P D P: C I D, C M: Design of Coastal Roads
P D P: C I D, C M: Design of Coastal Roads
P D P: C I D, C M: Design of Coastal Roads
American States
Senior Lecturer, Head of Department,
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of the West Indies,
St. Augustine Campus,
Trinidad, West Indies
Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, The University of the West Indies, in conjunction with Old
Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA and Coastal Engineering Research Centre, US Army, Corps of Engineers,
Vicksburg, MS, USA.
Coastal roads constitute a major segment of national road networks in the Caribbean, that
not only provides access to fishing, residential, and tourism resources, but also because of
often encountered difficult terrain, to all other productive sectors and social communities on
a daily basis. Of the 40,000 km of paved road in the region, between 10 and 90 percent are
coastal roads. Generally, volcanic islands can have as much as 80 percent of their paved
roads as coastal ring roads because of the difficult inland terrain and patterns of human
settlements. Other islands such as Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago have
tolerable inland terrain that can provide affordable and reliable access to several parts of the
island territory, but still rely on 10 to 30 percent of their paved road network for vital access
to the coastal towns, villages (usually fishing) and beaches. Typically, the areas served in
the region include:
• Cities and towns;
• Industrial centres;
• Airports and seaports;
• Fishing villages;
• Inland agricultural parcels;
• Inland and coastal residential communities;
• Hotels;
• Beaches; and
• Eco resorts.
In the Caribbean coastal roads are a necessity of life.
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appreciation of the coastal zone becomes necessary for use in the planning and design of
coastal roads. In this regard the geological appreciation presented in Part IV-1-2 of the CEM
2000 presents a suitable configuration of the coastal zone for landward design. The coastal
zone is divided into four subzones; the coast, the shore, the shoreface, and the continental
shelf (see Figures 1 and 2).
Figure 1 (IV-1-2). Definition of Terms and Features Describing the Coastal Zone.
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The Continental shelf (Figure 2) is the shallow seafloor that borders most continents
(Figure IV-1-3). The shelf floor extends from the toe of the shoreface to the shelf break
where the steeply inclined continental slope begins. It has been common practice to
subdivide the shelf into inner-, mid-, and outer zones, although there are no regularly
occurring geomorphic features on most shelves that suggest a basis for these subdivisions.
Although the term inner shelf has been widely used, it is seldom qualified beyond arbitrary
depth or distance boundaries. Site-specific shelf zonation can be based on project
requirements and local geologic conditions. Some coastal areas in the Caribbean do not
extend out to a significant continental shelf.
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• a land buffer, as in the case of conservative setbacks in the uplands from the
• a natural defense system such as a dune, embankment or bluff; or by
• a sea defense structure built to suit the integrity and function of the roadway.
In built-up areas, such as on promenades etc., they are located at the shoreface with some
form of vertical wall or constructed defense system.
Overall, the character of coastal roads may be classified by four distinct categories:
a) Natural: - These are roads built into the existing terrain, without the use of
built structures for defense. They are either located in a conservative setback
area or defended by the natural shore/coast formation, and their construction
present minimum disturbance to the physical and natural environment. This
type of coastal road often provides canopied views on flat terrain and
sweeping panoramic views on cliffs and large bluffs. Toe armouring may be
necessary for cliffs and bluffs.
b) Open: - Wherever the terrain demands and wave action permits, earthen
structures such as embankments may be employed to carry the coastal road,
with or without setback. These types are particularly suited to protected
alluvial gulfs and bays where the terrain is very flat, at or below mean sea
level, and wave action does not present the need for energy absorbing
structures. These roads facilitate wide views and are ideal for the provision of
aesthetically pleasing roadway geometrics.
c) Built: - A built coastal road is defended by an energy absorbing structure
such as armour revetment or a sea wall, and usually abuts the structure or
located within close reserve of it. These types are better suited to sub-urban
and built up residential and recreational areas, and large coastal areas lying
below sea level, as in the case of Guyana where the sea wall extends for 200
km along the coast defending some 200 km of coastal roads.
d) Urban: - These roads are found principally on downtown promenades, and
commercial areas, and the defense is usually through a slender vertical sea
wall. The road usually abuts the wall directly and the sea is sometimes
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The functional and hierarchical classification will obviously fall into the respective agency’s
policy and procedures for classification.
