Lemma 1 Prooff PDF
Lemma 1 Prooff PDF
Lemma 1 Prooff PDF
1 Introduction
Many problems in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) involve designing agents
that interact with stochastic environments. The environment is typically modeled with a collection
of random variables. A common assumption is that the agent acquires information by observing
samples from these random variables. A key problem is to determine the number of samples that are
required for the agent to make sound inferences and decisions based on the data it has collected.
Many abstract problems fit into this general framework, including sequential hypothesis testing, e.g.,
testing for positiveness of the mean [18, 6], analysis of streaming data [19], best arm identification
for multi-arm bandits (MAB) [1, 5, 13], etc. These problems involve the design of a sequential
algorithm that needs to decide, at each step, either to acquire a new sample, or to terminate and output
a conclusion, e.g., decide whether the mean of a random variable is positive or not. The challenge is
that obtaining too many samples will result in inefficient algorithms, while taking too few might lead
to the wrong decision.
Concentration inequalities such as Hoeffding’s inequality [11], Chernoff bound, and Azuma’s inequal-
ity [7, 5] are among the main analytic tools. These inequalities are used to bound the probability of a
large discrepancy between sample and population means, for a fixed number of samples n. An agent
can control its risk by making decisions based on conclusions that hold with high confidence, due to
the unlikely occurrence of large deviations. However, these inequalities only hold for a fixed, constant
number of samples that is decided a-priori. On the other hand, we often want to design agents that
make decisions adaptively based on the data they collect. That is, we would like the number of
samples itself to be a random variable. Traditional concentration inequalities, however, often do
not hold when the number of samples is stochastic. Existing analysis requires ad-hoc strategies to
bypass this issue, such as union bounding the risk over time [18, 17, 13]. These approaches can lead
to suboptimal algorithms.
30th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), Barcelona, Spain.
We introduce Hoeffding-like concentration inequalities that hold for a random, adaptively chosen
number of samples. Interestingly, we can achieve our goal with a small double logarithmic overhead
with respect to the number of samples required for standard Hoeffding inequalities. We also show
that our bounds cannot be improved under some natural restrictions. Even though related inequalities
have been proposed before [15, 2, 3], we show that ours are significantly tighter, and come with
a complete analysis of the fundamental limits involved. Our inequalities are directly applicable to
a number of sequential decision problems. In particular, we use them to design and analyze new
algorithms for sequential hypothesis testing, best arm identification, and sorting. Our algorithms rival
or outperform state-of-the-art techniques both theoretically and empirically.
There is a very large class of well known inequalities that bound the probability of large deviations by
confidence that increases exponentially w.r.t. bound tightness. An example is the Hoeffding inequality
[12] which states, using the definitions mentioned above,
Pr[Sn ≥ bn] ≤ e−2b (1)
Other examples include Azuma’s inequality, Chernoff bound [7], and Bernstein inequalities [21].
However, these inequalities apply if n is a constant chosen in advance, or independent of the
underlying process, but are generally untrue when n is a stopping time J that, being a random
variable, depends on the process. In fact we shall later show in Theorem 3 that we can construct a
stopping time J such that
Pr[SJ ≥ bJ] = 1 (2)
for any b > 0, even when we put strong restrictions on J.
Comparing Eqs. (1) and (2), one clearly sees how Chernoff and Hoeffding bounds are applicable only
to algorithms whose decision to continue to sample or terminate is fixed a priori. This is a severe
limitation for stochastic algorithms that have uncertain stopping conditions that may depend on the
underlying process. We call a bound that holds for all possible stopping rules J an adaptive bound.
We start with the observation that finding a probabilistic bound on the position of the random walk
SJ that holds for any stopping time J is equivalent to finding a deterministic boundary f (n) that the
walk is unlikely to ever cross. Formally,
Proposition 1. For any δ > 0,
Pr[SJ ≥ f (J)] ≤ δ (3)
for any stopping time J if and only if
Pr[{∃n, Sn ≥ f (n)}] ≤ δ (4)
Intuitively, for any f (n) we can choose an adversarial stopping rule that terminates the process as
soon as the random walk crosses the boundary f (n). We can therefore achieve (3) for all stopping
times J only if we guarantee that the random walk is unlikely to ever cross f (n), as in Eq. (4).
The problem of studying the supremum of a random walk has a long history. The seminal work of
Kolmogorov and Khinchin [4] characterized the limiting behavior of a zero mean random walk with
unit variance:
lim sup √ = 1 a.s.
n→∞ 2n log log n
This law is called the Law of Iterated Logarithms (LIL), and sheds light on the limiting behavior of a
random walk. In our framework, this implies
h p i 1 if a < 1
lim Pr ∃n > m : Sn ≥ 2an log log n =
m→∞ 0 if a > 1
This theorem provides a very strong result on the asymptotic behavior of the walk. However, in most
ML and statistical applications, we are also interested in the finite-time behavior, which we study.
