Mechanisms of Action of Antiepileptic Drugs
Mechanisms of Action of Antiepileptic Drugs
Mechanisms of Action of Antiepileptic Drugs
Epilepsy affects up to 1% of the general population and causes substantial disability. The management
of seizures in patients with epilepsy relies heavily on antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Phenobarbital, phenytoin,
carbamazepine and valproic acid have been the primary medications used to treat epilepsy for several
decades. Since 1993 several AEDs have been approved by the US FDA for use in epilepsy. The choice of
the AED is based primarily on the seizure type, spectrum of clinical activity, side effect profile and patient
characteristics such as age, comorbidities and concurrent medical treatments. Those AEDs with broad-
spectrum activity are often found to exert an action at more than one molecular target. This article will
review the proposed mechanisms of action of marketed AEDs in the US and discuss the future of AEDs
in development.
10.2217/THY.11.19 © 2011 Future Medicine Ltd Therapy (2011) 8(3), 307–313 ISSN 1475-0708 307
Review Cook & Bensalem-Owen
For more information about drug–drug interactions and adverse effects with individual agents, readers may refer to the prescribing information for the individual
agents or several recent reviews [37–40].
AED: Antiepileptic drug; NMDA: N-methyl- d -aspartate; SV2a: Synaptic vesicle protein 2a.
Sodium channel blockade is the only drug specifically indicated for use
(fast inactivation) in severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (also
Rufinamide showed broad-spectrum anticon- known as Dravet syndrome) [23,24] .
vulsant properties. The principal mechanism of
action of rufinamide is considered to be sup- Calcium channel blockade
pression of neuronal hyperexcitability by pro- Gabapentin was initially synthesized to mimic
longation of the inactive state of voltage-gated the chemical structure of GABA, but it is not
sodium channels. Rufinamide was found to believed to act on the same brain receptors.
be effective in the treatment of patients with Gabapentin was shown to bind to the α2d sub-
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome [15,16] . unit of the voltage-dependent calcium channel
in the CNS [25] .
Sodium channel blockade Like gabapentin, pregabalin binds to the α2d
(slow inactivation) subunit of the voltage-dependent calcium chan-
Slow inactivation of voltage-dependent sodium nel in the CNS. Pregabalin decreases the release
channels appears to be a separate and novel of neurotransmitters such as glutamate (excita-
mechanism of inhibiting sodium influx in tory neurotransmitter), noradrenaline and sub-
depolarizing neurons. Lacosamide is the first stance P. Pregabalin increases neuronal GABA
AED available that promotes slow inactivation levels by producing a dose-dependent increase in
of sodium channels. Whereas fast inactivation glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). GAD con-
of sodium channels with older AEDs, such as verts glutamate into the inhibitory GABA [26] .
phenytoin and carbamazepine, tends to have
effects on frequently firing neurons, slow inac- AMPA receptor blockade
tivation occurs in neurons, which are repetitively Perampanel, currently in Phase III development
discharged and have prolonged depolarization. for epilepsy, has shown in preclinical studies to
Slow inactivation probably involves a structural inhibit AMPA-induced increases in intracellular
alteration to the sodium channel that develops calcium concentration [27] . Agents that inhibit
over a more prolonged period of time than fast- or decrease the AMPA receptor activity have the
inactivation [17] . At this point, the clinical role potential to reduce excessive excitatory responses
of lacosamide seems to be a viable option for and confer neuroprotection [28] .
patients with refractory partial epilepsy and in
status epilepticus [18,19] . General characteristics of
future AEDs
GABA potentiation The future of AED development will likely
Augmentation of GABAminergic inhibition of incorporate many of our currently available
neurons can also be achieved by new methods drug entities, while also building upon new sci-
aside from enhancing the endogenous activity ence and discovery in drug delivery. Many of
of GABA (as previously discussed). Vigabatrin, the older AEDs are limited by severe adverse
a structural analog of GABA, inhibits GABA- effects, cumbersome drug–drug interactions
transaminase, which is the enzyme responsi- and a narrow therapeutic index. Felbamate is a
ble for degrading GABA in the synaptic cleft, unique example of a newer AED with severe tox-
thereby increasing GABA concentrations [11] . icity and adverse event problems. Severe aplastic
Tiagabine also increases GABA concentrations, anemia and hepatic failure have both occurred
but, unlike vigabatrin, does so by decreas- with felbamate. It seems as though the reactions
ing glial and neuronal uptake of GABA [11] . are idiosyncratic with little indication of predic-
Topiramate, among its numerous mechanisms tive factors for developing one of these devastat-
of antiepileptic activity, also appears to enhance ing side effects. Phenytoin is another example
GABA activity [20] . Retigabine, currently under of an AED with characteristic adverse effects.
