Allcv Service Manual: Front Axle - Type 30, 50 and Stag

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Service Manual
Front Axle - Type 30, 50 and Stag




Section Subject Page No.

7.0 General .......................................................................................................................... 07.03

07.0.1 Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 07.05

07.1 Special tools ................................................................................................................. 07.06

07.2 Principle of Operation - Steering Geometry ...................................................... 07.06

07.2.0 Castor Angle ..................................................................................................................................... 07.07
07.2.1 Toe-in ................................................................................................................................................... 07.07
07.2.2 Front to Rear Axle Alignment .................................................................................................. 07.08
07.2.3 Steering Geometry Checking Procedure ............................................................................... 07.09

07.3 Front Axle Assembly - Removal and Installation .............................................. 07.10

07.4 Front Axle Assembly Overhaul ............................................................................... 07.13

07.4.0 Drum Removal and Refitment ................................................................................................... 07.13
07.4.1 Hub Assembly Removal ................................................................................................................ 07.13
07.4.2 Wheel Bearing Cup Removal .................................................................................................... 07.14
07.4.3 Wheel Bearing Cup Installation ................................................................................................ 07.14
07.4.4 Stub Axle Removal ......................................................................................................................... 07.15
07.4.5 Stub Axle Bush Renewal .............................................................................................................. 07.16
07.4.6 Reaming the Bushes ....................................................................................................................... 07.18
07.4.7 Stub Axle Installation .................................................................................................................... 07.18
07.4.8 Hub and Drum Assembly Installation: ................................................................................... 07.21
07.4.9 Hub Setting and End Float Adjustment ................................................................................ 07.21

07.5 Trouble Shooting ........................................................................................................ 07.22

07.6 Stag Front Axle ........................................................................................................... 07.23

07.6.1 Hub Overhaul ................................................................................................................................... 07.23
07.6.2 Stub Axle Overhaul ....................................................................................................................... 07.25
07.6.3 Renewal of Stub Axle Bushes .................................................................................................... 07.27

07.7 Tightening Torques .................................................................................................... 07.29

07.8 Maintenance Schedule ............................................................................................... 07.30

07.9 Recommended Lubricants ......................................................................................... 07.30



Front Axle Type and Sl. No.

The front axle serial number and type of

front axle are punched near LH side king pin
boss of axle beam.

Fig - 1

Design and Description

Fig. 1
The front axle & suspension system is
conventional in design, and consists of an ‘I’
section axle beam, to which is connected at
each end a stub axle. The stub axles carry
wheel hub and drum assemblies as fitted.
The axle beam is suspended on road springs
which are attached to the vehicle chassis
frame. Shock absorbers are fitted to
dampen the effect of the road springs.

Axle Beam

Fig. 2 Type 30 Rear Axle - Representative Diagram

The axle beam is an ‘I’ section steel forging,
with two locating flanges on the top surface
for mounting the road springs, and an
inclined eye at each end to locate & support
the king pins.

Two sizes of axle beams are available, and

are designated as types 30 and 50 and
have nominal carrying capacities of 3000 kg
and 5000 kg respectively.

Stub Axles
Fig. 3 Type 50 Rear Axle - Representative Diagram

The forged steel stub axles have two bosses

which are bored and fitted with steel
backed bronze bushes to accommodate the
king pins. The vertical load on the stub
axle is transferred to the axle beam via a
thrust bearing. The upper and lower
steering arms are fitted to the stub axles,
the method of fitment being dependent on
the type of axle. The stub axle also
incorporates a flange to provide a mounting
for the brake backplate.

The steering arms bolted to the stub axles

and in addition the brake backplate is
retained by the steering arm bolts. On
these axles it is necessary to gain access to
the brake backplate to remove the steering

King Pins
The stub axles are connected to the axle
beam by hardened steel king pins. Each pin
is located and secured in the axle beam eye
by either one or two heat treated cotter
pins (depending upon axle type). On type
30 axles, one taper cotter pin with lock nut
arrangement is used. Whereas on type 50
axles, two selective fit tapered cotter pins
are used with each king pin.

Front Hubs
The SG Iron hubs are mounted on the stub
axle spindles by two opposed taper roller
bearings. On type 30 & 50 front axles,
correct wheel bearing adjustment is achieved
by means of a distance piece and shims
Fig. 4
arrangement. The wheel bearings are to be
packed by kneading the grease into the
bearings. The front axle grease cup has to
be packed fully with grease.

Fig - 4

Fig. 5 - Hub - Exploded View


07.0.1 Data
Type 30 50 Stag
Axle Capacity kg 3000 5000
Camber Angle 0° to 1°15' 0° to 1°15' 1°30'
Caster Angle 1°20' - 4°40' 1°20'-4°40' 2°
Toe In mm 1.28 - 3.84 1.70 - 5.11 0 - 1.6
Outer Wheel Turning Angle at full lock 41° - 43° 40° - 42°
Inner Wheel Turning Angle at full lock 34°30' - 35°48' 33°24' - 34°26'
King Pin Inclination 7°55' - 8°55' 7°55' - 8°55' 3.5°
Bore Dia For King Pin In Axle Beam mm 31.7 - 31.32 36.41 - 36.46
King Pin Diameter - Standard Size mm 31.24 - 31.27 36.38 - 36.41
King Pin Bush Inner Dia (Assembled and Reamed) mm 31.29 - 31.31 36.43 - 36.46
Bore Dia In Axle Arm For Bushes mm 34.92 - 34.97 39.62 - 39.67
Thrust Taken On Thrust Bearing Thrust Bearing
End Play of Axle Arm mm 0.053 0.0 - 0.10 0.025 - 0.075
Thrust Bearing Shim Size mm 3.0 - 4.1 2.7 - 4.2
in Increments mm 0.1 0.1
Hub End Play mm 0.025 - 0.076 0.025 - 0.076 0.025 - 0.076