3.1 Factors
The major factors to be considered in the design of a road are
a) Safety
b) Environmental Impact
c) Initial construction cost and life cycle cost
Safety involves the provision of adequate road geometrics and cross section, so that
accidents are minimised and accessibility/all-season passability is maintained. It also refers
to the reliability of the pavement structure, the stability of any roadside slopes, and the
probability of failure of the sea defense.
Environmental impact against wetlands, lagoons and estuaries, and the shorelands has to be
mitigated at the design stage. Particularly, the change drainage patterns and the potential for
upland flooding and coastal pollution, and the interaction of riverine and estuarine systems
with tidal changes at river outlets have to be carefully evaluated. At the construction stage,
the location of fill disposal sites and the biological pollution of the coastal waters are also of
Economic performance is normally at the helm of design activities. An economic analysis of
candidate design alternatives must be done on a life-cycle basis to establish the best
performing economic alternative and so the best form of investment, particularly when there
is Sectoral competition for the same funds and the investment has to be justified. Ideally the
designed alternatives must be safe and environmentally friendly.
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Design of Coastal Roads
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4.1 Types of Pavement Structures
Basically, all hard surfaced pavement types can be categorized into two groups, flexible and
4.1.1 Flexible pavements are those that are surfaced with bituminous (or asphalt) materials in the
surface (or wearing) course. These can be either in the form of pavement surfaces such as a
Surfaced Dressed (SD) or bituminous surface course (BST) generally found on lower
volume (or lower traffic) roads. On the other hand, AC surface courses are generally used on
higher volume roads (see Figure 4(a)). These types of pavements are called "flexible" since
the total pavement structure "bends" or "deflects" due to traffic loads. Further, the flexible
pavement structure is generally composed of several layers of materials that can
accommodate this "flexing" (Figure 4(a)).
4.1.2 Rigid pavements are composed of a Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) surface course (Figure
4(b)) resting on a subbase or base. Such pavements are substantially "stiffer" than flexible
pavements due to the high modulus of elasticity of the PCC material. Further, these
pavements can have reinforcing steel that is generally used to reduce or eliminate "joints."
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Design of Coastal Roads
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4.1.3 A Concrete Block Pavement (CBP) is made up of precisely dimensioned individual concrete
blocks that fit closely together to form a segment of pavement surface (see Figure 5). A
CBP surface course shares some similar performance characteristics with flexible pavement.
Common names for the concrete blocks include pavers, paving blocks, and interlocking
paving blocks. They find much use in parking aprons, promenades and roads in the built-up
and recreational areas of the coastal zone.
4.1.4 The determination of the type of pavement structure type is of major importance in the
development of plans for any road paving project. The primary factors to be considered in
determining the pavement type include:
• Traffic, whether high volume or low volume, and traffic safety
• Strength of subgrade soils
• Environment (weather)
• Construction materials and their availability
• Construction factors, local capacity and foreign exchange component
• Life cycle performance
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Different agencies have different measures of ride quality, and most converge on the
roughness or ride quality of the pavement. The International Roughness Index (IRI),
expressed as m/km, is a time-stable, absolute measure of roughness and is related to most of
the established roughness measures employed today. This is the measure of condition and
ride quality that is recommended and adopted in this manual. Ride quality and the IRI are
categorised in Table 1 into 6 levels, ranging from a very smooth ride to a very rough ride for
both paved and unpaved roads.
4.3 Traffic
Traffic volumes recommended for low-volume roads range from 50 to 1,000 vpd, with the
typical traffic stream considered catering for up to 60 percent trucks. For high volume
roads, the traffic is expressed in terms of the number of Equivalent Standard Axles Loads
(ESAL) as a measure of the damaging power of axle loads in the traffic stream. One passage
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of an 8,162 kg single axle load is considered to cause unit damage to the pavement structure.
High volume roads carry around a minimum of 500,000 ESALs over the design life of the
pavement structure. The average annual growth rates used are usually between 0 and 5
percent. The designer is strongly advised to conduct separate traffic surveys and analyses to
ascertain the appropriate values for the damaging power of the traffic stream..
The AASHTO 1996 Design Guide for pavements provides appropriate methodologies and
calculation procedures for the determination of suitable pavement structure configurations,
in terms of layer thicknesses required to carry the expected traffic loading. In this procedure,
ride quality is expressed in terms of the Present Serviceability Index (PSI), which ranges
from 4.0 to 4.5 for roads in excellent condition, to 2.0 to 2.5 for roads in poor condition and
in need of maintenance intervention. The difference between the limiting values indicates
the loss of serviceability.
