Legal Aspect of Globalization
Legal Aspect of Globalization
Legal Aspect of Globalization
is process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of
different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by
information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political
Legal environment refers to all the legal surrounding that affects business activities. It consists
of acts, rules, regulations, institutions and processes. It defines what business organization can
and cannot do. It influences business policies and practices. Business organizations must
Every country has its own set of Rules and regulation and it’s different from other country.
International business faces many restriction on the inflow and outflow of capital, technology
and goods. Many government do not allow international business to enter their countries. They
have many trade blocks, traffic barrier, foreign exchange restriction etc. Therefore every
business organization need to know the legal framework while going global.
For instance., Under section 69A of the “information Technology Act” recently India and has
banned many Chinese apps like Tiktok, UC Browser, Cam Scanner etc. based on information
that they were engaged in activities “prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity” defense, security
and public order. Due to this step taken by Indian government, Chinese businesses are facing
downfall in share market. That’s why every business need to follow the legal framework while
going global.