Mas Solar Systems Modified

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Questionnaire – Solar Water Heater

1. Respondents Details

a Name
b Address
c Communication Details Tel No Mobile No

2. Respondents Profile

a No. of Family Members Adult (No) : Children: (No)

b Occupation (of respondent) Salaried Govt/ Salaried Pvt/ Professional /
Self Employed / Business Establishment
c Monthly Household Income (INR)
d Is your house Owned / Rented/ Leased

3. Size of the house where you might install a solar water system

a. 1 BHK 2.2 BHK 3. 3 BHK 4 .4 BHK 5. > 5BHK

4 . What would be the average consumption of hot water per day.

Sr. Consumption (in litres) Tick One

a. < 100 litres
b. 100 - 250
c. 250-500
d. Any other, pls specify

5. What is the source of water for your house?

S. No Source Quantum of Availability

a Piped Supply Available Fully / Available Partially
b Bore Well Available Fully / Available Partially
c Any other, pls Specify Available Fully/ Available Partially

6. What are those daily habits where you require hot water? (Tick Multiple Options)

a Bathing Yes/ No If Yes (In buckets per day)

b Cooking Yes/ No If Yes (In Litres)
c Washing Clothes Yes/ No If Yes (In Litres)
d Washing Utensils Yes/ No If Yes (In Litres)
e Any Other, pls Specify Yes/ No If Yes (In Litres)
7. Method used for heating water at present

Sr. No. Fuel Pattern of usage

a. Electricity Always / Frequently/ as and when needed/ rarely/ never
b. LPG Always / Frequently/ as and when needed/ rarely/ never
c. Kerosene Always / Frequently/ as and when needed/ rarely/ never
d. Natural Gas Always / Frequently/ as and when needed/ rarely/ never
e. Others Source:
Always / Frequently/ as and when needed/ rarely/ never

8. If Solar water heater is used for heating water then,

Solar water heater brand ……………………… Capacity……………………Cost……………………….

9. If Electricity is used for heating water, what is your average electricity bill per month?

Sr. No. Season Avg. Monthly Bill in INR

a. February to June
b. July to October
c. November to January

10. In case of LPG how many gas cylinders are required per month?

S.No. Number of Cylinders Tick One

a. 1
b. More than 1 but less than 2
c. 2 or More

11. How satisfied are you with your current water heating system? (Tick one)

a. Highly Satisfied
b. Adequately Satisfied
c. Neither satisfied nor Dissatisfied
d Partially Satisfied
e. Highly Dissatisfied

12. Please rate the marketing efforts made by solar panel companies in promoting their product to
households. (Tick any one)

a. Exceed expectations
b. Meet expectations
c. Do not meet expectations
d. Negligible
13. To what extent would the following factors encourage you to invest in a solar heater system?

Attributes 5 4 3 2 1
(Max) (Min)
Future increase in prices of conventional energy
Fairly good saving of the electricity bill today
Sustainable lifelong power ( 20 years & above)
Low Maintenance cost and process
Safer, Convenient

14. To what extent would the following factors discourage from investing in a solar heater system?

Attributes 5 4 3 2 1
(Max) (Min)
Number of years to pay back ( 10 years & above)
Ignorance about government incentives
Lack of loan options
High cost of solar power heater systems
Reduced aesthetical outlook of the house

15. How much would you expect to save per month (average) on your electricity bill by installing a
solar water heater, in order for it to be worthwhile?

a. 10-20% b. 20-30% c. 30-40% d. 40-50% e. Above 50%

16. What maximum investment would you be willing to make in solar water heater?

Sr.No. Price Willingness to Pay (Only Highest Value)

a. < Rs. 25,000
b. Rs.25,000-50,000
c. Rs. 50,000 to 75,000
d. Rs.75,000 - Rs 1,00,000
e. Any other, pls specify

17. In case of your interest to install a solar water heater at your premises, kindly indicate the
timeline from the below given option

Sr.No. Timeline ( Tick your option here)

a. With immediate effect
b. By one month
c. Two – Three months
d. Any other, pls specify

18.Are you interested in installing solar power panels as an alternative source of electricity?

a. Yes b. No c. Not sure

19. If yes, what would be probable requirement of solar power needed?

Sr.No. Appliances Number

a. Tube lights
b. Mixer/ Grinder
c. Refrigerator
d. Washing Machine
e Ceiling fans
f Air conditioner
g Submersible pump/motor

20. What maximum investment would you be willing to make in solar panel system?

Sr.No. Price Willingness to Pay (Only Highest Value)

a. < Rs. 2,50,000
b. Rs.2,50,000-5,00,000
c. Rs. 5,00,000 to 7,50,000
d. Rs.7,50,000 - Rs 10,00,000
e. Any other, pls specify

21. Do you need any financial assistance through interest rate / capital subsidy for solar water
heating. If yes, pls specify



Cost of different capacities of ETC based SWHS

Questionnaire – Builder /Institutional (Hotels/Guest House, Hospitals, Educational institution)

1. Respondents Details

a Name
b Address
c Communication Details Tel No
Mobile No

2. Proposed number of flats in the building/township? No. _______________

3.How many residential flats are there in the building? No. _______________

4.Size of the Hotel – No. of Rooms ___________________

No. of Bed ___________________

5. Size of the hospital – No. of Beds __________

Are you aware of any similar initiatives of provision of solar water heating system for any of
your other hospital/hotel/College ? Yes/ No

If yes, where (get the contact details), and what were the experiences?