review for approval by the FDA, also likely Some adverse effects are drug entity-specific,
increases GABA synthesis [21] . Neuroactive such as the risk of hydantoin hypersensitivity
steroids (e.g., ganaxolone) also augment GABA syndrome, which presents as a Stevens–Johnson
inhibition by binding a steroid receptor on the Syndrome-like rash, usually after 1–2 weeks of
GABA complex, increasing the permeability of use. Other effects are related to the intravenous
the chloride channel [22] . Stiripentol appears to formulation, such as purple-glove syndrome,
enhance central GABA transmission by increas- which causes digital thrombosis and ischemia,
ing the duration of opening of GABA A recep- likely due to the dramatically elevated pH of the
tor channels in hippocampal slices. Stiripentol phenytoin solution for injection.
perampanel. A total of seven additional AEDs in There are no randomized controlled trials
development appear promising. These include: indicating that antiepileptic drugs should be
2-deoxy-glucose, huperizine A, ICA-105665, chosen according to the mechanism of action
NAX-5055, T-2007, valnoctamide and YK3089. and undertaking such trials might be useful.
The reader can find a more in-depth review on Beyond seizures, the side effects of cer-
new AEDs in different stages of development tain AEDs represent a burden to patients and
in the progress report on new AEDs by Bialer the development of rational drug designs of
et al. [36] . blockers for specific subunits of the excita-
The currently available anticonvulsant agents tory amino acid receptors may provide ther-
suppress the symptoms of epilepsy but are not apeutic activity without the side effects of
truly antiepileptic drugs. A rational approach to nonspecific blockers.
prevent epilepsy would be to use drugs to target Efforts in order to understand the relation-
abnormal brain mechanisms that are activated ship between target and effect should continue
during the latent period of epileptogenesis fol- to provide important information about the
lowing an acquired brain injury such as trauma neuropathology of the epileptic network and
or stroke. to facilitate the development of novel therapies
There is a growing list of a number of muta- for the prevention of epileptogenesis and the
tions in ion channel genes that have been impli- treatment of medically refractory epilepsy.
cated in various human epilepsy syndromes. As
we are thinking about new drugs for preventing Financial & competing interests disclosure
the development of epilepsy or for the treatment MK Bensalem-Owen has received grants for sponsored
of seizures, we need to be thinking about what research as principal or subinvestigator from UCB, Glaxo-
other targets are involved in the control of seizures Smith-Kline, Ovation, Orhto-McNeil Janssen, and
and develop new therapies that would be specific Marinus pharmaceuticals. The authors have no other rel-
to a channelopathy or epileptic syndrome. evant affiliations or financial involvement with any organi-
A better understanding and knowledge of the zation or entity with a financial interest in or financial
molecular mechanisms underlying some specific conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the
epileptic syndromes may prove more successful manuscript apart from those disclosed.
than mass screening techniques using animal No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
models for some of the epilepsies. this manuscript.
Executive summary
There are a number of multiple molecular targets for various antiepileptic drugs. They primarily include GABA receptors, glutamate
receptors and voltage-gated ion channels. The end result of this is to stabilize neuronal function, reduce neuronal synchronization and
reduce neurotransmitter and neuropeptide release. Several antiepileptic drugs of the first, second or third generation exert an action at
more than one molecular target.
Future perspective
Efforts should be made to develop new drugs with antiepileptic properties that would prevent epileptogenesis and the emergence
of seizures in certain situations, such as brain injury, or that alter the underlying mechanisms of a particular epilepsy or prevent
its progression.
New therapies that would be specific to an epileptic syndrome should be developed as new mutations in ion channels implicated in
certain epileptic syndromes have been discovered.
In order to minimize side effects from antiepileptic drugs, drugs acting as blockers for specific subunits of the excitatory amino acid
receptors should be designed.