Allcv Service Manual: Front Axle - Type 30, 50 and Stag
Allcv Service Manual: Front Axle - Type 30, 50 and Stag
Allcv Service Manual: Front Axle - Type 30, 50 and Stag
Service Manual
Front Axle - Type 30, 50 and Stag
Fig - 1
Axle Beam
Stub Axles
Fig. 3 Type 50 Rear Axle - Representative Diagram
King Pins
The stub axles are connected to the axle
beam by hardened steel king pins. Each pin
is located and secured in the axle beam eye
by either one or two heat treated cotter
pins (depending upon axle type). On type
30 axles, one taper cotter pin with lock nut
arrangement is used. Whereas on type 50
axles, two selective fit tapered cotter pins
are used with each king pin.
Front Hubs
The SG Iron hubs are mounted on the stub
axle spindles by two opposed taper roller
bearings. On type 30 & 50 front axles,
correct wheel bearing adjustment is achieved
by means of a distance piece and shims
Fig. 4
arrangement. The wheel bearings are to be
packed by kneading the grease into the
bearings. The front axle grease cup has to
be packed fully with grease.
Fig - 4
07.0.1 Data
Type 30 50 Stag
Axle Capacity kg 3000 5000
Camber Angle 0° to 1°15' 0° to 1°15' 1°30'
Caster Angle 1°20' - 4°40' 1°20'-4°40' 2°
Toe In mm 1.28 - 3.84 1.70 - 5.11 0 - 1.6
Outer Wheel Turning Angle at full lock 41° - 43° 40° - 42°
Inner Wheel Turning Angle at full lock 34°30' - 35°48' 33°24' - 34°26'
King Pin Inclination 7°55' - 8°55' 7°55' - 8°55' 3.5°
Bore Dia For King Pin In Axle Beam mm 31.7 - 31.32 36.41 - 36.46
King Pin Diameter - Standard Size mm 31.24 - 31.27 36.38 - 36.41
King Pin Bush Inner Dia (Assembled and Reamed) mm 31.29 - 31.31 36.43 - 36.46
Bore Dia In Axle Arm For Bushes mm 34.92 - 34.97 39.62 - 39.67
Thrust Taken On Thrust Bearing Thrust Bearing
End Play of Axle Arm mm 0.053 0.0 - 0.10 0.025 - 0.075
Thrust Bearing Shim Size mm 3.0 - 4.1 2.7 - 4.2
in Increments mm 0.1 0.1
Hub End Play mm 0.025 - 0.076 0.025 - 0.076 0.025 - 0.076
07.2.1 Toe-in
When a vehicle is travelling in the straight
ahead direction, the front road wheels
should be parallel. In order to achieve this,
an allowance must be made for free play in
the steering ball joints which is taken up by Fig. 4
the splaying out of the wheels.
On rear wheel drive vehicles the front
wheels normally splay out. Therefore to
counteract this a toe-in figure is specified.
The illustration below the toe-in on the front
wheels of a vehicle.
Fig - 4
Toe-in is measured at the rim of the wheels.
Two measurements being taken at the same
point, the vehicle having moved half the
circumference of the wheel between
measurements. Toe-in adjusted by altering
the effective length of the track rod.
Toe-out on turns
Fig - 5
07.2.3 Steering Geometry Checking NOTE: Any run out of the wheel rims will not
Procedure affect the toe in measurement, if the wheel
is moved forward by 180° between the
To Check Wheel Alignment two measurements as explained above.
Fig - 1
Fig - 2
Fig - 3
Fig - 4
Fig. 4
NOTE: The type of cab attitude spacer fitted is 4
mm or 25 mm thick. The 25 mm spacer is
a steel casting with an integral dowel on its
lower face for locating in the axle beam.
The top face is drilled to accept the spring
locating dowel. The 4 mm spacer is
manufactured from steel plate and drilled
centrally to enable the spring locating dowel
to protrude through the hole and locate in
the axle beam.
