Food Chemistry: George. E. Inglett, Steven C. Peterson, Craig J. Carriere, Saipin Maneepun

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Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 1–8

Rheological, textural, and sensory properties of Asian

noodles containing an oat cereal hydrocolloid q
George. E. Inglett , Steven C. Peterson a, Craig J. Carriere a, Saipin Maneepun b

Cereal Products and Food Science Research Unit, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, ARS, USDA, Peoria, IL 61604, USA
Institute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
Received 25 April 2003; received in revised form 14 August 2003; accepted 14 August 2003


The purpose of this study was to use an oat hydrocolloidal fibre composition, called Nutrim-5, for extending the use of rice flour
in making Asian noodles. Nutrim-5 is one of a family of b-glucan-containing hydrocolloids that is prepared by thermo-shear
processing of oat flour or bran. The rheological properties of the noodle flour composites indicated that Nutrim-5 contributed
binding qualities to the composites. Nutrim-5 appeared to contribute functionality to the rice flour, allowing for larger quantities to
be used in the making of Asian noodles. The noodles were prepared in 20 kg batches by mixing blends of wheat flour, rice flour, and
Nutrim-5 with alkali, salt solution, and egg. After mixing and kneading into smooth sheets, the noodles were cut, curled, and deep
fat-fried. By using 10% by weight Nutrim-5 in the formulation, it was possible to satisfactorily make noodles using 50% rice flour.
The cooking loss and tensile strength were measured and found to be satisfactory for this amount of rice flour in the noodles. A
trained sensory panel also indicated that these noodles did not reveal any difference in taste.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Nutrium-5; Noodles; Hydrocolloidal fibres; Wheat flour; Rice flour; Rheology

1. Introduction wheat flours (Edwards, Scanlon, Kruger, & Dexter, 1996;

Hatcher, Kruger, & Anderson, 1999; Jun, Chung, & Seib,
Asian noodles are widely consumed as the Japanese 1998a; Lee & Kim, 1983; Miki, Fukui, & Yamano, 1982;
white salted noodles (WSN) and the Chinese yellow al- Shimada, Yazawa, Yoshimatsu, Kato, & Fujimaki,
kaline noodles (YAN) in various types and compositions. 1979). The wheat cultivars were found to play a primary
The functional and rheological properties of YAN noo- function in this vital property in the preparation of WSN
dles were summarized by Cooke and Bhattacharya and YAN (Ross, Quail, & Crosbie, 1997). Additional
(1999). The functional and rheological properties of these information on wheat flours for these noodles revealed a
noodles, as related to wheat flour, have been a widely wide diversity of traits needed for their preparation
investigated area of research (Jun, Seib, & Chung, 1998b; (Bhattacharya & Corke, 1996; Oh, Seib, Finney, &
Kruger, Anderson, & Dexter, 1994; Seib, 2000; Seib, Li- Pomeranz, 1986). Important pasting characteristics of
ang, Guan, Liang, & Yang, 2000; Wang & Seib, 1996). An noodle flours could be measured by using a variety of
area of principal concern was the relationship between the rapid-visco analyzer (RVA) operating conditions (Batey,
dough properties and the starch pasting properties of the Curtin, & Moore, 1997). Other than wheat flour, rice
flours are a useful and a very important component in
Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, many WSN and YAN formulations. The RVA also pro-
the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the vided important information on these flours for noodle
product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the formulators (Bhattacharya, Zee, & Corke, 1999).
product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable. All Many other components are useful in noodle making.
programs and services of the US Department of Agriculture are offered
on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, colour, national
The use of rye flour in noodle formulations gave some
origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, or handicap. interesting quality characteristics to oriental noodles
Corresponding author. (Kruger, Hatcher, & Anderson, 1998), suggesting some

0308-8146/$ - see front matter. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