1 06002 Front Axle Stand for Type 30
2 06003 Front Axle Stand for Type 50
3 0605001 Spanner Grease Cup for Type 30
4 0606001 Drift King Pin Bush for Type 50
5 0605002 Drift King Pin Bush for Type 30
6 0606002 Spanner Hub Nut for Type 50
7 0801002 Remover Shoe Return Spring
8 0605006 Installer and Remover E’ clip
9 0605007 Drift Circlip Expander Assy
10 0605008 Installer & Extractor Spring Cage
11 0605009 Drift Excluder Assy Fitment


In order for a vehicle to exhibit satisfactory
steering ride and handling characteristics,
especially when operating in a laden
condition, it is important to ensure that the
steering geometry is accurately set. The
term ‘steering geometry’ is normally used to
cover the following specific items; caster
angle, camber angle, king pin inclination, toe-
in and toe-out on turn, front to rear axle
alignment and steering wheel alignment.
Camber angle and king pin inclination. The
illustration below shows a theoretical steering Fig. 1
system where both the camber angle and
king pin inclination are zero.
Fig - 1
The front wheels are pushed along by a
force ‘F’ acting through the centre line of the
king pin. This force is opposed by an equal
and opposite force ‘R’ (the resistance of the
tyre on the road). These two forces combine
to produce a couple (two equal and
opposite parallel acting forces) of magnitude
‘F’ x ‘X’. The couple causes a large
splaying- out effect at the wheels, this effect
increasing greatly as the brakes are applied.
In addition, this theoretical steering system Fig. 2
causes heavy steering due to the distance
‘X’ between the king pin and wheel centre
line, the wheel having to move around the
king pin in an arc radius ‘X’. In order to
reduce the above conditions, the wheel and
king pin are arranged to make the
dimension ‘X’ considerably smaller. This is
achieved by incorporating camber angle and
king pin.
The following illustration shows a practical
steering system incorporating both camber
angle and king pin inclination.
Fig - 2

The angle between the vertical and a line

passing through the rolling axis of the wheel
is termed ‘camber angle’ and is achieved by
producing the stub axle at a downward
angle to the king pin bore. The angle
between the vertical and the centre line of
the king pin is termed 'king pin inclination'
and is achieved by producing the king pin
bores in the axle beam at the required
angle to the vertical. It can be seen that the
camber angle and king pin inclination are not
adjustable, there is however a need to
ensure that these remain within product

07.2.0 Castor Angle

It is important for a driver to feel the
straight ahead position of his vehicle and
also to rely on the steering system self-
centering after the steering manoeuvre has
been completed. The above two conditions
are achieved by angling the bottom of the
king pin towards the front of the vehicle, as
shown in the illustration below.
Fig - 3
In this system, a theoretical line drawn
through the king pin centre contracts the
road in front of the centre line of the road
wheel. The angle between the two centre
Fig. 3
lines is termed ‘castor angle’ and results in
the vehicle effectively pulling the front wheel
along the road, thereby giving steering self-
centering and feel.
The castor angle which 'is built' into the
vehicle is non-adjustable. There is however a
need to ensure that this angle remains within
production specification.

07.2.1 Toe-in
When a vehicle is travelling in the straight
ahead direction, the front road wheels
should be parallel. In order to achieve this,
an allowance must be made for free play in
the steering ball joints which is taken up by Fig. 4
the splaying out of the wheels.
On rear wheel drive vehicles the front
wheels normally splay out. Therefore to
counteract this a toe-in figure is specified.
The illustration below the toe-in on the front
wheels of a vehicle.
Fig - 4
Toe-in is measured at the rim of the wheels.
Two measurements being taken at the same
point, the vehicle having moved half the
circumference of the wheel between
measurements. Toe-in adjusted by altering
the effective length of the track rod.

Toe-out on turns

With reference to the illustration it can be

seen that as a vehicle is driven around a
curve, the outer front wheel travels a greater
distance than the inner wheel.

Fig - 5

It can also be seen that the angular

movement of the outer wheel (frontlock
angle) is less than that of the inner wheel
(backlock angle).

This difference in wheel angle which increases Fig. 5

as the wheels are turned is termed ‘toe-out
on turns’ For geometry checking, this is
measured with the steering turned at an
angle of 20° from the straight ahead

The front-lock angle for one wheels is

directly related to and controlled by the
back lock angle for the opposite wheel and
is not in itself adjustable. If, toe-out on turns
is not as per specification it is possible that
the backlock angles are incorrect, or that
toe-in is incorrect or that damage has
occurred to a steering arm or to the track

It is important to ensure that back lock and

front-lock angles are maintained within
specification, Failure to do so may result in
the vehicle turning circle being adversely
affected or mechanical damage may occur to
the power steering gear (where fitted) on to
the steering linkages.

