05 Eposter Physicalposter PDF
05 Eposter Physicalposter PDF
05 Eposter Physicalposter PDF
Selected E-Posters
Full-Arc Depth Dependent Arcuate Keratotomy (FDAK) ¾ E-POSTER 25 [FP1434] Cataract
for Corneal Astigmatism Correction Study of Safety and Efficacy of Easy Tip on Oertli
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jai Gopal Agrawal, A05995. Phacoemulsification System
Co-Authors: Dr. Jai Gopal Agrawal, - Patna Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gulhane Dipak Vijayrao.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr. Vijay Shetty, Dr.
¾ E-POSTER 17 [FP94] Cataract Rasika Ramchandra Thakur, - Yavatmal
Femtosecond Laser Induced Macular Changes & Iatro- ——————————————————————————
genic Inflammation in Cataract Surgery. E-POSTER 26 [FP1560] Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Prof. Dr. Ashok Garg, A03633 Scleral Fixated Pmma IOL-A Long Term Study
- Hisar Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nilutpal Borah, B07914. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Goswami Biraj Jyoti, - Guwahati
¾ E-POSTER 18 [FP414] Cataract ——————————————————————————
Innovative Method for Ocular Anaesthesia in Children ¾ E-POSTER 27 [FP1435] Cataract
for Ocular Injuries Secondary IOL with Micro Incision Vitrectomy Surgery
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jemini Shrigovind Pandya, (MIVS) Following Complicated Cataract Surgery
P15713. Co-Authors: Dr. Ritu Jemini Bhai Pandya, Dr. Nirav Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohan Chauhan, C11336 -
Patel, Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, - Nadiad Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 19 [FP514] Cataract ¾ E-POSTER 28 [FP1463] Cataract
Comparison of Incision Integrity and Morphology Fol- Pachy Comparison Day 1 Post Cataract Surgery in Cases
lowing IOL Implantation with 3 Injector Devices Wherein Chondroitin Sulphate Was Used Intra Op
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Samaresh, S13187. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Satyajit Sinha, S06634. Co-
thors: Dr. Vaishali Abhaykumar Vasavada, Dr. Vasavada Authors: Dr. Pooja Sinha, - Patna
Abhaykumar Raghukant, Dr. Shetal Mahendrasingh Raj, - ——————————————————————————
Jaipur E-POSTER 29 [FP856] Cataract
—————————————————————————— Does Cataract Surgery Affect Meibomian Gland Func-
¾ E-POSTER 20 [FP500] Cataract tion? A Pilot Study
Comparison of Clinical Outcome Between 23-Gauge and Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nidhi Pandey, P07183. Co-
25-Gauge Vitrectomy in Diabetic Patients Authors: Dr. Vijaya Sahu, Dr. Chandraker A K, Dr. Mangilal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Eman Abo Taleb. Co-Au- Garg, - Raipur
thors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr. Kalyani ——————————————————————————
Bhatt, - Ahmedabad ¾ E-POSTER 30 [FP893] Cataract
—————————————————————————— Prospective Evaluation of Primary IOL Implantation in
¾ E-POSTER 21 [FP631] Cataract Traumatic Cataract in Children
Clinical Study of Various Incisions And IOL Axis Place- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Avinash Bagzai, B15091.
ment in Toric IOLs Co-Authors: Dr. Pradhnya Wasule, Dr. Elesh Jain, Dr. Amit
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jaya Kaushik, K12383. Co- Kumar Yadav, - Indore
Authors: Dr. (Brig) J K S Parihar, Dr. Vijay Mathur, Dr. Gaurav ——————————————————————————
Relhan, - New Delhi ¾ E-POSTER 31 [FP933] Cataract
—————————————————————————— Ultrasound Biometry Versus IOL Master in Predicting
¾ E-POSTER 22 [FP1187] Cataract Refractive Outcome Post Cataract Surgery.
Managing Complex Corneas and Cataract Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aarti Agrawal, A15972. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shruti Mahajan, M12806. Authors: Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Dr. Reshma
Co-Authors: Dr. Sudeep Das, Dr. Mathew Kurian, Dr. Rohit Ramakrishnan, Dr. Prajakta Paritekar, - Mumbai
Shetty, - Karnal ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 32 [FP1172] Cataract
¾ E-POSTER 23 [FP781] Cataract Real Time Depth Assessment to Perform Proper Divide
The Final Frontier in Imaging: Microscope Integrated AS- and Conquer During Phacoemulsification
OCT in Assessing Posterior Polar Cataracts Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vishal Arora, A13843. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nikhil Negalur, N16679. Co- Authors: Dr. Mathew Kurian, Dr. Sudeep Das, Dr. Rohit
Authors: Dr. Rohit Shetty, Dr. Sudeep Das, Dr. Varun Shetty, - Gurgaon
Kharbanda, - Thane ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 52 [FP523] Cataract ¾ E-POSTER 61 [FP1312] Cataract
Stumbles and Hurdles in Phaco Learning Curve of A Encountering A New Possibility to Check Before
Novice Surgeon - First 100 Eyes Over 1 Year. Explanting A Defective Toric IOL
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nandini Chandak, C13583. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajat Goyal. Co-Authors:
Co-Authors: Dr. Partha Biswas, Dr. Subhrangshu Sengupta, Dr. Mohan Shalini, Prof.Gupta Ramesh Chandra, - Agra
Dr. Krishnendu Nandi, - Kolkata ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 62 [FP1089] Cataract
¾ E-POSTER 53 [FP517] Cataract Visual Outcome of Rigid Vs Foldable IOL in
To Evaluate Visual Outcomes After Cataract Surgery Phacoemulsification: Scenario in Rural India
with Complicated Cataract Secondary to Uveitis. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gaurav Patil, P14756. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rukhsana, R15455. Co-Au- Authors: Dr. Elesh Jain, Dr. Mahendra, Dr. Pradhnya Wasule,
thors: Dr. Ashesh Patel, Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Dr. - Talgaon
Shreya Shah, - New Delhi ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 63 [FP1317] Cataract
¾ E-POSTER 54 [FP550] Cataract Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Vernal Keratoconjunc-
Association of Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome with Car- tivitis (VKC) .
diovascular Disease in Rural Area of Maharashtra. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Srikant Sahu, S11533. Co-
Chief Author: Dr. Varsha Sharadrao Nandedkar, N08843. Authors: Dr. Sangwan Virender S, Dr. Fernandes Merle,
Presenting Author: Dr. Vidya Ramnath Bhojane. Co-Au- Divya Vira, - Bhubaneswar
thors: Dr. Chandrakishor H Pardhi, - Aurangabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 64 [FP1235] Cataract
¾ E-POSTER 55 [FP420] Cataract Rotational Stability of 3 Premium Foldable Toric IOLs in
Visual Outcome Following Lens Implant on Capsular Different Grades of Cataracts
Remnant in Cases of Capsular Complications. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aarti Heda, H16569. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jemini Shrigovind Pandya, Authors: Dr. Adrian Braganza, Dr. Varun Kharbanda, Dr.
P15713. Co-Authors: Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Parth Kalyani, Rohit Shetty, - Akola
Dr. Kashyap Patel, - Nadiad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 65 [FP1042] Cataract
¾ E-POSTER 56 [FP472] Cataract Central Macular Thickness Using Oct Following SICS
My Experience with Amo Toric IOL Versus Phacoemulsification.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bansal R K, B03804 - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Abhijit Naik. Co-Authors:
Chandigarh Dr. Neha Dhiware, Dr. Reshma Ramakrishnan, Dr. Saurabh
—————————————————————————— Shrivastava, - Mumbai
¾ E-POSTER 57 [FP334] Cataract ——————————————————————————
Ectopic Intraocular Lens- An Unusual Complication of ¾ E-POSTER 66 [FP959] Cataract
Cataract Surgery Coaxial and Microcoaxial Cataract Surgery: A Compara-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Krunal Patel, P15622. Co- tive Study
Authors: Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Dr. Shreya Shah, Chief Author: Dr. Shachi J Shetty. Presenting Author: Dr.
Dr. Prashant Vasaiya, - Ahmedabad Sunayana Hegde, H10628. Co-Authors: Dr. Mendonca
—————————————————————————— Norman, Dr. Shachi J Shetty, - Bangalore
E-POSTER 58 [FP379] Cataract ——————————————————————————
A Case of Tass Due to Inadvertent Injection of Adrena- E-POSTER 67 [FP975] Cataract
line Into Corneal Stroma To Compare Dosage of Difluprednate0.05% with Pred-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shrikant Deshpande, nisolone1% in Inflammation After Cataract Surgery.
D13199 - Kharghar Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Archana Sunil Nikose,
—————————————————————————— N06224. Co-Authors: Dr. Ankita Kabara, - Nagpur
¾ E-POSTER 59 [FP1005] Cataract ——————————————————————————
Phacoemulsification And IOL Implantation in Eyes with ¾ E-POSTER 68 [FP1062] Cataract
Cataract and Congenital Coloboma of Iris. (Safety,Visual SICS-Trabeculectomy - Our Experience!
Acuity and Co Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nidhi Thaker. Co-Authors:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Archana Pandey, P09412 - Dr. Puja Rai, Dr. Amit Porwal, - Mumbai
Jalna ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 69 [FP1584] Cataract
¾ E-POSTER 60 [FP746] Cataract The 0.9 Mm Kelman 45deg Microtip Vs Miniflared Abs
Cataract Surgery in Colobomatous Eyes: A Case Series Tip in Ozil Torsional Coaxial Microphaco- A Study
Chief & Presenting Author: K.Nikunj. Co-Authors: Dr. Shikha Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sony George, G13444. Co-
Talwar Bassi, Aditya Sethi, Mayav Movdawalla, - Chennai Authors: Dr. Kala Baby Thottam, - Cochin
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 90 [FP493] Cataract Foldable Toric Intraocular Lens for Astigmatism Correc-
Endophthalmitis Prevention in Cataract Surgery Prac- tion in Cataract Patients
tice. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Utkarsh Bhardwaj. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chaitanya Shukla, S16332. thors: Dr. Bandyopadhyay Supratik, - Siliguri
Co-Authors: Amrita Verma, Dr. Kartikey Kothari, Dr. Navneet ——————————————————————————
Mehrotra, - Rajkot ¾ E-POSTER 100 [FP706] Cataract
—————————————————————————— Intra-Cameral Antibiotics Is Really Necessary.
¾ E-POSTER 91 [FP588] Cataract Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. R B Goyal, G04911 - Jaipur
Visual Outcome in Eyes with Posterior Capsular Rup- ——————————————————————————
ture During Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) ¾ E-POSTER 101 [FP956] Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vijay Pratap Singh Tomar, Effect of Power Used in Phacoemulsification Surgery
T12925. Co-Authors: Dr. Deepali L Velani, Dr. Anusha Pawar, on Corneal Endothelium
Dr. Aakanksha Raghuvanshi, - Hardoi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sangeeta Shisode. Co-Au-
—————————————————————————— thors: Dr. Khaire Bhaskar Shankerrao, - Aurangabad
¾ E-POSTER 92 [FP85] Cataract ——————————————————————————
Risk Factor for Pseudophakic Retinal Detachment in Era ¾ E-POSTER 102 [FP776] Cataract
of Phacoemulsification Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) or
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Meenakshi Wadhwani, Phacoemulsification (PE) in Brunescent Cataract: Whats
W10817. Co-Authors: Dr. Varun, Dr. Pradeep Venkatesh, - Better
New Delhi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Partho K Bakshi, B11513.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Debasish Bhattacharya, Dr. Ayan Mohanta,
¾ E-POSTER 93 [FP275] Cataract Dr. Arup Bhaumik, - Kolkata
Is Ultrasonography Essential Before Surgery in Eyes with ——————————————————————————
Advanced Cataracts? ¾ E-POSTER 103 [FP1656] Cataract
Chief Author: Dr. Rathore M K, R05728. Presenting Author: Effect of Intravenous Midazolam on Patient’s Visual Ex-
Dr. Jatin Garg, G16739. Co-Authors: Dr. Eva Tirkey, Dr. perience During Topical Phacoemulsification
Shashi Jain (Agarwal) , Dr. Shivcharan Lal Chandravanshi, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Hemal Vinod Kenia. Co-
- Rewa Authors: Dr. Rengaraj Venkatesh, Dr. Sabyasachi Sengupta,
—————————————————————————— - Pondicherry
¾ E-POSTER 94 [FP283] Cataract ——————————————————————————
Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Monocular Patients ¾ E-POSTER 104 [FP412] Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Smita Anand, A14553. Co- Various Innovative Techniques in Secondary Intraocular
Authors: Dr. Haripriya Aravind, Dr. Madhu Shekhar, - Madurai Lens Implantation in Aphakia.
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kashyap Patel, P16784. Co-
¾ E-POSTER 95 [FP438] Cataract Authors: Dr. Parth Kalyani, Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah,
Novel Technique for Laser Posterior Capsulotomy in Dr. Shreya Shah, - Gandhinagar
Capsular Bag Distension Syndrome ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Raminder Singh, S11718. ¾ E-POSTER 105 [FP338] Cataract
Co-Authors: Dr. Satish Chadha, - Mohali Clinical Features and Visual Outcome in Case of
—————————————————————————— Endophthalmitis Following Manual Small Incision Cata-
¾ E-POSTER 96 [FP165] Cataract ract Surgery
Cataract Surgery in Thin/ Perforated Cornea Using Ex- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ashit Hasmukhlal Shah,
ternal Tamponade S08841. Co-Authors: Dr. Ruchir Mehta, Dr. Kashyap Patel,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sandeep, G9011. Co-Au- Dr. Parth Kalyani, - Ahmedabad
thors: Dr. Namrata Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Sinha, Dr. Shikhar ——————————————————————————
Gaur, - Pune ¾ E-POSTER 106 [FP89] Cataract
—————————————————————————— In the Bag Decentration of Hydrophilic Acrylic IOL in
¾ E-POSTER 97 [FP667] Cataract Patient with Tendency for Hypertrophic Scar
Association and Correlation of Nd: Yag Laser Posterior Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajesh Subhash Joshi,
Capsulotomy with Raised Intraocular Pressure J06677 - Nagpur
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sharad Dogney. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr. Avinash Sinha, Dr. Rakesh Shakya, - Chitrakoot
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 125 [FP254] Cataract E-POSTER 1 [FP294] Community / Social Ophthalmology
Comparison of Rates of Posterior Capsular Opacifica- Culling the Clog- Various Modalities for Diabetic Retin-
tion with Square Edged Pmma and Foldable IOLs opathy Screening.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Trupti M Solu, S11140. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Natarajan S, N02460. Co-
Authors: Dr. Sayantan Bhattacharya, Dr. Saurabhkumar Authors: Dr. Purva Valvekar, Dr. Juhi Garg, Dr. Divya Gupta,
Patel, Dr. Pathik Baravaliya, - Surat - Mumbai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 126 [FP153] Cataract ¾ E-POSTER 2 [FP916] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
Study of Incidence of Posterior Capsular Opacification ogy
with Square Edged Pmma and Foldable IOLs Efficacy of Tno Cards As A Screening Test for Visual
Chief Author: Dr. Trupti M Solu, S11140. Presenting Au- Problems in Children
thor: Dr. Sayantan Bhattacharya, B16042. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Antony Arokiadass B. Co-
Trupti M Solu, Dr. Saurabhkumar Patel, Dr. Pathik Baravaliya, Authors: Dr. Tanuja Britto, Dr. C A Nelson Jesudasen, -
- Surat Trichy
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 127 [FP1672] Cataract ¾ E-POSTER 3 [FP1097] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
Delayed Capsular Bag Distension Syndrome: Manage- ogy
ment and Follow Up of A Case Visual Fitness in Public Vehicle Drivers
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kalyan Das, K07123. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mahathi Vankireddi,
Authors: Dr. Harsha Bhattacharjee, - Guwahati M16224. Co-Authors: Dr. Tarakeswara Rao Attada, Dr. V V
—————————————————————————— Lakshmi Narasimha Rao, Dr. Krishna Prasad Pallem, -
¾ E-POSTER 128 [FP1311] Cataract Anantapur
Cnvm Secondary to Angioid Streaks Treated with ——————————————————————————
Bevacizumab - Long Term Results and Recurrence ¾ E-POSTER 4 [FP999] Community/Social Ophthalmol-
Chief Author: Dr. Hari Narayan Prasad, P12272. Present- ogy
ing Author: Dr. Renuka Sarwate, S14960. Co-Authors: Dr. Kap Study on Glaucoma Among the Nurses in A Rio in
Lekha T, Dr. Jay Shah, - Coimbatore Eastern India
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kshirabdhi Tanaya Sahoo.
¾ E-POSTER 129 [FP1603] Cataract Co-Authors: Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, Manjula Pradhan, Dr.
A Case Report of Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy Namrata Majhi, - Cuttack
(PBK) : Self Resolving Miracle ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Himadri Patel. Co-Authors: ¾ E-POSTER 5 [FP1262] Community/Social Ophthalmol-
Dr. Ekta Patel, Dr. Hemali Patel, Dr. Rajni Sethia, - ogy
Ahmedabad Eye Care on Wheels-Innovative Pilot Project to Provide
—————————————————————————— Surgical Eye Care at Patients’ Doorstep
¾ E-POSTER 130 [FP652] Cataract Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajesh P S. Co-Authors: Dr.
Epidemiology of Paediatric Cataract in Western Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam, Dr. S S Badrinath, Dr. Sheila
Rajasthan, A Retrospective Study. John, - Chennai
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma, ——————————————————————————
S01901. Co-Authors: Dr. Amit Mohan, - Aburoad ¾ E-POSTER 6 [FP1448] Community/Social Ophthalmol-
—————————————————————————— ogy
E-POSTER 131 [FP58] Cataract A Study of Ocular Manifestations in Patients with Hiv
Seasonal Incidence of Iris Prolapse After Cataract Sur- Infection and Co-Relation with Cd4 Cell Counts
gery. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ravindra Kumar. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ashwattha Shetty, S15395. thors: Prof.Kamaljeet Singh, Dr. S P Singh, - Allahabad
Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs) Nupur Chakravarthy, - Mumbai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 7 [FP1474] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
E-POSTER 132 [FP1422] Cataract ogy
Comparative Response to Ivb and Ivta in Macular Edema Pattern of Corneal Transplantation Surgeries in Con-
Secondary to Brvo secutive 500 Eyes in Eastern Zone of India.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prakhar Singhai. Co-Au- Chief Author: Dr. Anil Kumar. Presenting Author: Dr.
thors: Dr. Nitin Nema, - Harda Ghanta Anil Kumar, G07445. Co-Authors: Dr. Richa
—————————————————————————— Shrivastava, Dr. Debjani Mishra, Dr. Kail Shankar Das, -
E-POSTER 133 [FP1652] Cataract Kolkata
Unilateral Intermediate Uveitis in Association with Mixed ——————————————————————————
Connective Tissue Disease (Mctd) ¾ E-POSTER 8 [FP1574] Community/Social Ophthalmol-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Himadri Patel. Co-Authors: ogy
Dr. Hemali Patel, Mr.Vivan Dipan Desai, Dr. Ekta Patel, - Pattern of Uveitis in A Referral Eye Centre in South West-
Ahmedabad ern India
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr. Padmamalini Mahendradas, M10328.
Presenting Author: Dr. Sanket Bhatnagar, B16754. Co-Au-
thors: Dr. Ankush Kawali, Dr. Shetty Bhujang K, - Bangalore
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 25 [FP1280] Community / Social Ophthal- ¾ E-POSTER 33 [FP1018] Community / Social Ophthal-
mology mology
Quality of Life in Amd Prevalence of Various Types of Glaucoma in Indore
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prakash Chipade, C14867. Population.
Co-Authors: Dr. Vikram Nakhate, Dr. Vijay Shetty, Dr. Suhas Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Porwal, P09569. Co-
Haldipurkar, - Thane Authors: Dr. Rajesh Sadhria, - Belgaum
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 26 [FP774] Community / Social Ophthalmol- ¾ E-POSTER 34 [FP1133] Community / Social Ophthal-
ogy mology
Red Eye in Spring-Summer Season Diagnsis Is Not Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Preschool Chil-
Granted dren’s Blindness Among Aww Under Icds Scheme
Chief Author: Dr. Pankaj Choudhary, C08132. Presenting Chief & Presenting Author: Manjula Pradhan. Co-Authors:
Author: Dr. Amit Amb, A16850. Co-Authors: Dr. Amit Amb, Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, Dr. Nanda Prasanta Kumar, Dr.
Dr. Rathore M K, Dr. Dwivedi P C, - Rewa Kshirabdhi Tanaya Sahoo, - Cuttack
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 27 [FP850] Community / Social Ophthalmol- ¾ E-POSTER 35 [FP1282] Community / Social Ophthal-
ogy mology
Profile of Monocular Blindness Among the Geriatric Psychological Aspects and Role of Counselling in
Population in East India: Hospital Based Study Chronic Ocular Inflammatory Disorders.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Indranil Saha. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mayur Moreker, M10281.
Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, Dr. Rath Indrani, Dr. Nanda Prasanta Co-Authors: Mr.Amitkumar R Vyas, Mr.Nivesh K Tiwari, Dr.
Kumar, - Cuttack Shilpa R Moreker, - Mumbai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 28 [FP917] Community / Social Ophthalmol- ¾ E-POSTER 36 [FP411] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
ogy ogy
Visual Problems in Cerebral Palsy To Estimate Willingness to Pay for Cataract Surgery
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Tanuja Britto. Co-Authors: Among People ?50 Years in Tribal Area of Surat.
Dr. Antony Arokiadass B, Dr. C A Nelson Jesudasen, - Trichy Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohan Chariwala, C16207.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Uday Ranchhoddas Gajiwala, Dr. Sheetal
¾ E-POSTER 29 [FP1635] Community / Social Ophthal- P Chaudhari, Dr. Shaheen Shah, - Mandvi
mology ——————————————————————————
Ocular Morbidity in Leprosy Patients with ¾ E-POSTER 37 [FP182] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
Lagophthalmos in A Tertiary Health Care Institute ogy
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Archana Rath, R14992. Co- Utility of Low Vision Services for Blind School Students.
Authors: Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, - Puri Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anupam Sahu, S11832. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal, Dr. Sumeet Malhotra, Dr.
¾ E-POSTER 30 [FP1445] Community / Social Ophthal- Ipshita Aparajita Nanda, - Raipur
mology ——————————————————————————
Ocular Morbidity Status of Children in Blind Schools in ¾ E-POSTER 38 [FP176] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
Allahabad and in the Vicinity of Allahabad. ogy
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sushank Bhalerao, B15515. School Eye Screening Camps,How School Staff Serv-
Co-Authors: Dr. Mahesh Tandon, Dr. S P Singh, Dr. ices May Be Utilized.
Shraddha Dwivedi, - Allahabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. R B Goyal, G04911. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Swati Tomar, Dr. Chinmay Sanghavi, Dr. Chhavi
¾ E-POSTER 31 [FP787] Community / Social Ophthalmol- Jindal, - Jaipur
ogy ——————————————————————————
Toxic Ocular Manifestations in Carpenters ¾ E-POSTER 39 [FP565] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sayali Pradhan, P15930. ogy
Co-Authors: Dr. Jeena Maria Mascarenhas, - Chembur, Demographic and Corneal Tissue Profile of Eye Donars
Mumbai of Community Eye Bank in South Gujarat
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sonalika Dubey. Co-Authors:
¾ E-POSTER 32 [FP1160] Community / Social Ophthal- Dr. Falguni S Mehta, Dr. Rupam Janak Desai, Dr. Jigisha
mology Randeri, - Chitrakoot
Ocular Morbidity Among Children Referred Through ——————————————————————————
Rbsk at A Tertiary Care Centre in Rural Haryana E-POSTER 40 [FP62] Community / Social Ophthalmology
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sumita Sethi Gulati, S09823. Prevalence of Different Ocular Conditions in Government
Co-Authors: Dr. Keerti Mundey, Dr. Mridu Chaudhry Grover, School Children of Slum Areas in Bijapur City,Karnataka
- Delhi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Tripti Choudhary, C16809.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Vallabha K, - Bangalore
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 41 [FP387] Community / Social Ophthalmology E-POSTER 50 [FP1237] Community / Social Ophthalmol-
A Modified Rapid Assessment of Visual Impairment ogy
(RAVI) Survey in Surat District of Gujarat State A Comprehensive Study on Eye Care Services Related
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohan Chariwala, C16207. Patient Satisfaction in Urban Kerala
Co-Authors: Dr. Uday Ranchhoddas Gajiwala, Dr. Sheetal Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jithin Raj. Co-Authors: Dr. T
P Chaudhari, Dr. Chintan Dholakia, - Mandvi P Ittyerah, Dr. Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V
—————————————————————————— Pulikkal, - Pathanamthitta
E-POSTER 42 [FP522] Community / Social Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Impact of Volume on Surgically Induced Astigmatism E-POSTER 51 [FP96] Community / Social Ophthalmology
Outcome in Manual SICS. To Study Correlation of Socioeconomic Factors with Age
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Atif Anwar, A13806. Co- Related Cataract.
Authors: Dr. Ranjit Maniar, Dr. Bhudhendra Kumar Jain, Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Professor. (Col) Rajendra
Mrinmoy Das, - Kolkata-16 Prasad Gupta, G03008. Co-Authors: Dr. Vinod Kumar
—————————————————————————— Baranwal, - Ahmednagar
E-POSTER 43 [FP736] Community / Social Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Profile of Cornea Donors in A Tertiary Care Hospital in E-POSTER 52 [FP481] Community / Social Ophthalmology
Eastern Zone of India. Are Topical Steroids Really Needed in Acute Viral Con-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Richa Shrivastava, R16296. junctivitis?
Co-Authors: Dr. Ghanta Anil Kumar, - Kolkata Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shrikant Deshpande,
—————————————————————————— D13199 - Kharghar
E-POSTER 44 [FP963] Community / Social Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Barriers to Utilization of Cataract Surgery Services in E-POSTER 53 [FP520] Community / Social Ophthalmology
Eye Camps The Impact of Volume on Cataract Surgery Visual Out-
Chief Author: Dr. (Mrs) Lavanya G Rao, R04954. Present- come.
ing Author: Rajani Devi Jampala. Co-Authors: Dr. Sulatha Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Atif Anwar, A13806. Co-
V Bhandary, Dr. Krishna Addoor Rao, Dr. Meena Thotakura, Authors: Dr. Bhudhendra Kumar Jain, Dr. Ranjit Maniar, Dr.
- Manipal Moreker Sunil Ratilal, - Kolkata-16
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 45 [FP808] Community / Social Ophthalmology E-POSTER 54 [FP296] Community / Social Ophthalmology
Refractive Status of School Going Children Aged Be- Comparative Evaluation of Different Diagnostic Tools in
tween 10 - 15 Years in Dibrugarh Town, Assam. Diagnosis and Screening of Diabetic Retinopathy
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mehzabeen Rahman, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajiv Kumar Gupta, G10160
R15795. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs) Bhanu Devi, - Dibrugarh - Ramgarh
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 46 [FP143] Community / Social Ophthalmology E-POSTER 55 [FP281] Community / Social Ophthalmology
Modified Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey Operation Green Sight- A Lions Initiative
(Ciss) in Diamond Workers Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divyesh P Shah, S05237.
Chief Author: Dr. Priti Kapadia Gupta, P07581. Presenting Co-Authors: Dr. Vedang Shah, Dr. Manisha Shah, Dr. Ashish
Author: Dr. Aghariya Nasim, A16078 - Surat Kumar Bichpuria, - Kolkata
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 47 [FP1014] Community / Social Ophthalmol- E-POSTER 56 [FP88] Community / Social Ophthalmology
ogy No More Mature Cataract Who Says Time to Wake Up
Distribution of Intraocular Pressure in Indore Popula- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shekhar H Mankad, M04976
tion Using Rebound Tonometry. - Indore
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Porwal, P09569. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. Rajesh Sadhria, - Belgaum E-POSTER 57 [FP225] Community / Social Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— Knowledge, Attitude & Practice of Trematode-Induced
E-POSTER 48 [FP1555] Community / Social Ophthalmol- Uveitis Among Residents in the Kaveri River Bed.
ogy Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vedang Shah, S13997. Co-
Perceptions of Urban Literates Regarding Ocular Disor- Authors: Dr. Rathinam Sivakumar R, Dr. Manisha Shah, -
ders Madurai
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ricky Vinay, B11757. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. Vinay Prasad, - Himatnagar E-POSTER 58 [FP678] Community / Social Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— To Study the Complication in Already Compromised Eye
E-POSTER 49 [FP1410] Community / Social Ophthalmol- (CASES) and There Management.
ogy Chief Author: Dr. Mangilal Garg, G09869. Presenting Au-
Ocular Disorders in Bpl Patients of Patna District Com- thor: Dr. Satish Sharma. Co-Authors: Dr. Mangilal Garg,
ing for Cataract Surgery in A Govt Hospital Dr. Chandraker A K, Dr. Nidhi Pandey, - Raipur
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anita Ambastha. Co-Au- ——————————————————————————
thors: Dr. Gyan Bhaskar, Dr. Varsha, Dr. Rakhi Kusumesh,
- Patna
E-POSTER 59 [FP600] Community / Social Ophthalmology ¾ E-POSTER 7 [FP542] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
To Study the Endophthalmitis in Pseudophakic Eye in Efficacy of Red Lens in Improving Color Perception
Terms of Cause, Duration & Time of Presentation Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Dattakiran Joshi, J06117.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mangilal Garg, G09869. Co- Co-Authors: Dr. Sqn Ldr (Dr) Avadhesh Oli, Dr. Santosh
Authors: Dr. Mangilal Garg, - Raipur Kumar, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 60 [FP615] Community / Social Ophthalmology ¾ E-POSTER 8 [FP211] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Self Inflicted Corneal Injury in A Young Patient Ocular Manifestations of Venomous Snake Bite Over One
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vimal Krishna Rajput, Year Period in A Tertiary Care Hospital
R14200 - Vasco-Da-Gama Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vivek Praveen Kumar K,
—————————————————————————— K15430. Co-Authors: Dr. Renuka Srinivasan,
E-POSTER 61 [FP23] Community / Social Ophthalmology Praveenkumarseth¾Gmail Com, - Nellore Dist
Reaching the Unreached ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Arun Sethi, S03199 - New ¾ E-POSTER 9 [FP953] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Delhi Ocular Changes in Patients with End Stage Renal Dis-
—————————————————————————— ease Undergoing Maintenance Haemodialysis
E-POSTER 62 [FP292] Community / Social Ophthalmology Chief Author: Dr. Naishadh. Presenting Author: Dr. Anjana
Want to Catch Tuberculosis - Peep Into the Eyes: A Case
Devi Rudra Warrier, R14248. Co-Authors: Dr. Rose V
Report and Review of Literature Pulikkal, Dr. Prakash V S, - Kochi
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Upma Awasthi. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr. Perwez Khan, - New Delhi E-POSTER 10 [FP1197] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Ocular Manifestation of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Man-
¾ E-POSTER 1 [FP32] Comprehensive Ophthalmology agement Protocols
Mr Fix-It: Glue in Ophthalmic Surgery Chief Author: Dr. Prashant Ghorpade. Presenting Author:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Santanu Mitra, S03757 - Dr. Chhaya A Shinde. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs) Potdar Nayana
Howrah Anil, - Auangabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 2 [FP242] Comprehensive Ophthalmology ¾ E-POSTER 11 [FP1327] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Gene Therapy-A New Hope in Ophthalmology Ocular Sarcoidosis: A Study of Clinical Profile in Terti-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ankit Soni, S13539 - ary Eye Care Centre of Eastern India.
Varanasi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manjunatha S. Co-Authors:
—————————————————————————— Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, Dr. Pradeep Nandi, Dr. Anita Misra,
¾ E-POSTER 3 [FP1208] Comprehensive Ophthalmology - Cuttack
Evaluation of Anterior Segment Parameters Made Easy ——————————————————————————
Using Pentacam Scheimpflug Imaging in Adults ¾ E-POSTER 12 [FP1453] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Patel Bhavin Kumar. Co- Corneal Collagen Cross Linking As An Effective Aid to
Authors: Dr. Patel Chaitalkumar Ratilal, Dr. Swati Tomar, Medical Therapy in Refractory Corneal Ulcer.
Dr. Sanjeev Verma, - Narayanpet Chief Author: Prof.Anita Panda. Presenting Author: Dr.
—————————————————————————— Sasikala Nindra Krishna, S12982. Co-Authors: Dr. Sasikala
¾ E-POSTER 4 [FP1283] Comprehensive Ophthalmology Nindra Krishna, Dr. Anita Panda, - Delhi
Prevalence of Vision Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy ——————————————————————————
in Hospitalized Patients: A Comparative Study ¾ E-POSTER 13 [FP846] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Chief Author: Dr. Anamika Dwivedi, D12778. Presenting Magnitude & Profile of Ocular Manifestations in Intrac-
Author: Dr. Sujata Lakhtakia, L10398. Co-Authors: Dr. ranial Tumors, Among Patients in East India
Dwivedi P C, Dr. Pankaj Choudhary, Dr. Charudatt Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Indranil Saha. Co-Authors:
Chalisgaonkar, - Rewa Dr. Rath Indrani, Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, - Cuttack
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 5 [FP1636] Comprehensive Ophthalmology ¾ E-POSTER 14 [FP836] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Analyze the Efficacy of Yellow Tinted Spectacles in Im-
Evaluation of Occular Manifestations in Different Stages
proving the Night Vision Efficacy in Volunteer of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) -East Odisha
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pradeep Kumar, K12927. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amrita Mohanty. Co-Authors:
Co-Authors: Dr. (Maj) Shankar Sandeep, Dr. Santosh Kumar, Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, Dr. Anita Misra, Dr. Manjunatha S, -
Dr. Poninder Kumar Dogra, - Tezpur
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 6 [FP1339] Comprehensive Ophthalmology ¾ E-POSTER 15 [FP172] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Utility of Nidek Autorefractokeratometer (Nidek Ark -1) Assessment of Aqueous Penetration of 0.5%
As A Screening Tool for Patient Selection for Toric Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride After Topical Administration
Intraocular Lense Chief Author: Dr. Manjunath Kamath M, M04996. Present-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ranjana Kumar, K11057.
ing Author: Dr. Trisha Sharma, S16556. Co-Authors: Dr.
Co-Authors: Dr. Verma Niteshwar Prasad, Dr. Akhaury Gurudutt Mulky Kamath, Dr. Rajesh Nayak, Dr. Susan
Ranjan Kumar, - Patna Dsouza, - Mangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 7 [FP540] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 16 [FP830] Cornea
Effect of Accelerated Corneal Collagen Cross Linking Agreement and Comparison of Anterior Segment Param-
on Endothelial Cell Count eters on Three Scheimpflug Devices
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Meenal Lohia, L14593. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vishal Arora, A13843. Co-
Authors: Dr. Vipul Bhandari, Dr. Jagadeesh Kumar Reddy Authors: Dr. Rohit Shetty, Dr. Mathew Kurian, - Gurgaon
K, - Gwalior ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 17 [FP845] Cornea
¾ E-POSTER 8 [FP1351] Cornea Outcomes of Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Profile of Microbial Keratitis Post Corneal Collagen (DALK) in Various Indications- An Analysis.
Cross-Linking Chief Author: Dr. Shreesha Kumar K, K10064. Presenting
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Luci Kaweri. Co-Authors: Author: Dr. Nikit Sarwate, S14746. Co-Authors: Dr.
Dr. Rohit Shetty, Dr. Vishal Arora, - Bangalore Ramamurthy D, - Coimbatore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 9 [FP1335] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 18 [FP892] Cornea
Prospective Evaluation of Perilimbal Bulbar Pigmenta- Outcome of Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplant (SLET)
tion in Patients of Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis. for Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD)
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shraddha Sureka, S15944. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vikas Mittal, M08915 -
Co-Authors: Dr. Srikant Sahu, Dr. Sujata Das, Apurva Ambala Cantt
Hardas, - Mumbai ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 19 [FP903] Cornea
¾ E-POSTER 10 [FP1386] Cornea Outcome of Dsek in Congenital Hereditary Endothelial
To Compare Single (S) Versus Multidrug (MD) Therapy Dystrophy (CHED)
Efficacy for Treating Infectious Keratitis (IK) Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vikas Mittal, M08915 -
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manasi Jadhav, J13826. Ambala Cantt
Co-Authors: Dr. Rohit Bang, Dr. Bhaskar Srinivasan, - ——————————————————————————
Mumbai ¾ E-POSTER 20 [FP274] Cornea
—————————————————————————— Title: Tuberculosis: Any Time, Any Size
¾ E-POSTER 11 [FP1437] Cornea Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ashima Grover. Co-Authors:
Oct Guided, Endo-Illuminator Assisted Management of Dr. Revathi Rajaraman, Dr. Anita Raghavan, - Coimbatore
Descemet’s Membrane Detachment. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sushank Bhalerao, B15515. ¾ E-POSTER 21 [FP439] Cornea
Co-Authors: Prof.Kamaljeet Singh, Dr. S P Singh, Dr. Pd Dalk and D-Dalk for Keratoconus
Ravindra Kumar, - Allahabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pratik Chaugule. Co-Au-
—————————————————————————— thors: Dr. Vipul Bhandari, Dr. Jagadeesh Kumar Reddy K,
¾ E-POSTER 12 [FP1556] Cornea Dr. Siddharthan, - Mumbai
Comparative Study of Topical Voriconazole and ——————————————————————————
Natamycin in Treatment of Fungal Keratitis. ¾ E-POSTER 22 [FP733] Cornea
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anoop Mishra, M14646. Co- The Role of Microbiological Assays of Donor Samples
Authors: Dr. Amit Nene, Dr. Lomesh Dnyaneshwar Patil, Dr. in Determining Clinical Outcome in Keratoplasty
Nripendra Kumar Bora, - Bhiwandi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mona Bhargava, B09437.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Anjan Mukherjee, Mr.Soumen Pramanik, -
¾ E-POSTER 13 [FP790] Cornea Kolkata
Study on Re-Infection Following Therapeutic Penetrat- ——————————————————————————
ing Keratoplasty and Management: Over 1000 Cases ¾ E-POSTER 23 [FP1338] Cornea
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nibedita Das, D11893. Co- Clinical & Microbiological Profile of Microsporidial Kera-
Authors: Dr. Samar Kumar Basak, - Kolkata toconjunctivitis in Immunocompetent Cases.
