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JAMA Cardiology | Original Investigation

Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients

Recently Recovered From Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Valentina O. Puntmann, MD, PhD; M. Ludovica Carerj, MD; Imke Wieters, MD; Masia Fahim; Christophe Arendt, MD; Jedrzej Hoffmann, MD;
Anastasia Shchendrygina, MD, PhD; Felicitas Escher, MD; Mariuca Vasa-Nicotera, MD; Andreas M. Zeiher, MD; Maria Vehreschild, MD; Eike Nagel, MD

IMPORTANCE Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to cause considerable Supplemental content
morbidity and mortality worldwide. Case reports of hospitalized patients suggest that
COVID-19 prominently affects the cardiovascular system, but the overall impact remains

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the presence of myocardial injury in unselected patients recently

recovered from COVID-19 illness.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS In this prospective observational cohort study, 100
patients recently recovered from COVID-19 illness were identified from the University
Hospital Frankfurt COVID-19 Registry between April and June 2020.

EXPOSURE Recent recovery from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection,
as determined by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction on swab test of the upper
respiratory tract.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Demographic characteristics, cardiac blood markers, and
cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging were obtained. Comparisons were made
with age-matched and sex-matched control groups of healthy volunteers (n = 50) and risk
factor–matched patients (n = 57).

RESULTS Of the 100 included patients, 53 (53%) were male, and the median (interquartile
range [IQR]) age was 49 (45-53) years. The median (IQR) time interval between COVID-19
diagnosis and CMR was 71 (64-92) days. Of the 100 patients recently recovered from
COVID-19, 67 (67%) recovered at home, while 33 (33%) required hospitalization. At the time
of CMR, high-sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT) was detectable (3 pg/mL or greater) in 71 patients
recently recovered from COVID-19 (71%) and significantly elevated (13.9 pg/mL or greater) in
5 patients (5%). Compared with healthy controls and risk factor–matched controls, patients
recently recovered from COVID-19 had lower left ventricular ejection fraction, higher left
ventricle volumes, higher left ventricle mass, and raised native T1 and T2. A total of 78
patients recently recovered from COVID-19 (78%) had abnormal CMR findings, including
raised myocardial native T1 (n = 73), raised myocardial native T2 (n = 60), myocardial late
gadolinium enhancement (n = 32), and pericardial enhancement (n = 22). There was a small
but significant difference between patients who recovered at home vs in the hospital for
native T1 mapping (median [IQR], 1122 [1113-1132] ms vs 1143 [1131-1156] ms; P = .02) but not
for native T2 mapping or hsTnT levels. None of these measures were correlated with time
from COVID-19 diagnosis (native T1: r = 0.07; P = .47; native T2: r = 0.14; P = .15; hsTnT:
r = −0.07; P = .50). High-sensitivity troponin T was significantly correlated with native T1
mapping (r = 0.35; P < .001) and native T2 mapping (r = 0.22; P = .03). Endomyocardial
biopsy in patients with severe findings revealed active lymphocytic inflammation. Native T1
and T2 were the measures with the best discriminatory ability to detect COVID-19–related
myocardial pathology.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this study of a cohort of German patients recently Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end of this
recovered from COVID-19 infection, CMR revealed cardiac involvement in 78 patients (78%)
and ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60 patients (60%), independent of preexisting
Corresponding Author: Eike Nagel,
conditions, severity and overall course of the acute illness, and time from the original MD, Institute for Experimental and
diagnosis. These findings indicate the need for ongoing investigation of the long-term Translational Cardiovascular Imaging,
cardiovascular consequences of COVID-19. DZHK Centre for Cardiovascular
Imaging, University Hospital
Frankfurt, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7,
JAMA Cardiol. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2020.3557 Frankfurt am Main 60590, Germany
Published online July 27, 2020. ([email protected]).