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4.4 Subgrades
Very often the designer has no choice regarding subgrade, and the natural ground formation
has to be used. Accordingly, design guidelines are presented for soil subgrades ranging
from swampy to firm soils and cover a CBR range as follows:
For very hard subgrades with CBR values greater than 12.0 percent, the design
recommendations for 12.0 % CBR can be used and should provide conservative designs.
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4.5.3 The selected materials usually contain coarse and fine fractions and must conform to
standard property requirements as far as is possible. The maximum particle size is typically
about a quarter of the thickness of the compacted layer. Larger particles can hinder the
compaction and spoil the surface of the layer, and also tend to disintegrate because they
suffer the full force of the compaction plant. Generally a maximum particle size of 50 - 63
mm is considered adequate.
4.5.4 The grading envelopes in the specifications vary little from one another, generally reflecting
local experience. All are the result of a compromise between internal drainage and
compaction. Ideally, for roads in the shorelands, the material should be free-draining and
should posses a stable mineral skeleton. With low fines content the aggregate will have a
high proportion of air voids, and if well graded, should derive good to excellent grain to
grain contact. For roads in setback zones, sufficient fines should be present to afford dense,
tight base and subbase layers to be formed. The importance of a good grading and stable
packing for subbase and bases cannot be overemphasised.
4.5.5 Limits of plasticity are set to control the effect of volume changes occurring in clay soils
due to varying moisture contents in seasonal climates. Specifications based on temperate
climatic conditions require a maximum plasticity index of 6% and the liquid limit should be
less than 25%. For tropical conditions, the upper limit of plasticity index is raised to 12 to
15%, whilst the liquid limit can be raised to a maximum of 30 to 40%. The concept of
plasticity modulus based on the product of the plasticity index and the proportion of finer
material is considered to be a valuable one as it represents the effective contribution of the
plasticity of the fines to the performance of the whole material. For roads in the shorelands
the base and subbase should ideally be non-plastic.
4.5.6 The durability of the coarse fraction of the aggregate is related to the overall grading, and is
determined by tests such as the Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) or Aggregate Impact
Value (AIV), the 10 % Fines Aggregate Crushing Test (FACT), and the Los Angeles
Abrasion Test (LAA) (13). The recommended maximum value for the ACV is 35% and its
specification should be accompanied by the 10% FACT which can be as low as 50 kN for
low volume roads. The maximum LAA value can vary between 50% and 65% and the
upper limit depends upon the destabilising effect of the crushing of coarse particles (13).
The aggregate must also be sound, i.e. resistant to chloride and sulphate attack from
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seawater or agricultural leachings, and the Soundness test should be specified. Limiting
values vary between 12 % and 15 %.
4.5.7 For roads setback in the uplands, the compacted density of the subbase and base layers
should be at least equal to 95% of the maximum density of the material determined in the
laboratory at the appropriate level of compaction (either Standard or Modified). All
materials should contain moisture equal to or slightly below the optimum necessary to
insure that the design density requirements are obtained when materials are compacted.
CBR values of greater than 30% for subbase and 80% for base are generally specified, and
these values may be dropped to 20% for subbase and 50 to 60% for base in low volume
roads. The strength is best represented by the CBR which should be determined on
laboratory samples prepared at 95% of the maximum density obtained under heavy
compactive effort (BS 1377 Test 13, AASHTO T199, 4.5 kg rammer), and soaked for four
days. It is not always that available materials can meet the strength requirements and in
such cases, either increased layer thickness or stabilisation may be employed to improve the
layer response.
For roads in the shorelands, the open graded character of the base and subbase makes
conventional field and laboratory testing difficult and sometimes very expensive. Under
such conditions, field procedures involving proof rolling with a 10 tonne or 12 tonne axle
load is usually applied to establish weak compacted areas for repair. The rolled substrate
should show no visually detectable deformation under the axle loading. Generally, all open
graded surfaces should be tightened with coarse sands and chips during compaction and
before proof rolling.
