August 2020: Updates in Management of Lupus Nephritis Date: Saturday, 08 Time: 2.00pm - 3.15pm (GMT +8) Malaysia Time

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Lupus Nephritis Webinar

Updates in Management of Lupus Nephritis

Date: Saturday, 08th August 2020

Time: 2.00pm – 3.15pm (GMT +8) Malaysia Time
Join us now by RSVP via the link or QR code.
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scan this QR code or click here.

Time Agenda Speaker

2.00pm-2.05pm Welcome and Introduction

2.05pm-2.25pm Local Practices vs International Guidelines Assoc. Prof. Hafiz

and/or case studies

2.25pm-2.45pm Lupus Nephritis: Data from China Prof. Chen Wei

2.45pm-3.15pm Panel Discussion: Treatment options for young Dr. Thong Kah Mean
female patients and management during

Meet our speakers

Wan Ahmad Hafiz

Chen Wei Thong Kah Mean
bin Wan Md Adnan
Assoc. Prof Dr.
Md. Phd., Professor of MB BCh BAO (NUI), MRCPI MBBS (UM), MRCP (UK)
Medicine (China, US) (Ireland)


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