21st Century Classroom
21st Century Classroom
21st Century Classroom
ISO 9001 : 2000 ( NO SIJIL : 404074)
USA 1960’s typical classroom – teacher-centered, A classroom at the School of Environmental Studies,
fragmented curriculum, students working in isolation, aka the Zoo School, in Minneapolis. A perfect
memorizing facts. example of real-life, relevant, project-based
21st century education.
Focus: memorization of discrete facts Focus: what students Know, Can Do and
Are Like after all the details are forgotten.
Lessons focus on the lower level of Bloom’s Learning is designed on upper levels of
Taxonomy – knowledge, comprehension and Blooms’ – synthesis, analysis and
application. evaluation (and include lower levels as
curriculum is designed down from the top.)
Textbook-driven Research-driven
Teacher is judge. No one else sees student Self, Peer and Other assessments.
work. Public audience, authentic assessments.
Print is the primary vehicle of learning and Performances, projects and multiple
assessment. forms of media are used for learning and
assessment (Outcomes-Based Teaching
& Leaning Activities-OBTLA &
Outcomes-Based Assessment-OBA)
Literacy is the 3 R’s – reading, writing and Multiple literacies of the 21st century –
math aligned to living and working in a globalized
new millennium.
Factory model, based upon the needs of Global model, based upon the needs of a
employers for the Industrial Age of the 19th globalized, high-tech society.
century. Scientific management.
Driven by the NCLB and standardized Standardized testing has its place.
testing mania. Education is not driven by the NCLB and
standardized testing mania.
The classroom is expanded to include the greater community. Students are self-directed,
and work both independently and interdependently. The curriculum and instruction
are designed to challenge all students, and provides for differentiation.