07.2.2 Front to Rear Axle Alignment

The thrust axis of the vehicle (rear axle)

must be-correctly aligned with the front axle.
Otherwise an adverse effect on the rest of
the steering geometry will result.

Vehicle with a misaligned thrust axis will

have to be steered to counteract the
uneven thrust.

This will result in difficulty in steering and a

potentially dangerous handling. The wear on
the front tyres will be uneven and severe.

Where axle misalignment is detected, the

rear axle suspension and locating assemblies
should be thoroughly checked for wear and

07.2.3 Steering Geometry Checking NOTE: Any run out of the wheel rims will not
Procedure affect the toe in measurement, if the wheel
is moved forward by 180° between the
To Check Wheel Alignment two measurements as explained above.

Park the unladen vehicle on level ground. Camber

Camber is the tilt of the wheel away from a
Ensure all tyres are of same size and tread true vertical position. A wheel tilted
wear is uniform. outwards at the top has positive camber. A
wheel tilted inward at the top has negative
Ensure tyres are inflated to recommended camber. The reading gives the camber in
pressure. degrees. The amount of camber is controlled
by machining of the axle beam and axle
Check spring pin bush wear is within limit. arm. The effect of too much positive
camber is irregular tyre wear of the outside
Ensure the spring cambers are equal on shoulders. Tyre wear on the inside shoulders,
both sides. hard steering and wandering are the
indications of reverse or negative camber.
Spring I-bolts are tightened to correct torque
value. Castor
It is in the forward or backward tilt of the
Ensure steering centre point play is nil. axle. If the axle is tilted to the rear is
Hub end play is nil. positive castor and if it is tilted to the
front it is negative castor. The MDV front
To Set Toe-in/Toe-out axles are designed to have positive castor
Set the wheels in the straight ahead position.
Place the toe in gauge in front of the front Turn the wheel to a specified angle (say
wheels and adjust the height of the 20°) to one side from the straight ahead
pointers to the centre of the wheel on both position.
sides. Note the reading.
Adjust the castor scale to zero on the
Mark both the wheel drums with chalk at gauge by using adjusting screw provided at
the points where the pointers have touched. the bottom.
Remove toe-in gauge.
Turn the wheel in the opposite direction to
Now roll the vehicle forward one half make 20° from the centre line or totally
revolution until the chalk marks turn by 180° 40° from the measured position.
towards the rear, i.e., the chalk marks are at
the rear. The reading in the scale in relation to the
position of the bubble will indicate the
Place toe-in gauge behind the front axle and castor angle.
let the pointers touch the chalk mark. Note
down the reading. It should be 0-3 mm toe Repeat the procedure for the other wheel.
Use standard steering geometry measuring
In case the readings do not correspond to equipment to measure the camber / castor
the recommended value, adjust the length of as well as Toe out on turns.
the track rod. Repeat the check and ensure
that the wheels are set parallel. Then tighten
the clamp bolts of the sockets fully.



This operation explains the removal and

installation of the front axle assembly (axle
beam, stub axles, hubs drums, etc) as a
complete unit. Should be necessary to
remove the axle beam separately, reference
should be made to front Axle Assembly

Front Axle Assembly Removal

* Position the unladen vehicle on a firm, flat

surface, apply the parking brake, chock the
rear wheels and tilt the vehicle cab.

* Slacken the wheel nuts on the front wheels.

* Raise the front of the vehicle until the wheels

are clear of the ground, and position chassis
stands. The chassis stands should be
positioned to the rear of the axle beam to
allow access to the axle beam from the front
of the vehicle. Remove the Jack.

* Remove the wheel nuts and remove the

road wheels.

* Drain the air reservoirs and disconnect the

hoses to brake actuators by loosening the
union nuts at the chassis end of the pipe.

* Remove the split pin and castellated nut

from the drag link to steering arm ball joint,
and separate the ball joint taper. Support
the drag link clear of the axle beam. Fig. 1

Fig - 1

* Position a suitable jack centrally under the

front axle. Raise the jack to support the axle
and install safety chain the axle to the jack.

Fig - 2

* Remove the spring U-bolt nuts and remove

the U-bolts from the axle beam.
Fig. 2

* Slowly and carefully lower the jack with the

front axle assembly securely attached, until
the spring locating dowels are free from the
axle beam. Carefully pull the jack and axle
assembly out from the front of the vehicle.
Collect and retain any spacers fitted
between the axle beam and springs.

On reassembly, it is important to ensure

that spacers are refitted in the same
position from which they were removed,
otherwise the vehicle altitude may be
adversely affected.

Front Axle Assembly Installation

* Raise the axle assembly and securely mount

it with safety chains on the jack. Ensure that
the spring axle beam, bump stop mating
surface are clean. Ensure that U-bolt
threads are clean and undamaged.

* Carefully position the jack and axle

underneath the vehicle. If any spacers were
removed, these should be refitted to the
axle beam in the same position from which
they were removed.

* Slowly raise the axle on the jack and align

the road spring locating dowels with the
recesses on the axle beam spring seats.
Carefully raise the jack until the dowels are
fully into the spring recesses and the springs
sit fully on the axle beam.

