James Marcia Adolescent Development: By: Suzanne Ashley July 2009

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By: Suzanne Ashley
July 2009
Brief Biography
 Canadian developmental

 Emeritus Professor of Psychology

 Simon Fraser University
 British Columbia, Canada

 1960s psychological fame

 Conducted interviews with
86 college males

Overview of Marcia’s Theory
 Expansion on Erikson’s Identity vs. Role
 Explores adolescent identity development
 Occurs in two steps
 1ststep = break away from childhood belief’s
 2nd step = explore alternative “status” and commit to
developing to one
 Four statuses of identity development
 Foreclosure
 Diffusion
 Moratorium
 Achievement
Key Concepts of Identity
 Purpose is to adopt:
A vocational direction
 A sexual orientation
 Set of values and ideologies

 Achieved by 18 – 22 years old

 Crisis = to the adolescent's period of
engagement in choosing among meaningful
alternatives; searching
 Commitment = to the degree of personal
investment the individual exhibits
Four Statuses of Adolescent
Identity Development
Diffusion Moratorium
•Low level of identity (commitment) •Low level of identity (commitment)
•Low level of search (crisis) •High level of search (crisis)

Foreclosure Achievement
•High level of identity (commitment) •High level of identity (commitment)
•Low level of search (crisis) •High level of search (crisis)
Low-Level Commitment to
Diffusion Moratorium

 No clear identity  Vague or ill-formed

 Making no attempt commitments
to search for one  Still under-going
 May have struggled identity search or
No commitment and  Begin to commit to
little or no search identity but still
High-Level of Identity
Foreclosure Achievement

 Blindly accepts  Clear identity

identity and values  Well-defined personal
given from
 Expanded in
childhood by family adulthood
and others  Strong ego

 Committed to  Has experienced a

search or crisis
identity but no
Strong commitment to
search or crisis identity
Musical Think-Pair-Share
 Think about the lyrics of each of the songs:
 Slow Turning
 I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
 The River
 Like a Rolling Stone

 Pair up with shoulder partner

 Share each song relates to the four statuses of
adolescent identity
 Source of Activity:
Counseling Applications
 Questions for Adolescent Client
 What occupations have you considered exploring in your
 What spiritual beliefs do you value? What is the source of
these beliefs?
 What political ideas are important to you? Why?
 Have you had any doubts about your beliefs?

Well-developed identity means . . .

 Strong sense of personal strengths ,weaknesses, &
 Higher self-esteem
 Increased critical thinking
 Advanced moral reasoning
 Lower levels of anxiety
Summary of Marcia’s Impact
 Theory examines late adolescent process of
identity development
 Four statuses: diffusion, moratorium, foreclosure,
 NOT stages of development
 Achievedwhen he or she has explored and
committed to important aspects of identity
 Identity Development - Aspects of Identity. (n.d.). In Social
Issues Reference. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from
 The identity status approach to study of ego identity
development. (1987). In H. (Author), SELF & IDENTITY.
Perspectives across the lifespan. (International Library of
Psychology) (pp. 161-171). New York: Routledge.
 Identity Status Theory (Marcia). (n.d.). In At Learning
Theories. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from http://www.learning-
 Marcia, J. E. (1966). Development and Validation of Ego-
Identity Status. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
3(5), 551-558.
 Notes on Adolescent Identity. (n.d.). In The University of New
Mexico. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from

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