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr. Rohit Bang, B13644. Presenting Author:
¾ E-POSTER 14 [FP907] Cornea Dr. Parag Sawal. Co-Authors: Dr. Manasi Jadhav, Dr. Girish
Cross Linking: Impact of Procedure on Quality of Life in Shiva Rao, - Jalna
People of Indian Ethnicity ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. Mainak Bhattacharyya, M16230. Present- E-POSTER 24 [FP1366] Cornea
ing Author: Dr. Kirti Singh, K04958. Co-Authors: Dr. Mainak Clinicopathological Review of Ocular Surface Squamous
Bhattacharyya, Dr. Abhishek Goel, Dr. Usha Yadava, - Neoplasia (OSSN) In A Tertiary Care Cen
Ghaziabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nandini C. Co-Authors: Dr.
—————————————————————————— Thungappa K S, Dr. Harsha Nagaraja, Dr. Yathish Shivanna,
E-POSTER 15 [FP1058] Cornea - Kolar
Combined Intracameral Perfluoropropane (C3F8) Tam- ——————————————————————————
ponade and Compression Sutures for the Management ¾ E-POSTER 25 [FP1192] Cornea
of Acute Corneal Hydrops To Evaluate Outcomes of Deep Anterior Lamellar Kerato-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bhupesh Singh, S15228. plasty in Children with Advanced Keratoconus
Co-Authors: Dr. Thungappa K S, Dr. Yathish Shivanna, Dr. Chief Author: Dr. Ritu Arora, R04113. Presenting Author:
Rohit Shetty, - New Delhi Dr. Pooja Jain, J16450. Co-Authors: Dr. Goyal J L, Dr. Parul
—————————————————————————— Jain, Dr. Aditi Manudhane, - New Delhi
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 45 [FP1472] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 54 [FP1663] Cornea
Are Keratoconic Patients Really Wearing Their Contact To Present the Outcome of Sub Bowman’s
Lenses? Keratomileusis, in Post Radial Keratotomy (RK) Patient.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Surabhi Dutt, D15595. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ankur Singh. Co-Authors:
Authors: Dr. Umang Mathur, Dr. Manisha Chhabra Acharya, Dr. Amit Gupta, Dr. Rohit Gupta, Dr. Vikash Rohilla, -
- New Delhi Ghaziabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 46 [FP1486] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 55 [FP1666] Cornea
A Retrospective Study of Nocardia Infections After In- Prognosis of Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty for
tra-Ocular Surgery Fungal Keratitis Depending on Graft Diameter
Chief Author: Dr. Umang Mathur, M09253. Presenting Au- Chief Author: Dr. Dilipkumar Govinda Kumre, K13002. Pre-
thor: Dr. Devesh Sharma. Co-Authors: Dr. Abha Gour, Dr. senting Author: Dr. Saket Benurwar. Co-Authors: Dr. Madan
Neelam Sapra, Dr. Manisha Chhabra Acharya, - Noida Ashok Hukumchand, - Nagpur
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 47 [FP1590] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 56 [FP1541] Cornea
Clinical Scenario of Microbial Keratitis in Hiv Patients: Corneoscleral Patch Graft in Perforated Mooren’s Ulcer:
A Tertiary Eye Care Centre Study A Case Series
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Milap Vaghela, V15903. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Moushmi Chaudhari,
Authors: Dr. Murthy Somasheila I, Dr. Swapnali Sabhapandit, C12682. Co-Authors: Dr. Mano Ranjan Das, Dr. Arun Kumar
Dr. Savitri Sharma, - Baroda Panigrahi, - Mumbai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 48 [FP1230] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 57 [FP1416] Cornea
Advanced Pellucid Marginal Corneal Degeneration Anterior Segment Parameter Evaluation in Keratoconus
(PMCD) - Management Options & Normal Eyes Using Sirius Tomography Device
Chief Author: Dr. Ritu Arora, R04113. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jaysheel Nazare, N15333.
Dr. Aditi Manudhane. Co-Authors: Dr. Goyal J L, Dr. Parul Co-Authors: Dr. Satyamurthy K V, Dr. Renuka Rati, - Hubli
Jain, Dr. Pooja Jain, - New Delhi City
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 49 [FP1083] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 58 [FP1450] Cornea
Management of Necrotizing Corneo-Scleral Perforans Evaluation of Contribution of Cornea in Refractive Er-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sudesh Kumar Arya, rors By Corneal Topography
A06388. Co-Authors: Dr. Amit Raj, Dr. Jyoti Deswal, Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Surabhi Ruia. Co-Authors: Dr.
Sunandan Sood, - Chandigarh Poonam Kishore, - Lucknow
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 50 [FP1161] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 59 [FP304] Cornea
Case Series-Protective Eye Gear in Patients with Metal- Microbial Flora of Fungal Corneal Ulcer and Their Drugs
lic Foreign Body Injury in Grinding Occupation Sensitivity and Resistance
Chief Author: Dr. Mihir Trivedi. Presenting Author: Dr. (Mrs) Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Falguni S Mehta, M08814.
Potdar Nayana Anil, P08645. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs) Potdar Co-Authors: Dr. Sonalika Dubey, Dr. Jigisha Randeri, Dr.
Nayana Anil, - Mumbai Rupam Janak Desai, - Navsari
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 51 [FP634] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 60 [FP424] Cornea
Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Autograft Using Corneal Endothelial Changes in Patients with Alcohol
Novel Single Suture Technique Dependence Syndrome
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Harshit Hegde. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Lt Col) Alok Sati, S09925.
Dr. Parmar Gautam Singh, Dr. Sachin Arya, Dr. Ashok Kumar Co-Authors: Dr. (Maj) Shankar Sandeep, Dr. (Lt Col) Ashok
Meena, - Udupi District Jha, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mishra, - Kolkata
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 52 [FP170] Cornea ¾ E-POSTER 61 [FP958] Cornea
Study of Endothelial Cell Density & Central Corneal Bevacizumab for Corneal Neovascularisation in Patients
Thickness of Graft Post Penetrating Keratoplasty Undergoing PKP
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ulka Srivastava, 3553. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sneha A Bhandurge. Co-
Authors: Dr. Ayesha Shaikh, - Indore Authors: Dr. Venugopal V Anitha, Dr. Praneeth Vaddadi, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Radhika P Karkera, - Belgaum
¾ E-POSTER 53 [FP1623] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Collagen Cross Linking with Riboflavin and Ultraviolet E-POSTER 62 [FP1051] Cornea
A Irradiation in Patients with Thin Corneas Evaluation of Phototherapeutic Keratectomy for Corneal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. John Sarkar, S15573. Co- Disorders
Authors: Dr. Mona Bhargava, Dr. Debmalya Das, Dr. Sagar Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jatinder Bali, B09934. Co-
Bhargava, - Shyamnagar Authors: Dr. Anita Panda, Dr. Sasikala Nindra Krishna, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Dada Tanuj, - Delhi
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 81 [FP905] Cornea E-POSTER 90 [FP1310] Cornea
Post-Traumatic Corneal Laceration: Repair Made Easy Comparison of Subconjunctival and Intrastromal Injec-
By Fibrin Glue tion of Bevacizumab in the Treatment of Corneal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Asim Kumar Kandar, Neovascularisation in Cas
K09688 - Puducherry Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Swati Chawla, C16907. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Sandeep Mithal, Dr. Alka Gupta, Dr. Charu
E-POSTER 82 [FP1011] Cornea Mithal, - Delhi
Safety and Efficacy of Corneal Collagen Crosslinking ——————————————————————————
with Riboflavin (C3R) in Progressive Keratoconus E-POSTER 91 [FP1441] Cornea
Chief Author: Dr. Amjad Salman. Presenting Author: Age Related Changes in Corneal Thickness and Endothe-
Bhavatharini M. Co-Authors: Pragya Parmar, Dr. Amjad lial Characterstics
Salman, - Tiruchirapalli Chief Author: Dr. Dharembra. Presenting Author: Dr. Nilay
—————————————————————————— Talsania, T15047. Co-Authors: Dr. Nagesha Chokkahalli
E-POSTER 83 [FP927] Cornea Krishnappa, Dr. Chanchal Poddar, - Silchar
Corneal Collagen Crosslinking: Our Experience ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Radhika P Karkera, L15188. E-POSTER 92 [FP1642] Cornea
Co-Authors: Dr. Venugopal V Anitha, Dr. Meenakshi Is Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Autograft Us-
Ravindran, Dr. Praneeth Vaddadi, - Mumbai ing Auto Sera More Cost Effective Than Autografts with
—————————————————————————— Sutures in Cornea
E-POSTER 84 [FP970] Cornea Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pallavi Joshi, J14456. Co-
Experience of Acanthamoeba Keratitis - A 5 Year Study Authors: Dr. Vidya Naik, - Bangalore
in A Tertiary Eye Care Centre ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. Meena Lakshmipathy, M11855. Present- E-POSTER 93 [FP100] Cornea
ing Author: Hema Joshi. Co-Authors: Dr. Meena Evaluation of Sealability of Ultrashort Pulse Laser Vs
Lakshmipathy, - Chennai Manual Full Thickness Clear Corneal Incisions
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Prof. Dr. Ashok Garg, A03633
E-POSTER 85 [FP1022] Cornea - Hisar
“Autologous Serum” As An Alternative to Fibrin Glue in ——————————————————————————
Pterygium Excision. E-POSTER 94 [FP80] Cornea
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shruti Vipulbhai Gajera. A Study of the Effect of Amniotic Membrane Grafting on
Co-Authors: Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Dr. Reshma Corneal Ulcers
Ramakrishnan, Dr. Priyanka Umesh Patkar, - Navi Mumbai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gayatri Murugan, M13021 -
—————————————————————————— Coimbatore
E-POSTER 86 [FP1026] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Therapeutic Penetrating Keratoplasty (TH PK) -A Surgi- E-POSTER 95 [FP994] Cornea
cal Procedure to Salvage the Eye Recurrent Bouts of Inflammation: An Unusual Present-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Alpa Patel, P16220. Co-Au- ing Manifestation of Ossn
thors: Dr. Satani Dipali Rameshchandra, Dr. Shwetambari Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sushma Poojary, P14566.
Singh, Dr. Amit P Patel, - Vadodara Co-Authors: Dr. Anita Raghavan, Dr. Neha Agarwal, -
—————————————————————————— Coimbatore
E-POSTER 87 [FP1037] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Combined Sutureless Sfiol and Keratoplasty in Bullous E-POSTER 96 [FP909] Cornea
Keratopathy Requiring Lens Implantation Dense Corneal Infiltration: Unexplained Complication of
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sayali Pradhan, P15930. Collagen Cross Linking (CXL)
Co-Authors: Dr. Mano Ranjan Das, Dr. Naresh Babu K, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mainak Bhattacharyya,
Chembur, Mumbai M16230. Co-Authors: Dr. Kirti Singh, Dr. Sonal Dangda, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Ankush Mutreja, - Ghaziabad
E-POSTER 88 [FP1180] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Keratometry, Visual Acuity and Pachymetry Analysis E-POSTER 97 [FP349] Cornea
After Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking Single / Multilayer Amniotic Membrane Transplantation
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nadisha Puri. Co-Authors: in the Treatment of Corneal Perforations
Dr. Srinivas K Rao, Dr. Balamurugan Ramnata, - Chennai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shreya Thatte, T/4915 -
—————————————————————————— Indore
E-POSTER 89 [FP1357] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Limbal Nodules- A Rare Ocular Manifestation of E-POSTER 98 [FP498] Cornea
Wegeners Granulomatosis Comparative Susceptibilities of Bacteria Isolated From
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lekshmi Thankachan. Co- Keratitis and Other Clinical Samples to Tobra
Authors: Dr. Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V Pulikkal, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kaliamurthy. Co-Authors:
Dr. T P Ittyerah, - Kollam Dr. Philip Aloysius Thomas, Dr. Kalavathy Cm, Dr. C A Nel-
—————————————————————————— son Jesudasen, - Trichy
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rachel R G, R16455. Co- opathy in Patient with Cml on Remission.
Authors: Dr. Namitha Bhuvaneswari K, Dr. M R Chitra, - Chief Author: Dr. Gunjan Prakash, G08048. Presenting
Chennai Author: Dr. Bhairavi Raut, B15968. Co-Authors: Dr. Satsangi
—————————————————————————— Saran Kumar, - Agra
E-POSTER 121 [FP824] Cornea ——————————————————————————
“All That Heals Well, Ends Well” A Tale of Neurotrophic E-POSTER 2 [FP391] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
Keratopathy Presenting As A Hypopyon Ulcer Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant for Treatment of
Chief Author: Dr. Lt Col (Mrs) Cynthia Arunachalam, Recalcitrant Diabetic Macular Edema
A04155. Presenting Author: Dr. Soni Soman, S16304 - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sumeet Malhotra, M10562.
Mangalore Co-Authors: Dr. Sumeet Malhotra, Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal,
—————————————————————————— Dr. Neha Sen, - Raipur
E-POSTER 122 [FP1361] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Adult Onset of Xerophthalmia: How to Avoid Delayed E-POSTER 3 [FP599] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
Diagnosis Intravitreal Bevacizumab or Triamcinolone: Which Is
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sujata Dwivedi, D11801 - More Effective in Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) ?
Chandigarh Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Somak Mazumdar, M12941.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Boral Subhendu Kumar, - Kolkata
E-POSTER 123 [FP1103] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Ocular Phenothiazine Toxicity E-POSTER 4 [FP835] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sayali Pradhan, P15930. Association of Systemic Risk Factors with Severity of
Co-Authors: Dr. Jeena Maria Mascarenhas, - Chembur, Hard Exudates in Diabetics of Eastern Odisha
Mumbai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Namrata Majhi, M16124.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, Dr. Kshirabdhi Tanaya
E-POSTER 124 [FP1400] Cornea Sahoo, Dr. Smita Panda, - Cuttack
Effect of Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs in ——————————————————————————
Modifying Dry Eye in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis E-POSTER 5 [FP1528] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Chief Author: Dr. Umang Mathur, M09253. Presenting Au- Retina
thor: Dr. Abha Gour - Noida Fundus Autofluorescence (FAF) During 1 Years of Fol-
—————————————————————————— low-Up in Polypoidalchoroidalvasculopathy (PCV)
E-POSTER 125 [FP750] Cornea Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anubhav Goyal, G12318.
Dramatic Response of Unilateral Peripheral Ulcerative Co-Authors: Dr. Giridhar A, Dr. Mahesh G, Dr. Aditya Modi,
Keratitis (PUK) To A Multidisciplinary Approach - Agra
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sanjana Rao, R16827. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. Niveditha Narayanan, - Chennai E-POSTER 6 [FP1451] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
—————————————————————————— Retina
E-POSTER 126 [FP484] Cornea Predictors of Visual Response to Intravitreal
Rare Presentation of Congenital Unilateral Posterior Bevacizumab for Treatment of Dme.
Keratoconus Chief Author: Dr. Ishan Yadav, Y13491. Presenting Author:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mamatha B, M12896. Co- Sunny Kumar Gupta. Co-Authors: Dr. Mahendra Kumar
Authors: Dr. Rekha Gyanchand, - Bangalore Singh, Dr. Virendra Pratap Singh, Dr. Prashant Bhushan, -
—————————————————————————— Varanasi
E-POSTER 127 [FP244] Cornea ——————————————————————————
Progression of Keratoconus After Treatment with Ultra- E-POSTER 7 [FP896] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
violet A-Riboflavin Collagen Cross-Linking Computer Vision Approach to Diabetic Retinopathy
Chief Author: Dr. Mani Sambhav, S15019. Presenting Au- Screening
thor: Dr. Kumar Sambhav, K13033. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aniruddha Maiti, M11117.
Prabhdev Singh Brar, Dr. Aazambir Singh, Dr. Sunny Goyal, Co-Authors: Dr. Chirag Dilip Bhatt, Dr. Kanika Agrawal, Dr.
- Kotkapura Ratish Chandra Paul, - Kolkata
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 128 [FP72] Cornea E-POSTER 8 [FP490] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
To Report 3 Cases of Stromal Viral Keratitis with De- In-Vivo Assessment of Choroid in Diabetic Retinopathy
layed Response to Topical Steroids. By Sd-Oct
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nida Khan, K16681. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Amrita Verma. Co-Authors: Dr.
Authors: Dr. Prakashchand Agarwal, Dr. V K Saini, Dr. Anjali Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr. Kartikey Kothari,
Sharma, - Bhopal - Raipur
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 9 [FP489] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina E-POSTER 17 [FP1380] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Efficacy of Antivegf and Grid Laser Using End Point Retina
Management (EPM) for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) . Intraocular Pressure Fluctuations Immediately After
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chaitanya Shukla, S16332. Intravitreal Injections of Anti–Vegf.
Co-Authors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr. Chief Author: Dr. Ishan Yadav, Y13491. Presenting Author:
Rajen Mehta, - Rajkot Laxmi Dorennavar. Co-Authors: Dr. Virendra Pratap Singh,
—————————————————————————— Dr. Prashant Bhushan, Dr. Mahendra Kumar Singh, -
E-POSTER 10 [FP570] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Varanasi
Retina ——————————————————————————
Spectral Domain Opticalcoherencetomography (SD- E-POSTER 18 [FP1199] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
OCT) Findings Inpatients with Retinitis Pigmentosa Retina
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shrikant Prasad. Co-Au- Study of Macular Thickness & Threshold Sensitivity in
thors: Dr. Alok Sen, Dr. Ashish Mitra, Dr. Shubhi Tripathi, - Various Stages of Diabeti Retinopathy
Chitrakoot Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Preeti Rawat, R10177. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Nilesh Jaiswal, Dr. Ulka Srivastava, Dr. Shweta
E-POSTER 11 [FP382] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Singh, - Indore
Retina ——————————————————————————
Intravitreal Bevacizumab in Idiopathic Choroidal E-POSTER 19 [FP1559] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Neovascular Membrane: An Eastern India Case Series Retina
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anindya Kishore Majumder, Role of Atorvastatin in Treatment of Clinically Signifi-
M14811. Co-Authors: Dr. Pradeep Kumar Panigrahi, Dr. cant Macular Edema
Kumar Saurabh, Dr. Rupak Roy, - Kolkata Chief Author: Dr. Subina Narang, N06475. Presenting Au-
—————————————————————————— thor: Dr. Anubha Bhatti. Co-Authors: Dr. Subina Narang,
E-POSTER 12 [FP556] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Dr. Sunandan Sood, Dr. Nishita Beke, - Chandigarh
Retina ——————————————————————————
Bilateral and Multiple Branch Retinal Vein Occlusions E-POSTER 20 [FP1554] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
in A Patient of Takayasu’s Arteritis Retina
Chief Author: Dr. Shailaja S, S10654. Presenting Author: Effect of Age & Sex on Oct Measurement of Healthy
Dr. Smita Kapoor. Co-Authors: Dr. Yogish S Kamath, Dr. Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in North Indian Population
Manali Hazarika, Dr. Manjula Ballamudi, - Udupi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Monika Bansal, G16752 -
—————————————————————————— Hanumangarh Junction
E-POSTER 13 [FP592] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 21 [FP1106] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Oral Metronomic Methotrexate in Chronic Cscr– A Pro- Retina
spective Case Series. Comparison of Treatment Modalities of Macular Edema
Chief Author: Dr. Gunjan Prakash, G08048. Presenting Due to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion.
Author: Dr. Bhairavi Raut, B15968. Co-Authors: Dr. Satsangi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Padma Preetha
Saran Kumar, Dr. Surabhi Gupta, Dr. Ujjwal Prakash Jha, - Narendiaran, P15632. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs) P S Maheswari,
Agra Dr. B Chandra Sekharan, Dr. Periyanayagi Muruganantham,
—————————————————————————— - Chennai
E-POSTER 14 [FP989] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 22 [FP885] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Clinical Profile and Outcome of Anti-Vegf Therapy in Retina
Parafoveal Telangiectasia Related Cnvm. Does Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy Predict the Risk
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Jain, J15234. Co-Au- of Cardiovascular Disease? - A Pilot Study.
thors: Dr. Kumar Saurabh, Dr. Sudipta Das, Dr. Rupak Roy, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nidhi Pandey, P07183. Co-
- Mumbai Authors: Dr. Vijaya Sahu, Dr. Chandraker A K, Dr. Jayshree,
—————————————————————————— - Raipur
E-POSTER 15 [FP1090] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 23 [FP278] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Comparative Study of Response of Bevacizumab in Dme Retina
Patients with Controlled and Uncontrolled Hba1c. Phacoemulsification with Intravitreal Bevacizumab in
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rahul Bahekar, B15741. Diabetic Macular Edema and Cataract
Co-Authors: Dr. Dey Ashim Kumar, Dr. Chirag Dilip Bhatt, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sumeet Malhotra, M10562.
Dr. Aniruddha Maiti, - Buldana Co-Authors: Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal, Dr. Samrat Chatterjee,
—————————————————————————— Dr. Ipshita Aparajita Nanda, - Raipur
E-POSTER 16 [FP1615] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 24 [FP1343] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Association Between Serum Uric Acid and Lipid Profile Retina
in Diabetic Retinopathy in Rural Haryana Ischaemic Maculopathy: An Indicator for Diabetic Ne-
Chief Author: Dr. Poonam Aggarwal. Presenting Author: phropathy ? ?
Dr. Sumita Sethi Gulati, S09823. Co-Authors: Dr. Vs Reddy, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sujata Lakhtakia, L10398.
- Sonepat Co-Authors: Dr. Dwivedi P C, Dr. Anamika Dwivedi, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Charudatt Chalisgaonkar, - Rewa
E-POSTER 25 [FP380] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 33 [FP1270] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
Intravitreal Ranibizumab for the Treatment of Scar Re- Is There Is A Decline in the Complications of Diabetes?
lated Cnvm Following Endogenous Endophthalmitis Chief Author: Dr. Gurunadh Satyanarayana Velamakanni,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anindya Kishore Majumder, G03477. Presenting Author: Dr. Bijan Mallick. Co-Authors:
M14811. Co-Authors: Dr. Amitabh Kumar, Dr. Krishnendu Dr. (Col) Ajay Banarji, Dr. (Maj) Shankar Sandeep, Dr. (Lt
Nandi, Dr. Rupak Roy, - Kolkata Col) Alok Sati, - Kakinada
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 26 [FP869] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 34 [FP1353] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
Intravitreal Ranibizumab in Macular Edema with Branch Angiographic Spectrum of Diabetic Maculopathy and Its
Retinal Vein Occlusion. Systemic Associations
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rishendra Singh Sisodiya, Chief Author: Dr. Dwivedi P C, P02505. Presenting Author:
S13144. Co-Authors: Dr. Dolly H Chandra, - Mandsaur (M.P) Dr. Anjul Agarwal. Co-Authors: Dr. Anamika Dwivedi, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Sujata Lakhtakia, Dr. Charudatt Chalisgaonkar, - Rewa
E-POSTER 27 [FP995] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 35 [FP1009] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Efficacy of Bevacizumab in Choroidal Neovascular Mem- Retina
brane Related to Best Disease. “What’s That Bubble? “ - An Unusal Finding Following
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Jain, J15234. Co-Au- Intravitreal Injection.
thors: Dr. Sudipta Das, Swakshyar Saumya Pal, Dr. Rupak Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aneesha Lobo, L14513. Co-
Roy, - Mumbai Authors: Swakshyar Saumya Pal, Dr. Santosh Krishna, - Navi
—————————————————————————— Mumbai
E-POSTER 28 [FP1604] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 36 [FP1710] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Intravitreal Triamcinolone for Diabetic Macular Edema Retina
Not Responding to Bevacizumab Therapy Choroidal Neovascularization Imaging in Haemorrhagic
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bhuvan Chanana, C11372 - Armd – Comparison of Ffa and Icg Angiography
New Delhi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Haimanti Choudhury,
—————————————————————————— C10327. Co-Authors: Dr. Harsha Bhattacharjee, - Silchar
E-POSTER 29 [FP1495] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 37 [FP1617] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Results of Combining Single Dose Triamcinolone with Retina
Avastin in Various Indications of Macular Edema Pulseless and Clueless: Looking Beyond the Eye
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohan Chauhan, C11336 - Chief Author: Dr. Rohit Modi, M12721. Presenting Author:
Ahmedabad Dr. Shalini Butola. Co-Authors: Dr. Umesh Chandra Behera,
—————————————————————————— Dr. Rohit Modi, - Mumbai
E-POSTER 30 [FP1319] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 38 [FP1667] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant in Severe Diabetic Retina
Cystoid Macular Edema. A Retrospective Study- Outcome of Sor Post Diabetic
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Neha Goel, G11782. Co- Vitrectomy.
Authors: Dr. Tushar Sardana, Dr. Ravi Sharma, Dr. Shahana Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Purva Valvekar, V15881.
Mazumdar, - New Delhi Co-Authors: Dr. Saravanan V R, Dr. Saurabh Arora, - Navi
—————————————————————————— Mumbai
E-POSTER 31 [FP1322] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 39 [FP863] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
A Rare Presentationof Exudative Macroaneurysms in Retina
Unilateral Eales’ Disease. Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Different Meth-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manisha Nada, M06368. Co- ods of Posterior Subtenon Steroid Injection
Authors: Dr. Satvir Singh, Dr. Vkdhull, Sumit Qanoongo, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Swati Shrivastava, S16905.
Rohtak Co-Authors: Dr. Charu Mithal, Dr. Sandeep Mithal, Dr. Charu
—————————————————————————— Mithal, - Meerut
E-POSTER 32 [FP1081] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ——————————————————————————
Retina E-POSTER 40 [FP941] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Comparative Study of Intravitreal Triamcinolone and 2 Retina
Doses of Bevacizumab in Diabetic Macular Edema Features of Retinopathy Related to Systemic Lupus Ery-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lubhani Jain, J15635. Co- thematosus (SLE) – A Study.
Authors: Dr. (Mrs) P S Maheswari, Dr. B Chandra Sekharan, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prabhat Nangia, N16925.
Dr. Periyanayagi Muruganantham, - Mumbai Co-Authors: Dr. Biswas Jyotirmay, - Chennai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 41 [FP1248] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 49 [FP1696] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Ocular Changes in Patients with Chronic Kidney Dis-
Patients in Relation to Risk Factors eases
Chief Author: Dr. Varsha Sharadrao Nandedkar, N08843. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ishita Anand, A14233. Co-
Presenting Author: Dr. Vaibhav Popat Awatade - Authors: Dr. Sandhya Makhija, Dr. Neha Chawla, - New Delhi
Aurangabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 50 [FP1084] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
E-POSTER 42 [FP656] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
Retina Central Retinal Artery Occlusion in Moyamoya Disease
Long Term Efficacy & Safety (24 Month’s) of Intravitreal , the Puff of Smoke That Can Blind the Eye.
Ranibizumab in Diabetic Macular Oedema. Chief Author: Dr. Hemalatha B C, H09468. Presenting Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rishendra Singh Sisodiya, thor: Dr. Aditya Maitray. Co-Authors: Dr. Malavika
S13144. Co-Authors: Dr. Dolly H Chandra, - Mandsaur (M.P) Krishnaswamy, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 43 [FP524] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 51 [FP1627] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
A Rare Case of Pseudodoubling of Optic Disc Case Report-Heridiatory Macular Coloboma-Dominant
Chief Author: Dr. Rajani K, R12429. Presenting Author: Dr. Pattern with Oct
Nandini Bothra, B15682. Co-Authors: Mrs.P Devika, Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vivek Som, S09818. Co-
Ajay Kudva, Dr. Asha Achar, - Mangalore Authors: Dr. Vivek Som, - Bhopal
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 44 [FP202] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 52 [FP1348] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
Macro Aneurysm of the Optic Disc Presenting As Vitre- Our Experience in the Management of Retinopathy of
ous Haemorrhage Prematurity (Rop) .
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Srilakshmi Srinivasan, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mary Santhosh, M10647.
S15575. Co-Authors: Dr. Jyoti S Shetty, Dr. Prathibha Hande, Co-Authors: Dr. Krishnaja, - Chennai
- Bangalore ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 53 [FP305] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
E-POSTER 45 [FP383] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
Retina Indications and Outcomes of Intravitreal Triamcinolone
Branch Retinal Arterial Occlusion Following Vitrectomy Acetonide Injection in Macular Oedema
for Premacular Hemorrhage in Retinal Artery Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Smita Anand, A14553. Co-
Macroaneurysm Authors: Dr. Rajiv Kumar, - Madurai
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anindya Kishore Majumder, ——————————————————————————
M14811. Co-Authors: Dr. Debmalya Das, Dr. Sudipta Das, E-POSTER 54 [FP105] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Dr. Rupak Roy, - Kolkata Retina
—————————————————————————— A Rare Case Report: Serous Bilateral Retinal Detach-
E-POSTER 46 [FP1438] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical ment in Toxiemia of Pregnancy
Retina Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nikita Shah, S16009 -
Normative Data Analysis of Macular Thickness in Healthy Mumbai
Eyes Using Spectral Domain Oct ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. Tshering Wangchuk. Presenting Author: E-POSTER 55 [FP547] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Dr. Chanchal Poddar, P15723. Co-Authors: Dr. Chanchal Retina
Poddar, - Silchar Comparison of Intravitreal Bevacizumab Vs Combina-
—————————————————————————— tion of Macular Grid Laser and Bevacizumab in Csme
E-POSTER 47 [FP987] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Chief Author: Dr. Gunjan Prakash, G08048. Presenting
Retina Author: Dr. Ashwini G, G16086. Co-Authors: Dr. Awasthy
To Study the Corelation Between Serum Lipid Profile Neeraj Anand, Dr. Himanshu Kumar Yadav, - Agra
and Diabetic Macular Edema ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kabita Bora Baishya, E-POSTER 56 [FP1271] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
B06135. Co-Authors: Dr. Himanto Nath Hazarika, - Guwahati Retina
—————————————————————————— Risk Factors for Dr: Blood Sugar, Hba1c,
E-POSTER 48 [FP1032] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Microalbuminuria, Serum Magnesium, and Lipid Profile.
Retina Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prerana. Co-Authors: Dr. Mala
A Case of Sickle Cell Retinopathy Anandrao Kamble, Dr. Sachin Daigavane, Dr. Pradeep Sune,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rutul R Patel. Co-Authors: - Jabalpur
Dr. Tejas Himanshu Desai, Dr. Haard Shah, Dr. Pooja ——————————————————————————
Khamar, - Ahmedabad
E-POSTER 57 [FP810] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 65 [FP968] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
Title: Haemorrhagic Retinopathy - A Harbinger of Sev- Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CSCR) – An Optical
eral Systemic Disorders Introduction: Retinopathy Is One Coherence Tomography (OCT) Based Study Study.
of the Earlier S Chief Author: Dr. Shailaja S, S10654. Presenting Author:
Chief Author: Dr. Mary Santhosh, M10647. Presenting Au- Dr. Manali Hazarika, H13513. Co-Authors: Dr. Krishna
thor: Dr. Anandhalakshmi. Co-Authors: Dr. Gayatri S, Addoor Rao, Dr. Kumud Jeswani, Dr. Akshay Sehgal, - Udupi
Ms.Shema Rafeek, - Chennai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 66 [FP1665] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
E-POSTER 58 [FP430] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
Retina A Case of Optic Disc Melanocytoma
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy and Anxiolytics and Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ankit Dilipkumar Shah. Co-
Antidepressants. Authors: Dr. Snehal Nikam, Dr. Jyoti Yadav, Dr. Ashish Ahuja,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vrunda G Morepatil. Co- - Himmatnagar
Authors: Dr. Minu Ramakrishnan, - Mumbai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 67 [FP491] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
E-POSTER 59 [FP875] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina
Retina Response of Macular Edema to Intravitreal Bevacizumab
Diabetes No Longer Leading Cause of Blindness in in Retinal Vein Occlusions.
Adults of Working Age. Thanks to Screening Chief Author: Dr. Reji Koshy Thomas, R06302. Presenting
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Satish Chadha, C14378 - Author: Puneeth Isloor, I16596. Co-Authors: Dr. Suneetha
Kettering N Lobo, Dr. Mary Joseph, Dr. Sonika Porwal, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 60 [FP218] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 68 [FP757] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
Inflammatory Pigmented Paravenous Retinochoroidal Assessment of Ocular Morbidity in Patients with Sys-
Atrophy Associated with Unilateral High Myopia temic Hypertension
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sunita Mohan, M11762. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajashree Prabhu. Co-Au-
Authors: Dr. Natarajan S, - Mumbai thors: Dr. Vijaya Paih, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 61 [FP340] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 69 [FP901] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
Nd-Yag Vitreolysis for Treatment of Chronic Refractory Screening and Treatment Outcomes of Diabetic Retin-
Psedophakic Macular Edema: A Case Report. opathy (DR) in A Non-Governmental Hospital (NGO) .
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Deepak, B13467. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chintan Sarvaiya. Co-Au-
thors: Dr. Rajiv Raman, - Chennai thors: Dr. Banker Alay S, Dr. Shilpi Shah, - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 62 [FP1210] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 70 [FP1091] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Retina Retina
A Rare Case of Ocular Ischemic Syndrome Efficacy and Safety of Intravitreal Bevacizumab in the
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gitanjli Sood, S15136. Co- Treatment of Neovascular Amd.
Authors: Dr. Das Gopal Krushna, Dr. Pramod Kumar Sahu, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Padma Preetha
- Hoshiarpur Narendiaran, P15632. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs) P S Maheswari,
—————————————————————————— Dr. B Chandra Sekharan, Dr. Periyanayagi Muruganantham,
E-POSTER 63 [FP897] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical - Chennai
Retina ——————————————————————————
Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant for Treatment of E-POSTER 71 [FP936] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema. Retina
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chintan Sarvaiya. Co-Au- A Case Report: Unilateral Central Retinal Venous Oc-
thors: Dr. Banker Alay S, Dr. Shilpi Shah, - Ahmedabad clusion in 17 Year Old Girl
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nilay Talsania, T15047. Co-
E-POSTER 64 [FP908] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Authors: Dr. Dharembra, Dr. Nagesha Chokkahalli
Retina Krishnappa, Dr. Chanchal Poddar, - Silchar
Valsalva Retinopathy Unusual Presentation: A Case ——————————————————————————
Report E-POSTER 72 [FP611] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Satish Chadha, C14378 - Retina
Kettering A Unique Presentation of Pregnancy Induced Hyperten-
—————————————————————————— sion
Chief Author: Dr. Mary Santhosh, M10647. Presenting Au-
thor: Dr. Gayatri S. Co-Authors: Ms.Shema Rafeek, Dr.
Anandhalakshmi, - Chennai
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 73 [FP6] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Retina E-POSTER 3 [FP913] External Disease
Hemiretinal Artery Occlusion As A Cause of Sudden Loss Evaluation of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction By
of Vision in An Young Adult Male. Meibography After Cataract Surgery
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Arthi P S, A16339. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vignesh, V16593. Co-Au-
thors: Dr. P P Soundararajan, - Salem thors: Dr. Renuka Srinivasan, - Puducherry
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 74 [FP248] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 4 [FP1072] External Disease
Retina Azithromycin 1.5% V/S Tobramycin 0.3% in Purulent
Role of Intravitreal Bevacizumab in the Treatment of Bacterial Conjunctivitis in Pediatric Population
Macular Edema Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jyoti Prakash Behera. Co-
Chief Author: Dr. Kumar Sambhav, K13033. Presenting Authors: Dr. Nanda Prasanta Kumar, Dr. Sumita Mohapatra,
Author: Dr. Mani Sambhav, S15019. Co-Authors: Dr. Dr. Manjunatha S, - Cuttack
Aazambir Singh, Dr. Prabhdev Singh Brar, Dr. Sunny Goyal, ——————————————————————————
- Kotkapura E-POSTER 5 [FP384] External Disease
—————————————————————————— Evaluation of Dry Eye Status in Diabetes Mellitus
E-POSTER 75 [FP1073] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Akanksha Gupta, F16915.