The problem of analyzing the finite-time properties of a random walk has been considered before
in the ML literature. It is well known, and can be easily proven using Hoeffding’s inequality union
bounded over all possible times, that a trivial bound
f (n) = n log(2n2 /δ)/2 (5)
holds in the sense of Pr [∃n, Sn ≥ f (n)] ≤ δ. This is true because by union bound and Hoeffding
inequality [12]
∞ ∞ ∞
2 1
e− log(2n /δ )
P r[∃n, Sn ≥ f (n)] ≤ P r[Sn ≥ f (n)] ≤ ≤δ ≤δ
n=1 n=1 n=1
Recently, inspired by the Law of Iterated Logarithms, Jamieson et al. [15], Jamieson√and Nowak
[13] and Balsubramani [2] proposed a boundary f (n) that scales asymptotically as Θ( n log log n)
such that the “crossing event” {∃n, Sn ≥ f (n)} is guaranteed to occur with a low probability.
They refer to this as finite time LIL inequality. These bounds, however, have significant room for
improvement. Furthermore, [2] holds asymptotically, i.e., only w.r.t. the event {∃n > N, Sn ≥ f (n)}
for a sufficiently large (but finite) N , rather than across all time steps. In the following sections, we
develop general bounds that improve upon these methods.
Pr[{∃n, Sn ≥ f (n)}] = 1
2. If f (n) = an log(logc n + 1) + bn, c > 1, a > c/2, b > 0, and ζ is the Riemann-ζ
function, then
Pr[{∃n, Sn ≥ f (n)}] ≤ ζ (2a/c) e−2b/c (6)
We also remark that in practice the values of a and c do not significantly affect the quality of the
bound. We recommend fixing a = 0.6 and c = 1.1 and will use this configuration in all subsequent
experiments. The parameter b is the main factor controlling the confidence we have on the bound (6),
i.e., the risk. The value of b is chosen so that the bound holds with probability at least 1 − δ, where δ
is a user specified parameter.
Based on Proposition 1, and fixing a and c as above, we get a readily applicable corollary:
Corollary 1. Let J be any random variable taking value in N. If
f (n) = 0.6n log(log1.1 n + 1) + bn
Pr[SJ ≥ f (J)] ≤ 12e−1.8b
The bound we achieve is very similar in form to Hoeffding inequality (1), with an extra O(log log n)
slack to achieve robustness to stochastic, adaptively chosen stopping times. We shall refer to this
inequality as the Adaptive Hoeffding (AH) inequality.
Informally,√part 1 of Theorem 1 implies that if we choose a boundary f (n) that is conver-
p w.r.t. n log log n and would like to bound the probability of the threshold-crossing event,
(1/2)n log log n is the asymptotically smallest f (n) we can have; anything asymptotically smaller
will be crossed with probability 1. Furthermore, part 2 implies that as long as a > 1/2, we can
choose a sufficiently large b so that threshold crossing has an arbitrarily small probability. Combined,
we thus have that for any κ > 0, the minimum f (call it f ∗ ) needed to ensure an arbitrarily small
threshold-crossing probability can be bounded asymptotically as follows:
p p p p
1/2 n log log n ≤ f ∗ (n) ≤ ( 1/2 + κ) n log log n (7)
If we relax the requirement that f (n) must be smooth, or, formally, remove the condition that
f (n)
lim √
n→∞ n log log n
must exist or go to ∞, then we might be able to obtain tighter bounds.
Figure 2: Comparison of Adaptive Hoeffding (AH) and LIL [15], LIL2 [2] and Trivial bound. A
threshold function f (n) is computed and plotted according to the four bounds, so that crossing occurs
with bounded probability δ (risk). The two plots correspond to different risk levels (0.01 and 0.1).
For example many algorithms such as median elimination [9] or the exponential gap algorithm [17, 6]
make (sampling) decisions “in batch”, and therefore can only stop at certain pre-defined times. The
intuition is that if more samples are collected between decisions, the failure probability can be easier
to control. This is equivalent to restricting the stopping time J to take values in a set N ⊂ N.
Equivalently we can also think of using a boundary function f (n) defined as follows:
f (n) n ∈ N
fN (n) = (8)
+∞ otherwise
Very often the set N is taken to be the following set:
Definition 3 (Exponentially Sparse Stopping Time). We denote by Nc , c > 1, the set Nc = {dcn e :
n ∈ N}.
Methods based on exponentially sparse stopping times often achieve asymptotically optimal per-
formance on a range of sequential decision making problems [9, 18, 17]. Here we construct an
alternative to Theorem 1 based on exponentially sparse stopping times. We obtain a bound that is
asymptotically equivalent, but has better constants and is often more effective in practice.