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Research Original Investigation Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From COVID-19

he global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
19) continues to cause considerable morbidity and mor- Key Points
tality worldwide.1 Thus far, the main emphasis of the
Question What are the cardiovascular effects in unselected
research communication has been on acute respiratory com- patients with recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
plications, especially in critically ill patients. A number of case
Findings In this cohort study including 100 patients recently
reports and small series suggested that COVID-19 promi-
recovered from COVID-19 identified from a COVID-19 test center,
nently affects the cardiovascular system by exacerbating heart
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging revealed cardiac involvement
failure in patients with preexisting cardiac conditions1-3 and in 78 patients (78%) and ongoing myocardial inflammation in
troponin elevation in critically ill patients.4 Fulminant myo- 60 patients (60%), which was independent of preexisting
carditis was suspected in 7% of patients with lethal outcome.5 conditions, severity and overall course of the acute illness, and the
The proposed pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiac in- time from the original diagnosis.
jury include inflammatory plaque rupture, stent thrombosis, Meaning These findings indicate the need for ongoing
cardiac stress due to high cardiac output, and infection via investigation of the long-term cardiovascular consequences of
the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors causing sys- COVID-19.
temic endothelitis.6,7 A small number of autopsy cases sug-
gest infiltration by interstitial mononuclear inflammatory
cells,8 suggesting myocardial inflammation as the underly- of normotensive adults who were taking no cardiac medications,
ing mechanism, and some severe cases of myocarditis have had normal cardiac volumes and function, and had no evidence
been reported.3,9 In a small study of recovered patients with of scar (healthy controls; n = 50). Comparisons were also
ongoing cardiac symptoms, cardiovascular magnetic reso- made with risk factor–matched patients (n = 57) for age, sex,
nance (CMR) imaging revealed cardiac involvement in 58% of hypertension, diabetes, smoking, known coronary artery
patients consisting of myocardial edema and scar by late gado- disease, or comorbidities, sourced from the International T1
linium enhancement (LGE).10 There remains poor insight into Multicenter Outcome Study.12 All procedures were performed
the cardiovascular sequelae in unselected patients, including in concordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and
those with no preexisting conditions, who were not hospital- International Conference on Harmonization of Good Clinical
ized, or had no or only mild symptoms. To better understand Practice. All patients provided written informed consent.
the prevalence, extent, and type of cardiovascular sequelae, Clinical demographic characteristics, medications, blood
we proactively examined patients with a documented recent test results, endomyocardial biopsy results, and imaging mea-
COVID-19 infection using serological markers of cardiac surements on the day of CMR examination were recorded
injury and highly standardized in-depth imaging with CMR. using REDCap electronic data capture tools.13 All participants
underwent venous blood sampling immediately prior to the
CMR study. Blood samples were processed using standard-
ized commercially available test kits for analysis of high-
Methods sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT) and N-terminal pro–b-type
Study Design and Participants natriuretic peptide (Elecsys 2010; Roche). The local labora-
This is a prospective observational cohort study of 100 pa- tory cutoff value for detectable hsTnT was 3 pg/mL, whereas
tients diagnosed with severe acute respiratory syndrome coro- values above the 99th percentile (13.9 pg/mL) counted as a
navirus 2 by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction significant increase.14
on swab test of the upper respiratory tract who fulfilled inclu-
sion criteria for this CMR investigation. This study followed the CMR Data Acquisition and Postprocessing
Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epi- Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging was performed on clini-
demiology (STROBE) reporting guideline (eFigure in the cal 3-T scanners (Magnetom Skyra; Siemens Healthineers),
Supplement). Participants were identified from the University using standardized and unified imaging protocols (Goethe CVI
Hospital Frankfurt COVID-19 Registry, covering for the area of Approaches). Conventional sequences were used for acquisi-
the State of Hesse, Germany, and were recruited between April tion of cardiac function, volumes, mass, and scar imaging. Myo-
and June 2020. All participants were considered eligible after cardial T1 and T2 mapping were acquired in a single midven-
a minimum of 2 weeks from the original diagnosis if they had tricular short-axis slice using a validated variant of a modified
resolution of respiratory symptoms and negative results on a Look-Locker Imaging sequence (Goethe CVI MOLLI), whereas
swab test at the end of the isolation period. Patients recently for T2 mapping, a validated sequence for measurement of myo-
recovered from COVID-19 referred for a clinical CMR due to cardial edema was used (T2-FLASH).15-17 Due to the proven sen-
active cardiac symptoms were not included in this analysis. sitivity of Goethe CVI MOLLI for abnormal myocardium and
Exclusion criteria were unwillingness to participate or provide evidence of superior diagnostic and prognostic performance,18
informed consent or absolute contraindications for a contrast- postcontrast T1 mapping was not part of the standardized pro-
enhanced magnetic resonance study. The study protocol was tocol. Late gadolinium enhancement imaging was performed
approved by the institutional ethics committee of the University approximately 10 minutes after administration of 0.1 mmol/kg
Hospital Frankfurt (Improving Cardiovascular Risk Stratification of body weight of gadobutrol (Gadovist; Bayer).
Using T1 Mapping in General Population study11). Comparisons Cardiac volumes, function, and mass were measured using
were made with age-matched and sex-matched control groups an artificial intelligence–based automated contour detection

