1case Study
1case Study
1case Study
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One of the research methodologies is the case study which part of the
requirements for senior high and college students. Case study is a descriptive and exploratory
analysis of a person, group or event. It is a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that
investigates a phenomenon within its real life context. In business, they also conduct a case
study from time to time; it is a report of an organization’s implementation of something, such
as a practice, a product, a system or a service. This case study is all about providing executive
knowledges regarding the organization, markets and sales. It enables the executives of the
company to make better and rational decisions based on results provided by the study. This
case study includes the background of the Personal Collection, objectives, SWOT analysis,
alternative course of action to formulate strategies and policies to solve the problems of the
company in order to achieve the specific objectives. This study will provide valuable
information on consumer buying habits, for example, giving data on attitudes to products and
brands. This is also important for people who want to start up as it helps them assess if an idea
can support a business. This includes customer service satisfaction, product development and
effective marketing campaign to promote the products to market.
People don’t like the feeling of having no money. At this day of living, high cost
of expenses was spent. The income is not enough for the family or for you to satisfy. The
need of having an extra income aside from the main source is badly needed; having an extra
income can satisfy one’s need or one’s family. With this thought, PC evolves. PC wanted to
help the jobless people to make an income and teach them how to run a business. PC wanted
Filipinos to experience the great life. Having their own house, can eat at least three meals a
day, having a good night sleep and can satisfy one’s needs and wants. PC helps Filipinos to
achieve the Great Life. PC wanted to achieve your dreams. PC is made to help people earn an
income. Through PC, you can meet other people and become a big family. You will be trained
to become a businessman or businesswoman. They train their dealers on how to manage a
business. Joining Personal Collection can help you to become successful.
II. Background of the Case Study
Personal Collection Direct Selling Inc. is one of the biggest Filipino-owned direct
selling companies in the country. The company was established on August 20, 2003 with the
introduction of its pioneer product, supported by a strong Research and Development
Department in the Home Care, Hair Care, Skin Care, Fragrance, Food Supplement and
Apparel Categories that suit taste of the Filipino consumers. Their ultimate purpose is to
delight their customers with superior value for money products and services. Personal
Collection commitment is to give better life for all the employees, dealers, suppliers,
shareholders and the communities where they operates, They envision to be a organization
that grow businesses and at the same time serves the purpose of enhancing the lives of
Filipino families.
From a single business idea in 2003, Personal Collection was born in a small
warehouse with less than ten employees. Driven by an intense hunger to improve the lives of
Filipinos, PC’s modest pioneer team worked tirelessly to tap dealers using their pioneer
products. Little by little, they grew. Every move they made created results that led to
significant progress until they made a name for themselves. Sixteen years later, they expanded
to over three hundred branches, had more than a thousand employees, showcased a thriving
product portfolio and created a stronger media and digital presence. But despite these
milestones, they would always to their mission of fighting for the little guy, of helping small
entrepreneurs provide a great life for their families.
Personal Collection Direct Selling Inc. helps their business partners to earn by
becoming franchise builders. They promote all training programs to all dealers through branch
posting, meetings, assemblies and other gatherings. They recommend promotional strategies
and activities needed for dealers to increase branch revenues. They conduct training programs
that focus on dealer development and prepare all logistics and materials needed for all branch
activities. Through their competitive salaries, premium benefits such as product incentives,
early retirement plan, cash bonuses and etc., training programs, promotions and collaborative
company culture, they are committed to the growth of each employee, allowing them and
their families to enjoy the Great-Life.
1) Shortage of supplies
2) Not able to meet the sales target
3) Inconsistency of the quality of some of the products
4) Disorganized system of distribution of products
5) Lack of sales agents
6) Lack of knowledge and trainings of the dealers
IV. Objectives
2) Income Opportunities
2) Lack of Supply
3) Career Development
3) Decreased Revenue
4) Product Development
4) Marketing Cost
5) Innovative
1) Competitive Pricing
Personal Collection offers affordable products to the dealers. The prices can
compete to the other brands of products. Affordable products with high quality ingredients
2) Income Opportunities
Personal Collection offers monthly promos and promo booster to their products
with some free items to be given if the target is met. It is a source of another income to
those people who have high expenses.
3) Career Development
Employees can enhance their career through training and orientations that that
company offers. It will boost their confidence in dealing with the customers.
4) Product Development
This is a strategy that can improve existing products to heighten an existing
market or create new products that market seeks. New products will bring a new
innovation to customers.
5) Innovative
Personal Collection is continuously introducing new methods, new techniques or
system in terms of offering their products.
2) Lack of Supply
Most of their products are always out of stocks especially their best selling
products. It takes two to three months until they deliver. Branches receive delivery every
month but most delivered products are also available on their warehouse.
3) Decreased Revenue
Any decrease in revenue will result in a decrease in profits. Once a company’s
sales decreases below the total amount spent for expenses and cost of goods sold in a
given period, net loss will occur.
4) Marketing Cost
To promote products globally is through marketing. Promoting products is by
used of different media tools such as television, radio, magazine, newspapers, billboards
and internet. Advertising product is very costly and expensive that may lead to variability
of cash flow and high expenditures.
1) Population Growth
As the population increases, the more chances of recruiting dealers. As the
population getting bigger, the demand on products increases especially in personal and
homecare products.