4.6 Surfacings
Surfacings may be high-type asphaltic concrete (ACP) or Surface Dressed (SD), rigid PCC
slabs or CBP surface, depending on the traffic volumes and pavement gradient. Generally,
on steep gradients (> 10 %) SD surfacing tends to be stripped of chips very easily because
of the tractive forces exerted by vehicular traffic, and ACP is usually preferred. Otherwise,
SDs should be employed where traffic is less than 1,000 vehicles per day. For higher traffic
volumes dense graded asphalt concrete mixtures are preferred for ACP.
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300 − [ F 2 + F .425 + F .075]
1. Grading modulus =
where F2 is percentage passing 2 mm sieve
F.425 is percentage passing 0.425 mm sieve
F.075 is percentage passing 0.75 mm sieve
Values of grading modulus are between 0 and 3.
2. Plasticity modulus = plasticity index multiplied by percentage finer than 0.425 mm sieve.
3. CBR on samples compacted to 95% m.d.d. of modified AASHTO or BS (heavy) compaction and
soaked for 4 days.
4. CBR on samples compacted to 100% m.d.d. of modified AASHTO or BS (heavy) compaction and
soaked for 4 days.
5. Los Angles abrasion value on fraction coarser than 2 or 2.36 mm.
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Care is needed in the selection of binders for ACP and PCC pavement surfaces. In ACP on
shoreland roads a soft asphalt binder (100 – 120 Pen) is preferred so that longer service life
to hardening under saline attack (oxidation) is obtained. In PCC a sulphate resistant cement
binder is preferred for similar reasons. Setback roads in the uplands may employ 60-80 Pen
grade asphalt binder, and the PCC cement binder may be ordinary.
4.6 Flexible Pavement Thickness
High volume roads will require between two and three layers for effective performance, a
granular subbase, a granular or stabilised base and a stabilised surfacing (usually asphalt
concrete), depending on the strength of the subgrade soils.
The structural design of flexible pavements can be broadly divided into those with fewer
than 500,000 ESALs for the design period and those greater than 500,000 ESALs. Table 3
gives standard solutions determined by AASHTO procedures for high volume road
pavements, while Table 4 gives solutions for low volume roads.
With particular reference to the low volume roads, the ACI is the Agency Cost Index, and it
defines the relative level of life-cycle costs to the agency if the respective solution is
adopted. The Quality Level gives the level of ride comfort (see Table 3) and the Life-Cycle
Performance represents the percent of the design life over which the designated ride quality
is obtained. The addition of a 150 mm subbase can improve the ride quality by one level,
but the ACI increases to 1.3. Responsive maintenance activities include patching 50 %
potholes every year, and resealing damage when it approaches 30 % of the pavement
The designer may develop alternative solutions based on layer material substitution, but this
requires considerable experience with local materials and their physical and mechanical
character. Other solutions may be based on staged construction, where sufficient surfacing is
placed to cover a percentage of the design life, and at the end of that period the remaining
thickness for full design life is applied. In such alternative solutions, the base and subbase
layers must be designed for the full design life, and must also be constructed as designed.
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Design of Coastal Roads
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Design of Coastal Roads
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years given that the other design details are adequately accommodated. The long design
lives are intended to provide significant maintenance free service for the pavement.
In the past, base depths under rigid pavements were determined primarily by the
requirement for support of construction traffic. Currently, it is recognized that the base
course directly beneath PCC slabs is a critical element in the performance of PCCP. The use
of asphalt-stabilised base (ACB) is most effective in waterproofing the grade in shoreland
roads, when the grade is in reasonably good shape. The benefits of a waterproofing
treatment under the ultimate pavement is largely lost if an untreated base is placed directly
over the subgrade and then allowed to stand over the rainy season without protection.
Table 5 provides typical PCC slab thicknesses for various levels of ESALs and reliability
for high volume pavements. The input values used to produce the tables are shown at the
Table 5. High Volume Rigid Pavement Thickness
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Low volume pavements are usually constructed with a minimum slab thickness of 112.5
mm, increasing to 150 mm as traffic volumes cross 1,000 vehicles per day. Detailed design
should be employed for intermediate volumes as may be appropriate.
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Design of Coastal Roads
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As the subgrade does not receive any structural support by the geotextile, aggregate
reductions are not normally expected. However an increase in subgrade CBR of 30 percent
above the equilibrium value is often used in design and leads to a reduction in base
Wheel Load
Base Material
… … .. … … …
. … ….. …. …. . .. …
… … .. . … . … ..