2 G.E. Inglett et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 1–8

interest in modifying nutritional quality and formula- percent volume of flour particles distributed within se-
tion variations. The effects of Amaranthus and buck- lected size ranges for dry powder measurement/loose
wheat (Bejosano & Corke, 1998) also provided some particle distribution. The particle sizes in the flours were
interest in elaborating noodle compositions. most abundant in the 6-lm-size fraction (45.4% for
Very little information is available on the incorpora- wheat flour and 70.2% for the rice flour). The next
tion of oat products in making WSN and YAN. The largest content was the 9-lm sizes at 19.8% for the wheat
purpose of this study was to use an oat hydrocolloidal flour and 24.4% for the rice flour. Smaller particle per-
fibre, Nutrim-5, for extending the use of rice flour in centages were observed in the 3-lm size fraction (9.6%
making WSN and YAN. Nutrim-5 was added to the for wheat flour and 4.6% for rice flour), 12-lm-size
noodle formula to add functionality to rice flour for in- fraction (4.6% for wheat flour and 0.8% for rice flour),
creasing the amount used in noodles. Nutrim-5 is a hy- and >12-lm (11.6% for wheat flour and 0.0% for rice
drocolloidal product, prepared by thermomechanical flour).
processing of oat flour or bran (Inglett & Carriere, 2001). The pasting properties of the flours and their blends
Previously, these hydrocolloidal products, called Nutrim, were measured using a rapid visco analyzer (RVA,
were found to be useful for replacing saturated fats (in- Newport Scientific Pvt. Ltd., Warriewood NSW 2102,
cluding coconut milk, butter, or saturated fat shorten- Australia). Exactly 3.5 g (14% moisture) was weighed
ings) in making foods. Nutrim (5% dispersed solids) was into the RVA aluminium sample cup and 25 ml of dis-
useful in preparing more nutritious foods, by replacing at tilled water was added. The sample was installed in the
least 50% coconut milk in eight Thai desserts (Inglett, rotor stand and the analysis was conducted immediately.
Carriere, & Maneepun, 2003). It is known to contain 5% The data were displayed as the viscosity versus time. The
by weight of the soluble fibre b-glucan. The soluble b- analyzed items were peak (maximum), through final,
glucan content of the oat products is known to contribute and gelatinization (pasting) temperatures. The break-
hypocholesterolemic properties to foods. Besides Nu- down and setback times were also obtained from the
trim-5Õs biological properties, this study was conducted to data.
determine Nutrim-5Õs utility as a substitute for wheat and/
or rice flours in the preparation of Asian noodles. 2.3. Noodle preparations, cooking loss, texture analysis,
and tensile properties

2. Materials and methods The Japanese white salted noodles (WSN) of this
study were prepared by initially mixing the wheat and
2.1. Flour samples and composition rice flour (WF:RF) in different ratios, namely, 70:30,
60:40, and 50:50. To this mixture was added 6% by
Wheat flour was obtained from Siam Flour Mill weight of salt and water. The suspension was mixed at
Company in Bangkok, Thailand. The flour had been low speeds for 5 min, then rolled into a 3-mm thick sheet
imported and milled in the factory. Rice flour was ob- dough. The dough was allowed to rest for 1 h and then
tained from Choheng Vermicelli Factory in Nakorn rolled into a 1-mm thick sheet. From this sheet, the
Pathom Province, Thailand, and had been wet-milled noodle strands were cut and the resulting noodles were
from non-glutinous rice with an intermediate amylose steamed for 10 min. The resulting steamed noodles were
content. The flour samples were analyzed for proximate allowed to shape and dry at 50 °C for 3 h.
composition (AOAC, 1994) and amylose value (Juliano, The Chinese yellow alkaline noodles (YAN) of this
1971). The analysis was performed in duplicates and the study were prepared by initially mixing the WF and RF
data averaged. The wheat flour was analyzed for pro- in the same ratios used for the white noodles, namely
tein, 15.3%, ash, 0.59%, and amylose content, 26.2%. 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50. To this mixture were added
The composition of the non-glutinous, intermediate 1.5% salt, 2% sodium carbonate, and water. The sus-
amylose rice flour had the following percentage con- pension was mixed for 5 min and then rolled into a 3-
tents: for protein, 8.56, ash, 0.20, and amylose content, mm thick sheet dough. The dough was allowed to rest
23.4. The composition of the Nutrim-5 had the follow- for 1 h and then rolled into a 1-mm thick sheet. From
ing percentage contents: for protein, 13.0, ash, 1.1, and this sheet, the noodles were cut and then steamed for 5
carbohydrate content, 72.9 (Carriere & Inglett, 2000). min. The steamed noodles were allowed to shape and
Nutrim-5 was obtained as a commercial product from dry by holding them at 50 °C for 3 h.
Van Drunen Farms, Momence, IL. Cooking yield and cooking loss of the noodles were
determined as described in the AACC Method (Ameri-
2.2. Flour particle analysis and pasting properties can Association of Cereal Chemists, 1976). Ten grams of
the noodles was added to a beaker containing about 150
A Coulter Particle Counter, Model Mastesizer 2000 ml of boiling water. The beaker was covered with a
(Malvern, Wascester, UK), was used to measure the watch glass and cooked for 10 min with slight agitation.
G.E. Inglett et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 1–8 3

