Com 10003 Assignment 4

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The author has learned a lot about consuming, producing and sharing information online through their studies. They have improved their critical thinking, analysis and metacognition skills which will help in their future career as a teacher.

Through their studies, the author has learned to better consume information by using critical thinking and analysis skills. They have also improved their ability to produce information into assignments by incorporating feedback. This is in contrast to before where they struggled with these skills.

The author has gained skills in setting goals, planning their time and regulating their performance through online studying. They have also improved research skills using online sources rather than books. Metacognition skills will help with future studying and career planning.


Assignment 4

Personal Development Reflection

Amanda Wetherall

Student No: 102322641

During the unit of Learning and Communicating Online my knowledge and learning has
expanded so much. Throughout this unit I have learnt an abundance of new information. For
example, in week 3 we covered Contributing in the Digital Age and Metzger’s criteria. In
week 5 I studied collaborating through technology. In weeks 6 and 9 learning in the digital
age, models of learning and citing and referencing. I have learnt quite a lot of new
information to help me towards my future career and to enhance my knowledge and academic
writing for the rest of my studies.

For my future work skills to be developed in week 3 I studied contributing in the digital age
which looked at myself contributing by being able to consume, produce and share
information. Before beginning my current studies my ability to consume and produce
information was quite weak. Particularly reading and understanding information and in turn
producing that information into assignments and essays. Throughout this unit I have now
learnt that consuming information will use my insight, my analysis capabilities and my
critical thinking skills. I’ll also be broadening the learning from teens through to adulthood.
(Davies, Fidler & Gorbis, 2011). Using the skills of critical thinking, insight and analysis
capabilities I will be able to put these into my classroom and will in turn help me assess
children and their processes of learning. Using critical thinking especially in the classroom
will help me to diffuse certain situations and to be able to run and smooth and great learning
space for the children.

As a sharer of information my ability will be reliant upon the information I source and then
share either with peers or future students. In the past I have been reluctant in sharing
information in case I was to receive negative feedback. I have learnt that sharing ideas and
information is crucial in my current studies and in my future career. Receiving feedback
whether positive or negative will benefit myself and help me to improve upon my current
work skills. In learning organisations, the new professionalism is the sharing of knowledge
with peers. (van Weert, 2006). In my learning of receiving feedback will help me help my
students in the future as it has taught me the way to give the feedback in a positive way.
Which will help me in the classroom to help my students to improve upon their current skills.
As I am completing my studies online my knowledge is growing by the day of the online
environment. Studying online has been a big learning curve as when I studied previously, we
didn’t have the online access that we have today. We used books and encyclopedias as
opposed to these online sources. Having to research this way was time consuming and at
times quite difficult and heavily involved taking time away from preparing work. During
week 6 learning in the digital age gave me a huge insight into this way of learning.
Metacognition has shown me how to set goals, plan and regulate my performance. Helping
me with the new way of online learning. “While working through this online course I set
goals for myself in order to direct my activities” (Artino & Jones, 2012). Using
metacognition skills will benefit me in the future with my studies being able to set my goals
and plan my time appropriately. In my future career these skills will help me have my class
plans done on time by planning in advance and setting goals for in the classroom to keep the
children up to date and learning in an appropriate manner.

Before beginning my online studies, I was already quite knowledgeable on quite a lot of
subjects. Through my online course I have seen that I am forever expanding on my already
existing knowledge especially in the online environment. During previous studies the
constructivism approach was commonly used in the classroom where the teacher gave us the
background of learning material and we then needed to research and expand on our current
knowledge. I enjoy this type of learning as it is then up to me how far I want to extend my
own knowledge. Using this approach for my future students I can guide them on their own
learning journey. Each learner will then construct their own knowledge, reality and
understanding of the world. (Swinburne Online, 2013). Creating students who want to learn
and are able to learn within their own existing knowledge and expand as far as they can
possibly do through their research.
My unit goals have also progressed. In week 3 during this unit we studied Metzger’s criteria
which was helpful to us in finding credible sources. In the past some of my sources haven’t
been reliable or credible. The internet is a fabulous resource of information but has been
difficult for me to decipher whether the information is credible or not. Using Metzger’s
criteria to find credible sources I can check things like the currency, accuracy and authority of
an article, book or journal. With the internet now more sources create more information and
is easily accessible. (Metzger, 2007). This has taught me the ways to find and assess credible
sources. I have discovered many websites that are credible and many that are not and using
these criteria and helped this. In the future these skills I have acquired throughout this unit
will allow me as a primary teacher to be confident in my work knowing that I have
researched properly. Using these credible sources to prepare for my classes will both
enhance the learning for myself and my students.

