Dykstra-Parsons Method
Dykstra-Parsons Method
Dykstra-Parsons Method
Socia~of Petroleum
SPE 15020
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Permian Basin CM & Gas Recove~ Conference of Ihe Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Midland,
TX, March 13-14, 1986.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submilfed by fhe
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presented at SPE meefinga are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Permission 10 copy is
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layers, the lengths of all layers are the same and AP = 4Poj + AP (1)
equal to L. When the production from the above des- j Wj
cribed system is underway, the water advances in the
system at a speed which varies from layer to layer where APO is the pressure drop in the unswept portion
and from time to time. Also, the proportionof ~flayerj and Pw isthepressure drop inthe swept
flowtngwater in each layer varies from layer to layer zone. For the cas~ where the water front inlayer j
and from time to time. The followingassumptionswere lies in region one of that layer, i.e. x
considered: pressuredrop AP is j~ % ‘he
1. Although the dimensionsand propertiesvary from
layer to layer and from region to region, a specific AP .*&l+~) (2)
region in a particular layer is assume to be homogene- oj
ro ‘j ‘j ‘j ‘j
ous and isotropicand saturatedwith incompressible
fluids. and the pressure drop in the swept portion is
Each layer of the reservoir under study consists 2. Water Front Location
of two regions of different characteristics. After
a certain period of water injection, the water front The followingequationswere derived on the
location in layer j lines either in the first region assumption that thepositions of the layers are in
or in the eecond region of that layer. Before break- ascending order with respect to their times of break-
through, the water front in layer j ia at a distance through, i.e. layer 1 breaks through first and layer
x from the injector. The distance x. increases from iIbreaks through last.
zero at the start of water injectionJto k, when the (a) constant injection rate
water front crosses the interfaceof the two regions In this case the water is injected at a constant rate
and the pressure drop AP is changingwith time.
in that particular layer j, then increases to L at
breakthroughtime. However,at any time t, API = AP2 = ... = Al’ .
The water front locatton in the layer j, when t~e
1. Pressure Drop in Any Layer layer i has just broken through (j = i + 1, i -t2,
It is common practice either to inject water at
a constant rate and allow the pressure drop to vary
=~{-bj+ (b~-4aj(~Cj)} (6)
with time or to keep the pressure drop constant and ‘j j
allow the injection rate to vary with time. j
(a) water front in region 1
The pressure drop in any layer j before breakthrough (b) constant injectionpressure
in that layer is (j = 1,2,3...,n) The bottom hole pressures in the injector and producer
are kept constant,while the water injection rate
varies with time. The front location in layer j
{j =1, 2,...,n
3. BreakthroughTime
WOR = ! (-. )/; (.Kihi/Yf
) (10)
~=1 Li/L+ l/M;(l-k.i/L) i=j-t-l n Kihi
z (15)
i=j+l i++ (1-y)
5. Coverage L
Coverage is defined here as the cross-sectional
area contacted by the injected fluid divided by the ANALYTICALPROCEDURE
cross-sectionalarea enclosed in all layers behind
the fnjectedwaterfront. For n-layer composite Systen Unlike Dykstra and Parsons method, the propertie!
with the layer j broken through, coverage can be and dimensionsof the individuallayers are not
calculated from sufficient to predict their order of breakthroughin I
n layered composite reservoir. A layered composite re-
j ~i “i servoir requires a trial-and-errormethod to determin<
z (pi+ (1 -~)h~)+ Z. (F;)
= i=l I=j+l the order of breakthroughof individuallayers.