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Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From COVID-19 Original Investigation Research

Table 1. Patient Characteristics, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Imaging Findings,

and Blood Test Results on the Day of CMR Examination

Median (IQR)
Healthy controls Risk factor–matched
Characteristic COVID-19 (n = 100) (n = 50) controls (n = 57) P value
Patient characteristics
Age, y 49 (45-53) 48 (43-52) 49 (46-52) .61
Male, No. (%) 53 (53) 25 (50) 28 (52) .95
BMIa 25 (23-28) 23 (22-26)b 27 (24-29) <.001
Hypertension, No. (%) 22 (22) 0 14 (24) .77
Diabetes, No. (%) 18 (18) 0 12 (22) .64
Hypercholesterolemia, No. (%) 22 (22) 0 13 (23) .89
Known CAD, No. (%) 13 (13) 0 9 (16) .60
Smoking, No. (%) 22 (22) 9 (18) 11 (19) .66
COPD or asthma, No. (%) 21 (21) 0 13 (23) .77
Blood pressure, mm Hg
Systolic 129 (125-133) 122 (118-124)b 130 (127-135) <.001
Diastolic 80 (76-83) 75 (73-78)b 79 (74-83) .03
Heart rate, beats per min 67 (64-72) 64 (60-68) 67 (64-70) .10
SCORE, % 4.0 (2.3-6.0) NA 4.0 (3.1-6.2) .92
CMR findings
LVEF, % 56 (54-58) 60 (58-62)b 61 (58-64)b <.001
LVEDV index, mL/m2 86 (81-89) 80 (76-84)b 75 (71-79)b <.001
2 b b
LV mass index, g/m 51 (47-56) 47 (45-54) 53 (50-55) .001
RVEF, % 56 (52-59) 60 (56-63)b 59 (56-62)b .004
Native T1, ms 1130 (1119-1150) 1077 (1065-1089)b 1109 (1101-1119)b <.001
Abnormal native T1, No. (%) 73 (73) 3 (6)b 23 (40)b <.001
b b
Significantly abnormal native T1 38 (38) 0 9 (16) <.001
(upper tertile), No. (%)
Native T2, ms 39 (37-40) 35 (34-36)b 36 (35-37)b <.001
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index;
b b
Abnormal native T2, No. (%) 60 (60) 2 (4) 5 (9) <.001 CAD, coronary artery disease;
Significantly abnormal native T2 22 (22) 0b 1 (2)b <.001 COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary
(upper tertile), No. (%) disease; COVID-19, coronavirus
disease 2019; CRP, C-reactive protein;
LGE, No. (%)
hsTnT, high-sensitivity troponin T;
Myocardial 32 (32) 0b 9 (17)b <.001 IQR, interquartile range;
b LGE, late gadolinium enhancement;
Nonischemic 20 (20) 0 4 (7)b <.001
LV, left ventricle; LVEDV, left
Pericardial 22 (22) 0b 8 (15)b <.001 ventricular end-diastolic volume;
Pericardial effusion (>10 mm), No. 20 (20) 0 b
8 (15) b
<.001 LVEF, left ventricular ejection
(%) fraction; NA, not applicable;
NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro–b-type
Blood test results
natriuretic peptide; RVEF, right
High-sensitivity CRP, mg/dL 0.24 (0.16-0.31) 0.11 (0.09-0.14)b 0.12 (0.07-0.17)b <.001 ventricular ejection fraction; SCORE,
hsTnT, pg/mL 5.6 (4.1-6.6) 3.2 (3.0-3.5) b
3.9 (3.2-4.5)b <.001 Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation.
Calculated as weight in kilograms
Detectable hsTnT (≥3 pg/mL), No. 71 (71) 11 (22)b 31 (57)b <.001
(%) divided by height in meters
Significantly elevated hsTnT (≥13.9 5 (5) 0b 0b .06 b
pg/mL), No. (%) Bonferroni post hoc test for the
b difference vs COVID-19 group;
NT-proBNP, pg/mL 69 (53-82) 48 (41-56) 58 (50-66) .02
P < .05.

