while going from one point to the other, or the Worthy
Matron may recite certain Bible verses appropriate to each degree. A special meeting to
practice the initiation ceremony should be held by the Chapter.
For the march from Adah to Ruth, the recitation suggested is Judges 11:35 and 36. After
the Conductress has led the Candidate up to Ruth, she says: Sister Ruth, I bring to you
our Sister for instruction in the virtue of faithful devotion to religious principles of
obedience as pictured by the Bible story of Ruth.
Ruth: The history of Ruth, as composing a degree of the Eastern Star, is as follows: Ruth
was of the nation of Moab, a people who worshipped idols. She married a man named
Mahion, who had been a citizen of Bethlehem, but had come to live in the land of Moab,
where he dies. He was a worshipper of God, and by his pious example and by her
obedience to his teachings she was converted to the true religion. A few happy years
followed, and then the sorrow of widowhood came upon her. Before his death, he
suggested that she go to Bethlehem to be in the company of those who worshipped the
true God, rather than remain with the idolatrous people of Moab.
Immediately alter his death, she obeyed his pious commands. Giving up her home and
friends, she traveled in company with her aged mother-in-law to Bethlehem, where she
arrived in due time, wayworn and so poor that she had to seek some means of work for
her own support and that of her mother-in-law; the only work she found was in the barley
fields, for it was the time of harvest, and glean among the poorest and lowest classes of
the people for support. This very tedious work exhausted her strength, as she had been
raised in luxury. The sharp stubble cut her feet, and the blazing sun made her head ache.
The mocks and insults of her companions frightened and discouraged her, and near noon,
with only two little handfuls of barley as the reward of her work, she sought the shade of
a tree to rest herself for a few moments.
Boaz was the owner of this field. He was a devout and charitable man. No other in
Bethlehem was as rich or more beloved and honored than he.
As he entered the field, he noticed Ruth near the other gleaners. She had a different dress
and manners than the rest. He asked the overseer “who is this”? In reply, he learned that
she was a woman from Moab, who had asked permission to glean among the sheaves, but
that she evidently was not used to such work; for she had been there since the sunrise,
and had gathered only two little handfuls of barley This aroused the kindly feelings of
Boaz and he went to her to say a word of sympathy, and to offer her relief.
As she saw him approach she supposed him to be the owner of the field who had come to
order her away. Ever since morning, she had met nothing but scorn and reproach, and she
looked for it now. Raising her hands, therefore, to show him how small were her
gleanings, and that she had taken nothing from the sheaves, she placed them meekly upon
her breast, as showing her willingness to give in to whatever she might be called upon to
endure, and cast her eyes upward, as appealing to God against the unkindness of man. It
was for God she had given up home, wealth and friends. The sorrowful widow, alone in
the world, had none other to whom she could look for protection. This silent appeal was
not lost upon the kind heart of Boaz. He spoke words of sympathy and tenderness to her.
He encouraged her to try again. From the provisions brought for his reapers, he invited
her to eat and drink. He directed that handfuls of barley should be dropped on purpose in
her way by the reapers to encourage her and so that she might gather an ample supply to
feed herself and her mother-in-law. In a short time, Ruth became the wife of Boaz, by
whom she had a son called Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David, the father of
Solomon, whose wisdom and power are known to every intelligent Free Mason. I will
now explain to you the manner of giving the sign of this degree.
The color yellow, belonging to this degree, signifies the ripened barley sheaves of Boaz,
among which Ruth was gleaning. It is a symbol of Constancy and Obedience to religious
The emblem is the Sheaf, reminding us of the generosity of Boaz. From the sign of
plenty, made up of many small parts, we are taught that in order to live comfortably in
old age we should constantly work; frugally live, saving bit-by-bit, and adding it to the
results of earlier efforts, thus security is assured.
Sister Conductress, will you escort our Sister to the third point of the Star, to receive
further instructions from Sister Esther.
The suitable verses to be recited here, if there is no music, are from Ruth 2:4,5,6.
Cond.: Sister Esther, I bring to you this Sister for instruction in the praise-worthy quality
of faithfulness and loyalty, as shown in the story of Esther.
Esther: The history of Esther, as composing a degree of the Eastern Star is thus given:
Her Husband, Ahasuerus, otherwise termed Artaxerxes, was King of Persia, a ruler of
great power, a man faithful to his word and devotedly attached to the queen-consort.
The heroine Esther was a Jewish girl of the tribe of Benjamin. The family had not
returned to Judea after permission was given by Cyrus, and she was born beyond the
Tigris, about five hundred years before the Christian era. Her parents being dead,
Mordecai, her uncle, took care of her education. After Ahasuerus had divorced Queen
Vashti, search was made throughout Persia for the most beautiful and suitable women,
and Esther was the one selected. She found favor in the eyes of the king, who married her
with royal magnificence, bestowing on his people gifts and cancellation of debts, as was
the custom, not knowing that she was a Jew. Race and religious prejudice was as much
practiced by the Heathens then as it is today. Her matchless beauty, having attracted the
attention of the king; her virtues won his love, but her wonderful genius gained his
permanent admiration and respect.
In time she became his trusted aide, and shared with him in the greatness of the kingdom.
These circumstances made her able to save her people from destruction in their time of
The Heathens, who were the enemies of the Jews, were numerous and powerful. They
had brought false accusations before the king, and persuaded him to set forth an edict
that, upon a fixed day the Jewish people throughout all Persia should be killed. The
chosen people of God were doomed to be totally destroyed. The one to prevent this was
the heroine, Esther.
No sooner did she hear of the cruel edict that she quickly decided to save her people or
die in the same destruction. The king had often publicly proclaimed that he owed much to
her advice, and had pledged his royal word to grant her any request even “to the half of
the kingdom.” Esther decided that this was the time to test his sincerity, even at the risk
of her own life in order to reverse the horrible edict. She dressed herself in white and gold
silken robes, put a brilliant crown upon her head, gathered her maidens around her, and
went boldly, and in state, to the palace of the king at Shushan.
It was a day of Grand Council, a gathering of the governors, princes and officers of
Persia. The dependent nations had sent in their representatives to pay homage and tribute,
and the royal guards filled the ante-rooms of the palace. It was the law that none should
enter the king’s presence without being called for by him, under penalty of death. The
guards warned the queen of her danger as she passed. But she asked them to stand aside,
and she entered the great council chamber.
The king was on his throne of gold and ivory, and it was a splendid scene. Through all
the crowd of courtiers Esther boldly passed, and amidst the deathly silence of the
observers, stood up before the king. Everyone gazed and was struck by her swarthy
dazzling beauty. She looked fearlessly upon the king. Everyone frowned sternly at the
violation of the law. It was the crisis of her life, and the wise Esther felt it to be so. By a
secret sign she first reminded him of his promise, in a way that they both understood. She
saw his golden scepter signal for her to come forward. She knelt and laid her hand upon
it. Graciously, the king said, “What wilt thou, Queen Esther? and thy request shall be
given thee, even unto the half of my kingdom.” The admiring crowds applauded the
generosity of their devout ruler. He placed her beside him on the throne, loudly expressed
admiration at her beauty, good judgment, finding favor with the king.
