Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited: TR Advertisement

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/ tr Phone: 0364·2570333/2570533

MeECL /HRDC/ /TRG-44/Pt-111/2020-21/04

rBIE.Mai/[email protected]

Dated 03 rd August 2020.

Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (Me.E.C .L), is a state-owned electric utility company
headquartered in Shillong, Meghalaya, India. It engages in Generation ,Transmission and Distribution of
electricity. The Corporation desires to engage Degree and Diploma holder as Apprentices for a period of 1
(one) year for ·on the job training", in the following category:

SI. Category of Qualification Nos. of Stipend

No. Apprenticeship Training Apprentice per
Possess a 4 year Degree in Mechanical 2 (Two)
1 Graduate Apprentices Engineering Rs.9000/-
Possess a 4 year Degree in Electrical 4 (Four)
Engineering OR Electrical & Electronics
Possess a 4 year Degree in Civil 2 (Two)
Possess a 4 year Degree in Computer
Science Engineering OR Information 2 (Two)
Technology Engineering
Possess a 3 year Diploma in 2 (Two)
2 Technician Apprentice Mechanical Engineering Rs.8000/-
Possess a 3 year Diploma in Electrical
Engineering OR Electrical & Electronics 4 (Four)
Possess a 3 year Diploma in Civil 2 (Two)
Possess a 3 year Diploma in Computer 2 (Two)
Science Engineering OR Information
Technology Engineering

The last date of submission of forms along with necessary documents is on the 04th September 2020.

Deputy Director
Human Resource Development Centre,
MeECL, Umiam

V Phone: 0364·2570333/2570533 18J E.Mail-hrdc.meecl@gma

Following are the eligibilities for students to be engaged for apprenticeship training:

1. Applicant should be resident of Meghalaya.

2. The service conditions of the apprentices so selected would be governed by The Apprentice Act 1961 as amended
from time to time.

3. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC and physically challenged (in identified trades) will be applicable.

4. Self attested Photostat copies of following Documents to be attached along with application form:

(i) EPIC/Passport

(ii) Consolidated Mark sheet/ last mark sheet of essential qualification obtained. If the Institute / University assigns
grades, conversion certificate if any, from respective University/College for calculating percentage of marks.

(iii) D.O.B document - 10th Standard Certificate or Birth Certificate issued by the Municipality or such appropriate

(iv) Passport size photograph; 2 (Two) Nos.

(v) Caste certificate in the prescribed format in support of the claim of belonging to SC/ST/OBC duly issued by
competent authority.

(vi) Certificate of Physical Challenge (if applicable)

5. Conditions of Eligibility:

5.1 The candidate must have an active email ID and Mobile Number and EPIC card

5.2 The Candidates must get himself / herself enrolled / registered with Board of Practical Training, through online
enrolment at National Apprenticeship Training Scheme, in and poses a valid enrolment ID
generated after successful enrolment within a specified period of three years after passing qualifying examination.

5.3 No Engineering Graduate or Diploma holder who has training or job experience for a period of one year or more
after the attainment of any of these qualifications mentioned shall be eligible for being engaged as an apprentice
under the Act.

5.4. A person who has been a Graduate, Diploma apprentice under the Act and in whose case the contract of
apprenticeship was terminated for any reason whatsoever shall not be eligible for being engaged as an apprentice
again under the Act without the prior approval of the Apprenticeship Adviser.

5.6. A person with Previous job experience of one or more years after passing minimum qualifying examination shall
not be eligible unless approved by Apprentice Advisor of BOAT.

5.7 The year of passing (YOR) will be 2018, 2019 & 2020.

6. Age Limits:

Maximum age 24 years as on 30.07.2020 but not less than 18 years. Age relaxation is allowed for Scheduled Caste/
Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes/ Persons with Disability/ Ex-servicemen, as per applicable Govt. of India

7. The selected candidates after joining the trainees apprenticeship training will be referred as Apprentice trainees.
The Apprentice trainees should attend the apprenticeship training regularly as per Training schedule.

8. The Apprentices are required to follow the working timings and holidays of MeECL during the period of training.
Disciplinary_Procedures will _ be initiated for unsatisfactory conduct, behaviour or not meeting the requirements of
training during the entire period of training and termination or cancellation or notation of training will be at the sole
discretion of Deputy Director, HRDC, MeECL, Um1am.

9. Every graduate, Diploma undergoing apprenticeship training shall have the following obligations, namely:

a) To attend the practical training regularly consciously and diligently at his place of training;

b) To carry out all lawful orders of his/her employer and superiors in the establishment;

c) To carry out his/her obligations under the contract of apprenticeship which shall include the maintenance of such
records of his work as may be prescribed .
1)The continuance of payment of stipe d t
being satisfactory. n ° - -
an apprentice shall be subject to the work and Conduct of the apprentice

e) Where the work and conduct of the appr r · -

apprenticeship adviser and ·th h" en ice is not satisfactory, the employer shall report the matter to the
WI is consent may stop continuance of payment of stipend to the apprentice.

f) Hours of
t training
. . . and admissibility of Ieaves -th e weekly and daily
· hours of work of an apprentice
· while
· undergrnng
prac icaI raining ,n a workshop shall be such as may be prescribed. An apprentice shall be entitled to such leave as
may be prescribed and to such holidays as are observed in the establishment in which he is undergoing training.

g) Conduct and discipline- In all matters of conduct and discipline, the apprentice shall be governed by the rules and
regulations applicable to employees of the corresponding category in the establishment in which the apprentice is
undergoing training. Apprentices are trainees and not workers:

10. _The _process of training will be purely practical training as per the training modules against each
subJecUD1sc1phne/trade with evaluation and feedback at the end of quarter.