Theorem 2 (Exponentially Sparse Adaptive Hoeffding Inequality). Let {Sn , n ≥ 1} be a random
walk with 1/2-subgaussian increments. If
f (n) = an log(logc n + 1) + bn
and c > 1, a > 1/2, b > 0, we have
Pr[{∃n ∈ Nc , Sn ≥ f (n)}] ≤ ζ(2a) e−2b
We call this inequality the exponentially sparse adaptive Hoeffding (ESAH) inequality. Compared to
(6), the main improvement is the lack of the constant c in the RHS. In all subsequent experiments we
fix a = 0.55 and c = 1.05.
Finally, we provide limits for any boundary, including those obtained by a batch-sampling strategy.
Theorem 3. Let {Sn , n ≥ 1} be a zero mean random walk with 1/2-subgaussian increments. Let
f : N → R+ . Then
f (n)
1. If there exists a constant C ≥ 0 such that lim inf n→∞ √
< C, then
Pr[{∃n, Sn ≥ f (n)}] = 1
f (n)
2. If limn→∞ √
= +∞, then for any δ > 0 there exists an infinite set N ⊂ N such that
√ 1 states that if a threshold f (n) drops an infinite number of times below an asymptotic
Informally, part
bound of Θ( n), then the threshold will be crossed √ with probability 1. This rules out Hoeffding-like
bounds. If f (n) grows asymptotically faster than n, then one can “sparsify” f (n) so that it will be
crossed with an arbitrarily small probability. In particular, a boundary with the form in Equation (8)
can be constructed to bound the threshold-crossing probability below any δ (part 2 of the Theorem).
Our first example is sequential testing for the positiveness of the mean of a bounded random variable.
In this problem, there is a 1/2-subgaussian random variable X with (unknown) mean µ 6= 0. At each
step, an agent can either request a sample from X, or terminate and declare whether or not E[X] > 0.
The goal is to bound the agent’s error probability by some user specified value δ.
This problem is well studied [10, 18, 6]. In particular Karp and Kleinberg [18] show in Lemma 3.2
(“second simulation lemma”) that this problem can be solved with an O log(1/δ) log log(1/µ)/µ
algorithm with confidence 1 − δ. They also prove a lower bound of Ω log log(1/µ)/µ . Recently,
Chen and Li [6] referred to this problem as the SIGN-ξ problem and provided similar results.
We propose an algorithm that achieves the optimal asymptotic complexity and performs very well
in practice, outperforming competing algorithms by a wide margin (because of better asymptotic
constants). The algorithm is captured by the following definition.
Definition 4 (Boundary Sequential Test). Let f : N P → R+ be a function. We draw i.i.d. samples
X1 , X2 , . . . from the target distribution X. Let Sn = i=1 Xi be the corresponding partial sum.
1. If Sn ≥ f (n), terminate and declare E[X] > 0;
2. if Sn ≤ −f (n), terminate and declare E[X] < 0;
3. otherwise increment n and obtain a new sample.
We call such a test a symmetric boundary test. In the following theorem we analyze its performance.
Theorem 4. Let δ > 0 and X be any 1/2-subgaussian distribution with non-zero mean. Let
f (n) = an log(logc n + 1) + bn
Figure 3: Empirical Performance of Boundary Tests. The plot on the left is the algorithm in
Definition 4 and Theorem 4 with δ = 0.05, the plot on the right uses half the correct threshold.
Despite of a speed up of 4 times, the empirical accuracy drops below the requirement
where c > 1, a > c/2, and b = c/2 log ζ (2a/c) + c/2 log 1/δ. Then, with probability at least 1 − δ,
a symmetric boundary test terminates with the correct sign for E[X], and with probability 1 − δ, for
any > 0 it terminates in at most
log(1/δ) log log(1/µ)
(2c + )
samples asymptotically w.r.t. 1/µ and 1/δ.
4.1.1 Experiments
To evaluate the empirical performance of our algorithm (AH-RW), we run an experiment where
X is a Bernoulli distribution over {−1/2, 1/2}, for various values of the mean parameter µ. The
confidence level δ is set to 0.05, and the results are averaged across 100 independent runs. For this
experiment and other experiments in this section, we set the parameters a = 0.6 and c = 1.1. We
plot in Figure 3 the empirical accuracy, average number of samples used (runtime), and the number
of samples after which 90% of the runs terminate.
The empirical accuracy of AH-RW is very high,
as predicted by Theorem 4. Our bound is em-
pirically very tight. If we decrease the bound by
a factor of 2, that is we use f (n)/2 instead of
f (n), we get the curve in the right hand side plot
of Figure 3. Despite a speed up of approximately
4 times, the empirical accuracy gets below the
0.95 requirement, especially when µ is small.