The sacred story tells us how Esther’s loyalty to her kingdom, and to her people, caused
her to risk her life, to the faith in her husband’s loyalty to her. She was successful and
saved the nation which, to this day, keeps a yearly festival in her honor. No woman has
ever left behind her a better record of wisdom than Esther. It is a standing tradition
among her people that, as the swarthy king Solomon was to men, so was Esther
to women, the wisest of her sex. The more intimately the king became acquainted with
her mental powers, the more he respected them. There was no problem of state so
difficult that she could not help him to solve it.
I will now explain the manner of giving the sign of this degree. Place open right hand just
above top of head, as if touching a crown on the head, then throw hand forward, bring the
hand back and lay open on the breast. The sign tells of the way Queen Esther came before
King Ahasuerus, as told in the history of this degree. A member seeing this sign writes
her name and “What wilt thou?” which is the pass of this degree, on a card and gives the
card to the Sister. The pass recalls the grand sacrifice and triumphant success of the
heroic Esther. The color of this degree is white, as the silken robes of Esther, symbolic of
the loyalty of her character. It teaches us that loyalty is the essence of a worthy life, and is
beyond censure. The emblem, the Crown and Scepter united, reminds us of the queenly
state of Esther, and the way in which she hailed the king. It is a sign of royalty and
Sister Conductress, you will continue with our Sister to the fourth point of the Star, for
the instruction from Martha.
The suitable verses to be recited here in the absence of music, are Esther 5:2,3.
Cond.: Sister Martha, I present this Sister for instruction in the hope of immortality, and
the moral qualities of trustful faith in the time of trouble, as shown in the history of
Martha: The history of Martha as a degree of the Eastern Star, is thus given: Her brother,
Lazarus, was a resident of Bethany; a man of good standing and the friend of Jesus
Christ. The family, made up of two sisters, Martha and Mary, and a brother Lazarus.
They had all the things necessary for a happy life. They loved each other, and were
blessed with the friendship of Jesus who promised “everlasting life.” Their neighbors
called them “the beloved of the Master, the happy household of Bethany.”
Once when Jesus had gone out beyond the Jordan, Lazarus was taken violently ill. The
terrified sisters quickly sent a message to Jesus, saying “Lord behold, he whom thou
lovest is sick!” They were sure such a tender message would bring Him back. But the
Saviour returned a reply that bewildered them. Finally, Lazarus died and was buried.
Four days passed and still the Saviour had not returned. The sisters were grieving not
only for the loss of their brother, their household protector, but for the supposedly
unkindness of Him upon whom they had leaned as the “Rock of their salvation.” Yet
Martha kept her faith, and trusted that Jesus would come and bring relief.
At the end of the fourth day, news came that Jesus was coming. Martha rushed to meet
Him, fell on her knees before Him, raised her hands up, and with deep emotion cried
aloud: “Lord, if Thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” Then looking into His
face, and seeing the graciousness with which He looked down upon her, she added: “But
I know that even now whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, He will give it Thee!” She had
faith and heroic confidence in Jesus. Though her brother had been dead four days and
sorrow rested heavily upon her spirit as she knelt, her hands raised to heaven; there was a
spirit of prophecy in her words which gives them a value of their own. Then Jesus said:
“Thy brother shall rise again”, testing her faith still further. She replied: “I know that he
shall rise again in the resurrection at the day” Jesus said unto her: “I am the resurrection
and the life; he who believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and
whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” Martha
answered at once in the tone and spirit of truthful faith: “Yea Lord, I believe that Thou art
the Christ, the Son of God which should come into the world!”
The reward of such faith was soon given. Taking her by the hand, they were joined by
Mary, and went to the tomb where Jesus raised the dead man to life.
I will now explain to you the manner of giving the sign of this degree.
Join the hands together at the tips of thumbs and fingers, forming the figure of a triangle.
Raise the triangle thus formed directly above the eyes. Raise the eyes, looking through
the triangle. The sign signifies Martha’s first meeting with Christ after the death of her
brother Lazarus. A member seeing this sign writes name on a card and “Believest thou
this?” which is the pass of this degree. Then passes it to the Sister.
The pass helps us remember the truthful faith of Martha. The color for this degree is
green, which signifies life and Lazarus being raised from the dead to live again.
Whenever a Free Mason casts the evergreen sprig into the open grave of his Brother, he
remembers that promise of resurrection. The Broken Column is an emblem of this death
of one in his youth and the uncertainty of physical life.
Sister Conductress, you will lead this Sister to the fifth point of the Star, for further
instructions from Sister Electa.
They go to the fifth point. The verses which may be used here instead of music are John
Cond.: Sister Electa, I present to you this Sister for instructions in the courage of bearing
wrongs and injustice for the sake of Truth, as portrayed in the story of Electa.
Electa: The history of Electa, as a degree of the Order of the Eastern Star, is thus given. It
is the story of a person whose confidence in God’s justice gave her perfect endurance and
strength to withstand the most inhuman wrongs. In the Second Epistle of John, she is
called the “elect lady and her children.”
She was a lady of high standing in the land of Judea, of noble family, wealthy and
talented, who lived in the days of St. John the Evangelist, and was known for her
kindness and aid to the poor.
Electa had been brought up as a Heathen. Like Ruth, however, she was converted to
Christianity by hearing the inspired story of Calvary and the Divine Christ. She even told
everyone of her faith in the Nazarene though she knew that doing this would expose her
to reproaches and persecution, and perhaps death, at the hands of the Roman authorities.
Fourteen years passed away before that fate came upon her. These years became the
happier, as well as better, years of her life. She gave all her money to the relief of the
poor. Her mansion was a haven for the persecuted pilgrims. The poorest tattered and foot-
sore pilgrims, coming up to her door, were met and welcomed. She gave them the best
rooms, refreshed them with the richest wine in a golden cup; fed, cheered, clothed them;
and would not let them leave until they were strengthened for the journey. Through all
the country, she was famous for her heroism and defiance in the face of the persecution
of Christians. All this time, she was preparing for the fate which she knew would one day
A renewed persecution began, and anyone who confessed Christianity was required to
deny their faith, or suffer the penalty of the law. Electa was visited by soldiers and a
lieutenant who sympathized with her. On an appointed day, he asked her, as an act of her
denial to cast down the crucifix and tread upon it. They could then report her denial.
Instead of casting down the crucifix, she held it to her breast, and said:
“love one another.” This was an act of her faith in her Saviour and her readiness to die
rather than deny Him. The family was put into a dungeon and kept there one year. Then
the Roman judge came and offered her another chance, promising that if she would deny
Christ she would be protected. Again she refused. The whole family was tortured to the
very point of death. They were then drawn on a cart, by oxen to the nearest hill and
crucified. She saw her husband and each of her sons and daughters die on the cross. She
was then nailed there, and being about to pass to the better land, she prayed with her last
breath, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!”
The color red belonging to this degree symbolizes the heroic devotion and noble
generosity of Electa, which she showed toward the poor and persecuted of her faith. The
emblem of the Cup reminds us of the loving hospitality of Electa.