11. Every graduate or technician apprentice who completes his/her apprenticeship training to the satisfaction of
employer shall be granted a certificate of satisfactory completion of apprentice training by the employer . However,
the apprentice trainees shall receive from BOPTER a certificate of proficiency in the respective training.

12. The contract of apprenticeship shall terminate on the expiry of the period of apprenticeship training .

13. Disciplinary procedure will be initiated by employer if the Apprentice is not showing interest in training. In the event
of premature termination of Contract of Apprenticeship for failure on the part of apprentice to carry out the terms and
condition of the contract , the surety at the request of apprentice hereby guarantees to employer the payment of such
amount towards the cost of training.

14. Leaves are applicable as per Apprentice act 1961 and its amendments.

15. It shall not be obligatory on the part of MeECL to offer any employment to any apprentice who has completed the
period of his/her apprenticeship training in his/her establishment, nor shall it be obligatory on the part of the
apprentice to accept an employment under the employer.

16. Deputy Director, HRDC, MeECL, Umiam is the sole and ultimate authority with all discretionary powers and
relaxations if any for all decisions with regard to overall conduct of Apprentice Training. All representations if any
should be made only to Deputy Director, HRDC, MeECL, Umiam in all matters of conduct of Apprentice Training.

17. Period of apprenticeship training: The period of apprenticeship training, shall be one year from date of agreement
for all the apprentice trainees.

18. Only those candidates whose applications are shortlisted will be contacted. No communication will be done with
other applicants. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification.

19. Those short listed candidates will be required to appear for original certificate verification at their own cost. No
travelling allowance nor transport I accommodation will be provided for attending the certificate verification.
candidates has to make their own arrangements for attending the certificate verification. Further , candidates has to
produce the prescribed physical fitness certificate from medical practitioner at their own cost .

20. Selected candidates who found physically fit has to execute a contract of apprenticeship with the employer

21. Selection letter will be issued to the candidates who signed the apprentice contract form. Date of joining the
apprentice training will be the date of signing the Apprentice agreement form .

22. Selected candidates has to report to the training on the date stipulated in the selection letter at their own cost. No
travelling allowance nor transport/ accommodation will be provided for joining the training and during the process of
training. Candidates has to make their own arrangements for transport accommodation and food during the period of
training .

23. Use application format A for apprentice trainees. All field are compulsory and no blank should be left. Incomplete
applications forms and application forms not in prescribed format and without signatures and applications without
prescribed enclosures will not be considered and no communication will be done with such applicants.

Deputy Director
HRD Centre, MeECL, Umiam
fr Application Form for Apprenticeship Training in MeECL

1.~ ,11 name (In CapUel Latte,s and Please do not ~

us_e_ an_y_in_it_
ia_ls_) ___________

2. Date of Birth :-

Year Month Date

3. Place of Birth :-

Village / Town ~ ~=---"I '---I~-----'

Police Station D1stnct State

4 . Father's I Mother's Name:-

(Please do not use any initials)

5 . A . Permanent Address in full : 8. Present Address in full :

6. Contact Number:
7. Alternate Contact Number:

8. NATS Enrollment Number:

For Technician Apprentice (Diploma in Engineering or Technology)-

The Candidates must get himself / herself enrolled I registered with Board of Practical Training, through online
enrolment at National Apprenticeship Training Scheme, in and poses a valid enrolment ID
generated after successful enrolment within a specified period of three years after passing qualifying examination.

Click Enrol

9. Apprenticeship applied for [Degree / Diploma]: L I_ _ _ _ _

10. Branch of Engineering :

(Mechanic aUEI e c tricaUEIe ctrica I & Electronics/Civil/Computer Science/Information Technology)

11 . Educational Qualifications:

(i) Name of Institution & Address:

(ii) Date of Passing (2018/2019/2020] :. . I I

(Candidates who passed the qualifying exammat,ons before the year2018 are not eligible)

(iii) Percentage of Marks obtained (overall): ' . -- - - -c---~__,

(CGPA/Grade or any other form are to be converted to percentage, else application w/11 be
summarily rejected]

12. Are you a member of SC I ST?, If yes, indicate accordingly C=:J

I submit that, I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Son/ Daughter of _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Declare that I am in good state of health and all the above information is true and correct and information
is not will fully suppressed or omitted. Further, I am not involved in any criminal /Civil cases/ proceedings.


Signature of candidate


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