The cooked noodles allowed to drain for 5 min and were ing the following flavour and texture characteristics:
then weighed and the cooking yield calculated. The fil- colour, appearance, odour, taste, and texture using a 1–
trate was poured into a 200 ml volumetric flask and 9 hedonic scale. The scale is verbally anchored with nine
adjusted to volume with distilled water. Ten ml of the categories, as follows: like extremely, like very much,
solution was pipetted into an aluminium dish and dried like moderately, like slightly, neither like or dislike,
to constant weight at 105 °C. Cooking loss was deter- dislike slightly, dislike moderately, dislike very much,
mined by evaporating the cooking water in a hot air and dislike extremely. The statistical analyses of the
oven at 105 °C to constant weight. The solid loss during experimental data were conducted using ANOVA and
cooking was calculated. DMRT (International Rice Research Institute Irristat
The texture quality of the cooked noodles was de- version, 1990).
termined by measuring the tensile strength, break dis-
tance (extensibility), and hardness, using a TA-XT2
Texture Analyzer (Stable Micro System, England) 3. Results and discussion
equipped with a Spaghetti tensile ring code A/SPR.
3.1. Wheat and rice flour properties
2.4. Rheological properties
The pasting properties of the flours and their blends
In order to study the rheological properties of iso- were measured by using a RVA. The rice flour had the
lated Nutrim-5, a suspension containing 10% (w/w) highest peak viscosity, along with the highest final vis-
Nutrim-5 was prepared in deionized water. Solid Nu- cosity. These viscosity properties were seen in the blen-
trim-5 in powder form was weighed into a tared con- ded flours by displaying higher increases in viscosity,
tainer to which the appropriate amount of deionized both peak and final, with increasing amounts of rice
water was added. The sample was mixed with a Polytron flour in the blends (Table 1). The comparative RVA
colloid mill using a PCU/11 controller until it appeared pasting curves for the rice and wheat flours and their
homogeneous (approximately 5 min total mixing time). three blends are shown in Fig. 1. Rice flour exhibits the
The rheological properties of 10% (w/w) Nutrim-5 in greatest pasting viscosity and increases the pasting vis-
deionized water were measured using a controlled-strain cosities of the blends with increasing quantities of the
rheometer (ARES Fluids Rheometer, TA Instruments, rice flour component. The rice and wheat flour blends
New Castle, DE). Samples were tested in a 50-mm with Nutrim-5 also show increasing pasting viscosities
parallel plate fixture, and the temperature was con- with increasing rice flour component in the blend
trolled with a circulating fluid bath that held the plate (Fig. 2).
fixture at 25.0  0.1 °C.
3.2. WSN and YAN noodle properties
2.5. Sensory evaluation
The protein compositions of the WSN prepared with
Colour and taste are the important sensory parame- WF:RF ratios of 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50 were 13.7%,
ters for determining the suitability of the noodles. The 13.1% and 11.7%, respectively. Their ash contents for
sensory evaluation of the white and yellow noodles was these ratios were 5.58%, 5.06%, and 4.93%, respectively
performed with an evaluation panel of 25 trained (Table 2). The cooking yields were determined as de-
members. They were professionally trained for evaluat- scribed above and were found to be 119.62%, 132.38%,

Table 1
Pasting evaluation of flours and their blends by rapid visco analyzer
Material/Floura Peak viscosity Trough Breakdown Final viscosity Setback Pasting temperature
(RVU) (RVU) (RVU) (RVU) (RVU) (°C)
WF 164.3 106.0 58.2 216.9 52.7 66.2
RF 316.2 217.0 99.27 529.7 213.5 78.4
WF:RF 70:30 184.9 120.0 64.9 273.5 88.6 76.7
WF:RF 60:40 196.3 128.7 67.7 300.1 103.8 77.4
WF:RF 50:50 210.8 138.8 72.0 327.9 117.1 78.2
WF:RF:NU 137.8 94.6 43.2 218.8 81.1 80.0
WF:RF:NU 157.6 109.2 48.3 263.1 105.5 80.0
WF:RF:NU 147.5 101.5 46.0 241.8 94.3 80.0
WF, wheat flour; RF, rice flour; NU, Nutrim-5.
4 G.E. Inglett et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 1–8

