S.S. Jain Subodh Law College: SR - No

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B.A. LL.B IV Sem. Section B (Project List)

Sr.No. Student Name ECO-II SOCIO-II FRENCH LRM Contract-II

Economic reforms in banking Study on Retirement of a Partner under the

1 Anamika Verma Farmer suicides in India Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Data preparation and analysis.
sectors Partnership Act, 1932 with case laws

Causes of rapid population Study on Implied Authority of Partner under

2 Ankita Shekhawat Problem of Child Labour in India decrivez-votre famille. Methods and tools for data collection
growth Partnership Act, 1932 with case laws

Study on Incoming and Outgoing Partners under

3 Chalsee Jain Circular flow of Income Internet and its implications on Indian Society decrivez votre ami (e) Utility of legal research.
Partnership Act, 1932 with case laws

Money market and capital Deductive and Inductive method under Judicial Interpretation of the difference between
4 Garima Bhardwaj Cyber Crime: Concept and types decrivez votre parents
market research Partnership and Hindu Undivided Family

Gyanendra Vikram Definition and features of Study on Right of Unpaid Seller under Sale of Goods
5 Alcoholism amongts teenagers in India ecrivez les nombres en francais (1-100) Research process.
Singh Oligopoly Act, 1930 with case laws

Price and output determination Impact of western culture on Consumerism trends Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre Study on Changes and Alterations under Partnership
6 Hemant Choudhary Theory and research.
under monopoly market in India vacances Act, 1932 with case laws

Remedies for population Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant Judicial Interpretation of the difference between
7 Keshav Sharma Impact of Americanization on Indian society Research desige: need gols and feature .
explosion pour ton anniversaire. Partnership and Private Limited Company

Price and output determination

Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son
8 Kshitiz Tiwari under perfect competition Increasing Crimes in Inian Metropolitan cities Significance of synopsis in legal research. Personal liabilities of Agent under ICA, 1872
Difference between economic
Ecrivez un message a votre ami en acceptant son Case Study on Forsythe Int. (UK) Ltd., v. Silver
9 Muskan Acharya growth and economic Increasing Slum areas in India Tabulation of collected data in research.
invitation Shipping Co., Ltd., and Ors., (1994) All ER 851

Navpreet Kaur Role of Social media on youth's Social life: Study on Caveat Emptor under Sale of Goods Act,
10 Inflation-meaning and its types decrivez toutes les saisons en francais. Legal research for law reform.
Chadha Negative and Positive 1930 with case laws

National Youth Policy: Concerns and Study on Duties of Seller and Buyer under Sale of
11 Neha Choudhary Indian economy and its features decrivez votre ami (e) Importance of Bibliography for reach.
consequences Goods Act, 1930 with case laws

Population growth trends in Revocation or Termination of authority of agent

12 Neha Sherawat Juvenile crimes in India ecrivez les nombres en francais (1-100) Collection of data in research.
India under ICA, 1872

Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant Study on the difference between Agreement to Sell
13 Nidhi Mathur Causes of inflation Child Trafficing in India Use of sampling under legal research.
pour ton anniversaire. and Sale with case laws

India’s fiscal deficit and its Study on Essentials of Agency under ICA, 1872 with
14 Nisha Dhakad Female Infanticide in India Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Types of sampling method.
impact case laws
Macroeconomic policy and Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre Study on Exclusion of Implied terms and conditions
15 Nishant Kala Problems with Elderly in the Society Formulation of hypothesis.
analysis vacances with case laws

Public and development Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Liability of Indemnifier and commencement of
16 Nitish Joshi Unemployment: A global phenomenon Plagerism and copyright infringement.
economics invitation liability under ICA, 1872

Impact of monetary policy on Nature of surety’s liability and his rights under ICA,
17 Pallavi Bohara Youth unrest: Types, Causes and remedies Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Role of technology in research.
economic growth 1872

Impact of Inflation on economic Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant Specific and Deliverable State under Sale of Goods
18 Parth Sharma Superstitions in Indian society Difficulties in data collection.
growth pour ton anniversaire. Act, 1930 with case laws

