Replications in Economics
Replications in Economics
Replications in Economics
Replications in Economics:
A Progress Report
Maren Duvendack1, Richard W. Palmer-Jones2,
and W. Robert Reed3
1. School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK.
2. School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK.
3. Department of Economics and Finance, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.
(Corresponding author.) The authors thank Richard Anderson, Bruce McCullough, Badi Baltagi, Tom
Stanley, and many others for comments on an earlier draft of this paper. We also thank numerous
journal editors who worked with us to ensure that our reporting of their replication policies was
accurate. Cathy Kang, Akmal Fazleen, Alfred Zhao, and Sonja Marzi provided excellent research
assistance. Financial support from the College of Business & Law at the University of Canterbury is
gratefully acknowledged.
4. We offer definitions of ‘replication’ in this paper as there is currently no consensus among scholars. For
an interesting discussion on defining ‘replication’ see Clemens (2015).
5. Here are links to the articles from The Economist (link), The New Yorker (link), The Atlantic (link), BBC
Radio (link), and the Los Angeles Times (link).
It is not clear to what extent these precepts were practiced, although it is unlikely
that data sets were widely shared outside research groups. Restricting access to
data has generally been legitimised by reference to the heavy investment of primary
researchers in data production and the long lead times from collection to
publication of analyses, as well as issues of anonymity and protection of subjects.
But crucial is the availability of data and code. The issues raised by Frisch remain
front and center.
In the post-World War II period, several scholars raised concerns about
the quality of data and the validity of social and economic statistical analysis
(Morgenstern 1950; Tullock 1959). Gordon Tullock was one of the first to draw
attention to what is now commonly referred to as “the file drawer problem”
(Rosenthal 1979): inconclusive findings are likely to be filed, while results that
are statistically significant get published. Tullock also advocated replication: “The
moral of these considerations would appear to be clear. The tradition of inde-
pendent repetition of experiments should be transferred from physics and
chemistry to the areas where it is now a rarity” (Tullock 1959, 593).
The Journal of Human Resources (JHR) was an early leader in the publication
of replications. Articles in JHR included replication as part of their analysis. For
example, an article by Marshall Smith (1968) says that “The reader may note that
the results in Tables 1 and 2 should replicate some of the results shown in Table
3.23.2 … of the report. This is the case” (1968, 386 n.1). Replication, in the sense of
repeating a prior analysis, was promoted in JHR; for example: “these findings must
be regarded as relatively weak tendencies requiring further study and badly in need
of replication in independent data” (Gallaway and Dykman 1970, 199).6 Authors
reported whether their results replicated or were consistent with the results of
others (e.g., Winkler 1975, 202). Others reported replicating, or at least re-
estimating, portions of other papers (e.g., Link and Ratledge 1975; see also Akin
and Kniesner 1976; Link and Ratledge 1976).
The Journal of Human Resources continued to publish papers that contained
replications through the 1970s and 1980s, and announced a commitment to doing
so in its Winter 1990 issue:
The first two planks of this policy were reaffirmed in 2012 (link).
In a 1975 Journal of Political Economy (JPE) article, Edgar Feige asserted that
economics journals’ editorial policy “bearing on empirical literature puts an
inordinate premium on the attainment of ‘statistically significant results,’ with the
effect of contaminating our published literature with a proliferation of Type 1
errors” (Feige 1975, 1291). Following its publication of Feige’s article, the JPE
initiated a “Confirmations and Contradictions” section, which existed from 1976
to 1999. The JPE editors wrote that confirmations could come from using new
data, while contradictions would “be most powerful when based upon the same
data” (editorial comment in Feige 1975, 1296). Philip Mirowski and Steven Sklivas
(1991, 159), however, reported that only five of 36 notes appearing in this JPE
section from 1976 to 1987 included replications, of which only one was “suc-
cessful” in actually replicating the original results. Richard Anderson et al. (2008)
6. It appears that Gallaway and Dykman (1970) regard their paper, in part, as a replication of a report.
counted 13 more notes through 1999, of which only one included a replication.
