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Effects of Various Radiant Sources On Plant Growth (Part 2) : Shinji TAZAWA

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JARQ 33, 177-183 (1999)

Effects of Various Radiant Sources on Plant Growth

(Part 2)

Light Source Division, Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd.
(Gyoda, Saitama, 361-0021 Japan)

In Part 2 of this report, we analyzed the spectrum distribution of several high intensity
discharge lamps, in which the spectrum values were multiplied by the average values for 4
different photosynthesis curves developed by McCree(1972) and Inada(1976), and we
calculated the photoelectric conversion efficiency expressed as the plant growth radiant
efficiency. As a result, we confirmed the high effectiveness of high pressure sodium lamps
for plant growth within the PAR range of wavelengths, and concluded that a metal halide
lamp 3,500 K (150 W high color rendering index type) was a suitable light source for indoor
maintenance of ornamental plants. We also analyzed the light quality within the PAR range
of different artificial light sources, by using the R/B and R/FR ratios as a reference to

Discipline: Agricultural facilities/Crop production/Horticulture

Additional key words: artificial light source, supplemental lighting, plant factory

spectrum, is considered to be a suitable device for

Introduction measuring the efficiency. Fig. 1 shows the curve
of luminous efficiency and quantum sensitivity. The
Part 2 of this report deals with an evaluation second aspect to be considered is the quality of the
of various radiant sources for plant growth and the light balance. In general, it is recognized that light
quality of the light balance. with a large red light component promotes interca-
lary growth, and that light with a large blue light
Evaluation of various radiant sources for plant component controls plant growth. The ratio of blue,
growth green and red light components controls plant
growth. The ratio of blue, green and red light com-
Broadly speaking, 2 aspects must be considered ponents in PAR radiation is the key factor determin-
in the evaluation of radiant sources for plant growth. ing plant grow th. In addition, the ratio of red light
The first is the efficiency of light energy transforma- and far-red light is an important factor in the elon-
tion which is expressed by the ratio of the radiant gation of plants.
energy of a lamp to t he effective light energy for
photosynthesis . This efficiency is a measure of how I) Evaluation of light energy trans/ormation effi-
close the spectral distribution of a light source is ciency
to the photosynthesis action spectrum of the plants. T o obtain the light energy transformation effi-
To obtain this efficiency, the value for spectral dis- ciency, the radiant energy of the light source is mul-
tribution of a light source is multiplied by the sensi- tiplied by either the quantum sensitivity or the
tivity of t he photosynthesis action spectrum of the operational sensitivity of photosynthesis, then divid-
plants, and then divided by the input power of the ed by the input power of the lamp. Equations used
light source used. However, it is virtually impossi- to calculate the light energy transformation efficien-
ble to analyze the photosynthesis action spectra of cy of the light sources are shown below (Eqns. 1 to 3).
hundreds of thousands of plants on the earth. There- Radiant energy of artificial light source;
fore only the main typical species are used to calcu-
late the efficiency. The quantum sensor, in which
the sensitivity is close to the photosynthesis action
P(>-.)d >-. / P in ..... ..... ... ...... .. ........ (1)
178 JARQ 33(3) 1999

Radiant energy x quantum sensitivity; Q (>-.):

quantum sensitivity,
S (>-.):
average sensitivit y of photosynthesis
r ,oo
J P(>-.)Q(>-.)d >-./Pin ..................... (2) action spectra,
P in : input power of lamp.
Radiant energy x average sensitivity or photo-
synthesis spectra; Table 1 shows the radiant energy and light energy

c: P(A) S(A)d >-. / P in ...................... (3)

transformation efficiency of various 660 to 1,000 W
high intensity discharge lamps (HID lamps) used in
closed system plant factories. Line CD in Table l
P (>-.): spectrum distribution, shows the transformation efficiency to visible light

---- ---- --
400 500 600 700
Wavelen gth (u m )

Fig. I. C urve of luminous efficiency and quantum sensitivity

Table I. Radiation energy of va rious H ID lamps (660 lo 1,000 W)