Role of commercial banks in Importance of legal research with other Judicial Interpretation of Subject-matter of Sale
19 Princy Khandelwal Role of Sports in society decrivez votre ami (e)
India disciplines. under SGA, 1930

Effect of non banking financial Status of Women: In Vedic and medieval period in Report writing : use of citations,foot Study on Transfer of Title under SGA, 1930 with
20 Puneet Prajapat decrivez toutes les saisons en francais.
intuitions on economic growth India notes,index. case laws

Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre

21 Purushottam Meena RBI and its credit control Impact of Entrepreneuship on Indian economy Historical method of research. Concept of Finder of Goods under ICA, 1872

Meaning of unemployment and Sanitation in India: Impact of Swach Bharat

22 Pushpendra Sharma decrivez votre ami (e) What is a research problem. Rights and Duties of Bailor under ICA, 1872
major employment schemes Abhiyan

Political influences on monetary Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant

23 Raghav Mishra Crimes against Women in India Legal research methods: meaning and types. Rights and Duties of Bailee under ICA, 1872
and fiscal policy pour ton anniversaire.

Explain demand pull and cost Conditions and Warranties under Sale of Goods Act,
24 Rajeev Gupta Impact of Communalism on Indian society Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Objective of legal education.
push inflation 1930

Law of demand-definition and Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Judicial Interpretation of Partnership and Limited
25 Ranu Purohit Caste politics in India Concept of research.
explanation invitation Liability Partnership

Raviraj Singh Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre Study on Contracts of Sale, Auction Sale, Installment
26 Law of consumers surplus Crimes against Children in India Writing social research report
Rathore vacances purchase and Hire Purchase with case laws

Micro economics-importance
27 Rimjhim Sharma Contribution of Karl Marx to Sociology decrivez votre ami (e) Logic of inquiry in research. Modes of creation of Agency under ICA, 1872
and uses

Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Case Study on Bank of Bihar Limited v. Damodhar
28 Rishika Saini Explain supply of money Religious Institutions in India Projective technique in research.
invitation Prasad, AIR 1969 SC 297

Define credit control Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant Conditions and Warranties under Sale of Goods Act,
29 Ritik Singhal Marriage system in India Social survey research methods.
instruments of RBI pour ton anniversaire. 1930

Judicial Interpretation of Agent, Sub-Agent and

30 Ritika Yadav Explain demand for money Child socialization:new trends and Impact decrivez votre ami (e) Finding material in a law library.
Substituted Agent under ICA, 1872
Effect of poverty on economic Implied Conditions and Warranties under Sale of
31 Rizul Saharan Impact of scrapped article 370 on the society Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Interview methods of data collection.
growth and development Goods Act, 1930

Effect of Unemployment on
Sahib Preet Singh Citizen Ammendment Act (CAA): Background Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Judicial Interpretation of Relationship of Partners
32 economic growth and Legal reasoning.
Gujral and Challenges invitation inter-se

Define national income its Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre No person can transfer a better title than what he
33 Sakshi Dass Protection of Rights on Marriage Bill 2018 Legal research - nature and scop.
concepts vacances himself possesses: Analysis with case laws

Shailendra Singh Explain revenue concepts and Role of Informal means of Social Control in Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant
34 Selection of research topic. Judicial Interpretation of Partnership by Holding Out
Tanwar their relation society pour ton anniversaire.

Importance of structure in Different sampling methods in legal Dissolution of a Partnership firm under the
35 Shashank Basotia Impact of Globalization on Indian Society decrivez toutes les saisons en francais.
Indian economy research. Partnership Act, 1932

Post independence economics Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Partnership is nothing but notional extension of
36 Shikha Chaudhary Status of women in contemporary Indian Society Major steps involves in doing legal research.
policy of India(1991) invitation Agency: A Brief Study

Problems in estimation of Registration of a Partnership Firm under the

37 Shraddha Somani Social Stratification: Concept and Theories Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Case study methods of data collection.
national income Partnership Act, 1932

Effects of money on output and Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant Case Study on Morvi Merchantile Bank Ltd., v.
38 Shreyansh Agarwal Caste based reservation system in India Research process.
prices pour ton anniversaire. Union of India, AIR 1965 SC 1954