I will now explain the manner of giving the sign of this degree. Hands crossed on the
breast as if holding something to her bosom, at the same time looking up. The sign
alludes to Electa’s clasping the cross to her bosom, in her love for the Saviour. A member
seeing this sign writes name on one side of the card, and on the other, “Love one
another,” which is the pass of this degree. The pass recalls the tragedy which crowned the
life of the heroic Electa.
Sister Conductress, you will lead our Sister before the Worthy Matron (or Worthy Patron)
for further instructions.
Carrying out the idea of a maze as before, the Conductress leads the candidate around to
the Worthy Matron. In the absence of music, the Worthy Matron may recite Second John
1:3,5,6 and First John 4:7,10.
Cond.: Worthy Matron, again I bring before you this Sister who has proceeded through
the maze of our Order. At each point of our Star, she has received instructions in the high
virtues shown in the lives of those illustrious women whom the members of our Order
strive to emulate.
WM.: We welcome you to unite with us in the pleasure of our good works. In behalf of ...
Chapter, I wish to tell you of your true relationship to the Masonic fraternity. A little
knowledge of the real nature and purposes of Masonry will help you to understand this.
We are connected with Masonry by intimate and tender ties as Sisters and Brothers of
one great family If in traveling at a distance from home, you find you (of this Order) are
sick and in want, among strangers, you have but to make yourself known as an Eastern
Star, and the hand of relief is stretched out toward you by all our members. (The kind
voice of sympathy will cheer you on. You are no longer a stranger, but have dear friends,
whose kind deeds endears them to each other.)
All of these are reasons why members of the Order of the Eastern Star are the most
devoted friends that Masonry has. All the advantages of the society are given to us, its
shield of protection, its hand of relief, and its voice of sympathy The only Masonic
privilege denied to us is that of visiting the Brother’s Lodge. It is against our law for a
woman to be made a Mason. But she does share with them in all the solid privileges and
benefits of Masonry, and join them in this great charitable work.
We, as Eastern Star members, join with the Masons in giving our all to this work. You,
my Sister, having now been received into our Order, this chance to serve is now yours.
Your obligation requires it. The instructions have revealed to you the five examples upon
which this Order is built. You will find true happiness in this fraternal love and
companionship, if you yourself will be devoted to our aims and efforts. In this earnest
pursuit, never neglect to ask Divine aid and counsel. Let us bow before our Heavenly
Father, praying for His help and blessing.
With three gavel blows, the Presiding Officer calls the members to rise, and the Chaplain
offers a prayer. A hymn may be sung after the prayer. The Presiding Officer then seats
the Chapter, and the Initiation ceremonies continue.
WM.: The proceeding of this initiation, my Sister, is to reborn you into a new life. From
this day forward, this Order is to mother you. You will be under the protecting hand of
every member whose principle inspiration is the Star of Bethlehem. Let me remind you,
that for this privilege you owe the same obligation to every member, wherever you
chance to meet. You have been told that we work together in love and fellowship,
devoted to good works for each other and for our neighbors, that through our Order we
may help, relieve, and give sympathy to the needy and sorrowing.
At the five points of the Star, you heard the histories of those noble women who are
worthy examples of us; of the fidelity of that heroic daughter of Jephthah, who died for
her father’s honor. Of the obedience of Ruth, the harvest gleaner in the field of Boaz,
who obediently gave up all things to live among the people of God; of Esther, that loyal
daughter in wedlock, who so bravely resolved to share the fate of her people, even if it
meant death; of Martha, whose truthful faith could stand even the loss of her dearly
beloved and not waver; and finally of that heroic and devoted Electa, who above all
women suffered for her Master’s sake in the loss of home, family wealth, and life itself.
You have taken upon yourself the solemn obligation to strive to be like these. The
instructions you have received in the secrets of the Order, will enable you to recognize a
member, and to make yourself known as a member of our Order. I will explain to you
further methods of giving these secret signs and passes. The Conductress will help me.
Cond.: I have.
WM.: Begin.
Cond.: F
WM.: A
Cond.: T
WM.: A
Cond.: L, Fatal
Cond.: It has two. First, that it would be fatal to a member’s reputation to violate her
sworn obligation and disclose these secrets unlawfully.
Second, each of the letters of this word stand for another word, which make the cabalistic
Cond.: I have.
WM.: Will you give it to me?
WM.: Begin.
Cond.: Fairest
WM.: Among
Cond.: Thousands
WM.: Altogether
WM.: Jephthah’s Daughter, because she gave up her life to save her father’s honor, was
fairest among thousands, altogether lovely Ruth, because she obediently left home,
friends and wealth that she might live among the people of God, was f – a – t, a – l.
Esther, because of her loyalty was ready to give up her crown and life to save the people
of God from death or to die with them, was f – a – t, a – l. Martha, because through
sickness, death and loneliness her truthful faith in the Saviour never wavered, even to
raising the dead, was f – a – t, a – l. And finally, Electa, because of her heroism that stood
even fatal persecution. This is a grim testimony to her Christian love, even to a martyr’s
death, was f – a – t, a – l.
So let it be your solemn duty to constantly show the virtues of these chosen and tried
servants of God; by doing likewise, great shall be your reward. You may not be called to
suffer as they did, and yet when we live by these principles, sufferings and trials await us
in life. I will now explain the signs, and the Conductress will act them out.
The first is the Daughter’s Sign, or the Sign of Jephthah’s Daughter. It is made by three
motions as is each of these five signs. The Conductress illustrates. Three has many
significances in Masonry. The Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Three
stages of life: Youth, Adult, Old Age, etc. This sign reminds us of the refusal of
Jephthah’s Daughter to have her face covered when about to be killed. The Pass is: “Alas,
my Daughter.” A member should say this when seeing the Daughter’s Sign.
The Widows Sign, or the Sign of Ruth, is made thusly: Conductress illustrates. This sign
represents Ruth holding out two handfuls of barley to Boaz, and appealing silently to
God. The Pass “Who is this?” should be said by any member seeing the Widow’s Sign.
The Wife’s Sign, or the Sign of Esther, is made thusly: Conductress illustrates. This sign
shows how Queen Esther came before King Ahasuerus as told m the history of the
degree. The Pass “What wilt thou?” should be said by a member seeing the Wife’s Sign.
The Sister’s Sign, or the Sign of Martha, is made thusly: Conductress illustrates. This
sign represents Martha appealing to Christ after the death of her brother, Lazarus. The
Pass “Believest thou this” should be said by a member seeing the Sister’s Sign.
The Mother’s Sign, or the Sign of Electa, is made thusly: Conductress illustrates. This
sign represents Electa clasping the crucifix to her bosom, showing her love for the
Saviour. The Pass “Love one another” should be said by any member seeing the Mother’s
The Sign of Greeting is given by any member entering or leaving the Chapter room
during the work of the Chapter. To give it, the member advances past the Associate
Matron toward the Altar, facing the East: (1) puts the hands together as in prayer,
interlacing fingers, (2) makes a slight bow, (3) drops the hands and returns to original
position; then she may leave.
The Grip is given thus: 1. Take the right hand of the person opposite, in the ordinary
manner of shaking hands; after balancing the hands once or twice (as customary).