This led them to conclude, “Apparently the JPE has allowed the section to die an
ignominious death befitting the section’s true relation to replication: It has been
inactive since 1999” (Anderson et al. 2008, 108). We are not aware of any formal
responses to Mirowski and Sklivas (1991) or Anderson et al. (2008).
In the 1980s few major economics journals had a data sharing or replication
policy in place, even though some economists, such as Thomas Mayer (1980),
expounded the need for replication. A notable exception at the time was the Journal
of Money, Credit and Banking (JMCB) which requested that authors make data and
code available upon submission of their articles (Dewald et al. 1986). Subsequently
an increasing number of journals adopted data-sharing policies, either requiring
authors to provide data and code upon request or to deposit their data and code in
journal-managed data archives upon submission of their article. Bruce McCullough
et al. (2006) and Jan Höffler (2014) argue that the former are ineffective because
most authors and editors ignore them (see also McCullough 2007).
Substantial progress has been made in the last two decades with respect
to the publishing of replications and to the mandating of the provision of data
and code. Several economic journals now have official policies on data sharing/
archiving or replication, including the American Economic Review (AER), Econo-
metrica, the Journal of Applied Econometrics (JAE), and a number of others. Less
common is the requirement that authors provide their associated computer code.
For example, the JAE encourages, but does not require, authors to supply code.
The AER’s policy statement, adopted in 2004 following the critical paper of
McCullough and H. D. Vinod (2003), has served as a model for other journals. And
the AER has recently tightened its policy by undertaking checks that submitted
code and data do indeed produce the results published. While the AER’s current
policy is “an important step towards more transparent and credible applied eco-
nomic research” (Palmer-Jones and Camfield 2013, 1610), it should be noted that
there is an important limitation. The AER only requires authors to include the data
set(s) and programs necessary to run the “final models,” along with a “description
of how previous intermediate data sets and programs were employed to create the
final data set(s)” (link). But much data manipulation commonly occurs between
the original and final data sets that is not carefully documented, hindering the ability
of would-be replicators to obtain the final results from the raw data (Palmer-Jones
and Camfield 2013).7
The mandatory submission of raw data sets, along with the programs that
produce the final data sets, would enable researchers to understand how the data
were ‘cleansed’ and identify coding errors embodied in the final data set. These
7. For example, Iversen and Palmer-Jones (2014) identify data-management errors in which invalidate one
of the two analyses in Jensen and Oster (2009), but see also Jensen and Oster (2014).
issues are little discussed in the replication literature (see Glandon 2011 for an
exception). Accordingly, Anderson et al. (2008, 99) assert that much remains to be
done “before empirical economics ceases to be a ‘dismal science’ when judged by
the replicability of its published results.” Even if more stringent requirements will
remain impractical, discussions of the matter keep us mindful of a vast realm of
abuse that policies like the AER’s do not ensure against.
The replication policy adopted by Econometrica (link) is similar to the one
by AER but less specific. It distinguishes between empirical analysis, experiments
and simulation studies with an emphasis on experimental papers where authors are
required to provide more detailed information. Like the JMCB, the JAE also has a
data archive (link), and a replication section (link). JAE clearly specifies the format
in which data sets and computer code should be made available (again, making data
available is mandatory for all papers published in JAE while the provision of code
is voluntary).
The requirement of making available the author’s data and code is a
necessary, but by no means sufficient, condition that enables replicators to confirm
the original study’s results. It may be the case that policies are not strictly enforced;
even the AER has been faulted for issues of non-compliance (Glandon 2011).8 Or
there could be nominal compliance by authors—that is, they provide at least some
data and or code—but the data and code are poorly documented, incomplete, or
do not produce the tabulated results.
8. Our survey about replication policies, discussed below, was administered to a large number of
economics journals. Several editors were surprised to discover that their requirement that data and code be
provided and posted on the journal’s website was not being enforced.
9. This paragraph draws on Dewald et al. (1986), Mirowski and Sklivas (1991), and Feigenbaum and Levy
10. For more details on this exchange, see Mukunth (2014) for an overview, Schnall (2014), and Schnall’s
posts on the blog of the Cambridge Embodied Cognition and Emotion Laboratory (link).