* Position the bump stop spacers on the

Fig. 3 Shock Absorber and Anti-roll Bar Mountings
spring and fit the two ‘U’ blots. fit the anti-
roll bar rear mounting bracket to the front
‘U’ bolt. Fit and tighten the ‘U’ bolt nuts
progressively and evenly to the specified

Fig - 3

* Remove the safety chain from the axle beam

& slowly lower the jack and remove.

* Ensure that the draglink ball joint taper is

clean & refit the draglink to the steering
arm. Fit the castellated nut and torque to
specification. If the split pin holes do not
align, advance to the next hole to align. Do
not slacken the nut. Fit a new split pin.

* Reconnect the hoses from each brake

actuator and tighten the union nuts.

* Fit the wheels & Wheelnuts and tighten.

* Position a jack under the axle beam and

raise the vehicle to clear off the chassis
stands. Remove the stands and lower the
vehicle to the ground. Remove the jack
Lower the vehicle cab.

* Torque the wheel nuts to the specification.

* Remove the wheel chocks.

Fig - 4

Fig. 4
NOTE: The type of cab attitude spacer fitted is 4
mm or 25 mm thick. The 25 mm spacer is
a steel casting with an integral dowel on its
lower face for locating in the axle beam.
The top face is drilled to accept the spring
locating dowel. The 4 mm spacer is
manufactured from steel plate and drilled
centrally to enable the spring locating dowel
to protrude through the hole and locate in
the axle beam.


This procedure explains the overhaul of the Remove the hub grease cap using special
complete front axle assembly. If it is required tool no 0605001. Remove the split pin,
to carry out part of this procedure (eg: castle nut, thrust washer and outer bearing
Renewal of wheel bearings) the relevant part cone.
should be extracted from the main
procedure. * Type 50 Axles :

07.4.0 Drum Removal and Refitment Remove the 4 bolts securing the hub
grease cap and remove the cap. Bend back
Type 30 & 50 Axles : the lock tabs from the wheel bearing
adjusting lock nut & remove the locknut.
* Remove the wheel nuts previously slackened, Remove the lock tab washer. Remove the
and remove the road wheel, Position the locking ring, bearing adjusting nut, and the
roadwheel on the ground, mounting flange outer bearing cone.
* Carefully remove the wheel hub and drum
* Remove drum mounting bolts and washers. separately from the stub axle.

* Lift the brake drum from the hub. If * Carefully remove all the asbestos brake
necessary a mallet may be used to release lining dust from the drum, drake shoes and
the hub to drum seal. brake back plate. Ensure that dust does
not enter the wheel hub and contaminate
* Remove hub along with bearings from stub the grease.
WARNING: Asbestos dust is Injurious to health
* For refitting reverse the above procedure. and must not be inhaled. Do not
blow the dust with an air line. Use a
07.4.1 Hub Assembly Removal suitable vacuum cleaner. If a vacuum
cleaner is not available, use personal
* Position the vehicle on a flat surface apply protective breathing equipment or a
the parking brake and chock the rear suitable facemark and remove the
wheels. Tilt the vehicle cab. dust carefully with a brush. Collect
the dust for disposal. Do not use
* If the hub is to be separated from the petrol, paraffin, trichloride ethylene or
brake drum, all wheel nuts should be any petroleum based fluid as damage
slackened. will occur to the rubber components,
resulting in brake failure. Use only
* Raise the front wheels clear off the ground, clear Methylated spirits Isopropyl
and position chassis stands, Lower the alcohol.
vehicle on to the stands.
* Remove the remaining front hub and drum
* Slacken the brake adjusters on each front assembly as previously described.

07.4.2 Wheel Bearing Cup Removal

* Carefully remove the grease seal from the

inner face of the hub and withdraw the
inner bearing cone. Discard the seal &

* Using a soft metal drift or a suitable puller,

remove the inner and outer bearing cups
from the hub. Cut-outs are provided behind
the bearing cups to locate the drift or puller
if drifting out, ensure the cup remains secure
within the hub bore by drifting it alternatively
on each side, Ensure that the drift does not
damage the bearing cup bores in the hub.
Discard the bearing cups.

Fig - 1

* Thoroughly wash and de-grease the hub and

grease cap.

07.4.3 Wheel Bearing Cup Installation

Fig. 1
NOTE: Bearing cone & bearing cup assemblies are
supplied in matched sets and should be
used as sets. It is not permissible to
assemble a bearing cup & bearing cone from
different manufacture.

* Check the degree of fit of the new bearing

cones on the appropriate stub axle. The
cone should be a push fit without tight
spots and without perceptible clearance. If
there is excessive clearance, even with a new
bearing cone fitted, the stub axle should be
renewed. Fig. 2

Fig - 2

CAUTION: If a bearing assembly has seized and

rotated on the stub axles, with
subsequent damage to the stub axle,
the new stub axles and bearing
assembly must be fitted. On no
account should a stub axle be cleaned
up after bearing failure since further
bearing failure with possible dangerous
consequences may result.

* Ensure the hub bearing cones are not

damaged. Install the new inner and outer
bearing cups in the hub. the cups should be
installed with a soft metal drift to avoid
damaging the cups and hub. Lightly tap the
cups at diametrically opposite points to
ensure that the cups are correctly fitted
when they contact the bottoms of the hub

* Fully pack a new inner bearing cone with

lithium based grease to the correct
specification. Fit the inner bearing cone into Fig. 3
the hub, and carefully tap a new grease seal
into place.