2. Move the thumb over between the thumb and forefinger of the opposite person’s hand
and press lightly
3. Return the thumb to the original position, while watching her reaction.
The Supreme and Grand Honors are made thus: Cross the arms over the breast, the right
arm over the left, the ends of the fingers resting on the shoulders; make a bow Raise up,
then drop hands to your side. After which, you should greet the person you are giving the
sign. Supreme Honors are given by the gavel sounding six times. Grand Honors are given
by four gavel raps.
The Signet of our Order is to remind you of your obligation. The five points of the Star,
representing the five degrees of the Order. In the different points of the Star are the
symbols of the five characters: Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha and Electa, whose histories
make up the degrees. Each point has its own color and flowers, as follows:
Jephthah’s Daughter: Blue, for fidelity and faithfulness; represented by the violet.
Esther: White, for loyalty and pure happiness; represented by the lily.
Martha: Green, for truth and hope in eternal life; represented by the fern.
Electa: Red, for heroism and zeal; represented by the red roses.
The center of the Star is divided into five parts, bearing emblems alluding to the
distinguished characters composing the degrees, as follows:
(1) The Open Bible is the symbol of Adah’s fidelity in accepting the Word of God.
(2) The Lilies symbolize Ruth, in her obedient simplicity as the Lily of the Valley
(3) The Sun is the symbol of Esther, as the sun is the symbol of crowned majesty of her
(4) The Lamb symbolizes Martha, as the symbol of her truthful faith and humility.
(5) The Lion is the symbol of the heroic courage and strength of Electa, during her severe
Around the outer edge of the center of the Signet are the letters forming the cabalistic
word, FATAL.
And now, my Sister, in all your conduct hereafter, may you always be reminded to
exemplify one of these characters in every situation. Then it can truly be said that you are
“fairest among thousands, altogether lovely” If ever you see a Sister in trouble, gently
touch her and say, “Fairest among thousands.”
It is certain, no one hundred men in a lifetime could work out the laws and principles we
teach. They have come down through the ages and have been gathered from the four
corners of the earth. They, therefore, deserve study.
They can remake your live, if you make them a part of your consciousness. The study of
our instructions leads directly and unfailingly to a path of attainment for you.
We are happy to guide you, to provide the light; but you must do your own mental work
to prove worthy of fellowship.
I wish I could find words to impress you with the importance of this new life here
planned for you. In this new life, you are to be different in every way; even you are to
stand and walk differently. You will now be instructed in this: A correct posture will
improve your health and happiness.
This is taught by three different exercises: kicking, prance-time and promenade. Each of
these exercises are to be practiced with sustained breathing. This is done by expanding
the chest and elevating it as much as possible by three counts of inhaling without
exhaling in between; while sustaining the chest in this position, proceed with 14 counts of
the exercise (which is 7 with each limb). Then exhale for at least 14 counts. This same
exercise is repeated twice more, making a total of three times.
WM.: Members of ... Chapter No ..., let us now extend a hearty welcome to this Sister
who has received the degrees of our Order, and whose initiation has been completed
satisfactorily to us and we hope, to her.
Music is played or sung while all the members pass and give the new member the Grip.
You are now free to join in a social hour until called to order, by the sound of the gavel,
for the closing ceremonies.
As soon as the business of the meeting is finished, see the Order of Business in Meeting
Guide, the Worthy Matron continues, as follows: Sister Associate Matron, is there any
further business to come before this meeting?
AM. (if she knows of none): Worthy Matron, I know of no further business.
WM.: Does any officer or member know of any further business before we close. (If no
answer) Sister Warder, instruct the Sentinel to allow no interruptions while we are
closing the Chapter.
WM.: Let us all join in promenading while singing our Heart-Felt Song.
The Chaplain or Worthy Patron says a prayer at the Altar, as at the opening exercises:
Our Father, merciful and holy, who hearest and answerest the humble petitions of Thy
children, let Thy spirit of love descend upon us.
Make us ever mindful of our duties to mankind and to Thee. Permit us to meet here again
in truth and in love, with honor to Thee, that we may advance in wisdom and in service to
our fellow men. In Thy name do we pray Amen.
So may it be, So may it be.
WM.: Sister Conductress, attend the Altar. The Conductress closes the Bible, and steps
back to her station.
Sisters and Brothers, we go forth into life of the world, not knowing what may be ahead
of us. Let us not be afraid, for we have the promise of every Brother and Sister of this
great Order throughout the land, that they will respond to our rescue whenever we need
them, and of our Heavenly Father that He will strengthen us and support us by His might
and power. Farewell, members. Farewell, farewell, farewell. This meeting of ... Chapter
No ... is now closed. Sister Warder, please instruct the Sentinel.
The Worthy Matron closes the meeting with one rap of the gavel. The Warder notifies the
Sentinel that the Chapter is closed.
This degree, one of the series of the Adoptive Rite, is distinguished as a compliment to all
worthy active members of a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star.
The degree should be conferred within the Chapter room of the Eastern Star.
At the appointed hour of meeting, King Solomon takes his station in the East, and calls
the Palace to order *.
SOLOMON: Princess Oziel, proceed to satisfy yourself that all who are within the
audience chamber are entitled to be present.
OZIEL: All who are now within the audience chamber of the Palace are entitled to be
present, Most Excellent King Solomon.
SOLOMON: Princess Zorah, communicate with the Warder, and command her vigilance
to guard this Palace, and preserve our deliberations from intrusion.
BATHSHEBA: To intercede for the Queen of Sheba, and so secure to her a grant of your
royal favor.
HATTIPHA: To assist in welcoming the Queen of Sheba, and to intercede in her behalf
for your royal favor.
OZIEL: To see that the Palace is in proper order for the reception of visitors; to receive
and introduce the Queen of the South to the Most Excellent King Solomon.
ZORAH: To see that the Palace is in proper order for the reception of visitors; to assist in
receiving and introducing the Queen of the South to the Most Excellent King Solomon.
SOLOMON: Princess Myra, what are the duties of’ your station?
MYRA: To receive and deposit in the royal treasury all gifts and offerings made to the
Most Excellent King Solomon.
LEAH: To make up the records of the royal wisdom, and preserve them in the archives of
the kingdom.
SOLOMON: This concourse of duties being performed, make up the system of this
degree. In the spirit that should actuate every human being before entering upon any
important undertaking, we will invoke a blessing from the Throne of Grace. With our
respected Queen Bathsheba, let us pray. Calls up the Palace.
BATHSHEBA: Oh, Thou Who art ever ready to hear prayer, and unto Whom all must
come in supplication, may we learn at this time to fulfill the royal law of love, and all
things whatsoever we would that others should do unto us, may we do even so unto them,
remembering that this is the law and the prophets.
Oh, Lord, our Heavenly Father! help us to dismiss all anxious thoughts for the morrow,
and to be passive in Thy hands, whether Thou chasten or gladden us, whether prosperity
or adversity be ours. Bring us nearer to Thee. Give anything but Thy displeasure, and
when our earthly labors are ended, have us with Thyself in that glory which shall be our
best and highest reward. Amen.
