Examining The Role of Building Envelope For Energy Efficiency in Office Buildings in India
Examining The Role of Building Envelope For Energy Efficiency in Office Buildings in India
Examining The Role of Building Envelope For Energy Efficiency in Office Buildings in India
DOI: 10.5923/j.arch.20160605.01
Faculty of Architecture, Dr, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India
Architecture Section, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Abstract A building envelope is the physical interface between the conditioned i.e. inside and unconditioned i.e. outside
environment of a building. As India has a tropical climate, heating or cooling is required throughout the year to make indoor
environment comfortable. By designing envelope according to the climate, making suitable material choices, fenestration and
shading devices sizes, the load on the mechanical heating and cooling can be reduced. This paper reviews the various
components of building envelope and its effect on annual heating and cooling loads of the office buildings in various climatic
zones of India. It also recommends the various design considerations to be preferred while designing envelope of office
Keywords Energy efficient buildings, Building envelope, Office buildings, Climate responsive architecture, India
Commercial buildings. The load on HVAC is basically adopting appropriate design considerations and operation
through the internal heat gain which is through building strategies for building envelope. Simple design procedures
envelope, lighting, equipments, occupancy and infiltration. such as orientation, shading, insulation, etc. can be easily
Out of 52 percentage load from the HVAC, 26 percent is the incorporated in any building, leading to substantial benefits
load from heat gain through building envelope. In a from the point of view of comfort and energy savings.
commercial building, the cooling load can be saved by
Figure 3. Break down of energy consumption of commercial building pattern in India. [2]
Architecture Research 2016, 6(5): 107-115 109
4. Building Envelope CDD50 (Cooling degree days, base 50°F). For India CDD50
is greater than 9000, hence cooling is required all year round.
According to Brock [5], the building envelope is the skin CDD50 and HDD65 for New Delhi is 10,060 and 480
of a building which is supported by the skeleton of the respectively. For Indian climate, the comfort range of still air
building structure. It acts as a thermal barrier between the corresponds to 72-105 ºF dry bulb temperature with 30– 60%
enclosed conditioned space and outside environment through relative humidity. Beside these various other climatic
which the thermal energy is transferred. By minimizing the elements such as wind speed, vapour pressure and radiation
heat transfer through the building envelope the need of also affect the comfort conditions.
energy used for space heating and cooling can be reduced
considerably. Hence by judicially designing the building Table 1. Climatic Zones of India [7]
envelope parameters i.e. orientation, shape, walls, Relative
Mean Monthly
fenestrations, shading device and roof, the HVAC load can Climate
temperature (ºC) Humidity
be reduced in commercial buildings.
Hot and Dry >30 <55
Warm and humid <30 >55
5. Climatic Zones in India Moderate 25-30 <75
Cold and Cloudy <25 >55
Cold and sunny <25 <55
This applies, when six months or more do
not fall within any of the above categories
6. Orientation
Orientation of buildings is the major design consideration
with regards to solar radiation, daylight and wind. The best
orientation requires that the building as a whole should
receive maximum solar radiation in winter and minimum in
summer. To decide on an optimum orientation, it is essential
to have an idea of the sun’s position through sun path
diagram and prevailing wind directions (Figure 5). Once the
orientation is decided, the heat entering a building can be
controlled by area and type of glazing, types of walls and
roofs, and shading.
To illustrate the effect of orientation, a rectangular The aspect ratio should be one to minimize the heat
conditioned building was considered by Nayak and Prajapati transfer as it has minimum S/V ratio. According to The
[9], having fully glazed wall on one of its long sides. They handbook for planning of office buildings [10], the daylight
consider four orientations such as northwest-southeast, can travel in the interior spaces up to 7m, hence considering
north-south, northeast-southwest and east-west of that the suitable orientation, surface area to volume ratio and
building with respect to its long axis. They estimated annual daylight, the aspect ratio of office buildings should be 1:2 as
cooling load of that a conditioned building in a Indian cities shown in Table 2.
in different climatic zones is shown in Figure 6. It is seen that
in warm climates, the maximum load corresponds to the
northeast-southwest orientation hence it should be avoided. 8. Building Components
The nature of a building envelope determines the amount
of radiation and wind that will enter the building. It consists
of walls, fenestrations and roof. The heat flow through these
elements is characterised by their resistance, thermal
capacity, absorption, transmission and emission. The
materials for these components have to be chosen carefully
depending on specific requirements. The heat gain or loss
through individual elements depends on whether the
building is single storeyed or multi-storeyed. In a single
storeyed building, maximum heat gain occurs through the
roof, whereas in a multi-storeyed building it is through the
walls and windows as shown in Figure 7.