In week 9 citing and referencing was huge for myself. This being one area that I seem to
struggle with. In the past I was never taught about this so in beginning my course and this
unit it was all quite foreign to me. It is important that I show where work isn’t mine and give
credit to the author of that work. Referencing in my work is vital if using others words or
even paraphrasing. By referencing others work it will show the reader where I have found
my information and back up what I have written. It will enhance my writing by showing
breadth of research, rewarding others for their contribution and allowing readers to verify
information. (“Why is referencing important? – CQUniversity”, 2019). In the future it will
show my peers that my work is researched and using properly researched information will
give my students greater knowledge than ever before.
Course goals are just as important as individual unit goals. To succeed in my course
collaboration will be a key aspect. Collaboration through my previous studies and
professions has been my least favourite part. I found in a lot of situations collaboration was
difficult as not everybody contributes fairly. Also, the fear of being wrong was a big thing
for me to overcome. Since doing this unit and others I have learnt that it’s perfectly fine to be
wrong and using tools such as discussion boards and weekly activities I have gain valuable
feedback from my peers and ELA’s. Positively relating to student achievement is fostering
teacher learning by using collaboration. (Goddard, Goddard, Kim, & Muller, 2015). Using
collaboration will help to enhance my classroom and student learning. For example, working
with my fellow teachers will increase my knowledge and also their knowledge. Using
collaboration to gain new ideas and thoughts that I can then use in my classroom to benefit
my students.

Being active with peers can also help me along my journey. I am the kind of person who
likes to work alone and do things by myself. I have not been overly active on discussion
boards or asking for help. Through discussion boards and activities, I have enhanced my
learning through reading and responding to others ideas. Peer teaching is a way to enhance
my future skills. For example, increasing supportive relationships for both teacher and
student, communication skills, greater achievement and greater productivity. (Briggs, 2011).
Creating stronger peer support for both teacher and student will be valuable in the classroom
for responsive students and active learning.

Throughout Learning and Communicating Online I have learnt and increased many skills that
will carry me forward into the future. From producing, consuming and sharing information
through assignments and discussions boards. Knowing the area of the online environment
and using respected and credible sources helping me to provide a valuable and
knowledgeable classroom in the future. The skills that I have learnt will benefit myself in my
studies and career and will help to me focus on making learning the best it can be for every
student that I ever teach.

Artino, A., & Jones, K. (2012). Exploring the complex relations between achievement
emotions and self-regulated learning behaviors in online learning.

Briggs, S. (2011). How Peer Teaching Improves Student Learning and 10 Ways To
Encourage It | InformED. Retrieved from

Davies, A., Fidler, D., & Gorbis. D. (2011). Future Work Skills 2020. Palo Alto, CA: Institute
for the Future for University of Phoenix Research Institute. Retrieved from

Goddard, R., Goddard, Y., Kim, E.S., & Miller, R. (2015, August). A theoretical and
empirical analysis of the roles of instructional leadership, teacher collaboration, and
collective efficacy beliefs in support of student learning. American Journal of Education,
727(4), 501-530.

Metzger, M.J. (2007). Making sense of credibility on the web: Models for evaluating online
information and recommendations for future research.Journal Of The American Society For
Information Science & Technology, 58(13), 2078-2091

van Weert, T. (2006). Education of the twenty-first century: New professionalism in lifelong
learning, knowledge development and knowledge sharing.

Why is referencing important? - CQUniversity. (2019). Retrieved from

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