Fig - 3

* Renew the inner bearing, cups & grease seal, as

previously described, for the other side of the

07.4.4 Stub Axle Removal

Type 30 Axle

NOTE: On these axles, the bolts retraining the

steering arm to the stub axle, also retain the
brake backplate to the stub axle.

Fig - 4

* Remove the split pins, when fitted from the

upper and lower steering arm to stub axle
bolts and remove the nuts. remove the

* Swing the drag link and tack rod, steering

arm and carefully remove the brake
Fig. 4
backplate from the stub axle. Support the
brake backplate to avoid damage.

Type 50 Axles:

* Remove the bolts securing the upper/lower

steering arms to the stub axle and swing
the steering arms clear.

Fig - 5

* Remove the steering arms from the stub

Fig. 5

* Remove the eight bolts, washers & locking

nuts, Securing the brake backplate to the
stub axles.

* Carefully remove the brake back plate from

the stub axle and support it with wire to
avoid damaging.

All Axles (Type 30 & 50)

* Remove the king pin upper and lower

grease caps from the stub axle.

* Carefully drift the cotterpins from the axle

beam axles have two selective fit tapered
cotterpins that are peened into position in
the axle beam.

* Carefully drive the king pin out of the stub

axle beam bores. If a seized king pin is
found, it may be necessary to press it out
using a hydraulic press. As the king pin
clears the stub axle lower bore, it is
important to ensure that it is not allowed to
fall on to the ground, otherwise damage
may occur.

* Carefully remove the stub axle from the axle

beam, ensuring that the upper thrust washer
and the lower roller thrust bearing are
retained. Remove the seal from the upper
king pin bush bore.

Fig - 6

* Similarly remove the stub axle from the

other side of the vehicle.

07.4.5 Stub Axle Bush Renewal

Fig. 6

* Position the stub axle on the bed of a press

position the bush remover/installer in the
lower bush bore (see below for special tool)
Type 30 Axle : Special tool no. 0605002
Type 50 Axle : Special tool no. 0606001

* Place a suitable mandrel through the upper

bush bore to locate centrally on the shaft of
the tool. Slowly press the bush from the

Fig - 7 Fig. 7

* Remove the mandrel and bush remover/

installer. Turn the stub axle so that the
remaining bush bore is positioned on the
bed of the press. Similarly press the
remaining bush from the stub axle bore.

NOTE: The bore from which the bush is to be

removed, should always be seated firmly on
the bed of the press. Never attempt to
remove the bush from the upper
unsupported bore, otherwise the forces
required may permanently distort the stub
axle assembly.

* Remove the stub axle from the press.

* Thoroughly clean and de-grease the stub

axle. Carefully check the bush bores in the
stub axle bosses and the boss thrust faces
for burrs and deep scratches. These should
be removed with a fine file and emery cloth.

* Ensure that the new bushes are absolutely

free from scratches and burrs, and that they
are absolutely clean.

* Position the stub axle on the bed of the

press (i.e. same relative position as when
installed in vehicle). Place a new upper bush
on the stub axle in taper in the upper bush
bore. Position the bush remover/Installer in
the new bush and carefully press the bush
into the bore. Care must be taken to
ensure that the bush enters the bore
squarely, otherwise the bush may get

* Continue to press the bush into the upper

bore until the dimension shown is achieved.

Fig - 8

* Remove the bush remover/Installer from the

stub axle and remove the stub axle from
the press. Turn the stub axle over and re-
position in the press.

Fig. 8 Correct Upper Bush Installation


* Similarly press a new bush into the lower

bore until the dimension shown below is

Fig - 9

* Remove the stub axle from the press and

remove the special tool. Examine the bushes
if they have been installed correctly. They
should be free from any burrs.

07.4.6 Reaming the Bushes Fig. 9

New stub axle bushes should always be

reamed after fitment to ensure the correct
fit between kingpin & bushes. While selecting
the type of reamer to be used, it is
important that it is either capable of reaming
the upper and lower bushes in one
operation, or that it is supported and
guided one bush, while the remaining bush
will the remaining bush is being reamed.
This is to ensure that both bores are
reamed concentrically.

* Refer data to establish the stub axle bush

internal diameter after reaming. Carefully
adjust and lock the reamer to the specified

* Carefully ream upper & lower bushes.

* Thoroughly clean the stub axle ensuring that

all traces of burr are removed. Pay
Attention to the bearing surfaces and the
lubrication grooves of the bushes and also
the grease cap threads. Clean the reamer. Fig. 10

Fig - 10

07.4.7 Stub Axle Installation

* Clean the steering arm to stub axle mating


* Inspect the thrust bearing situated between

the undersize of the axle beam and the stub
axle lower boss.

* Fit a new seal to the upper king pin bush


* Establish the thickness of stub axle thrust

washers required as follows:-

Fig - 11

* Place the stub axle in position on the axle

beam, and fit the thrust bearing between the
beam and stub axle lower boss.
Fig. 11 Friction Thrust Bearings

* Temporarily fit the king pin to align the


* Place a small hydraulic jack under the stub

axle king pin bore and apply a light load to
remove any free play between the lower
boss of the stub axle and the axle beam
and to compress the moulded scaling rings
on the top and bottom of the thrust
Fig. 12 Checking Stub Axle to Axle Beam Clearance

Fig - 12

* Measure the clearance at several point

between the axle beam and the stub axle
upper boss. Note the minimum clearance.