Cj n !i.i
‘i The followingis a step-by-stepprocedure for
~ (~hi + (1 -~) hi)
i=l predicting the waterfloodingperformanceof a layered
compositeoil reservoir for the constant injection
rate case.
of the reservoir. For mobility ratio greater (less) flooding life. However, for mobility ratfo greater
than 1, thfspressuregradient in the swept portions is (less) than 1, thepressuredrop and consequentlythe
less (greater)than that in the unswept portions of the injectionpressure decreases (increases)during the
reservoir. This explains why the pressure drop de- aaterfloodinglife,
zreasesas the cumulativeoil production increases. 4. Except for a very high mobility ratio, oil
productionrate i.alinearly related to the cumulative
Figure 4 shows oil productionrate versus cumu- Dil production;as the cumulativeoil production in-
lative oil production for differentvalues of mobility creases, the oil production rate decreases. At high
ratios. The figure shows that after breakthrough,ex- mobility ratio, oil production rate fluctuatesduring
cept for the case of M = 10, the oil production rate the waterfloodinglife.
is linearly related to the cumulativeoil production; 5. After breakthrough,except for very high
as the cumulativeoil production increases, the oil mobility ratio, the WOR increases asymptoticallyas
productionrate decreases. For the case of M = 10, the cumulativeoil production increases. However, at high
pressure gradient in the swept portions is lower than mobility ratio, WOR may fluctuateduring waterflooding
that in the unswept portions, i.e. as the swept por- life.
tions increase, the ayatempressuredrop decreases and 6. For the same flow rate and mobility ratio
consequently,the flow rate through the broken-through proper selectionof the Injector and producer
layersdecreases. Since the injection rate is constant, locationsmay result in higher oil recovery and pro-
flow rates in the unbroken through layers increase re- duction rate and lower WOR and cumulativewater in-
sulting in a higher oil productionrate. On the other jection.
hand, as the number of broken through layera increase,
oil production rate decreaaes. This explains why the NOMENCLATURE
oil production rate fluctuatesduring the waterflood-
. layer j constant defined by equation A.5 and
ing life. This also explains why the WOR for M= 10
fluctuatesas shown by Figure 5. This phenomena does aj A.9
not exist for the case of M = 2 because the decrease . layer j constantdefined by equationsA.6 and
in oil productiondue to the increase of broken-througk bj A.1O.
layers is higher than the increase due to the decrease
in pressuredrop. For mobility ratio less than unity, B. = oil formationvolume factor, res vollstd vol
the two factors act in the direction of decreasingoil . water formationvolume factor, res vol/std vol
productionrate. Thus, the oil production rate de-
creaaes and WOR increasesas the cumulative oil . layer i (that has just broken through)
productionincreaaes as shown by Figure 4 and 5, constant defined by equation A.13
respectively. . layer j constant defined by equationaA.i’and
c1 All
Water performancecalculationswere repeated for
the same system presented by Tables 1 and 2 with the . coverage when layer j haa broken through
exception that the injector (producer)ia inverted to Cj
. constant defined by Eq. A.19 and A.20
the producer (injector)before startingwaterflooding. ‘1
The results indicated that the breakthroughorders of . layer j constant defined by equationsA.8 and
the reservoir layers for both cases (normal and invert- ‘~ A.12
ed) are different. By comparing the two curves of . areal sweep efficiency
M = 2 (normal and inverted) of Figure 2, it can be
noticed that for a certain cumulativewater injection, . parameter of layer i defined by equationaAl;
the cumulativeoil production is higher for the in- and A.18
verted case, This can be related to WOR behavior . thicknessof region 1 of layer j from the
presented in Figure 5 which shows that for a particular J
injector of linear system
WOR, the cumulative oil production is higher for the
inverted case. Figure 3 ahowa that the injection h! . thicknessof region 2 of layer j from the
pressure drop ia the same for :he two caaes. However, J injector of linear system -.
Figure 4 shows that oil production rate fs slightly = water injection rate.
higher for the invertedcasethan for the normal
caae. K; = permeabilityof region 1 of layer j of the
linear system
CONCLUSIONS Kt 5 permeabilityof region 2 of layer j of the
I linear system
1. For a particularmobility ratio, water-oil
ratio, coverage, cumulativewater injection, and K E relative permeabilityto oil
cumulativeoil production are not functions of in-
Kw . relative permeabilityto water
jection flow rate or pressure drop. This ia probably
due to the assumption that the oil is displaced by a L = distance between the injector and the produce
piston-likedisplacement. How@ver, oil production of the linear system
rate increasesas the injectionrate and/or pressure M .
mobility ratio
drop increases.