11. “The ESRC Research data policy states that research data created as a result of ESRC-funded research
should be openly available to the scientific community to the maximum extent possible, through long-term
preservation and high quality data management” (link). “National Science Foundation is committed to the
principle that the various forms of data collected with public funds belong in the public domain. Therefore,
the Division of Social and Economic Sciences has formulated a policy to facilitate the process of making
data that has been collected with NSF support available to other researchers” (link). Gary King offers a list
of further funding agencies with data sharing and archiving policies in place (link).
errors in papers published in their own journal. All of these factors attenuate
editors’ incentives to facilitate and encourage replication of the papers they publish.
Original authors are concerned about the costs of compiling data and code
into usable forms. They may expect that the benefit of providing well documented,
easily usable code is small or even negative. If replicating authors can easily confirm
the original results, there is no real gain, while the damage to their reputation may
be large if the original results cannot be confirmed. Original authors, then, may see
their providing data and code as having a potential downside and very little upside.
Reputational issues magnify the difficulties associated with both original
authors and replicators getting to ‘the truth.’ Recent cases involving Carmen
Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff (O’Brien 2013) and Thomas Piketty (Giles 2014)
illustrate the amount of attention that can be attracted to controversies
surrounding replication. Academics are sometimes ‘named and shamed’ through
academic blogs and other informal media. Frequently the issues center around
data errors and nuanced issues of sample selection and empirical procedures, not
outright academic fraud.
In our Internet age, criticism can spread quickly and extensively, while
rebuttals or more considered views do not necessarily attract much attention. The
skills necessary to navigate successfully in social media may be orthogonal to
scientific merit. While there are many impediments to replicators, the other side
of the coin is that it can be difficult for the original authors to defend themselves
when faced with unfair criticisms. Many journals provide the original authors with
an opportunity to respond to replicators’ findings, but more frequently this is not
the case, as we show below.
With reputational issues motivating many disputes between replicating and
original authors, there would seem to be a place for the establishment of protocols
between replicators and replicatees to mitigate the possibilities of errors or
misunderstandings in replications. In this context, Daniel Kahneman (2014) has
recently called for the establishment of “A New Etiquette for Replication.”12
However, since reputation often plays out in the wide world of public opinion,
and since that world operates under different rules than scientific responsibility,
it is unlikely that such protocols would ever be able to fully safeguard against the
harms done by malicious replicators or belligerent replicatees (see Hoxby 2007 or
Acemoglu et al. 2012 for examples of sharp responses to replicators).
Several authors have suggested that the “push to replicate findings” in
science could entail perverse effects (Bissell 2013; Gelman 2013). There is a
perceived danger that authors could become more cautious and direct their efforts
away from controversial or difficult topics (Schnall 2014). Difficult though these
12. See also the 3ie’s “Replication Contracts Notification and Communication Policy” (link).
issues may be, the potential gains to the economics profession, and the public, of
furthering the practice of replication are, in our view, substantial.
13. Journals were identified from the online 2012 JCR Social Science Edition and included all journals that
were categorized as “Economics” in the Subject Category Selection dialog box.
14. Sixty-six journals responded to the first survey including one journal whose editor wrote to inform us
that the journal (Pacific Economic Bulletin) was no longer being published. The corresponding response rate is
66/333=0.198. A followup email was sent in January 2015 in which journal editors were asked to respond
to the correctness of the information reported in an earlier draft of this study. Approximately 100 journals
responded to that email.
be inferred as lack of support for the general policy of making this information
TABLE 1. Journals that regularly* publish data and code for empirical research articles
1) Agricultural Economics
2) American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
3) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
4) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
5) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
6) American Economic Review
7) Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
8) Econometrica
9) Economic Journal
10) Econometrics Journal
11) Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal
12) European Economic Review
13) Explorations in Economic History
14) International Journal of Forecasting (a)
15) Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
16) Journal of Applied Econometrics
17) Journal of Labor Economics
18) Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking (b)
19) Journal of Political Economy
20) Journal of the European Economic Association
21) Quarterly Journal of Economics
22) Review of Economic Dynamics
23) Review of Economic Studies
24) Review of Economics and Statistics (c)
25) Review of International Organizations
26) Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (d)
27) World Bank Economic Review
Other: The journal Experimental Economics commented: “We don’t require individuals to post their data. We have
never felt the need since there is a strong norm within the experimental community of sharing the data upon
request (as well as instructions & z-tree code).” The journal Econ Journal Watch does not regularly publish code,
but they do regularly link their empirical articles to data, and have done so since the first issue of the journal in
Notes: * “Regularly” is defined as at least 50% of the empirical articles supply their data and code.