with manual correction if required (SuiteHeart; Neosoft). Myo- from the measurements to avoid confounding diffuse fibrosis
cardial T1 and T2 relaxation times were measured conserva- with replacement scar. Interpretation of LGE images followed
tively within the septal myocardium of the midventricular SAX standardized postprocessing recommendations; myocardial LGE
slice using motion-corrected images, as per internal standard- was visually defined by 2 observers based on the presence and
ized operating procedures19 and with quality control by the core predominant pattern as ischemic or nonischemic.20 Pericar-
laboratory staff, blinded to the underlying clinical information dial LGE was considered present when enhancement involved
using pseudonymized data sets. Areas of LGE were excluded both pericardial layers, irrespective of the presence of pericar-

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Research Original Investigation Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From COVID-19

Figure 1. Histological and Imaging Findings in an Adult Man With Severe Cardiac Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Abnormalities 78 Days After Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Diagnosis

A Lymphocyte function–associated antigen 1 B CD45R0

C Native T1 D Native T2

High-sensitivity troponin T level on

the day of cardiac magnetic
resonance imaging was 17.8 pg/mL.
Native T1 Native T2 The patient recovered at home from
= 1187 ms = 41 ms
COVID-19 illness with minimal
symptoms, which included loss of
smell and taste and only mildly
increased temperature lasting 2 days.
There were no known previous
conditions or regular medication use.
Histology revealed intracellular
E LGE 3-chamber view F LGE 4-chamber view edema as enlarged cardiomyocytes
with no evidence of interstitial or
replacement fibrosis. A and B,
Immunohistochemical staining
revealed acute lymphocytic
infiltration (lymphocyte
function–associated antigen 1 and
activated lymphocyte T antigen
CD45R0), as well as activated
intercellular adhesion molecule 1. C
and D, Cardiac magnetic resonance
imaging revealed enlarged volumes in
myocardial mapping acquisitions,
including significantly raised native T1
and native T2. E and F, Pericardial
effusion and enhancement (yellow
arrowheads) and epicardial and
intramyocardial enhancement (white
arrowheads) were seen on late
gadolinium enhancement (LGE)

dial effusion. The distinction from the pericardial fat was as- ous data. Comparisons between patients’ groups were con-
certained using T1 mapping images. ducted using Mann-Whitney U tests for continuous data and
Fischer exact tests for proportions. Receiver operating char-
Statistical Analysis acteristic curve analyses were used to examine discrimina-
Data are presented as counts and percentages for categorical tion between patients recently recovered from COVID-19 and
data and medians and interquartile ranges (IQRs) for continu- control groups; the cutoff values were determined to sepa-

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Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From COVID-19 Original Investigation Research

Figure 2. Scatterplots of Native T1, Native T2, and High-Sensitivity Troponin T Measures by Group

A Native T1 B Native T2
1250 45.0

1200 42.5
Native T1, ms

Native T2, ms
1150 40.0

1100 37.5

1050 35.0

1000 32.5
Healthy Risk factor– COVID-19 COVID-19 Healthy Risk factor– COVID-19 COVID-19
controls matched (home (hospitalized) controls matched (home (hospitalized)
controls recovery) controls recovery)