We also compare our method, AH-RW, to the
Exponential Gap algorithm from [6] and the al-
gorithm from the “second simulation lemma”
of [18]. Both of these algorithms rely on a
batch sampling idea and have very similar per-
formance. The results show that our algorithm
is at least an order of magnitude faster (note
the log-scale). We also evaluate a variant of
our algorithm (ESAH-RW) where the boundary Figure 4: Comparison of various algorithms for de-
function f (n) is taken to be fNc as in Theorem 2 ciding the positiveness of the mean of a Bernoulli
and Equation (8). This algorithm achieves very random variable. AH-RW and ESAH-RW use or-
similar performance as Theorem 4, justifying ders of magnitude fewer samples than alternatives.
the practical applicability of batch sampling.
The MAB (Multi-Arm Bandit) problem [1, 5] studies the optimal behavior of an agent when faced
with a set of choices with unknown rewards. There are several flavors of the problem. In this paper,
we focus on the fixed confidence best arm identification problem [13]. In this setting, the agent
is presented with a set of arms A, where the arms are indistinguishable except for their expected
reward. The agent is to make sequential decisions at each time step to either pull an arm α ∈ A, or to
terminate and declare one arm to have the largest expected reward. The goal is to identify the best
arm with a probability of error smaller than some pre-specified δ > 0.
To facilitate the discussion, we first define the notation we will use. We denote by K = |A| as the
total number of arms. We denote by µα the true mean of an arm, α∗ = arg max µα , We also define
µ̂α (nα ) as the empirical mean after nα pulls of an arm.
This problem has been extensively studied, including recently [8, 14, 17, 15, 6]. A survey is presented
by Jamieson and Nowak [13], who classify existing algorithms into three classes: action elimination
based [8, 14, 17, 6], which achieve good asymptotics but often perform unsatisfactorily in practice;
UCB based, such as lil’UCB by [15]; and LUCB based approaches, such as [16, 13], which achieve
sub-optimal asymptotics of O(K log K) but perform very well in practice. We provide a new
algorithm that out-performs all previous algorithm, including LUCB, in Algorithm 1.
Theorem 5. For any δ > 0, with probability 1 − δ, Algorithm 1 outputs the optimal arm.
Algorithm 1 Adaptive Hoeffding Race (set of arms A, K = |A|, parameter δ)
fix parameters a = 0.6, c = 1.1, b = c/2 (log ζ (2a/c) + log(2/δ))
initialize for all arms α ∈ A, nα = 0, initialize  = A be the set of remaining arms
while  has more than one arm do
Let α̂∗ be the arm with highest empirical mean, and compute for all α ∈ Â
a log(logc nα + 1) + b + c log |Â|/2 /nα if α = α̂∗
fα (nα ) = p
(a log(logc nα + 1) + b) /nα otherwise
draw a sample from the arm with largest value of fα (nα ) from Â, nα = nα + 1
remove from  arm α if µ̂a + fα (nα ) < µ̂α̂∗ − fα̂∗ (nα̂∗ )
end while
return the only element in Â
4.2.1 Experiments
We implemented Algorithm 1 and a variant
where the boundary f is set to fNc as in Theo-
rem 2. We call this alternative version ES-AHR,
standing for exponentially sparse adaptive Ho-
effding race. For comparison we implemented
the lil’UCB and lil’UCB+LS described in [14],
and lil’LUCB described in [13]. Based on the
results of [13], these algorithms are the fastest
known to date.
We also implemented the DISTRIBUTION-
BASED-ELIMINATION from [6], which theo-
retically is the state-of-the-art in terms of asymp-
totic complexity. Despite this fact, the empirical
performance is orders of magnitude worse com-
pared to other algorithms for the instance sizes Figure 5: Comparison of various methods for best
we experimented with. arm identification. Our methods AHR and ES-
AHR are significantly faster than state-of-the-art.
We experimented with most of the distribution
Batch sampling ES-AHR is the most effective one.
families considered in [13] and found qualita-
tively similar results. We only report results us-
ing the most challenging distribution we found
that was presented in that survey, where µi = 1 − (i/K) . The distributions are Gaussian with 1/4
variance, and δ = 0.05. The sample count is measured in units of H1 = α6=α∗ ∆−2
α hardness [13].
5 Conclusions
We studied the threshold crossing behavior of random walks, and provided new concentration
inequalities that, unlike classic Hoeffding-style bounds, hold for any stopping rule. We showed that
these inequalities can be applied to various problems, such as testing for positiveness of mean, best
arm identification, obtaining algorithms that perform well both in theory and in practice.
This research was supported by NSF (#1649208) and Future of Life Institute (#2016-158687).
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