Shubhendra Pratap Define money and its Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre Probability sampling methods for data Concept of passing of property under Sale of Goods
39 Changes in family system in India
Singh classification vacances collection. Act, 1930

Study of rural poverty of India- Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Doctrinal and Nondoctrinal method in
40 Simran Jain Migration in India Concept of Finder of Goods under ICA, 1872
its features invitation research

Factors on the demand side Student participation in law school programs-

41 Sourabh Bishnoi Role of women in Indian Political System decrivez votre ami (e) Rights and Duties of Bailee under ICA, 1872
affecting prices Organization of seminars.

42 Sourabh Chandwara Banking structures in India Cultural diffusion in indian Society Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Empirical method of research. Rights and Duties of Bailor under ICA, 1872

Poverty alleviation programmers Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Brief Study on Contract of Indemnity under ICA,
43 Surbhi Sharma Rural health and welfare in india Non empirical method of research.
in India invitation 1872

Characteristics of Indian money Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre
44 Tanisha Gupta Customs: Importance and Modes Making of schedules under research. Rights of Pledger and Pledgee under ICA, 1872
market vacances

Law of supply-definition and Judicial Interpretation of Rights of Indemnity Holder

45 Tanmay Sharma Theories of Socialization decrivez toutes les saisons en francais. Juristic literature under legal research.
explanation under ICA, 1872

Differences between micro and Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son
46 Tanuj Sharma Effects of Industrialization on Indian Society Case study methods of data collection. Analysis of the Concept of Agency under ICA, 1872
macro invitation
Law of equi-marginal utility-
47 Tanvi Verma Division of labour: a Socio-economic system decrivez-votre ami (e) Preparation of final outline under research. Judicial Interpretation of Bailment under ICA, 1872
meaning and explanation

Problems and perspectives of linguistic Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre Importancy of conclusion and suggestions .in Judicial Interpretation of the Right to Lien under Sale
48 Utkarsh Goyal Increase and decrease in supply
communities vacances research of Goods Act, 1930

Role of legislation on Religious Communities In Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant Judicial Interpretation of Discharge of Surety under
49 Vaibhav Upadhyay Indifference curve- features Essential aspect of thesis.
India pour ton anniversaire. ICA, 1872

Vibhu Vashishth Price elasticity of demand and Judicial Interpretation of Rights of Surety under ICA,
50 Culture and civilization decrivez votre ami (e) Literature review under research.
Sharma its types 1872

Brief Study on Contract of Guarantee under ICA,

51 Vinayak Sharma Elasticity of supply Role of technology in Social Change Presentez-vous en dix phrases. Statistical research.

Difference between Interview method and Judicial Interpretation of Bailment & Statutory
52 Yash Danewa Factors determining supply Role of education in Social Change decrivez toutes les saisons en francais.
Questionnaire method. Bailment under ICA, 1872

Meaning of market and its Cultural Diffusionism: with special refernce to Ecrivez un message a votre ami en refusant son Case Study on SBI v. Moola Sahakari Sakkare
53 Yash Khatri Principles of sampling methods.
features Mughal Empire in India invitation Karkane Ltd, AIR 2007 SC 236

Ecrivez un message a votre ami en lui invitant Clinical legal research- legal aid, legal Case Study on Bank of Bihar Limited v. Damodhar
54 Yashika Vijayvargia Reasons for Law of demand Problem of Overpopulation in India
pour ton anniversaire. literacy. Prasad, AIR 1969 SC 297

Judicial Interpretation of the Difference between

Meaning of socialism,
55 Yogakshi Kumari Problem of Poverty in India Presentez-vous en dix phrases. What is a comparative materials. Contract of Sale and Agreement to Sell under ICA,
capitalism and mixed economy

Price determination with Ecrivez une lettre a votre amie en decrivant votre Analysis and interpretation of legal research Judicial Interpretation of Liability of the Principal
56 Yuvraj Singh Gurjar Corruption in India
demand and supply curve vacances data. under ICA, 1872

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