Wholesale Trade: These Factors Include
Wholesale Trade: These Factors Include
Wholesale Trade: These Factors Include
A wholesaler is a trader who buys goods in bulk from producers/manufactures for resale to
retailers at a profit.
-There are wholesalers who carry out retailing but that do not make them retailers.
c) Specialized wholesalers
-These are wholesalers who deal in a wide variety of goods within the same line e.g. textbooks,
duplicating papers and other types of stationary.
c) Specialized wholesalers
-These are wholesalers who deal in a particular good from a given line e.g. in the line of grains,
they may specialize in maize only.
a) Nationwide wholesalers
b) Regional wholesalers.
a) Nationwide wholesalers:
These are wholesalers who supply goods to traders in all parts of the country.
-They establish warehouses or depots in different areas from Kenya National Trading
Corporation (KNTC)
b) Regional Wholesalers
These are wholesalers who supply goods to certain parts of the country only.
They may cover a county, District, division e.t.c
b) Mobile wholesalers
c) Rack jobbers
These are wholesalers who use vehicles to move from place to place supplying goods to retailers
e.g. soda distributors, bread distributors, beer distributors e.t.c.
c) Rack jobbers
-Rack jobbers usually stock their goods in shelves or racks from which customers select the
goods to buy. Customers may be allowed to pay for the goods after they have sold them.
d) Drop shippers
These are wholesalers who make orders for goods from manufactures/producers but do not take
them from the producers premises.
They then
look for the buyers for the goods and supply the goods directly from the producers
Alternate classification of wholesalers
i) Those who buy goods store them in warehouses and sell them to traders without having added
anything to them.
ii) Wholesalers who act as wholesaler’s agents or brokers. These are middlemen who are paid a
commission for their work e.g. commission
agentsa) Breaking bulk- Reducing a commodity into smaller quantities for the convenience of
the buyer e.g. buying sugar from the producer in sacks and selling it in packets.
b) Packing-Putting goods in packets and boxes ready for sale.
c) Branding-Giving a product a name by which it will be sold
d) Sorting-Selecting goods to desired sizes, weight, colour and qualities
e) Grading-Putting goods in groups of similar qualities to make it easier to price them
f) Blending-It involves mixing different grades of a product to achieve qualities like taste and
Functions of a wholesaler
• They relieve the producers the problem of distribution by buying goods from them and selling
to retailers
• They relieve the producers of some risks they would experience e.g. damage, theft, fall in
demand e.t.c
• Save the producers from the problem of storage by buying goods and keeping in their
• They prepare goods for sale on behalf of the producers
• They get feedback from consumers on behalf of producers
vi) They promote products through advertising, displays, trade fairs and exhibitions
• They finance producers by buying goods from them and paying in cash
• Those who after buying the goods and storing them prepare them for sale. They break bulk,
pack, brand, sort, grade and blend the goods
• They stock a wide variety of goods in large quantities relieving the retailer from buying from
different producers
• They avail goods at places convenient to retailers
• They break bulk for the benefit of retailers
• They offer transport facilities to retailers
• They offer advisory services to retailers regarding market trends
• They offer credit facilities to retailers
• They engage in product promotion on behalf of retailers
• They sort, blend, pack and brand goods saving retailers from having to do it.
• They ensure a steady supply of goods to retailers hence consumers are not faced with
• They ensure a stable supply of goods hence there will be stability in market prices
• They enable consumers to enjoy a wide variety of goods
• They break the bulk of goods thus enabling the consumer through the retailer to get the goods
in convenient quantities
• They prepare goods for sale e.g. branding, blending and packaging
• Pass information to consumers through retailers about the goods e.g. new products, new prices
and their use.