What is it?
It is the ability to match words that sound alike at the end. Rhyme awareness (discrimination) is the ability to
determine whether two words rhyme. Rhyme production is the ability to produce a rhyming word for a given word.
Importance: Children need to be able to hear and make connections between words that rhyme. Recognizing rhyme
is foundational to recognizing word parts and beginning to analyze words.
You can embed rhyming into your everyday routines: morning message, read alouds, snack time, dressing, math,
music, and transitions.
Rhyme Production:
• When using familiar Nursery Rhymes, say the nursery rhyme and leave some words out. eg.
Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you _______?
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great ________. (A Sound Start, p. 57)
• Read rhyming books. Emphasize the first word of a rhyme pair; let the class guess/fill in the second word of
the rhyme pair. (A Sound Start, p. 58)
• Play the ‘I’m thinking of’ game. The teacher gives a clue for a rhyming word. Eg. ‘I’m thinking of an animal
that rhymes with cake, it crawls on the ground it’s a _____________.