C High-sensitivity troponin T

High-sensitivity troponin T, pg/mL

There was a small but significant

15 difference between patients who
recovered at home vs in the hospital
12 for native T1 (median [interquartile
range], 1122 [1113-1132] ms vs 1143
[1131-1156] ms; P = .02) but not for
native T2, high-sensitivity troponin T,
or N-terminal pro–b-type natriuretic
6 peptide. For the coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) home recovery
3 group, dark circles indicate
symptomatic illness and light circles
indicate asymptomatic illness. Boxes
Healthy Risk factor– COVID-19 COVID-19 indicate overlays of box-whisker
controls matched (home (hospitalized) plots, midlines indicate medians, and
controls recovery) whiskers indicate interquartile

rate between the healthy control group for exclusion of any characteristics are provided in Table 1. Most patients recov-
myocardial disease and the risk factor–matched control group ered at home (n = 67), with severity of the acute COVID-19 ill-
for detection of myocardial involvement due to COVID-19. As- ness ranging from asymptomatic (n = 18) to minor to moder-
sociations were explored using Pearson or Spearman correla- ate symptoms (n = 49). A total of 33 severely unwell patients
tion analyses, as appropriate for the type of data. Cutoff val- (33%) required hospitalization. In this group, 2 patients (2%) un-
ues for abnormal native T1 and T2 were defined as 2 SDs above derwent mechanical ventilation, and 17 (17%) underwent non-
the mean of the sequence-specific normal ranges, which were invasive ventilation with positive airway pressure. Oxygen
previously published.18,21,22 Classification into lower to middle supplementation was required in 28 patients. In addition to re-
vs upper tertiles served to distinguish the patients with a po- spiratory support, patients received antiviral (n = 1), antibiotic
tential high risk of adverse events.23,24 All tests were 2-tailed, (n = 15), and steroid (n = 8) therapy. Treatment with hydrochlo-
and P values less than .05 were considered statistically signifi- roquine was initiated in a single patient but discontinued within
cant. Analysis was performed using SPSS software version days due to severe leukopenia. During hospitalization, a sig-
25.0 (IBM). nificant rise (13.9 pg/mL or greater) in hsTnT values was docu-
mented in 15 patients (15%). Preexisting cardiovascular condi-
tions included hypertension, diabetes, and known coronary
artery disease but no previously known heart failure or cardi-
Results omyopathy. Other significant conditions included asthma
An unselected cohort of 100 patients who recently recovered (n = 10) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n = 11). All
from COVID-19 infection were included, of which 53 (53%) were preexisting conditions were similarly distributed between pa-
male, and the median (IQR) age was 49 (45-53) years. Baseline tients who recovered at home vs hospitalized.

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Research Original Investigation Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From COVID-19

The results of the imaging parameters and blood markers

Figure 3. Correlation of Myocardial Measures With Time
on the day of CMR are shown in Table 1. The median (IQR) du- From Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Testing
ration between the positive COVID-19 testing and the CMR
examination was 71 (64-92) days. On the day of CMR exami- A Native T1
nation, direct questioning about symptoms revealed atypical 1250
chest pain (n = 17) and palpitations (n = 20). Compared with R = 0.08; P =.43
pre–COVID-19 status, 36 patients (36%) reported ongoing short- 1200
ness of breath and general exhaustion, of whom 25 noted

Native T1, ms
symptoms during less-than-ordinary daily activities, such as 1150

a household chore. Only 4 of 25 patients (16%) were previ-

ously hospitalized. No patient reported typical angina symp- 1100

toms or a recent syncope. High-sensitivity troponin T values

were detectable (3 pg/mL or greater) in 71 patients recently re-
covered from COVID-19 (71%) and significantly elevated (13.9
pg/mL or greater) in 5 (5%). Compared with healthy controls 0 25 50 75 100 125
and risk factor–matched controls, patients recently recov- Time since diagnosis, d
ered from COVID-19 had lower left ventricular and right ven-
tricular ejection fraction, higher left ventricle volume and mass, B Native T2
and raised native T1 and T2 measures. A total of 78 patients 45.0
recently recovered from COVID-19 had abnormal CMR find- R = 0.14; P =.17
ings, including raised myocardial native T1 (n = 73),21 raised 42.5