Table 2. The heat gain through various building elements on the cooling load of a ground + 4 storeyed office building for some cities of India. [9]
Ahmadabad (223.037MWh) Mumbai (201.892 MWh) Nagpur (198.756 MWh) Pune (137.764 MWh)
Building Cooling Percentage of Cooling Percentage of Cooling Percentage of Cooling Percentage of
component Load Annual Load Annual Load Annual Load Annual
(MWh) Cooling Load (MWh) Cooling Load (MWh) Cooling Load (MWh) Cooling Load
Walls 81.141 36.4 66.532 33 71.151 35.8 36.487 26.5
Roof 18.996 8.5 15.148 7.5 17.845 9 12.288 8.9
Ground 4.957 2.2 4.557 2.3 3.000 1.5 0.129 0.1
Window 117.941 52.9 115.654 57.3 106.761 53.7 89.119 64.7
(Conduction+ (28.563+ (12.8+ (17.405+ (8.6+ (19.608+ (9.9+ (6.180+ (4.5+
Direct Solar) 89.378) 40.1 98.249) 48.7) 87.153) 43.8) 82.939) 60.2)
Architecture Research 2016, 6(5): 107-115 111
Table 3. Opaque Wall Assembly U-Factor and Insulation R-value Requirements [11]
The heat gain through various building elements on the exposed side of the wall. As per Energy Conservation
cooling load of a ground + 4 storeyed residential building for Building Code (ECBC) [11], recommended U Value wall
some cities of India was being examined by Nayak and assembly for 24 hour use building and for daytime use
Prajapati [9] and the reading are given in Table 3. From the building are given in Table -4.
table it is clearly visible that maximum cooling load is from
Table 4. R-values of few Insulating materials [13]
window and then from wall and roof in the multi storeyed
building. Offices are generally multi storeyed hence the R-value
cooling load can reduce by energy efficient measures for per inch insulation (Btu)
components of building envelope. Silica aerogel R-10
Rock wool insulation R-3 to R-3.85
8.1. Wall
Mineral wool fiber batt R-3 to R-3.85
Walls constitute a major part of the building envelope
Cellulose R-3.5
and receive a large amount of direct solar radiation. The
resistance to heat flow through the exposed walls may be Polystyrene expanded slab (EPS) R-3.85
increased by increasing the thickness (thermal mass), Polyurethane Foam R-3.6
through cavity wall, by the use of insulating material or by Fiberglass rigid panel R-2.5
applying light coloured whitewash or distemper on the
112 Farheen Bano et al.: Examining the Role of Building Envelope for Energy Efficiency in Office Buildings in India
According to ECBC [12] the recommended U-value is can be done before the onset of each summer.
0.440 and the R-value is 2.10. Various wall assemblies are According to ECBC the recommended U-value of roof
shown in Fig-8 from normal single 9 inch brick wall to assembly should be 0.261 and the R-value 2.10 for 24-hour
double wall with air gap and insulation and their respective use building and 0.409 and the R-value 2.10 for daytime use
U-value and Table 5 shows the R-value of various building. Typical roof assembly of RCC slab with insulation
insulation materials whose R-value is greater than 2.1. By us shown in Fig-9. Table 6 shows the roof assembles that can
using Double wall with insulating materials the heat transfer be used for achieving U- value greater than 0.409.
can be reduced in office buildings.
8.3. Fenestration
8.2. Roof Fenestration is provided for the purposes of heat gain, day
The roof of a building receives a significant amount of lighting and ventilation. Appropriate design of openings and
solar radiation. Thus, its design and construction play an shading devices help to keep out sun and wind or can also
important role. The heat gain through roofs may be reduced allow them into the building. Glass is transparent to solar
by the use of insulating materials may be applied externally radiation but opaque to long wave radiation. This
or internally to the roofs. Shining and reflecting material may characteristic can be used to heat a building interior by
be laid on top of the roof. Roofs may be flooded with water promoting heat gain. ECBC recommends maximum Wall
in the form of sprays or in other ways. Loss due to window Ratio (WWR) less than 60% and Table 7 shows the
evaporation may be compensated by make-up arrangement. recommended values of U-factor and Solar Heat gain
Movable covers of suitable heat insulating material, if Coefficient (SHGC) of the fenestration for two WWR
practicable, may be considered. White washing of the roof ranges.
Table 6. R-values of few roof assemblies [14] Table 7. U-Factor and SHGC requirement for fenestrations [10]
In exposed windows and doors, suitable methods should Moderate 6.90 0.40 0.30
be adopted to reduce both direct solar heat gain and heat Cold 3.30 0.51 0.51
transmission. It can be achieved by the use of shading
devices such as vertical louvers and horizontal projections
and heat resistant glazing.
8.3.1. Shading
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