SOLOMON, *, seats the Palace: Sisters and Brothers, there are many thrilling incidents
recorded in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, which are embodied in the
Degrees of the Masonic Order, much to the pleasure and instruction of the Craft, and of
the ladies who share in our privileges. This one concerning Sheba is one of that class, and
as there are worthy applicants for the light and benefits of that degree waiting, I therefore
declare this Palace duly open for the dispatch of such business as may regularly come
before it. Sister Warder, you will so inform the Sentinel.
Warder does so, and says: Your order has been obeyed, Most Excellent King Solomon.
SOLOMON: With the help of the officers I will now proceed to confer the degree known
as the Queen of the South.
It was the custom of the great and wise King Solomon to devote one day in the week to
public audiences. The renown of this monarch had extended throughout the civilized
world, and the greatest Kings and Rulers deemed themselves honored in the title of
“Friends of Solomon.” Wise men, philosophers, artists, mathematicians, mechanics, all
who were skilled in hand, or of bright intelligence, paid their court at the foot of
Solomon’s throne. Ambassadors from foreign lands, distant and near, came with long and
imposing retinues to do him honor. Questions in law, in science, and in religion were
confidently propounded to him as to a man from whom nothing had been hidden, to
whom nothing was too difficult; and the most intricate problems were solved by him with
a readiness that showed the enlightenment he had received from Jehovah.
The degree commemorates one of those audience days, and the visit of the Queen of
Sheba, as referred to in the Holy Scriptures.
King Solomon is supposed to be in his Royal palace, on Mount Zion, seated upon his
great throne of ivory, overlaid with pure gold, surrounded with his officers and courtiers,
and the kings of foreign nations, ambassadors, philosophers, and others who had come to
gather wisdom from his lips.
Oziel, having obtained a list of the candidates, will say: Most Excellent King Solomon,
there are in waiting certain lady relatives of Master Masons, members of the Order of the
Eastern Star, accompanied by brethren who are known among us as Master Masons.
These crave the privilege of entering our Palace and receiving the divine precepts, that
were anciently communicated to the Queen of the South, from the lips of King Solomon.
They are willing to pledge their sacred honor to observe all the lawful rules and
regulations of this degree, and I trust that you will grant them an entrance.
SOLOMON: If there are no objections, Sister Warder, you will, at the proper time,
instruct the Sentinel to admit the persons named in this list.
In strictness, but one lady candidate should receive this degree at a time. If however,
Solomon so chooses, alll the lady candidates except Q. of S. can enter and take their
seats, or all enter at the same time, and so receive the degree by communication. The
gentlemen candidates invariably receive the degree without ceremony, and all at one
SOLOMON: Princess Oziel, you will take a suitable escort, proceed to the outer portals of
the Palace, where, I am informed, you will find in waiting the Queen of the South with
her retinue. You will welcome and conduct them to our presence in the name of the King
of Israel.
Princess Oziel, Zorah, Hagar, Orpah, Syene, Tharah, and Ellah retire to the ante-room.
In the meantime, the lady who has been selected as the candidate - representing the
Queen of the South, should be dressed in white, with a crown on her head, and a flowing
veil attached thereto. A procession is formed and the Candidate placed in the center of
the group, Oziel and Zorah leading. As they enter the room, the Palace is called up. All
remain standing during the introduction; soft music playing.
OZIEL, with baton and scroll: Most Excellent King Solomon, we present before you a
noble Princess, Sheba, the Queen of the South, who has entrusted to my hands this
written petition.
The scroll is handed to Leah, who reads: Sheba, the Queen of the South, having heard of
the fame of King Solomon, has come from the uttermost parts of the earth to Jerusalem to
prove him with hard questions for her own ears must hear the man unto whom God has
given the wise and understanding heart. She has brought, in her entourage, a large
company with camels bearing spices and pure gold in abundance and precious stones.
She beseeches the favor of King Solomon that she may approach the throne of the King
of Israel and make known to him her wishes.
SOLOMON: Never, during the long reign of my father, King David, nor in my own reign,
has such a request as this been made to me by a woman. Nevertheless, the Queen of
Sheba shall not be denied. Let her make her wishes known.
ZORAH: Most Excellent King Solomon, I present to your royal favor a mighty Princess,
Sheba, the Queen of the South, to whom you have granted this audience.
The Queen sits directly in front of the King. The officers resume their stations. The
Palace is called to order.
SOLOMON: Mighty Queen of Sheba, the Court of King Solomon is open as well to the
humblest as to the mightiest. Welcome to the Royal Audience Chamber. Admitted
agreeably to your request, I ask you, therefore, to what intent you have approached us this
HAGAR: Most Excellent King Solomon, by your gracious permission, I will address you
as one of the proxies of the mighty Princess. From the uttermost parts of the earth, oh
King Solomon, the Queen of the South has come to Jerusalem to hear thy wisdom and to
prove thee with hard questions.
Thy fame concerning the name of the Lord has gone forth into every land. From that
memorable night, when the Lord appeared unto thee on Gideon, and said, “Ask what I
shall give thee,” it hath pleased the Most High to grant thee wisdom exceeding much the
largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore. Wiser than all the children of
the Eastern country, and all the wisdom of Egypt, God hath made thee wiser than all men,
and thy fame is in all nations round about. The representatives of all the people of the
earth come to hear thy wisdom, oh Solomon, for all the Kings of the earth have heard
These things having been made known to me by my counselors, it hath seemed good to
me, therefore, a woman called, like thyself, to reign over a great people, and feeling
greatly the need of Divine wisdom to rule them aright, it hath seemed good unto me, I
say, to entreat the King for a share of what God hath so freely dispensed to thee.
Therefore, I have crossed lofty mountains, overwhelming rivers, and trackless deserts, by
a journey of many, months, to seek from thy lips the wisdom granted by the Most High
God, and concealed hitherto from the children of men. Let the prayer of my petition then,
oh King; come before thee, and refuse me nothing of my request.
SOLOMON: Mighty Princess, while I admire the zeal which hath brought thee so far, and
the great and commanding motives that have prompted thee to undertake so painful a
pilgrimage, yet, for all that, thy request cannot be granted thee. For look! read in all the
records of God’s dealings with men, and you will find no instance where it was given to a
woman to enter into the counsels of the Most High God.
ORPAH: Most Excellent King Solomon, let me also speak as the proxy of this mighty
Princess. Consider my request more seriously. When thy royal father, David, sat in his
chamber, old and stricken in years, and a conspiracy was formed among his mighty men
to make thy elder brother king, thy mother, Bathsheba, went wisely to King David,
represented boldly the imminent danger of the occasion and, by her womanly tact and
sound judgment, secured the crown of Israel for you. Is not this, then, a striking instance
wherein it was given to a woman to penetrate the purposes of the Most High God?
Again, when the two Hebrew mothers stood up before thee, in this audience-chamber, the
one with the living child, the other with the dead, they wrought upon thee to display that
Divine Wisdom never before vouchsafed to man. Let the prayer of my petition then, oh
King, come before thee, and refuse me nothing of my request.
OZIEL: Oh King, the woman hath spoken well. She is worthy, and that her petition be
granted, I add my request to hers.