(a) Some issues publish data and code for at least 50% of the empirical articles. The journal notes that it is
currently in the process of moving all supplements to the ScienceDirect website which will make it easier for
researchers to access them.
(b) Data and code are published on the journal’s website (link), but not on the Wiley online journal website.
(c) The journal commented, “The Review of Economics and Statistics has an online data archive to which we require
all of our published authors to post their Data and Code which is available to the public” (link).
(d) SNDE responded to our survey by noting that the journal “has required the inclusion of data and code for 17
years, before virtually any other journal.”
Other journals, such as the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics and the
Journal of Human Resources, while not posting data and code through the journal’s
website, state that authors are required to make their data “available” for replication
purposes. We did not inquire as to whether these journals monitor whether
published authors follow through on the responsibility, nor how journals might
enforce it.
Even if such policies were duly enforced, there would be an advantage in
locating the archive at the journal website. The journal can standardize the
formatting of data and code. We did not inquire whether journals had policies
about formatting, but our unscientific sampling of files suggests that authors are
largely uninstructed in this area. We also did not inquire whether journals had
internal processes for ensuring that the results of a published study are easily
replicated with the files provided. In several ways, journals could lower the cost of
As things currently stand, there is little personal incentive for published
authors to ensure their data and code files can be easily understood by another
researcher. The time costs of organising files and making them sufficiently
transparent so as to be profitably used by others can be quite substantial. Many
researchers may find the benefits of providing transparent data and code files do
not outweigh the costs. Journals can solve this incentive problem by making
provision of data and code a condition for publication.
Table 2 lists the journals whose websites explicitly mention that they invite
submission of replications or publish replications.15 Some journals publish rep-
lications without explicitly stating that they do so. If journals are willing to publish
replications, it is important that they say so in a public place, so potential authors
can easily learn the fact. By leaving a potential replicating researcher unaware of the
possibility of publishing in that journal, it narrows the pool of potential outlets in
which a researcher thinks she can publish her work.
Of the 333 journals examined, only 10 explicitly state that they publish
replication studies (these journals are listed in Table 2). Further, some of these
are specialty journals that only publish studies in a particular area, such as the
journals Experimental Economics and Economics of Education Review. Others, such as the
Journal of Applied Econometrics, only publish replications where the original article was
published in one of a few elite journals. Thus, as a practical matter, there may only
be one or two journals that appear willing to publish a replicating author’s research.
The lack of publishing outlets is perhaps the most serious obstacle to researchers
interested in undertaking replication research.
15. In at least two cases, journal editors modified their journal websites after we told them that our
classification system required explicit mention of this policy on the journal website.
TABLE 2. Journals whose websites explicitly mention that they publish replications
1) Econ Journal Watch
2) Economic Development and Cultural Change
3) Economics of Education Review
4) Empirical Economics
5) Experimental Economics
6) Explorations in Economic History
7) International Journal of Forecasting
8) Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
9) Journal of Applied Econometrics
10) Review of International Organizations
16. We did not include articles that had been published online as ‘early access.’ One of the characteristics
we wanted to record was whether the journal published a ‘reply’/‘response’ to the replication study. It was
not possible to determine this from early access articles. We also did not include replies or responses to
replication studies, or replies or responses to replies/responses. We judged that the motivation underlying
these was likely to be different, being colored by the incentive to defend the author’s earlier research.