Retina Co-Authors: Dr. Pradeep Pakalapati, Dr. Neelima Sahu, -
Comparative Evaluation of Effect of Intravitreal Injection Surajpur
of Ranibizumab Versus Bevacizumab in Refractory Dia- ——————————————————————————
betic Macular O E-POSTER 6 [FP1620] External Disease
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Harsha Shejao, S15933. Co- Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus (HZO) -A Prospective Case
Authors: Dr. Krishnendu Sarkar, - Mumbai Series
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ravindra Kumar
E-POSTER 76 [FP983] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical Chowdhury, C10268. Co-Authors: Dr. Jayashree Dora, -
Retina Sambalpur
A Study of Clinical Spectrum of Diabetic Retinopathy ——————————————————————————
Lesions and Their Correlation with the Risk Factors E-POSTER 7 [FP252] External Disease
Chief Author: Dr. Manisha Nada, M06368. Presenting Au- Mgd-Beware of Risk Factor
thor: Dr. Jyoti Kapoor. Co-Authors: Dr. Satvir Singh, Dr. Chief Author: Dr. Kalpana Suresh, K07278. Presenting Au-
Ashok Kumar Khurana, Dr. Dhull Chand Singh, - Rohtak thor: Dr. Anandhalakshmi - Chennai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 77 [FP717] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 8 [FP61] External Disease
Retina A Study to Evaluate the Utility of Testing for Matrix
Unilateral Ocular Toxoplasmosis - A Case Report Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) in Dry Eyes
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Maitrayee Kaman, K15796. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vinod Kumar Baranwal,
Co-Authors: Dr. Jawahar Jyoti Kuli, Dr. Gogoi Rajendra Nath, B06219. Co-Authors: Dr. Atul Gupta, Dr. (Lt Col) Avinash
Dr. Amit Nene, - Dibrugarh Mishra, Professor. (Col) Rajendra Prasad Gupta, - Lucknow
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 78 [FP730] Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical E-POSTER 9 [FP486] External Disease
Retina A Case Report of Aids Induced Lid Sarcoma in A 9 Years
A Case of Anemic Retinopathy Female Child.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pooja Khamar. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prabhakara Sastry
Dr. Tejas Himanshu Desai, Dr. Rutul R Patel, Dr. Haard Shah, Papaganti, P07791. Co-Authors: Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Ahmedabad Jujjavarapu, - Vijayawada
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 1 [FP139] External Disease E-POSTER 10 [FP1324] External Disease
Acute Ocular Manifestations of Stevens Johnson Syn- Bilateral Perforated Lid Ulcer As Initial Presentation of
drome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) Acquired Immunodefeciency Disease Syndrome
Chief Author: Dr. Suneetha N Lobo, L07816. Presenting Chief Author: Dr. Patil Shivanand B. Presenting Author: Dr.
Author: Dr. Sonika Porwal, P16576. Co-Authors: Dr. Mary Khushboo Shah. Co-Authors: Dr. Smitha K S, Dr. Arvind L
Joseph, Puneeth Isloor, Dr. Mohsina Nikhat Mehkri, - Tenagi, Bhagyajyothi B Khanagavi, - Belgaum
Bangalore ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 11 [FP814] External Disease
E-POSTER 2 [FP255] External Disease Computer Vision Syndrome (Cvs) : the Modern Epidemic
Rheumatoid Arthritis-The Ignored Surface!!! Among Computer Professionals.
Chief Author: Dr. Kalpana Suresh, K07278. Presenting Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sayali Pradhan, P15930.
thor: Dr. Ramya Ravindran, R14273 - Chennai Co-Authors: Dr. Roopali Nerlikar, - Chembur, Mumbai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 12 [FP465] External Disease
Multiple Benign Fibrous Histocytoma with Xanthelasma
and Arcus Lipoides: A Case Report
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ashish Kamble, K15777 -
E-POSTER 13 [FP889] External Disease E-POSTER 22 [FP31] External Disease
Fresh Amt for Ocular Surface Disorders: A Review of 45 Corneal Changes Associated with Conjunctival
Cases in Amch,Dibrugarh,Assam. Autografting Surgery for Primary Pterygium
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Nene, N16025. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Santanu Mitra, S03757 -
Authors: Dr. Bharati Sarmah Puzari, Dr. Anoop Mishra, Dr. Howrah
Lomesh Dnyaneshwar Patil, - Thane (W) ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 23 [FP1566] External Disease
E-POSTER 14 [FP1080] External Disease Rhinosporidiosis: A Rare Surprise in Urban Kerala
Comparision of Fibrin Glue with Vicryl for Conjunctival Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amita Nair. Co-Authors: Dr.
Autograft in Pterygium Excision. Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V Pulikkal, - Mumbai
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ayush Sangole. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr. Archana Sunil Nikose, Dr. Sonal Gupta, - Paratwada (Dist- E-POSTER 24 [FP222] External Disease
Amravati) Comparison of Recurrence Rate (RR) of Pterygium Fol-
—————————————————————————— lowing Excision By Three Different Modalities.
E-POSTER 15 [FP1119] External Disease Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bhavesh Makkar, M15353.
Ophthalmic Complications Including Molluscum Conta- Co-Authors: Dr. Himesh Kumar Shah, Dr. Ashish Ahuja, -
giosum and Corneal Scarring in Jobs Syndrome: A Case Varanasi
Report ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shekhar Akarkar. Co-Au- E-POSTER 25 [FP653] External Disease
thors: Dr. Kishore Khade, Dr. Nikhil Kamat, - Ponda Pterygium Excision and Conjunjuctival Autografting
—————————————————————————— Using Diathermy
E-POSTER 16 [FP747] External Disease Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Lt Col) Jyoti Kandagadla,
Prevalence of Risk Factors Associated with Dry Eyes J09015. Co-Authors: Dr. (Lt Col) Jyoti Kandagadla, - Nasik
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aman Khanna, K15766. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. Somil Jagani, Dr. Kunal Patel, - New Delhi E-POSTER 26 [FP596] External Disease
—————————————————————————— Injury Associated with Fire Cracker
E-POSTER 17 [FP708] External Disease Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vaishali Lalit Ooney,
Comparison Between Preoperative and Postoperative V08862. Co-Authors: Dr. Khaire Bhaskar Shankerrao, -
Astigmatism in Pterygium Surgery with Limbal Stem Cell Aurangabad
Grafting. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Richa Shrivastava, R16296. E-POSTER 27 [FP1045] External Disease
Co-Authors: Dr. Ghanta Anil Kumar, - Kolkata Prevalence of Allergic Conjunctivitis in Patients in and
—————————————————————————— Around Patiala
E-POSTER 18 [FP509] External Disease Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gurvir Kaur. Co-Authors:
A Rare Case of Ligneous Conjunctivitis - Case Report Dr. Dharamvir Chalia, Dr. Rajinder Singh, - Patiala
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jebinth Brayan. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr. Yazhini, Dr. D Sunder, - Kanyakumari District, E-POSTER 28 [FP1369] External Disease
—————————————————————————— Management of Extensive Scleral Melting By Sclero
E-POSTER 19 [FP128] External Disease Corneal Patch Graft
A Case of Isolated Conjunctival Rhonosporidiosis in A Chief Author: Prof.Anita Panda. Presenting Author: Dr.
16 Year Old Boy Sasikala Nindra Krishna, S12982. Co-Authors: Dr. Anita
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Madhu Uddaraju, U14383. Panda, Dr. Vanathi M, Dr. Jatinder Bali, - Delhi
Co-Authors: Dr. Prajna N V, Dr. Jeena Maria Mascarenhas, ——————————————————————————
Dr. Santhi R, - Bhimavaram E-POSTER 29 [FP760] External Disease
—————————————————————————— Ocular Manifestations of Hiv
E-POSTER 20 [FP181] External Disease Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohini Godara, G16478 -
Ocular Manifestations in Lipoid Proteinosis- A Rare Clini- Suratgarh
cal Entity, Case Report ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. (Mrs) Sumana J Kamath, K06608. Pre- ¾ E-POSTER 1 [FP241] Glaucoma
senting Author: Dr. Bindu Madhavi Manapragada, M16603. Nail Fold Capillaroscopy By Usb Digital Microscope in
Co-Authors: Dr. Trisha Sharma, - Mangalore Glaucoma: An Innovative and Inexpensive Tool
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sqn Ldr (DR) Avadhesh
E-POSTER 21 [FP1092] External Disease Oli, O13081. Co-Authors: Dr. Dattakiran Joshi, - Bangalore
Case of Conjunctival Cysticercosis,Complete Resolution ——————————————————————————
with Oral Albendazole. E-POSTER 2 [FP698] Glaucoma
Chief Author: Dr. Sabitabh Kumar, S16628. Presenting Au- Dynamic Changes in Asoct Parameters Between Eyes
thor: Dr. Pramod Kumar Sahu, S07579. Co-Authors: Dr. with Primary Angle Closure Disease and Suspect.
Das Gopal Krushna, Dr. Priyanka Dahiya, - New Delhi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sabyasachi Sengupta,
—————————————————————————— S14805. Co-Authors: Dr. Rengaraj Venkatesh, Dr.
Palaniswamy Krishnamurthy, - Chennai
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
Intraocular Pressure & Central Corneal Thickness: A ——————————————————————————
Comparison Between Three Different Tonometers. ¾ E-POSTER 31 [FP533] Glaucoma
Chief Author: Dr. Devendra Maheshwari, M12691. Present- Surgical Versus Medical Management of Primary Open
ing Author: Dr. Ravi Chandra K. Co-Authors: Dr. Rama Angle Glaucoma
Krishnan R, Dr. Arijit Mitra, Dr. Neelam Pawar, - Tirunelveli Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sujata S, S07234. Co-Au-
—————————————————————————— thors: Dr. C A Nelson Jesudasen, Dr. L Sophia, - Tiruchirapalli
E-POSTER 23 [FP816] Glaucoma ——————————————————————————
Changes in Intraocular Pressure After Laser Peripheral ¾ E-POSTER 32 [FP1027] Glaucoma
Iridotomy in Primary Angle-Closure Suspects Disc Damage Likelihood Scale (DDLS) : A Sensitive Tool
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manjula K, K16920. Co-Au- in the Diagnosis and Management of Glaucoma
thors: Dr. Sharmila R, Dr. George Puthuran, - Bangalore Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Valerie Menezes, M15418.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Naik Pradeep Gajanan, - Panjim
¾ E-POSTER 24 [FP770] Glaucoma ——————————————————————————
Clinical Profile and Distribution of Types of Glaucoma ¾ E-POSTER 33 [FP1568] Glaucoma
in Tribal Region of South Gujarat. To Determine Degree of Symmetry of Rnfl Thickness
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sheetal P Chaudhari. Co- Between Right and Left Eyes By Stratus Oct
Authors: Dr. Rohan Chariwala, Dr. Uday Ranchhoddas Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Monika Bansal, G16752 -
Gajiwala, Dr. Archana Chaudhari, - Vyara Dist. Tapi Hanumangarh Junction
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 25 [FP1417] Glaucoma ¾ E-POSTER 34 [FP1618] Glaucoma
Comparative Evaluation of Functional and Structural To Study Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) Thickness
Efficacy of Glaucoma Drainage Device Over Mini Shunt Using Oct in Early Glaucoma
As A Primary Procedu Chief Author: Dr. Mona Deshmukh, D6175. Presenting Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Brig) J K S Parihar, P03560. thor: Dr. Chandan Tiple. Co-Authors: Dr. Madan Ashok
Co-Authors: Dr. Shantanu Mukherji, Prof.Rakesh Maggon, Hukumchand, Dr. Nilesh Gaddewar, Dr. Jayshri Ekhar, -
Dr. Jaya Kaushik, - Delhi Cantt Nagpur
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 26 [FP1577] Glaucoma ¾ E-POSTER 35 [FP1525] Glaucoma
Comparative Evaluation of Rnfl Thickness and Visual Classifying Primary Glaucoma By Isgeo Scheme
Fields in Pacg and Pac Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rekha Raju Khandelwal,
Chief Author: Dr. Jolly Rohatgi, R04070. Presenting Au- K07731 - Nagpur
thor: Dr. Satish Jeria. Co-Authors: Dr. Gupta V P, Dr. Satish ——————————————————————————
Jeria, Dr. Vinod Kumar, - New Delhi ¾ E-POSTER 36 [FP1534] Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— Treatment Profile of Patients with Sturge Weber Syn-
¾ E-POSTER 27 [FP1700] Glaucoma drome (SWS) Having Glaucoma.
Quantitative Assessment of Anterior Chamber Features Chief Author: Dr. Vedang Shah, S13997. Presenting Au-
in Glaucoma Versus Normals Using Pentacam. thor: Dr. Shruti Dheep, D14491. Co-Authors: Dr. George
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Savita Bhat, B10863. Co- Puthuran, - Madurai
Authors: Dr. Anand Deshpande, - Pune ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 37 [FP1243] Glaucoma
¾ E-POSTER 28 [FP27] Glaucoma Comparison of AS-OCT and Ubm for Detection of Nar-
Effect of Aging on Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness row Anterior Chamber Angles
in Normal Asian Indian Eyes: A Longitudinal Study Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Preeti Rawat, R10177. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Tarannum Mansoori, Authors: Dr. Sunil Singhal, Dr. Nilesh Jaiswal, - Indore
M07554 - Secunderabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 38 [FP841] Glaucoma
E-POSTER 29 [FP1293] Glaucoma Correlation of Water Drinking Test (WDT) and Visual Field
Intraocular Pressure After Cataract Surgery: in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG)
Phacoemulsification Vs. Small Incision Cataract Surgery Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Tanuja Kate, T09033. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Palaniswamy Authors: Dr. Rajiv Choudhary, Dr. Navita Mittal, Dr. Jyoti
Krishnamurthy, K13334. Co-Authors: Dr. Rengaraj Singhai, - Indore
Venkatesh, Dr. Sabyasachi Sengupta, - Pondicherry ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 57 [FP793] Glaucoma E-POSTER 66 [FP454] Glaucoma
Glaucoma Field Study: Urban Rural Comparison Unveiling the Occult- An Unusual Case of Leukoaraiosis
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ganesh Gaikwad, G16130. Masquerading As Open Angle Glaucoma.
Co-Authors: Dr. Neha Mithal, Dr. Sandeep Mithal, Dr. Charu Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Abhishek Onkar, O15373 -
Mithal, - Ahmednagar New Delhi
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 58 [FP36] Glaucoma E-POSTER 67 [FP1526] Glaucoma
Corticosteroid Responsiveness in An Indian Population To Study Intraocular Pressure at Same Time on Differ-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anita Ganger, G16342. Co- ent Days By Applanation Tonometer in Normal Eyes
Authors: Dr. Ramanjit Sihota, Dr. Rohit Saxena, Dr. Pradeep Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Moushmi Chaudhari,
Sharma, - Gurgaon C12682. Co-Authors: Dr. Barun Kumar Nayak, - Mumbai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 59 [FP63] Glaucoma E-POSTER 68 [FP1006] Glaucoma
To Study the Normative Data of Optic Nerve Head Using Study of Rnfl Thickness By Oct & Onh Analysis By Hrt
Sd Oct in Normal Young Indian Adults in Patients with Acute Rise of Iop
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nivean M, M12384. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gaurav Relhan, R15979.
thors: Dr. Murali Ariga, Dr. Chalini Madhivanan, Dr. Shruti Co-Authors: Dr. (Brig) J K S Parihar, Dr. Jaya Kaushik, -
Dheep, - Chennai Hisar
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 60 [FP794] Glaucoma E-POSTER 69 [FP873] Glaucoma
A Rare Association of Bilateral Congenital Glaucoma Ahmed Glaucoma Valve Implant for Control of Glaucoma
with Atrial Septal Defect: A Case Series. in A Case of Congenital Aniridia
Chief Author: Dr. Suresh H H, S12533. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Arushi Garg, G15746. Co-
Dr. Nishchitha, N16887. Co-Authors: Dr. Latha C, Dr. Authors: Dr. Ruchi Goel, Dr. Sushil Kumar, - Noida
Sunitha Parameshwara, Dr. Vishnu Vandhana Devi B J, - ——————————————————————————
Bangalore E-POSTER 70 [FP938] Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— Prevalence of Glaucoma in Patients Referred for Cata-
E-POSTER 61 [FP1522] Glaucoma ract Surgery From Rural Screening Camps
Whether Age Is Depending Factor in Performing Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Satendra Kumar. Co-Au-
Humphery Field Analysis . thors: Dr. Neha Mithal, Dr. Sandeep Mithal, Dr. Charu Mithal,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Praveen Talawar, T15701. - Meerut
Co-Authors: Dr. Meena Gopinath Menon, Dr. Ashish Pandey, ——————————————————————————
- Bangalore E-POSTER 71 [FP511] Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— Rare Case of Idiopathic Episcleral Venous Pressure In-
E-POSTER 62 [FP1494] Glaucoma duced Glaucoma.
Socioeconomics of Long Term Glaucoma Therapy in Chief Author: Dr. Yogish S Kamath, K11408. Presenting
India Author: Dr. Kumud Jeswani. Co-Authors: Dr. Shailaja S,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bhagabat Nayak. Co-Au- Dr. Manjula Ballamudi, Dr. Akshay Sehgal, - Karkala
thors: Dr. Dada Tanuj, Dr. Ramanjit Sihota, Dr. Viney Gupta, ——————————————————————————
- Newdelhi E-POSTER 72 [FP11] Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— Severe Periocular Fat Atrophy Following Use of
E-POSTER 63 [FP1276] Glaucoma Bimatoprost 0.03% in A Patient of Primary Open Angle
Study of Contrast Threshold in Glaucoma Patients. Glaucoma: A Case Report.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rutu Niranjankumar Modh. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Saumendra Nath Ghose,
Co-Authors: Dr. Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, Dr. Reema Raval, G11293. Co-Authors: Dr. Tushar Kanti Hazra, Dr. Saurabh
Dr. Kintu Shah, - Palanpur Sanyal, - Kolkata
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 64 [FP1057] Glaucoma E-POSTER 73 [FP527] Glaucoma
Study of Spontaneous Retinal Venous Pulsations in Pri- Unpredictable Complication of Laser Iridotomy
mary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) ,Normal Tension Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Meena Gopinath Menon,
Glaucoma (NTG) and Ocular H M08979. Co-Authors: Dr. Lalitha K J, Dr. Praveen Talawar,
Chief Author: Dr. Sulatha V Bhandary, B11799. Present- - Bangalore
ing Author: Dr. Adsumilli Sindhura Devi. Co-Authors: Dr. ——————————————————————————
(Mrs) Lavanya G Rao, Dr. Krishna Addoor Rao, - Parkala E-POSTER 74 [FP1650] Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— Reduction of Iop and Diurnal Fluctuation with Fixed-
E-POSTER 65 [FP1349] Glaucoma Combination Brimonidine-Timolol Vs Dual Therapy
Two Unusual Complications Following Agv – Ectropion Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Abhinav Loomba, L15173.
Uvea and Ciliary Staphyloma Co-Authors: Dr. Chaitali Patel, Dr. Shrikant Deshpande, -
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vashist Urvish, V08550. Co- Ambala Cantt
Authors: Dr. Vikas Mittal, - Delhi ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
A Case of Subconjunctival Dirofilariasis in Neovascular Efficacy of Brimonidine 0.1% in Terms of Intraocular
Glaucoma Pressure Reduction in Normal Tension Glaucoma
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Arun Rajan, R14269. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shilpa, S11529 - Bangalore
Authors: Dr. Isha Vatsal, - Nagercoil ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 106 [FP59] Glaucoma
E-POSTER 96 [FP541] Glaucoma A Rare Case of Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome.
Congenital Glaucoma: Medically Managed for 12 Years! Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Taranjit Kaur Nar, N13711 -
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nilay Kumar Majumdar, Raigad
M09884. Co-Authors: Dr. Navajyoti Goswami, Dr. Pranab ——————————————————————————
Kumar Chatterjee, Dr. Nidhi Manglik, - Kolkata E-POSTER 107 [FP926] Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— A Diagnostic Dilemma ? ? ?
E-POSTER 97 [FP619] Glaucoma Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Deepanjan Ghosh, G16416
True Exfoliation of Lens Capsule with Chronic Narrow- - Guwahati
Angle Glaucoma: Operative Experience ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nilay Kumar Majumdar, E-POSTER 108 [FP637] Glaucoma
M09884. Co-Authors: Dr. Sayan Das, Dr. Nidhi Manglik, Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Tiwari Uma Sharan, T02934.
Ratish Chandra Paul, - Kolkata Co-Authors: Dr. Harsh Kumar, - Gwalior
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 98 [FP724] Glaucoma ¾ E-POSTER 1 [FP449] Inflammation
A Study of Characteristics of Angle Closure in Males: Clinical Profile and Visual Outcome of Acute Post Cata-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anuradha Chandra, C13847 ract Endophthalmitis in A Tertiary Eye Centre.
- Kolkata Chief Author: Dr. Tanpreet Pal Singh, S13678. Presenting
—————————————————————————— Author: Manoranjan Mahendran. Co-Authors: Navdeep
E-POSTER 99 [FP918] Glaucoma Kaur, - Madurai
Incidence of Glaucoma in A Set of Adult (20 to 40 Years) ——————————————————————————
Indian Patients ¾ E-POSTER 2 [FP1465] Inflammation
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shoruba, D16610. Co-Au- Early Histological Alteration & Inflammation of the Reti-
thors: Dr. Sushma Tejwani, Dr. Rohit Shetty, - Bangalore nal Tissue Cells Following Laser on Sd-Oct
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohan Chauhan, C11336 -
E-POSTER 100 [FP461] Glaucoma Ahmedabad
A Case Series of U/L Progressive Essential Iris Atrophy. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anoop Mishra, M14646. Co- ¾ E-POSTER 3 [FP1532] Inflammation
Authors: Dr. Amit Nene, Dr. Lomesh Dnyaneshwar Patil, - Clinical Profile of Infectious Scleritis
Bhiwandi Chief Author: Dr. Padmamalini Mahendradas, M10328.
—————————————————————————— Presenting Author: Dr. Poornachandra B, P14831. Co-Au-
E-POSTER 101 [FP1469] Glaucoma thors: Dr. Ankush Kawali, Dr. Shetty Bhujang K, - Bangalore
Clinical Profile of Congenital Glaucoma in A Tertiary ——————————————————————————
Hospital in Southern Odisha in A 1 Year Period ¾ E-POSTER 4 [FP440] Inflammation
Chief Author: Dr. Prashant Panda, P12784. Presenting Au-
Postcataract Cluster Endophthalmitis and Outcomes –
thor: Dr. V S N Jyothi Vempati, V16527. Co-Authors: Dr.
7 Years Experience
Subudhi B N R, Dr. Prangya Panda, Dr. Suchitra Panigrahi, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sumeet Malhotra, M10562.
- Bhubaneswar Co-Authors: Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal, Dr. Samrat Chatterjee,
- Raipur
E-POSTER 102 [FP1068] Glaucoma
An Interesting Case of Sturge Weber Syndrome
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. B Kasthuri Balakrishnan,
¾ E-POSTER 5 [FP997] Inflammation
B16847. Co-Authors: Dr. A Nandhini, Dr. Divya Alex, - Endophthalmitis: Microbiological Trends and Drug Sen-
Perambalur sitivity Patterns.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Jain, J15234. Co-Au-
E-POSTER 103 [FP1466] Glaucoma thors: Dr. Kumar Saurabh, Swakshyar Saumya Pal, Dr.
Endothelial Cell Count in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Rupak Roy, - Mumbai
Chief Author: Dr. Tamal Roy, R16924. Presenting Author: ——————————————————————————
Dr. Maitreyi Chowdhury. Co-Authors: Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Daulat Thakur, Dr. Chittaranjan Shaw, - Kolkata
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 24 [FP1224] Inflammation E-POSTER 5 [FP1419] Lacrimal
Outcome of Cataract Extraction with Pciol Implantation Simple Versus Complex Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct
in “Presumed Ocular Tuberculosis” Obstruction
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mayur Moreker, M10281. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Saurabh Kamal. Co-Authors:
Co-Authors: Dr. Sameer G Datar, Dr. (Miss) Karobi Rani Dr. Adit Gupta, Dr. Mohd Javed Ali, Dr. Milind Naik, -
Lahiri, Dr. Anjaneya P Agashe, - Mumbai Faridabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 25 [FP1136] Inflammation E-POSTER 6 [FP1683] Lacrimal
Outcomes of Early Onset Inflammation Following Cata- Spontaneous Expulsion of Lacrimal Gland Ductule
ract Surgery in Tertiary Eye Care, Eastern India Stones By Eyelid Squeezing
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manjunatha S. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shivcharan Lal
Dr. Sumita Mohapatra, Dr. Nanda Prasanta Kumar, Dr. Chandravanshi, C11551. Co-Authors: Dr. Shashi Jain
Amrita Mohanty, - Cuttack (Agarwal) , Dr. Eva Tirkey, Dr. Rathore M K, - Rewa,
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 26 [FP1468] Inflammation E-POSTER 7 [FP1449] Lacrimal
Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid: A Case Report Dry Eye in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy: A
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anoop Mishra, M14646. Co- Clinicocytological Study
Authors: Dr. Amit Nene, Dr. Lomesh Dnyaneshwar Patil, Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Geetika Khurana, G16229.
Pramod Kumar, - Bhiwandi Co-Authors: Dr. Om Prakash, Prof.Rajesh Jain, Dr. Anju
—————————————————————————— Nagar, - Noida
E-POSTER 27 [FP1583] Inflammation ——————————————————————————
Management of Ischemic Necrosis of Sclera in Ptery- E-POSTER 8 [FP1496] Lacrimal
gium Surgery: A Case Report Flap or No Flap in Dcr: A Prospective Study.
Chief & Presenting Author: Pranati Sahu. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ravi Ranjan, R10385. Co-
Subudhi B N R, - Berhampur Authors: Dr. Sudhir Kumar, - Rohtas
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 28 [FP312] Inflammation E-POSTER 9 [FP1659] Lacrimal
Ligneous Conjunctivitis: A Case Report Prevalence of Amblyopia&Amblyopia Risk Factors (ARF)
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Iqra Mushtaq, I16256. Co- In Children with Cnldo Undergoing NLD Probing
Authors: Dr. Spriha Arun, Dr. Jyotsana Kaushal, Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Debarpita Chaudhury,
Yajuvendra Singh Rathore, - Pune C13115. Co-Authors: Dr. Meenakshi Ravindran, Dr. Rama
—————————————————————————— Krishnan R, Dr. Maneksha V, - Tirunelveli
E-POSTER 1 [FP395] Lacrimal ——————————————————————————
Modified Intracystic Implant Technique for Lacrimal E-POSTER 10 [FP494] Lacrimal
Surgeries Under Endoscopic Control. Mini Monoka Monocanalicular Stent: A Tool with Myriad
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prerana Shah, S16785. Co- of Lacrimal Uses
Authors: Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manpreet Singh. Co-Authors:
Dr. Prashant Vasaiya, - Dahod Dr. Usha Singh, Dr. Zoramthara, - Chandigarh
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 2 [FP1424] Lacrimal E-POSTER 11 [FP60] Lacrimal
Masquerades of Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruc- Microbiology and Management Outcomes in Congeni-
tion tal Dacryostenosis
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Saurabh Kamal. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kaustubh Balwant Harshey,
Dr. Adit Gupta, Dr. Mohd Javed Ali, Dr. Milind Naik, - H15166. Co-Authors: Dr. Maneksha V, - Tirunelveli
Faridabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 12 [FP1408] Lacrimal
E-POSTER 3 [FP1404] Lacrimal Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction:
Non-Interventional Computed Tomographic Demographics, Features and Management at Tertiary
Dacryocystography (CT-DCG) Using Iodixanol Drop Centre
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vishalsharma, S12568. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Saurabh Kamal. Co-Authors:
Authors: Dr. Santosh G Honavar, Mr.Balakrishna Vaddepally, Dr. Adit Gupta, Dr. Mohd Javed Ali, Dr. Milind Naik, -
Dr. Sunitha Lingareddy, - Hyderabad Faridabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 4 [FP485] Lacrimal E-POSTER 13 [FP857] Lacrimal
Rhinosporidiosis of Lacrimal Sac in A Tertiary Care Hos- Outcome of External Dcr with Anterior Flap Anastomo-
pital of India-A Retrospective Case Series. sis Without Intubation in Primary Acquired Nldo
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ravindra Kumar Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Mishra. Co-Authors:
Chowdhury, C10268. Co-Authors: Dr. Jayashree Dora, - Dr. Jagdish Wankhade, Dr. Joyeeta Das, Dr. Vikas Tantuway,
Sambalpur - Chitrakoot (Satna)
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 7 [FP398] Neuro Ophthalmology E-POSTER 16 [FP74] Neuro Ophthalmology
Charles Bonnet Syndrome: Seeing the Unseen. Orbital Apex Syndrome Secondary to Sphenoethmoidal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Akshay Nair, N12639. Co- Fungal Rhinosinusitis- Conidiobolus A Rare Cause
Authors: Dr. Rashmin Gandhi, - Mumbai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Neeta Pal, P14699 -
—————————————————————————— Puducherry
E-POSTER 8 [FP115] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Corroborating Responses on Ishihara’s Charts and E-POSTER 17 [FP421] Neuro Ophthalmology
Edridge Green Lantern with Anomaloscope A Study of Neuro Ophthalmic Manifestation and Field
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Punita Kumari Sodhi, Defects in Various Intracranial Tumours
S06682. Co-Authors: Dr. Amit Kumar Chawla, Dr. Anju Chief & Presenting Author: Charanya Chendilnathan,
Rastogi, Dr. Kirti Singh, - New Delhi C16289. Co-Authors: Dr. Siddharam Janti, Dr. Adnan
—————————————————————————— Mohamed Matheen, Dr. Raja A M, - Chennai
E-POSTER 9 [FP104] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Fresnel Prisms in the Management of Diplopia- Our Ex- E-POSTER 18 [FP179] Neuro Ophthalmology
perience Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mrs Damaris Magdalene, Parkinson’s Diseases Using Spectral Domain Oct
M13311 - Guwahati Chief Author: Dr. (Mrs) Shobha G Pai, P06810. Presenting
—————————————————————————— Author: Dr. Bindu Madhavi Manapragada, M16603. Co-
E-POSTER 10 [FP627] Neuro Ophthalmology Authors: Dr. (Mrs) Sumana J Kamath, Dr. Trisha Sharma, -
Survey of Opthalmic Morbidities in Non-Ophthalmic Mangalore
Cancer Patients at A Tertiary Oncology Centre ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Himika Gupta, G11750. Co- E-POSTER 19 [FP726] Neuro Ophthalmology
Authors: Dr. Ramesh Murthy, Dr. Jaiprakash Agarwal, Dr. Rare Case of Steinert Disease
Vidyashankar B, - Nai Mumbai Chief & Presenting Author: Charanya Chendilnathan,
—————————————————————————— C16289. Co-Authors: Dr. Siddharam Janti, Dr. Adnan
E-POSTER 11 [FP265] Neuro Ophthalmology Mohamed Matheen, Dr. Raja A M, - Chennai
Cvt in Polycythemia Vera – Visual Morbidity ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. Suneetha N Lobo, L07816. Presenting E-POSTER 20 [FP226] Neuro Ophthalmology
Author: Dr. Sujani Shroff, S16574. Co-Authors: Dr. Mary Prospective Analysis of Third Nerve Palsy Cases.
Joseph, Dr. Sangeetha Jeganathan, Puneeth Isloor, - Chief & Presenting Author: Miss.Rutika Khadse. Co-Au-
Bangalore thors: Dr. Padmavathy Maharajan, - Tirunelveli
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 12 [FP1033] Neuro Ophthalmology E-POSTER 21 [FP142] Neuro Ophthalmology
Optic Nerve Head & Peripappilary Rnfl Thickness Analy- The Role of Peripapillary Total Retinal Thickness Using
sis By Oct in Nonglaucomatous Optic Atrophies Oct in the Diagnosis of Papilledema
Chief Author: Dr. Gurudutt Mulky Kamath, G02793. Pre- Chief Author: Dr. Mary Joseph, M07034. Presenting Au-
senting Author: Dr. Chanda Sethia, S16555. Co-Authors: thor: Dr. Sonika Porwal, P16576. Co-Authors: Dr. Suneetha
Dr. Susan Dsouza, Dr. Manjunath Kamath M, - Mangalore N Lobo, Dr. Joel Antony Kavalakatt, Dr. Sujani Shroff, -
—————————————————————————— Bangalore
E-POSTER 13 [FP712] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome E-POSTER 22 [FP1110] Neuro Ophthalmology
Chief Author: E S.Sandhya. Presenting Author: Dr. Jyothsna Treatment of Recurrent Anterior Ischemic Optic Neu-
Rajagopalan, R11175. Co-Authors: Dr. Harsha K, - ropathy with Methotrexate.
Bangalore Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Susil Kumar Pani, P05725 -
—————————————————————————— Pondicherry
E-POSTER 14 [FP1144] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Congenital Optic Disc Anomalies and Its Influence on E-POSTER 23 [FP911] Neuro Ophthalmology
Visual Acuity & Field Congenital Oculomotor Apraxia – Can Visual Activities
Chief Author: Dr. Shashi Jain (Agarwal) , A07000. Pre- Help?
senting Author: Dr. Madhubala Gubrele. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sowmya R, S11824. Co-
Rathore M K, Dr. Eva Tirkey, Dr. Shivcharan Lal Authors: Dr. Vidhya C, - Bangalore
Chandravanshi, - Rewa ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 42 [FP912] Neuro Ophthalmology E-POSTER 52 [FP97] Neuro Ophthalmology
Dissociated Vertical Deviation in Superior Segmental Response to Steroid in Tolosa Hunt Syndrome-An Un-
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia-Causal or Association? solved Mystery.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sowmya R, S11824. Co- Chief Author: Dr. Pushpa Varma, 10131. Presenting Au-
Authors: Dr. Rajesh Ramanjulu, - Bangalore thor: Dr. Shweta Singh, S11145. Co-Authors: Dr. Ulka
—————————————————————————— Srivastava, Dr. Preeti Rawat, Dr. Reetika Saxena, - Indore
E-POSTER 43 [FP1594] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Differentiation of True & Pseudo Disc Doubling By In- E-POSTER 53 [FP1593] Neuro Ophthalmology
vestigations & Imaging -A Dilemma and A Mystery Fourth Nerve Palsy and Superior Orbital Fissure Syn-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sunil Brijendra Jain, J07729. drome
Co-Authors: Dr. Kuldeep Srivastava, Shireen Mishra, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pathak Ajay, P02869. Co-
Miss.Gargi Saxena, - Lucknow Authors: Dr. Rohit Gupta, - Faridabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 44 [FP1308] Neuro Ophthalmology E-POSTER 54 [FP1704] Neuro Ophthalmology
A Case Spontaneous Recovery of Traumatic Ophthal- Tuberous Sclerosis Complex with Retinal and Non Reti-
moplegia nal Manifestations
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Swati Gupta, G14944. Co- Chief Author: Dr. Snehal B Kokode. Presenting Author: Dr.
Authors: Dr. Mukesh Sharma, - Jaipur (Mrs) Potdar Nayana Anil, P08645. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs)
—————————————————————————— Potdar Nayana Anil, Dr. Chhaya A Shinde, - Nagpur
E-POSTER 45 [FP1664] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Ophthalmoplegic Migraine A Rare But Important Differ- E-POSTER 55 [FP293] Neuro Ophthalmology
ential Diagnosis to Be Considered Clinical Presentations of Superior Orbital Fissure & Cav-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Arvind Jain M, J15590. Co- ernous Sinus Syndromes
Authors: Prof.Gupta Ramesh Chandra, Dr. Rajnath Singh Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chaithra Dembala Aroor,
Kushawaha, Dr. Mohan Shalini, - Bangalore A14712. Co-Authors: Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Kowsalya
—————————————————————————— Akkayasamy, Dr. Rajesh Konda, - Mangalore
E-POSTER 46 [FP1107] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Interesting Cases of Diplopia- A Case Series. E-POSTER 56 [FP1183] Neuro Ophthalmology
Chief Author: Dr. Ajay Kudva, K15472. Presenting Author: An Interesting Case of Osteopetrosis with Bilateral Op-
Dr. Niharika, T15683. Co-Authors: Mrs.P Devika, Dr. Sudhir tic Atrophy
Hegde, Dr. Asha Achar, - Mangalore Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. B Kasthuri Balakrishnan,
—————————————————————————— B16847. Co-Authors: Dr. A Nandhini, - Perambalur
E-POSTER 47 [FP618] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Case Report: Transient Homonymous Hemianopia As- E-POSTER 57 [FP1447] Neuro Ophthalmology
sociated with Migraine A Case of Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy (TAO)
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nikhil Kamat. Co-Authors: with Exposure Keratitis and Secondary Amenorrhoea
Dr. Shekhar Akarkar, Dr. Kishore Khade, - Margao Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Himanto Nath Hazarika,
—————————————————————————— H06877. Co-Authors: Dr. Dipak Bhuyan, Dr. Das Shubhra,
E-POSTER 48 [FP300] Neuro Ophthalmology Dr. Mayur Dutta Bharali, - Guwahati
Cavernous Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysm Causing ——————————————————————————
Third Nerve Palsy E-POSTER 58 [FP1436] Neuro Ophthalmology
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chaithra Dembala Aroor, Wegeners Granulomatosis: A Rare Cause for Isolated
A14712. Co-Authors: Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Kowsalya Bilateral Abducens Palsy
Akkayasamy, Dr. Rajesh Konda, - Mangalore Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amita Nair. Co-Authors: Dr.