myocardial native T2 (n = 60),22 myocardial LGE (n = 32), and

Native T2, ms 40.0
pericardial enhancement (n = 22) (Figure 1). A total of 12 pa-
tients recently recovered from COVID-19 had an ischemic-
type pattern of myocardial LGE. Three patients with severe ab-
normalities (significantly higher hsTnT, native T1, and native
T2 measures in the upper tertile, LGE, and left ventricular ejec-
tion fraction less than 50%) were referred to endomyocardial
biopsy, revealing active lymphocytic inflammation with no evi- 0 25 50 75 100 125
dence of any viral genome. Figure 2 shows the findings for Time since diagnosis, d

native T1 and T2 mapping and hsTnT values based on the

C High-sensitivity troponin T
COVID-19 illness presentation (home-based recovery vs hos-
pitalization) and in relation to the time from the original 21
R = –0.07; P =.49
High-sensitivity troponin T, pg/mL

COVID-19 diagnosis. There was a small but significant differ- 18

ence between patients who recovered at home vs in the hos-
pital for native T1 measures (median [IQR], 1122 [1113-1132] ms
vs 1143 [1131-1156] ms; P = .02) but not for native T2, hsTnT, 12

or N-terminal pro–b-type natriuretic peptide. There was no sig- 9

nificant correlation with duration between the positive test for
COVID-19 and the measures (native T1: r = 0.07; P = .47; na-
tive T2: r = 0.14; P = .15; hsTnT: r = −0.07; P = .50) (Figure 3). 3

High-sensitivity troponin T was significantly correlated with 0

native T1 (r = 0.35; P < .001) and native T2 (r = 0.22; P = .03). 0 25 50 75 100 125
Time since diagnosis, d
There was also a cross-correlation between native T1 and T2
(r = 0.43; P < .001). Finally, there was a significant correla-
There was no significant correlation with duration between the positive test for
tion of hsTnT with native T1 (r = 0.35; P < .001) and left ven- COVID-19 and the measures (native T1: r = 0.07; P = .47; native T2: r = 0.14; P = .15;
tricle mass (r = 0.32; P < .001). The associations of hsTnT with high-sensitivity troponin T: r = −0.07; P = .50). The trend line indicates the linear
mapping measures remained significant despite controlling for regression trend, and the shaded area indicates standard deviation of the mean.

the presence of comorbidities (overall or separately) or treat-

ment received during the COVID-19 illness. with the best discriminatory ability to detect COVID-19–
Table 2 shows the results of the receiver operating charac- related myocardial pathology, with respective cutoff values for
teristic curve analyses for discrimination between the control confirmation and exclusion of cardiac involvement.
groups and patients recently recovered from COVID-19 using
imaging measures and blood biomarkers as well as their respec-
tive cutoff values for exclusion of any myocardial disease (com-
pared with healthy controls) or confirmation of abnormal myo-
cardium due to recent COVID-19 infection (compared with risk A total of 78 patients who recovered from COVID-19 infection
factor–matched patients). Native T1 and T2 were the measures (78%) had cardiovascular involvement as detected by stan-

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Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From COVID-19 Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Results of the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve Analyses

COVID-19 vs healthy controls COVID-19 vs risk factor–matched controls

Characteristic AUC (95% CI) P value Cutoff value AUC (95% CI) P value Cutoff value
Native T1 0.83 (0.76-0.91) <.001 1100 ms 0.71 (0.65-0.81) <.001 1140 ms
Native T2 0.82 (0.75-0.90) <.001 38 ms 0.73 (0.64-0.81) <.001 40 ms
LVEF 0.68 (0.59-0.78) .001 54% 0.64 (0.54-0.74) .007 51%
LVEDV index 0.66 (0.49-0.71) .07 NA 0.70 (0.60-0.80) <.001 95 mL/m2
LV mass index 0.60 (0.49-0.72) .12 NA 0.63 (0.53-0.72) <.001 78 g/m2
RVEF 0.68 (0.58-0.78) .001 45% 0.68 (0.53-0.76) .008 43%
hsTnT 0.81 (0.74-0.89) <.001 6.8 pg/dL 0.68 (0.57-0.76) <.001 9.3 pg/dL
NT-proBNP 0.53 (0.48-0.62) .81 NA 0.56 (0.45-0.62) .37 NA
High-sensitivity CRP 0.54 (0.41-0.65) .39 NA 0.60 (0.50-0.70) .05 NA
Abbreviations: AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; end-diastolic volume; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NA, not applicable;
COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CRP, C-reactive protein; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro–b-type natriuretic peptide; RVEF, right ventricular
hsTnT, high-sensitivity troponin T; LV, left ventricle; LVEDV, left ventricular ejection fraction.