17. The impact factors were taken from RePEc (link). We actually referenced 51 journals, since two
journals had identical impact factors. The journals are: American Economic J.: Microeconomics, American
Economic J.: Macroeconomics, American Economic Rev., Econometric Reviews, Econometrica, Econometrics J., Economic
J., European Economic Rev., Experimental Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, International Economic Rev.,
International J. of Central Banking, J. of Accounting and Economics, J. of Applied Econometrics, J. of Development
Economics, J. of Econometrics, J. of Economic Dynamics and Control, J. of Economic Growth, J. of Economic Perspectives, J.
of Economic Surveys, J. of Economic Theory, J. of Empirical Finance, J. of Environmental Economics and Management, J. of
Finance, J. of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, J. of Financial Economics, J. of Financial Intermediation, J. of Financial
Markets, J. of Health Economics, J. of Human Resources, J. of International Business Studies, J. of International Economics,
J. of International Money and Finance, J. of Labor Economics, J. of Law and Economics, J. of Monetary Economics, J.
of Political Economy, J. of Population Economics, J. of Public Economics, J. of Risk and Uncertainty, J. of the European
Economic Association, J. of Urban Economics, Labour Economics, Mathematical Finance, Oxford Bulletin of Economics
and Statistics, Quarterly J. of Economics, RAND J. of Economics, Rev. of Economic Dynamics, Rev. of Economic Studies,
Rev. of Financial Studies, and World Bank Economic Rev.
For the systematic search of top-50 journals, each journal was searched using
the term “replicat*.” This generated 13,261 potentially relevant articles. Not having
the means to screen all of these, we randomly sampled approximately 12% of them
(1,601 articles), reviewing the full text to determine if the article satisfied our criteria
to be classified as a “replication study.” Of these 1,601 studies, most did not actually
undertake a formal replication exercise; or the replication was not the main focus of
the paper; or the paper styled itself as an empirical or conceptual extension of the
original paper without attempting to confirm or disconfirm the original study.
Figure 1. Histogram of replication studies by year for our sample of 162 articles
In the end, our searching found 162 replication studies. Figure 1 presents
a plot of replication studies (within the sample just described) by year. The first
article that we can identify whose main focus was to replicate a previous study
dates to 1977: it is a replication of a minimum wage study and was published in
Economic Inquiry (Siskind 1977). Over the next 14 years (through 1991), fifteen more
replication studies were published, eleven of which were published in one journal,
the Journal of Human Resources. Early replication studies also appeared in Applied
Economics (1983, 1985), the Quarterly Journal of Economics (1984), and the Journal of
Applied Econometrics (1990).
From 1992, a number of other journals published replication studies: Review
of Economics and Statistics (1992), Journal of Development Studies (1993, 1994, 2001),
Marketing Letters (1994), Labour Economics (1995), Empirical Economics (1997), Journal
of Environmental Economics and Management (1998), Public Choice (1998), Journal of
Political Economy (1998), Experimental Economics (2000), Journal of International Develop-
ment (2000), Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics (2000), Journal of Development
Economics (2001), and the Journal of Law and Economics (2001). Interestingly, some
of these journals never published another replication study. The American Economic
Review published its first replication study in 2002 (McCrary 2002), though its earlier
publication of the landmark study by William G. Dewald, Jerry G. Thursby, and
Richard G. Anderson (1986) did much to illuminate the need for replications in the
A major development in the publication of replications occurred in January
2003 when the Journal of Applied Econometrics (JAE) began a replication section,
edited by Badi Baltagi (Pesaran 2003). From that time on, the JAE has become the
most prolific publisher of replication studies amongst economics journals. Another
notable journal event was the start in 2004 of Econ Journal Watch; from the first issue,
the journal’s line of economic criticism has included replications (see Maberly and
Pierce 2004, which itself comes under criticism in Witte 2010). As Figure 1 makes
clear, journals have published replication studies with increasing frequency since
the early 2000s.
Table 3 provides a listing of the journals that have published replication
studies. The JAE accounts for about one-fifth of all replication studies published
in peer-reviewed economics journals. The next most frequent publishers are the
Journal of Human Resources, American Economic Review, Econ Journal Watch, the Journal
of Development Studies, and Experimental Economics. These six journals account for
almost 60 percent of all replication studies. Only ten economics journals have ever
published more than three replication studies.