600 300
Wheat/Rice/Nutrim 50/50/10
Rice Flour Wheat/Rice/Nutrim 60/40/10
Wheat/Rice 50/50 Wheat/Rice/Nutrim 70/30/10
Wheat/Rice 60/40
500 Wheat/Rice 70/30 250
Wheat Flour

400 200
Viscosity (RVU)

Viscosity (RVU)
300 150

200 100

100 50

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 1. Rapid viscoanalyzer experiment conducted with wheat mixed Fig. 2. Rapid viscoanalyzer experiment conducted with wheat mixed
with rice flour. with rice flour and Nutrim-5.

Table 2
Texture analysis of rehydrated white noodle (WSN)
Composition Protein (%) Ash (%) Cooking yield (%) Cooking loss (%) Max. force  SD (gf)
70:30 13.7 5.58 119.62 5.78 18.89  0.74
60:40 13.1 5.06 132.38 5.79 17.58  1.44
50:50 11.7 4.93 135.60 6.83 12.80  0.57
70:30:10 13.4 4.45 120.96 5.62 13.72  0.69
60:40:10 14.0 4.52 128.37 7.26 13.54  0.72
50:50:10 12.4 4.42 130.81 7.38 12.67  0.68
WF, wheat flour; RF, rice flour; NU, Nutrim-5.

and 135.60% while the cooking loss was found to be The protein compositions of the YAN prepared with
5.78%, 5.79%, and 6.83% for the 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50 WF:RF ratios of 70:30. 60:40, and 50:50 were 14.7%,
blends, respectively. The maximum forces measured 13.5%, and 13.1%, respectively. The ash contents of the
using the TA-XT 2 Texture Analyzer for the WSN at YAN at the various compositions were 2.27%, 2.33%,
compositions of 70:30, 60:40, and 50:50 were 18.89, and 2.29%, respectively. Cooking yields for the different
17.58, and 12.80 gf, respectively. ratios were 127.77%, 129.30%, and 130.79%, respec-
The protein compositions of the WSN noodles pre- tively, while the cooking loss for these blends were
pared with WF:RF:Nutrim-5 ratios of 70:30:10, 3.32%, 3.21%, and 3.43%, respectively. The maximum
60:40:10, and 50:50:10 were 13.4%, 14.0%, and 12.4%, forces measured using the TA-XT 2 Texture Analyzer
respectively. The ash contents for these ratios were were 17.90, 16.04, and 12.11 gf, respectively.
4.45%, 4.52%, and 4.42%, respectively (Table 2). The The protein compositions of the YAN noodles pre-
cooking yields and losses for these compositions were pared with WF:RF:Nutrim-5 ratios of 70:30:10,
120.96%, 128.37%, 130.81%, and 5.62%, 7.26%, 7.38%, 60:40:10, and 50:50:10 were 13.7%, 13.2%, and 12.3%,
respectively. The maximum forces measured using respectively. The ash contents for these ratios were
the TA-XT 2 Texture Analyzer for the WF:RF: 4.45%, 4.52%, and 4.42%, respectively (Table 3). The
Nutrim-5 compositions were 13.72, 13.54, and 12.67 gf, cooking yields and losses for these compositions were
respectively. 124.00%, 133.86%, 148.77%, and 3.92%, 3.73%, 3.68%,
G.E. Inglett et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 1–8 5

Table 3
Texture analysis of rehydrated yellow noodle (YAN)
Composition Protein (%) Ash (%) Cooking yield (%) Cooking loss (%) Max. force  SD (gf)
70:30 14.7 2.27 127.77 3.32 17.90  1.39
60:40 13.5 2.33 129.30 3.21 16.04  2.00
50:50 13.1 2.29 130.79 3.43 12.11  0.95
70:30:10 13.7 4.45 124.0 3.92 15.47  0.78
60:40:10 13.2 4.52 133.86 3.73 16.89  1.03
50:50:10 12.3 4.42 148.77 3.68 13.36  0.78
WF, wheat flour; RF, rice flour; NU, Nutrim-5.