SOLOMON: Mighty Princess, and you, Princess Oziel, truly you have spoken well. Were
there no other objection than the one I advanced, you have removed it. But it does not
become me, the King of God’s chosen people, to establish a precedent in a matter so
delicate as this. There is not an example in all history to justify me in granting your
request, however strongly you may urge it.
SYENE: Most Excellent King Solomon, let me also speak in behalf of this mighty Queen.
Consider her request. It has been proved already that the Most High God has more than
once spoken by the mouth of woman in promulgating His decrees.
Let me further name to you Miriam, the sister of Moses, whose counsel was so useful to
him both as lawgiver and ruler; and Deborah, the prophetess, who, from her dwelling
place under the palm-tree, went forth to counsel and exhort Barak, Israel’s great captain,
to the salvation of the people; and Jael, the wife of Heber, the Kenite, who, at one stroke,
rid her country of its most despotic foe; and others of the brilliant galaxy among the
women of Israel. In so many instances has Infinite Wisdom wrought at the hands of
woman, that there is ample justification for the wisest of earthly monarchs to set the
precedent in this matter and acknowledge her claims at last. Then, oh King, let the prayer
of my petition come before thee, and refuse me nothing of my request.
ZORAH: Oh mighty King, the woman hath spoken wisely. She is worthy, and that her
petition be granted, I add my request to hers.
SOLOMON: Mighty Princess, and you, Princess Zorah, there is another objection fatal to
the gratification of your wishes. It is the want of needful prudence and reticence in your
sex. The knowledge vouchsafed to me from the Most High was communicated secretly,
in the watches of the night, even as Jehovah made known to Samuel the Divine Will at
midnight in the Tabernacle at Shiloh. Shall I expose this hidden wisdom to become the
subject of gossip, an idle tale to idle tongue? No; a woman cannot keep a secret.
THARAH: Most Excellent King Solomon, you entertain too low an estimate of our sex.
Be it known to you that in my country, yea, in all countries of which history gives
account, woman has ever proved faithful to every trust reposed in her. Treat her as a
slave, and she may exhibit the infidelity of a slave; trust to her as your equal and your
friend, and the adamantine rock is not more impenetrable to assault than is the sealed
casket of a woman’s heart.
Is there a person in this royal audience-chamber who recalls the memory of a faithful
mother, a devoted sister, a trusting wife or daughter, that can deny it? Perish, oh King, the
foul assertion that you have uttered. Did not Jochebed, the mother of Moses, preserve the
secret of his birth for three months, braving the wrath of Pharaoh, and so secured to Israel
its greatest Prophet? Recall the fidelity with which your ancestress, Ruth, preserved the
secret entrusted to her. Then, oh King, let the prayer of my petition come before thee, and
refuse me nothing of my request.
SOLOMON: Mighty Princess, the Creator Himself, Whom we all recognize and adore,
hath declared in His revealed law that the woman is the inferior of the man. It cannot be
that knowledge of such infinite importance, that Jehovah condescends to communicate it
orally to man, should be transferred to another, born in an inferior state.
ELLAH: Most Excellent King Solomon, read again the Inspired Word which your scribes
have preserved from the days of Moses. See there that this want of equality to which you
allude (and which is made so much the subject of oppression to woman) does not extend
to the region of the mind and soul. God spoke as lovingly to woman as to man. Sinning
together, together have they sorrowed, and His most gracious promises were made to the
How can you declare, then, that she is less than your equal? Have I not been called to the
throne of a mighty kingdom by the same voice that called you? Who hath made us, then,
to differ, that I should not be allowed a measure of the needful wisdom? Is not the woman
man’s equal in affections? Has she not even more than her share of life’s sorrows? Are
not her sentiments more acute, her griefs even more keen than his? Then, oh King, let the
prayer of my petition come before thee, and refuse me nothing of my request.
SOLOMON: Mighty Princess, every one in this audience-chamber must admire the logic,
apt reply, knowledge of history, and the noble defense of woman evinced in your replies.
You have plead the cause of your sex so well that the feelings of our hearers are warmly
enlisted in your behalf. I candidly admit that you have answered and removed the
objections thus far urged.
There is yet one more that I deem unanswerable. It is that, for a woman to participate in
the counsels of the Most High, never yet entrusted to one of her sex, will not comport
with the modesty, the delicacy, and the decorum that sanctify the intercourse between
man and woman in all the walks of civilized life.
HATTIPHA: Most Excellent King Solomon, this is but trifling with my request. Have I
not declared to you that the Most High has placed a crown upon my head, which I can in
no wise wear, save by the grace of Him Who gave it to me. If it is not a breach of
decorum that I should be the ruler over men, where the indelicacy of imparting to me the
needful light? Hark ye, O, King Solomon, and all ye who hear me, are we not sojourners
together in this evil world for a brief day, and then to pass into a common grave? Mother
earth will make no inquiry concerning us, whether man or woman , but will resolve us
equally into kindred dust. The trumpet of the archangel will be blown alike to summon
us, and the right hand of the Omnipotent will alike raise us to stand before Him. It is but
the fear of man, O, King, that prompts thee to these repeated denials. I accept them, and I
will press my suit no further.
I will now go forth to traverse deserts, mountains, and rivers on my return home. And, as
I go, I will make it known that King Solomon, the marvel of mankind for wisdom and
Divine gift, has refused to enlighten the Queen of the South in the wisdom God has given
him, lest he should set an example to the world.
Keep, then, O, King, the wisdom you have. Soon you must pass away as your fathers, and
then all that you have, and all that you are, will be as a shadow that disappeareth. The
Word of God abideth forever. To that I will direct me. In prayer, in charity, in deeds of
mercy, I will seek the wisdom that I vainly hoped to secure at the Court of Solomon. My
prayer and my request shall come before thee no more.
BATHSHEBA: Most Excellent King Solomon, I have listened to this remarkable debate
from the beginning. As the Queen Mother, I am free to advise thee that her request be
granted. It is the Divine finger that has directed her to your court. A Divine strength has
upheld her in all her weary journeyings hither. A Divine wisdom has prompted her in the
words she has uttered. Do not turn her away, then, to make known your refusal to the
whole world, and thus cast a shadow upon the perfect wisdom GOD has given thee.
SOLOMON: Sister Secretary, look you into the law of Moses, and into the history of
God’s people, recorded by the prophet Samuel, and see if there is anything in the
treasuries of inspiration that will enlighten us upon the relation between man and woman.
SEC.: God created man in His own image; in the image of God created He him; male and
female created He them. The Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I
will make him an helpmeet for him.” In all the Divine commands in favor of the poor and
distressed, no class of persons is so often and so kindly mentioned as the widow.
Most Excellent King Solomon, the law of Moses everywhere regards the woman equally
worthy of God’s favor as man and if she is not so often mentioned in these it is because
her lot is more retired. Whenever the writers of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Samuel speak
of the part performed by woman in the great drama of our nation, it is in the most
respectful and reverential terms. The history of the mother of Samson and the mother of
Samuel, of Jephthah’s daughter, of your own noble ancestress, Ruth, and of many others,
affords ample assurance that, in the favor and mercy of God, the woman shares a full
portion with the man.
