LUCAS ACE - System Overview
LUCAS ACE - System Overview
LUCAS ACE - System Overview
The Active Corner Enhancement system manufactured by Rover Group Lucas appears to have
been produced specifically for the Land Rover Discovery series II to address the poor cornering
association of the Discovery series one. Constantly monitoring very sensitive G sensors mounted
at high and low points on the vehicle, the system can detect roll forces and counter them using
the output of a hydraulic pump via valves and powerful actuators mounted on both axles to resist
the roll forces thus reducing cornering roll. The system is a vast improvement to the vehicles
handling allowing much sharper cornering than without, and anyone used to driving with it needs
to be careful should it stop working, or due to the fact that it was an optional extra, they borrow a
non ACE equipped vehicle, and forget to slow down more than usual at corners. The system has
very fast response requirements and as such there is much emphasis on ensuring that the system
works properly and fast enough. New ECU’s have to pass a number of response tests
successfully before the system is commissioned to try and ensure this. There is also sensor
calibration and sophisticated bleeding procedures.
Interestingly or amusingly, the ECU is housed in an identical case to the MEMS 1.9 engine
management with a blanking plug fitted where the vacuum tube inlet is, no doubt a cost saving
LUCAS ACE - Known Fitments
Vehicle makes models and variants known or believed to be using this vehicle system, required
diagnostic lead and degree of known compatibility.
Vehicle make Vehicle Model Vehicle Variant Diagnostic Lead Compatibility Level
Land Rover Discovery II When Fitted Blue OBD lead Verified
Land Rover Discovery II When Fitted Green OBD lead Verified
This function reads the fault code memory. The system can self detect up to 45 different
problems with itself and associated sensors, storing the respective code if it detects any
malfunction or reading outside of pre defined acceptable limits. Not all stored faults may cause
the fault warning lamp to illuminate. Some faults, even if stored in the ECU memory, are masked
and therefore the Test Book is not showing them. We decided to show all faults stored in the
ECU. The masked faults are preceded by "MASKED FAULT" text.
There is also the option to Clear Faults
• Engine speed (rpm): A pulse train generated by either the Bosch Engine management or
the TD5 engine management ECU's.
• Road speed (km/h): Used in roll compensation and off-road algorithms, this is vehicle
speed dependent.
• Battery voltage (v): This is the current battery voltage which supplies the ACE ECU.
• Directional control valve 1/amps: The ACE ECU controls the DCV's by varying a 200 Hz
pulse width modulated signal supplied to it. The higher the mark space ratio of this
signal gets the more current is consumed by the DCV's. This value therefore shows how
much the valve is being opened by.
• Directional control valve 2/amps: The ACE ECU controls the DCV's by varying a 200 Hz
pulse width modulated signal, the higher the mark space ratio of this signal gets the
more current is consumed by the DCV's. This value therefore shows how much the valve
is being opened by.
• Pressure control valve/amps: The ACE ECU controls the Pressure Control Valve by
varying a 200 Hz pulse width modulated signal which is supplied to it. The higher the
mark space ratio of this signal gets the more current is consumed by the PCV. This value
therefore shows how much the valve is being opened by.
• Pressure Sensor (bar): This is the pressure in bars derived from the pressure transducer
which is mounted on the front face of the hydraulic valve block on the right hand chassis
• Residual pressure (bar): It may be noticed that when the PCV is closed i.e. drawing no
current, that the actual pressure reading is not zero Bar. This pressure offset is known as
the residual pressure and it is critical to the 'on centre' feel of the vehicle and initial roll
when cornering. Ideally the residual pressure should be zero; however in practice it can
vary between typically 3Bar and 6Bar. These variations are caused by component
tolerance, valve design and temperature effects on the viscosity of the oil. The higher
the residual pressure the larger the dead-band around centre or straight line driving. If
the system requests pressure less than the residual pressure the system is switched into
the 'locked bars' state. Residual pressure is measured by the ACE ECU every 12 seconds
when the direction valves are closed and there is no lateral acceleration and the engine
speed is above 550rpm. The residual pressure value should drop nearly 50% within the
first 2 minutes of starting the engine from cold. As the ambient temperatures decrease,
the initial value of residual pressure will increase.
• System pressure (bar): This is an internally calculated value is used to filter pressure
sensor outputs for the pressure controller and determines residual pressure and
pressure sensor offset. Residual pressure is measured every 12 seconds when the
direction valves are closed and there is no lateral acceleration and the engine speed is
above 550rpm.
