Mission and Goals - Programming Sgteac 2
Mission and Goals - Programming Sgteac 2
Mission and Goals - Programming Sgteac 2
Programming Options/Services
The mission statement of the programming options/services subcommittee is to provide
the support and guidance to districts and schools for the purpose of the intentional
planning of multiple programs and services that adequately address the academic,
intellectual and creative abilities of gifted students.
The information presented here is a live document to provide up to date best practices
and strategies for gifted education.
Ensure that assessments and criteria match the programming being offered. For example, if it
is an accelerated art program, portfolios should be reviewed as opposed to state testing data.
Districts should be creative in looking at how they are offering programming.
Other: Social and Emotional Make a plan to address SEL The Rights of a Gifted Child.
Learning-Support needs: document/poster. Look on
G &T students often have -Weekly advisory sessions NJAGC website.
increased SEL needs. -Mental health counseling
-Peer support groups Traits of a Gifted Child. Chart
outlining positive and
negative manifestations.
Appears in Teaching the
Gifted in the Regular
Updated 8-25-20
Socioeconomic status accounts for a large part of academic success. Providing opportunities
for underrepresented populations may mean providing scaffolds and supports for gifted
learners who have not had the opportunities that other students have had. Criteria for
acceptance to G&T programs should ensure that students of all ethnicities and races receive
entrance to the programs. Programs should include supports for all students so that they are
able to remain in the program.
Updated 8-25-20
This may require districts to be aware of how environmental factors prohibit students from
being referred to G & T programs in their district. For example, homeless children are more
frequently absent. However, being homeless should not preclude a child from being in G & T
Similarly, twice exceptional children may need an inclusion teacher or pull out support, but
should still be given the opportunity for rigorous content at their academic level.
ELL students can be identified and engaged through non verbal, hands on programming.
This even encourages them to speak more since it is a small group, informal class.
Debate . “ “
communication, and
teamwork skills
accomplishments. Instead,
you are honored for
achieving your own
challenging goals after
registering for the program.