—————————————————————————— Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V Pulikkal, - Mumbai
E-POSTER 49 [FP184] Neuro Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
Glioma of Dorsal Pons Presenting As Acute Esotropia E-POSTER 59 [FP589] Neuro Ophthalmology
Chief Author: Dr. Pramod Kumar Sahu, S07579. Present- Eye As A Window for Thalamic Glioma Diagnosis- A Case
ing Author: Dr. Sumeet Agrawal, A15858. Co-Authors: Dr. Report
Das Gopal Krushna, - New Delhi Chief Author: Dr. Asha Achar, A12428. Presenting Author:
—————————————————————————— Dr. Lakshmi K S, L16911. Co-Authors: Mrs.P Devika, Dr.
E-POSTER 50 [FP150] Neuro Ophthalmology Rajani K, Dr. Ajay Kudva, - Mangalore
Unusual Presentation of Vertical Gaze Palsy in A Case ——————————————————————————
of Thalamic Infarct E-POSTER 60 [FP684] Neuro Ophthalmology
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sonali Rao, R15501. Co- Optic Neuritis Presenting Feature of Demyelinating Dis-
Authors: Dr. Pradeep Addagadde Venkataramana, - orders
Dharwad Chief Author: Dr. Neha Deshpande. Presenting Author: Dr.
—————————————————————————— Mala Anandrao Kamble, K02102. Co-Authors: Dr. Pradeep
E-POSTER 51 [FP73] Neuro Ophthalmology Sune, - Nagpur
Congenital Craniopharyngioma Presenting As Bilateral ——————————————————————————
Blindness in Young Male
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nida Khan, K16681. Co-
Authors: Dr. Anjali Sharma, Dr. Prakashchand Agarwal, Dr.
V K Saini, - Bhopal
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
Clinical Presentation and Management of Ocular Sur- E-POSTER 17 [FP1216] Ocular Pathology
face Squamous Neoplasia (OSSN) Over Three Decades Rare Presentation of Pigmented Squamous Cell Carci-
Chief Author: Prof.Anita Panda. Presenting Author: Dr. noma Involving the Conjunctiva and Cornea
Sasikala Nindra Krishna, S12982. Co-Authors: Dr. Vanathi Chief Author: Dr. Arvind Yakkundi. Presenting Author: Dr.
M, Dr. Jatinder Bali, Dr. Sasikala Nindra Krishna, - Delhi Riddhi Shah, S16595. Co-Authors: Dr. Umesh Harakuni,
—————————————————————————— Dr. Rekha B K Mudhol, Dr. S B Patil, - Belgaum
E-POSTER 8 [FP861] Ocular Pathology ——————————————————————————
Evaluation of Recurrence Rate of Ocular and Adnexal E-POSTER 18 [FP1266] Ocular Pathology
Rhinosporidiosis After Surgical Intervention A Rare Case Report of Tuberous Sclerosis with
Chief Author: Dr. Jagdish Prasad Rout, R10242. Present- Hypopigmentation of Iris
ing Author: Dr. Ratandeep Agrawal. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mala Anandrao Kamble,
Sharmistha Behera, Dr. Gargi Das, Dr. Jayashree Dora, - K02102. Co-Authors: Dr. Ila K Pathak, Dr. Prerana, Dr. Neha
Bargarh Deshpande, - Nagpur
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 9 [FP426] Ocular Pathology E-POSTER 19 [FP235] Ocular Pathology
Ophthalmic Manifestations of Cysticercosis – A 3 Years Unusual Presentation of Ocular Surface Squamous Neo-
Hospital Based Study in Northeast India. plasia
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Hiranmoyee Das, D16233. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sangeetha Jeganathan,
Co-Authors: Dr. Jayanta Kumar Das, - Shillong J12476. Co-Authors: Dr. Reji Koshy Thomas, Dr. Suneetha
—————————————————————————— N Lobo, Dr. Sujani Shroff, - Mangalore
E-POSTER 10 [FP1337] Ocular Pathology ——————————————————————————
Role of Tubercular Infection in Patients of Chronic Al- E-POSTER 20 [FP403] Ocular Pathology
lergic Ocular Surface Disorders. Successful Use of Sclerosants to Treat Orbital Lym-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aarti Kerketta. Co-Authors: phangioma
Dr. Apjit Kaur, - Lucknow Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vidyashankar B, V11442.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Sheetal Bakshi, - Mumbai
E-POSTER 11 [FP134] Ocular Pathology ——————————————————————————
Orbital Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis- A Case Series E-POSTER 21 [FP251] Ocular Pathology
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Maywad, Rare Orbital Vascular Malformations – A Radiomimic !
M15141 - Bhopal Chief Author: Dr. Kalpana Suresh, K07278. Presenting Au-
—————————————————————————— thor: Dr. Vaishnavi Ravi. Co-Authors: Dr. Lily Daniel, -
E-POSTER 12 [FP1612] Ocular Pathology Chennai
Rhabdomyosarcoma: Cause of Bilateral Proptosis Mas- ——————————————————————————
querading Orbital Cellulitis E-POSTER 22 [FP99] Ocular Pathology
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ina Budhiraja, B16566. Co- Clinicopathological Correlations of Parasitic Diseases
Authors: Prof.Gupta Ramesh Chandra, - Yamuna Nagar of the Eye
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Biswas Jyotirmay, B02635
E-POSTER 13 [FP1325] Ocular Pathology - Chennai
Conjunctival Melanoma in A 7 Year Old Child ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rashi Sharma, S14989. Co- E-POSTER 23 [FP1263] Ocular Pathology
Authors: Dr. Biswas Jyotirmay, - Ghaziabad Role of Imaging Modalities in Diagnosing Intraocular
—————————————————————————— Medulloepithelioma
E-POSTER 14 [FP1189] Ocular Pathology Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anjali Kiran, K16753. Co-
A Rare Case of Orbital Metastasis in A Primary Pnet of Authors: Dr. Gupta Roshmi, Dr. Padmamalini Mahendradas,
Calf Muscle Dr. Shetty Bhujang K, - Bangalore
Chief & Presenting Author: Abdul Rahaman Khan D H. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. Sowmya V, Dr. Vijna Kamath, Dr. Nelly E P E-POSTER 24 [FP711] Ocular Pathology
Nazareth, - Davanagere Typical Presentation in An Atypical Age Group–Choroi-
—————————————————————————— dal Melanoma
E-POSTER 15 [FP851] Ocular Pathology Chief & Presenting Author: Mrs.Pooja. Co-Authors: Dr.
The Role of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in the Manage- Mohan Rajan, Dr. Srinila Anil Kumar, Dr. Manoj Khatri, -
ment of Advanced Retinoblastoma Banglore
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sadaf Abbasi, A16273. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. Neelima Mehrotra, - Bareilly
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
—————————————————————————— Tirkey, - Rewa
E-POSTER 3 [FP217] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiology ——————————————————————————
& Prevention of Blindness E-POSTER 11 [FP1070] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol-
Ocular Co-Morbidity Among Cataract Patients in Climatic ogy & Prevention of Blindness
Extremes of Thar Desert: A Pilot Study Use of Mobile Phone Helped Improve Effectiveness of
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Mohan, M11516. Co- Diabetic Retinopathy Management Programme.
Authors: Dr. Manju Gajraj, - Siwan Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kuldeep Dole, D10501. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. (Wg Cdr) .Khurshed M Bharucha, Dr. Kunal
E-POSTER 4 [FP1195] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol- Bhadbhade, Dr. (Col) Madan Deshpande, - Pune
ogy & Prevention of Blindness ——————————————————————————
Smart Phone Adaptor - A Novel Step Towards Low Cost E-POSTER 12 [FP339] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol-
Slit Lamp Photography. ogy & Prevention of Blindness
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nikhil Govindwar. Co-Au- Epidemiological Trends in Blindness - Causes ,Contrib-
thors: Dr. Biswajit Dey, Dr. Santosh Mahapatra, - Cuttack uting Factors and Intervention Strategies.
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr. Bhavana Sharma, S09085. Presenting
E-POSTER 5 [FP310] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiology Author: Dr. Rachna Gupta, G09086. Co-Authors: Dr. Reena
& Prevention of Blindness Anand, Dr. Kavita Kumar, Dr. Salil Kumar, - Bhopal
A Cluster Based Survey for Detection & Elimination of ——————————————————————————
Avoidable Blindness in North Bengal E-POSTER 13 [FP240] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divyesh P Shah, S05237. ogy & Prevention of Blindness
Co-Authors: Dr. Vedang Shah, Dr. Manisha Shah, - Kolkata Scope of Low Vision Aids in Neuro-Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vedang Shah, S13997. Co-
E-POSTER 6 [FP336] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiology Authors: Dr. Ilango K, Dr. Mahesh Kumar, Dr. Soham Basak,
& Prevention of Blindness - Madurai
Virtual Reality Simulation Improves Confidence Level ——————————————————————————
and Surgical Skills in Vitreo Retinal Surgery. E-POSTER 14 [FP358] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anoop Sivaraman. Co-Au- ogy & Prevention of Blindness
thors: Prof.Frank Koch, Dr. Pankaj Singh, Dr. Natarajan S, - Eye Donation Awareness: Knowledge, Attitude and Prac-
Trivandrum tices in Medical and Paramedical Staff
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sneha Agrawal. Co-Authors:
E-POSTER 7 [FP1653] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol- Dr. Rekha Raju Khandelwal, - Nagpur
ogy & Prevention of Blindness ——————————————————————————
Study of 108 One-Eyed Patients (PTS) Who Underwent E-POSTER 15 [FP1148] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol-
Conjunctival Swab (CS) Culture Pre- Operatively. ogy & Prevention of Blindness
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sunil Brijendra Jain, J07729. Make It Large
Co-Authors: Ayaz.Ayaz Ahmad Khan, Jyoti Singh, Umesh Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vandana C Nath, N05284.
Chandra Maurya, - Lucknow Co-Authors: Dr. Viraj Abhayakumar Vasavada, Dr. Vasavada
—————————————————————————— Abhaykumar Raghukant, - Ahmedabad
E-POSTER 8 [FP1473] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol- ——————————————————————————
ogy & Prevention of Blindness E-POSTER 16 [FP445] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol-
Clinical Characteristics of Bilateral Versus Unilateral ogy & Prevention of Blindness
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy Pediatric Cataract Initiative in North Bengal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Umesh Chandra Behera, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divyesh P Shah, S05237.
B10014. Co-Authors: Dr. Rohit Modi, Dr. Shalini Butola, Dr. Co-Authors: Dr. Bandyopadhyay Supratik, Dr. Ashish Kumar
Siddharth Shekhar, - Bhubaneswar Bichpuria, Dr. Vedang Shah, - Kolkata
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 9 [FP937] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiology E-POSTER 17 [FP1596] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol-
& Prevention of Blindness ogy & Prevention of Blindness
New Approach for Public Education in Diabetic Retin- Career Options for Young Ophthalmologists Today
opathy Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vidushi Sharma, S07308.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lokesh Jain, J09551 - Delhi Co-Authors: Dr. Pandey Suresh Kumar, - Kota
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 18 [FP1485] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol- E-POSTER 5 [FP1272] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
ogy & Prevention of Blindness Performance of the Plusoptix S09 Photoscreener for the
Study on Risk Factors in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma Detection of Amblyopia Risk Factors
in A Tertiary Eye Care Center in Eastern India Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Ramesh Zope. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nibedita Sahoo, S15564. Authors: Dr. Jyoti Matalia, Dr. Nirupama Kasturi, Dr. Pratibha
Co-Authors: Dr. Subudhi B N R, - Bhubaneswar Panmand, - Banglore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 19 [FP1692] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol- E-POSTER 6 [FP1714] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
ogy & Prevention of Blindness Comparing Rnfl & Macular Thickness Using Optical
Lacrimal Syringing By Paramedical Staff: Need More Coherence Tomography in Amblyopia
Attentions Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sonai Mukherjee. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shivcharan Lal thors: Dr. Sonu Goel, - Jaipur
Chandravanshi, C11551. Co-Authors: Dr. Shashi Jain ——————————————————————————
(Agarwal) , Dr. Eva Tirkey, Dr. Dwivedi P C, - Rewa, E-POSTER 7 [FP15] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
—————————————————————————— Contact Lenses (CL) for Extreme Ectasia- A Compara-
E-POSTER 20 [FP1613] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol- tive Analysis
ogy & Prevention of Blindness Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jatin Ashar, A12202 -
Overseas Ophthalmology As A Career Choice for Young Mumbai
Ophthalmologists Today ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pandey Suresh Kumar, E-POSTER 8 [FP229] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
P06502. Co-Authors: Dr. Vidushi Sharma, - Kota Prevelance of Astigmatism in Patients Undergoing Cata-
—————————————————————————— ract Operation
E-POSTER 21 [FP95] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiology Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Debashis Dutta, D07662 -
& Prevention of Blindness Kolkata
Vision Centers Key to Control of Blindness in Rural Ar- ——————————————————————————
eas of Bihar E-POSTER 9 [FP947] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vishwa Ratan, V03980. Co- Change in Orthoptic Parameters Following Lasik
Authors: Dr. Vishwa Ratan, Dr. Vishwa Ratan, - Patna Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Antony Arokiadass B. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Tanuja Britto, Dr. Kalavathy Cm, - Trichy
E-POSTER 22 [FP102] Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiol- ——————————————————————————
ogy & Prevention of Blindness E-POSTER 10 [FP977] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
Still Without SICS You Can Not Overcome Backlog of Honey I Totally Changed the Life of A Short Sighty- Con-
Cataract in Community to Prevent Blindness genital Myopia with 20yrs Follow Up.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. R B Goyal, G04911. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prabhakara Sastry
Authors: Dr. Swati Tomar, Dr. Patel Bhavin Kumar, - Jaipur Papaganti, P07791. Co-Authors: Dr. Rajendra Prasad
—————————————————————————— Jujjavarapu, - Vijayawada
E-POSTER 1 [FP887] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens ——————————————————————————
Assessment of Npc in Smartphone Users and Develop- E-POSTER 11 [FP1001] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
ment Binocular Vision Symptoms Amongst Them. Idiosyncratic Topiramate Induced Acute Myopia with
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Yogesh Jibhakate, J14842. Bilateral Choroidal Effusion & Angle Closure
Co-Authors: Dr. Vishakha Wadibhasme, - Bhandara Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Tanuja Britto. Co-Authors:
—————————————————————————— Dr. Antony Arokiadass B, Dr. C A Nelson Jesudasen, - Trichy
E-POSTER 2 [FP906] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens ——————————————————————————
Alterations in Contact Lens (CL) Fitting Parameters Post E-POSTER 12 [FP1209] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
Cross Linking in Keratoconus Factors Determining Stability of Refraction in Diabetics
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mainak Bhattacharyya, on Glycemic Control.
M16230. Co-Authors: Dr. Kirti Singh, Dr. Ankush Mutreja, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jithin Raj. Co-Authors: Dr. T
Dr. Sonal Dangda, - Ghaziabad P Ittyerah, Dr. Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V
—————————————————————————— Pulikkal, - Pathanamthitta
E-POSTER 3 [FP1079] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens ——————————————————————————
Diagnostic Usefulness of Binocular-Photoscreening E-POSTER 13 [FP1695] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
Device in Paediatric Ophthalmology Clinic. Study of Ocular Physiotherapy on Refractive Errors in
Chief Author: Dr. Kaushik Murali, M10521. Presenting Au- School Going Children at Pondicherry
thor: Dr. Vidhya C, C14034. Co-Authors: Ms.Kumari, Ms.Priti Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Susil Kumar Pani, P05725 -
Gupta, - Bangalore Pondicherry
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 4 [FP1178] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens E-POSTER 14 [FP258] Optics / Refraction / Contact Lens
Lens Densitometry Using Pentacam Based Schiempflug Converting Wired-Halogen Indirect Ophthalmoscope (IO)
Imaging System: Normative Data to Futuristic Wireless-Led Io in <1000 Rupees!
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chhavi Jindal. Co-Authors: Chief Author: Dr. Mihir Trilok Kothari, K08617. Presenting
Dr. Swati Tomar, Dr. Prof (Dr) Yogesh Shukla, Dr. Sanjeev Author: Dr. Mihir Kothari. Co-Authors: Ms.Poonam Mota,
Verma, - Faridabad Ms.Snehal Chipade, Dr. Madhusudan Davda, - Mumbai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 1 [FP302] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 11 [FP1491] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Post Traumatic Inferior Dystopia in Young Adults: Clini- Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of Lacrimal Sac- Case
cal Approach and Management Report
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Usha Singh, U05383. Co- Chief Author: Dr. Gautam Paul, P05135. Presenting Author:
Authors: Dr. Natasha Gautam, - Chandigarh Dr. Chanchal Poddar, P15723. Co-Authors: Dr. Nagesha
—————————————————————————— Chokkahalli Krishnappa, Dr. Thakur, Dr. Chanchal Poddar,
E-POSTER 2 [FP1285] Orbit & Oculoplasty - Silchar
Role of Trace Elements and Oxidative Stress in Ocular ——————————————————————————
Surface and Adnexal Neoplasia. E-POSTER 12 [FP815] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Chief & Presenting Author: Khalida Sayeed. Co-Authors: Socket Reconstruction with Oral Mucous Membrane
Dr. Indu, - Lucknow Graft
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anshul Jaiswal. Co-Authors:
E-POSTER 3 [FP865] Orbit & Oculoplasty Dr. Joyeeta Das, Dr. Amit Mishra, Dr. Jagdish Wankhade, -
Polycaprolactone Mesh: A New Material for the Repair Chitrakoot
of “White Eyed Blow Out Fractures” ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Akruti Desai, D15475. Co- E-POSTER 13 [FP998] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Authors: Dr. Bipasha Mukherjee, - Mumbai Multidisciplinary Approach to Orbit and Oculoplastic
—————————————————————————— Cases in A Tertiary Hospital
E-POSTER 4 [FP4] Orbit & Oculoplasty Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Raghuraj S Hegde, H14510.
Total Upper Eyelid Reconstruction with Modified Cutler Co-Authors: Dr. Gangadhara Sundar J K, - Bangalore
Beard Procedure Using Autogenous Ear Cartilage ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Salil Kumar Mandal, E-POSTER 14 [FP1025] Orbit & Oculoplasty
M12531. Co-Authors: Dr. Salil Kumar Mandal, - Calcutta Cosmetic Evaluation of Skin Incision in External
—————————————————————————— Dacrocystorhinostomy
E-POSTER 5 [FP1359] Orbit & Oculoplasty Chief Author: Dr. Rizvi Syed Ali Raza, R09524. Presenting
Hyaluronidase Allergy- A Rare Cause of Post-Operative Author: Dr. Mohammad Saquib. Co-Authors: Dr. Yogesh
Orbital Inflammation? - A Case Series Gupta, Dr. Prof R Maheshwari, - Aligarh
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nirav Raichura, R14436. ——————————————————————————
Co-Authors: Dr. Jaichandran V V, Dr. Saurabh Mistry, Dr. E-POSTER 15 [FP718] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Bipasha Mukherjee, - Mumbai Intralesional Injection of Sclerosant Agent Polidocanol
—————————————————————————— in Cases of Orbital Lymphangioma and Oculopalpebral
E-POSTER 6 [FP352] Orbit & Oculoplasty Cyst.
Congenital Bilateral Punctal, Canalicular and Lacrimal Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Haard Shah. Co-Authors:
Gland Agenesis with Mucocele: A Rare Case Dr. Saurin P Gandhi, Dr. Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, Dr. Arpan
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sheetal Bakshi, B13296. Chawala, - Ahmedabad
Co-Authors: Dr. Himika Gupta, Dr. Vidyashankar B, - Nashik ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 16 [FP1392] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 7 [FP578] Orbit & Oculoplasty To Report A Rare Case of Intraorbital Chondroid Syrin-
Success Rates of Self Retaining Monocanalicular Intu- goma
bation for Canalicular Tear Repair. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Smriti Nagpal, N14987. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Neha Shrirao, S13382. Co- Authors: Dr. Ruchi Goel, Pratima.Dulgach, Dr. Sumit Grover,
Authors: Dr. M Shahid Alam, Dr. Bipasha Mukherjee, - - New Delhi
Chennai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 17 [FP1253] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 8 [FP1077] Orbit & Oculoplasty A Recurrence of Unilateral Lacrimal Gland Enlargement
To Study Refractive Errors & Pattern of Amblyopia in As Kimura’s Disease.
Patients with Simple Congenital Myogenic Ptosis Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anjali Kiran, K16753. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Mrs.Kinjal Agrawal Shah. Co- Authors: Dr. Gupta Roshmi, Dr. Shetty Bhujang K, -
Authors: Dr. Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, Dr. Reema Raval, Dr. Bangalore
Heena P Kalasva, - Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 18 [FP1267] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 9 [FP860] Orbit & Oculoplasty Functional Result and Complications of Frontalis Sling
Oral Propranolol in Capillary Hemangioma of Infancy with Silicone Rod in Simple Congenital Ptosis
(CHI) —An Indian Experience Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shalmali Raut, R15191. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nidhi J Chopra. Co-Authors: Authors: Dr. Maneksha V, Dr. Radhika Reddy Settupalli, Dr.
Dr. Shubhra Goel, Dr. Bipasha Mukherjee, - Lucknow Ashish Bacchav, - Tirunelveli
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 10 [FP1330] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 19 [FP569] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer (RNFL) Thick- Histopathological Analysis of Lacrimal Gland Lesions
ness Profile in Thyroid Ophthalmopathy (TO) Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gautam Lok Darshi, L15233.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kumari Mugdha. Co-Authors: Co-Authors: Dr. Seema Kashyap, Dr. Neelam Pushker, Dr.
Dr. Apjit Kaur, Dr. Sandeep Saxena, - Lucknow Seema Sen, - New Delhi
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 20 [FP374] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 30 [FP716] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Experience with Monocular Elevation Deficiency Syn- Schwartz Jampel Syndrome
drome Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divyaa Dhingra. Co-Authors:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shreya Shah, S12819. Co- Dr. Sujatha Mohan, Dr. Shreyas Ranjit Shah, Mrs.Pooja, -
Authors: Dr. Aarti Chaudhari, Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Haryana
Dr. Prerana Shah, - Dahod ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 31 [FP829] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 21 [FP466] Orbit & Oculoplasty Adenolymphoma of the Lacrimal Gland (Warthin’s Tu-
Clinical Profile and Management of Proptosis mour) - A Very Rare Case Report
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pinto C N, P16930. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Deepanjan Ghosh, G16416.
thors: Dr. Neelam Pushker, Dr. Seema Kashyap, Dr. Seema Co-Authors: Dr. Jawahar Jyoti Kuli, - Guwahati
Sen, - New Delhi ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 32 [FP5] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 22 [FP1108] Orbit & Oculoplasty Viability of Full-Thickness Free Skin Grafts with Cicatri-
A Clinicopathological Correlation of Orbital and Adnexal cial Ectropion of Eyelid in Acid Burn
Tuberculosis in Tertiary Eye Care Centre Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Salil Kumar Mandal, M12531
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rawal Payal Sudhir, R16386. - Calcutta
Co-Authors: Dr. Rashi Sharma, Dr. Bipasha Mukherjee, Dr. ——————————————————————————
Biswas Jyotirmay, - Mumbai E-POSTER 33 [FP883] Orbit & Oculoplasty
—————————————————————————— Ophthalmologist and Radiologist: Independent Yet In-
E-POSTER 23 [FP39] Orbit & Oculoplasty terdependent
Orbital Foreign Bodies: Clinical Profile & Management Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lapam Panda, P15856. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vinod Kumar Baranwal, Authors: Dr. Sidharth Sekhar Mishra, - Bhubaneswar
B06219. Co-Authors: Professor. (Col) Rajendra Prasad ——————————————————————————
Gupta, Dr. (Lt Col) Avinash Mishra, Dr. Santosh Kumar, - E-POSTER 34 [FP584] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Lucknow Efficacy of Autologous Blood As A Fixative for Limbal
—————————————————————————— Conjunctival Autograft in Pterygium Surgery
E-POSTER 24 [FP1575] Orbit & Oculoplasty Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Siddharth Madan, S16243.
A Rare Case of Clear Cell Sarcoma of Kidney Co-Authors: Prof.Rajesh Jain, Dr. Om Prakash, - Gurgaon
Metastasizing to Orbital Bones ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. Lapam Panda, P15856. Presenting Au- E-POSTER 35 [FP557] Orbit & Oculoplasty
thor: Dr. Zahiruddin Khan. Co-Authors: Dr. Suryasnata Effect of Axial Globe Length on Lower Eye Lid Malposi-
Rath, Dr. Zahiruddin Khan, - Bhubaneswar tion (Involutional Ectropion & Entropion)
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ranjan Kumar, K12841. Co-
E-POSTER 25 [FP3] Orbit & Oculoplasty Authors: Dr. Joyeeta Das, Dr. Amit Mishra, Dr. Elesh Jain, -
Prolene Splint for Lid Repair- A New Technique Darbhanga
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Meet Ramani, R12868 - Bhuj ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 36 [FP613] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 26 [FP1542] Orbit & Oculoplasty Orbital Lymphoma Presenting As Optic Neuritis
Prevalence of Dry Eye in Essential Blepharospasm Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vimal Krishna Rajput,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Raj, R12161. Co-Au- R14200 - Vasco-Da-Gama
thors: Dr. Sudesh Kumar Arya, Dr. Jyoti Deswal, - Chandigarh ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 37 [FP580] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 27 [FP1378] Orbit & Oculoplasty Role of Timolol Gel in Infantile Hemangioma
Tessier’s Cleft: A Rare Craniofacial Cleft and A Surgeon’s Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pratheeba Devi J. Co-Au-
Challenge thors: Dr. Nirmala Subramanian, Dr. Nivean M, - Chennai
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Akruti Desai, D15475. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. Nirmala Subramanian, - Mumbai E-POSTER 38 [FP1365] Orbit & Oculoplasty
—————————————————————————— Indications and Outcome of Adjustable Suture Levator
E-POSTER 28 [FP1135] Orbit & Oculoplasty Resection
Recovery of Bell’s Phenomenon After Levator Resec- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Smriti, B15415. Co-Authors:
tion and Correlation with Amount of Resection Dr. Sima Das, - New Delhi
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divya Kishore. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr. Ruchi Goel, Dr. Apoorva A G, Dr. Sparshi Jain, - New E-POSTER 39 [FP1660] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Delhi A Rare Case of Bilateral Clinical Anophthalmia
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr. Janika N Shah. Presenting Author: Dr.
E-POSTER 29 [FP1146] Orbit & Oculoplasty Arjun Ahuja. Co-Authors: Dr. Arjun Ahuja, Dr. Ashish Ahuja,
Intralesional Corticosteroid Injection in the Treatment - Mumbai
of Chalazion ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajesh K P. Co-Authors: Dr. E-POSTER 40 [FP579] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Joyeeta Das, Dr. Amit Mishra, Dr. Jagdish Wankhade, - Acute Childhood Proptosis and Diagnostic Approach.
Chitrakoot Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Neha Shrirao, S13382. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Bipasha Mukherjee, - Chennai
E-POSTER 41 [FP593] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 50 [FP1531] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Management of Adult Amblyopia Lid Retraction with Hypotropia Following Orbitotomy for
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vaishali Lalit Ooney, Orbital Teratoma
V08862. Co-Authors: Dr. Khaire Bhaskar Shankerrao, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sparshi Jain, J14890. Co-
Miss.Neha Rathi, - Aurangabad Authors: Dr. Sushil Kumar, Dr. Smriti Nagpal, Augustus
—————————————————————————— Vivek, - Noida
E-POSTER 42 [FP559] Orbit & Oculoplasty ——————————————————————————
Orbital Adherence Syndrome E-POSTER 51 [FP649] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Akruti Desai, D15475. Co- Unusual and Rare Presentation - Masquerading Orbital
Authors: Dr. Bipasha Mukherjee, - Mumbai Cellulites
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nikita Shah, S16009. Co-
E-POSTER 43 [FP1252] Orbit & Oculoplasty Authors: Dr. Roopa Naik, Dr. Jaineel Gandhi, - Mumbai
Pediatric Idiopathic Orbital Inflammatory Disease (IOID) ——————————————————————————
Simulating Posterior Scleritis. E-POSTER 52 [FP1637] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Prakhar Goyal, G16614. Co- Ophthalmic Presentation and Management in A Case of
Authors: Dr. Tripathy Devjyoti, Dr. Anasua Ganguly, - Traumatic Carotid Cavernous Fistula (CCF)
Bhubaneswar Chief & Presenting Author: Mr.Vivan Dipan Desai. Co-Au-
—————————————————————————— thors: Dr. (Col) (Retd) R N Kothari, Dr. Ruchi H Vala, Dr.
E-POSTER 44 [FP315] Orbit & Oculoplasty Himadri Patel, - Ahmedabad
Cutler-Beard Surgery: A Promising Lid Reconstruction ——————————————————————————
Procedure E-POSTER 53 [FP1698] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Soham Basak, B16308. Co- Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Lacrimal Gland in Paedi-
Authors: Dr. Namrata Gaikwad, Dr. Manisha Shah, Dr. Usha atrics - A Rare Clinical Scenario
R, - Madurai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Leenu Jeris. Co-Authors:
—————————————————————————— Dr. Namrata Gaikwad, Dr. Usha R, - Tirupur
E-POSTER 45 [FP745] Orbit & Oculoplasty ——————————————————————————
Orbital Lymphangioma: Different Management Strate- E-POSTER 54 [FP1687] Orbit & Oculoplasty
gies Filariasis of the Eyelid: A Case Report
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rutul R Patel. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Syeed Mehbub Ul Kadir.
Dr. Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, Dr. Saurin P Gandhi, Dr. Arpan Co-Authors: Dr. Md Gulam Haider, - Dhanmondi
Chawala, - Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 55 [FP1607] Orbit & Oculoplasty
E-POSTER 46 [FP1552] Orbit & Oculoplasty Rare Case of Spontaneous Indirect Carotid Cavernous
Outcome of Amniotic Membrane Transplantation for Fistula
Ocular Surface Reconstruction in Symblepharon. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bhramaramba Banagar. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chawla Urmil, C06868. Co- Authors: Dr. Prakash Suranagi, - Ranebennur
Authors: Dr. Joginder Pal Chugh, Dr. Ashok Kumar Khurana, ——————————————————————————
Dr. Reena Gupta, - Rohtak E-POSTER 56 [FP538] Orbit & Oculoplasty
—————————————————————————— Outcome of Tarsal Fracture Operation in Cicatricial En-
E-POSTER 47 [FP1543] Orbit & Oculoplasty tropion
Post Evisceration Lymphoma: A Rare Case Report Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Narendra Patidar. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Smriti, B15415. Co-Authors: thors: Dr. Joyeeta Das, Dr. Amit Mishra, Dr. Vikas Tantuway,
Dr. Sima Das, - New Delhi - Chitrakoot
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 48 [FP854] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 57 [FP168] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Analysis of Histopathological Reports of Ocular & Peri- A Rare Ocular Presentation of Disseminated Tuberculo-
ocular Mass in Our Hospital in 4month Duration sis As Subconjunctival Cyst
Chief & Presenting Author: Mrs.Kinjal Agrawal Shah. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Punita Kumari Sodhi,
Authors: Dr. Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, Dr. Reema Raval, Dr. S06682. Co-Authors: Dr. Usha Yadava, Dr. Sonal Dangda,
Rutu Niranjankumar Modh, - Ahmedabad Dr. Ankush Mutreja, - New Delhi
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 49 [FP1115] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 58 [FP253] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Management of A Case of Lateral Ptosis with Entropion An Unusual Presentation of M6 Type of Aml
As Sequelae of Regressed Capillary Hemangioma Chief Author: Dr. Kalpana Suresh, K07278. Presenting Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Pratima.Dulgach. Co-Authors: thor: Dr. Gayatri S - Chennai
Dr. Ruchi Goel, Dr. Divya Kishore, Dr. Apoorva A G, - New ——————————————————————————
Delhi E-POSTER 59 [FP346] Orbit & Oculoplasty
—————————————————————————— Eyelid Pseudotumour –An Atypical Presentation
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sheetal Bakshi, B13296.
Co-Authors: Dr. Vidyashankar B, - Nashik
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 60 [FP1175] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 70 [FP752] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Modified Canthoplasty: One of the Method to Treat Ex- Sinonasal Carcinoma Masquerading As Orbital Celluli-
posure Keratitis tis
Chief Author: Dr. Umesh Harakuni, H11340. Presenting Chief Author: Dr. Yogish S Kamath, K11408. Presenting
Author: Dr. Jaideep Singh Popli, P16557. Co-Authors: Dr. Author: Dr. Manjula Ballamudi. Co-Authors: Dr. Manali
Riddhi Shah, Dr. S B Patil, - Belgaum Hazarika, Dr. Deepak Ranjan Naik, Dr. Rajashree Prabhu, -
—————————————————————————— Karkala
E-POSTER 61 [FP1681] Orbit & Oculoplasty ——————————————————————————
Mangement of Coloboma of Eyelid - A Simplified Tech- E-POSTER 71 [FP1639] Orbit & Oculoplasty
nique Management of Complicated Traumatic Blepharoptosis
Chief Author: Dr. Chawla Urmil, C06868. Presenting Au- with Frontalis Sling Surgery: A Case Report
thor: Dr. Ashok Kumar Khurana, K02985. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chawla Urmil, C06868. Co-
Neebha Anand, Dr. Reena Gupta, - Rohtak Authors: Dr. Ashok Kumar Khurana, Dr. Neebha Anand, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Reena Gupta, - Rohtak
E-POSTER 62 [FP1482] Orbit & Oculoplasty ——————————————————————————
A Case of Frozen Orbit Due to Invasive Aspergillosis E-POSTER 72 [FP1371] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anita Kumari. Co-Authors: Title- Compound Naevus Managed with Pentagonal Ex-
Dr. Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V Pulikkal, - Kochi cision-A Case Report.
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manisha Singh. Co-Authors:
E-POSTER 63 [FP1510] Orbit & Oculoplasty Dr. Spriha Arun, Dr. Yajuvendra Singh Rathore, - Pune
Myriad Presentations of Pigmented Nevi of Eyelids and ——————————————————————————
Adnexa E-POSTER 73 [FP1442] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Chief Author: Dr. Ravindra Mohan E, M08886. Presenting Orbital Cysticercosis: Diagnosis and Management.
Author: Dr. Arthi Dwarakanath, D13389 - Chennai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kanchan R Sainani, S16079.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Saroj Sahdev, - Mumbai
E-POSTER 64 [FP245] Orbit & Oculoplasty ——————————————————————————
Recurrence After Pterygium Surgery Using Limbal Con- E-POSTER 74 [FP950] Orbit & Oculoplasty
junctival Autograft A Rare Case Report From A Non Endemic Area.
Chief Author: Dr. Aazambir Singh. Presenting Author: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Abhilasha Alone, A16718.
Kumar Sambhav, K13033. Co-Authors: Dr. Mani Sambhav, Co-Authors: Dr. Jayagayathri Rajagopalan, Dr. Dayakar
Dr. Prabhdev Singh Brar, Dr. Sunny Goyal, - Faridkot Yadalla, Dr. Romana Fazal, - Thavalakuppam
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 65 [FP1662] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 75 [FP662] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Radio-Frequency – A New Ray of Cosmetic Surgery Use of Modified Kuhnt Zymanowski Procedure for Se-
Chief Author: Dr. Gautam Paul, P05135. Presenting Author: vere Ectropion
Dr. Chanchal Poddar, P15723. Co-Authors: Dr. Nagesha Chief Author: Dr. Umesh Harakuni, H11340. Presenting
Chokkahalli Krishnappa, - Silchar Author: Dr. Jaideep Singh Popli, P16557. Co-Authors: Dr.
—————————————————————————— Shivanand Bubanale, Dr. Riddhi Shah, - Belgaum
E-POSTER 66 [FP192] Orbit & Oculoplasty ——————————————————————————
Congenital Lamellar Icthyosis Ocular Manifestations- E-POSTER 76 [FP590] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Case Report Crouzon Syndrome Case Report- An Ophthalmologist’s
Chief Author: Dr. Priyansha Multani, M13874. Presenting Role
Author: Dr. Himabindu Marthala, H16881. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief Author: Dr. Rajani K, R12429. Presenting Author: Dr.
(Mrs) Sumana J Kamath, Dr. Bindu Madhavi Manapragada, Lakshmi K S, L16911. Co-Authors: Mrs.P Devika, Dr. Sudhir
Dr. Chanda Sethia, - Panchkula Hegde, Dr. Rajani K, - Mangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 67 [FP404] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 77 [FP314] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Effect of Orbital Tumors and Different Types of Apert’s Syndrome: A Case Report
Orbitotomies on Extraocular Motility and Diplopia Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Spriha Arun, S16257. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Shah.Sapan. Co-Authors: Dr. Authors: Dr. Jyotsana Kaushal, Dr. Iqra Mushtaq, Dr.
Arpan Chawala, Dr. Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, - Ahmedabad Yajuvendra Singh Rathore, - Pune
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 68 [FP1346] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 78 [FP166] Orbit & Oculoplasty
To Report Rare Presentation of Ocular Cysticercosis Crouzon’s Syndrome: A Case Report.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Swati Gupta, G14944. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jyotsana Kaushal, K16631.