• Upper lateral accelerometer/gravities: A capacitive acceleration sensor located on a
bracket in the roof lining above the rear view mirror. It is driven by a 5.0Vdc supply from
the ACE ECU on pin 18 of C0647 on a yellow / red wire. The buffered output is 0.25 -
4.75Vdc which returns to the ACE ECU on pin 17 of C0647 on an orange / blue wire. The
sensor can measure ± 1.14g. It is fed with earth from pin 34 of C0647 on a yellow /
green wire. Its input is used for 'head toss' correction and fault detection in conjunction
with the lower accelerometer. With the vehicle on level ground with all the doors
closed, both accelerometers should read ± 0.01g after calibration. After normal usage,
the difference between the upper and lower accelerometers could be as much as ±
• Lower lateral accelerometer/gravities: A capacitive acceleration sensor located on a
bracket attached to inner sill panel under RH front floor. It is driven by a 5.0Vdc supply
from the ACE ECU on pin 12 of C0647 on a yellow / black wire. The buffered output is
0.25 -4.75Vdc which returns to the ACE ECU on pin 15 of C0647 on an orange / grey
wire. The sensor can measure ± 1.14g. It is fed with earth from pin 34 of C0647 on a
yellow / green wire. While two independent accelerometers are used, this is the primary
sensor used to measure acceleration on the vehicle. The sensor's outputs are fed to
separate A/D inputs of the ACE ECU's main microprocessor. With the vehicle on level
ground with all the doors closed, both accelerometers should read ± 0.01g after
calibration. After normal usage, the difference between the upper and lower
accelerometers could be as much as ± 0.15g.
• Ignition switch: Used to wake up the ACE ECU and provide shutdown signal at power
off. The ECU stays powered up for 30 seconds after ignition is turned off.
• Reverse switch: Used to change the ACE system functionality. This is supplied via switch
S210 in an automatic vehicle or switch S103 in a manual vehicle.
• Main relay: This is the current status of the ACE systems main relay; this is controlled by
the ACE ECU and can be tested with an output function provided in the 'OUTPUTS'
section. When an ACE ECU is new as shown in the settings section, the ACE ECU will not
energies this relay until the ECU has passed all response tests and been self calibrated,
however to do this the system needs the power provided by this relay.
• Warning lamp: This shows the current status of the ACE systems warning lamp, which is
located in the instrument pack.
LUCAS ACE - Diagnostic Capabilities (Outputs)
This is a choice of outputs that can be tested. The outputs would be pulsed.
• Calib. Accelerometer 1: This function allows you to calibrate the accelerometer used by
the ACE to manage the process of cornering enhancement.
• Calib. Accelerometer 2: This function allows you to calibrate the accelerometer used by
the ACE to manage the process of cornering enhancement.
• Set Calibrated: This function sets the Calibrated flag. This flag is only an indication and it
doesn’t have any effect on the system.
• Ace System Bleeding: During ACE system maintenance or repair, hydraulic fluid may be
lost from the system and air introduced. If air is present in the primary circuit (pump,
attenuator and PCV) the system will self bleed shortly after starting the engine. The
unwanted air will escape when it reaches the reservoir. When air is in the secondary
circuit (actuators and associated pipe work) it is necessary to perform the System Bleed
procedure using this function. Both actuators are designed to allow oil and air to flow
freely through them when the piston is in the fully extended position. In this position,
the air will be forced out and allowed to escape to the reservoir. Using the following
procedure, it is possible to bleed the front and then the rear secondary circuits with the
front secondary circuit being bled first, but it is critically important that both the front
and rear actuators are bled independently.
1. The vehicle has to be parked on a 4 post ramp with the handbrake on and in park or
2. Verify that the oil reservoir is to the maximum level and that the pump is active and it
generates fluid’s turbulence on the reservoir.
3. Turn off the engine, raise the car at working height and perform OIL BLEEDING STEP 1.
4. Disconnect both stabilizer links on the front axle only. Do not disconnect the stabilizer
links on the rear axles. Free the nut that holds the silent block at the end of the roll bar.
5. Push the stabilizer link on the torsion bar side end up and pull the stabilizer link on the
actuator side down simultaneously to bring the actuator to its maximum extension;
make sure that no pipes or hoses become stretched.
6. For added safety, lower the vehicle to ground height.
7. Stop the STEP 1 function if it is not yet terminated. Turn on the engine and perform the
OIL BLEEDING STEP 2 (it will take about 10 minutes) and keep the reservoir topped if the
oil decreases its level. Once the function is terminated turn off the engine
8. Perform OIL BLEEDING STEP 1 and raise the car at working height and reconnect the
links of the front axels. Stop the STEP 1 function if it is not yet terminated.
9. Disconnect both stabilizer links on the rear axle only. Free the nut that holds the silent
block at the end of the roll bar.
10. For added safety, lower the vehicle to ground height again.
11. Turn on the engine and perform the OIL BLEEDING STEP 2 (it will take about 10 minutes)
and keep the reservoir topped if the oil decreases its level. Once the function is
terminated turn off the engine
12. Raise the car at working height and reconnect the links of the front axels. Perform OIL
BLEEDING STEP 3 for a few seconds.
13. Lower the car and check the level of the oil again.