Bilateral Exudative Retinal Detachment Due To Hypertensive Retinopathy and Choroidopathy in Young Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease
Bilateral Exudative Retinal Detachment Due To Hypertensive Retinopathy and Choroidopathy in Young Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease
Bilateral Exudative Retinal Detachment Due To Hypertensive Retinopathy and Choroidopathy in Young Patient With Chronic Kidney Disease
Introduction: Severe systemic hypertension in chronic kidney disease can cause significant damage to the
eye. Although hypertensive retinopathy is a well-known complication, hypertensive optic neuropathy and
choroidopathy are much less common. The aim of this study is to report retinal manifestation in young
patient with chronic kidney disease.
Method: A 26-year-old man with underlying disease chronic kidney disease (CKD) gr-V underwent bilateral
bullous exudative retinal detachments. Retinal arteriolar narrowing, vascular tortuosity, arteriovenous
nicking, optic disc swelling, retinal haemorrhage, elschnig spot, siegrist streak were identified in both eyes.
Blood pressure was 200/140mmHg with visual acuity 0,5/60 OU. The patient was diagnosed with bilateral
hypertensive retinopathy and choroidopathy with bulous exudative retinal detachments.
Results: After antihypertensive treatment, visual acuity improved, but the exudative retinal detachments
and retinal hemorrhages reduced. A patient with those findings should be considered as having
hypertensive retinopathy and choroidopathy and treated as soon as possible because of the poor
Conclusion: Hypertensive choroidopathy is a rare finding associated with acute increases in blood pressure.
When the choroid is associated, the hypertensive event is often more acute and associated with increased
morbidity. It is necessary to obtain fundus exam in any patient with elevated blood pressure and
concomitant vision complaints. Therefore, screening hypertensive patients involves close collaboration
between internist and ophthalmologist.
Keywords: Hypertensive choroidopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, exudative retinal detachment, elschnig’s spot,
siegrist streak, chronic kidney disease
Cite This Article: KARTIKASARI, indha dwi; DEWI, Nadia Artha. Bilateral Exudative Retinal Detachment Due to
Hypertensive Retinopathy and Choroidopathy In Young Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease. International Journal of
Retina, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, july 2018. ISSN 2614-8536. Available at:
Severe systemic hypertension in chronic development of a macular star configuration of
kidney disease can cause significant damage to intraretinal lipid can be seen1–3. When the
the eye. Although hypertensive retinopathy is choroidal vessels are severely affected by
*Correspondence to: a well-known complication, hypertensive elevated blood pressure, as in acute
Indha Dwi Kartikasari, neuropathy and choroidopathy are much less hypertension, fibrinoid necrosis of choroidal
Department of Ophthalmology,
common. Elevation of systemic blood pressure arterioles can cause occlusion of areas of
Universitas Brawijaya,
[email protected]
as in renovascular disease causes both focal choriocapillaris, with a subsequent breakdown
and generalized retinal arteriolar constriction, of the outer blood-retinal barrier. Although the
presumably mediated by autoregulation. A retinal vascular changes and optic neuropathy
prolonged duration of particularly high blood are well known, hypertensive choroidopathy
pressure can be associated with a breakdown usually does not receive as much attention.
of the inner blood-retinal barrier, with Hypertensive choroidopathy has been reported
extravasation of plasma and red blood cells. in toxemia of pregnancy, renal disease,
Retinal hemorrhages, cottonwool spots, pheochromocytoma, and malignant
intraretinal lipid, and, in severe cases, the hypertension4.
Published by : INAVRS | International Journal of Retina 2018; 1; 1; 33
Hypertension retinopathy occur almost half in CKD retinal hemorrhage, intraretinal exudation and macular
population, while hypertension choroidopathy only on star formation, exudative retinal detachment, Elsching
0,1%5. We report a case of hypertensive retinopathy and spot, and Siegrist streak. The blood pressure was 200/140
hypertensive choroidopathy with bilateral exudative mmHg. Hemoglobin 8,0 g/dL, RBC 2,96 x 106/µL, WBC
retinal detachments in young patient with chronic kidney 13.130/µL, hematocrit 24,10%, PLT 114.000/µL, RBS 150
disease. mg/dL, ureum 249,70 mg/dL, creatinin 20,61mg/dL.
Urinalysis pH 8,5; density 1,015; glucose1+; protein 3+;
CASE ILLUSTRATION keton, bilirubin, urobilinogen, nitrit negative; WBC 2+,
A 26-year-old man presented with a painless loss of blood 3+; epithel 1,1 LPK, cylinder negative; RBC 41,9 LPB;
vision in his both eyes. He had a history of chronic kidney WBC 46,5 LPB, crystal negative, bacteria 2750,8 x 10 3 /mL,
disease (CKD) gr-V on hemodyalisis since 2 months ago. shown in the laboratory result. The patient was diagnosed
Ophthalmic examination revealed visual acuity of 0.5/60 with bilateral hypertensive retinopathy and
OU. Pupils reacted normally without an afferent pupillary choroidopathy with bullous exudative retinal detachment
defect. He had normal extraocular motility, and ocular and treated with antihypertensive treatment glyceryl
alignment in both eyes. Slit lamp examination revealed trinitrate (GTN) drip 20-200 µ /mnt and furosemide drip
subconjunctival haemorrhage in both eyes. Retinal 10 mg/hour, amlodipine 1x10 mg tab, valsartan 1x80 mg
examination revealed retinal arteriolar narrowing, vascular tab, lansoprazole 1x30 mg intravena (iv), and
tortuosity, arteriovenous nicking, optic disc swelling, metoclopramide 3x10 mg iv.
Figure 2. Fundus Photograhy Show Bilateral Disc Edema, Retinal Bleeding, Exudative Retinal Detachment, Elschnig Spot,
Siegrist Streak , and Macular Star (Courtesy By Vitreo-Retina Division)
Patient came at outpatient clinic after 2 weeks with improvement in visual acuity to 1/60 with better retinal
findings, but decreasing in general condition. According to systemic condition, 2 weeks later the patient passed away.
Figure 3. There Were Reducing of Subconjunctival Haemorrhage on Both Eyes After 3 Weeks
34 Published by : INAVRS | International Journal of Retina 2018; 1; 1;
Figure 4. Fundus Photography After 3 Weeks Show Reducing Of Bilateral Disc Edema, Retinal Bleeding, And Exudative
Retinal Detachment(Courtesy by Vitreo-retina Division)
Figure 5. Ocular USG Right Eye (Above) Left Eye (Below) When Sitting Postion (Left Photo) and Supine Position (Right
Photo) Showed Shifting Fluid As Gravitation. (Courtesy By Vitreo-Retina Division)