Authors: Dr. Mukesh Sharma, - Jaipur Co-Authors: Dr. Iqra Mushtaq, Dr. Spriha Arun, - Pune
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 69 [FP1008] Orbit & Oculoplasty E-POSTER 79 [FP227] Orbit & Oculoplasty
Z Plasty with Upper Lid Reconstruction in A Post Trau- Petechial Hemorrhage- A Clinical Sign of Superficial
matic Cicatricial Ectropion in A Young Girl Foreign Body of Conjunctiva
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gyan Bhaskar, B07871. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gaurav Jain, J16829. Co-
Authors: Dr. Ambasta Anita, Dr. Himanshu Kumar, Dr. Vinit Authors: Dr. G C Jain, - Bikaner
Kumar, - Patna ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 1 [FP783] Pediatric E-POSTER 10 [FP1109] Pediatric
Study of Rop As Per National Neonatology Forum Clini- To Assess the Reliability of Plusoptix Autorefractometer
cal Practice Guidelines of 2010 Machine in Children
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Snehal Rhishikesh Thakre, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nirzari Shah, S13300. Co-
T08423 - Aurangabad Authors: Dr. Jitendra Nenumal Jethani, Dr. Paaraj Dave, -
—————————————————————————— Mumbai
E-POSTER 2 [FP423] Pediatric ——————————————————————————
Changes in Corneal Endothelium Morphology & Cct in E-POSTER 11 [FP1226] Pediatric
Pediatric Cataract Surgery with IOL Using 2% Hpmc Retinal Detachment in Children After Cataract Surgery
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Khushbu Bhattad, B13004. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Varada Gokhale, G13385.
Co-Authors: Dr. Pradhnya Wasule, Dr. Elesh Jain, Dr. Alok Co-Authors: Dr. Sumita Agarkar, Dr. Kavitha Kalaivani, -
Sen, - Chitrakoot, Karwi Nagpur
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 3 [FP429] Pediatric E-POSTER 12 [FP780] Pediatric
Epidemiology of Congenital Eye Malformations in Tribal Outcomes of External Dacryocystorhinostomy with Sili-
Dominated Population in North East India. cone Intubation in Children Less Than 6 Years
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Hiranmoyee Das, D16233. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gorav Jain, J14757. Co-
Co-Authors: Dr. Santanu Deb, Dr. Jayanta Kumar Das, - Authors: Dr. Pradhnya Wasule, Dr. Elesh Jain, Dr. Mahendra,
Shillong - Gwalior
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 4 [FP332] Pediatric E-POSTER 13 [FP348] Pediatric
Innovative Method for Ocular Anaesthesia in Children Normative Optic Disc Analyses of Pediatric Population
for Strabismus Surgeries in India
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ritu Jemini Bhai Pandya, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anjali Israni, A16307. Co-
P16268. Co-Authors: Dr. Nirav Patel, Dr. Mehul Ashvin Authors: Dr. Ruchir Mehta, Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Mehul
Kumar Shah, Dr. Shreya Shah, - Nadiad Ashvin Kumar Shah, - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 5 [FP943] Pediatric E-POSTER 14 [FP561] Pediatric
Rop Incidence and Outcome After Treatment in A Terti- Ocular Manifestations in West Syndrome
ary Care Center in South India Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Siddharth Madan, S16243.
Chief & Presenting Author: Kondapalli.Padmaja. Co-Au- Co-Authors: Mohd Arshad, Prof.Rajesh Jain, Dr. Zia
thors: Dr. Ranjith Kumar Puligadda, - Visakha Patnam Chaudhuri, - Gurgaon
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 6 [FP985] Pediatric E-POSTER 15 [FP508] Pediatric
Sturge Weber Syndrome with Congenital Glaucoma Complications in Bilateral Aphakia Vs Pseudophakia 5
Managing with Primary Agv Long Term Follow Up Years Postoperatively: Randomized,Clinical Trial
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Jaya Kaushik, K12383. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vaishali Abhaykumar
Authors: Dr. (Brig) J K S Parihar, Dr. Shantanu Mukherji, Dr. Vasavada, V11113. Co-Authors: Dr. Vasavada Abhaykumar
Sanjay Kumar Dhar, - New Delhi Raghukant, Dr. Sajani Kalpit Shah, Dr. Mamidipudi
—————————————————————————— Ramakrishna Praveen, - Ahmedabad
E-POSTER 7 [FP988] Pediatric ——————————————————————————
Surgical Outcome of Paediatric Retinal Detachment in E-POSTER 16 [FP571] Pediatric
Central Rural India Analysis and Management of Pediatric Pterygium at
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nishant Tiwari. Co-Authors: Tertiary Eye Care Centre in Central Rural India
Dr. Alok Sen, Dr. Pradhnya Wasule, Dr. Elesh Jain, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Kumar Yadav, Y14379.
Chitrakoot Co-Authors: Dr. Pradhnya Wasule, Dr. Elesh Jain, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Avinash Bagzai, - Chitrakoot
E-POSTER 8 [FP1368] Pediatric ——————————————————————————
Spectrum of Neonatal, Infantile and Paediatric Uveitis – E-POSTER 17 [FP603] Pediatric
A Single Centre Experience From South India How Vigorously Should We Treat Amblyopia in Accom-
Chief Author: Dr. Padmamalini Mahendradas, M10328. modative Esotropia?
Presenting Author: Dr. Payal Shah, S16578. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anupam Sahu, S11832. Co-
Dr. Ankush Kawali, Dr. Anand Vinekar, Dr. Shetty Bhujang Authors: Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal, - Raipur
K, - Bangalore ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 18 [FP1101] Pediatric
E-POSTER 9 [FP1678] Pediatric Comparison of Myopic Shift in Children with Primary
Clinical Profile and Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Versus Secondary Intraocular Lens Implantation
Children with Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Khyati Shah, S13255. Co-
Chief Author: Dr. Sheetal Shirke. Presenting Author: Dr. Authors: Dr. Sumita Agarkar, Dr. Ts Surendran, - Mumbai
Anitha V, A16368. Co-Authors: Dr. Jyoti Matalia, - Mumbai ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 37 [FP725] Pediatric E-POSTER 47 [FP347] Pediatric
Stereopsis in Ametropic Amblyopes To Study Prevalence of Pediatric Disorders.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anuradha Chandra, C13847 Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anjali Israni, A16307. Co-
- Kolkata Authors: Dr. Aarti Chaudhari, Dr. Amisha Jain, Dr. Shreya
—————————————————————————— Shah, - Ahmedabad
E-POSTER 38 [FP602] Pediatric ——————————————————————————
Morphological Types and Early Postoperative Outcomes E-POSTER 48 [FP377] Pediatric
of Congenital Cataract with IOL Implantation Innovative Method for Ocular Anaesthesia in Children
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chandan P Wani. Co-Au- for Eye Surgery
thors: Dr. Rekha Raju Khandelwal, Dr. Amol A Tamhane, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ritu Jemini Bhai Pandya,
Dr. Dhrubojyoti Saha, - Jaipur P16268. Co-Authors: Dr. Nirav Patel, Dr. Mehul Ashvin
—————————————————————————— Kumar Shah, Dr. Shreya Shah, - Nadiad
E-POSTER 39 [FP798] Pediatric ——————————————————————————
Ocular Manifestations of Cerebral Palsy (CP) E-POSTER 49 [FP665] Pediatric
Chief & Presenting Author: Mrs.Manisha Nagpal. Co-Au- Bardet Biedl Syndrome and Atypical Retinitis
thors: Prof.Rajesh Jain, Dr. Zia Chaudhuri, - Sriganganagar Pigmentosa- A Case Series
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr. Arvind L Tenagi, P16323. Presenting Au-
E-POSTER 40 [FP1562] Pediatric thor: Dr. Riddhi Shah, S16595. Co-Authors: Dr. Rekha B K
Nuances of Axenfeld- Reiger Syndrome Mudhol, Dr. Arvind Tenagi, Dr. Shivanand Bubanale, -
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ricky Vinay, B11757. Co- Belgaum
Authors: Dr. Vinay Prasad, - Himatnagar ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 50 [FP195] Pediatric
E-POSTER 41 [FP801] Pediatric Long Term Outcome of Secondary Posterior Chamber
Schwartz-Jampel Syndrome (SJS) A Rare Entity – Case Intraocular Lens Implantation in Paediatric Aphakia
Report Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chandra Sekhar Sahoo,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sooraj Singh Kubrey, S14267. Co-Authors: Dr. Pallovee C Palanisamy, Dr. Veena,
K16107. Co-Authors: Dr. Kavita Kumar, Dr. Reena Anand, Dr. Fredrick Mouttapa, - Cuttack
Dr. Vivek Som, - Bhopal ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 51 [FP1102] Pediatric
E-POSTER 42 [FP1215] Pediatric Scleral Fixated Intraocular Lenses in Paediatric
Safety & Predictability of Primary Intraocular Lens Im- Subluxated Lens Secondary to Ectopia Lentis.
plantation in Children Below 2 Years of Age Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajat Kapoor, K16899. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Varada Gokhale, G13385. Authors: Dr. Vipul Bhandari, - New Delhi
Co-Authors: Dr. Kavitha Kalaivani, - Nagpur ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 52 [FP1125] Pediatric
E-POSTER 43 [FP1563] Pediatric Ocular Status of Children Born Pre-Term: An Analysis
Visual Outcome, Efficacy, and Rotational Stability of of the First Three Years
Toric IOL in Pediatric Cataract Cases Chief Author: Dr. Krishna Addoor Rao, R11696. Present-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vidushi Sharma, S07308. ing Author: Dr. Akshay Sehgal. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs)
Co-Authors: Dr. Pandey Suresh Kumar, - Kota Lavanya G Rao, Dr. Sulatha V Bhandary, Dr. Kumud
—————————————————————————— Jeswani, - Manipal
E-POSTER 44 [FP1131] Pediatric ——————————————————————————
Incidence of Paediatric Ocular Trauma in A Tertiary Eye E-POSTER 53 [FP1201] Pediatric
Care Hospital Outcome of Bilateral Pediatric Cataract Surgery in North
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lakshmi Sativada, L16400. Bengal
Co-Authors: Dr. Tarakeswara Rao Attada, Dr. V V Lakshmi Chief Author: Dr. Ashish Kumar Bichpuria, B16051. Pre-
Narasimha Rao, Dr. Deepika Malladi, - Visakhapatnam senting Author: Dr. Bandyopadhyay Supratik, B09120. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Bandyopadhyay Supratik, Dr. Manisha Madhab,
E-POSTER 45 [FP1039] Pediatric - Katni
To Study the Variation in Contribution of Axial Length ——————————————————————————
and Corneal Curvature to Myopia in Various Age Groups. E-POSTER 54 [FP1255] Pediatric
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Harsha Shejao, S15933. Co- The Factors Responsible for Outcome of Treatment in
Authors: Dr. Neepa Thacker Dave, - Mumbai Refractive and Strabismic Amblyopia
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ruta Parekh. Co-Authors:
E-POSTER 46 [FP768] Pediatric Dr. Vasudha Kemmanu, Dr. Bhanumathi, Dr. Shetty Bhujang
Moebius Syndrome or Not? ? K, - Surat
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. P Swetha. Co-Authors: Dr. ——————————————————————————
Vijayalakshmi P, Dr. Shashikant Shethy, - Madurai E-POSTER 55 [FP1288] Pediatric
—————————————————————————— Surgical Management of Bilateral Aniridia with
Subluxated Lens in Marfan Syndrome.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rakhi Kusumesh, K11392.
Co-Authors: Dr. Tushar Agarwal, - Patna
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 75 [FP376] Pediatric E-POSTER 10 [FP432] Refractive Surgery
Innovative Method for Ocular Anaesthesia in Children Comparison of Anterior Chamber Depth Using Oculyser
for Lacrimal Surgery Ii and Orbscan 2 Systems
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ritu Jemini Bhai Pandya, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mona Bhargava, B09437.
P16268. Co-Authors: Dr. Nirav Patel, Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Co-Authors: Dr. Sagar Bhargava, - Kolkata
Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, - Nadiad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 11 [FP1257] Refractive Surgery
¾ E-POSTER 1 [FP483] Refractive Surgery Asoct Guided Management of Challenging Icl Situations.
Safety & Efficacy of Relex Smile Xtra in Patients with Chief Author: Dr. Goyal J L, G03947. Presenting Author:
Thin Corneas and / Borderline Topography Dr. Aditi Manudhane. Co-Authors: Dr. Ritu Arora, Dr. Parul
Chief Author: Dr. Sri Ganesh, S05250. Presenting Author: Jain, Dr. Pooja Jain, - Noida-Delhi
Dr. Sheetal Brar, B15612 - Bangalore ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 12 [FP1259] Refractive Surgery
¾ E-POSTER 2 [FP553] Refractive Surgery Corneal Higher Order Aberrations After Aspheric Lasik
Icl and Toric Icl Posterior Chamber Phakic IOL in Eyes Treatment
with Keratoconus Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Alpa Patel, P16220. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Puneet Solanki, S15644 - thors: Dr. Dipan Desai, - Vadodara
New Delhi ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 13 [FP1204] Refractive Surgery
¾ E-POSTER 3 [FP1354] Refractive Surgery Evaluation of Retina After 10 Years of Lasik Procedure
Cone Location- A Determinant of Outcomes After Com- in Very High Myopic Eyes
bined T-Prk and Akxl Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shroff Ashok Pranjivandas,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amrita Ajani, A16186. Co- S02064. Co-Authors: Dr. Hardik Shroff, Dr. Dishita Shroff, -
Authors: Dr. Rohit Shetty, Dr. Maneck Nicholson, - Mumbai Navsari
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 4 [FP1571] Refractive Surgery E-POSTER 14 [FP203] Refractive Surgery
Outcome of Implantable Phakic Contact Lens (IPCL) to Comparative Study Between Transepithelial Prk and
Correct Presbyopia Alcohol-Assisted Prk in Treatment of Low Myopia
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vidushi Sharma, S07308. Chief Author: Dr. Sri Ganesh, S05250. Presenting Author:
Dr. Devi M Unnikrishnan, D15303. Co-Authors: Dr. Sathish
Co-Authors: Dr. Pandey Suresh Kumar, - Kota
Prabhu, Dr. Kalpesh H Jain, Dr. Shobha B S, - Bangalore
¾ E-POSTER 5 [FP1035] Refractive Surgery E-POSTER 15 [FP41] Refractive Surgery
Comparison of Corneal Flattening Between Relex Smile Comparative Study of Outcomes of Two Posterior Cham-
and Optimized Lasik in Relation to Optical Zone ber Phakic Intraocular Lenses (PCPIL)
Chief Author: Dr. Sri Ganesh, S05250. Presenting Author:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mukesh Paryani, P16420.
Dr. Akanksha Batra, B16106. Co-Authors: Dr. Sathish Co-Authors: Dr. Darak Ambarish Balkrishna, - Pune
Prabhu, Dr. Kalpesh H Jain, - Bangalore ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 16 [FP952] Refractive Surgery
¾ E-POSTER 6 [FP1221] Refractive Surgery Analysis of First 100 Refractive Surgeries with A 500-Hz
Urretts Zavalia Syndrome Post Phakic Refractive Flying Spot Excimer Laser
Intraocular Lens (PRL) Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rupali Jain. Co-Authors: Dr.
Chief Author: Dr. Goyal J L, G03947. Presenting Author: Bhudhendra Kumar Jain, Dr. Parmar Gautam Singh, Dr.
Dr. Pooja Jain, J16450. Co-Authors: Dr. Ritu Arora, Dr. Parul Ashok Kumar Meena, - Vidisha
Jain, Dr. Richa Agarwal, - Noida-Delhi ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 17 [FP626] Refractive Surgery
¾ E-POSTER 7 [FP531] Refractive Surgery To Compare Outcomes of Visian Staar Icl with Central
Management of Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) Sizing Hole (V4C) with Conventional Lenses (V4B)
Discrepancies with Ultrasound Biomicroscopy. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohit Bang, B13644. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Hema Malini M S, H11631. Authors: Dr. Manasi Jadhav, Dr. Girish Shiva Rao, Dr.
Co-Authors: Dr. Mathew Kurian, Dr. Rohit Shetty, - Bangalore Bhaskar Srinivasan, - Jalna
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 8 [FP636] Refractive Surgery E-POSTER 18 [FP949] Refractive Surgery
Static Cyclotorsion Compensation – Is It Effective in Outcomes of Posterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lens
Lasik? for Moderate to High Myopia
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nisha, S13926. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mukesh Morya. Co-Authors:
Dr. Parmar Gautam Singh, Dr. Ashok Kumar Meena, - Patiala Dr. Parmar Gautam Singh, Dr. Ashok Kumar Meena, Dr.
—————————————————————————— Sachin Arya, - Gwalior
¾ E-POSTER 9 [FP1258] Refractive Surgery ——————————————————————————
Change in K Values in Different Zones of Cornea Fol- E-POSTER 19 [FP904] Refractive Surgery
lowing Lasik Clinical Presentation and Management of Post Lasik
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shroff Ashok Pranjivandas, Fungal Keratitis
S02064. Co-Authors: Dr. Hardik Shroff, Dr. Dishita Shroff, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vikas Mittal, M08915 -
Navsari Ambala Cantt
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 3 [FP1458] Squint E-POSTER 12 [FP910] Squint
The Effect of Botulinum Injection on Quality of Life of Can Latent Hyperopia Present As Acute Onset Comitant
Patients with Non-Traumatic Vi Nerve Palsy Esotropia in Young Adults ?
Chief & Presenting Author: Sonal Bangwal. Co-Authors: Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sowmya R, S11824. Co-
Siddharth Agrawal, - Lucknow Authors: Dr. Kaushik Murali, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 4 [FP233] Squint E-POSTER 13 [FP940] Squint
Novel Treatments of Nystagmus! 1% Brinzolamide Duane Retraction Syndrome Associated with
(AZOPT) Eye Drops Vs Eye Muscle Surgery. Hirschsprung Disease
Chief Author: Dr. Mihir Trilok Kothari, K08617. Presenting Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vashist Urvish, V08550. Co-
Author: Dr. Mihir Kothari. Co-Authors: Ms.Poonam Mota, Authors: Dr. Vikas Mittal, - Delhi
Ms.Snehal Chipade, - Mumbai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 14 [FP817] Squint
E-POSTER 5 [FP1309] Squint Occlusion and Pharmacological Penalization in Amblyo-
Comparison of Large Superior Rectus Recession and pia
Anterior Transposition of Inferior Oblique in Dvd Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Heena P Kalasva. Co-Au-
Chief Author: Dr. Vishaal Bhambhwani. Presenting Author: thors: Dr. Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, Dr. Reema Raval, -
Dr. Shagun Sood, S15040. Co-Authors: Dr. Kartik Rana, Gandhinagar
Dr. Pramod Kumar Pandey, Dr. Meenakshi Chandel, - Delhi ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 15 [FP756] Squint
E-POSTER 6 [FP1374] Squint Operating the Non-Paretic Eye Is the Surgery of Choice
Change in Quality of Life (QOL) After Successful Squint in Aberrant Regeneration of Oculomotor Nerve.
Surgery in Poor Binocular Potential Score (BPS) Chief Author: Dr. Karthikeyan, K09630. Presenting Author:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rolli Khurana. Co-Authors: Dr. Gargi A Shah, S14441. Co-Authors: Dr. Vijayalakshmi
Dr. (Mrs) Vinita Singh, Dr. Siddharth Agrawal, - Lucknow P, Dr. Vrushali Dhamale, - Madurai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 7 [FP1418] Squint E-POSTER 16 [FP802] Squint
Role of Anti-Suppression Exercises in Small Angle Short Term Outcome of Patients Corrected for Intermit-
Esotropias tent Exotropia- Retrospective Case Series Study
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shailja Tibrewal, T11947. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nidhi J Chopra. Co-Authors:
Co-Authors: Dr. Suma Ganesh, Dr. Raman Mehta, - Rourkela Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Meenakshi Gopalakrishnan, -
—————————————————————————— Lucknow
E-POSTER 8 [FP1332] Squint ——————————————————————————
Clinicoradiological Profile of Duane’s Retraction Syn- E-POSTER 17 [FP866] Squint
drome Comparative Study of Sr Recession with Y-Split Vs Sr
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Vikas Chahal. Co-Authors: Recession Alone in Cases of Moderate Dvd
Dr. Shashi Kumar Bhasker, - Lucknow Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sanjay Kumar Dhar, D12867.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr. Pradeep Sharma, Dr. Shweta, Dr. Abhijit
E-POSTER 9 [FP1387] Squint Rasal, - Pune
Incidence of Anterior Segment Ischemia After Simulta- ——————————————————————————
neous Ipsilateral Three Rectus Muscle Surgery E-POSTER 18 [FP1711] Squint
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shailja Tibrewal, T11947. Myectomy Assisted Recession - Surgical Success in
Co-Authors: Dr. Ramesh Kekunnaya, Frcs, - Rourkela Strabismus Surgery.
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr. Santosh Singh Patel, P10986. Present-
E-POSTER 10 [FP1684] Squint ing Author: Dr. Chandraker A K, C02802. Co-Authors: Dr.
Long Term Treatment Outcome of Refractive Accommo- Priyangini Singh Patel, - Distt.- Durg,
dative Et-The Effect on Amblyopia&Bsv. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Debarpita Chaudhury, E-POSTER 19 [FP1460] Squint
C13115. Co-Authors: Dr. Rama Krishnan R, Dr. Meenakshi Surgical Outcome of Retro Equatorial Myopexy (Faden
Ravindran, - Tirunelveli Operation) in Varied Cases of Strabismus.
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Abhijit Rasal, R14571. Co-
Authors: Dr. Pradeep Sharma, Dr. Shweta, Dr. Vishnukant
Ghonsikar, - Ichalkaranji
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 3 [FP1010] Trauma E-POSTER 12 [FP1591] Trauma
A Simple Procedure of Repositioning Post Traumatic A Case of Trap Door Fracture Presenting with Residual
Anteriorly Subluxated Globe Diplopia & Head Tilt on Follow Up.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gyan Bhaskar, B07871. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: E.K.Nedhina. Co-Authors: Dr.
Authors: Dr. Ambasta Anita, Dr. Himanshu Kumar, Dr. Vinit Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V Pulikkal, - Kannur
Kumar, - Patna ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 13 [FP504] Trauma
E-POSTER 4 [FP1523] Trauma Penetrating Ocular Trauma Due to Bird Pecking
Correlations and Outcome of Diplopia After Closed Head Chief Author: Dr. (Mrs) Lavanya G Rao, R04954. Present-
Injury: A Clinical Study ing Author: Dr. Pallak Kusumgar. Co-Authors: Dr. Sulatha
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amita Nair. Co-Authors: Dr. V Bhandary, Dr. Krishna Addoor Rao, Dr. Priyanka Shetty, -
Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, Dr. Rose V Pulikkal, - Mumbai Manipal
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 5 [FP646] Trauma E-POSTER 14 [FP695] Trauma
Analyse the Anatomical and Functional Outcomes of Epidemiological & Etiological Profile & Management of
Open Globe Injuries with Post Segment Involvement Traumatic Cataract Patients in Western Odisha
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lekshmi Vijay, L14292 - Chief Author: Dr. Kanhei Charan Tudu, K15180. Present-
Trivandrum ing Author: Dr. Deepak Choudhury. Co-Authors: Dr. Jagdish
—————————————————————————— Prasad Rout, Dr. Gopeswari Hota, Dr. Nivedita Guru, -
E-POSTER 6 [FP355] Trauma Sambalpur
Visual Outcome in Patients of Open Globe Injuries Us- ——————————————————————————
ing Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) E-POSTER 15 [FP189] Trauma
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Dhrubojyoti Saha. Co-Au- The Pattern and Visual Outcomes of Ocular Trauma in A
thors: Dr. Rekha Raju Khandelwal, Dr. Mohana Majumdar, - Large Zonal Hospital in A Non Operational Role: A 36
Kolkata Months Retrospecti
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Lt Col) Avinash Mishra,
E-POSTER 7 [FP1644] Trauma M09041. Co-Authors: Dr. Vinod Kumar Baranwal, Dr. Col
Animal Attack Cases of Eye and Adnexal Tissue — A Neeraj Bhargava, Dr. (Lt Col) Nitin Vasant Vichare, -
Case Series Ahmedabad
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chandana Kakati, K11559. ——————————————————————————
Co-Authors: Dr. Dipak Bhuyan, Dr. (Mrs) Dipali Choudhury E-POSTER 16 [FP277] Trauma
Deka, Dr. Sagarika Das, - Guwahati B-Scan Ultrasonography in Ocular Trauma: An
—————————————————————————— Indispensible Tool
E-POSTER 8 [FP1658] Trauma Chief Author: Dr. Rathore M K, R05728. Presenting Author:
To Determine Etiologies and Consequences of Ocular Dr. Jatin Garg, G16739. Co-Authors: Dr. Eva Tirkey, Dr.
Injuries Presenting at Our Tertiary Care Center Shashi Jain (Agarwal) , Dr. Shivcharan Lal Chandravanshi,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chanchal Poddar, P15723. - Rewa
Co-Authors: Dr. Nagesha Chokkahalli Krishnappa, - Silchar ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 17 [FP598] Trauma
E-POSTER 9 [FP719] Trauma Retrospective Study of Visual Outcome Following Cor-
“Invisible” Ocular Foreign Bodies (FBS) : “Mercedes- rective Vitrectomy for Traumatic Nucleus Drop
Benz” Mysteries – How Many Have You Missed? Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Parth Kalyani, K13006. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chintan Dholakia, D13486. Authors: Dr. Kashyap Patel, Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah,
Co-Authors: Dr. Sheetal P Chaudhari, Dr. Rohan Chariwala, Dr. Ruchir Mehta, - Nadiad
Dr. Archana Chaudhari, - Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 18 [FP389] Trauma
E-POSTER 10 [FP1231] Trauma Title: Study of Final Visual Outcome in Penetrating Sub
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Due to Blunt Group of Open Globe Injuries Following Surgical Treat-
Trauma in Adolescents. ment of Traumati
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anjani Khanna, K14554. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Dilipkumar Batra, B15691.
Co-Authors: Dr. Venkatesh Kadri, Dr. Naresh Kumar Yadav, Co-Authors: Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Kashyap Patel, Dr. Mehul
- Mohali Ashvin Kumar Shah, - Borsad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 11 [FP763] Trauma E-POSTER 19 [FP427] Trauma
To Study Factors Affecting Visual Outcome in Corneal A Rare Case of Ophthalmomyiasis Following Trauma
Injuries Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. V S N Jyothi Vempati,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Amit Amb, A16850. Co-Au- V16527. Co-Authors: Dr. Subudhi B N R, Dr. Prangya Panda,
thors: Dr. Dwivedi P C, Dr. Pankaj Choudhary, Dr. Charudatt - Berhampur
Chalisgaonkar, - Neemuch ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
E-POSTER 14 [FP431] Uvea E-POSTER 23 [FP804] Uvea
Etiology and Outcome of Inflammatory Cnvm to Case Series of Sympathetic Ophthalmia in A Tertiary Eye
Bevacizumab in Indian Eyes Care Center in South India.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aneesha Lobo, L14513. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anagha Chawhan. Co-Au-
Authors: Dr. Rupak Roy, Dr. Amitabh Kumar, Dr. Pradeep thors: Dr. S Bala Murugan, - Pondicherry
Kumar Panigrahi, - Navi Mumbai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 24 [FP1063] Uvea
E-POSTER 15 [FP236] Uvea Clinical Characteristics and Response to Treatment in
Bilateral Acute Fibrinous Uveitis in the Cases Presenting with Uveitis Secondary to Tb
Immunocompromised – Dangers of Drug Adverse Ef- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Parul Tripathi. Co-Authors:
fects Dr. Gunjan Valu, - Ahmedabad
Chief Author: Dr. Bhargavi Pawar, P12545. Presenting Au- ——————————————————————————
thor: Dr. Yamini Priya. Co-Authors: Dr. Manjoo S Reddy, E-POSTER 25 [FP785] Uvea
Dr. Sonika Porwal, - Bangalore Tuberculous Uveitis Presenting with Sectoral Iris Atro-
—————————————————————————— phy: A Rare Clinical Presentation
E-POSTER 16 [FP433] Uvea Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Saurabh Mistry, M16776.
To Describe the Clinical Profile, Management and Visual Co-Authors: Dr. Sudha Ganesh, - Mumbai
Outcome of Posterior Scleritis ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nishat Bansal, B13620. Co- E-POSTER 26 [FP789] Uvea
Authors: Dr. Biswas Jyotirmay, - Chandigarh A Case of Uveitis in Enterobius Vermicularis Infection:
—————————————————————————— An Extraintestinal Manifestation
E-POSTER 17 [FP193] Uvea Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Saurabh Mistry, M16776.
Mis-Diagnosed Case of Subclinical Posner-Schlossman Co-Authors: Dr. Sudha Ganesh, - Mumbai
Syndrome: A Case Report ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. Bindu Madhavi Manapragada, M16603. E-POSTER 27 [FP847] Uvea
Presenting Author: Dr. Himabindu Marthala, H16881. Co- Two Rare Cases of Progressive Subretinal Fibrosis and
Authors: Dr. (Mrs) Sumana J Kamath, Dr. Priyansha Multani, Posterior Uveitis Syndrome
- Hyderabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Falguni A Chudasama. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Tejas Himanshu Desai, Dr. Parul Danayak, Dr.
E-POSTER 18 [FP147] Uvea Shachi Desai, - Ahmedabad
Leukemic Infiltrates on Iris in Acute Lymphoblastic ——————————————————————————
Leukemia - A Case Report E-POSTER 28 [FP647] Uvea
Chief Author: Dr. Padmamalini Mahendradas, M10328. Response of Uveal Effusion in Nanophthalmos to Two
Presenting Author: Dr. Soumya Sharat, S12439. Co-Au- Different Surgical Procedures
thors: Dr. Kavitha Avadhani, Dr. Ankush Kawali, Dr. Rohit Chief Author: Dr. Guru Prasad A S, G03319. Presenting
Shetty, - Bangalore Author: Dr. Apoorva A G, A15802. Co-Authors: Dr. Sourabh
—————————————————————————— Shah, Dr. Shrinivas M Joshi, - Hubli
E-POSTER 19 [FP1074] Uvea ——————————————————————————
Unusual Case of Cmv Keratouveitis- A Case Report E-POSTER 29 [FP620] Uvea
Chief Author: Dr. Namita Anagol, A10956. Presenting Au- Pattern of Uveitis in Tertiary Eye Care Hospital in North
thor: Dr. Akanksha Batra, B16106. Co-Authors: Dr. Sri India
Ganesh, Dr. Mala B, Dr. Shilpa, - Bangalore Chief Author: Dr. Monika Sain. Presenting Author: Dr.
—————————————————————————— Aakanksha Raghuvanshi. Co-Authors: Dr. Vijay Pratap
E-POSTER 20 [FP1506] Uvea Singh Tomar, Dr .Sandeep Sharma, Dr. Parveen Kumar, -
Bilateral Serpiginous Choroiditis Due to Salmonella Ghaziabad
Typhi Confirmed with Npcr on Aqueous Humor. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Pradnya Kamat, K14247. E-POSTER 30 [FP786] Uvea
Co-Authors: Dr. Biswas Jyotirmay, - Ponda Treating A Challenging Retinochoroiditis with Avascu-
—————————————————————————— lar Necrosis of Femoral Heads!
E-POSTER 21 [FP1211] Uvea Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Romana Fazal, F16720. Co-
Scrub Typhus Presented As Frosted Branch Angitis – A Authors: Dr. S Bala Murugan, Dr. Nuti Shah, -
Case Report Thavalakuppam
Chief & Presenting Author: A.Ramya Appanraj. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Rajshri Hirawat, Dr. Sudharshan S, Dr. Biswas Jyotirmay, - E-POSTER 31 [FP435] Uvea
Chennai Study of Clinical Presentation, Visual Outcome, Com-
—————————————————————————— plications and Prognosis in Ocular Toxoplasmosis.
E-POSTER 22 [FP1638] Uvea Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Tanpreet Pal Singh, S13678.
Clinical Spectrum and Visual Outcome of Sympathetic Co-Authors: Navdeep Kaur, - Madurai
Ophthalmia in Central India ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Renuka Chawla. Co-Authors:
Dr. Alok Sen, Dr. Ashish Mitra, - New Delhi
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 2 [FP1265] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 11 [FP231] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Association of Vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Homo- Characteristics and Surgical Outcomes of Paediatric
cysteine with Rnfl Thinning in Diabetic Retinopathy. Retinal Detachment
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Khushboo Srivastav. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rahul Mayor, M15355. Co-
Authors: Dr. Sandeep Saxena, - Lucknow Authors: Dr. Manisha Agarwal, - New Delhi
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 3 [FP191] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 12 [FP608] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Intravitreal Bevacizumab As A Preoperative Adjunct for Safety and Rate of Suturing in Primary Small Gauge
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. Pediatric Vitrectomies.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rupam Janak Desai, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kalyani Bhatt, T14016. Co-
D08414. Co-Authors: Dr. Jigisha Randeri, Dr. Viral Shah, Authors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr. Eman
Dr. Falguni S Mehta, - Navsari Abo Taleb, - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 4 [FP146] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 13 [FP962] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Diabetic Retinopathy Severity: Which Is Most Signifi- Peripheral Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy- A Case
cant? Duration, Dyslipidemia or Hba1c Level ? Series
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sneha, S14152. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nishat Bansal, B13620. Co-
Prof.Manisha Rathi, Dr. Sumit Sachdeva, Dr. Jitender Kumar, Authors: Dr. Muna Bhende, Dr. Jaya Prakash V, - Chandigarh
- Faridabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 14 [FP1481] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 5 [FP495] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Association of Nå-Cml Withelm,Isel Disruption and Rpe
Morphological Changes at Macula After Retinal Detach- Alterations in Diabetic Retinopathy .
ment Surgery Using Optical Coherence Tomography Chief & Presenting Author: Shivani Sinha. Co-Authors: Dr.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajen Mehta, M15534. Co- Sandeep Saxena, Dr. Nibha Mishra, - Lucknow
Authors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr. ——————————————————————————
Chaitanya Shukla, - Rajkot ¾ E-POSTER 15 [FP1373] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— Spectral Domain Ocular Coherence Tomography (SD-
¾ E-POSTER 6 [FP800] Vitreo Retinal Diseases OCT) in Pathological Myopia.
Ultra Wide Field Retinal Imaging (OPTOS) Guided Early Chief Author: Dr. Naresh Kumar Yadav, Y10239. Present-
Detection of Macular Hole Closure in SD-OCT ing Author: Dr. Rekha Singhal, S12932. Co-Authors: Dr.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Boral Subhendu Kumar, Venkatesh, Dr. Tania Basaiawmoit, Dr. Shetty Bhujang K, -
B09751. Co-Authors: Dr. Das Arnab, Dr. Tushar Kanti Sinha, Bangalore
Dr. Somak Mazumdar, - Kolkata ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 16 [FP1443] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
¾ E-POSTER 7 [FP612] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Anatomical Outcomes of Inverted Internal Limiting Mem-
Sd-Oct Findings and Visual Outcomes in Eyes Under- brane Flap Technique for Large Macular Holes
going Silicone Oil Removal. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mitali Khodani, K14318. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kalyani Bhatt, T14016. Co- Authors: Dr. Jay Kumar Chhablani, Dr. Mudit Tyagi, Dr.
Authors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr. Eman Abdullah Hussein, - Mumbai
Abo Taleb, - Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 17 [FP1708] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
¾ E-POSTER 8 [FP1329] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Assesment of Outcome in Retinal Reattachment Surgery
Loss of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness After Bril- in Eyes with Chorioretinal Coloboma.
liant Blue Assisted Macular Hole Surgery. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Santosh Singh Patel,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Supriya Arora, A14096. Co- P10986. Co-Authors: Dr. Chandraker A K, Dr. Mangilal Garg,
Authors: Dr. Neha Goel, Dr. Anisha Seth, Dr. Basudeb Dr. Priyangini Singh Patel, - Distt.- Durg,
Ghosh, - New Delhi ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 18 [FP924] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
¾ E-POSTER 9 [FP1546] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Ilm Peeling to Reduce Macular Area Pvr Changes in Pri-
Secondary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Due to Posterior mary Reghmatogenous Retinal Detachment
Synechiae Formation Following Phacovitrectomy Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shephali Jain, J15440. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kshitiz Kumar, K13309. Co- Authors: Dr. Muralidhar Ogoti, Dr. K Viswanath, Dr. Gunjan
Authors: Dr. Amar Agarwal, Dr. Athiya Agarwal, - Chennai Prakash, - Bhopal
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 10 [FP1294] Vitreo Retinal Diseases E-POSTER 19 [FP659] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Oxygen Saturation in Recent Onset Branch Retinal Vein Comparison of Macular Rnfl Thickness in Patients with
Occlusion (BRVO) . Diabetic Macular Edema and Igs Using Sd-Oct
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anjani Khanna, K14554. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Madhavi Ramanatha Pillai,
Co-Authors: Dr. Naresh Kumar Yadav, Dr. Supriya Dabir, M16856. Co-Authors: Dr. Jatinder Singh, - Madurai
Dr. Ashwin Mohan, - Mohali ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 20 [FP199] Vitreo Retinal Diseases E-POSTER 29 [FP1697] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Posterior Uveitis and Secondary Choroidal Neovascular Comparing Presentation and Surgical Outcome Between
Membranes- Association and Role of Anti-Vegf. Classic and Adult Onset Coats Disease
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manish Tandon, T15724. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mrs.Betsy Clement. Co-Au-
Co-Authors: Dr. Vedang Shah, Dr. Rathinam Sivakumar R, thors: Dr. Manish Tandon, Dr. Kim Ramasamy, - Tuticorin
Dr. Kim Ramasamy, - Madurai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 30 [FP728] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 21 [FP110] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Combined Branch Arterial and Venous Occlusion in
Outcomes of 23 G Vitrectomy for Posterior Segment Hyperhomocysteinemia.