2) New Markets
Philippines is made up of thousand islands, some areas is still unreachable from
out PC branches and dealers. It is favorable to PC if they can reach and recruit in some
areas here in Philippines. More places to reach, more people to recruit more consumer of
PC products, will result to higher sales and recruitments.
3) Product Exports
Exporting products can increase profits and be a great opportunity for the business
to increase sales potential.
4) Advertising
Through advertising, company can introduce a new product in the market,
increase sales, fights competition and it can help to educate customers about the product.
5) Expo Events
Personal Collection joins expo events for exposure of their products and services.
This helps to introduce what the company could offer in the market.
1) Competitors
Personal Collection has a lot of competitors. Aside from other direct selling
companies, there are also malls and stores. Some people often attracts to branded
products. The presence of competitors often lessens their sales and recruitments.
2) Customer Perception
Feedback from the dealers can affect the operations of the company. They
discouraged other people to join PC and reduce the recruitments. The bad reviews to the
products can cause serious problems to the company.
3) New Entrants
Competition decreases market share and shrinks customer base especially
competitors offer the same products.
4) Product Imitation
Using the brand name of the original brand of the existing products can dilute the
image of the original brand. Imitating a brand can damage the brand. Loyal customers can
no longer trust the products and can even weakening the existing association of the
5) Online complaints
Anything that would be posted in regards of the PC services or products online
can easily be created an issue, that could go viral and it would be bad for the company.
6) Government Restrictions
Sudden change in certain regulations or standards with reference to governing
powers by limitations prescribed in laws and constitution. It may be from local
government units or national government.
VI. Alternative Course of Actions
1) Conducting a customer feedback in order to see what products are defective and
in what reasons. In order for the products to be a good quality, there should be proper
testing and procedure to the changes. Ensure that the chemist have enough information on
the effectiveness of the products to have a good quality products.
3) Survey your past transactions on every recruits and having a summary on their
last order transactions. To those recruits, who does not have current transactions will be
contacted and encourage them to order again. By making a guide on hot to approach some
inactive dealers in order to bring them back.
6) Quality customer services, with advancing technology, just a click on your phone
you can contact or connect with other people. Just like on business, even if branches stay
only up to 8 hours a day, the customers are still coming 24/7 so we need people to
entertain them especially on virtual world. The PC should set up for this customers or
potential dealers such as operator on the business websites, who would be answering the
inquiries from social Medias. And also customer service booth on each branches, even it
is only information or inquiry clerk and the person should be assigned have a pleasing
personality and not the maldita because it has an effect in the customer’s or dealer’s
7) The success of the company largely depends on how well employees and dealers
perform their tasks. The best place to start how to improve the performance of employees
is gaining an understanding. Here are the ideas how to manage and enhance the
performance and knowledge of employee and dealers in an organization:
a) Communicate clear expectations. Making sure dealers are clear about their
assignments means communicating those expectations well.
c) Take steps toward improving morale. Employees perform better when they are
satisfied with their jobs. Employees who understand how their role helps the company
succeed are often more will to do their very best.
1) 2020 – 2021 Hire and train potential employees To provide service from
and dealers. well-trained and skillful
people to customers.
2) 2021 - 2022 Renovate storage room and change To maintain the quality
old equipment to new ones. product and ensure
6) 2030 - 2035 Tie ups and merges with local and To be globally competitive
international company. Have and product-service
different investors from different innovative.
VIII. Conclusions
In connection with Personal Collection Direct Selling Inc. creating a case study
on them made us conclude that:
1) Companies just like a person, everyday it faces problems, issues, struggles and
conflicts and it can only be solved once it analyzed what really are the problems. We also
conclude that making a list for the solutions, conduct some research and how will it affect
in the surroundings.
2) We should always consider all the factors inside and outside of the company. We
therefore conclude that making a case study helps a student to know hot to identify and
disclose problems and solutions for one company.
3) We conclude that Personal Collection is a great company with their benefits for
the employees from insurance to salary. PC is results-oriented and performance based
ensuring that their company set up for success. PC is good company because it create
opportunities for the people to be more productive and more on social culture towards to
the customers.
5) The operation on the branches is hectic and lack of funds. A need of detailed plan
about their delivery of products and a fair distribution of products. We conclude that the
outside factors are needed to analyze. An immediate action to these factors with proper
planning and execute at the right time.
IX. Recommendations
A case study requires you to analyze, to investigate a business and its whole system. In
order to know the problems and possible effective solutions, we would like to recommend these
1) Read and examine thoroughly the business you would like to do a case study.
Take notes, keep relevant facts and be attentive for the possible problems. Focus on what
do you really want or the purpose why you are doing the case study.
2) Uncover possible solutions, read also other resources, apply what you may
include from your own experiences. In drafting the case study, know what the start-up to
the end is. How would you like your readers see and the take outs they can get after
reading the case study.
3) Personal Collection should have a proper action on how to solve or evaluate the
feedback coming from the customers. The products especially their bestselling should be
available. They will be able to produce product that can satisfy the demand of dealers.
4) Personal Collection offers great opportunity to the people, mostly for housewives.
PC employees receive a lot of incentives but the pressure is too much and always
overtime. The processing of products should be followed strictly to avoid frequent
6) Lastly, for Personal Collection, they should develop pricing strategies such as:
price maximization, market penetration, price skimming, economy pricing and
psychological pricing.