dardized CMR, irrespective of preexisting conditions, the se- ongoing perimyocarditis after COVID-19 infection. This is
verity and overall course of the COVID-19 presentation, the time further confirmed by the cross-correlation between the T1
from the original diagnosis, or the presence of cardiac symp- and T2 measures and hsTnT as well as histological verifica-
toms. The most prevalent abnormality was myocardial inflam- tion of inflammatory changes in more severe cases.
mation (defined as abnormal native T1 and T2 measures), Each of the abnormal imaging parameters can be linked
detected in 60 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 to an underlying pathophysiological process and worse out-
(60%), followed by regional scar and pericardial enhance- come. The periepicardial LGE in the areas with increased con-
ment. Findings on classic parameters, such as volumes and ejec- trast agent uptake represents regional damage due to myocar-
tion fractions, were mildly abnormal. Myocardial measures, na- dial inflammation. Especially in combination with pericardial
tive T1 measures, and native T2 measures provided the best effusion, these observations can be attributed to fibrosis and/or
discriminatory value against healthy controls and risk factor– edema due to an ongoing active pericarditis. Nonischemic pat-
matched controls for exclusion of any myocardial disease or con- terns of myocardial LGE are mainly observed in patients with
firmation of COVID-19–related involvement, respectively. acute or healed myocarditis and have been strongly linked to
To our knowledge, this is the first prospective report on a reduced outcome.23,24,30,31 Increased native T1 measures rep-
cohort of unselected patients with a recent COVID-19 infec- resent diffuse myocardial fibrosis and/or edema, whereas na-
tion identified from a local testing center who voluntarily un- tive T2 is specific for edema.18 Thus, patients with increased
derwent evaluation for cardiac involvement with CMR. The native T1 and T2 measures have an active inflammatory pro-
results of our study provide important insights into the preva- cess, while those with increased native T1 and normal native
lence of cardiovascular involvement in the early convales- T2 measures have healed with some residual diffuse myocar-
cent stage. Our findings demonstrate that participants with a dial damage (although native T1 measures can be increased in
relative paucity of preexisting cardiovascular condition and a variety of pathophysiology, as many different pathways lead
with mostly home-based recovery had frequent cardiac in- to diffuse fibrosis, including hypertension or genetic cardio-
flammatory involvement, which was similar to the hospital- myopathies). Yet the combination with histological findings
ized subgroup with regards to severity and extent. Our obser- as well as the increase relative to age-matched, sex-matched,
vations are concordant with early case reports in hospitalized and risk factor–matched controls makes a COVID-19–related in-
patients showing a frequent presence of LGE,3,25 diffuse in- flammatory process as the underlying pathophysiology highly
flammatory involvement,10,26 and significant rise of tropo- likely. Increased native T1 measures have been strongly re-
nin T levels.4 Unlike these previous studies, our findings re- lated to worse outcome in patients with ischemic heart dis-
veal that significant cardiac involvement occurs independently ease and nonischemic cardiomyopathies.23,24,30,31 Increased
of the severity of original presentation and persists beyond the troponin T and C-reactive protein levels similarly indicate
period of acute presentation, with no significant trend to- inflammatory and partially ongoing myocardial damage and
ward reduction of imaging or serological findings during have been related to worse outcome, even if only minimally
the recovery period. Our findings may provide an indication increased.32 While left and right ventricular ejection fraction
of potentially considerable burden of inflammatory disease were significantly reduced, there was a large overlap be-
in large and growing parts of the population and urgently tween patients recently recovered from COVID-19 and both
require confirmation in a larger cohort. Although the long- control groups, demonstrating that volumes and function are
term health effects of these findings cannot yet be deter- inferior markers of disease detection compared with direct tis-
mined, several of the abnormalities described have been sue characterization with mapping measures. Importantly, vol-
previously related to worse outcome in inflammatory umes and function have consistently been demonstrated to be
cardiomyopathies.27-29 Most imaging findings point toward less relevant for predicting outcome than LGE and mapping,