The remainder of this section identifies some general characteristics of the
published replication studies. The studies were coded on six dimensions:
1. Summary? Did the replication article merely summarize the find-
ings of the replication? Or did it report individual estimates that
allowed comparison with the original article?
2. Exact? Did the replication study attempt to exactly reproduce the
original findings?
3. Extension? Did the replication study go beyond attempting to
reproduce the original results by extending the analysis to differ-
ent types of subjects, time periods, or test additional hypotheses?
4. Original Results? Did the replication study report the findings of
the original study in a way that facilitated comparison of results
without having to access the original study?
The subsequent analysis separates out JAE replication studies from other journals’
replication studies, as roughly a fifth of all JAE replications consist of short
summaries. We also separate out experimental replication studies, because these
‘replications’ involve new data collection using different subjects, and often
subjects from different countries. This raises issues of how ‘reproducibility’ should
be interpreted. And so, we report the characteristics of replication studies for four
categories of journals: (i) Studies from all journals (n=162), (ii) JAE studies (n=31),
(iii) experimental studies (n=12), and (iv) non-JAE/non-experimental studies
With respect to the Exact? characteristic, Table 5 reports that a little less
than two-thirds of all published replication studies attempt to exactly reproduce the
original findings. The number is slightly higher for the JAE. A frequent reason for
not attempting to exactly reproduce an original study’s findings is that a replicator
attempts to confirm an original study’s findings by using a different data set. An
example is a replication study by Vegard Iversen and Richard Palmer-Jones (2008),
which tested a result of Kaushik Basu et al. (2002) by using more recent data and
data from a different country.
The next characteristic, Extension?, asks whether a replication study merely
reproduces an original study’s findings or also has some independent novelty or
innovation (e.g., different data or additional hypotheses). On this dimension, there
is wide variation across journal categories. Studies published in the JAE often
consist exclusively of attempts to confirm the original study’s findings. Less than
a third of JAE replication studies perform extensions of the original study. In
contrast, most experimental studies go beyond the original study’s analysis, often to
explore additional hypotheses. Unfortunately, our analysis is unable to distinguish
between ‘demand’ and ‘supply’ factors: we cannot tell if the difference between
the JAE studies and the experimental studies, say, is driven by the preferences of
journal editors or by the preferences of replicating authors.
The next characteristic, Original Results?, tells whether the replication study
re-reports the original results in a way that facilitates comparison with the original
study. A large portion of replication studies do not offer easy comparisons, perhaps
because of limited journal space. Sometimes the lack of direct comparison is more
than a minor inconvenience, as when a replication study refers to results from an
original study without identifying the table or regression number from which the
results come.
The next three characteristics involve the outcome of replication studies
in confirming findings from the original study. Across all categories of journals
and studies, 127 of 162 (78%) replication studies disconfirm a major finding from
the original study. Interpretation of this number is difficult. One cannot assume
that the studies treated to replication are a random sample. Also, researchers who
confirm the results of original studies may face difficulty in getting their results
published since they have nothing ‘new’ to report. On the other hand, journal
editors are loath to offend influential researchers or editors at other journals. The
Journal of Economic & Social Measurement and Econ Journal Watch have sometimes
allowed replicating authors to report on their (prior) difficulties in getting dis-
confirming results published. Such firsthand accounts detail the reticence of some
journal editors to publish disconfirming replication studies (see, e.g., Davis 2007;
Jong-A-Pin and de Haan 2008, 57).
The last characteristic, Reply?, indicates how frequently journals publish a
response by the original authors to the replication study in the same journal issue.
Such replies are generally infrequent.18 Approximately one in five replication
studies are responded to by the original authors in the same issue. Not surprisingly,
replies are most likely to occur when the replicating study disconfirms the original
study. Of the 33 replication studies that elicited a published response from the
original authors, all but one were in response to the replicating study disconfirming
the original results (the exception being the exchange between Muñoz 2012 and
Findlay and Santos 2012).
18. We did not search for replies that were published in later issues of the journal because of the right-hand
censoring problem that arises from replies that have not yet been published. Our unscientific analysis is
that most replies are published in the same issue as the comment/replication.