Intraocular Foreign Bodies Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sabyasachi Sengupta,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Abhijit Gore, G12091. Co- S14805 - Chennai
Authors: Dr. Girish Shiva Rao, - Parbhani ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 31 [FP499] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 22 [FP496] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Co-Relation of Oct and Microperimetry Findings in Vari-
Giant Retinal Tear Retinal Detachment Etiologies, Sur- ous Macular Pathologies
gical Management Strategies, and Outcomes. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kartikey Kothari, K15656.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Eman Abo Taleb. Co-Au- Co-Authors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr.
thors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr. Kalyani Chaitanya Shukla, - Udaipur
Bhatt, - Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 32 [FP330] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
¾ E-POSTER 23 [FP884] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Evs: Effectiveness of Guidelines in Cases of
Most Sensitive Prognostic Factors for Diabetic Retin- Endophthalmitis Following Manual SICS.
opathy-Age, Glycation Gap or Hba1c ? Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aniruddha Maiti, M11117. S05624. Co-Authors: Dr. Ruchir Mehta, Dr. Parth Kalyani,
Co-Authors: Dr. Chirag Dilip Bhatt, Dr. Kanika Agrawal, Dr. Dr. Anjali Israni, - Dahod
Ratish Chandra Paul, - Kolkata ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 33 [FP306] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
¾ E-POSTER 24 [FP1547] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Visual Outcomes of Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Dislocated
Role of Pars Plana Vitrectomy in Cortex Drop Crystalline Lens
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Satya Prakash Tiwary, Chief Author: Dr. Amjad Salman. Presenting Author: Dr.
T14981. Co-Authors: Dr. Subhash Prasad, Dr. Randhir Hrita Gogate. Co-Authors: Dr. Rajamohan M, - Tiruchirapalli
Kumar, Dr. Bandana Kumari, - Patna ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 34 [FP417] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 25 [FP1611] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant and Grid Laser for
Oct Analysis of Clinically Attached Retina After Scleral Macular Edema Due to Retinal Vein Occlusion
Buckle in Patients with Retinal Detachment Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sumeet Malhotra, M10562.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sonal Gupta. Co-Authors: Co-Authors: Dr. Deepshikha Agrawal, Dr. Neha Sen, - Raipur
Dr. Alok Sen, Dr. Ashish Mitra, Dr. Shubhi Tripathi, - ——————————————————————————
Faridabad ¾ E-POSTER 35 [FP186] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— Endogenous Endophthalmitis-A Retrospective Study
¾ E-POSTER 26 [FP1592] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Natasha Radhakrishnan,
A Clinical Study of Babies with Aggressive Posterior R14418. Co-Authors: Dr. Gopal S Pillai, - Kochi
Retinopathy of Prematurity ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr. Prakash Suranagi, S10680. Presenting ¾ E-POSTER 36 [FP171] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Author: Dr. Bhramaramba Banagar. Co-Authors: Dr. Bilateral Calcified Optic Nerve Head Drusen with Cen-
Bhramaramba Banagar, Dr. Anand Vinekar, - Davangere tral Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy-Case Report
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kushal S Delhiwala, D13087.
¾ E-POSTER 27 [FP1557] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Co-Authors: Dr. Vipul Prajapati, - Ahmedabad
The World of Non-Retinopathy of Prematurity Neonatal ——————————————————————————
Retinal Conditions E-POSTER 37 [FP488] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sarita Sambhana, S15848. Vitreous Punctate Spots in Eyes with Posterior Uveitis
Co-Authors: Dr. Padmaja Kumari Rani, Dr. Subhadra Jalali, Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Dr. Divya Balakrishnan, - Visakhapatnam Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajen Mehta, M15534. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet Mehrotra, Dr.
¾ E-POSTER 28 [FP951] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chaitanya Shukla, - Rajkot
Bilateral Serous Macular Detachment in Waldenstorm ——————————————————————————
Macroglobulinemia ¾ E-POSTER 38 [FP689] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Meghana, P16476. Co-Au- Wyburn Mason Syndrome - A Twisted Tale
thors: Dr. Mendonca Norman, Dr. Sripathi Kamath B, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divya Chandran. Co-Au-
Mangalore thors: Dr. Chandra Kumar H V, Dr. (Maj) Naveen K, -
—————————————————————————— Bangalore
¾ E-POSTER 39 [FP1304] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 48 [FP642] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Analysing Outcome of Combined Cataract and Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome: Anatomical and Func-
Vitreoretinal Surgery tional Outcome Following Vitrectomy
Chief Author: Dr. Hari Narayan Prasad, P12272. Present- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sangeeta Deka Goswami,
ing Author: Dr. Jay Shah, S15771. Co-Authors: Dr. Renuka D14678. Co-Authors: Dr. Manish Nagpal, Dr. Navneet
Sarwate, - Coimbatore Mehrotra, Dr. Eman Abo Taleb, - Guwahati
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 40 [FP1342] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 49 [FP1171] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Treatment of Chronic Cscr Without Definite Oct Changes and Faster Recovery of Retinal Damage
Angiographic Leak with Rifampicin and Isoniazid and Vision with Steroids in Solar Retinopathy.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anisha Seth. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Suresha K S, S10532. Co-
Dr. Supriya Arora, Dr. Basudeb Ghosh, - New Delhi Authors: Dr. Suresha K S, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 41 [FP1362] Vitreo Retinal Diseases E-POSTER 50 [FP112] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Study of Macular Thickness Using Spectral Domain Retinal Toxicity Possibly Associated with
Optical Coherence Tomography in Healthy Indian Sub- Carbamazepine Usage
jects Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mohammad Arif Mulla,
Chief & Presenting Author: Prof.Kamlesh Khilnani, K03418. M13243 - Chennai
Co-Authors: Dr. Vishal Agrawal, - Jaipur ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 51 [FP1427] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
¾ E-POSTER 42 [FP1536] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Infiltrative Optic Neuropathy in Chronic Myeloid Leukae-
Factors Prognosticating Visual Outcome in Eyes with mia-An Ophthalmologists Perspective
Endophthalmitis Chief Author: Dr. Sherine M D Souza, D07880. Presenting
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bipul Bhushan. Co-Authors: Author: Dr. Kushal Kacha, K16866. Co-Authors: Dr. Rajani
Dr. Alok Sen, - Chitrakoot R Battu, Dr. Shetty Bhujang K, - Goa
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 43 [FP1415] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 52 [FP1139] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Comparision Between Presentation and Surgery Out- Clinical Profile of Retinal Detachment in Rural Area of
come in Classic and Adult Onset Coats Disease. Central India: A Prospective Study
Chief Author: Dr. Mrs.Betsy Clement. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anupama. Co-Authors: Dr.
Dr. Manish Tandon, T15724. Co-Authors: Dr. Kim Alok Sen, Dr. Shubhi Tripathi, Dr. Ashish Mitra, - Chandigarh
Ramasamy, - Tuticorin ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 53 [FP1690] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 44 [FP1588] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Retinopathy of Prematurity in Twins - Varying Pace of
Post Operative Disc Pallor Following Retinal Detachment Progression of Disease - Opening A New Horizon
Surgery Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Bhavin Shah, S13753 -
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nameeth D A D’souza, Vadodara
D10758. Co-Authors: Dr. May Saldanha, - Mangalore ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 54 [FP123] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
¾ E-POSTER 45 [FP1586] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Bilateral Neuroretinitis with Peripapillary Serous Reti-
Structural and Functional Outcomes in Babies with nal Detachments in A Typhoid Patient.
Retinopathy of Prematurity at 6 Months Follow Up Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ajay Sharma, T16176. Co-
Chief Author: Dr. Prakash Suranagi, S10680. Presenting Authors: Dr. Ajay Sharma, Dr. Trishna Taye, - Visakhapatnam
Author: Dr. Bhramaramba Banagar. Co-Authors: Dr. ——————————————————————————
Bhramaramba Banagar, Dr. Anand Vinekar, - Davangere E-POSTER 55 [FP194] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— Evaluation of Preoperative Intravitreal Bevacizumab in
¾ E-POSTER 46 [FP1565] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Diabetic Vitrectomy on Postoperative Course
Retrospective Analysis of Risk Factors of Retinopathy Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rupam Janak Desai,
of Prematurity D08414. Co-Authors: Dr. Jigisha Randeri, Dr. Viral Shah,
Chief Author: Dr. Prakash Suranagi, S10680. Presenting Dr. Falguni S Mehta, - Navsari
Author: Dr. Bhramaramba Banagar. Co-Authors: Dr. Anand ——————————————————————————
Vinekar, - Davangere ¾ E-POSTER 56 [FP1117] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— An Interesting Case of Neurofibromatosis Type2
¾ E-POSTER 47 [FP576] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chief Author: K.Kavitha. Presenting Author: Dr. E
Unusual Ocular Presentation of Wegener’s Granuloma- Indhumathi, I16787. Co-Authors: Dr. S V Chandrakumar, -
tosis Without Extra-Ocular Manifestations Madurai
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Arindam Chakravarti, ——————————————————————————
C08982. Co-Authors: Dr. Lalit Verma, Dr. Avnindra Gupta, - E-POSTER 57 [FP1004] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Guwahati High Altitude Retinopathy in Patients with High Altitude
—————————————————————————— Cerebral Oedema
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. K Raji, K10069. Co-Authors:
Dr. (Col) K Shyam Sunder, Dr. (Maj) Shrikant Waikar, -
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 58 [FP1055] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 67 [FP1674] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
A Rare Case Presentation of Central Areolar Choroidal Retinal Manifestation in A Case of Disseminated Miliary
Dystrophy Tuberculosis
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. B Kasthuri Balakrishnan, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Harita Shah. Co-Authors:
B16847. Co-Authors: Dr. A Nandhini, Dr. Divya Alex, - Dr. Ruchi H Vala, Dr. Ekta Patel, Dr. (Col) (Retd) R N Kothari,
Perambalur - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 59 [FP645] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 68 [FP536] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Rare Case Report of Choroidal Metastasis From Outcome of Intravitreal Bevacizumab in Myopic Choroi-
Follicular Carcinoma of Thyroid Gland dal Neovascularization
Chief Author: Dr. Guru Prasad A S, G03319. Presenting Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sukanya Perumal. Co-Au-
Author: Dr. Sourabh Shah, S13602. Co-Authors: Dr. thors: Dr. Saravanan Selvaraj, Dr. Vanila C G, - Trichy
Apoorva A G, Dr. Shrinivas M Joshi, - Hubli ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 69 [FP415] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 60 [FP1056] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Visual Outcome of Vitrectomy Done for Nucleus Drop of
Diabetic Vitrectomies with Avastin Any Etiology.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Parul Tripathi. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kashyap Patel, P16784. Co-
Dr. Gunjan Valu, - Ahmedabad Authors: Dr. Parth Kalyani, Dr. Ruchir Mehta, Dr. Mehul
—————————————————————————— Ashvin Kumar Shah, - Gandhinagar
¾ E-POSTER 61 [FP945] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
Homozygosity By Descent of A Foveal Hypoplasia Gene ¾ E-POSTER 70 [FP1701] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
in An Inbred South Indian Family Choroidal Hemangioma in Pregnancy
Chief Author: Dr. Sherine M D Souza, D07880. Presenting Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Krishna Nagaradh, N16143.
Author: Dr. Kushal Kacha, K16866. Co-Authors: Prof.G Co-Authors: Dr. Chandra Kumar H V, Dr. Divya Chandran,
Kumaramanickavel, Dr. Rohit Shetty, - Goa Dr. (Maj) Naveen K, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 62 [FP148] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 71 [FP1433] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Profile of Posterior Segment Involvement in Patients Effect of Panretinal Photocoagulation (PRP) on Retinal
Attending Retina Clinic in Manipur. Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness (RNFL)
Chief Author: Dr. Vipin Kumar Singh. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shaifali Chahar. Co-Authors:
Dr. Archana Kumari, K14137. Co-Authors: Dr. Archana Dr. Neeraj Manchanda, Dr. Amit Khosla, Dr. Shashi Nath
Kumari, - Imphal Jha, - New Delhi
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
E-POSTER 63 [FP295] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 72 [FP463] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Frequency of Anti Vegf Injections in Retinal Vein Occlu- Bilateral Crao in A Case of Wegener’s Granulomatosis
sion Patients with Macular Edema Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kanchan R Sainani, S16079.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Chaithra Dembala Aroor, Co-Authors: Dr. Arjun Ahuja, - Mumbai
A14712. Co-Authors: Dr. Chaitra Jayadev, Dr. Mohsina ——————————————————————————
Nikhat Mehkri, Dr. Rajesh Konda, - Mangalore ¾ E-POSTER 73 [FP879] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— Peribulbar Block-A New Analgesic for Reducing Post
¾ E-POSTER 64 [FP1132] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Operative Pain
A Rare Case Presentation of Ocular Tuberculosis- Col- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manish Saxena, S13256.
lar Stud Abscess. Co-Authors: Dr. Mahesh Shanmugam P, Dr. Neha Sinha,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divya Alex, A15662. Co- Dr. Mishra Divyansh Kailashcandra, - Tundla
Authors: Dr. A Nandhini, Dr. K Ravi Kumar, - Chennai ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— ¾ E-POSTER 74 [FP1059] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 65 [FP1540] Vitreo Retinal Diseases An Interesting Case of Macro Reticular Pattern Macular
Silicon Oil Induced Scleritis Dystrophy
Chief Author: Dr. Nameeth D A D’souza, D10758. Present- Chief Author: Febin. Presenting Author: Dr. Thasneem
ing Author: Dr. May Saldanha, S13361. Co-Authors: Dr. May Suraiya, T13971. Co-Authors: Dr. Thasneem Suraiya, Dr.
Saldanha, - Mangalore S V Chandrakumar, - Chennai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 66 [FP1598] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 75 [FP761] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Recurrence of Macular Edema in Brvo After First Dose Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) with Proliferative Retin-
of Intravitreal Bevacizumab opathy- Case Report
Chief Author: Dr. Madan Ashok Hukumchand, M09119. Chief Author: Dr. Renu Puthenvilayil Rajan, R13751. Pre-
Presenting Author: Dr. Anup Kelgaonkar. Co-Authors: Dr. senting Author: Dr. Anand R. Co-Authors: Dr. Jatinder Singh,
Nilesh Gaddewar, - Nagpur - Madurai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 76 [FP1122] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 86 [FP868] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Bimatoprost Induced Serous Macular Detachment Study of Risk Factors & Outcome of Conservative V/S
Chief Author: Swapnil Parchand. Presenting Author: Dr. Laser Management in Central Serous Retinopathy
Amit Kumar Deb. Co-Authors: Swapnil Parchand, Dr. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Kushal S Delhiwala, D13087.
Subashini, Dr. Renuka Srinivasan, - Puducherry Co-Authors: Dr. Vipul Prajapati, - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 77 [FP1114] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 87 [FP972] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Macular Edema (ME) in Bimanual Retinal Detachment Surgery - Worth the Trou-
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) ble?
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Anisha Seth. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Hs Trehan, T8817. Co-Au-
Dr. Gauri Bhushan, Dr. Meenakshi Thakar, Dr. Basudeb thors: Dr. Prashant Vashisht, Dr. Avinash Singh Parihar, Dr.
Ghosh, - New Delhi (Lt Col) Sanjiv Agrawal, - Mumbai
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
¾ E-POSTER 78 [FP155] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ¾ E-POSTER 88 [FP844] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Incidence and Pattern of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Manipur Clinical Profile, Optical Coherence Tomographic Fea-
Among the Patients Attending Retina Clinic. tures and Visual Outcome of Central Serous
Chief Author: Dr. Vipin Kumar Singh. Presenting Author: Chorioretinopathy in A Tertiary
Dr. Archana Kumari, K14137 - Imphal Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Gajendra Kumar Verma,
—————————————————————————— V15362 - Pondicherry
¾ E-POSTER 79 [FP1497] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
Atypical Presentation of Cone Dystrophy ¾ E-POSTER 89 [FP919] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Aneesha Lobo, L14513. Co- Does Intra-Vitreal Bevacizumab Have Any Role in Man-
Authors: Dr. Rupak Roy, Dr. Kumar Saurabh, Dr. Debmalya agement of Vitreous Hemorrhage Due to Pdr?
Das, - Navi Mumbai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Shephali Jain, J15440. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr. K Viswanath, Dr. Muralidhar Ogoti, Dr. Nisha
¾ E-POSTER 80 [FP1176] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chauhan, - Bhopal
Purtscher-Like Retinopathy in Acute Alcoholic Pancrea- ——————————————————————————
titis ¾ E-POSTER 90 [FP932] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Chief Author: Dr. Saba Ishrat. Presenting Author: Dr. Nitin Clinical Prognostic Factors,Effecting Outcome,In
Nema, N04718 - Indore Preterm Infants of Retinopathy of Prematurity in North
—————————————————————————— Indian Population
¾ E-POSTER 81 [FP1316] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sandeep Gupta, G14487.
Retinal Pigment Atrophic Tracts Co-Authors: Dr. Rajesh Hans, Dr. Agarwal Mahesh Chandra,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rohit Modi, M12721. Co- - Patran
Authors: Dr. Umesh Chandra Behera, Dr. Shalini Butola, Dr. ——————————————————————————
Siddharth Shekhar, - Mumbai ¾ E-POSTER 91 [FP1118] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— Emphasis the Importance of Oct in Diagnostic Dilemma
¾ E-POSTER 82 [FP1377] Vitreo Retinal Diseases of Macular Lesions- A Case of Mac Tel.
Angioedema and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Divya Alex, A15662. Co-
Retinal Vasculitis- Acommon Association? Authors: Dr. K Ravi Kumar, Dr. A Nandhini, - Chennai
Chief Author: Dr. Mona Gondhale, G15107. Presenting Au- ——————————————————————————
thor: Dr. Amrita Tiwari. Co-Authors: Dr. Pradeep Sune, Dr. ¾ E-POSTER 92 [FP122] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Pushkar Kishor Ajnadkar, Dr. Ila K Pathak, - Wardha Bilateral Crvo in A 45 Years Male Patient with
—————————————————————————— Homocystinuria: A Rare Presentation.
E-POSTER 83 [FP197] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Trishna Taye, T16484. Co-
An Unusual Case of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion Authors: Dr. Ajay Sharma, Dr. Ajay Sharma, - Visakhapatnam
(CRAO) —Waxing and Waning of Visual Acuity ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Mohammad Arif Mulla, ¾ E-POSTER 93 [FP443] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
M13243 - Chennai All That Is White Is Not Retinoblastoma
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ruchir Mehta, M13882. Co-
E-POSTER 84 [FP98] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Authors: Dr. Anjali Israni, Dr. Shreya Shah, Dr. Nirav Patel,
Analysis of Risk Factors in the Development and Pro- - Jamnagar
gression of Retinopathy of Prematurity. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ashish Ahuja, A14802. Co- ¾ E-POSTER 94 [FP1185] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Authors: Dr. Dheeraj Kewlani, Dr. Arjun Ahuja, - Tirunelveli Bilateral Peripheral Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Manjula Ballamudi. Co-Au-
¾ E-POSTER 85 [FP451] Vitreo Retinal Diseases thors: Dr. Shailaja S, Dr. Vijaya Paih, Dr. Sameer I, - Manipal
Comparative Study of Visual Outcome Following Sur- ——————————————————————————
gery for Nucleus Drop: Iatrogenic Versus Traumatic
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Parth Kalyani, K13006. Co-
Authors: Dr. Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Dr. Kashyap Patel,
Dr. Ruchir Mehta, - Nadiad
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
¾ E-POSTER 95 [FP1286] Vitreo Retinal Diseases E-POSTER 103 [FP1355] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Adenocarcinoma of Lung Presenting with Choroidal A Classical Case of Ocular Toxoplasmosis Imaged with
Metastasis As First Sign: A Case Report Optical Coherence Tomography.
Chief Author: Dr. Shivanand Bubanale. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Krunal Bhalodi. Co-Authors:
Dr. Shivanand Bubanale, B11613. Co-Authors: Dr. Arushi Dr. Tejas Himanshu Desai, Dr. Parul Danayak, Dr. Shachi
Prakash, Dr. Umesh Harakuni, Dr. Sneha Harogoppa, - Desai, - Junagadh
Belgaum ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 104 [FP1082] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 96 [FP1599] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Toxoplasma Retinochoroiditis - A Case Report.
Preservative Containing Vs Preservative Free Intravitreal Chief Author: Dr. Rajat Kapoor, K16899. Presenting Au-
Steroid During Vitrectomy thor: Bhavatharini M - New Delhi
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Nameeth D A D’souza, ——————————————————————————
D10758. Co-Authors: Dr. May Saldanha, - Mangalore E-POSTER 105 [FP1111] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— Ocular Toxoplasma Infection-A Rare But Vision Threat-
¾ E-POSTER 97 [FP43] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ening Disease
Bevacizumab in Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Madhavi Malivad. Co-Au-
with Rpe Rip thors: Dr. Chinmayi Vyas, Dr. Tejas Himanshu Desai, -
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lakshmi Kuniyal, K11733 - Ahmedabad
Aligarh ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— E-POSTER 106 [FP703] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
E-POSTER 98 [FP795] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Adult Coats A Varied Presentation.
Quantitative Assessment of Retinal Thickness in Dia- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Maj) Naveen K, N14198.
betic Patients with and Without Clinically Significant Co-Authors: Dr. Chandra Kumar H V, Dr. Divya Chandran, -
Macular Edema Using Tumkur
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Sarika Sadhwani, S15931. ——————————————————————————
Co-Authors: Dr. Charu Mithal, Dr. Sandeep Mithal, Dr. Neha E-POSTER 107 [FP1150] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Mithal, - Lucknow Choroidal Melanoma
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Padma Preetha
E-POSTER 99 [FP1616] Vitreo Retinal Diseases Narendiaran, P15632. Co-Authors: Dr. (Mrs) P S Maheswari,
Purtscher’s Like Retinopathy, A Masquerade? Dr. B Chandra Sekharan, Dr. Periyanayagi Muruganantham,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajesh Ramanjulu, R14072. - Chennai
Co-Authors: Dr. Mahesh Shanmugam P, Dr. Mishra Divyansh ——————————————————————————
Kailashcandra, Dr. Gladys R Rodrigues, - Bangalore E-POSTER 108 [FP301] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— Difference in Response of Diabetic Macular Oedema (On
E-POSTER 100 [FP239] Vitreo Retinal Diseases OCT) Post Single Injection Bevacizumab Based on
Evolution of Vitreous Substitutes Glcosylated Haemoglobin
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Ankit Soni, S13539 - Chief Author: Dr. Krishna Addoor Rao, R11696. Present-
Varanasi ing Author: Dr. Ketaki Rajurkar, R16876. Co-Authors: Dr.
—————————————————————————— Ketaki Rajurkar, Dr. Shailaja S, - Manipal
E-POSTER 101 [FP1078] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
Para Foveal Telangiectasia - A Case Report E-POSTER 109 [FP44] Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Rajat Kapoor, K16899. Co- Oops! Intravitreal Complication - Unusual Presentation
Authors: Bhavatharini M, - New Delhi Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Lakshmi Kuniyal, K11733 -
—————————————————————————— Aligarh
E-POSTER 102 [FP978] Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
A Study of Clinico-Etiological and Sonological Profile
in Patients with Vitreous Haemorrhage
Chief Author: Dr. Manisha Nada, M06368. Presenting Au-
thor: Sumit Qanoongo. Co-Authors: Dr. Jyoti Kapoor,
Mejpal, Dr. Sumeet Khanduja, - Rohtak
Physical Posters
Physical Posters provide an opportunity to have direct interaction with the author(s).
73rd AIOC will see the revival of the Old Art of Physical Posters.
A total of 350 posters will be on display :
First 200 on 5th& 6th February 2015 and
Rest on 7th& 8th February 2015.
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP122 - Bilateral Crvo in A 45 Years Male Patient with FP158 - to Analyse the Risk Factors and Prognosis of
Homocystinuria: A Rare Presentation. Dematiaceous Keratomycosis with Multidrug Therapy.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Trishna Taye, T16484. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anuja Janakiraman, J13161.
Authors: Dr.Ajay Sharma, Dr.Ajay Sharma, - Visakhapatnam Co-Authors: Dr.Manohar Babu Balasundaram, - Madurai
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Cornea
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP123 - Bilateral Neuroretinitis with Peripapillary Serous FP165 - Cataract Surgery in Thin/ Perforated Cornea
Physical Posters
Retinal Detachments in A Typhoid Patient. Using External Tamponade
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ajay Sharma, T16176. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sandeep, G9011. Co-Authors:
Authors: Dr.Ajay Sharma, Dr.Trishna Taye, - Visakhapatnam Dr.Namrata Sharma, Dr.Rajesh Sinha, Dr.Shikhar Gaur, -
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Pune
—————————————————————————— Cataract
FP126 - Infantile Corneal Trauma Study ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr.Madhu Uddaraju, U14383. Presenting FP171 - Bilateral Calcified Optic Nerve Head Drusen with
Author: Dr.Vedang Shah, S13997. Co-Authors: Dr.Prajna Central Areolar Choroidal Dystrophy-Case Report
N V, Dr.Mano Ranjan Das, - Bhimavaram Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kushal S Delhiwala, D13087.
Cornea Co-Authors: Dr.Vipul Prajapati, - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— Vitreo Retinal Diseases
FP132 - Presenile Cataract Scenario At South Gujarat ——————————————————————————
Government Hospital. FP172 - Assessment of Aqueous Penetration of 0.5%
Chief Author: Dr.Priti Kapadia Gupta, P07581. Presenting Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride After Topical Administration
Author: Dr.Pratik Gandhi, G16041. Co-Authors: Dr.Kunjan Chief Author: Dr.Manjunath Kamath M, M04996. Present-
Patel, Dr.Shivani Jariwala, - Surat ing Author: Dr.Trisha Sharma, S16556. Co-Authors:
Community / Social Ophthalmology Dr.Gurudutt Mulky Kamath, Dr.Rajesh Nayak, Dr.Susan
—————————————————————————— Dsouza, - Mangalore
FP138 - Cut-Trim-Paste: No Suture,No Glue, No Autograft Comprehensive Ophthalmology
- A New Surgical Approach for Primary Pterygium ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Satish Shet, S11578. Co- FP176 - School Eye Screening Camps,How School Staff
Authors: Dr.Venkatram Katti, Dr.Savitha Kanakpur, Services May Be Utilized.
Dr.Vivekanand Jivangi, - Hubli Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.R B Goyal, G04911. Co-Au-
Cornea thors: Dr.Swati Tomar, Dr.Chinmay Sanghavi, Dr.Chhavi
—————————————————————————— Jindal, - Jaipur
FP139 - Acute Ocular Manifestations of Stevens Johnson Community / Social Ophthalmology
Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr.Suneetha N Lobo, L07816. Presenting FP182 - Utility of Low Vision Services for Blind School
Author: Dr.Sonika Porwal, P16576. Co-Authors: Dr.Mary Students.
Joseph, Puneeth Isloor, Dr.Mohsina Nikhat Mehkri, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anupam Sahu, S11832. Co-
Bangalore Authors: Dr.Deepshikha Agrawal, Dr.Sumeet Malhotra,
External Disease Dr.Ipshita Aparajita Nanda, - Raipur
—————————————————————————— Community / Social Ophthalmology
FP148 - Profile of Posterior Segment Involvement in ——————————————————————————
Patients Attending Retina Clinic in Manipur. FP186 - Endogenous Endophthalmitis-A Retrospective
Chief Author: Dr.Vipin Kumar Singh. Presenting Author: Study
Dr.Archana Kumari, K14137. Co-Authors: Dr.Archana Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Natasha Radhakrishnan,
Kumari, - Imphal R14418. Co-Authors: Dr.Gopal S Pillai, - Kochi
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP153 - Study of Incidence of Posterior Capsular Opaci- FP191 - Intravitreal Bevacizumab As A Preoperative
fication with Square Edged Pmma and Foldable IOLs Adjunct for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy.
Chief Author: Dr.Trupti M Solu, S11140. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rupam Janak Desai, D08414.
Dr.Sayantan Bhattacharya, B16042. Co-Authors: Dr.Trupti Co-Authors: Dr.Jigisha Randeri, Dr.Viral Shah, Dr.Falguni
M Solu, Dr.Saurabhkumar Patel, Dr.Pathik Baravaliya, - Surat S Mehta, - Navsari
Cataract Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP155 - Incidence and Pattern of Retinitis Pigmentosa FP199 - Posterior Uveitis and Secondary Choroidal
in Manipur Among the Patients Attending Retina Clinic. Neovascular Membranes- Association and Role of Anti-
Chief Author: Dr.Vipin Kumar Singh. Presenting Author: Vegf.
Dr.Archana Kumari, K14137 - Imphal Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Manish Tandon, T15724. Co-
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Authors: Dr.Vedang Shah, Dr.Rathinam Sivakumar R, Dr.Kim
—————————————————————————— Ramasamy, - Madurai
Vitreo Retinal Diseases
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP205 - Cataract Surgery Analysis Wound Using Ante- FP242 - Gene Therapy-A New Hope in Ophthalmology
rior Segment Optical Coherent Tomography Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ankit Soni, S13539 - Varanasi
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Amarendra Deka, D10525 - Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Guwahati ——————————————————————————
Cataract FP254 - Comparison of Rates of Posterior Capsular
—————————————————————————— Opacification with Square Edged Pmma and Foldable
FP207 - An Outbreak of Endophthalmitis After Clear IOLs
Corneal Phacoemulsification Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Trupti M Solu, S11140. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Amarendra Deka, D10525 - Authors: Dr.Sayantan Bhattacharya, Dr.Saurabhkumar Patel,
Guwahati Dr.Pathik Baravaliya, - Surat
Cataract Cataract
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP211 - Ocular Manifestations of Venomous Snake Bite FP255 - Rheumatoid Arthritis-The Ignored Surface!!!
Over One Year Period in A Tertiary Care Hospital Chief Author: Dr.Kalpana Suresh, K07278. Presenting Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vivek Praveen Kumar K, thor: Dr.Ramya Ravindran, R14273 - Chennai
K15430. Co-Authors: Dr.Renuka Srinivasan, External Disease
Praveenkumarseth@Gmail Com, - Nellore Dist ——————————————————————————
Comprehensive Ophthalmology FP261 - Corneal Parameters in Downs Syndrome in In-
—————————————————————————— dia
FP219 - Comparison in Various Techniques of Nucleus Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sheetal Amar Kamdar,
Delivery in Sics with Respect to Ecd & Cct Changes. S10018. Co-Authors: Dr.Mustafa Ahmed Parekh, Dr.Neepa
Chief Author: Dr.Pushpa Varma, 10131. Presenting Author: Thacker Dave, - Latur
Dr.Sachin Tammannavar, T16773. Co-Authors: Dr.Ulka Cornea
Srivastava, Dr.Preeti Rawat, Dr.Shweta Singh, - Indore ——————————————————————————
Cataract FP262 - Full-Arc Depth Dependent Arcuate Keratotomy
—————————————————————————— (FDAK) for Corneal Astigmatism Correction
FP231 - Characteristics and Surgical Outcomes of Pae- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jai Gopal Agrawal, A05995.
diatric Retinal Detachment Co-Authors: Dr.Jai Gopal Agrawal, - Patna
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rahul Mayor, M15355. Co- Cataract
Authors: Dr.Manisha Agarwal, - New Delhi ——————————————————————————
Vitreo Retinal Diseases FP263 - Safety and Efficacy of Phacoemulsification in
—————————————————————————— Cataract with Iris Coloboma
FP233 - Novel Treatments of Nystagmus! 1% Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Mukta Prasad, P16927. Co-
Brinzolamide (AZOPT) Eye Drops Vs Eye Muscle Sur- Authors: Dr.Nimmi Rani, Dr.Haripriya Aravind, - Madurai
gery. Cataract
Chief Author: Dr.Mihir Trilok Kothari, K08617. Presenting ——————————————————————————
Author: Dr.Mihir Kothari. Co-Authors: Ms.Poonam Mota, FP271 - Topical Mitomycin C for An Encysted Failing
Ms.Snehal Chipade, - Mumbai Bleb
Squint Chief Author: Dr.Sumeet Agrawal, A15858. Presenting
—————————————————————————— Author: Dr.Pramod Kumar Sahu, S07579. Co-Authors:
FP234 - Ocular Defects and Visual Functions in Nystag- Dr.Das Gopal Krushna, - New Delhi
mus. Glaucoma
Chief Author: Dr.Mihir Trilok Kothari, K08617. Presenting ——————————————————————————
Author: Dr.Mihir Kothari. Co-Authors: Ms.Poonam Mota, FP273 - Role of Wavefront Aberrometry Using Ray Trac-
Ms.Snehal Chipade, - Mumbai ing Technology in Optimization of Premium IOL
Community / Social Ophthalmology Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Prashant Gupta, G15270.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr.Haripriya Aravind, Dr.Nimmi Rani, Dr.Madhu
FP238 - Eye Bank Specular Microscopic Evaluation in Shekhar, - Madurai
Determining the Suitability of Donor Corneas for Surgi- Cataract
cal Use. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Balsubramanya R, B08524. FP274 - Title: Tuberculosis: Any Time, Any Size
Co-Authors: Arvind.Kumar Akula, Mr.Rajiv Kumar, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ashima Grover. Co-Authors:
Hyderabad Dr.Revathi Rajaraman, Dr.Anita Raghavan, - Coimbatore
Community / Social Ophthalmology Cornea
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP241 - Nail Fold Capillaroscopy By Usb Digital Micro- FP275 - Is Ultrasonography Essential Before Surgery in
scope in Glaucoma: An Innovative and Inexpensive Tool Eyes with Advanced Cataracts?
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sqn Ldr (Dr) Avadhesh Oli, Chief Author: Dr.Rathore M K, R05728. Presenting Author:
O13081. Co-Authors: Dr.Dattakiran Joshi, - Bangalore Dr.Jatin Garg, G16739. Co-Authors: Dr.Eva Tirkey,
Glaucoma Dr.Shashi Jain (Agarwal), Dr.Shivcharan Lal Chandravanshi,
—————————————————————————— - Rewa
FP283 - Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Monocular FP341 - Study of Visual Outcome Following Corrective
Patients Vitrectomy Following Iatrogenic Nucleus Drop.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Smita Anand, A14553. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ashit Hasmukhlal Shah,
Authors: Dr.Haripriya Aravind, Dr.Madhu Shekhar, - Madurai S08841. Co-Authors: Dr.Shreya Shah, Dr.Mehul Ashvin
Cataract Kumar Shah, Dr.Anjali Israni, - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— Cataract
FP291 - Comparison of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thick- ——————————————————————————
Physical Posters
ness Measurments Between Tdoct and Sdoct in Poag FP342 - Comparison of Corneal Changes in
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Arun Rajan, R14269. Co- Phacoemulsification with and Without Using Fish Air
Authors: Dr.Devendra Maheshwari, Dr.Isha Vatsal, Vini Pump
Vivek, - Nagercoil Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ramesh Babu Bobbili,
Glaucoma B11891. Co-Authors: Dr.John Shekhar Raju Mandapati,
—————————————————————————— Dr.Ghantasala Suparna, - Visakhapatnam
FP304 - Microbial Flora of Fungal Corneal Ulcer and Their Cataract
Drugs Sensitivity and Resistance ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Falguni S Mehta, M08814. FP359 - Effect of Transportation On the Quality of
Co-Authors: Dr.Sonalika Dubey, Dr.Jigisha Randeri, Corneoscleral Buttons
Dr.Rupam Janak Desai, - Navsari Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rini Saha. Co-Authors:
Cornea Dr.Nisha, - Ranchi
—————————————————————————— Cornea
FP306 - Visual Outcomes of Pars Plana Vitrectomy for ——————————————————————————
Dislocated Crystalline Lens FP366 - Title: Profile of Suppurative Keratitis in A Terti-
Chief Author: Dr.Amjad Salman. Presenting Author: Dr.Hrita ary Care Center of Visakhapatnam District,Ap State
Gogate. Co-Authors: Dr.Rajamohan M, - Tiruchirapalli Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Viswamithra Penumala,
Vitreo Retinal Diseases V12717. Co-Authors: Dr.Rajeswara Rao Vullakula, -
—————————————————————————— Visakhapatnam
FP323 - Scope of Refractive Lens Exchange in Community / Social Ophthalmology
Developement of Medical Tourism ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kuheli Bhattacharya, FP373 - Incidence of Posterior Capsular Opacification
B12200. Co-Authors: Dr.Chandrakant Shetye, - Bambolim Following Different Intraocular Lenses Implantation
Cataract Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ashish Sahani, S14650. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr.Subhankar Home, Dr.Shreya Banerjee, Dr.Arnav
FP330 - Evs: Effectiveness of Guidelines in Cases of Mitra, - Lucknow
Endophthalmitis Following Manual Sics. Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, ——————————————————————————
S05624. Co-Authors: Dr.Ruchir Mehta, Dr.Parth Kalyani, FP393 - Functional Changes On Multifocal Erg and Struc-
Dr.Anjali Israni, - Dahod tural Changes On Spectral Domain Oct in Glaucoma
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Hitesh Kumar Agarwal,
—————————————————————————— A15185. Co-Authors: Dr.Aparna Rao, - Ahmedabad
FP334 - Ectopic Intraocular Lens- An Unusual Compli- Glaucoma
cation of Cataract Surgery ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Krunal Patel, P15622. Co- FP400 - Specular Microscopic Analysis of Donor Cor-
Authors: Dr.Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Dr.Shreya Shah, nea From Eastern India
Dr.Prashant Vasaiya, - Ahmedabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Namrata Agarwal, A13379.