Lamp name 1-fPMVL MHL HPSL

Luminous efficiency
59.5 63.0 90.0 87.0 152.0 111.0 157.4
Radiation energy of
visible light (W) 171.5 188.7 293.4 291.9 280.6 245.7 415.3
(380- 780 nm)
G)Efficiency of light
energy transformation 17.2 18.9 29.3 29.2 42.5 37.2 44.2
Radiation energy x
quantum sensit ivity 125.2 136.8 203.2 202.8 215.0 182.3 3 18.2
(W) (400- 700 nm)
@ Efficiency x
quantum sensitivity 12.5 13.7 20.3 20.3 32.6 27.6 33.9
Radiation energy x
photosyn thesis sensitivity 109.3 119.7 177.5 178.4 207.0 175.6 306.4
(W)(400- 700 nm)
@ Plant growth
radiant efficiency 10.9 12.0 17.8 17.8 31.4 26.6 32.6
S. Towwu: E/Je,·ts of V"rious l?a<lia111 Sources 011 Pl/1111 Grow1h (P(lrf 2) 179

from electric energy supplied by actual light sources of Tables I and 2, shows that high-wattage type
as radiant energy. Line ® shows the light transfor- HPSLs have a higher efficiency than 400 W H PLSs,
mation efficiency multiplied by the quantum sensi- and 400 W MHLs have a higher efficiency than high-
tivity for evaluating measurements. Li.nc @ shows wattage type MHLs.
the efficiency of light energy transformation actually Table 3 shows the efficiency of light energy trans-
used, which is calculated from the efficiency of light formation of compact type HID lamps installed for
energy transformation multiplied by the average sen- indoor ornamental plants. All MHLs have a high
sitivity of the photosynthesis action spectra of 33 efficiency of light energy transformation, as shown
plam species examined by lnada ( 1976) 2 > and 28 by in Table 3. In particular, the 150 W 4,500 K lamp
McCree (1972) 4 >. As shown in Table l, from the shows the highest efficiency, based on the mu ltipli-
standpoint of photosynthesis sensitivity and quan- cation with the average photosynthesis sensitivity.
tum sensitivity, the most effective lamp for plam
growth is the HPSL, in which the red light compo- 2) Evaluation of quality of light balance
nent is large and the efficiency of light energy trans- Evaluation of the quality of the light balance in-
formation is high. However, normal growth cannot vo lves t he determination of the relative balance of
be expected with a light with a large red light com- blue light, green light, and red light in the effective
ponent only. That is, an adequate balance with blue radiation range of photosynthesis. Among these, the
and green light is also necessary. balance of red light and blue light (R/B ratio) is
Table 2 shows t11c efficiency of light energy trans- a typical factor for consideration. High R/B ratio,
fonnatior) of 400 W HIDLs used in hybrid type plant depending on the light quantity, is associated with
factories and in greenhouses for supplemental light- intercalary growth or the internodes, and a low R/B
ing. Compared with HPMVL, MHL and HPSL ratio is associated with growth control, i.e. suppres-
show a higher efficiency. In addi tion, comparison sion of elongation, and production of thick, strong

'J'nhl c 2. Radintion energy of various HIO lamps (400 W)


Clear FltrO· Fluo- Clear Fluo- High Clear High
Sdf- Color-
Lamp iype bulb rcscem rescent bu lb rescent color bulb color
XW ballasted improved
type type X type type type type type type
Wattage (W) 400 400 400 500 400 400 400 360 360 400
Luminous efficiency
51 55 60 28 100 95 80 139 106 60
(lm/ W)
Radiation energy
of visible light 55.5 63.5 71.9 59.0 130.4 127.5 136.5 140.3 127.9 119.6
(380 - 780 nrn)(W)
(j)Efficiency or
light energy 13.9 15.9 18.0 11.8 32.6 31.9 34.1 39.0 35.5 29.9
transformation (%)
Radiation energy x
quantum sensitivity 39.5 46.3 52.1 35.1 90.4 88.6 89.3 107.5 94.9 77.6
(400- 700 nrn)(W)
@E fficiency x
quantum sensitivity 9.9 11 .6 13.0 7.0 22.6 22.2 22.3 29.9 26.4 19.4
Radiation energy x
photosynthesis scnsi- 33.3 40.6 45.6 31.4 78.9 77.8 76.5 103.4 91.4 76.6
tivity (400- 700 mn)(W)
@ Plant growth
radiant efficiency 8.3 10.2 11.4 6 .3 19.7 19.5 19. 1 28.7 25.4 19.2
(PGR E)(O/o)
180 JARQ 33(3) 1999