This procedure explains the overhaul of the Remove the hub grease cap using special
complete front axle assembly. If it is required tool no 0605001. Remove the split pin,
to carry out part of this procedure (eg: castle nut, thrust washer and outer bearing
Renewal of wheel bearings) the relevant part cone.
should be extracted from the main
procedure. * Type 50 Axles :
07.4.0 Drum Removal and Refitment Remove the 4 bolts securing the hub
grease cap and remove the cap. Bend back
Type 30 & 50 Axles : the lock tabs from the wheel bearing
adjusting lock nut & remove the locknut.
* Remove the wheel nuts previously slackened, Remove the lock tab washer. Remove the
and remove the road wheel, Position the locking ring, bearing adjusting nut, and the
roadwheel on the ground, mounting flange outer bearing cone.
* Carefully remove the wheel hub and drum
* Remove drum mounting bolts and washers. separately from the stub axle.
* Lift the brake drum from the hub. If * Carefully remove all the asbestos brake
necessary a mallet may be used to release lining dust from the drum, drake shoes and
the hub to drum seal. brake back plate. Ensure that dust does
not enter the wheel hub and contaminate
* Remove hub along with bearings from stub the grease.
WARNING: Asbestos dust is Injurious to health
* For refitting reverse the above procedure. and must not be inhaled. Do not
blow the dust with an air line. Use a
07.4.1 Hub Assembly Removal suitable vacuum cleaner. If a vacuum
cleaner is not available, use personal
* Position the vehicle on a flat surface apply protective breathing equipment or a
the parking brake and chock the rear suitable facemark and remove the
wheels. Tilt the vehicle cab. dust carefully with a brush. Collect
the dust for disposal. Do not use
* If the hub is to be separated from the petrol, paraffin, trichloride ethylene or
brake drum, all wheel nuts should be any petroleum based fluid as damage
slackened. will occur to the rubber components,
resulting in brake failure. Use only
* Raise the front wheels clear off the ground, clear Methylated spirits Isopropyl
and position chassis stands, Lower the alcohol.
vehicle on to the stands.
* Remove the remaining front hub and drum
* Slacken the brake adjusters on each front assembly as previously described.
Fig - 1
Fig. 1
NOTE: Bearing cone & bearing cup assemblies are
supplied in matched sets and should be
used as sets. It is not permissible to
assemble a bearing cup & bearing cone from
different manufacture.
Fig - 2
Fig - 3
Type 30 Axle
Fig - 4
Type 50 Axles:
Fig - 5
Fig - 6
Fig - 7 Fig. 7
Fig - 8
Fig - 9
Fig - 10
Fig - 11
Fig - 12
Type 30 Axle
Fig - 13
Type 50 Axle
Fig. 13 Cotter Pin Application
Secure the brake backplate to the stub axle * Position the hub on the spindle bearing
with the bolts. Fit the upper and lower diameter.
steering arms, to the through bolts, fit
locking nuts and tighten them to specified * Ensure no damage caused to inner bearing
torque. and oil seal of the hub.
* Fit the stub axle as previously described on * Check the end float of the hub, ensure end
the other side of the vehicle. float within 0.025 to 0.076 mm limits.
07.4.8 Hub and Drum Assembly Installation: * If the end float is not within limits, adjust
the shims for required end float.
* Ensure that the stub axle wheel spindle and
bearing adjusting nut threads are clean and * Assemble the split pin and fold.
undamaged. Securely fit the hub, drum and
wheel assembly to the wheel trolley. * Fit pre-greased front hub cap on the hub,
tighten torque to 40 - 60 Nm.
* Ensure that the wheel trolley is adjusted to
the correct height and carefully fit the Type 50
assembly to the stub axle wheel spindle.
Never use undue force to fit the assembly * Pack inner, outer bearings and hub with
to the spindle, otherwise damage may occur grease.
to the grease seal or bearing cups. If force
is necessary, it indicates that the wheel * Position the distance piece in the hub.
trolley height is incorrectly adjusted.
* Place inner bearing cone and oil seal.
07.4.9 Hub Setting and End Float
Adjustment * Position the hub on the spindle bearing
Type 30
* Ensure no damage caused to inner bearing
* Pack inner, outer bearings and hub cavity and oil seal of the hub.
with grease.
* Place the shims and outer bearing (pre-
* Position the distance piece in the hub. greased) on the spindle journal using drift
for aligning outer bearing inner race.