Geotextile Tension in
Membrane Support
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d) Webs or webbings are a kind of very coarse woven fabric made of strips a
few centimeters wide and look like a very coarse slit film woven fabric or
Return Fabric 1 m
In Shorelands
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The fibres are usually some type of polymer such as polypropylene, polyethylene and
polyester, and natural fibers are rarely ever used except for biodegradable fabric used in
temporary erosion control etc.
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All values represent minimum average roll values (i.e., any roll in a lot should meet or exceed the minimum values in
this table). Note: these values are normally 20%.
ASTM D-751-68, Tension Testing Machine with ring clamp, steel ball replaced with a 5/16 inch diameter solid steel
cylinder with flat tip centered within the ring clamp.
ASTM D-751-68, Diaphragm Test Method.
ASTM D-1117, either principal direction.
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Design of Coastal Roads
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5.3.4 Workability: - the fabric must be of a minimum stiffness to extract acceptable workability
during construction. Additionally the water absorption characteristics are very important as
a fabric that is hydrophilic (absorbs water easily) may suffer a loss of stiffness due to
increased weight. For wet environments a hydrophobic (repels water) fabric is
recommended. Minimum fabric stiffness should be 2,500 mg cm, and the bulk density
should normally be greater than 1.0 gm/cc.
The alignment of a roadway is a very important design feature that directly addresses the
physical integrity and safety aspects of roadway performance. It also provides for driving
comfort and economy in vehicle operation, and proper surface and roadside drainage. The
essential design elements for consideration are:
• Pavement surface crossfall
• Sight distances
• Horizontal and vertical curvature
• Gradients
• Phasing of horizontal and vertical curvature
6.1 Crossfall
6.1.1 The purpose of crossfall is to shed water from the carriageway and allow it to drain into side
ditches. This helps to prevent water from entering and weakening the pavement, for both
paved and unpaved roads.
There are two main considerations when designing the crossfall or camber of a road
a) The slope must be adequate enough to provide for rapid disposal of the water falling
on the surface: and
b) The slope must not be so excessive as to become a hazard to traffic.
6.1.2 The minimum crossfall required is a function of the surface texture and the precision of
surface construction. For a given crossfall the smoother the surface the more efficient it is in
shedding water.
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Values of crossfall normally range between 1.5 to 3.0 % for paved roads. The value of 3 %
is more likely to satisfy high intensity rainfall, and will allow for drainage even with some
surface deformation, but a value of 2.5 % is ideal for all weather. For unpaved roads, a
higher crossfall is necessary and 3 to 4 % would provide a satisfactory minimum for
working practice.
6.1.3 The crossfall of the shoulder should be sufficient to drain the paved surface. Shoulders
constructed of the same material as the running surface may have the same cross slope,
whilst gravel or earth shoulders on a paved road should be 1.5 to 2 % steeper.
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“overtaking” sections. There are also sections of intermediate sight distance that will allow
some drivers to overtake. The longer the sight distance, the greater the proportion of the
vehicle population that will be able to overtake and long sight distances are therefore very
desirable. However, to provide sight distances long enough for overtaking on the entire
length of the road would be uneconomic, and it is usually better to designate some lengths
as “no-overtaking” sections which are designed solely for stopping sight distance (e.g. crest
curves). Wherever possible, “no-overtaking” sections should be followed by sections where
there is sufficient sight distance to allow overtaking. Recommended values are given in
Table 8.
Table 8: Recommended Sight Distances for Horizontal Curvature
Design Speed Sight Distance, m
km/hr Stopping Stopping Overtaking
(Single Lane) (Two lane)
30 46 23 N/A
40 68 34 N/A
50 96 48 140
60 128 64 180
70 N/A 84 240
85 N/A 119 320
100 N/A 162 430
120 N/A 229 590
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(v) Curves should not end on structures such as bridges as they add cost and
complications to design and construction. (If curvature is unavoidable, a simple
curve of as large a radius as possible should be used).
(vi) Superelevation should remain a plane for the full width of the carriageway and may
be obtained by revolving the pavement about the profiles of:
(a) The centreline
(b) The inside edge
(c) The outside edge
(vii) On superelevated curves, the outer shoulders should be sloped upward at about the
same, or at a lesser rate, than the superelevation of the carriageway. Any shoulder,
which is sloped towards a paved carriageway, should also be paved to prevent loose
material washing over the surface.