SOLOMON: Look you now, my respected Queen Mother, into the Psalms of my royal
father, David, and see if there is anything in the treasuries of inspiration there that will
enlighten us upon the relation between man and woman.
BATHSHEBA: Harken unto me, oh my son. Under the guise of a beautiful and virtuous
woman, the royal Psalmist prefigures the glories of the Kingdom of Christ. In all the
exhibitions of the sins of Israel, and they are many, he nowhere alludes to a dishonorable
woman. The mourning for a mother he depicts as the most grievous of earthly sorrows.
And so the Psalms of David, your noble father, everywhere regard the woman equally
worthy of God’s favor with the man. And in almost every instance is man used in the
generic sense to include both sexes.
SOLOMON: Mighty Princess, I can no longer forbear to grant your request. Truly, God
has sent you here, and you shall now be enlightened. A faithful witness will not lie. Hope
deferred maketh the heart sick. The lips of truth shall be established forever. Samson,
when tempted by Delilah, revealed to her the secret of the Lord, and, as a punishment, the
Lord sent upon him the prison-house, blindness, and death. Saul was stricken to the earth
by the machinations of the Witch of Endor and he went forth from her cave to meet a
bloody death.
But you, oh Mighty Princess, who have come so far, not influenced by vain curiosity or
the purpose to do evil, or gain unlawful knowledge, you will receive this wisdom that you
may apply it to the good of your people. Therefore, I will no longer delay to share it with
you. Know then, oh Queen of the South, and you, Sisters and Brothers, who are around
me, that the Lord God will do nothing but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants. The
secret things belong unto the Lord our God, and there is a God that revealeth secrets. Job
declared, “The secret of God was upon my tabernacle, in the days when God preserved
me.” And David prophesied, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall
abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
Do you ask to whom the secrets of the Lord shall be revealed? The law is open to our
eyes, “the secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and He will show them His
covenant.” “His secret is with the righteous.” But what is this secret wisdom that the
wisest have longed to know equally with the fool? Hear ye, oh my friends, and be
profited thereby. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of
man. For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be
good or whether it be evil. THE FEAR OF THE LORD, THAT IS WISDOM, AND TO
SOLOMON: Sisters and Brothers, in this beautiful allegory we have considered the
objections urged against the admission of ladies into the knowledge of Masonic
principles. Those objections advanced by King Solomon were so easily answered and
refuted by the Queen of the South, that it was impossible even for the wisest of men to
maintain them.
How much more difficult is it in these latter days, when we are educating our daughters
equally with our sons, and in this great and enlightened country, where Oriental customs
cannot degrade our women into slaves or silly toys, how much more difficult, I say, to
maintain an argument against the adoption of ladies into binding and honorable
I am rejoiced, then, to assure you that although the advice and the influence of unfounded
custom may for a little time, and in a few places, exclude ladies from our social and
moral privileges, yet, by far the majority of Freemasons are already agreed to share the
enjoyments and employments of the Order with the wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters
of the Craft, so far as they may lawfully do so. I hail each lady here as a Queen of the
South, and will proceed to communicate to you the secrets of the degree.
The following obligation is then recited. Each person who has not taken the obligation is
required to hold up his right hand during the recital:
Ladies, in the presence of these witnesses, and in addition to your former obligation, you
pledge the sacred honor of a woman: and you, my brethren, the honor of a Master
Mason: to the faithful performance of the conditions of this obligation:
That you will not be present nor assist in conferring this degree on any man not
Masonically known to you to be a Master Mason, nor on any lady not vouched for as
being the wife, widow, mother, sister, or daughter of a Master Mason, and having
received the Eastern Star degrees in a legal manner.
SOLOMON: The secrets of the degree consist of a HAILING SIGN, the ANSWERING
(a) The HAILING SIGN is to raise the left hand and cover the chin.
(b) The ANSWERING SIGN is the same, but made with the right hand.
(e) The SYMBOLICAL CHART has the Camel and the Palm Tree. The Camel is an
emblem of the land over which Sheba ruled; the Palm Tree, the land over which Solomon
SOLOMON: Sisters and Brothers, the beautiful and instructive legends which form the
foundation of this degree have been so elaborately wrought out in the ceremonials, which
have been dramatized before you, that any further instruction upon the subject is
superfluous. That the female relatives of our Order are entitled to participate with us in
the great privileges of Freemasonry is so clear and demonstrable that but few persons in
this enlightened age are hardy enough to deny it, and I can assure you that any intelligent
lady who will urge her claims persistently and properly, as the Queen of Sheba did, may
ask and receive, seek and find, knock and it shall be opened unto her.
At the conclusion of the charge, the candidate steps forward two or three paces. Her
escort, viz. Oziel, Zorah, Hagar, Orpah, Syene, Tharah and Ellah, form a semicircle
behind her. Bathsheba and Hattipha come from their stations and stand at the right and
left of the candidate.
Tribute of Gratitude
SHEBA: Most Excellent King Solomon, and you, Gracious Queen Mother, Princesses
and Lords, in the distant land where I was born, we are taught that there is but one God,
and that He puts it into the hearts of such as He will to speak forth sentiments of wisdom
suitable to the guidance of all His creatures. In coming hither from the uttermost parts of
the earth, I was actuated by no other desire than to learn the will of the great God of
Heaven. What you have told me, Most Excellent King Solomon, is wise and good, and
upon my return I will make it my care to teach to others what is the good and acceptable
will of God.
Speaking for my sex, O, King Solomon, we have cheerfully submitted to endure the ills
of life, restricted to a humble and retiring condition, patient to bear our portion according
to the will of God. The domestic circle is ours. We claim to rule the fireside. The culture
of the infant mind is entrusted to us.
But when you: our fathers, brothers, husbands, sons: when you claim to possess a social
bond woven by God Himself, and handed down to you through the ages, we wish to have
some share in such a bond. When you tell us that the protection, the honor, the sustenance
of wife and daughters are involved in these ancient ties, we wish to have some means of
claiming our share in such inestimable privileges. While we do not ask for a knowledge
of the essential secrets of Freemasonry, we do feel to demand of our husbands, fathers,
brothers, sons, some tokens by which we may distinguish a Freemason from a base
pretender, and so be enabled to accept or reject him according to his respective merits.
This is all, Most Excellent King Solomon, that we have ever wanted. In the process of
time, under the better influences of civilization and a purer religion, the condition of
woman has been steadily raised. Our daughters have a glorious prospect in the future for
honor and usefulness. If there is anything in Freemasonry, then, planted there by divine
inspiration: anything which we should know, and which is calculated to advance our sex -
let us know it, and see if we will not prove ourselves worthy of Masonic confidence.
Finally, Most Excellent King Solomon, and you, Gracious Queen Mother, Princesses and
Lords, I thank you for the trust you have reposed in me. I speak as the representative of
woman, when I say that if you ever have traitors among you, those traitors will not be of
my sex.
Inviolably sealed in my heart, I will treasure what you have given me this hour.
The proceedings being ended, and the records made up and approved, the Palace is thus
SOLOMON: Sister Warder, inform the Sentinel that this Palace is about to be closed.
SOLOMON: Our respected Queen Mother will lead us in our closing prayer.