6. What is the source of water for your Apartment/Institution:

Sr No Source Percentage
a Piped Supply
b Bore Well
c Any Other, pls Specify

7. Is there a provision for centralized hot water system in the building? Yes/ No

8. What do you use hot water for? (Tick Multiple Options)

a Bathing
b Cooking
c Washing Clothes
d Washing Utensils
e Any Other, pls Specify
9. Quantity of hot water consumed

Sr.N Season In litres per day

a. Summer
b. Monsoon
c. Winters 10.
is the proposed fuel used for heating water

Sr. Fuel Percentage

a. Electricity
b. LPG
c. Kerosene
d. Natural Gas
e Solar water heater
e. Other

11. How satisfied are you with your current water heating system? (tick one)

a. Highly Satisfied
b. Adequately Satisfied
c. Partially Satisfied
d. Dissatisfied

10. What would be the average consumption of hot water per day.

Sr. Consumption Tick One

a. < 100 litres
b. 100 litres to 500 litres
c. > 500 litres
d. Any other, pls specify

11. Would you be willing to switch over to solar water heater

Yes/ No

If yes,

Sr. Price Capture Willingness to Pay (Only Highest Value)

a. < Rs 50,000
b. Rs 50,000 to 1,00,000
c. > Rs 1,00,000
d. Any other, pls specify

12. If yes, what would be the influencing factors for your switch over to solar water heating
Sr. Factors Capture Multiple/Single Responses
a. Economical
b. Safer
c. Convenient
d. Environment Friendly
e. Government Order
f. Other (specify)

13. If No, what are the reasons? Please specify

Sr. Reason Justification


14. How critical is the hot water usage in the household? (tick one)

a. Very Critical
b. Moderate
c. Not Critical

15. Would you use any alternate source along with the solar water heating – Yes/ No

If yes, pls specify


16. Do you need any financial assistance through interest rate / capital subsidy for solar water

If yes, pls specify


17. Do you have provision for solar water heater, would you be willing to do in case it is made
available? Yes/ No

18. Would you be comfortable if the solar water heating system covers 80% of your terrace
area? Yes/ No
Note: 5 sq mts space is required to provide 100 lpd

19. Is there any space other than the terrace for installing the solar water heating system?
Yes/ No
If yes, pls collect the details of the space

20. What is the monthly maintenance charge proposed to be collected per family? Rs.

21. What is the organisation structure of RWA and who are the key decision makers? (draw the
structure and collect contact details)

Sr. Name Designation Contact Details


22. Does the Builders/ Institutional have any role in the decision-making process? Yes /No
If yes, what is the specific role?

23. Do any of your previous projects have solar water heating system installed? Yes /No
If yes, what are your and residents experiences? (Pls get contact details of concerned person)

24.Are you aware of Solar water heater manufacturer

Sr. Competitors Capture Multiple/Single Responses

a. Venus
b. V-Guard
c. Everest
d. Cascade
e. Prosun
f. Any other, pls specify

25. How much would you expect to save per month (average) on your electricity bill by installing a
solar panel system, in order for it to be worthwhile?
a. 10% - 20% b. 21% - 30% c. 31% - 40% d. 41% - 50% e. >50%
26. What type of promotions would encourage you to purchase a renewable energy system?

a. Over time payments b. Loan without interest c. Discounts

d. Free maintenance for a certain period of time e. Free installation

27. To what extent would the following factors encourage you to invest in a solar panel system?

( 1 – Minimally encouraged, 2 , 3 ,4 ,5- Maximally encouraged)

 Factors 1 2 3 4 5

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Future increase in electricity prices.

Fairly good saving on the power bill today

Long life span of a solar power system (25 years or more)
coupled with a low maintenance process

28. To what extent would the following factors discourage you from investing in a solar panel

( 1 – Minimally discouraged, 2 , 3 ,4 ,5- Maximally discouraged)

 Factors 1 2 3 4 5
Number of years it takes for the investment to pay back
(usually > 10 years)

Electricity distributors pay only one third of the average

market price for the extra power generated by
Loss of extra power generated if the option of activating
the expensive sell-back plan is not chosen

Lack of government incentives

Lack of appropriate loan options

High cost of solar power systems

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