Legislative Brief-Health and Safety Code
Legislative Brief-Health and Safety Code
Legislative Brief-Health and Safety Code
Key Features
The Code consolidates 13 Acts regulating health safety and working conditions. These laws cover factories,
mines, dock workers, building and construction workers, plantation labour, contract labour, inter-state migrant
workers, working journalists, motor transport workers, sales promotion employees, and cine workers. The
Annexure to this Brief compares the key provisions of the Code with the provisions of these Acts.
Coverage, license and registration
Coverage: The Code applies to establishments employing at least 10 workers, and to all mines and docks. It
does not apply to apprentices. Further, certain provisions of the Code such as health and working conditions,
apply to all employees. Employees include workers and all other persons employed in a managerial,
administrative, or supervisory role (with monthly wage of at least Rs 15,000).
License and registration: Establishments covered by the Code are required to register within 60 days (of the
commencement of the Code) with registering officers, appointed by the central or state government. Further,
some establishments such as factories and mines, and those hiring workers such as beedi and cigar workers,
may be required to obtain additional licenses to operate.
Rights and duties of employees and employers
Duties of employers: Duties include: (i) providing a workplace that is free from hazards that may cause
injury or diseases, (ii) providing free annual health examinations to employees in notified establishments, (iii)
issuing appointment letters to employees, and (iv) informing relevant authorities in case an accident at the
workplace leads to death or serious bodily injury of an employee. Additional duties are prescribed for
employers in factories, mines, docks, plantations, and building and construction work, including provision of
a risk-free work environment, and instructing employees on safety protocols.
Duties of consultants: Manufacturers, importers, designers and suppliers must ensure that any article created
or provided by them for use in an establishment is safe, and provide information on its proper handling.
Further, architects, engineers and designers must ensure any structure designed by them can be safely
executed and maintained.
Rights and duties of employees: Duties include taking care of their own health and safety, complying with
safety and health standards, and reporting unsafe work incidents to the Inspector. Employees also have
certain rights including the right to obtain information on safety and health standards from the employer.
Work hours and leave
Work hours: Work hours for different classes of establishment and employees will be notified by the central
or state government. For overtime work, the worker must be paid twice the rate of daily wages. Prior consent
of workers is required for overtime work. Female workers may work past 7 pm and before 6 am with their
consent, and if approved by the government. Journalists cannot work more than 144 hours in four weeks.
Leave: Workers cannot be required to work for more than six days a week. Further, they must receive one
day of leave for every 20 days of work per year.
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The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2019 PRS Legislative Research
Code: Clauses Further, the Code specifies additional leave for sales promotion employees. It also specifies that working
25(2) and (3) journalists cannot be made to work more than 144 hours in four weeks (i.e. an average of 36 hours per week). For
all other workers covered under the Code, the minimum leave and maximum work hours is prescribed through
rules. The rationale for differential treatment with regard to working conditions between working journalists and
sales promotion employees on the one hand, and all other workers on the other hand, is unclear.
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Note that, if any sector-specific provisions are needed, the Code empowers the government to notify them.
Table 1 below sets out the general provisions in the Code applicable to all workers and the additional special
provisions applicable to specific categories of workers and establishments under the Code.
Table 1: Comparison of the general provisions and special provisions in the Code
Feature General Provisions Specific provisions
Duties of Duties include providing a safe Factories, mines, docks, plantation and construction: Employer must
Employers workplace, issuing appointment provide a risk-free workplace and instruct employees on safety protocol.
letters, and complying with the Inter-state migrant workers: Employer must notify specified authority of
provisions of the Code. both states in the case of fatal accidents and serious bodily harm.
Mines: The owner and agent of the mine will be jointly responsible for
providing a safe work environment.
Working To be notified by the appropriate Factories, mines, plantation, construction, and motor transport
conditions government. These may include undertakings: Appropriate government may require provision of added
and welfare bathing spaces, canteens, and first facilities like ambulance rooms, welfare officers, and temporary housing.
facilities aid boxes. Factories, mines, plantation, and motor transport undertakings:
Appropriate government may appoint medical officers to examine, certify,
and supervise the health of workers.
Factories involved in hazardous processes: Maximum permissible
limits of exposure to chemical and toxic substances in manufacturing
processes will be prescribed by state government. Further, it may
specify medical examinations for workers, among other facilities.
Interstate migrant workers: Employers must provide suitable conditions
of work, medical facilities, housing, displacement and journey allowance.
Dangerous No general provision for hazardous Factories involved in hazardous processes: Emergency standards
operations and dangerous operations. may be set. The National Advisory Board may give recommendations in
cases of extraordinary occurrences.
Inspector Inspector-cum-Facilitators may Factories, mines, docks, and construction work: Inspector-cum-
inquire into accidents and conduct Facilitators may limit number of employees working or prohibit work in an
inspections, among others. establishment, if it appears that workers are in danger.
License and All establishments with ten or more Factories: Additional licenses and registration may be required.
Registration workers must register with the Beedi workers and contract labour: License required for beedi and
appropriate government. cigar establishments (except for family establishments). Contractors
must either obtain a five-year license or obtain work-specific licenses.
Audio-visual workers: A signed agreement between the employer and
worker must be registered with the government.
Work hours To be notified by the government. Working Journalists: Work hours cannot exceed 144 hours in 4 weeks.
Leave Workers are entitled to one day off Sales promotion employees are entitled to leave for 1/11th of time on
for every 20 days of work and one duty, and medical leave for 1/18th of time on duty. Motor transport
day off every week. workers are entitled to one day off in every 10 days, in certain cases.
Disability No general provision in the Code. Construction work: No employer can hire workers with defective vision,
deafness, or a tendency for giddiness, if there is a risk of accident.
Age No person below the age of 14 Mines: No worker below the age of 18 or apprentice/trainee below the
may be allowed to work. age of 16, may work in a mine.
Sources: Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2019; PRS.
Note that most countries do not exempt smaller enterprises from labour regulation entirely. The International
Labour Organisation (2005) notes that only 10% of its member states had exempted micro and small enterprises
from labour regulation altogether.6 Most countries adopt a mixed approach to labour regulation. For instance,
health and safety laws in the United States, United Kingdom, South Africa and Philippines provide universal
coverage to all workers (except for domestic help in the US and UK). 7 However, certain obligations under these
laws are only applicable to enterprises with employees over a certain threshold. For example, record-keeping
obligations for work-related accidents in the US only apply to establishments with at least 10 employees. In South
Africa, only enterprises with 20 or more workers are required to designate a health and safety representative. 7
Code: Clause Note that one of the provisions of the Code overlaps with the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (which is not being
24(3) subsumed by the Code). The Code states that the central government may make rules to provide for crèches in
establishments with more than 50 workers, i.e. it is not mandatory. The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 makes the
provision of crèches mandatory in such establishments.
1. “Suggested Labour Policy Reforms”, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, 2014.
2. Report of the 2nd National Commission on Labour, Ministry of Labour and Employment, 2002.
3. Statement of Objects and Reasons, The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2019.
4. “Towards an optimal regulatory framework in India”, Implementation Group, Planning Commission, 12th Five Year Plan.
5. “Reorienting policies for MSME growth”, Economic Survey 2018-19.
6. “Labour and Labour-related Laws in Micro and Small and Enterprises: Innovative Regulatory Approaches”, International
Labour Organisation, 2007.
7. LEGOSH, Occupational Safety and Health, Country Profiles, International Labour Organisation.
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