* Fit the adjusting nut and tighten torque to * Fit pre-greased front hub cup with screws,
108 Nm. tightening torque to 17.5 - 22 Nm.
* Rotate hub in both direction. Lubricate the stub axle king pin bushes by
applying specified grade of grease through
* Fit washer bearing retainer engaging with the grease nipples. In the king pin grease
hole in ring bearing lock and fasten with nut caps. Adjust the brakes lower the vehicle
over peg. (Reverse or back off, to align). to the ground. Torque the wheel nut to
specification. Check and adjust the wheel.
* Ensure the end float 0.025 to 0.076 mm, if toe in & front & back lock angles. Lower
the end float is not within limits, adjust the the vehicle cab & remove the rear wheel
shims for required end float. chocks.
* King pin thrust-bearing severely worn Fit new bearing as described in the
* Vehicle front end chassis alignment Check alignment and if necessary rectify
not to specification
Steering wanders from * Low or unequal tyre pressure Inflate tyres as specified
straight ahead position
* Wheel bearings incorrectly Adjust or renew wheel bearings
adjusted or worn
* King pins tight in stub axle bores Check and if necessary, rectify
1. Hub Cap
2. Hub Nut
3. Keyed Washer
4. Drum
5. Outer Roller Bearing
6. Outer Bearing Race
7. Hub
8. Inner Bearing Race
9. Inner Roller Bearing
10. Withdrawal Plate Seal
11. Oil Seal
7. Extract split pin and remove hub nut and 5. When fitting new hub bearing outer races
keyed washer. should be press fit in hub, if this condition
is not apparent wear of outer race location
8. Remove hub assembly. in hub has occurred and hub must be
Fig - 2
To dismantle
To inspect
To reassemble
Fig - 4
Special Tools:
SMT 3847: Drift for king pin bush-Upper Fig. 5 Removing Small (Upper) Stub Axle Bush
in axle arm.
To Renew
Fig - 5
Fig - 6
Fig. 8
Type 50
Steering arm/track lever mounting nut 45 328 445
King pin grease cap covers 9 - 11 66 - 81 90 - 110
Lubricator 0.86 6 8.5
Max. cut setting nut 8.9 - 12.5 65 - 90 88 - 123
Track rod mounting nut 17 125 170
Track rod pinch bolt 4.5 33 45
Brake shoe Assembly Mounting Nuts 9.6 - 10.7 70 - 77 95 - 105
Brake shoe acuator mounting bolts 5 - 7 38 - 52 51 - 71
Hub adjusting nut 11 80 108
Hub lock nut 9.6 70 95
Hub grease cup 11 80 17.5 -22
Brake drum mounting bolts 5 - 7 38 - 52 51 - 71
Wheel nuts 50 361 490
km x 1000
16000 km
8000 km
No. of
A. Lubrication
1. Lubricate track rod ball joints G 2 ✓ ✓ ✓
2. Lubricate king pins G 2 ✓ ✓ ✓
3. Repack the hubs with recommended grease. G 2 ✓
B. Maintenance
1. Check & adjust wheel alignment if necessary.
Refer page no. 7.42 ✓ ✓
2. Check and adjust the hub end play. Check the ✓ ✓ At the
condition of hub bearing, change if necessary. time of
3. Check and tighten king pin cover plates ✓
4. Check king pin vertical play and adjust ✓
5. Check king pin lateral play. Replace
bush if necessary ✓
Ashok Sah
Indian Oil Hindustan Bharat Elf Karol Pennzoil Meguin
Aggregate Leyland Gulf Oil India IBP Castrol Petroleums
Corporation Petroleum Petroleum Lubricants Lubricants Quaker Oil India
Specification IPOL
King Pin
® Multi All MP IPOL MP MP Meguin
Gulf MP Servo MP Grease MAK
IS 12203 Lex 2 purpose Purpose Grease Grease Grease Grease
Grease No.2 Grease MP No.2 UNIVEX A
Wheel Grease No.2 No. 2 No.2 No.2 MP 2
(Front &
*- Gulf crown LC3 (Gulf), Servo Gem RR3 (IOC), Lithon RR3 (HP) and IPOL Iplex RR3 (Sah Petroleums) can 10.02.04
be used for wheel bearings for longer wheel greasing intervals upto 48,000 Kms.