EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 200 June 18, 1987 (Links To An External Site.)
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 200 June 18, 1987 (Links To An External Site.)
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 200 June 18, 1987 (Links To An External Site.)
-Executive Order No. 200 provides for that laws shall take effect fifteen days after its
publication in either the Official Gazette or any newspaper of general circulation in the
Philippines, unless provided otherwise.
o What is the reason for including newspapers of general circulation for publication of
- Newspapers of general circulation could better perform the function of communicating the
laws to the people as they are more easily available, have wider readership, and come out
regularly. Not many people are aware of the Official Gazette, and there are not a lot of
-As a general rule, laws take effect fifteen days after its publication on the Official Gazette or a
newspaper of general circulation.
-If the law itself provides for its own effectivity, it takes effect on its provided date. If the law is
silent to its own effectivity, it takes effect only after fifteen days following its complete
2. Judicial Decisions
o Are judicial decisions laws? Raason
o What is the doctrine of stare decisis?