Siska Mandalia RPS Event Management - IAIN Batusangkar

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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam

Prodi - Pariwisata Syariah
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.137, Limo Kaum, Lima Kaum, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat 27217


Knowledge and Skills 3 SKS III September
Development (Basic or 2020
General Course)
Outhorization PIC for Teaching Design Couse Coordinator Head of Department

Siska Mandalia, S.S.,MBA Siska Mandalia, S.S.,MBA

Learning Outcomes (LO) LO-Study Program / CP Lulusan Program Studi
S3 -Internalizing values, norms and academic ethics
S7 -Having cooperation and social sensitivity to community and environment
P1 -Understanding the theoretical concept of doing the organizational tourism business functions
P6 -Knowing and understanding the foundation of tourism business ethic and humanity values
KU1 -Using the logical, technology and critical thinking and being innovative in implementing the
knowledge according to the one’s competencies
KU4 -Able to organize the self and team-learning independently

Note: S : Sikap
P : Pengetahuan
KU : Keterampilan Umum
KK : Keterampilan Khusus
LO-Course subject / Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) Mata Kuliah
LO1 Understand the basic knowledge and skills in business event activities especially about the
functions of creative industry in tourism field
LO2 Knowing the roles of management in the organization
LO3 Having basic the knowledge and be able to pursue others subjects like Human Resource
Management, Marketing Management, Digital Technology and Creative Industry
LO4 Able to analize the development of event business concept
LO5 Able to clarify the importance of business environmental changing especially in event and tourism
in order to conduct business professionally and ethically
LO6 To develop students competency to plan an event so that is designed to an international standard so
that it meets: the business objectives set for the event; utilizes an appropriate venue; has appropriate
contracts; operates with relevant policies and procedures; is designed to meet the requirements of
the client; uses appropriate technology; and provides access for people with
special needs.
Couse Desceiption This course will equip students with the information about the basic knowledge and practical skills of
business event, functions in the organization which are human resource management, marketing
management, production management and financial management, venue, technology and innovation in
creative industry in tourism field. Moreover, this course will also describe about the key points or
characteristics of the event, concepts and the theories of management in order to enrich student’s
knowledge and experience in understanding the environment, challenges and the stakeholders who are
involved in the event.
Focus of Teaching Building the understanding about event theoretical concept and giving the basic skills about it as well as to
Materials (MKKK) clarify the importance of business environmental changing in order to conduct business event in tourism
field professionally and ethically
References 1. Main Textbook: International Event (2019). APIEM
2. Other references: any related books and articles
Teaching Media Video; PPt;
Team Teaching -
Subject Pre- -
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Sub-LO for Course Material of studying Teaching Criteria and Indicators for Weight
Method Evaluation (%)
• Learning and teaching Lecture & Students’ participation and the
contract Discussion relevancy of topics discussion
• Correlation between with theoretical concept
event and tourism
Understanding the correlation industry
between event and tourism
• Introduction to event
industry, understanding the key
1-2 points of event business and
• Key Points of event
updated issues in the global
context and their influencing in • Types of event
business practices. • The environmental of
business and the global
• Event Trend (Virtual
and Hybrid event)
Understand and be able to • Conducting Event Lecture, students Arguments are supported by
identify the important of good Business Ethically and presentation & data and proper analysis.
practices in doing business Responsibly Case Study Discussions and reports are
3 event ethically and responsibly • Case study (students’ given systematically which is 5
presentation) followed by strong and clear
explanations and
Knowing how to manage and • Event concept, Lecture, student The fitness and widen of
organise the business and experience and prsentation & information that deliver by
creative event and be able to authenticity discussion students in discussions
4-5 10
identify the type of event • Using technology in followed by strong and clear
event explanations and
• Event and social media argumentations
• Case study (students’

Understand how to plan a • Managing human Lecture & Arguments are supported by
bussiness event, mission, aims resources discussion data and proper analysis.
and objectives. How manage • Motivating, satisfying Discussions and reports are
human resourse, motivate and & leading people given systematically which is
6-7 10
lead people in order to improve • Job description for followed by strong and clear
the perfomance of job event committee explanations and
description and create the • Audience satisfaction argumentations
audience satisfaction indicators
Business Event
8 UTS Report 20
Plan Proposal
Understanding the important of • Marketing processes & Lecture & The ability to choose the proper
marketing concept and audience behavior Contextual example and the proper support
audience behavior and be able • Developing & pricing Learning of theoretical and strong
9-11 15
to identify and take some • Promoting Event argumentations to evaluate the
relevant examples • Branding marketing issues (Presentation)

Understand the concept of • Selecting event venue Lecture & Arguments are supported by
goods & services, how they are • Selecting contractors discussion data and proper analysis.
developed and the important of and supplier Discussions and reports are
managing the productivity and • Contracts essentials and given systematically which is
quality in event agreements followed by strong and clear
12-13 • Managing information explanations and
system & argumentations
• Writing policies and
Understanding the concepts of • Risk management Lecture & case Arguments are supported by
risk management in event, how • Managing health, study data and proper analysis.
to use simple measurement for safety, security and Discussions and reports are
securities in event and how to emergency in event given sismatically which is
14-15 5
evaluate the event •Emergency planning followed by strong and clear
•Post event survey explanations and
•How to design good argumentations
event evaluation
16 UAS Create an event Team work and Report 25

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