leaves. Table 4 shows the quality of the light balance light, 32.0% green light and 44.50'/o red light. From
of various kinds of photosynthesis action spectra and these values, the R/ B ratio is calculated to be 2. 71,
quantum sensitivities. Considering quantum sensi- indicating that light with a large red light component
tivity as an indicator, an effective light balance is is effective. However, studies carried out by Inada
represented by an R/B ratio of 1.44, obtained with & Yabumoto 3> using lettuce and radish, showed that
27.30Jo blue light, 33.3% green light and 39.4% red an RI B ratio of 10 or higher was effective for
light. The average quality of the light balance of cultivation. Takatsuji et al. 5> irradiated lettuce with
4 photosynthesis action spectra includes 23.5% blue red LED (660 nm, half wavelength about 30 nm)

Table 3. Ligh1 transformation efficiency of compact HID lam ps

Lamp type HPSL2500K MH3500K MH4500K MH6500K

Wattage (W) 150 150 150 150
Luminous efficiency
52.0 66.7 73.3 73.3
Radiation energy
of visible light 38.6 44.2 48.5 51.2
(380 - 780 nm) (W)
(!)Efficiency of
light energy 25.7 29.5 32.3 34.1
transformation (%)
Radiation energy x
quantum sensitivity 25.2 30.5 33.2 33.5
(400- 700 nm) (W)
@ Efficiency x
quantum sensitivity 16.8 20.3 22.1 22.3
Radiation energy x
photosynthesis sensitivity 24.0 27.7 29.6 28.8
(400- 700 nm) (W)
@ Plant growth
radiant efficiency 16.0 18.5 19.7 19.2
(PGRE) (%)

Table 4. Quality of light balance of photosyn thesis action spectra

Blue light (OJo) Green light (%) Red light (%) R/ 8

(400-500 nm) (500-600 nm) Remarks
(600-700 nm) ratio
Quantum sensitivity 27.3 33.3 39.4 1.44
Average of 26
lnada G) 26.1 31.5 42.4 2.22 species of her-
baceous plants
Photosynthesis Average of 7
action spectra lnada @ 19.3 33.5 47.2 3.49 species of arbo-
reous plants

McCree G) Average of 20
25.0 31.2 43.8 2.52
species (chamber)
Average of 8
McCree @ 23.5 31.5 45.0 2.74
species (field)
PhoLOsynt hesis act ion
23.5 32.0 44.5 2.71
spectra (Average)
S. Tazaw(I: Effects of Various Radia11t Sources 011 P/(111/ Growth (Part 2) 181