Cataract Co-Authors: Dr.Samar Kumar Basak, - Dehradun
—————————————————————————— Cornea
FP337 - Model Vitreo Retina (VR) Centres for Rural Popu- ——————————————————————————
lation of Eastern India FP402 - A Comparative Study of Bimatoprost (0.03%)
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nandini Chandak, C13583. with Fixed Combination Brimonidine Tartarate 0.2% and
Co-Authors: Dr.Partha Biswas, Dr.Surendra Prakash, Timolol Maleate 0.5% in Ope
Dr.Kumar Saket, - Kolkata Chief Author: Dr.Bithi Chowdhury, C06585. Presenting
Community / Social Ophthalmology Author: Dr.Abhishek Kumar, A16293. Co-Authors:
—————————————————————————— Dr.Yogesh Kumar, - New Delhi
FP338 - Clinical Features and Visual Outcome in Case Cataract
of Endophthalmitis Following Manual Small Incision ——————————————————————————
Cataract Surgery FP411 - to Estimate Willingness to Pay for Cataract Sur-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ashit Hasmukhlal Shah, gery Among People ?50 Years in Tribal Area of Surat.
S08841. Co-Authors: Dr.Ruchir Mehta, Dr.Kashyap Patel, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rohan Chariwala, C16207.
Dr.Parth Kalyani, - Ahmedabad Co-Authors: Dr.Uday Ranchhoddas Gajiwala, Dr.Sheetal P
Cataract Chaudhari, Dr.Shaheen Shah, - Mandvi
—————————————————————————— Community / Social Ophthalmology
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP412 - Various Innovative Techniques in Secondary FP439 -: Pd Dalk and D-Dalk for Keratoconus
Intraocular Lens Implantation in Aphakia. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Pratik Chaugule. Co-Authors:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kashyap Patel, P16784. Co- Dr.Vipul Bhandari, Dr.Jagadeesh Kumar Reddy K,
Authors: Dr.Parth Kalyani, Dr.Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Dr.Siddharthan, - Mumbai
Dr.Shreya Shah, - Gandhinagar Cornea
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP440 - Postcataract Cluster Endophthalmitis and Out-
FP413 - Measurement of Depth of Limbal Relaxing Inci- comes – 7 Years Experience
sion Using Asoct and Its Correlation with Correction Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sumeet Malhotra, M10562.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sourabh Patwardhan, Co-Authors: Dr.Deepshikha Agrawal, Dr.Samrat Chatterjee,
P11250 - Sangli - Raipur
Cataract Inflammation
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP414 - Innovative Method for Ocular Anaesthesia in FP441 - Normative Properties of Macula in Pediatric
Children for Ocular Injuries Population in Indian Population
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jemini Shrigovind Pandya, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ruchir Mehta, M13882. Co-
P15713. Co-Authors: Dr.Ritu Jemini Bhai Pandya, Dr.Nirav Authors: Dr.Anjali Israni, Dr.Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah,
Patel, Dr.Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, - Nadiad Dr.Shreya Shah, - Jamnagar
Cataract Comprehensive Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP415 - Visual Outcome of Vitrectomy Done for Nucleus FP443 - All That Is White Is Not Retinoblastoma
Drop of Any Etiology. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ruchir Mehta, M13882. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kashyap Patel, P16784. Co- Authors: Dr.Anjali Israni, Dr.Shreya Shah, Dr.Nirav Patel, -
Authors: Dr.Parth Kalyani, Dr.Ruchir Mehta, Dr.Mehul Ashvin Jamnagar
Kumar Shah, - Gandhinagar Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP449 - Clinical Profile and Visual Outcome of Acute
FP417 - Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant and Grid Post Cataract Endophthalmitis in A Tertiary Eye Centre.
Laser for Macular Edema Due to Retinal Vein Occlusion Chief Author: Dr.Tanpreet Pal Singh, S13678. Presenting
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sumeet Malhotra, M10562. Author: Manoranjan Mahendran. Co-Authors: Navdeep
Co-Authors: Dr.Deepshikha Agrawal, Dr.Neha Sen, - Raipur Kaur, - Madurai
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Inflammation
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP418 - Corneal Endothelial Changes in Patients with FP451 - Comparative Study of Visual Outcome Follow-
Chronic Renal Failure ing Surgery for Nucleus Drop: Iatrogenic Versus Trau-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Lt Col) Alok Sati, S09925. matic
Co-Authors: Dr. (Maj) Shankar Sandeep, Dr. (Lt Col) Ashok Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Parth Kalyani, K13006. Co-
Jha, Dr. (Maj Gen) Deepak Kalra, - Kolkata Authors: Dr.Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Dr.Kashyap Patel,
Cornea Dr.Ruchir Mehta, - Nadiad
—————————————————————————— Vitreo Retinal Diseases
FP420 - Visual Outcome Following Lens Implant On ——————————————————————————
Capsular Remnant in Cases of Capsular Complications. FP455 - Hospital Cornea Retrieval Programme Versus
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jemini Shrigovind Pandya, Residential Eye Donation
P15713. Co-Authors: Dr.Shreya Shah, Dr.Parth Kalyani, Chief Author: Dr.Rekha Gyanchand, R03837. Presenting
Dr.Kashyap Patel, - Nadiad Author: Dr.Sheetal Hegde, H11738. Co-Authors:
Cataract Dr.Mamatha B, - Bangalore
—————————————————————————— Cornea
FP424 - Corneal Endothelial Changes in Patients with ——————————————————————————
Alcohol Dependence Syndrome FP463 - Bilateral Crao in A Case of Wegener’s Granulo-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Lt Col) Alok Sati, S09925. matosis
Co-Authors: Dr. (Maj) Shankar Sandeep, Dr. (Lt Col) Ashok Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kanchan R Sainani, S16079.
Jha, Dr.Sanjay Kumar Mishra, - Kolkata Co-Authors: Dr.Arjun Ahuja, - Mumbai
Cornea Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP438 - Novel Technique for Laser Posterior FP471 - Effect of Lasik On Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer
Capsulotomy in Capsular Bag Distension Syndrome Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Puja Rai, P15760. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Raminder Singh, S11718. thors: Dr.Amit Porwal, - Thane
Co-Authors: Dr.Satish Chadha, - Mohali Glaucoma
Cataract ——————————————————————————
FP472 - My Experience with Amo Toric IOL FP521 - Does Nd Yag Capsulotomy Cause Refractive
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Bansal R K, B03804 - Changes in Pseudophakic Eyes?
Chandigarh Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Amisha Jain. Co-Authors:
Cataract Dr.Shreya Shah, Dr.Prerana Shah, Siddharth Khandelwal, -
—————————————————————————— Indore
FP483 - Safety & Efficacy of Relex Smile Xtra in Patients Cataract
with Thin Corneas and / Borderline Topography ——————————————————————————
Physical Posters
Chief Author: Dr.Sri Ganesh, S05250. Presenting Author: FP523 - Stumbles and Hurdles in Phaco Learning Curve
Dr.Sheetal Brar, B15612 - Bangalore of A Novice Surgeon - First 100 Eyes Over 1 Year.
Refractive Surgery Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nandini Chandak, C13583.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr.Partha Biswas, Dr.Subhrangshu Sengupta,
FP493 - Endophthalmitis Prevention in Cataract Surgery Dr.Krishnendu Nandi, - Kolkata
Practice. Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Chaitanya Shukla, S16332. ——————————————————————————
Co-Authors: Amrita Verma, Dr.Kartikey Kothari, Dr.Navneet FP533 - Surgical Versus Medical Management of Primary
Mehrotra, - Rajkot Open Angle Glaucoma
Cataract Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sujata S, S07234. Co-Au-
—————————————————————————— thors: Dr.C A Nelson Jesudasen, Dr.L Sophia, - Tiruchirapalli
FP500 - Comparison of Clinical Outcome Between 23- Glaucoma
Gauge and 25-Gauge Vitrectomy in Diabetic Patients ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Eman Abo Taleb. Co-Authors: FP534 - Study of Role of Slt in Lowering Iop in Oag Not
Dr.Manish Nagpal, Dr.Navneet Mehrotra, Dr.Kalyani Bhatt, Controlled with Medical Therapy in Indian Eyes
- Ahmedabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Parul Goyal. Co-Authors:
Cataract Dr.Surishti Raj, Dr.Pandav Surinder Singh, Dr.Sushmita
—————————————————————————— Kaushik, - Panchkula
FP503 - Foldable Toric Intraocular Lens for Astigmatism Glaucoma
Correction in Cataract Patients ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Utkarsh Bhardwaj. Co-Au- FP536 - Outcome of Intravitreal Bevacizumab in Myopic
thors: Dr.Bandyopadhyay Supratik, - Siliguri Choroidal Neovascularization
Cataract Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sukanya Perumal. Co-Au-
—————————————————————————— thors: Dr.Saravanan Selvaraj, Dr.Vanila C G, - Trichy
FP510 - Cushioning the Posterior Polar Cataract: Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Femtosecond-Laser Based Approach ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shail. Co-Authors: FP537 - Juvenile Open Angle Glaucoma Or High Myo-
Dr.Vasavada Abhaykumar Raghukant, Dr.Shetal pia: A Diagnostic Enigma in Young Adults
Mahendrasingh Raj, - Ahmedabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sujata S, S07234. Co-Au-
Cataract thors: Dr.L Sophia, Dr.C A Nelson Jesudasen, - Tiruchirapalli
—————————————————————————— Glaucoma
FP514 - Comparison of Incision Integrity and Morphol- ——————————————————————————
ogy Following IOL Implantation with 3 Injector Devices FP540 - Effect of Accelerated Corneal Collagen Cross
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Samaresh, S13187. Co-Au- Linking On Endothelial Cell Count
thors: Dr.Vaishali Abhaykumar Vasavada, Dr.Vasavada Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Meenal Lohia, L14593. Co-
Abhaykumar Raghukant, Dr.Shetal Mahendrasingh Raj, - Authors: Dr.Vipul Bhandari, Dr.Jagadeesh Kumar Reddy K,
Jaipur - Gwalior
Cataract Cornea
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP517 - to Evaluate Visual Outcomes After Cataract Sur- E-POSTER 7 [FP542] Comprehensive Ophthalmology
gery with Complicated Cataract Secondary to Uveitis. Efficacy of Red Lens in Improving Color Perception
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rukhsana, R15455. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. Dattakiran Joshi, J06117.
thors: Dr.Ashesh Patel, Dr.Mehul Ashvin Kumar Shah, Co-Authors: Dr. Sqn Ldr (Dr) Avadhesh Oli, Dr. Santosh
Dr.Shreya Shah, - New Delhi Kumar, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, - Bangalore
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP544 - Causes of Congenital Blindness Differ Among
FP519 - Demography and Clinical Features of Limbal Absolute Blind Children & Children with Residual Vision.
Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD) At A Tertiary Care Center Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Tanmayi Dhamankar,
Chief Author: Dr.Jayesh Vazirani, V13482. Presenting Au- D16092. Co-Authors: Dr.Kuldeep Dole, Dr. (Col) Madan
thor: Dr.Siva Kumar Wurity. Co-Authors: Dr.Fernandes Deshpande, - Pune
Merle, - Rajkot Community / Social Ophthalmology
Cornea ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP550 - Association of Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome with FP608 - Safety and Rate of Suturing in Primary Small
Cardiovascular Disease in Rural Area of Maharashtra. Gauge Pediatric Vitrectomies.
Chief Author: Dr.Varsha Sharadrao Nandedkar, N08843. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kalyani Bhatt, T14016. Co-
Presenting Author: Dr.Vidya Ramnath Bhojane. Co-Au- Authors: Dr.Manish Nagpal, Dr.Navneet Mehrotra, Dr.Eman
thors: Dr.Chandrakishor H Pardhi, - Aurangabad Abo Taleb, - Ahmedabad
Cataract Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP553 - Icl and Toric Icl Posterior Chamber Phakic IOL FP612 - Sd-Oct Findings and Visual Outcomes in Eyes
in Eyes with Keratoconus Undergoing Silicone Oil Removal.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Puneet Solanki, S15644 - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kalyani Bhatt, T14016. Co-
New Delhi Authors: Dr.Manish Nagpal, Dr.Navneet Mehrotra, Dr.Eman
Refractive Surgery Abo Taleb, - Ahmedabad
—————————————————————————— Vitreo Retinal Diseases
FP558 - Diagnostic and Predictive Role of Ultrasonog- ——————————————————————————
raphy (BSCAN) in Mature Cataract FP631 - Clinical Study of Various Incisions and IOL Axis
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anusuya. Co-Authors: Placement in Toric IOLs
Dr.Rakesh Shakya, Dr.Amresh Kumar, Dr.Dhananjay Giri, - Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jaya Kaushik, K12383. Co-
Satna Authors: Dr. (Brig) J K S Parihar, Dr.Vijay Mathur, Dr.Gaurav
Cataract Relhan, - New Delhi
—————————————————————————— Cataract
FP563 - Targeted Supplementation for Vitamin A Defi- ——————————————————————————
ciency: Siblings Examination to Detect Undiagnosed FP634 - Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Autograft
Cases Using Novel Single Suture Technique
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Khushbu Bhattad, B13004. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Harshit Hegde. Co-Authors:
Co-Authors: Dr.Pradhnya Wasule, Dr.Amit Kumar Yadav, Dr.Parmar Gautam Singh, Dr.Sachin Arya, Dr.Ashok Kumar
Dr.Anand Partani, - Chitrakoot, Karwi Meena, - Udupi District
Ophthalmic Education, Epidemiology & Prevention of Cornea
Blindness ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP636 - Static Cyclotorsion Compensation – Is It Effec-
FP565 - Demographic and Corneal Tissue Profile of Eye tive in Lasik?
Donars of Community Eye Bank in South Gujarat Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nisha, S13926. Co-Authors:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sonalika Dubey. Co-Authors: Dr.Parmar Gautam Singh, Dr.Ashok Kumar Meena, - Patiala
Dr.Falguni S Mehta, Dr.Rupam Janak Desai, Dr.Jigisha Refractive Surgery
Randeri, - Chitrakoot ——————————————————————————
Community / Social Ophthalmology FP642 - Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome: Anatomical
—————————————————————————— and Functional Outcome Following Vitrectomy
FP576 - Unusual Ocular Presentation of Wegener’s Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sangeeta Deka Goswami,
Granulomatosis Without Extra-Ocular Manifestations D14678. Co-Authors: Dr.Manish Nagpal, Dr.Navneet
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Arindam Chakravarti, Mehrotra, Dr.Eman Abo Taleb, - Guwahati
C08982. Co-Authors: Dr.Lalit Verma, Dr.Avnindra Gupta, - Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Guwahati ——————————————————————————
Vitreo Retinal Diseases FP644 - Clinical Profile of the Family of Keratoconus
—————————————————————————— Patients
FP588 - Visual Outcome in Eyes with Posterior Capsular Chief Author: Dr.Rekha Gyanchand, R03837. Presenting
Rupture During Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) Author: Dr.Mamatha B, M12896 - Bangalore
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vijay Pratap Singh Tomar, Cornea
T12925. Co-Authors: Dr.Deepali L Velani, Dr.Anusha Pawar, ——————————————————————————
Dr.Aakanksha Raghuvanshi, - Hardoi FP645 - Rare Case Report of Choroidal Metastasis From
Cataract Follicular Carcinoma of Thyroid Gland
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr.Guru Prasad A S, G03319. Presenting
FP595 - Plasma Blade Transciliary Filtration in Author: Dr.Sourabh Shah, S13602. Co-Authors: Dr.Apoorva
Neovascular Glaucoma – A Prospective Case Series A G, Dr.Shrinivas M Joshi, - Hubli
Chief Author: Dr.Gunjan Prakash, G08048. Presenting Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Author: Dr.Ujjwal Prakash Jha, J16014. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr.Satsangi Saran Kumar, Dr.Bhairavi Raut, Dr.Abhishek FP652 - Epidemiology of Paediatric Cataract in Western
Onkar, - Agra Rajasthan, A Retrospective Study.
Glaucoma Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vinod Kumar Sharma,
—————————————————————————— S01901. Co-Authors: Dr.Amit Mohan, - Aburoad
FP607 - Purpose: to Report A Rare Case of Bilateral Re- Cataract
versible Corneal Edema Due to Amantadine Toxicity ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Phani Raj Kathuri, K15634 -
FP663 - Influence of Axial Length On Toric IOL Rota- FP705 - the Patternt of Eye Disorder in A Tertiary Care
tional Stability- A Retrospective Study Center in North East India
Chief Author: Dr.Sri Ganesh, S05250. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Chandana Kakati, K11559 -
Dr.Savio Pereira. Co-Authors: Dr.Sathish Prabhu, - Guwahati
Bangalore Community / Social Ophthalmology
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP706 - Intra-Cameral Antibiotics Is Really Necessary.
Physical Posters
FP664 - Short-Term Changes in Intraocular Pressure Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.R B Goyal, G04911 - Jaipur
After Phacoemulsification Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ashay Dangare. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr.Amresh Kumar, Dr.Rakesh Shakya, Dr.Dhananjay Giri, - FP729 - Surgical Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Pa-
Chitrakoot tients with Pseudoexfoliation
Glaucoma Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jigisha Randeri, R08699.
—————————————————————————— Co-Authors: Dr.Rupam Janak Desai, Dr.Falguni S Mehta,
FP667 - Association and Correlation of Nd: Yag Laser Dr.Gaurang Makwana, - Navsari
Posterior Capsulotomy with Raised Intraocular Pressure Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sharad Dogney. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr.Avinash Sinha, Dr.Rakesh Shakya, - Chitrakoot FP733 - the Role of Microbiological Assays of Donor
Cataract Samples in Determining Clinical Outcome in Kerato-
—————————————————————————— plasty
FP670 - Role of Topical Vitamin A in Promoting Healing Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Mona Bhargava, B09437.
of Bitot’s Spot in A Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Co-Authors: Dr.Anjan Mukherjee, Mr.Soumen Pramanik, -
Odisha Kolkata
Chief Author: Dr.Jayashree Dora, D09060. Presenting Au- Cornea
thor: Dr.Gargi Das, D15786. Co-Authors: Dr.Sharmistha ——————————————————————————
Behera, - Sambalpur FP737 - Incidence of Cme As Measured By Spectral Do-
Community / Social Ophthalmology main OCT (SD-OCT) Following Extracapsular Cataract
—————————————————————————— Extraction (Ecce).
FP671 - Rapd As A Screening Tool for Glaucoma Chief Author: Dr.Dhwani. Presenting Author: Dr.Akhil
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Deepa. Co-Authors: Agarwal, A14085. Co-Authors: Dr.Akhil Agarwal, -
Dr.Amresh Kumar, Dr.Rakesh Shakya, Dr.Sharad Dogney, Ghaziabad
- Bhopal Cataract
Glaucoma ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP744 - to Evaluate the Visual Outcome and Complica-
FP676 - A Study On Changes in Dry Eye tion Profiles Ofsecondary Implantation of Openloop
Symptoms,Clinical Signs and Corneal Sensitivity After Anterior Chamber , Sulcus Fixat
SICS Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shraddha Rastogi, R16690.
Chief Author: Dr.Sharmistha Behera, B09184. Presenting Co-Authors: Dr.Charu Mithal, Dr.Sandeep Mithal, Gaurav
Author: Dr.Gargi Das, D15786. Co-Authors: Dr.Kanhei Kumar, - Meerut
Charan Tudu, Dr.Jagdish Prasad Rout, - Sambalpur Cataract
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP746 - Cataract Surgery in Colobomatous Eyes: A Case
FP683 - A Comparative Study of Topical Acyclovir Oint- Series
ment & Ganciclovir Gel in Epithelial Herpetic Keratitis Chief & Presenting Author: K.Nikunj. Co-Authors: Dr.Shikha
Chief Author: Dr.Gargi Das, D15786. Presenting Author: Talwar Bassi, Aditya Sethi, Mayav Movdawalla, - Chennai
Dr.Anuradha Pradhan. Co-Authors: Dr.Sasmita Sahu, Cataract
Dr.Pratima Sahu, - Sambalpur ——————————————————————————
Cornea FP761 - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) with Prolifera-
—————————————————————————— tive Retinopathy- Case Report
FP689 - Wyburn Mason Syndrome - A Twisted Tale Chief Author: Dr.Renu Puthenvilayil Rajan, R13751. Pre-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Divya Chandran. Co-Authors: senting Author: Dr.Anand R. Co-Authors: Dr.Jatinder Singh,
Dr.Chandra Kumar H V, Dr. (Maj) Naveen K, - Bangalore - Madurai
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP693 - Pentacam Scheimpflug Imaging of Anterior Seg- FP770 - Clinical Profile and Distribution of Types of Glau-
ment Parameters in Indian Children coma in Tribal Region of South Gujarat.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Patel Bhavin Kumar. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sheetal P Chaudhari. Co-
Authors: Dr.Swati Tomar, - Narayanpet Authors: Dr.Rohan Chariwala, Dr.Uday Ranchhoddas
Cornea Gajiwala, Dr.Archana Chaudhari, - Vyara Dist. Tapi
—————————————————————————— Glaucoma
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP776 - Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) Or FP807 - Intraocular Pressure & Central Corneal Thick-
Phacoemulsification (PE) in Brunescent Cataract:Whats ness: A Comparison Between Three Different
Better Tonometers.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Partho K Bakshi, B11513. Chief Author: Dr.Devendra Maheshwari, M12691. Present-
Co-Authors: Dr.Debasish Bhattacharya, Dr.Ayan Mohanta, ing Author: Dr.Ravi Chandra K. Co-Authors: Dr.Rama
Dr.Arup Bhaumik, - Kolkata Krishnan R, Dr.Arijit Mitra, Dr.Neelam Pawar, - Tirunelveli
Cataract Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP777 - Visual Outcome of Phaco Vs Small Incision Cata- FP809 - Use of Fibrin Glue in Extended Scleral Flap in
ract Surgery in Pseudoexfoliation Cataracts. Sics-My Experience
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anmol Ulhas Naik. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anita Ambastha. Co-Authors:
thors: Dr.Lahane Tatyarao Pundlikrao, Dr.Ragini Dr.Rakhi Kusumesh, - Patna
Hasmukuray Parekh, - Dombivli (West) Cataract
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP813 - Hypertension: Nemesis of the Eye? A Study of
FP781 - the Final Frontier in Imaging: Microscope Inte- Its Ocular Complications and Associations.
grated As-Oct in Assessing Posterior Polar Cataracts Chief Author: Dr.Lt Col (Mrs ) Cynthia Arunachalam,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nikhil Negalur, N16679. Co- A04155. Presenting Author: Dr.Arthi Rasquinha, R16299 -
Authors: Dr.Rohit Shetty, Dr.Sudeep Das, Dr.Varun Mangalore
Kharbanda, - Thane Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP830 - Agreement and Comparison of Anterior Segment
FP787 - Toxic Ocular Manifestations in Carpenters Parameters On Three Scheimpflug Devices
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sayali Pradhan, P15930. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vishal Arora, A13843. Co-
Authors: Dr.Jeena Maria Mascarenhas, - Chembur, Mumbai Authors: Dr.Rohit Shetty, Dr.Mathew Kurian, - Gurgaon
Community / Social Ophthalmology Cornea
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP790 - Study On Re-Infection Following Therapeutic FP836 - Evaluation of Occular Manifestations in Differ-
Penetrating Keratoplasty and Management: Over 1000 ent Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)-East Odisha
Cases Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Amrita Mohanty. Co-Authors:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nibedita Das, D11893. Co- Dr.Sumita Mohapatra, Dr.Anita Misra, Dr.Manjunatha S, -
Authors: Dr.Samar Kumar Basak, - Kolkata Cuttack
Cornea Comprehensive Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP796 - Are Intracameral Antibiotics Mandatory in All FP841 - Correlation of Water Drinking Test (WDT) and
Cases of Lens Abscess? Visual Field in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG)
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nuti Shah, S16719. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Tanuja Kate, T09033. Co-
thors: Dr.S Bala Murugan, Dr.Romana Fazal, Dr.Abhilasha Authors: Dr.Rajiv Choudhary, Dr.Navita Mittal, Dr.Jyoti
Alone, - Thavalakuppam Singhai, - Indore
Cataract Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP800 - Ultra Wide Field Retinal Imaging (OPTOS) Guided FP844 - Clinical Profile, Optical Coherence Tomographic
Early Detection of Macular Hole Closure in SD-OCT Features and Visual Outcome of Central Serous
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Boral Subhendu Kumar, Chorioretinopathy in A Tertiary
B09751. Co-Authors: Dr.Das Arnab, Dr.Tushar Kanti Sinha, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Gajendra Kumar Verma,
Dr.Somak Mazumdar, - Kolkata V15362 - Pondicherry
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP803 - Change of Visual Acuity, Iop Control By Differ- FP845 - Outcomes of Deep Anterior Lamellar Kerato-
ent Surgical Modalities in Advanced Glaucoma plasty (DALK) in Various Indications- An Analysis.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Brig (Mrs ) Sagarika Patyal, Chief Author: Dr.Shreesha Kumar K, K10064. Presenting
P05829. Co-Authors: Dr.Poninder Kumar Dogra, Dr.Vijay Author: Dr.Nikit Sarwate, S14746. Co-Authors:
Mathur, Dr.Santosh Kumar, - Delhi Dr.Ramamurthy D, - Coimbatore
Glaucoma Cornea
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP806 - Correlation of Higher Order Aberration and Con- FP846 - Magnitude & Profile of Ocular Manifestations in
trast Sensitivity in Aspheric and Spheric IOL Intracranial Tumors, Among Patients in East India
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vijay Shetty, S09506. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Indranil Saha. Co-Authors:
Authors: Dr.Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr.Kotecha Ritesh Dr.Rath Indrani, Dr.Sumita Mohapatra, - Cuttack
Rameshchand, Dr.Maninder Singh Setia, - Mumbai Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Cataract ——————————————————————————
FP850 - Profile of Monocular Blindness Among the Geri- FP916 - Efficacy of Tno Cards As A Screening Test for
atric Population in East India: Hospital Based Study Visual Problems in Children
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Indranil Saha. Co-Authors: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Antony Arokiadass B. Co-
Dr.Sumita Mohapatra, Dr.Rath Indrani, Dr.Nanda Prasanta Authors: Dr.Tanuja Britto, Dr.C A Nelson Jesudasen, - Trichy
Kumar, - Cuttack Community / Social Ophthalmology
Community / Social Ophthalmology ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP917 - Visual Problems in Cerebral Palsy
Physical Posters
FP859 - Intermediate Term Visual Results After Restor Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Tanuja Britto. Co-Authors:
Multifocal IOL Implantation Dr.Antony Arokiadass B, Dr.C A Nelson Jesudasen, - Trichy
Chief Author: Dr.Rajiv Choudhary, C03427. Presenting Community / Social Ophthalmology
Author: Dr.Tanuja Kate, T09033. Co-Authors: Dr.Tanuja ——————————————————————————
Kate, Dr.Navita Mittal, Dr.Jyoti Singhai, - Indore FP919 - Does Intra-Vitreal Bevacizumab Have Any Role
Cataract in Management of Vitreous Hemorrhage Due to Pdr?
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shephali Jain, J15440. Co-
FP868 - Study of Risk Factors & Outcome of Conserva- Authors: Dr.K Viswanath, Dr.Muralidhar Ogoti, Dr.Nisha
tive V/S Laser Management in Central Serous Retinopa- Chauhan, - Bhopal
thy Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kushal S Delhiwala, D13087. ——————————————————————————
Co-Authors: Dr.Vipul Prajapati, - Ahmedabad FP924 - Ilm Peeling to Reduce Macular Area Pvr Changes
Vitreo Retinal Diseases in Primary Reghmatogenous Retinal Detachment
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shephali Jain, J15440. Co-
FP879 - Peribulbar Block-A New Analgesic for Reduc- Authors: Dr.Muralidhar Ogoti, Dr.K Viswanath, Dr.Gunjan
ing Post Operative Pain Prakash, - Bhopal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Manish Saxena, S13256. Co- Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Authors: Dr.Mahesh Shanmugam P, Dr.Neha Sinha, ——————————————————————————
Dr.Mishra Divyansh Kailashcandra, - Tundla FP930 - Comparison of Ccis Created Using Femtosecond
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Laser Or A Keratome Using Intraoperative As-Oct.
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Varun Kharbanda, K13390.
FP884 - Most Sensitive Prognostic Factors for Diabetic Co-Authors: Dr.Sudeep Das, Dr.Vishal Arora, Dr.Rohit
Retinopathy-Age, Glycation Gap Or Hba1c ? Shetty, - Allahabad
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Aniruddha Maiti, M11117. Cataract
Co-Authors: Dr.Chirag Dilip Bhatt, Dr.Kanika Agrawal, ——————————————————————————
Dr.Ratish Chandra Paul, - Kolkata FP932 - Clinical Prognostic Factors,Effecting Outcome,In
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Preterm Infants of Retinopathy of Prematurity in North
—————————————————————————— Indian Population
FP892 - Outcome of Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplant Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sandeep Gupta, G14487.
(SLET) for Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD) Co-Authors: Dr.Rajesh Hans, Dr.Agarwal Mahesh Chandra,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vikas Mittal, M08915 - - Patran
Ambala Cantt Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Cornea ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP933 - Ultrasound Biometry Versus IOL Master in Pre-
FP893 - Prospective Evaluation of Primary IOL Implan- dicting Refractive Outcome Post Cataract Surgery.
tation in Traumatic Cataract in Children Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Aarti Agrawal, A15972. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Avinash Bagzai, B15091. Authors: Dr.Saurabh Shrivastava, Dr.Reshma
Co-Authors: Dr.Pradhnya Wasule, Dr.Elesh Jain, Dr.Amit Ramakrishnan, Dr.Prajakta Paritekar, - Mumbai
Kumar Yadav, - Indore Cataract
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP945 - Homozygosity By Descent of A Foveal Hypo-
FP903 - Outcome of Dsek in Congenital Hereditary En- plasia Gene in An Inbred South Indian Family
dothelial Dystrophy (CHED) Chief Author: Dr.Sherine M D Souza, D07880. Presenting
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vikas Mittal, M08915 - Author: Dr.Kushal Kacha, K16866. Co-Authors: Prof.G
Ambala Cantt Kumaramanickavel, Dr.Rohit Shetty, - Goa
Cornea Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP907 - Cross Linking: Impact of Procedure On Quality FP951 - Bilateral Serous Macular Detachment in
of Life in People of Indian Ethnicity Waldenstorm Macroglobulinemia
Chief Author: Dr.Mainak Bhattacharyya, M16230. Present- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Meghana, P16476. Co-Au-
ing Author: Dr.Kirti Singh, K04958. Co-Authors: Dr.Mainak thors: Dr.Mendonca Norman, Dr.Sripathi Kamath B, -
Bhattacharyya, Dr.Abhishek Goel, Dr.Usha Yadava, - Mangalore
Ghaziabad Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Cornea ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
Physical Posters
FP1055 - A Rare Case Presentation of Central Areolar Chief Author: Prof.Anita Panda. Presenting Author:
Choroidal Dystrophy Dr.Anoop K Gupta, G12284. Co-Authors: Dr.Sasikala
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.B Kasthuri Balakrishnan, Nindra Krishna, Dr.Vanathi M, Dr.Jatinder Bali, - Delhi
B16847. Co-Authors: Dr.A Nandhini, Dr.Divya Alex, - Cornea
Perambalur ——————————————————————————
Vitreo Retinal Diseases FP1114 - Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Macular Edema
—————————————————————————— (ME) in Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO)
FP1059 - An Interesting Case of Macro Reticular Pattern Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anisha Seth. Co-Authors:
Macular Dystrophy Dr.Gauri Bhushan, Dr.Meenakshi Thakar, Dr.Basudeb
Chief Author: Febin. Presenting Author: Dr.Thasneem Ghosh, - New Delhi
Suraiya, T13971. Co-Authors: Dr.Thasneem Suraiya, Dr.S Vitreo Retinal Diseases
V Chandrakumar, - Chennai ——————————————————————————
Vitreo Retinal Diseases FP1116 - Comparison of Alkalinised & Plain Lidocaine
—————————————————————————— On Injection Pain in Peribulbar Block-A Randomized Trial
FP1062 - Sics-Trabeculectomy - Our Experience! Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ashish Mahobia, M10343.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nidhi Thaker. Co-Authors: Co-Authors: Dr.Sonal Vyas, Dr.Pooja Agrawal, - Raipur
Dr.Puja Rai, Dr.Amit Porwal, - Mumbai Cataract
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1117 - An Interesting Case of Neurofibromatosis
FP1069 - Impact of Visual Impairment On Social Wellbe- Type2
ing & the Functional Disability of Glaucoma Patients Chief Author: K.Kavitha. Presenting Author: Dr.E
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Dubey Suneeta, D08632. Co- Indhumathi, I16787. Co-Authors: Dr.S V Chandrakumar, -
Authors: Mr.Saptarshi Mukherjee, Dr.Julie Pegu, Ms.Herleen Madurai
Bedi, - Delhi Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Glaucoma ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1118 - Emphasis the Importance of Oct in Diagnostic
FP1075 - Eyes with Glaucoma Have Altered Dilemma of Macular Lesions- A Case of Mac Tel.
Hemodynamics: An in Vivo Imaging By Oximetry Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Divya Alex, A15662. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Manan Jariwala, J12933. Co- thors: Dr.K Ravi Kumar, Dr.A Nandhini, - Chennai
Authors: Dr.Sathi Devi A V, Prof.Rajesh S Kumar, Dr.Ashwin Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Mohan, - Bangalore ——————————————————————————
Glaucoma FP1122 - Bimatoprost Induced Serous Macular Detach-
—————————————————————————— ment
FP1086 - A Study of Incidence of Secondary Glaucoma Chief Author: Swapnil Parchand. Presenting Author:
After Ocular Trauma Correlated with the Type of Injury Dr.Amit Kumar Deb. Co-Authors: Swapnil Parchand,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Madhavi Malivad. Co-Au- Dr.Subashini, Dr.Renuka Srinivasan, - Puducherry
thors: Dr.Reema Raval, Dr.Trivedi Nitin Vinaykant, - Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
Glaucoma FP1128 - to Compare the Accuracy & Predictability of 4
—————————————————————————— Different IOL Power Calculating Formulas in Hyperopes
FP1089 - Visual Outcome of Rigid Vs Foldable IOL in Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Adrian Braganza, B09182.
Phacoemulsification: Scenario in Rural India Co-Authors: Dr.Murtuza Jhabuawala, Dr.Aarti Heda, Dr.Rohit
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Gaurav Patil, P14756. Co- Shetty, - Goa
Authors: Dr.Elesh Jain, Dr.Mahendra, Dr.Pradhnya Wasule, Cataract
- Talgaon ——————————————————————————
Cataract FP1132 - A Rare Case Presentation of Ocular Tubercu-
—————————————————————————— losis- Collar Stud Abscess.
FP1093 - Challenges Faced By the Visually Challenged Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Divya Alex, A15662. Co-Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Deepika Malladi, D16223. thors: Dr.A Nandhini, Dr.K Ravi Kumar, - Chennai
Co-Authors: Dr.Tarakeswara Rao Attada, Dr.Krishna Prasad Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Pallem, Dr.V V Lakshmi Narasimha Rao, - Hyderabad ——————————————————————————
Community / Social Ophthalmology
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP1133 - Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Pre- FP1176 - Purtscher-Like Retinopathy in Acute Alcoholic
school Children’s Blindness Among Aww Under Icds Pancreatitis
Scheme Chief Author: Dr.Saba Ishrat. Presenting Author: Dr.Nitin
Chief & Presenting Author: Manjula Pradhan. Co-Authors: Nema, N04718 - Indore
Dr.Sumita Mohapatra, Dr.Nanda Prasanta Kumar, Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Dr.Kshirabdhi Tanaya Sahoo, - Cuttack ——————————————————————————
Community / Social Ophthalmology FP1181 - A Study of Ocular Manifestations in Children
—————————————————————————— Referred From Learning Disability Clinic
FP1151 - Iop Raise After Vitreoretinal Surgery-Out of the Chief Author: Dr.Gargi. Presenting Author: Dr.Chhaya A
Frying Pan Into the Fire. Shinde. Co-Authors: Dr.Chhaya A Shinde, Dr. (Mrs ) Potdar
Chief & Presenting Author: Cherukuri.Jhansi Rani. Co- Nayana Anil, - Panvel
Authors: Dr.Biswajit Dey, Dr.Santosh Mahapatra, Dr.Naresh Community / Social Ophthalmology
Desinayak, - Cuttack ——————————————————————————
Glaucoma FP1185 - Bilateral Peripheral Polypoidal Choroidal
—————————————————————————— Vasculopathy
FP1154 - Ketorolac An Alternative to Steroid After Cata- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Manjula Ballamudi. Co-Au-
ract Surgery in Steroid Responders thors: Dr.Shailaja S, Dr.Vijaya Paih, Dr.Sameer I, - Manipal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Archana Pandey, P09412 - Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Jalna ——————————————————————————
Cataract FP1187 - Managing Complex Corneas and Cataract
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shruti Mahajan, M12806. Co-
FP1158 - Clinico-Pathological Correlation of Posterior Authors: Dr.Sudeep Das, Dr.Mathew Kurian, Dr.Rohit Shetty,
Capsule Plaques in Post Vitrectomised Eyes - Karnal
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Geet M Shah, S15546. Co- Cataract
Authors: Dr.Srikant Sahu, Dr.Ekta Patel, - Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
Cataract FP1192 - to Evaluate Outcomes of Deep Anterior Lamel-
—————————————————————————— lar Keratoplasty in Children with Advanced Keratoconus
FP1160 - Ocular Morbidity Among Children Referred Chief Author: Dr.Ritu Arora, R04113. Presenting Author:
Through Rbsk At A Tertiary Care Centre in Rural Haryana Dr.Pooja Jain, J16450. Co-Authors: Dr.Goyal J L, Dr.Parul
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sumita Sethi Gulati, S09823. Jain, Dr.Aditi Manudhane, - New Delhi
Co-Authors: Dr.Keerti Mundey, Dr.Mridu Chaudhry Grover, Cornea
- Delhi ——————————————————————————
Community / Social Ophthalmology FP1205 - Comparison of Ocular Aberrations and Con-
—————————————————————————— trast Sensitivity After Sics and Phacoemulsification.
