The Scope and Its Problem: Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School

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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School




“Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by
barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders.” – Ronald Reagan (40th US

Technology has conquered the humanity. From skyscrapers to small gadgets

which the people continue to consume are made out of technology. Even the children to
old adults make use of these technological products. Not just to get rid of boredom but to
make their life easier.

The sudden diversity made also a great impact to the millennials of the world. As
they were introduced to new kinds of technological products it changes their way of
learning and gathering of information. Hence, school institutions always find ways to
provide holistic education to their students. They will find ways to provide vast
information for students to use in their lessons and researches. This results to the birth of
electronic resources.

Electronic resources play a vital role in the library services. Which in some
research institutions in UK consider electronic journals as their bloodline (Research
Information Network, 2009). With its wide range of information spectrum, information is
fast and direct.

There are various names for e journals such as online journals, electronic serials
or e-serials, electronic periodicals, zines or e-zines or webzines and digital serials or d-
journals. There are also variations of e-journals in aggregator databases like Ebscohost,
Proquest, Lexis-Nexis and First Search. Aggregators’ databases are not designed initially
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School

as full text journals but as secondary information resources but now more comprehensible
(Singh, 2008).



Foreign Studies

In this generation wherein technology has been given emphasization, a student

should know what e-journals are. As what (Otu et al., 2015) said one of the most
frequently used electronic resources is the electronic journal and most people have
diverse perceptions as well as impressions of what electronic journals are. According to
(Lancaster, 1995) the term in its very loose definition - any journal existing in an
electronic format. According to (Chan, 1999) the term is often referred to as electronic
publishing, electronic serials, online journals or electronic periodicals. Electronic journals
play a significant part in any academician’s scholarly work and are the most preferential
tools of the trade apart from books. (Tenopir et al., 2003) described the trend of electronic
journals as ‘’ evolutionary process’’ as there has been a gradual increase in the use of
electronic journals. He further posited that e – journals have become an important
information format as they are published, distributed and accessed electronically.

In a study undertaken by (Nazim and Singh, 2008) they analyzed the awareness
and use of online journals by the faculty members, researchers and students in the faculty
of natural sciences and the study found that the majority of users are aware about the
availability of online journals. 60% of respondents want to use online version of journals
whereas a few want to use printed journals. Majority of respondents use online journals
for their research work. 70% of respondents take printout before using online journals. It
was found that users faced problem when using online journals. They are also interested
to take training to use online journals.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School

According to Islam and (Chowdhury, 2006) e-journals have been regarded as

important library resources and many libraries all over the world have already replaced
print journals with e-journals. Some of the traditional print antecedents have been
disregarded since libraries now operates an electronic library which is more easy to




This study was conducted in Liceo de Cagayan University, RNP Blvd. Kauswagan
Cagayan de Oro City. Founded by Atty. Rodolfo N. Pelaez and Elsa P. Pelaez.


The study utilized the descriptive research design. (Holloway and Wheeler, 2002)
refer to qualitative research as “a form of social enquiry the focuses on the way people
interpret and make sense of their experience and the world in which they live”.
Researchers use descriptive approach to explore the behavior, perspectives, experiences
and feelings of people and emphasize the understanding of these elements.


The respondents of the study were the students inside the library in Liceo de
Cagayan University with a total of 150 respondents. The researchers used the purposive
sampling to determine the number of students. Since the researchers do not know the
total number of students who use library, they were asked to do purposive sampling
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School


This study utilized a questionnaire as the instrument in gathering the necessary data
and information. The questionnaire undergone reliability test to test if there were



In this chapter, data are presented, analyzed and interpreted. Data were collected
from the survey on Level of Awareness on E-journal as Tool for Research among
Students in Liceo de Cagayan University and was done inside the library wherein the
students were the receiver of the questionnaires. The researchers utilized frequency
distribution, percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA to get the statistical data of each
statement of the problem (1) the profile of the respondents in terms of course or track,
year level, gender, time spent in the library (2) the awareness of the e-journals’ existence,
the school library provides access to e-journals and e-journals are aid for research (3) is
there significant difference in the level of awareness in terms of facts about e-journals,
usage of e-journals and e-journals as tool for research.

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