Pinoy Media Etc. Notes
Pinoy Media Etc. Notes
Pinoy Media Etc. Notes
6:00 AM - Sunrise
8:00 AM - Malcolm in the Middle 5:55 AM - Guidelines for Family Living
with Harold Sala
CLASSICS 6:00 AM - Hour of Power
5:00 PM - Wayne Rooney's Street Striker 1:30 AM - Law & Order
5:00 PM - PBA
Monday Thursday
11:00 PM - NBC Nation News 11:30 AM - May Gloria ang Bukas (hosted
by Pampanga Rep. Gloria Arroyo)
11:30 PM -
Fringe II (Monday)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Tuesday)
7:00 AM - Key of David
Amazing Race XVII (Wednesday)
7:30 AM - Bayless Conley
Desperate Housewives VI (Thursday)
8:00 AM - INC: The Message
Friday Night Movie (Friday)
9:00 AM - TV Sunday Mass
1:30 AM - Midnight Express (Monday-
Thursday) 10:00 AM - Hataw Pinoy
1:00 AM -
2:00 AM -
5:00 am - Aquino Sisters: Pray the 1:05 pm - GTV: Good TVFriday
Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
12:00 nn – @ ur Serbis
5:30 am - Family Rosary Crusade
1:00 pm – Ikaw at ang Batas
6:00 am - Teledyaryo sa Umaga (with Mon
Tulfo and Reysie Amado) 1:05 pm – Just Jammin’
1:00 pm - Ikaw at ang Batas 7:30 pm – People, Politics, Power (Monday
& Wednesday)
1:05 pm - Concert at the Park (Tuesday)
Congress in Action (Tuesday)
Paco Park Presents (Wednesday)
T.S.I.P. (Thursday)
Thursday12:00 nn - Music Control
GSIS Member’s Hour (Friday) 10:30 am – Usapang Pulitika
7:00 am - Power & Mercy 9:30 pm – Malacañang: The Week that Was
7:30 am - LMP: Lakbayin ang Magandang 10:00 pm – Coconut Palace: The Week that
Pilipinas Was
8:30 –Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho 10:30 –Cafeteria Aroma: New Generation
(hosted by German Moreno, Shalala and
9:15 –Imbestigador John Lapuz)
4:30 a.m. –Ecclesia in Asia: Ang Misa 7:45 –Kap’s Amazing Stories
2:00 –Sign-off
SM SupeRadio Program Schedule
Gusto ko i-request and suggest the new SM including regular finance and business news,
SupeRadio schedule (starting this August sports, and studio guests.) (With Nick
2010) (as part of SM Supermalls' 25th Beacroft and Ian Pooler)
Anniversary celebration)
7:00-7:30 AM SM News on Parade
(Network Simulcast of 18 Radio Stations)
(With Jun Desca)
SM SupeRadio (24 hour: Sign on: Sunday
morning and sign off: Saturday 9:00-12:00 PM Morning Brew (Weekday
midnight. The SM SupeRadio as English programme Morning Brew is a chat and
AM Stereo Radio Network and became music show. Hosted by Phil Whelan, guests
masa, News, Talk, Public service, public include regular contributors and drop-ins,
affairs, religious, radio entertainment, TV- who span topics from earnest current affairs
style entertainment, values, info plugs, all to cookery to the arts.) (With Phil Whelan)
genres music: current/classic and
foreign/Pinoy radio station, under Rogelio 12:00-12:30 PM SM News on Parade
M. Florete Sr., Tom Alvarez, Hans Mortel (Network Simulcast of 18 Radio Stations)
and Hazel Aguilon) na pantapat ito sa mga (With Jun Desca)
ibang radio stations sa buong Mega Manila
(ex. DZMM and DZBB) (Targets radio 12:30-3:00 PM Naked Lunch (A celebration
listeners in all ages and classes of Hong Kong and a delve into the minds of
ABCD&E) (owned and operated by SM the people who make it buzz, plus the best
Prime Holdings, Inc. (Shopping Center new music and classic 90s and 80s tracks.)
Managment Corporation) and Bombo Radyo (With Sarah Passmore)
3:00-6:00 PM Steve James (Join Steve
James's Lame Survey Of The Day, now, on
the Facebookwall anddon't forget to caption
the latest picture and check out a Lame Link
or two here!) (With Steve James)
At request and suggest ko lang po yung mga
bagong Dream FM Sked 6:00-6:30 PM SM Network News (Network
Simulcast of 18 Radio Stations) (With Jun
5:00-6:30 AM the very early show (if there 9:00-10:00 PM Teen Time (Welcome to the
is something you want to hear or something Teen Time page on RTHK Radio 3!) (With
you would like to sharetext 6393-5925) Alyson Hau)
(With Tim Littlechild)
10:00-11:00 All The Way with Ray (Our
6:30-9:00 AM Hong Kong Today (Local longest running show! "Uncle" Ray presents
and international news and current affairs, a relaxed programme packed with all your
old favourites. It's pop classics from the '60s 8:30-9:00 The Week On Three (Highlights
and '70s all the way from 10 pm to midnight from the week's programmes on Radio 3.)
and then allow yourself to wallow in (With Sarah Passmore)
nostalgia as Ray spins those evergreen
standards from the '40s and '50s.) (With Ray 9:00-12:00 PM Saturday Morning with Phil
Cordeiro) (Phil takes you through the morning with
plenty of good music and a fair dollop of
11:00-11:30 PM News at Eleven (RTHK light-hearted banter to put you in the mood
Newsroom) to enjoy the weekend ahead.) (With Phil
11:30-1:00 AM All The Way with Ray (with
Ray Cordeiro) (continuation) 12:00-12:30 PM SM News on Parade
(Network Simulcast of 18 Radio Stations)
1:00-5:00 AM Night Music (Choice music (With Jun Desca)
on a choice channel. Radio 3 - choice
company throughout the night.) - 12:30-4:00 PM Ellie Davis (Join Ellie Davis
for the perfect soundtrack to your Saturday
afternoon. From folk to funk and hip-hop to
pop it’s an eclectic mix of old classics and
SATURDAY new gems. Every week hear the hottest new
album releases and live music news.) (With
6:00-7:00 AM Early Show (Start your day Ellie Davis)
with some great music in the company of
Radio 3.) (With Stuart Clarkson) 4:00-6:00 PM Saturday PM (With John
7:00-7:30 AM SM News on Parade
(Network Simulcast of 18 Radio Stations) 6:00-6:30 PM SM Network News (Network
(With Jun Desca) Simulcast of 18 Radio Stations) (With Jun
7:30-7:45 AM Reflections From Asia
(Radio 3's award winning weekly in depth 6:30-8:00 PM Neil Chase in New York
analysis of Asian issues from one of Hong (Neil Chase brings you a weekly mix of
Kong's leading journalists.) (With Harvey music and comment from the Big Apple.)
Stockwin) (With Neil Chase)
8 pm – Fringe
new TV5 DWDZ-TV HD Sked
11 am – Juicy!
Lokomoko U (Fri)
2 am – Tech Trip
5 pm – Aksyon Weekend
5:30 pm – Star Factor 3:30 am – Time Between Dog and Wolf
TV5/TV5 HD Program Schedule
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM - juicy! (English-
language Showbiz-oriented talk show hosted
4:30 AM - DyaryoVision by Alex Gonzaga)
Tuesday 12:30 AM - Totoo TV (Monday)
7:30 AM - Kerygma TV
10:00 AM - D.Gray-Man
2:30 PM - Exposé