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Research Original Investigation Outcomes of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Recently Recovered From COVID-19

highlighting the relevance of the more sensitive markers of use of other imaging protocols, sequence parameters, or post-
early cardiac damage.23,24,30,31 processing approaches may yield different results.

Our study has limitations. The findings are not validated for
the use in pediatric patients 18 years and younger. They also
do not represent patients during acute COVID-19 infection or Taken together, we demonstrate cardiac involvement in 78
those who are completely asymptomatic with COVID-19. Sev- patients (78%) and ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60 pa-
eral patients within our cohort had new or persistent symp- tients (60%) with recent COVID-19 illness, independent of pre-
toms, thus increasing the likelihood of positive CMR find- existing conditions, severity and overall course of the acute ill-
ings. Outcome data remain outstanding. The imaging ness, and the time from the original diagnosis. These findings
sequences used in this study have been well validated, stan- indicate the need for ongoing investigation of the long-term
dardized, and locked for the use in multicenter settings. The cardiovascular consequences of COVID-19.

ARTICLE INFORMATION German Centre for Cardiovascular Research during 5. Ruan Q, Yang K, Wang W, Jiang L, Song J. Clinical
Accepted for Publication: July 6, 2020. the conduct of the study and personal fees from predictors of mortality due to COVID-19 based on
Sanofi, Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Novo an analysis of data of 150 patients from Wuhan,
Published Online: July 27, 2020. Nordisk outside the submitted work. Dr Vehreschild China. Intensive Care Med. 2020;46(5):846-848.
doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2020.3557 has received grants from BioNTech and Takeda doi:10.1007/s00134-020-05991-x
Open Access: This is an open access article outside the submitted work. Dr Nagel has received 6. Chen L, Li X, Chen M, Feng Y, Xiong C. The ACE2
distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License. grants from Bayer, the German Ministry for expression in human heart indicates new potential
© 2020 Puntmann VO et al. JAMA Cardiology. Education and Research, Deutsche Herzstiftung mechanism of heart injury among patients infected
Author Affiliations: Institute for Experimental and e.V., Neosoft Technologies, and Cardio-Pulmonary with SARS-CoV-2. Cardiovasc Res. 2020;116(6):
Translational Cardiovascular Imaging, DZHK Centre Institute and personal fees from Bayer. No other 1097-1100. doi:10.1093/cvr/cvaa078
for Cardiovascular Imaging, University Hospital disclosures were reported.
7. Varga Z, Flammer AJ, Steiger P, et al. Endothelial
Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Puntmann, Funding/Support: Drs Puntmann, Arendt, Escher, cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19. Lancet.
Carerj, Arendt, Hoffmann, Shchendrygina, Nagel); Vasa-Nicotera, Zeiher, and Nagel were supported 2020;395(10234):1417-1418. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736
Department of Biomedical Sciences and by grants from the German Ministry of Education (20)30937-5
Morphological and Functional Imaging, University and Research via the German Centre for
of Messina, Messina, Italy (Carerj); Department of Cardiovascular Research (DZHK) partner site 8. Xu Z, Shi L, Wang Y, et al. Pathological findings of
Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Frankfurt, RheinMain, Deutsche Herzstiftung e.V., Bayer, and COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress
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Vehreschild); Department of Diagnostic and doi:10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30076-X
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Interventional Radiology, University Hospital role in the design and conduct of the study; 9. Wei X, Fang Y, Hu H. Glucocorticoid and
Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Arendt); collection, management, analysis, and immunoglobulin to treat viral fulminant
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