Awdf Grant Application Form: The Final Application Should Be No More Than 12 Pages Long
Awdf Grant Application Form: The Final Application Should Be No More Than 12 Pages Long
Awdf Grant Application Form: The Final Application Should Be No More Than 12 Pages Long
In order to consider your request, please write your project proposal, paying
attention to the application guidelines. The final application should be no
more than 12 pages long.
a. Name of organisation:
b. Title of proposed project:
c. Country you are registered in:
d. Amount requested:
e. Project duration:
f. Theme the proposed project addresses:
Body and Health Rights: Eliminate violence against women and girls & sustain respect
for women’s bodily integrity and autonomy
Economic security and justice: Protect full economic rights and justice for women
Leadership, Participation and Peace: Expand democratic space; sustain inclusive
governance and equal political participation of women
Post COVID 19 Response & Advocacy
b. What are the main women’s rights issues that your organisation works on? Please
select all that apply:
Violence against women
Economic security and justice
Climate change and environmental justice
Women’s health (including HIV&AIDS, sexual and reproductive rights)
Governance, Peace & Security
Young women’s empowerment
Arts, Culture & Sports
Women and technology
Other (please specify):
e. Where does your organisation work? (please specify countries, sub-regions or local
b. Please indicate the numbers of your staff, board, advisors, volunteers, and members and
provide a breakdown by gender:
c. Please complete the following table with information about your board
d. Please complete the following table with information on your senior and management
a. What is the title of the initiative you are seeking funding for?
c. Please describe the main activities of the project you are seeking funding for and how
these will address the injustices/ opportunities you have named above [400 words]
d. Why are you undertaking this project? What are the injustices against women and girls
that you are working to change and/or the rights of women you are seeking to advance
through this initiative? [400 words]
e. What are the key barriers to change on the issue(s) you are working on? And the
opportunities? [400 words]
f. Does your organisation have past experience working on these issues? Please explain
[200 words]
g. What category (ies) of women will you be working with or for? Please indicate below:
h. How many people do you estimate will benefit directly from this project? Direct
beneficiaries are the individuals who participated or benefited from the project activities
(inclusive of your membership, people directly served by or enrolled in your programs,
among others)
Category Number
Girls and adolescent girls (under 18)
Young women (age 18-25)
Women (age 25 and above)
Boys and adolescent boys (under 18)
Young men (age 18-25)
Men (age 25 and above)
Trans* or intersex youth or adults
=Total Direct Beneficiaries
Please provide any additional comments to your responses above.
i. How many people do you estimate will benefit indirectly from this project? Indirect
beneficiaries are people who may benefit from or will be reached by the project
j. What do you expect to have done (outputs) by the end of the grant? [400 words]
k. What changes (outcomes) do you aim to contribute to through this project? [400 words]
b. Who is responsible for carrying out these monitoring and evaluation activities? [100
c. What do you hope to better understand and to learn as you implement this project?
Please describe this by indicating your top three learning questions [300 words]
What are the key risks associated with this proposal (dynamics or events that could lead to
failure, undermine gains or become threats)? How do you intend to prevent or respond to them?
a. Please indicate your organisation’s total annual income received each year for the past
three financial years. (Please indicate the total amount for each year separately in US
dollars in the table below).
2018 US$
2019 US$
b. What is your total expected income in US dollars for your current fiscal year?
c. Please upload a set of audited accounts/financial statement for your last financial year.
The audited accounts/financial statement should include sources of funds for your
activities and details of income and expenditure.
d. Please list your sources of funds for the last audited accounting period.
e. Please complete the budget template and the financial management assessment form
available online here and submit them via email with your application.