(viii) For small changes in alignment, it is preferable, and usually more economical to
adopt a circular curve of large radius with adverse crossfall, than a short curve with
(ix) The minimum superelevation applied to a road should be the reverse crossfall.
6.3.2 As standards increase, it is necessary for minimum radii to reflect the higher speeds and the
critical design factor becomes the maximum lateral coefficient of friction between the tyre
and road surface (see Table 10). The required lateral friction may be reduced by
superelevating the road. Available side friction (f) decreases as speed increases and a
considerable safety margin is usually incorporated in design standards.
Table 10. Minimum Curve Radii
Design Speed Side Friction Minimum Horizontal Radius (m)
(km/h) Factor (f) Superelevation Zero
(paved) Superelevation
30 0.33 16.5 21.5
40 0.30 31.5 42.0
50 0.25 56.2 78.7
60 0.23 85.9 123.3
70 0.20 128.6 192.9
85 0.18 203.2
100 0.15 315.0
120 0.15 453.5
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6.4.3 Minimum radius horizontal curves are undesirable at crests as the crest may mask the
sharpness of the horizontal curve. When vertical and horizontal curves occur in
combination or in close proximity to each other, it is desirable that the vertical curve should
be either wholly within or wholly outside the horizontal curve. With the vertical curve
within the horizontal curve, the horizontal curve becomes visible ahead of the crest.
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6.4.4 Vertical curves are usually designed as parabolas. They are designed to meet either
minimum sight distance or comfort criteria. Sight distance for safe stopping is the more
stringent requirement.
6.4.5 For crest curves, safe stopping and safe overtaking values are usually calculated on the basis
of object and eye height criteria discussed earlier. Safer stopping sight distance is usually an
essential limitation although the concept of safe maneuvering sight distance may also be
applied. The cost of crest curve sight distances for safe overtaking is often prohibitive and
drivers are not necessarily aware of its availability since the subtleties of variations in road
marking to indicate safe overtaking are often not fully understood, even in developed
countries. Using small vertical curves allowing longer tangential gradient sections can
maximize overtaking. This principle is similar to that for the design of horizontal curvature.
6.4.6 Since designing crest vertical curves for overtaking sight distance is expensive and is not
justified in most cases, crest curves should be designed to give no more than the absolute
minimum stopping sight distance. Sag curves offer adequate visibility during daylight.
However, it is neither practical nor reliable to design them for visibility at night. Sag curves
should therefore be designed according to comfort criteria. On major rods a vertical
acceleration of therefore be designed according to comfort criteria. On major roads a
vertical acceleration of 0.05 g would be an appropriate maximum, whilst on other roads, the
maximum is often relaxed to 0.10g.
6.4.7 For sag curves, the effective range of headlamp beams has a general limit of 120-150 m for
an unlit object. This is normally insufficient to form the basis of curve design. Sag curves
are therefore generally based on comfort criteria, i.e. vertical acceleration, which falls within
the broad range of 0.03-0.10 g.
6.5 Gradients
6.5.1 There are two aspects to a design standard for gradients; the gradient itself, and the length of
the gradient. Many vehicles can tolerate a steep gradient for a short distance, but cannot
sustain speed if the gradient is long. For coastal roads in mountainous terrain appropriate
maximum gradients should be based upon traction ability, which will be different for 2-
wheel drive, 4-wheel drive and animal drawn vehicles.
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6.5.2 A minimum slope is necessary to drain a pavement adequately. Although part of the
drainage requirement is provided by the crossfall, al longitudinal grade is desirable to assist
drainage, particularly for kerbed pavements.
6.5.3 Although speeds of cars will be lower on steep upgrades, large differences between speeds
of light vehicles and heavy vehicles will occur and truck speeds will be quite slow. It can be
considered important, therefore, to provide sufficiently adequate horizontal sight distance to
enable faster vehicle operators to recognise when they are catching up to a slow vehicle and
to adjust their speed accordingly.
6.5.4 The use of steeper gradients results in much shorter lengths of incline than the use of flatter
gradients. However, there are operational disbenefits of steep gradients such as greater use
of fuel, particularly for heavy vehicles, and additional delays caused by slow speeds.