Table 4
Sensory evaluation of white noodle (WSN) produced with Nutrim-5
RF:WF N- Appearance Colour Odour Flavour Texture Acceptance
30:70 10 6.88a 7.06a 6.19a 6.88a 6.13a 6.38a
40:60 10 6.72a 7.06a 6.56a 6.50a 5.88a 6.22a
50:50 10 6.44a 6.94a 6.31a 6.69a 5.44a 5.69a
In a row, means followed by same alphabets are not significantly different at p > 0:05.
Statistical analyses were analyzed with the SAS (1994) randomized complete block design.
WF, wheat flour; RF, rice flour (RF); NU, Nutrim-5.

Table 5
Sensory evaluation of yellow noodle (YAN) produced with Nutrim-5a
RF:WF Nu Appearance Colour Odour Flavour Texture Acceptance
30:70 10 7.48a 7.43a 7.09a 7.48a 6.85a 7.09a
40:60 10 7.52a 7.29a 6.90a 7.14b 7.02a 6.98a
50:50 10 7.33a 7.52a 7.00a 7.28ab 6.60a 6.67a
Statistical analyses were analyzed with the SAS (1994) randomized complete block design.
In a row, means followed by same alphabets are not significantly different at p > 0:05.

respectively. The maximum forces measured using the our, odour, flavour, texture, and acceptance. These
TA-XT 2 Texture Analyzer for the WF:RF:Nutrim-5 factors were statistically analyzed by the SAS (1994) by
compositions were 15.47, 16.89, and 13.36 gf, respec- a randomized complete block design. The WSN results
tively. indicated a complete statistical similarity for the white
The aforementioned data indicate that the cooking noodle colour, odour, flavour, texture, and acceptance
losses for WSN without Nutrim-5 increase by about (Table 4). Similarly, the YAN results indicated a nearly
1.1% with decreasing WF:RF ratios. In contrast, WSN complete statistical similarity for the yellow noodle
produced with Nutrim-5 show an increase in cooking colour, odour, texture, and acceptance (Table 5).
loss of about 1.8%. For YAN, the cooking losses were However, a very slight variation was noted in the flavour
similar, with or without Nurim-5. There was a corre- of the yellow noodle prepared with the 40:60:10 and
sponding loss in the cooked noodle strength with 50:50:10 WF:RF:Nutrim-5.
decreasing WF:RF ratios for both WSN and YAN, with
or without Nutrim-5. The WSN and YAN 3.4. Rheological behaviour of Nutrim-5 suspensions
showed similar tensile strengths, both with and without
Nutrim-5. The viscosity of 10% Nutrim-5 suspensions can vary
somewhat, depending on the amount of shearing energy
3.3. Sensory evaluation of noodles prepared with Nutrim-5 imparted to the suspension from the colloid mill during
initial mixing of the solid Nutrim-5 and water. This
The sensory evaluations of either WSN, or YAN parameter was difficult to control precisely, since the
prepared with 70:30:10, 60:40:10, and 50:50:10 shearing fixture of the colloid mill reacted to air pockets
WF:RF:Nutrim-5 were compared for appearance, col- and the geometry of the container holding the suspen-
6 G.E. Inglett et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 1–8

T = 25ºC T = 25ºC


G' (ω) (Pa)

η (Pa-s)



6 -1
0 1 2 3 4 5 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10

Fig. 3. Viscosity of the 10% Nutrim-5 suspension as a function of time.

Measured at 25 °C using a controlled-strain rheometer. Fig. 4. Effect of strain on the oscillatory shear storage modulus G0 ðxÞ for
10% Nutrim-5, measured at 25 °C using a controlled-strain rheometer.

sion. A dynamic time sweep experiment was done in

which the 10% Nutrim-5 suspension was oscillated at 1
rad/s at a magnitude of 1% strain for 14 h. The sample 8
was coated with mineral oil on the edges of the parallel 6 10% Nutrim-5
plate fixture to prevent drying out with time, which 5 Power law fit
could cause an artificial rising of the viscosity. As seen in 4
T = 25ºC
Fig. 3, the viscosity of the 10% Nutrim-5 increased with 3

time, most likely as a result of starch retrogradation.