What can we learn from our analysis of replication studies? Most impor-
tantly, and perhaps not too surprisingly, the main takeaway is that, conditional on
the replication having been published, there is a high rate of disconfirmation. Over
the full set of replication studies, approximately two out of every three studies
were unable to confirm the original findings. Another 12 percent disconfirmed at
least one major finding of the original study, while confirming others (Mixed?). In
other words, nearly 80 percent of replication studies have found major flaws in the
original research.
Could this be an overestimate of the true rate of Type I errors in original
studies? While the question is impossible to answer conclusively with our sample,
there is some indication that this rate overstates the unreliability of original studies.
The JAE is noteworthy in that it publishes many replications that consist of little
more than the statement “we are able to reproduce the results,” as in Drukker
and Guan 2003). This suggests that the JAE does not discriminate on the basis
of whether the replication study confirms or disconfirms the original study. This
contrasts with the American Economic Review, which has never published a replication
that merely confirmed the original study. One may be tempted to take the JAE’s
record as representative, and we see that the JAE’s rate of replications that
disconfirm at least one major finding (that is, Negative? + Mixed?) is 65 percent
(0.452+0.194). By any account, this is still a large number. It raises serious concerns
about the reliability of published empirical research in economics.
cost of undertaking replication research. This is one possible explanation for the
observed increase in the number of published replication studies over time (see
Figure 1). Further availability of data and code should result in more resources
being devoted to replication research.
But production also depends on professional rewards, which in turn are
related to the probability of publication in a respected journal. Stan Liebowitz
(2014, 1272–1275) reports that quality of journal in which an author’s work appears
is the most important publication-related criterion for promotion. If this is the case,
then unless there is an increase in the frequency with which top journals publish
replication studies, it will be difficult for a published replication study to produce
the same benefit to a researcher of publishing ‘original research.’19 Given that very
few journals currently publish replication research, however, even a small increase
in their absolute number could have a significant impact on expected benefits by
increasing the probability that a replication study will get published.
On the demand side of the replication market, an important determinant is
the extent to which research in that journal is likely to get cited. Evidence of the
power of citations is the rising influence of “impact factors” in ranking journals
(Wilhite and Fong 2012). We expect that elite journals will likely continue to find
little benefit to publishing replication studies, as they receive high quality, original
research with much citation potential. But journals of lesser status may find that
replications of widely cited papers can be expected to produce more citations than
original research submitted to those journals. If that is the case, the pursuit of
citations may help replication studies to establish a niche within the hierarchy of
economics journals.
Demand is also affected by technological innovation. The JAE’s practice
of publishing summaries of replications allows it to allocate less journal space for
a replication study relative to an original study. The increasing sophistication of
online publishing also creates opportunities for journals to use their scarce journal
space more efficiently. Public Finance Review publishes a summary version of a
replication study in its print edition, but links to the full-length manuscript as an
online supplement. Such innovations could increase the ratio of citations per
journal page and hence could shift the demand for replication studies relative to
original studies at some journals.
Finally, widespread attention directed towards the replicability of scientific
research may affect journal editors’ and researchers’ ‘tastes’ for replication studies.
This also generates dynamic externalities that simultaneously increase the demand
and supply of replication studies.
19. Balanced against this is a recent study by Gibson et al. (2014), which finds that membership in the club
of “top journals” may be wider than is commonly asserted.
Stanley and Stephen Jarrell (1989) identified the potential for meta-analysis and
replication to work together more than 25 years ago.20
In our opinion, replication is an underappreciated and underutilized tool for
assessing the reliability and validity of empirical results. It is our hope that this
progress report and the accompanying website ( will
further this development.
A file containing our reference list and analysis of replication studies can be
downloaded here.
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quantitative surveys of the empirical literature, replication, and self-analysis. … MRA also presents
interesting possibilities for organizing and encouraging replication of empirical economic research. … It
is at once a framework in which to organize and interpret exact and inexact replications, to review more
objectively the literature and explain its disparities, and to engage in the self-analysis of investigating the
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Kahneman, Daniel. 2014. A New Etiquette for Replication. Social Psychology 45(4):
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