FP1166 - Comparing the Effect of Torsional & Transver- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Srikant Sahu, S11533. Co-
sal Phacoemulsification On Visual and Ocular Param- Authors: Dr.Chetan Kishor Videkar, Dr.Rohit Modi,
eters Dr.Shraddha Sureka, - Bhubaneswar
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Maneck Nicholson, N12948. Cataract
Co-Authors: Dr.Sudeep Das, Dr.Mathew Kurian, Dr.Rohit ——————————————————————————
Shetty, - Mumbai FP1206 - Vitamin A Supplementation- for Sure Or Never:
Cataract Unravel the Dilemma
—————————————————————————— Chief Author: Dr.Sidharth Sekhar Mishra. Presenting Au-
FP1170 - A Rare Case Presentation of Bilateral Cornea thor: Dr.Lapam Panda, P15856 - New Delhi
Plana with Ciliary Body Cysts Community / Social Ophthalmology
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Lubhani Jain, J15635. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr. (Mrs ) P S Maheswari, Dr.B Chandra Sekharan, FP1208 - Evaluation of Anterior Segment Parameters
Dr.Periyanayagi Muruganantham, - Mumbai Made Easy Using Pentacam Scheimpflug Imaging in
Cornea Adults
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Patel Bhavin Kumar. Co-
FP1171 - Oct Changes and Faster Recovery of Retinal Authors: Dr.Patel Chaitalkumar Ratilal, Dr.Swati Tomar,
Damage and Vision with Steroids in Solar Retinopathy. Dr.Sanjeev Verma, - Narayanpet
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Suresha K S, S10532. Co- Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Authors: Dr.Suresha K S, - Bangalore ——————————————————————————
Vitreo Retinal Diseases FP1213 - Relationship Between Changes in Spherical
—————————————————————————— Aberration and K Values of Cornea After Cataract Sur-
FP1172 - Real Time Depth Assessment to Perform Proper gery
Divide and Conquer During Phacoemulsification Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shroff Ashok Pranjivandas,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vishal Arora, A13843. Co- S02064. Co-Authors: Dr.Hardik Shroff, Dr.Dishita Shroff, -
Authors: Dr.Mathew Kurian, Dr.Sudeep Das, Dr.Rohit Shetty, Navsari
- Gurgaon Cataract
Cataract ——————————————————————————
FP1219 - Corneal Densitometry Using Pentacam Based FP1269 - Head Massage Induced Headache for the Op-
Scheimpflug Imaging System: Normative Data erating Doctor: the Curious Cases of Dancing Toric Icls
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Chinmay Sanghavi. Co-Au- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Maneck Nicholson, N12948.
thors: Dr.Swati Tomar, Dr.Prof (Dr) Yogesh Shukla, Co-Authors: Dr.Mathew Kurian, Dr.Rohit Shetty, Dr.Hema
Dr.Sanjeev Verma, - Mumbai Malini M S, - Mumbai
Cornea Cataract
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
Physical Posters
FP1221 - Urretts Zavalia Syndrome Post Phakic Refrac- FP1280 - Quality of Life in Amd
tive Intraocular Lens (PRL) Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Prakash Chipade, C14867.
Chief Author: Dr.Goyal J L, G03947. Presenting Author: Co-Authors: Dr.Vikram Nakhate, Dr.Vijay Shetty, Dr.Suhas
Dr.Pooja Jain, J16450. Co-Authors: Dr.Ritu Arora, Dr.Parul Haldipurkar, - Thane
Jain, Dr.Richa Agarwal, - Noida-Delhi Community / Social Ophthalmology
Refractive Surgery ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1281 - Management of Active Bleeding From Iris
FP1230 - Advanced Pellucid Marginal Corneal Degen- Microhaemangiomatosis
eration (PMCD) - Management Options Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Minija C K, M09080. Co-Au-
Chief Author: Dr.Ritu Arora, R04113. Presenting Author: thors: Dr.Mahesh Shanmugam P, Dr.Mishra Divyansh
Dr.Aditi Manudhane. Co-Authors: Dr.Goyal J L, Dr.Parul Kailashcandra, Dr.Gladys R Rodrigues, - Bangalore
Jain, Dr.Pooja Jain, - New Delhi Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Cornea ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1282 - Psychological Aspects and Role of Counsel-
FP1235 - Rotational Stability of 3 Premium Foldable Toric ling in Chronic Ocular Inflammatory Disorders.
IOLs in Different Grades of Cataracts Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Mayur Moreker, M10281. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Aarti Heda, H16569. Co-Au- Authors: Mr.Amitkumar R Vyas, Mr.Nivesh K Tiwari, Dr.Shilpa
thors: Dr.Adrian Braganza, Dr.Varun Kharbanda, Dr.Rohit R Moreker, - Mumbai
Shetty, - Akola Community / Social Ophthalmology
Cataract ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1283 - Prevalence of Vision Threatening Diabetic
FP1238 - Intermediate- Term Outcomes of Aadi (Aurolab Retinopathy in Hospitalized Patients: A Comparative
Aqueous Drainage Implant) Implantation in Refractory Study
Glaucoma Chief Author: Dr.Anamika Dwivedi, D12778. Presenting
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.George Puthuran, P12219. Author: Dr.Sujata Lakhtakia, L10398. Co-Authors:
Co-Authors: Dr.Sathyan Parthasarathy, Dr.Krishnadas, Dr.Dwivedi P C, Dr.Pankaj Choudhary, Dr.Charudatt
Dr.Sneha Sharma, - Madurai Chalisgaonkar, - Rewa
Glaucoma Comprehensive Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1245 - Evaluation of Different Approaches in Sics FP1284 - Study of Factors Affecting the Refractive Effi-
Surgeries Performed By Resident Doctors. cacy (REF) of Toric IOLs
Chief Author: Dr.Kunjan Patel, P12485. Presenting Author: Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Niket Gandhi. Co-Authors:
Dr.Akshita Jindal, J16114. Co-Authors: Dr.Priti Kapadia Dr.Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr.Vijay Shetty, Mr.Anirban Paik, -
Gupta, Dr.Shivani Jariwala, Dr.Vikas R Patel, - Surat Navi Mumbai
Cataract Cataract
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1258 - Change in K Values in Different Zones of Cor- FP1286 - Adenocarcinoma of Lung Presenting with
nea Following Lasik Choroidal Metastasis As First Sign: A Case Report
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shroff Ashok Pranjivandas, Chief Author: Dr.Shivanand Bubanale. Presenting Author:
S02064. Co-Authors: Dr.Hardik Shroff, Dr.Dishita Shroff, - Dr.Shivanand Bubanale, B11613. Co-Authors: Dr.Arushi
Navsari Prakash, Dr.Umesh Harakuni, Dr.Sneha Harogoppa, -
Refractive Surgery Belgaum
—————————————————————————— Vitreo Retinal Diseases
FP1262 - Eye Care On Wheels-Innovative Pilot Project ——————————————————————————
to Provide Surgical Eye Care At Patients’ Doorstep FP1290 - Accelerated Corneal Collagen Crosslinking in
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rajesh P S. Co-Authors: Paediatric Patients- Two Year Follow-Up Results
Dr.Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam, Dr.S S Badrinath, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Michelle Menezes, M16730.
Dr.Sheila John, - Chennai Co-Authors: Dr.Rohit Shetty, Dr.Harsha Nagaraja,
Community / Social Ophthalmology Dr.Mathew Kurian, - Pune
—————————————————————————— Cornea
FP1265 - Association of Vitamin B12, Folic Acid and ——————————————————————————
Homocysteine with Rnfl Thinning in Diabetic Retinopa- FP1303 - Comparison Between Pre and Post Operative
thy. Central Corneal Thickness in Sics and Phaco.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Khushboo Srivastav. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Prajakta Paritekar. Co-Au-
Authors: Dr.Sandeep Saxena, - Lucknow thors: Dr.Pallavi Agrawal, Dr.Shrikant Deshpande, Dr.Aarti
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Agrawal, - Mumbai
—————————————————————————— Cataract
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP1304 - Analysing Outcome of Combined Cataract and FP1329 - Loss of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness
Vitreoretinal Surgery After Brilliant Blue Assisted Macular Hole Surgery.
Chief Author: Dr.Hari Narayan Prasad, P12272. Present- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Supriya Arora, A14096. Co-
ing Author: Dr.Jay Shah, S15771. Co-Authors: Dr.Renuka Authors: Dr.Neha Goel, Dr.Anisha Seth, Dr.Basudeb Ghosh,
Sarwate, - Coimbatore - New Delhi
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Vitreo Retinal Diseases
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1311 - Cnvm Secondary to Angioid Streaks Treated FP1335 - Prospective Evaluation of Perilimbal Bulbar
with Bevacizumab - Long Term Results and Recurrence Pigmentation in Patients of Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis.
Chief Author: Dr.Hari Narayan Prasad, P12272. Present- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shraddha Sureka, S15944.
ing Author: Dr.Renuka Sarwate, S14960. Co-Authors: Co-Authors: Dr.Srikant Sahu, Dr.Sujata Das, Apurva Hardas,
Dr.Lekha T, Dr.Jay Shah, - Coimbatore - Mumbai
Cataract Cornea
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1312 - Encountering A New Possibility to Check Be- FP1338 - Clinical & Microbiological Profile of
fore Explanting A Defective Toric IOL Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis in Immunocompe-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rajat Goyal. Co-Authors: tent Cases.
Dr.Mohan Shalini, Prof.Gupta Ramesh Chandra, - Agra Chief Author: Dr.Rohit Bang, B13644. Presenting Author:
Cataract Dr.Parag Sawal. Co-Authors: Dr.Manasi Jadhav, Dr.Girish
—————————————————————————— Shiva Rao, - Jalna
FP1316 - Retinal Pigment Atrophic Tracts Cornea
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rohit Modi, M12721. Co- ——————————————————————————
Authors: Dr.Umesh Chandra Behera, Dr.Shalini Butola, FP1339 - Utility of Nidek Autorefractokeratometer (Nidek
Dr.Siddharth Shekhar, - Mumbai Ark -1) As A Screening Tool for Patient Selection for Toric
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Intraocular Lense
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ranjana Kumar, K11057. Co-
FP1317 - Outcomes of Cataract Surgery in Vernal Kera- Authors: Dr.Verma Niteshwar Prasad, Dr.Akhaury Ranjan
toconjunctivitis (VKC). Kumar, - Patna
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Srikant Sahu, S11533. Co- Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Authors: Dr.Sangwan Virender S, Dr.Fernandes Merle, Divya ——————————————————————————
Vira, - Bhubaneswar FP1341 - Modification of Anterior and Nasal Transposi-
Cataract tion of Inferior Oblique for Dvd: Less Upgaze Limitation
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Pramod Kumar Pandey,
FP1318 - Efficacy of Amniotic Membrane Grafting in P04428. Co-Authors: Dr.Vishaal Bhambhwani, Dr.Shagun
Various Severities of Refractory Infective Keratitis. Sood, Dr.Ranjith Pc, - New Delhi
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Urvija Choudhary. Co-Au- Squint
thors: Dr.Shreya Thatte, - Indore ——————————————————————————
Cornea FP1342 - Treatment of Chronic Cscr Without Definite
—————————————————————————— Angiographic Leak with Rifampicin and Isoniazid
FP1326 - Endothelial Cell Count Changes in Dsek Ver- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anisha Seth. Co-Authors:
sus Penetrating Keratoplasty Dr.Supriya Arora, Dr.Basudeb Ghosh, - New Delhi
Chief Author: Dr.Rohit Bang, B13644. Presenting Author: Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Dr.Sanket Deshmukh. Co-Authors: Dr.Manasi Jadhav, ——————————————————————————
Dr.Girish Shiva Rao, - Jalna FP1351 - Profile of Microbial Keratitis Post Corneal Col-
Cornea lagen Cross-Linking
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Luci Kaweri. Co-Authors:
FP1327 - Ocular Sarcoidosis: A Study of Clinical Profile Dr.Rohit Shetty, Dr.Vishal Arora, - Bangalore
in Tertiary Eye Care Centre of Eastern India. Cornea
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Manjunatha S. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr.Sumita Mohapatra, Dr.Pradeep Nandi, Dr.Anita Misra, - FP1354 - Cone Location- A Determinant of Outcomes
Cuttack After Combined T-Prk and Akxl
Comprehensive Ophthalmology Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Amrita Ajani, A16186. Co-
—————————————————————————— Authors: Dr.Rohit Shetty, Dr.Maneck Nicholson, - Mumbai
FP1328 - Retro-Iris Claw Intra-Ocular Lens - A Promis- Refractive Surgery
ing Alternative in Community Set Up ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Priyamvada Yadav, Y14489. FP1362 - Study of Macular Thickness Using Spectral
Co-Authors: Dr.D P Kar, Dr.Asif Khan, - Rewari Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Healthy In-
Cataract dian Subjects
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Prof.Kamlesh Khilnani, K03418.
Co-Authors: Dr.Vishal Agrawal, - Jaipur
Vitreo Retinal Diseases
FP1363 - Comparison of Refractive Outcomes in Post FP1412 - Corneal Epithelial Mapping in A Normal Indian
Cataract Surgery Using Immersion&Contact A-Scan Population.
Biometry Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Purnima Srivatsa, S12576.
Chief Author: Dr.Pradeep Sune, S08082. Presenting Au- Co-Authors: Dr.Rohit Shetty, Dr.Mathew Kurian, - Pune
thor: Dr.Ila K Pathak. Co-Authors: Dr.Mona Gondhale, Cornea
Dr.Amrita Tiwari, - Wardha ——————————————————————————
Cataract FP1416 - Anterior Segment Parameter Evaluation in Kera-
Physical Posters
—————————————————————————— toconus & Normal Eyes Using Sirius Tomography De-
FP1370 - Management of Limbal Dermoid By Peripheral vice
Lamellar Grafting in A Tertiary Eye Care Centre. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jaysheel Nazare, N15333.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Nandini C. Co-Authors: Co-Authors: Dr.Satyamurthy K V, Dr.Renuka Rati, - Hubli
Dr.Thungappa K S, Dr.Harsha Nagaraja, Dr.Yathish City
Shivanna, - Kolar Cornea
Cornea ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1417 - Comparative Evaluation of Functional and
FP1373 - Spectral Domain Ocular Coherence Tomogra- Structural Efficacy of Glaucoma Drainage Device Over
phy (SD-OCT) in Pathological Myopia. Mini Shunt As A Primary Procedu
Chief Author: Dr.Naresh Kumar Yadav, Y10239. Present- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr. (Brig) J K S Parihar, P03560.
ing Author: Dr.Rekha Singhal, S12932. Co-Authors: Co-Authors: Dr.Shantanu Mukherji, Prof.Rakesh Maggon,
Dr.Venkatesh, Dr.Tania Basaiawmoit, Dr.Shetty Bhujang K, Dr.Jaya Kaushik, - Delhi Cantt
- Bangalore Glaucoma
Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1427 - Infiltrative Optic Neuropathy in Chronic Myeloid
FP1377 - Angioedema and Systemic Lupus Erythema- Leukaemia-An Ophthalmologists Perspective
tosus with Retinal Vasculitis- Acommon Association? Chief Author: Dr.Sherine M D Souza, D07880. Presenting
Chief Author: Dr.Mona Gondhale, G15107. Presenting Au- Author: Dr.Kushal Kacha, K16866. Co-Authors: Dr.Rajani
thor: Dr.Amrita Tiwari. Co-Authors: Dr.Pradeep Sune, R Battu, Dr.Shetty Bhujang K, - Goa
Dr.Pushkar Kishor Ajnadkar, Dr.Ila K Pathak, - Wardha Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1433 - Effect of Panretinal Photocoagulation (PRP)
FP1383 - As Oct -An Objective and Sensitive Method to On Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness (RNFL)
Detect Efficacy of Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (LPI) in Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Shaifali Chahar. Co-Authors:
Primary Angle Closure Dr.Neeraj Manchanda, Dr.Amit Khosla, Dr.Shashi Nath Jha,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Neha Doshi, D15157. Co- - New Delhi
Authors: Dr.Seemee Khilji, Dr.Harshada Khandrani, - Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Hinganghat ——————————————————————————
Glaucoma FP1434 - Study of Safety and Efficacy of Easy Tip On
—————————————————————————— Oertli Phacoemulsification System
FP1384 - Correlation of Photopic Negative Response and Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Gulhane Dipak Vijayrao. Co-
Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness in Oag. Authors: Dr.Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr.Vijay Shetty, Dr.Rasika
Chief Author: Dr.Goyal J L, G03947. Presenting Author: Ramchandra Thakur, - Yavatmal
Dr.Vikas Veerwal. Co-Authors: Dr.Usha Yadava, Dr.Ritu Cataract
Arora, Dr.Pooja Jain, - Noida-Delhi ——————————————————————————
Glaucoma FP1435 - Secondary IOL with Micro Incision Vitrectomy
—————————————————————————— Surgery (MIVS) Following Complicated Cataract Surgery
FP1386 - to Compare Single (S) Versus Multidrug (MD) Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rohan Chauhan, C11336 -
Therapy Efficacy for Treating Infectious Keratitis (IK) Ahmedabad
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Manasi Jadhav, J13826. Co- Cataract
Authors: Dr.Rohit Bang, Dr.Bhaskar Srinivasan, - Mumbai ——————————————————————————
Cornea FP1437 - Oct Guided, Endo-Illuminator Assisted Man-
—————————————————————————— agement of Descemet’s Membrane Detachment.
FP1389 - Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of Iris- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sushank Bhalerao, B15515.
Trabecular Contact Index with Different Slices On Ssoct Co-Authors: Prof.Kamaljeet Singh, Dr.S P Singh, Dr.Ravindra
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jayasree P V, J14295. Co- Kumar, - Allahabad
Authors: Prof.Rajesh S Kumar, Dr.Sathi Devi A V, Cornea
Dr.Dhanaraj Rao A S, - Palakkad ——————————————————————————
Glaucoma FP1443 - Anatomical Outcomes of Inverted Internal Lim-
—————————————————————————— iting Membrane Flap Technique for Large Macular Holes
FP1398 - A Study of Orbital Fractures in Patients with Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Mitali Khodani, K14318. Co-
Major Trauma Authors: Dr.Jay Kumar Chhablani, Dr.Mudit Tyagi,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anita Kumari. Co-Authors: Dr.Abdullah Hussein, - Mumbai
Dr.Anjana Devi Rudra Warrier, - Kochi Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Trauma ——————————————————————————
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP1444 - Evaluation of Changes in Higher Order Aberra- FP1472 - Are Keratoconic Patients Really Wearing Their
tions Post Corneal Collagen Crosslinking for Kerato- Contact Lenses?
conus Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Surabhi Dutt, D15595. Co-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vidya Naik, N16811. Co-Au- Authors: Dr.Umang Mathur, Dr.Manisha Chhabra Acharya,
thors: Dr.Pallavi Joshi, Dr.Y Umesh, - Dombivali - New Delhi
Cornea Cornea
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1445 - Ocular Morbidity Status of Children in Blind FP1474 - Pattern of Corneal Transplantation Surgeries
Schools in Allahabad and in the Vicinity of Allahabad. in Consecutive 500 Eyes in Eastern Zone of India.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sushank Bhalerao, B15515. Chief Author: Dr.Anil Kumar. Presenting Author: Dr.Ghanta
Co-Authors: Dr.Mahesh Tandon, Dr.S P Singh, Dr.Shraddha Anil Kumar, G07445. Co-Authors: Dr.Richa Shrivastava,
Dwivedi, - Allahabad Dr.Debjani Mishra, Dr.Kail Shankar Das, - Kolkata
Community / Social Ophthalmology Community / Social Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1448 - A Study of Ocular Manifestations in Patients FP1476 - Contribution Oflensthickness (LT),Vault
with Hiv Infection and Co-Relation with Cd4 Cell Counts (LV),Position (LP)&Acd in Subgroups Ofangleclosure
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ravindra Kumar. Co-Authors: (PACD)Byasoct
Prof.Kamaljeet Singh, Dr.S P Singh, - Allahabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Arijit Mitra, M11604. Co-Au-
Community / Social Ophthalmology thors: Dr.Rama Krishnan R, Dr.Mohideen Abdul Kadar Pmt,
—————————————————————————— Dr.Devendra Maheshwari, - Tirunelveli
FP1450 - Evaluation of Contribution of Cornea in Re- Glaucoma
fractive Errors By Corneal Topography ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Surabhi Ruia. Co-Authors: FP1481 - Association of Nå-Cml Withelm,Isel Disruption
Dr.Poonam Kishore, - Lucknow and Rpe Alterations in Diabetic Retinopathy .
Cornea Chief & Presenting Author: Shivani Sinha. Co-Authors:
—————————————————————————— Dr.Sandeep Saxena, Dr.Nibha Mishra, - Lucknow
FP1452 - A Study of Various Types of Endocapsular Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Rings in Phacoemulsification of Subluxated Cataract. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Chandraprakash Oli. Co- FP1484 - Comparison of Dysphotopsia in Patients with
Authors: Dr.S P Singh, Prof.Kamaljeet Singh, Dr.Santosh Plate Haptic Versus Loop Haptic IOL Implantation
Kumar, - Allahabad Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Neha Sinha, S13258. Co-
Cataract Authors: Dr.Sri Ganesh, - Kanpur
—————————————————————————— Cataract
FP1453 - Corneal Collagen Cross Linking As An Effec- ——————————————————————————
tive Aid to Medical Therapy in Refractory Corneal Ulcer. FP1486 - A Retrospective Study of Nocardia Infections
Chief Author: Prof.Anita Panda. Presenting Author: After Intra-Ocular Surgery
Dr.Sasikala Nindra Krishna, S12982. Co-Authors: Chief Author: Dr.Umang Mathur, M09253. Presenting Au-
Dr.Sasikala Nindra Krishna, Dr.Anita Panda, - Delhi thor: Dr.Devesh Sharma. Co-Authors: Dr.Abha Gour,
Comprehensive Ophthalmology Dr.Neelam Sapra, Dr.Manisha Chhabra Acharya, - Noida
—————————————————————————— Cornea
FP1455 - Role of Oral Acyclovir in Management of Her- ——————————————————————————
pes Simplex Virus (HSV) Stromal Necrotizing Keratitis FP1497 - Atypical Presentation of Cone Dystrophy
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Surabhi Dutt, D15595. Co- Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Aneesha Lobo, L14513. Co-
Authors: Dr.Umang Mathur, - New Delhi Authors: Dr.Rupak Roy, Dr.Kumar Saurabh, Dr.Debmalya
Cornea Das, - Navi Mumbai
—————————————————————————— Vitreo Retinal Diseases
FP1458 - the Effect of Botulinum Injection On Quality of ——————————————————————————
Life of Patients with Non-Traumatic Vi Nerve Palsy FP1513 - Small Incision Cataract Surgery in Postural
Chief & Presenting Author: Sonal Bangwal. Co-Authors: Disorders-Difficult Situation Made Easy
Dr.Siddharth Agrawal, - Lucknow Chief Author: Dr.Sarita Panda, P08279. Presenting Author:
Squint Dr.Prangya Panda, P09876. Co-Authors: Dr.Subudhi B N
—————————————————————————— R, Dr.Sangita Basantaray, - Berhampur
FP1463 - Pachy Comparison Day 1 Post Cataract Sur- Cataract
gery in Cases Wherein Chondroitin Sulphate Was Used ——————————————————————————
Intra Op FP1524 - Phacoemulsification in Postural Disorders: How
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Satyajit Sinha, S06634. Co- to Achieve Balance Between Positioning and Surgery?
Authors: Dr.Pooja Sinha, - Patna Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Pandey Suresh Kumar,
Cataract P06502. Co-Authors: Dr.Vidushi Sharma, - Kota
—————————————————————————— Cataract
FP1465 - Early Histological Alteration & Inflammation of ——————————————————————————
the Retinal Tissue Cells Following Laser On Sd-Oct
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rohan Chauhan, C11336 -
FP1525 - Classifying Primary Glaucoma By Isgeo FP1556 - Comparative Study of Topical Voriconazole and
Scheme Natamycin in Treatment of Fungal Keratitis.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Rekha Raju Khandelwal, Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anoop Mishra, M14646. Co-
K07731 - Nagpur Authors: Dr.Amit Nene, Dr.Lomesh Dnyaneshwar Patil,
Glaucoma Dr.Nripendra Kumar Bora, - Bhiwandi
—————————————————————————— Cornea
FP1532 - Clinical Profile of Infectious Scleritis ——————————————————————————
Physical Posters
Chief Author: Dr.Padmamalini Mahendradas, M10328. FP1557 - the World of Non-Retinopathy of Prematurity
Presenting Author: Dr.Poornachandra B, P14831. Co-Au- Neonatal Retinal Conditions
thors: Dr.Ankush Kawali, Dr.Shetty Bhujang K, - Bangalore Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sarita Sambhana, S15848.
Inflammation Co-Authors: Dr.Padmaja Kumari Rani, Dr.Subhadra Jalali,
—————————————————————————— Dr.Divya Balakrishnan, - Visakhapatnam
FP1534 - Treatment Profile of Patients with Sturge We- Vitreo Retinal Diseases
ber Syndrome (SWS) Having Glaucoma. ——————————————————————————
Chief Author: Dr.Vedang Shah, S13997. Presenting Author: FP1565 - Retrospective Analysis of Risk Factors of Retin-
Dr.Shruti Dheep, D14491. Co-Authors: Dr.George Puthuran, opathy of Prematurity
- Madurai Chief Author: Dr.Prakash Suranagi, S10680. Presenting
Glaucoma Author: Dr.Bhramaramba Banagar. Co-Authors: Dr.Anand
—————————————————————————— Vinekar, - Davangere
FP1536 - Factors Prognosticating Visual Outcome in Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Eyes with Endophthalmitis ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Bipul Bhushan. Co-Authors: FP1568 - to Determine Degree of Symmetry of Rnfl Thick-
Dr.Alok Sen, - Chitrakoot ness Between Right and Left Eyes By Stratus Oct
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Monika Bansal, G16752 -
—————————————————————————— Hanumangarh Junction
FP1541 - Corneoscleral Patch Graft in Perforated Glaucoma
Mooren’s Ulcer: A Case Series ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Moushmi Chaudhari, FP1571 - Outcome of Implantable Phakic Contact Lens
C12682. Co-Authors: Dr.Mano Ranjan Das, Dr.Arun Kumar (IPCL) to Correct Presbyopia
Panigrahi, - Mumbai Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Vidushi Sharma, S07308.
Cornea Co-Authors: Dr.Pandey Suresh Kumar, - Kota
—————————————————————————— Refractive Surgery
FP1545 - Pre Operative Evaluation in Dense & Traumatic ——————————————————————————
Cataract By B Scan FP1574 - Pattern of Uveitis in A Referral Eye Centre in
Chief Author: Dr.Snehal Bonde Chaurasia, B14681. Pre- South Western India
senting Author: Dr.Anup Kelgaonkar. Co-Authors: Chief Author: Dr.Padmamalini Mahendradas, M10328.
Dr.Madan Ashok Hukumchand, Dr.Nilesh Gaddewar, - Presenting Author: Dr.Sanket Bhatnagar, B16754. Co-Au-
Nagpur thors: Dr.Ankush Kawali, Dr.Shetty Bhujang K, - Bangalore
Cataract Community / Social Ophthalmology
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1546 - Secondary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Due to FP1577 - Comparative Evaluation of Rnfl Thickness and
Posterior Synechiae Formation Following Visual Fields in Pacg and Pac
Phacovitrectomy Chief Author: Dr.Jolly Rohatgi, R04070. Presenting Author:
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kshitiz Kumar, K13309. Co- Dr.Satish Jeria. Co-Authors: Dr.Gupta V P, Dr.Satish Jeria,
Authors: Dr.Amar Agarwal, Dr.Athiya Agarwal, - Chennai Dr.Vinod Kumar, - New Delhi
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Glaucoma
—————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————
FP1547 - Role of Pars Plana Vitrectomy in Cortex Drop FP1580 - Comparative Study of Conventional
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Satya Prakash Tiwary, Trabeculectomy Vs. Trabeculectomy with Conjunctival
T14981. Co-Authors: Dr.Subhash Prasad, Dr.Randhir Kumar, Autograft
Dr.Bandana Kumari, - Patna Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ina Budhiraja, B16566. Co-
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Authors: Prof.Gupta Ramesh Chandra, Dr.Mohan Shalini,
—————————————————————————— Dr.Rajnath Singh Kushawaha, - Yamuna Nagar
FP1553 - Accuracy of Srk-T Formula in IOL Power Cal- Glaucoma
culation in Eyes with Axial Length More Than 26mm. ——————————————————————————
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Seema Bhosale. Co-Authors: FP1586 - Structural and Functional Outcomes in Babies
Dr.Suhas Haldipurkar, Dr.Vijay Shetty, Mr.Anirban Paik, - with Retinopathy of Prematurity At 6 Months Follow Up
Navi Mumbai Chief Author: Dr.Prakash Suranagi, S10680. Presenting
Cataract Author: Dr.Bhramaramba Banagar. Co-Authors:
—————————————————————————— Dr.Bhramaramba Banagar, Dr.Anand Vinekar, - Davangere
Vitreo Retinal Diseases
73rd Annual Conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, 2015
FP1587 - Prospective Study Comparing Goldmann & FP1628 - Tocular- A Useful & More Convenient Tool for
Perkins Applanation Tonometry in Indian Population Perfect Alignment of Toric IOLs & Icls
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Sunil Brijendra Jain, J07729. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Jayant Sarwate, S-2408. Co-
Co-Authors: Dr.Shakun Gupta, Miss.Gargi Saxena, Authors: Dr.Nikit Sarwate, Dr.Renuka Sarwate, - Satara
Ayaz.Ayaz Ahmad Khan, - Lucknow Cataract
Glaucoma ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1633 - Retrospective Analysis of Intravitreal
FP1590 - Clinical Scenario of Microbial Keratitis in Hiv Bevacizumab Injections in Patients in Rural Bengal.
Patients: A Tertiary Eye Care Centre Study Chief Author: Dr.Subijay Sinha, S12303. Presenting Au-
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Milap Vaghela, V15903. Co- thor: Dr.Alok Agrawal, A11583 - Kolkata
Authors: Dr.Murthy Somasheila I, Dr.Swapnali Sabhapandit, Community / Social Ophthalmology
Dr.Savitri Sharma, - Baroda ——————————————————————————
Cornea FP1635 - Ocular Morbidity in Leprosy Patients with
—————————————————————————— Lagophthalmos in A Tertiary Health Care Institute
FP1592 - A Clinical Study of Babies with Aggressive Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Archana Rath, R14992. Co-
Posterior Retinopathy of Prematurity Authors: Dr.Sumita Mohapatra, - Puri
Chief Author: Dr.Prakash Suranagi, S10680. Presenting Community / Social Ophthalmology
Author: Dr.Bhramaramba Banagar. Co-Authors: ——————————————————————————
Dr.Bhramaramba Banagar, Dr.Anand Vinekar, - Davangere FP1646 - Intracameral Antibiotics for Endophthalmitic
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Prophylaxis During Cataract Surgery
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Pandey Suresh Kumar,
FP1598 - Recurrence of Macular Edema in Brvo After P06502. Co-Authors: Dr.Vidushi Sharma, - Kota
First Dose of Intravitreal Bevacizumab Cataract
Chief Author: Dr.Madan Ashok Hukumchand, M09119. ——————————————————————————
Presenting Author: Dr.Anup Kelgaonkar. Co-Authors: FP1656 - Effect of Intravenous Midazolam On Patient’s
Dr.Nilesh Gaddewar, - Nagpur Visual Experience During Topical Phacoemulsification
Vitreo Retinal Diseases Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Hemal Vinod Kenia. Co-Au-
—————————————————————————— thors: Dr.Rengaraj Venkatesh, Dr.Sabyasachi Sengupta, -
FP1602 - Extra-Large Tunnel Cataract Extraction[Etce] Pondicherry
Vs Msics Cataract
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Chidanand Kulkarni, K12528 ——————————————————————————
- Karkala FP1663 - to Present the Outcome of Sub Bowman’s
Cataract Keratomileusis, in Post Radial Keratotomy (RK) Patient.
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ankur Singh. Co-Authors:
FP1603 - A Case Report of Pseudophakic Bullous Dr.Amit Gupta, Dr.Rohit Gupta, Dr.Vikash Rohilla, -
Keratopathy (PBK):Self Resolving Miracle Ghaziabad
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Himadri Patel. Co-Authors: Cornea
Dr.Ekta Patel, Dr.Hemali Patel, Dr.Rajni Sethia, - Ahmedabad ——————————————————————————
Cataract FP1666 - Prognosis of Therapeutic Penetrating Kerato-
—————————————————————————— plasty for Fungal Keratitis Depending On Graft Diam-
FP1618 - to Study Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) eter
Thickness Using Oct in Early Glaucoma Chief Author: Dr.Dilipkumar Govinda Kumre, K13002. Pre-
Chief Author: Dr.Mona Deshmukh, D6175. Presenting Au- senting Author: Dr.Saket Benurwar. Co-Authors: Dr.Madan
thor: Dr.Chandan Tiple. Co-Authors: Dr.Madan Ashok Ashok Hukumchand, - Nagpur
Hukumchand, Dr.Nilesh Gaddewar, Dr.Jayshri Ekhar, - Cornea
Nagpur ——————————————————————————
Glaucoma FP1672 - Delayed Capsular Bag Distension Syndrome:
—————————————————————————— Management and Follow Up of A Case
FP1622 - to Study the Awareness of Relation Between Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Kalyan Das, K07123. Co-
Squint and Vision in General Population. Authors: Dr.Harsha Bhattacharjee, - Guwahati
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Pranav Radkar. Co-Authors: Cataract
Dr.Snehal Rhishikesh Thakre, Dr.Sarika Gadekar, ——————————————————————————
Miss.Shradha Navandar, - Aurangabad FP1674 - Retinal Manifestation in A Case of Dissemi-
Squint nated Miliary Tuberculosis
—————————————————————————— Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Harita Shah. Co-Authors:
FP1623 - Collagen Cross Linking with Riboflavin and Dr.Ruchi H Vala, Dr.Ekta Patel, Dr. (Col) (Retd ) R N Kothari,
Ultraviolet A Irradiation in Patients with Thin Corneas - Ahmedabad
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.John Sarkar, S15573. Co- Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Authors: Dr.Mona Bhargava, Dr.Debmalya Das, Dr.Sagar ——————————————————————————
Bhargava, - Shyamnagar
FP1676 - to Report Treatment Outcomes in Malignant FP1701 - Choroidal Hemangioma in Pregnancy
Glaucoma Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Krishna Nagaradh, N16143.
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Ankur Singh. Co-Authors: Co-Authors: Dr.Chandra Kumar H V, Dr.Divya Chandran,
Dr.Sushmita Kaushik, Dr.Pandav Surinder Singh, Dr.Surishti Dr. (Maj) Naveen K, - Bangalore
Raj, - Ghaziabad Vitreo Retinal Diseases
Glaucoma ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1705 - Toric IOLs Post Corneal Surgery-
Physical Posters
FP1690 - Retinopathy of Prematurity in Twins - Varying Visual,Rotational Stability,Vision Quality, Astigmatic
Pace of Progression of Disease - Opening A New Hori- Correction
zon Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Anand Parthasarathy,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Bhavin Shah, S13753 - P09719. Co-Authors: Dr.Ramesh Hariharan, - Chennai
Vadodara Cataract
Vitreo Retinal Diseases ——————————————————————————
—————————————————————————— FP1708 - Assesment of Outcome in Retinal Reattach-
FP1700 - Quantitative Assessment of Anterior Chamber ment Surgery in Eyes with Chorioretinal Coloboma.
Features in Glaucoma Versus Normals Using Pentacam. Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Santosh Singh Patel,
Chief & Presenting Author: Dr.Savita Bhat, B10863. Co- P10986. Co-Authors: Dr.Chandraker A K, Dr.Mangilal Garg,
Authors: Dr.Anand Deshpande, - Pune Dr.Priyangini Singh Patel, - Distt.- Durg,
Glaucoma Vitreo Retinal Diseases