2. For a particular stratifiedcomposite re- M’ . layer j constant defined by equation A.2
servoir, the breakthroughorder of its layer depends +,3
on the mobility ratio. Also, as the mobility ratio
. constant for region 1 of layer j defined by
equation A.3
increases,the reservoirbreaka through earlfer,
3. For mobility ratio equal to 1 and constant . constant for region 2 of layer j defined by
injection rate, the pressure differentialbetween the equation A.4
injector and the producer is constant during water-
WOR . water-oil-ratio
. water front location (from the injector) in M= KwPofKroVw (Al)
‘j layer J (linear system)
. parameter defined by equation A.15 and A.16
llo . oil viacoaity, cp (A.2)
‘i = ‘;h;’Kjhd
llw . water viscoafty, cp
P . density
~11 (A.3)
P. . density at referencepressure P l,j= Pw@j/Kwhj
o . porosity
. porosity of region 1 of layer j of the linear Ml, = Pw$;h~/KmKjhj
$j (A.4)
system 2,j
4; . porosity of region 2 of layer j of the linear
j = 1, 2, 3,...,n
= length of region 1 of layer j of the linear
$ system 2) Water Front Locations: Constant InjectionRate
(Eq. 6)
. . . . A- n..
. .
LJ.nn ..,n
Wxu ianu A-n
1.hww.uu”UT -C AVUll
..--n.“. fXMA?J
...... 7
.# (:)(0 - M+#(M’-
~ j 1)) (b) For ki ~ Xi 5 L
‘j ~,j
‘i (A.16)
Yi=+++ ((y -~)+M(l - ~))
~+q)+#~((l+M.ZMj) ~-2M) i
‘j j
5) Coverage (Eq. 11)
. . . . . . . .. *..”* ‘*””””” ““ . (All)
(a) For O ~ xi ~ ki
‘1 = %j
F~=— ‘ihi (A.17)
(c) For both cases
1, ~i
‘i :)+ +(1 - #) (A.15)
‘i 1
. ,,
L = 10f10feet K = 0.1244
y = 1 foot =lcp
SW 15 f120
●☛☛☛☛☛✌☛ ✌☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛☛
B.T. Pressure oil Prod. Water Prod. Hater Oil Coverage CumulativeWater Cumu14tlve Oil
Layer OroP, PSI Rate, 7JPil Rate, BPO Ratio Fraction Injection, W3L Product{on 6BL
● .**.*** .**** ***** **. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***********.********************"***************
B.T. Pressure Oil Prod. Water Prod. Water 0{} Coverage Cumulatfve Water Cunivlattve
Layer OrOp, PSI Rate, BPo Rate. BPO Ratio Fraction Injection,BBL ProductionBBL
W 15020
And ffobllfty Ratio = 0.10.
-. *****************************************.********.************..********************,***********************
B.T. Inject{on Oil Prod. h’ater Prod. Hater Oil Coverage Cumulatfve Hater CumulativeOfl
Layer Rate, FJPO Rate, BPO Rate, BPD Ratfo Fraction Injcctl.m, i3fTL Production DBL
***** ****. ***** ***** ****. ***** ***** ***** ***. ***** ***** ***.* ***** ***************,,******,*.*******************
{w = 80 D/
1 2 0.1; 2 0.11 2 0.14 2 0.20 2 0.34 2 1.37 2 0.35 2 0.11 2 0.11
....----- .
LI layer n
2 pnvcrteri]
0123456 789
flu.i-8chemetlc dlawzm showing wrmfflwding In a Iayered-cmpc.site reservoir, Fig. 2-Cumulative water Injectionvs. cumulmlve011production(I”. 100 Em).
o 0.6
* 2 (inverted)
16 v 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
100 wmbol M
A AO.1
90 ●
80 9
~ 2 (Inverted
70 010
60 A
40 \
01234567 69
Cumulative oil production, M bbl
FIO.4-011 pmductlon rato W. cumulative0[1production(1-=100 BID).
nymbol M
. 0.1
0 0.6
@2 (hvefi.d)
v 10
4 5 6 7 8 2
o 1 2 3