and blue LED (450 nm, half wavelength about 70 and the average photosynthesis sensitivity (1.44 to
nm) and showed that an R/8 ratio of 10 was ef- 2. 7 I), except for SBML that shows a low efficiency
fective . of light energy transformation. HPSLs, which have
Another factor for the evaluation is the photomor- a large red light component, induce elongated growth,
phogenesis reaction discussed in Section 5 (Part I). and are therefore used for cultivating herbage crops
Based on the red light to far-red light ratio (R/FR in plant factories of the closed system type because
ratio) it can be determined whether plants will have of their high efficiency. H PMVLs, and MHLs have
elongated or controlled grow th. High R/FR values a large blue light component, and therefore induce
indicate cont ro lled growth, and low values indicate growth suppression. However, MHLs are currently
elongated growth. The R/FR ratio is calculated by the only high wattage lamps that can be used on
multiplying the light spectrum distribution by the their own to induce relatively good quality growth.
quantum sensitivity. Inada & Yabumoto 3> using let- Table 6 shows the quality of the light balance
tuce and radish, showed that an R/FR ratio between of radiant energy, R/ B ratio and R/FR ratio of vari-
1.00 Lo 2.00 was effective for cultivation. Horaguchi ous HID lamps (400 W). SBMLs show the opti-
et al. I)' who cultivated lettuce and sunflower using mum RIB ratio, but their R/FR ratio is associated
irradiation from several 4-band fluorescent lamps with elongated growth because of the large FR com-
where an FR light was added to 3-band fluorescent ponent. The R/8 ratios of HP MVL and MHL are
la mps, showed that an R/F R ratio of O.78 was effec- associated with growth control, and that of HPSL
ti ve. In general, the wavelength ranges are broadly with growth elongation. The R/FR ratio of the XW
defined as 600 to 700 nm for red light and 700 to type of HP MVL, the MHL and the high color type
800 nm for far-red light. Equation (4) is used for of HPSL are all associated with growth elongation .
the calculation of the R/FR ratio as follows; T able 7 shows the quality of the light balance,
R/8 ratio and R/FR ratio of compact type HID
R/FR ratio: lamps for indoor ornamental plants. To achieve ade-
quate growth in indoor shops, MHL 3,500 K may
P(>-) Q(t-)d >. / J8()() P(>-)Q(>-)d >. ..... (4) be recommended because of the high R/8 ratio,
600 700
R/FR ratio and light quality balance. For main-
Table 5 shows the quality of the light balance, tenance growth and esthetic displays, MHL 6,500
R/8 ratio and R/FR ratio of various HID lamps K can be recommended because it enhances the green
(660 to 1,000 W). The light balance is adjusted on color of leaves of ornamental plants. MHL 4,500
the basis of tJ1e visibility curve for human eyes, and K or 6,500 K can be recommended because their
therefore tends to contain a large green light compo- R/8 ratios are associated with growth control. If
nent (500 to 600 nm). There is no lamp with an HPSL 2,500 K is used, ornamental plants may be-
R/B ratio i.n the range of the q uantum sensitivity come overgrown indoors because both the R/ B ratio

Table 5. Quality of light bal ance, R/ 8 ratio and R/ FR ratio of HID lamps


Blue light 31 31 29 29 9 6 9
(400-500 nm) (5 1. 1) (54.4) (76. I) (75.0) (22.9) (12.8) (33.8)
Quality 49 54 51 51 38 51
Green light 51
of light (500-600 nm) (84.1) (87.9) (144.9) (136.5) (131.8) (80. 7) (195.1)
(%) Red light 18 20 17 20 40 56 40
(600- 700 nm) (29 .1) (36.0) (44.3) (51.6) (101.8) (1 19.0) (150.7)
Red light/ Blue light 13.21 6.06
0.83 0.98 0.80 0.95 6.06
Red light / Far-red 3.96 5.88 4.34 3.85 3.23 3.85
4 .61
light ratio
Figures in parentheses indicate light power in watts.
a): Figures indicate the ratio when the blue light value is I.
182 JARQ 33(3) 1999

and R/FR racio lead to t he opti mu m co nditions for determined the spectrum d istribution of different light
growth . sou rces and multiplied the values by the average
values for the photosynthesis curves derived from
Conclusion 4 sets of daca LO give an efficiency which we desig-
na ted as the PGRE (plant growth radia nt efficien-
To compare differenc a rtificial light sou rces, we cy). As a result, the PORE of high pressure mercury