BATHSHEBA: We thank you Heavenly Father for the lessons learned in the story of the
wise King Solomon who humbly and graciously received the Queen from the South,
Sheba, and her entourage who pleaded for equality of women.
We learned that God is impartial: he gives wisdom to, and exacts responsibilities from,
men and women alike suitable for their guidance.
Let us go forward from today with more compassion and understanding as shown by
King Solomon and Queen Sheba in this narrative.
SOLOMON: I now declare this Palace of King Solomon closed. Sister Warder, you will
so inform the Sentinel. *
Resumption of Chapter business with closing
Order of Weavers – Vita Feminea Textura
Contrary to the surrounding countries, the Netherlands does not have a female masonic
order. In stead there is an Order of Weavers, exclusively for women. This order was
founded in 1947 by masons from the Dutch Grand Orient. It is not a masonic order but an
order with strong masonic influences.
The symbolism of this order is the symbolism of weaving. The order has three degrees:
Spinner, Weaver and Designer. The rituals of these degrees are based on the masonic
blue degrees.
At this moment the number of membership is about 500. Most members are the wives of
masons of the Dutch Grand Orient.
The lodge Anabasis in Dordrecht was dissolved in 2001. Most members of this group
joined a new, schismatic order, the Order of Free Weavers Vinculum Verum.
This order was founded in 2001 as a schism of the Order of Weavers Vita Feminea
Textura. The Dordrecht-based lodge Anabasis and a number of ladies from the rest of the
country couldn't find themselves in the hierarchical structure of the order and split-off.
This new order is characterized by is horizontal structure of organization. Besides a
number of Dutch ladies, most French members of the Order of Weavers have joined the
Free Weavers.
The rituals and degrees are based on those of the Weavers. This order has also the
degrees of Weaver, Spinster en Designer.
From an information brochure of the order: "Spinning resembles the process of self-
reflection. It is the spinning of the thread of life, in order to weave this into the grand total
of the Creation.
One year after the initiation as a Spinner, there is the elevation to Weaver. In this degree
attention is given to the Weaving, our functioning in the world. Then, after another year,
there is the third phase, Designing. Designing our own life, in relation to that, what goes
above reason, is the central theme of this degree.
At this moment there are two circles active, in Dordrecht and Almelo. In due time these
circles will have to become lodges.
The Supreme Order of the Amaranth was founded in 1873 in New York City as a
fraternal order for Master Masons and wives and female relations (either blood or
adopted) of Master Masons. There were 59,000 members in 1993.
The Order of the Amaranth is an example of Adoptive Masonry, the system whereby
women are not allowed to become “real” freemasons but are permitted to organize and
run subordinate lodges, provided they can secure the patronage of a (male) Master
It is also an illustration of the capacity for schism that is exhibited by so many fraternal
orders: It was originally intended as the third of the degrees in the Order of the Eastern
Star, but was rejected by that order and therefore set up on its own account in June 1873.
Until 1921, applicants for the order had to be members of the Eastern Star, but, since
then, Masonic connections have been enough.
The order has little or no connection with the Royal and Exalted Order of the Amaranth,
allegedly founded by Queen Christina of Sweden in 1653, nor with the short-lived Order
of Amaranth founded in New York City on June 14, 1873, by J. B. Taylor.
As with many female auxiliaries, especially in
the United States, there is a stronger Christian
flavor to the ritual than is to be found in the
parent organization, which subscribes
essentially to deism. In addition to Christian
hymns, the initiation involves singing a verse
of “Home, Sweet Home.” As is usual in
adoptive masonry, a Master Mason must be in attendance at initiations, where the
candidate is given bread and salt, crowned with a wreath, and tapped on both shoulders
with a wreath, somewhat after the fashion of a knightly investiture.
The Amaranth ritual is about Truth, Faith, Wisdom and Charity.
The order seems to be in decline. In the 1960s, there were more than 85,000
adherents; by the middle of the 1970s, they were down to 83,000; in 1988, only
75,000; and a year later, just 70,000. In 1994 there were just 44.000 members left.
The Order of Rainbow for Girls was founded in 1922 in McAlester, Oklahoma as a
fraternal and social club for girls, aged 13—20, related to members of Masonic lodges or
to members of the Order of the Eastern Star. It operates principally in the United States,
but also in Australia, Canada, Guam, Mexico, and the Philippines. There were 1.1 million
members in 1994.
The Order of Rainbow for Girls clearly illustrates the extent to which Christianity
influences Adoptive Masonry. It was founded by a clergyman, the Reverend Mark W.
Sexton, the rituals are based on the ninth chapter of Genesis, and Sister Faith, one of the
officers, advises candidates that “The Altar is the most sacred place in our Assembly
Room. Upon it rests the Holy Bible, symbol of white light, from which we derive
strength to sustain us through life.” During the initiation ritual, the Bible is opened so that
“its White Light may penetrate the heart of every member of this Assembly.” A hymn
entitled “Have Thine Own Way, Lord,” is sung, and three girls are chosen to represent
Faith, Hope, and Charity.
There are two degrees, the Initiatory and the Grand Cross of Color. The colors of the
rainbow are said to symbolize life, religion, nature, immortality, fidelity, 2atrotism,
and virtue, and to derive from the White Light of the Bible. Introducing a more
worldly note, the initiate is portrayed as traveling to find the pot of gold at the end of
the rainbow, as she progresses around the seven stations that symbolize the colors and
their attributes. At the station of Charity, she is shown a pot of gold, which also
contains a Bible and a miniature lambskin Masonic apron. Reverting to Christianity,
the Mother Advisor counsels the initiate to keep a Bible beside her bed at night, open
to the ninth chapter of Genesis, which contains the story of the Flood, and the
The International Order of Job’s Daughters (I.O.J.D.) was founded in 1921 in Omaha,
Nebraska, as a “farm” for the Eastern Star. Open to girls aged 11—20 who are related to
Master Masons, it operates internationally, though mostly in the United States. In 1994,
there were 24,000 members in the United States alone. The order publishes the monthly
News Exchange.
The International Order of Job’s Daughters was founded by Mrs. Ethel T.W. Mick, a
member of the Eastern Star, using rituals written by LeRoy T. Wilcox of the Freemasons.
As is usual with American Freemasonry, especially American Adoptive Masonry, there is
a Christian bias. The title comes from Job XLII: xl: “And in all the land there were no
women so fair as the Daughters of Job.”
The avowed intentions of the order are to inculcate in young girls a “love of home and
country and reverence for the teachings of the Bible,” and to promote spiritual and
character development.
The basic unit is the “Bethel,” which consists of a minimum of 20 girls, 19 of whom are
elected or appointed officers. The officers wear pseudo-Grecian white robes with white
or purple cinctures. Only members, their parents or guardians, and duly qualified Master
Masons or members of the Eastern Star may be present at meetings.
The Bethel layout is basically Masonic, though the emblems of the order are the white
dove, the cornucopia, and an urn of incense. The flowers are lilies of the valley.
In the ritual, which is Masonic at heart, the Honored Queen takes the place of the Master,
and the more bloodthirsty aspects of the penalties for oath-breaking are omitted.