* Select the thrust bearing shims necessary to

give a clearance of 0 to 0.1 mm with free
movement of the stub axle from lock to

* Remove the hydraulic jack and remove the

king pin.

* Coat the king pin and shims with specified

grease, insert the shim into position between
the axle beam and the stub upper boss and
Install the king pin. The king pin is marked
'T' (top ) and should be fitted so that cut-
out (s) for the cotter pin (s) align with the
hole (s) in the beam.

Type 30 Axle

One tapered cotter pin is fitted to each

king pin.

Fig - 13

* Drive the pin in from the front of the

vehicle and peen it in position at both ends.

Type 50 Axle
Fig. 13 Cotter Pin Application

Two nos tapered selective fit pins are fitted

to each king pin.

* Fit the two cotter pins into the axle beam.

The rear of the axle beam, the longer pin is
fitted into the lower hole from the front.

NOTE: Do not drift fully home at this stage.

* Check that the stub axle swivels smoothly

from lock to lock with no tightness or
excessive free play. Recheck and adjust the
shim thickness if necessary.

* Drift the cotter pins firmly into the axle

beam. When correctly installed, the heads
of the pins should be 1.5 mm inside the
axle beam holes (select the cotter pins
suitably). A shorter taper cotter pin will
reduce the depth of the cotter pin in the
axle beam.

* When the cotter pins are correctly fitted,

using a centre punch, peen the axle beam
around each cotter pin hole in three places
to secure the pins in place, so that they will
not loose in service.

* Install the upper and lower grease caps and

tighten to the specified torque. Refit or fit
new grease nipples into grease caps, tighten

* Type 30 Axle: * Place inner bearing cone and oil seal.

Secure the brake backplate to the stub axle * Position the hub on the spindle bearing
with the bolts. Fit the upper and lower diameter.
steering arms, to the through bolts, fit
locking nuts and tighten them to specified * Ensure no damage caused to inner bearing
torque. and oil seal of the hub.

* Type 50 Axle * Place the shims and outer bearing (pre-

greased) on the spindle journal using drift
* Fit the eight bolts and washers securing the for aligning outer bearing inner race.
back plate to the stub axle. Fit the lock
nuts and tighten to specified torque. * Place the thrust washer and castle nut.
Position the upper and lower steering arms
against the stub axle and fit retaining bolts * Rotate the hub in both direction, tighten
and tighten to torque. the nut to torque of 95 Nm.

* Fit the stub axle as previously described on * Check the end float of the hub, ensure end
the other side of the vehicle. float within 0.025 to 0.076 mm limits.

07.4.8 Hub and Drum Assembly Installation: * If the end float is not within limits, adjust
the shims for required end float.
* Ensure that the stub axle wheel spindle and
bearing adjusting nut threads are clean and * Assemble the split pin and fold.
undamaged. Securely fit the hub, drum and
wheel assembly to the wheel trolley. * Fit pre-greased front hub cap on the hub,
tighten torque to 40 - 60 Nm.
* Ensure that the wheel trolley is adjusted to
the correct height and carefully fit the Type 50
assembly to the stub axle wheel spindle.
Never use undue force to fit the assembly * Pack inner, outer bearings and hub with
to the spindle, otherwise damage may occur grease.
to the grease seal or bearing cups. If force
is necessary, it indicates that the wheel * Position the distance piece in the hub.
trolley height is incorrectly adjusted.
* Place inner bearing cone and oil seal.
07.4.9 Hub Setting and End Float
Adjustment * Position the hub on the spindle bearing
Type 30
* Ensure no damage caused to inner bearing
* Pack inner, outer bearings and hub cavity and oil seal of the hub.
with grease.
* Place the shims and outer bearing (pre-
* Position the distance piece in the hub. greased) on the spindle journal using drift
for aligning outer bearing inner race.

* Fit the adjusting nut and tighten torque to * Fit pre-greased front hub cup with screws,
108 Nm. tightening torque to 17.5 - 22 Nm.

* Rotate hub in both direction. Lubricate the stub axle king pin bushes by
applying specified grade of grease through
* Fit washer bearing retainer engaging with the grease nipples. In the king pin grease
hole in ring bearing lock and fasten with nut caps. Adjust the brakes lower the vehicle
over peg. (Reverse or back off, to align). to the ground. Torque the wheel nut to
specification. Check and adjust the wheel.
* Ensure the end float 0.025 to 0.076 mm, if toe in & front & back lock angles. Lower
the end float is not within limits, adjust the the vehicle cab & remove the rear wheel
shims for required end float. chocks.

* Fit tab washer and lock nut on spindle,

tightening torque to 95 Nm. Fold the tab
washer over the lock nut.


