OAP NCII Summative 3 Final Term

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Produce Organic Vegetables

Final Term – Summative Test 3

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write answers on a separate sheet.
1. Which of the following is not a reason why we transplant vegetable seedlings?
A. to allow sufficient space for stocky development of the plants
B. to select good, healthy and sturdy seedlings
C. to eliminate diseased and weak seedlings
D. to check true-to-type variety
2. The following are steps in transplanting seedlings, except_________?
A. Water the seedlings a day before transplanting.
B. Plant one seedling per hill and cover the roots properly.
C. Trim the roots before transplanting
D. Press the soil after planting and irrigate the transplanted seedlings.
3. Which of the following is the importance of water in vegetable production?
A. It protects plant from adverse condition like drought, etc.
B. It serves as solvent and carrier of food nutrient.
C. It is important in the process of photosynthesis.
D. All of the above
4. Which of the following is not a type of weeds?
A. grasses B. Herbs C. sedges D. broadleaves
5. These are chemicals used to control weeds.
A. Insecticide B. molluscicide C. Herbicide D. rodenticide
6. Which pesticide is used to control golden snail?
A. Insecticide B. molluscicide C. Herbicide D. rodenticide
7. Which pesticide is used to control rats?
A. Insecticide B. molluscicide C. Herbicide D. rodenticide
8. Which of the following is an organic fertilizer?
A. Manure B. Compost C. Vermicast D. All of the above
9. This refers to any organism that causes any type of damage to the crop plants.
A. insects B. Pest C. weeds D. rodents
10. Which of the following is not a method of pest control?
A. Plant Quarantine measures & IPM B. Biological & Chemical methods
C. Cultural , Physical & Mechanical methods D. None of the above
11. What does IPM mean?
A. Integrated Pest Management B. Internal Pest Management
C. Integrated People’s Movement D. None of the above
12. This refers to the use of cultural, physical, mechanical, biological, environmental and legal methods collectively
to control pest.
A. Integrated Pest Management B. Internal Pest Management
C. Integrated People’s Movement D. None of the above
13. This method also uses biological extracts, traps, repellents etc. for pest control.
A. Integrated Pest Management B. Internal Pest Management
C. Integrated People’s Movement D. None of the above
14. Which of the following is not a cultural method of pest control?
A. Crop rotation & Deep plowing.
B. Clean cultivation & Proper use of fertilizers & water
C. Growing pest resistant Varieties. D. None of the above
15. Which of the following is not a mechanical method of pest control?
A. Picking of pests, larvae by hand and destroying them.
B. Removing the part or whole plant that is infested.
C. Use of traps & catching them with the help of nets.
D. None of the above
16. These Biocon agents attack the eggs of moths and caterpillars. They lay their eggs inside the eggs of moths
preventing the moth egg from hatching into a caterpillar.
A. Bacillus thuringiensis  B. nuclear polyhedrosis virus
C. Trichogramma wasps D. Tricoderma
17. Which of the following is not a type of plant disease?
A. Fungal & Viral Disease B. Bacterial disease
C. Phytoplasma & Nematodes D. None of the above
18. These are microscopic round worms living in the soil attacking plant cells and extract content, leaving the plant
with yellowing leaves, stunted growth, wilting and reduced productivity.
A. Fungus B. Virus C. Nematodes D. Phytoplasma
19. Which of the following is a fungal disease?
A. molds smut B. rust & stem rot C. root rot and leaf rot D. All of these
20. Which of the following is a bacterial disease?
A. leaf spot, black rot, B. cankers, common blight,
C. scab, bacterial wilt & speck D. All of the above

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