6.5.5 Both gradient and length of gradient are important considerations in the design process,
although sometimes the gradient is one of the standards that may be relaxed to give greatest
economy with least loss of operational performance.
6.5.6 At the basic access level, gradients must be negotiable by the design vehicle, albeit at a very
low speed. If only 4-wheel drive vehicles use the road, the maximum gradient may be up to
20 percent. For traction requirements and maintenance reasons, it is recommended that all
gradients over 10 percent should be paved, or at least have paved wheel tracks.
6.5.7 As traffic flows increase, the economic benefits of reduced severity and length of gradient
will become larger because of the increased number of vehicles and associated operational
effects. Lower construction costs in flatter terrain will generally result in the economic
justification of higher standards of gradient under those conditions. Thus, in most
developed countries, maximum allowable gradients, which vary with design speed and
terrain, range from 3 % on high flow/high speed roads in level terrain to 16 % on low
flow/low speed roads in mountainous terrain, and can sometimes reach as high as 18 to 20
%. In general 4 to 8 % is considered a desirable maximum on roads with higher design
speeds. Values recommended on the basis of available standards are as shown in Table 11.
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Environmental assessment has three major objectives: to help the managers of the road
development decide on a project design that takes environmental considerations into
account; to help the technical personnel responsible for execution of the road project
implement it with full knowledge of the environmental factors; and to inform the public
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when the road project is likely to affect their environment and facilitate their participation in
the decision-making process
• Consultation with local residents and professionals: This can assist baseline data
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b) Time frame: Allowance should be made for both short-term and long-term impacts.
The loss of agricultural areas along the alignment of a road is an immediate impact.
The retreat of a mangrove swamp following modification to the water flow or the
modification of the saline threshold in an estuary generally only become apparent
some years after construction. Impacts that are sudden (hazardous waste spills) or
cumulative (contamination build-up in roadside soils and crops) should also be
c) Direct or Indirect Environmental Impacts: Direct impacts due to the presence of the
road project are relatively easy to identify. Indirect impacts are more difficult to analyze
but can ultimately be more important. A direct impact would be taking gravel material
from a borrow pit, while an indirect impact would be increased deforestation due to
easier transportation of logs. Possible impacts can be identified by considering each link
in the chain of events resulting from a road constriction or rehabilitation.
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• Some measures may not be the exclusive domain of the road agency. Government
departments, local authorities, neighbours, nearby businesses, non-government
organizations and the legal system may all be involved in their design and
implementation. Clear definition of responsibilities, funding and reporting
requirements can help to ensure the success of such measures.
7.6 Monitoring and Evaluation
7.6.1 Monitoring should not be confined to the road right of way, but should cover all sites
affected by the project, including borrow areas and quarries, disposal sites, waterway
diversions, materials treatment areas, access roads, and work camps.
Table 12. Checklist For Environmental Impact Study
Baseline or Initial Conditions
Cartographic background
Aerial photographic cover
Remote sensing cover
Statistical data
Bibliographic references
Physical environment (water, air, soil) depending on climatology, geology, hydrology, hydro-geology
Biological environment making up the ecosystem: fauna, flora, forests
Coastal environment, including marine biological and tourism/recreational environments
Socioeconomic factors: demography, land tenure, habitat, town planning, infrastructures, communications,
productive activities, leisure, tourism, health
Activities connected with consumption of resources (mining, fishing, logging)
Identification and characterization of ecological units and their interrelation
Landscape features
Traditions, customs, archaeology
Definition of Project
Geographic situation
Type of activity
Socioeconomic aspects (persons, affected, activities created)
Determination of nuisances like noise
Duration and time table of works
Induced effects of other sectors
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8.1.2 Fluvial systems, such as rivers, swamps and lagoons, are controlled by their erosional base
level and the sediment supply. During periods of lowered sea level, rivers incise the lower
reaches of their valleys and discharge increasing amounts of sediment out onto the shelf. At
the lowest stands of sea level, estuaries almost disappear and are confined to river valleys
(Baeteman 1994). When sea level rises again, the valleys are flooded and the estuaries
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8.1.3 It is this interaction of riverine and estuarine systems that is of concern, particularly for the
design and construction of water crossings. Designs must be such that the saline balance in
the interaction of these systems is not significantly altered and hypersaline conditions not
developed, and wave exposure do not drown and destroy enveloping swamps and lagoons in
the upland of the estuary.