To determine the linear viscoelastic region of the
sample the oscillatory storage modulus G0 was observed
η (Pa-s)

as a function of strain (Fig. 4). The storage modulus is 0

10 9
constant (linear viscoelastic region) until strains of ap- 8
proximately 6% are reached, after which G0 begins to 7
drop, indicating the onset of non-linear viscoelastic be- 5

haviour. 4

The results of a hysteresis loop experiment on the 3

10% Nutrim-5 are shown in Fig. 5. In this experiment

the sample was sheared from 0 to 300 s1 and then 2

brought back to rest. The total loop time was 12 min: 6

min from 0 to 300 s1 and 6 min back. Shear-thinning -1
behaviour can be clearly seen, and the final viscosity is 0
2 3 4 5 67
2 3 4 5 67
2 3 4 5 67
10 10 10 10
lower than that during the initial shearing, indicating
that there is some network structure present which is
being shear-degraded. The initial shearing behaviour of Fig. 5. Effect of shear rate on shear viscosity during a hysteresis loop
the Nutrim-5 suspension was fitted with a power law experiment for 10% Nutrim-5. The arrows indicate the direction of the
applied shear rate. The fit to the data that represents a power law
constitutive equation, which can be expressed as
constitutive equation, with K ¼ 6:042 and m ¼ 0:5020 is shown as a
solid line, measured at 25 °C using a controlled-strain rheometer.
g ¼ K c_ m1 ; ð1Þ

where g is the shear viscosity, c_ the shear rate, K the pseudoplastic behaviour with an m value ranging from
front factor, and m the power law exponent (Bird, 0.15 to 0.6. The power law equation that fitted the
Armstrong, & Hassager, 1977). Most fluids exhibit initial upward cycle yielded K ¼ 6:042  0:006 and
G.E. Inglett et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 1–8 7

m ¼ 0:5020  0:0002; thus, the 10% Nutrim-5 suspen- Bhattacharya, M., Zee, S. Y., & Corke, H. (1999). Physicochemical
sion exhibits pseudoplastic behaviour. properties related to quality of rice noodles. Cereal Chemistry,
76(6), 861–867.
The purpose of this study was to use an oat hydro- Bejosano, F. P., & Corke, H. (1998). Effect of Amaranthus and
colloidal fibre, Nutrim-5, for extending the use of rice buckwheat proteins on wheat dough properties and noodle quality.
flour in making WSN and YAN. The noodles studied Cereal chemistry, 75(2), 171–176.
were the white noodles, common in Japan, and the Bird, R. B., Armstrong, R. C., & Hassager, O. (1977). Dynamics of
yellow noodle, common in China. Nutrim-5 was added polymeric liquids. Fluid mechanics (Vol. 1). New York: John Wiley
and Sons, p. 208.
to the noodle formula to add functionality to rice flour Carriere, C. J., & Inglett, G. E. (2000). Effect of processing conditions
for increasing the amount used in noodles. Nutrim-5 is a on the viscoelastic behavior of Nu-Trim X: An oat-based b-glucan-
hydrocolloidal product that was prepared by thermo- rich hydrocolloidal extractive. Journal of Textural Studies, 31(2),
mechanical processing of oat flour or bran (Inglett & 123–140.
Carriere, 2001). Previously, these hydrocolloidal prod- Cooke, H., & Bhattacharya, M. (1999). Wheat products: 1. Noodles.
In C. Y. W Ang, K. Liu, & Y.-W. Huang (Eds.), Asian Foods (pp.
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saturated fats (including coconut milk, butter, or satu- Edwards, N. M., Scanlon, M. G., Kruger, J. E., & Dexter, J. E. (1996).
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dispersed solids) was useful in preparing more nutritious formulation, and work input during dough sheeting. Cereal
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ducted to determine Nutrim-5Õs utility as a substitute for Inglett, G. E., Carriere, C. J., & Maneepun, S. (2003). Health related
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4. Conclusions
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contribute synergistic binding qualities in the prepara- Jun, W.-J., Seib, P. A., & Chung, O. K. (1998b). Characteristics
of noodle flours from Japan. Cereal Chemistry, 75(6), 820–
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fibre component, Nutrim-5, was found to be useful for Kruger, J. E., Anderson, M. H., & Dexter, J. E. (1994). Effect on flour
extending the quantity of rice flour used in making white refinement on raw Cantonese noodle color and texture. Cereal
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