Ta ble 6. Quality of l.ight balance, RI B ralio and Rl f'R ra lio of HID lamps

Wattage Blue lighl Green light Red ligh1

(%) (%) RI B R /FR
(W) (%) ra1 io•>
(400-500 nm) (500 - 600 nm) (600-700 nm) ratio
I-IPMVL Clear bulb
type 400 38 (20.5) 59 (3 1.7) 2 ( 1.6) 0.12 2. 11
Fluorcscen t
type X 400 31 ( 18.9) 5J (31.l) 18 (10. 7) 0.83 4.61
Fluorescen t
type XW 400 31 (20.7) 49 (33.5) 20 (13.7) 0.98 3.96
type 500 22 (9.7) 43 (18.9) 35 ( 15 .0) 2.32 0.93
MHL Clear bulb
type 400 29 (34.7) 54 (63. 7) 17 (19.5) 0.80 5.88
Fl uorescent
type 400 29 (33.6) 5 1 (59.0) 20 (22.3) 0.95 4.34
High color ----
type 400 38 (44.0) 39 (45. 7) 23 (27. 1) 0.88 2.13
I-IPSL Clear bulb
type J60 9(1 1.4) 5 1 (65.9) 40 (50.9) 6.06 3.85
type 360 6 (6.4) 38 (42.3) 56 (6 1.9) 13.2 1 3.23
High color
400 9 (8.2) 28 (25.3) 63 (56.5) 9.73 1.74
Figures in parentheses ind icate light power in walls.
a): Figures indicate the ratio when the blue light value is I.

Table 7. Quality of light balance, RI B ratio and ft/FR ra tio of'

com1rnct ti 10 lamps wit h good color rendition

Lamp type I-IPSL2500K MH3500K MH4500K Mf-16500K

General color
85 96 96 96
rendering index (Ra)
Wauage (W) 150 J50 150 150
Luminous efficiency
(lml W) 52.0 66.7 73.3 73.3

Blue light 9 20 28 40
Quality of (400- 500 nm) 2.7 7.4 11.6 17.3
light ba lance Green light 28 36 36 35
(500-600 nm) 8.2 13.2 14.9 15.4
(%) Red light 63 44 36 25
(W) (600- 700 nm) 18.4 16.5 15.2 I I. I
R/ B ligl11 ratio 9.73 3.22 1.89 0.92
R / FR light ratio l. 74 2.18 2.29 2.09
S. T<,wwa: EJ/ects of Radiant Sources 011 Plant Growth (Part 2) 183

fluorescent lamps amounted to 8 to 12%, metal halide unclear, we hope that this report will be a useful
lamps (MHL) to 17 to I 90Jo and high pressure sodi- point of reference for the research and development
um lamps to about 18 to 320'/o, respectively. Metal of artificial light sources for horticultural applications.
ha lide lamps were found to be the most efficient.
High color rendition type HPSL and SBML gave References
excellent light quaHty balance and high R/B and
I) Horaguchi, K. et al. (1992): Optical radiant environ -
R/ FR ratios, but both exhibited a low basic photo-
ment for indoor plants. Jpn. Matsushita Electr. Ind.
electric conversion efficiency. For the maimenance Tech. Rep. , 38 (6), 627-634 [In Japanese].
of ornamental plants, high color reodition type 4,500 2) lnada, K. (1976): Action spectra for photosynthesis
K and 6,500 K lamps show a high PORE and are in higher plants. Plant & Cell Physiol., 11 , 355-365.
effective, but we recommend the 3,500 K lamps due 3) lnada, K. & Yabumoto, Y. (1989): Effect of light
to the high light quality balance and R/B and R/FR quality, daylcngth and periodic temperature variation
on the growth of lettuce and radish plants. J. Jpn.
ratios. However, if the esthetic effects of a certain
Crop Sci., 58(4), 689-694.
store atmosphere are required, we may recommend 4) McCree, K. J. ( 1972): The action spectrum, absor-
MHL 4,500 K or 6,500 K in terms of color warmth bance and quantum yield of photosynthesis in crop
as well as other factors. The HPSL 2,500 K lamps plan ts. Agric. Meteorol., 9, 191-216.
provide the highest combination of light quality 5) Takatsuji, M. et al. (1995): Plant growth experiment
using visible light-emitting diodes. J. Jpn. SH/TA,
balance, R/8 and R/FR ratios, and lead to superior
7 (3), 163- 165 [In Japanese].
plant growth characteristics. Since many factors relat-
ing to plant growth and light irradiation remain (Received for publication, December 18, 1998)

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