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8.2 Considerations
Generally, the largest mangrove swamps are found where there are extensive river systems
(e.g. Trinidad) or islands with low-relief coastal plains with substantial freshwater inflow
(e.g. Guadeloupe). In this sub-region the endangered West Indian manatee (Tricheus
manatus) that once ranged throughout the Lesser Antilles is now solely represented by about
a dozen adults in the Nariva Swamp on the East Coast of Trinidad. In the smaller islands of
the Eastern Caribbean spatial coverage by mangroves may be restricted and the trees often
show poor development in the form of low coastal scrub (e.g. Barbados, Dominica,
Montserrat, St. Vincent and the Grenadines). The main factors responsible for this are
limited freshwater runoff, hypersaline conditions, wave exposure and seasonal
hurricanes (see Figure 10). Preservation and conservation of the estuarine - riverine
systems should therefore occupy a very high priority in the water crossing design objectives,
if environmental conservation of rivers and wetlands is to be of effect. As a consequence,
the design of openings and pier support for bridges and large culverts therefore require
careful consideration, and the final form of the structure should be informed by the
hydrological and environmental assessment of the crossing and the possible impacts of the
design. The form of the crossing (and its supports) should be a resolution of hydrologic
efficiency and environmental balance.
(a) (b)
Figure 10. (a) Bridge Construction Over Estuary on the East Coast of Trinidad and Tobago
(b) Hypersaline Effect: Dying Mangrove upstream of the Estuary for (a)
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The basic model often used to estimate erosion due to rising sea level is called the Bruun
Rule (Bruun 1962)(Figure 11), and it assumes that sediment eroded from the shoreface
is dispersed offshore. As water level rises, waves erode the upper beach, causing the
shoreline to recede. Conceptually, this erosion supplies sediment for upward building
for the outer part of the profile. The model assumes that the initial profile shape will be
reestablished farther inland but at a height above the original position equal to the rise in
water level z. Therefore, the retreat of the profile x or loss of shoreland can be calculated
from the following relationship (a modified version of the Bruun Rule):
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The effect will depend on the actual length of the equilibrium beach/shore profile and the
average slope of the seabed. Figure 12 shows the variation in profile retreat with rise in sea
level for a 1,000 m equilibrium profile length along varying slopes. The effect is greater for
milder beach profile slopes than for the steeper slopes.
Shoreland Erosion, m
20.0 Depth
20 m
14.0 30 m
12.0 40 m
10.0 50 m
8.0 60 m
6.0 80 m
4.0 100 m
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
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VOC dat a relat es t o each road sect ion and it s condit ion
at t he t im e
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investments Ye ar
Co sts B e ne fits
b c
B e nef its Fac to r
d = c-b e = 1 /(1 +i)^a
f = d *e
6 .0 %
9 .0 %
5 2 81
4 3 47
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Net Present Value & Internal Rate of Return NPV Decision Rule
1. If the NPV is positive, for the
• The Net Present Value (NPV) of a chosen discount rate, then the
project alternative relative to the without alternative is acceptable.
project alternative is the sum of the
discounted net annual benefits or costs. 2. If the NPV is negative, for the
chosen discount rate, then the
alternative is unacceptable.
• The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the
discount rate at which NPV is zero. 3. If the NPV is zero, for the chosen
discount rate, then the alternative
is indifferent to the without project
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100 Alternative B
Alternative B
60 4
Alternative A 1
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Costs Costs
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1. USACE, “Coastal Engineering Manual, CEM 2000, Part IV”, Veritech Inc., USA, 2001.
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12. Christopher, B.R. and Holtz, R.D., “Geotextile Engineering Manual”, Federal Highways
Administration, Report No. FHWA – TS-86/203, Washington D.C., 1985.
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13. AASHTO, “Standard Specification for Highway Materials and Methods of Sampling
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14. Charles, R., “The Equilibrium Strength of Clay Subgrades”, MPhil Thesis, University of
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15. Charman, J.H., “Laterites in Road pavements”, Overseas Development Administration,
Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Department of Transport and Road Research
Laboratory, Department of Transport CIRA Special Publication 47, 1988.
16. British Standards, “BS 812: Test Methods for Aggregates”, British Standards
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17. RRL, “Soil Mechanics for Engineers”, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research,
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