Fault Possible Causes Remedy

Steering feels vague * Insufficient grease in king pin bushes Grease king pins with front wheels off
in the straight ahead ground and operating steering from lock
position to lock

High steering effort in * Low tyre pressure Inflate tyres as specified

one or both
directions * King pin/bushes require lubrication Lubricate as necessary

* King pin thrust-bearing severely worn Fit new bearing as described in the

Steering ‘shimmy’ * Wheel bearings incorrectly Adjust or renew bearings

adjusted or worn

* Vehicle front end chassis alignment Check alignment and if necessary rectify
not to specification

Steering wanders from * Low or unequal tyre pressure Inflate tyres as specified
straight ahead position
* Wheel bearings incorrectly Adjust or renew wheel bearings
adjusted or worn

* Steering geometry incorrect Check and if necessary adjust

Steering does not Tyre pressure low Inflate tyres as specified

return to straight ahead
position after * Vehicle front end chassis alignment Check alignment and if
manoeure. not to specification necessary rectify

* King pins tight in stub axle bores Check and if necessary, rectify

* Castor angle not to specification Check castor angle



1. Hub Cap
2. Hub Nut
3. Keyed Washer
4. Drum
5. Outer Roller Bearing
6. Outer Bearing Race
7. Hub
8. Inner Bearing Race
9. Inner Roller Bearing
10. Withdrawal Plate Seal
11. Oil Seal

Fig. 1 - Exploded View of Front Hub Assembly

07.6.1 Hub Overhaul 9. Remove outer roller bearing, leaving bearing

race in place in hub.
To dismantle
10. Remove oil seal and hub inner bearing,
1. Isolate batteries. leave bearing inner race in place in hub.

2. Chock rear road wheel and move hand To inspect

control to value to 'PARK' position.
1. Thoroughly clean all components.
3. Slacken front road wheel retaining nuts.
2. Inspect bearing for evidence of pitting,
4. Jack and suitable support front axle, remove wear, overheating or cage distortion.
nuts and wheel.
3. Examine hub for wear or damage, renew
5. Release break shoes, then withdraw brake as necessary.
4. Examine wheel bolts for worn or damage, if
6. Remove hub cap. necessary replace.

7. Extract split pin and remove hub nut and 5. When fitting new hub bearing outer races
keyed washer. should be press fit in hub, if this condition
is not apparent wear of outer race location
8. Remove hub assembly. in hub has occurred and hub must be

To Reassemble and adjust end float

1. Pack inner, outer bearing and hub cavity

with grease.

2. Place inner bearing and withdrawal plate

before pressing oil seal.

3. Press the oil seal with using suitable bunk

and hammer.

4. Position the hub on the stub axle spindle Fig. 2

bearing diameter.

5. Ensure no damage caused to inner bearing

and oil seal of the hub.

6. Place the outer bearing (pre-greased) on the

spindle diameter and using drift for aligning
outer bearing.

7. Place the keyed washer and hub nut.

8. Tighten the hub nut until recommended end

float is obtained.

Fig - 2

9. Insert the split pin and fold.

10. Fit the hub cap with packed grease.

11. Fit brake drum road wheel and nuts.

12. Lower the vehicle to the ground and tighten

wheel nuts to recommended torque values.

13. Adjust the brakes.


07.6.2 Stub Axle Overhaul

Stub Axle (Steering Knuckle)

To dismantle

1. Remove appropriate hub, refer page 07.23

for front hub overhaul.

2. Remove bolts and lockwashers securing

steering lever to top of stub axle.
Fig. 3 Stub Axle - Representative Diagram
NOTE: On stub axle not connected to drag link
with a steering lever a cover plate is fitted.

3. Remove four bolts, nuts securing back plate

to stub axle, remove backplate complete
with brake assemble then extract O-ring
from top of swivel pin.

4. Remove bolts securing track rod arm to

stub axle. Remove tract-rod with assembled
arm and bearing, O-ring and V-seal.

To inspect

1. Thoroughly clean all components prior to

inspection and reassembly.

2. Examine stub axle bushes for wear and

scoring, if necessary replace.

3. Examine swivel pin for wear and scoring, if

necessary replace.

4. Check diametral clearance of swivel pin in

stub axle bushes, if necessary replace.

To reassemble

1. Fit O-ring to stub axle upper jaw.

2. Fit 'V' ring oil seal to lower jaw of the stub


3. Ensure lib of the oil seal rests against stub

axle on the axle beam with 'O' rings.

4. Then using a suitable jack press swivel pin

up into stub axle until tapered shank is in
hard contact with tapered hole in axle beam.
Remove jack.

5. Fit original shim pack to pack trackrod arm,

then fit thrust bearing (without O-ring) at
this stage. Fit trackrod arm and tighten
bolts fully.

6. Using a dial test indicator and a suitable

lever as shown check stub axle end float,
for recommended values. Adjust the shims
to obtain the end float within limits.

Fig - 4

7. When end float is correct disconnect track-

rod arm and fit new O-ring, fit track rod
arm and tighten bolt to recommended
torque value.

8. Fit O-ring on upper jaw top on RH/LH, then

fit steering lever and tighten bolts to
Fig. 4 Checking Stub Axle Lift
recommended torque value. Fit back plate
complete with brake assembly and secure in
place with nuts and bolts. Tighten bolts to

9. Re-connect the brake hoses.

10. Carryout procedure for reassembling hub,

refer page no. 07.23.

11. Lubricate swivel pin and swivel pin bushes

with recommend grease.

07.6.3 Renewal of Stub Axle Bushes

The stub axle must be in a vertical

centralised position while pressing bushes in
or out. The stub axle on driver's side or
vehicle is dowelled on upper and lower
faces, and on lower face only on opposite

Special Tools:

SMT 3847: Drift for king pin bush-Upper Fig. 5 Removing Small (Upper) Stub Axle Bush
in axle arm.

SMT 3848: Drift for king pin bush-Lower

in axle arm.

To Renew

1. Dismantle stub axle, Refer page 07.25.

2. Clean all paint and remove all burns from

outer surface of stub axle.

Fig. 6 Removal of Bottom Bush

3. Manufacture a suitable plate of sufficient
thickness to ensure that locating dowels do
not contact base of press when fitting or
removing upper or lower bushes.

4. Invert stub axle, then position special Tool 1

through lower bushes and insert spigot end
into upper bush. Position plate previously
described in operation 3 between outer face
of stub axle and base of press. Operate
press and remove upper bush.

Fig - 5

5. Invert stub axle and insert special tool 2

into bottom bush tool 1 through upper bore
of stub axle. Spigot end first and into the
recess of tool 2.

6. Position plate previously used to remove top

bush, between lower face of stub axle and
base of press Operate press and remove
bottom bush 3.

Fig - 6

7. Thoroughly clean all components remove all

burns of scores and lubricate the bushes and
stub axle bores prior to reassembly.

8. Invert stub axle and position bottom bush

over mating bore with split positioned as
shown in illustration insert spigot end of tool
2 into bush.

9. Position Tool 1 through upper bore and

insert into tool 2 end first.
Fig. 7 Fitting Bottom Bush
Fig - 7

10. Position plate previously used to remove

bushes, between outer face of stub axle and
base of press. Operate press and fit
bottom bush with split in bush positioned as

11. Assemble upper bush on tool 1 and secure

in position with tool 3.

12. Invert stub axle position into lower bush

Fig. 8 Fitting Small (Upper) Stub Axle Bush
pass tool 1 through tool 2 and into upper

13. Fit plate as described in operation 10,

operate press and fit upper bush.

14. Check depth of upper bush correct

dimension should be 1.3 to 1.5 mm.

Fig. 8


Type 30
Steering arm/track lever mounting nut 53.5 387 525
Brake shoe Assembly Mounting Nuts 14 - 16 103 - 118 140 - 160
Brake shoe acuator mounting bolts 5 - 7 38 - 52 51 - 71
King pin grease cap covers 9 - 11 66 - 81 90 - 110
Lubricator 0.86 6 8.5
Max. cut setting nut 8.9 - 12.5 65 - 90 88 - 123
Track rod mounting nut 14 100 135
Track rod pinch bolt 4.5 33 45
Hub nut 9.6 70 95
Hub grease cup 4 29 40 - 60
Brake drum mounting bolts 5 - 7 38 - 52 51 - 71
Wheel nuts 50 361 490

Type 50
Steering arm/track lever mounting nut 45 328 445
King pin grease cap covers 9 - 11 66 - 81 90 - 110
Lubricator 0.86 6 8.5
Max. cut setting nut 8.9 - 12.5 65 - 90 88 - 123
Track rod mounting nut 17 125 170
Track rod pinch bolt 4.5 33 45
Brake shoe Assembly Mounting Nuts 9.6 - 10.7 70 - 77 95 - 105
Brake shoe acuator mounting bolts 5 - 7 38 - 52 51 - 71
Hub adjusting nut 11 80 108
Hub lock nut 9.6 70 95
Hub grease cup 11 80 17.5 -22
Brake drum mounting bolts 5 - 7 38 - 52 51 - 71
Wheel nuts 50 361 490

Stag Front Axle

Black plate Securing bolts 16.5 120 101
Wheel nut spigotted 34.5 - 40.0 250 - 290 339 - 393
Track rod arm mounting bolts 26 186 252
King pin cover/upper steering lever mounting 14 100 136


km x 1000

16000 km
8000 km

No. of


A. Lubrication
1. Lubricate track rod ball joints G 2 ✓ ✓ ✓
2. Lubricate king pins G 2 ✓ ✓ ✓
3. Repack the hubs with recommended grease. G 2 ✓
B. Maintenance
1. Check & adjust wheel alignment if necessary.
Refer page no. 7.42 ✓ ✓
2. Check and adjust the hub end play. Check the ✓ ✓ At the
condition of hub bearing, change if necessary. time of
3. Check and tighten king pin cover plates ✓
4. Check king pin vertical play and adjust ✓
5. Check king pin lateral play. Replace
bush if necessary ✓



Ashok Sah
Indian Oil Hindustan Bharat Elf Karol Pennzoil Meguin
Aggregate Leyland Gulf Oil India IBP Castrol Petroleums
Corporation Petroleum Petroleum Lubricants Lubricants Quaker Oil India
Specification IPOL

King Pin
® Multi All MP IPOL MP MP Meguin
Gulf MP Servo MP Grease MAK
IS 12203 Lex 2 purpose Purpose Grease Grease Grease Grease
Grease No.2 Grease MP No.2 UNIVEX A
Wheel Grease No.2 No. 2 No.2 No.2 MP 2
(Front &

*- Gulf crown LC3 (Gulf), Servo Gem RR3 (IOC), Lithon RR3 (HP) and IPOL Iplex RR3 (Sah Petroleums) can 10.02.04
be used for wheel bearings for longer wheel greasing intervals upto 48,000 Kms.

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